Arsenal Fans – Your Club Is In Immediate Peril

Online Ed – The implications of Alisher Usmanov selling his shareholding to Stan Kroenke do not bear thinking about

Arsenal Fans – Your Club Is In Immediate Peril

Stan Kroenke has offered Alisher Usmanov £28,000 per share to buy out his interest in Arsenal. So far, the Uzbek oligarch has resisted, and it remains to be seen whether a higher offer will tempt him to cash in. Not that he needs the money. Usmanov can afford to park it and the enmity between himself and Kroenke is a given. Kroenke has never offered an olive branch of any description to Arsenal’s other substantial shareholder. Aside from Usmanov’s reported bid to buy out Kroenke earlier this year, there have been two other bids from a separate concern to displace the majority shareholder, the highest of which – valuing the club at £2 billion – did not tempt the American to sell.

The implications of Usmanov selling his stake in the club to Kroenke are straightforward enough. It means that all the small shareholder swill be brought out on a compulsory basis as Kroenke would own too large a percentage for the club to continue as it currently does, with Annual General Meetings and relatively detailed accounts. The club would go private, and with the removal of Usmanov’s blocking stake, the American could do pretty much what he likes. This might include removing significant profits from the club, or leveraging it in the way the Glazers did at Manchester United, loading significant debts onto Arsenal which could dwarf those seen in the move to the Emirates.

It is generally accepted that Kroenke is not particularly interested in doing everything he can to win trophies at Arsenal . “If you want to win championships then you would never get involved,” he said in the spring of 2016, alongside a belief that owners who just pump their own money into football clubs are likely to lose interest and leave. Even back in his native America, it seems that he is happy with his sports teams simply being in money making leagues, rather than credibly attempting to win them. Fans there have learned that his priorities are financial rather than sporting, so you end up with dis-interest and a half-full stadium when the recently moved LA Rams play home NFL matches.

So the likelihood is that Arsenal will suffer financially if Kroenke is successful in buying Usmanov out, and the American has made his bid with this in mind. Why else would he have done so? The one ray of hope is that Usmanov is simply entertaining the bids with no intention of selling. He can almost certainly afford to hang onto his shares and continue to prevent Kroenke allowing the club to decline further on the sporting front, and if he is in fact a true Arsenal fan as he claims, hopefully he will either do that or sell to anyone but Kroenke. The danger is that he wants to become involved in a more official capacity at Everton, where he has already pumped money in, albeit indirectly.

So what can Arsenal fans do about it? Certainly, a repeat of the ‘Get Out Of Our Club’ chants against the American heard loud and long at the final home match of last season – ironically against Everton - which confirmed Arsenal’s fifth placed finish, would make media headlines. And we know from the MyOutdoorTV outrage of a couple of months back that Kroenke’s organisation does not completely blank negative press. Perhaps, just perhaps, if Kroenke realises he may have a battle on his hands against supporters – who might organise such things as boycotting club products and matchday purchases, or even try and hit Kroenke through his family ties by not spending at Walmart owned subsidiaries such as Asda, he might think differently about accepting a bid for the club from someone other than Usmanov.

As was reported by both Arsenal News Review and Arseblog on Friday, there is certainly an party interested in taking over the club, or even simply buying Usmanov’s stake in return for a seat on the board. The two reported bids did happen, but Kroenke has not shown any inclination to even negotiate as yet. Only a select few know details about the bidders, and if they were to go public, then fans would understand that the club would be in better hands were they to succeed.

The first step though, is to ensure Kroenke is made aware he is not welcome. If he gets his way, Arsenal would have enough resources to remain in the top flight, and Kroenke wouldn’t be too worried if the Emirates did not sell out regularly anymore, as long as the TV revenue that the Premier League provides continues to roll in… and out into his coffers. He got away with taking £3 million a year for supposed advisory services even with Usmanov’s blocking stake. Imagine how much he might siphon off without any such restriction.

This evening, Manchester City beat Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. Two clubs built with money pumped in by their owners. David Dein persuaded Kroenke to buy his initial tranche of 10% of Arsenal shares back in 2007 with a view to matching Chelsea’s spending power. The club needed its own billionaire to match Abramovich. Unfortunately, Dein was so obsessed with his own machinations to oust Danny Fiszman by teaming up his shareholding with Kroenke’s and Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith’s, he did not do his homework on his short-term American ally. He’d pick a better candidate later when he sold his own shares to Usmanov, but by that time, he’d been sacked from the board, and Kroenke had his feet under the table at Arsenal with the rest of the directors. It was too late to achieve the power grab he’d planned with Kroenke. And what a mess we’re in now.

It’s up to Arsenal fans to make their voices heard, make Kroenke realise he is in for an uncomfortable ride, pray Usmanov does not sell to him, and hope that the American will be persuaded to sell to a third party, as he is certainly never going to sell to the Uzbek. They can start that tomorrow lunchtime by making their voices heard at the game against Brighton.

The new issue of The Gooner sees the fanzine celebrate its 30th anniversary and features an interview with Tony Adams. It will go on sale at the Brighton match tomorrow and can be bought online for £3.60 including postage here. The cost is higher if you are outside the UK due to the extra postage costs.

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  1. markymark

    Oct 04, 2017, 7:07 #104299

    A quisling (/ˈkwɪzlɪŋ/; Norwegian pronunciation: [²kvisliŋ]) is a term originating from Norway, which is used in Scandinavian languages and in English for a person who collaborates with an enemy occupying force (Kronke , Ivan , Wengo) – or more generally as a synonym for traitor. Badarse , it was you all along you Quisling!

  2. markymark

    Oct 02, 2017, 12:22 #104271

    ToOaW - what’s your views on Kronke taking over 100% ownership Interested to hear.

  3. Yes its Ron

    Oct 02, 2017, 10:39 #104268

    Baddie - ive got a life changing different marmalade now anyway, so SK and his ilk can all do one. Football and Arsenal aint that impt. Mackays Dundee matey. Oh for lifes wonderful little pleasures!!! I bet youve tried it?

  4. Yes its Ron

    Oct 02, 2017, 10:13 #104266

    Ive never been sure that the perceived antidote to SK in the form of Mr U is actually better or a beacon of hope really.Whatever happens, its modern football. SK is looking after himself of course. As for the fans? They pays there money and takes their choice. Quite simple really. Baddie is right. Nothing s going to alter much there on the SK front until as a business it starts to creak. Its simple enough to choose to remain interested and going to the games (if you do). For my part, im glad i no longer do, but thats just me, im sure many love what they get from it today, for some reason that i cant fathom but its each to their own chaps.

  5. Cyril

    Oct 02, 2017, 9:15 #104263

    If Kroenke does buy up, it will be liberation day for me. It's becoming a burden now for me . It's too draining. I will be jacking it in if he takes full control and then leverages the club. Can't fight that stuff. As pointed out earlier, the game has lost its excitement and unpredictability. The golden egg is falling over to get set pieces. I'm mean I love Sanchez, but there are barrel rolls and there are barrel rolls. As soon as there is contact in the box, there is a half hour debate over it. Thankfully, there are so many other sports that I really enjoy so it's fine. Meanwhile, over at spurs, I hear of people buying season tickets at Wembley so it pushes them up 5000 places. All the rivalry apart, on fan perspective, I genuinely hope they don't get sold out and used. It's not nice!

  6. GoonerRon

    Oct 01, 2017, 22:51 #104262

    I'm not even sure half full stadiums will get rid of him to be honest. Our match day revenue is less than 25% of turnover so even if it dropped it's likely to be filled in the short/medium term with renewed commercial deals and/or new TV deal. Rather than trying to get him out (which is extremely difficult if he's intent on staying) it might be more viable to try and open up official channels with Usmanov through supporter groups and ensure his position remains unchanged.

  7. mbg

    Oct 01, 2017, 21:37 #104261

    That's another tub of sudo cream broken into tonight, it looks like the mountain man already has someone loosening his dungaree's to rub it on. wenger out.

  8. TOOAW

    Oct 01, 2017, 20:55 #104260

    Good to see that the Arsenal and Badarse swatting the inferior competition to one side with very little effort. Onwards and upwards Gooners and Nark.

  9. Exeter Ex

    Oct 01, 2017, 20:28 #104259

    A Cornish - you see why he loves Wenger. Rippy - would love to think you're right, however I think the share price offered is more reflective of the fact Kroenke is in the driver's seat here. Usmanov has no power in the status quo. No way Kroenke would accept the share price he's offering himself. I think he sees media rights increasing as Asian and African markets open up and is going to hold on and on for that, sadly.

  10. markymark

    Oct 01, 2017, 20:20 #104258

    Rippy - I do hope you’re right. Two thoughts First is that Arsenal owned as a whole is potentially easier to sell. So possibly the attempted purchase is simply to sell it back on. Second thing is Kronke’s backing for Trump. Based on the fact both he and his wife have arguably a 90’s retail model. Walmart is being hammered by Amazon . Trump hates Amazon hence Kronke’s funding. 150 Walmart stores have been shut . Despite the vast wall of wealth they have the good times might be over so he could well diversify the cash. Arsenal could make him a pile of cash during uncertain times.


    Oct 01, 2017, 20:19 #104257

    Rippy, I really hope you have inside info which means Wiggy leaving the stage. I realise nothing in the football industry makes any sense these days but, for the moment, I am enjoying the likes of the Manc clubs, the 2 top London clubs ( AFC not included), Klopperpool & the Barcodes -simply because of the technical quality, the coaching, the commitment & the passion of the fans - especially the Barcodes. Benitez is still one hell of a coach &, to quote ANR, Ancelloti thumps Arthur 5-1 & 5-1 but gets sacked - Arthur, by contrast, gets a new contract. Only in Wiggy World!!

  12. mbg

    Oct 01, 2017, 19:35 #104256

    Rocky TK, that has been said, mentioned on here before and i'm glad you brought it up again, and it should, And Will Never, be forgotten the fact that these fans, luvvies, bloggers, sites, etc, we all know who they are, who have finally woken up out of their slumber and have seen TOF and indeed Kroenke (although i hold TOF more responsible than wiggy for where we are now which comes as no surprise i'm sure, but that's for another day)for what he really is, yes it's just a f*****g pity they didn't 3, 4, 5, years ago when a lot of us did, and were saying it, and telling it especially on here, we mightn't be where we are now, yes it's good that these kiss wengers arse, bloggers, fans, and sites have finally woken up but it's to little to fooking late, the damage has been done, and they have all sat there on their arses and allowed it to happen afraid to speak out, pathetic, so therefore have to take (and do) as much of the blame and are as responsible for all this as wiggy and wenger. wenger out.

  13. A Cornish Gooner

    Oct 01, 2017, 18:27 #104255

    Several posters on here have today suggested that someone who regularly posts on this site is a pompous, hypocritical fraud. It only took one poster to prove it. Clue: he does 'a lodda work for cheriddy'

  14. Rippy

    Oct 01, 2017, 18:23 #104254

    If kroenke knows full well usmanov desperately wants the club. Why doesn't anyone think that by offering X per share kroenke is in fact naming the value he thinks arsenal are worth ? I see this as a smart move from the American and I am amazed no one else sees the truth is somewhere in between. I work in this business and I can tell you all usmanov is absolutely desperate to buy arsenal. I think this news is the beginning of stans end game. Josh kroenke wants out and the new TV deal is looking likely that either BT or sky are both stating the amounts make no sense. Stans LA project is not going to plan and for me the top in TV rights and land valuations looks in sight. Usmanov wants arsenal for Personal reasons and the image it brings. I wouldn't mind betting usmanov is the owner within the next 12 months.

  15. Bard

    Oct 01, 2017, 17:48 #104253

    A sobering article Kev. Depressing beyond belief. It all makes sense. I see no reason why Usmanov wouldnt sell at the right price. There is no point in investing millions in toys if you can't play with them.

  16. Alsace

    Oct 01, 2017, 17:11 #104252

    The problem is not Stan or Wenger or even useless Theo and even more useless Ramsey. The problem is TV money and Rupert Murdoch. Everything that money touches turns to dust. We need to destroy pay per view. It will do so itself since football as currently constituted is a snoring bore. I have just seen Brighton And Arsenal bore for England. My goodness me it was tedious. Football has no concept of being an entertainment. Of course we need to get rid of a man who has such contempt for the club, but we could do a lot worse. The object of the exercise is to put Wenger in a wooden box marked exit and get some fun back again. Stan can take care of himself and will do so whatever our wishes

  17. mbg

    Oct 01, 2017, 16:06 #104251

    Gaz, 110063, post of the day, LOL. wenger out.

  18. mbg

    Oct 01, 2017, 15:55 #104250

    Gaz is spot on alright there's fans at this club (and we all know who they are)who as a poster once said if wenger took a dump on their head or they came home and caught him shagging their wife with that grim on his face they wouldn't protest, they deserve him and this regime unfortunately the proper fans don't and it's them suffering. We want wenger out.

  19. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Oct 01, 2017, 15:53 #104249

    Just a note to Badarse, for the record. I stopped watching Arsenal, not because we left Highbury but because of what has happened to Arsenal since we left Highbury. Eight years ago I traveled to an away game and at least six of the Arsenal players were frightened of the opposition that day - that was it for me. The reason they were cowards was because many of them should never have been wearing an Arsenal shirt in the first place. Now we are all familiar with the results of the "tryst" between Kronke and Wenger, the "managed mediocrity", where expectations have been deliberately reduced to the fans. This allows 2nd rate players to be accepted as good enough for Arsenal, instead of what we were told when we moved from Highbury, which was a geniune attempt would be made to compete with the best clubs in European football. Everyone can see the business plan now but how to stop it entering it's final phase - complete Kronke ownership, is looking very difficult. The Gooner magazine can hardly promote non attendance of football matches, as it's job by definition is to report on Arsenal matches, giving of course their slant on events and not the official line. So we are at an impasse - my feelings are if every serious fan had stopped going when the Walcott and Denilson era started we would surely not be where we are today. I now get my enjoyment by watching really committed sides, the result is incidental, it's the effort for me. Anyone who watched Chelsea and Atletico during the week must have appreciated the total commitment by both teams - the result was for me not important, the professionalism and shear physical effort was what I applauded.

  20. markymark

    Oct 01, 2017, 15:14 #104248

    Badarse - I’ve read your sermon again , it’s painful really painful how unaware you are. Bigoted ? But you supported a bigot , you found him funny, homophobia ? You supported his homophobia , not one word from you when he was wishing violent death upon other race and religions. How about slaves eh? Constant mention but from you complete silence. Your constant attacks against people who wholeheartedly are sick of the regime. Your so complicit it’s untrue. You opened this can of worms when you first called people Quislings and rabble. Now you can’t escape it. Your a Karajan conducting the regimes favourite tunes.

  21. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 01, 2017, 14:08 #104247

    Badarse - You are neither clever nor important enough to refer to yourself in the third person. Your opinions and arguments are full of holes and double standards. You're a straw man and we're all waiting for the next gale force wind to carry you off. Gaz's judgements are right esp the ones about your character. We just beat a dreadful team in not so natty yellow and brown outfits...hooray says wengo loving badarse

  22. Exeter Ex

    Oct 01, 2017, 14:07 #104246

    But we are engaging with you - we've engaged and challenged what you've said. But your pitiful, childish response betrays you've no comeback.

  23. Badarse

    Oct 01, 2017, 13:59 #104245

    Try to engage and two wimps come on to try to close you down. Grow up for goodness sake. Pardon? Another 3 points to the Arsenal? Oh, tear that apart, losers.

  24. markymark

    Oct 01, 2017, 13:16 #104244

    Badarse - it’s as simple as this if you are sick and tired of it, you’d best hop off and don’t for one minute give us hypocritical spiel about freedom of speech considering you’ve just informed half the posters to go. You support woman’s rights then you write a poem about groping woman You claimed you were left wing yet cozy up to a Fascist You claimed you were peaceful yet swapped ridiculous macho posturing posts with a racist thug. The new chap you mention is continually racist against the Irish. You claim to be the victim of vindictive words yet then go and post an unpleasant diatribe against a woman. Just what are your values eh? If I had many of yours I think I’d seek counselling quick.

  25. Exeter Ex

    Oct 01, 2017, 13:11 #104243

    That's just it, Badarse - you do not see. You do not see that Wenger is not just a simple football manager. You do not see how the sentiment around him helps cover Kroenke's awful plans for the club, and you do not see how complicit Wenger is in those. Others do see, and so your support for Wenger will continue to see seen as support for the regime. But given you're 'sick to death' of being viewed this way, one wonders why you keep returning if your life is as full as you say. You tell others they're part of the problem, yet give excuses as to why you can't do anything. You wouldn't even sign the petition against Kroenke's hunting channel and had nothing to say about Wenger's implicit support for it. You judge when you've no idea what other people on this site do beyond it, some may find it rather vulgar to proclaim their 'good works' on here. Finally, it's puzzling that someone who so often proclaims they're done with the site, but nonetheless keeps popping up again (most recently to immediately belittle comments others had just been making about Highbury), should think their words should be afforded any credibility and respect. But you don't see that either, do you?

  26. Badarse

    Oct 01, 2017, 12:33 #104242

    Hello Rocky long time no speak. Your piece is respected as pretty much you are, by myself. However I think you have either overlooked or misunderstood parts of my script. I am very aware of the significance of the potential outcome of the latest bit of chicanery by the money men. All dealing from the bottom, all pumped up with personal goals which are largely transitional and empty. Though far-reaching for the individual. I did state I have no battle plan, so asking for one is fatuous and a waste of time. I do not see that being supportive of an Arsenal manager, who is presented in any guise as integral to the machinations of expansionist, and egoist capitalists is in any way supportive of the regime at AFC. Make no mistake it is a regime, and has been so for a long time. Market conditions and environmental advantages have fuelled and fanned the flames. It is those conditions and advantages that I hold Joe Public accountable to and responsible for, and the general posters on this fanzine site are the guilty participants, with notable exceptions. I mentioned respect, which is often absent here, denoting a slipshod army of disparate forces, but I recognise that aspect of respect in yourself as you state that my generalised comment wasn't aimed at all. I am sick to death of tangled and damaging tirades aimed at myself just because I support an Arsenal manager in office. Why should I have to keep reiterating why I think such a simple action is acceptable, and to whom? My views have been stated often enough over the years, a newcomer arrives and demands my legitimacy. How bizarre to have to enter into that sphere of validation constantly. I love my club, it is the single best thing that has ever happened to me in my lifetime beyond my family. What a privilege. My love of Highbury is cherished with memories galore stretching back to Jack Kelsey, through Joe Baker, onto Big Raddy and Frank McLintock, Liam Brady, Tone and Safe Hands, Wrighty, Titi and Bergy, the young Fabregas, but then onto Hleb, Santi, and Kos at the Grove. Seamless pleasure, some highs, some lows. My life is quite full and due to geophysics I am not in any real position to assign myself to yet another demonstration to help defend AFC, or remove my future fears for the club unless able to do so. Yesterday I helped raise over a grand for Macmillan's hospices, and though cancer is a recent visitor I am against charities on principle. I am also recovering from being a pioneer before the USA footballers who decided to,'Take a knee', as mine was taken, (and replaced thankfully), a handful of weeks ago. I would bring down this ugliness in AFC at a stroke, but see no way that putting a manager's head on a spike would help. That is naivety personified. I hope that makes my position clearer, if not I am sitting in my front room, near the sideboard, knitting an omelette.

  27. markymark

    Oct 01, 2017, 12:03 #104241

    Shush.... don’t mention Badarse supports the regime, he just supports Wengo, err He must Gazidis as Ivan thinks Wengo is the best ever and he must like Wengo’s best mate Stan. Then Badarse also really liked the anti Semitic homophobe Jamerson (who supported the regime) because he apparently scattered his enemies. Oh Badarse no of course you don’t support the regime. So sorry for twisting your words you chump.

  28. Badarse

    Oct 01, 2017, 11:49 #104240

    The image in the mirror pains you Gaz, as it should. Now whether JC reaches his goal I think is academic. I would dearly love that attainment as never has a politician spoken my sentiments as much. Not all, but no one is a complete overlap of another's views. What I mean by this is that this model is definitely in crisis and has to change. Whether now, in a later time, or some way off in the misty future it is a change which dynamics will force on communities and societies. It will be change or go under. It will not be all plain sailing though, there will be analogical disappointments. Some will govern and rule who not everyone agrees with, some fine establishments will change, some things alter beyond acceptable levels. People will still cling to former glories and a dusty rose-tinted view of the past. Relics will still be worshipped as new icons are erected. Yet change will be foisted upon all. I hope to live to see as many as possible. Yet with all the craziness of money-grubbers calling the shots, religionists' demands for authority, power-hungry despots within and without, I still see the future as a potentially positive place. That is with or without those hallowed Marble Halls of yesterday. 'Peace, light and love', as Spike might say. 'How's your omelette?', as Badarse might.

  29. Rocky the King

    Oct 01, 2017, 11:43 #104239

    I cannot believe what I am reading here in the comment section of onlineGooner. The comments are meant to reflect a response to the article, or so the etiquette should be. What is clear from the contributions of Gaz and latterly BadArse is that thanks to Stan Kroenke, the club is hopelessly divided and upon the verge of meltdown off the pitch. The Board has become impotent and if Usmanov sells out to Kroenke, then forgive me BadArse surely even you would not expect in a democracy for opposition to leave stage left, if the interests of the club were being damaged. It is not simply a case of embrace the new or get out, and I see nothing in your quote ‘Little diatribe’ that gives any strategy for those fans who are not so violently (in word terms) disposed. Kroenke will use the club as collateral and will asset strip the club. His grand designs are not upon these shores, and if his new projects in California fail, who will pick up the very large bill? His sporting franchises of course, of which Arsenal is the most profitable. I find it amusing BadArse that you think so little of the ignorant masses. A well organised public petition with a few celebs climbing on board for good measure soon made Kroenke blink over his hunting channel. I can agree with you that we need a battle plan that ignites the followers and if Arseblog and others had signed up to it before now instead of low volume ambivalent criticism, perhaps we would not have such a mountain to climb. Anyone can support the xxxxing obvious when the masses start to turn away from those who apologise for the contempt that Arsenal FC have held it’s fan base in for oh too long. Yet are we Gooners? Surely what unites us is bigger than what will tear us apart, so that means finding common ground. We should all be able to agree that Kroenke is bad for our club, even you BadArse, that then means we must find a common strategy to fight that objective rather than this internecine battle that deflects us from the main topic. I see nothing good in Gaz insulting BadArse or equally then BadArse returning the insults with interest. I take exception to being called a bigot or a chump for voicing opposition to Wenger and Kroenke, I doubt if you really wanted to generalise to such an extent, and I can understand your frustration. We cannot wish our club to fail and get relegated if we are true fans, yet we cannot sit idly by and watch this car crash in slow motion. Perhaps rather than accepting the new, why not lead from the front BadArse with constructive plans that will prevent the asset stripping of our club, if taken into private hands which surely you cannot agree with? Peace to all Rocky the King.

  30. Exeter Ex

    Oct 01, 2017, 11:39 #104238

    The problem with all of that, Badarse, is you have overtly stated your continued support for Wenger, who is an integral, huge part of the regime. "Who says I support the regime?" You do. If you're still in denial about who and what Wenger has become, that's your problem. If your eyes have been opened you're free to state so, then such accusations would cease. But you won't of course. As for the rest, people are allowed to vent if they feel they have lost something, that's a big part of what this site is used for, you're not going to change that by railing against the futility of it - that's futile in itself. It's very obvious that during your regular bouts of 'leaving' the site you continue reading, until you read something that you cannot resist responding to, be that after days or weeks or months. What's most obvious is that what you want most of all is attention, and you don't know how to move on from this website and seek that attention elsewhere. It's rather sad.

  31. markymark

    Oct 01, 2017, 11:39 #104237

    Here’s a little poem for you Badarse I know you love a ditty. Badarse - had a magic money tree. He watered it twice a day, When he shook the branch , he gets a tingle and thinks of Trump and Theresa May. Badarse Used to be a leftie supporting every cause from Minority Rights, CND , woman for the Pill. But surely? No it can’t be? Is that Badarse in white robe and a hood , marching at Charlotteville?


    Oct 01, 2017, 11:11 #104236

    For once Monsieur Badbum I understand your drift - but, on a personal basis, i.e..AFC, this is beyond depressing. There's a lovely "typo" in para 2. of this excellent editorial which refers to "small shareholder swill"" which is very appropriate. In Wiggy World little people, which is what all us lot are, are merely to be treated as slops out of a bucket to feed the Napoleon Pigs of the elite such as he. Short term, boycott the bastard &, on a more optimistic note, because the Western World is now on the back foot, maybe Bob D will be proven right "the times they are a changing".

  33. Gaz

    Oct 01, 2017, 11:08 #104235

    You can say what you want sadarse I won’t be reading any of it you ****ing idiot.

  34. Badarse

    Oct 01, 2017, 10:53 #104234

    Gaz you're a clown of the highest order and there is no hope for you Nark. Both of you are too concerned about throwing insults as rocks to ever be strong enough to be involved in any campaign, too narrow in your outlooks, too easily deflected from a target, too determined to appear in an affray, in warrior mode, without really engaging. All sham and pretence, mouth and trousers. Battles are never won on fanzine sites, unless a strategy can be offered which ignites the followers and evolves into a battle-plan. With the make up of this fanzine that is a forlorn hope indeed. For two to both show their angst in posts, but to slip into 'Wenger bashing', and then 'Badarse insulting', depicts the flip flop approach of both naïve posters. This is a serious business and has monumentally debilitating prospects for AFC. I am as entrenched with the love of my club as anyone, so forget the, 'My dad can fight your dad.', attitude, you berks. Just because I don't resign myself to defeat and crawl into a hovel of my own making, as SKG and some elders do, does not make me a quitter, neither do any of the pretentious and vacuous lies hold up. Who says I support 'the regime'? You twits? Does that make it so? Nark if you follow this principle in the real world you could become undone, you take something, misunderstand, distort, then spread it around as if the truth is there for all to see. These are the actions of a 'nark' and in old communities once discovered you could be for the high jump, yet you exist in blinkered company so in that you remain safe.Say something often enough and it becomes a reality, but only to the narrow minded and bigoted. Others with more discernment can identify fabrication easily. World financial movements dictate, big corporations rule. Many multi-nationals are more powerful than some smaller nations. Every government on the planet go cap in hand to banking institutions which place themselves above the law of the land. Obama was neutered by Wall Street and it ever would be thus, then the buffoons elected Trump.How did this mentality come about on such grand scales everywhere in our country? Well we can start with you lot giving them licence. We, as possibly the fifth richest nation in the advanced world are a laughing stock to other societies. Conservative, tight-lipped, narrow, prejudiced, insular, and resistant to change. You've helped set the policies that the scummy AFC board operate in. Dein was a chancer, a barrow boy with loads of dough, yet lionised by fools in Arsenal scarves. You cannot see things for what they are. A motley crew made up of narks, woeful 'Eeyores' retreating alone to their own corner of the field, Stalinist pretenders wanting to close down opposition and silence any they disagree with, extreme right wing Susej lovers with misogynistic and homophobic natures, loaded down with negative 'isms', gutter-snipes hiding in the bushes offering nothing but to snipe at others, those who celebrate everything others achieve whilst denigrating everything AFC does. Nonsense and tosh, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. The times I have heard Everton are wonderful, Aston Villa, Manchester United are 'the' big club, northerners are better at this and that. Falsehoods, life seen through a prism. 'We want our old Arsenal back, our old badge, our Highbury, our old manager.' I have unremitting news chumps, it's all gone and shall never return. Either embrace the new or get out. There is a third option but not for you lot, and that is do something about it. Alter it for the better, or die in the attempt. I do not have a blueprint for change, but if I did I would choose better foot-soldiers than flimsy keyboard warriors of weak fibre. Now gentlemen, distort that little diatribe, or is this just another bald egg you are being poked with?

  35. markymark

    Oct 01, 2017, 10:41 #104233

    Just a little glimmer of hope, everybody is assuming Wengo is safe for life under Kronke however the Top 4 is highly likely to end with a combination of Man City , Man U, Chelsea , Tottenham leaving us and Liverpool battling. This’s leaves our most effective chance as winning the Europa which is not guaranteed. Kronke might sack Wenger in those circumstances. European football finances are different from US sports in that so much revolves around the Champions league particularly in player procurement. Fail to qualify again he’s got a big decision to make.

  36. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Oct 01, 2017, 10:33 #104232

    Gaz- you're spot on mate. The 'customers' that now make up our home 'support' couldn't put their selfie sticks and £5 lattes down for long enough to rouse so much as a boo-hoo. The club have got the match going clientele they wanted by either pricing out or alienating its true fans, the like of which post regularly on here lamenting what has become of our beloved old club. The all consuming greed of a few individuals have destroyed Arsenal and it will never be the same again. I hate kroenke with a passion and would rather see him dead before he has total control of OUR club

  37. RobG

    Oct 01, 2017, 9:11 #104231

    If Usmanov sells to Kronke - we are done for. And I am not trying to play Casandra here but we will be wrecked. This will allow Kronke to syphon a huge sack of the TV money out of the Club every year. It will guarantee Wenger until 2025 if not 2030, as Wenger is the perfect Kronke stooge. I have been privileged to see Arsenal win the title six times in my life. It will never happen again if Kronke gets total control. We will become, at best, what Everton are now. Quite possibly worse. I will never see us win the CL. It will confirm that Arsenal in effect died the day we left Highbury. I have given up going. If Kronke takes over lock stock and barrel, I will give up altogether.

  38. Arseneknewbest

    Oct 01, 2017, 9:05 #104230

    The great Argentine philosopher and author Borges described the Falklands Malvinas conflict as being like two bald men fighting over a comb. Here we also have two bald men (with only one avowedly so!) fighting over something equally as meaningless. A rudderless mess of a former proud football club. A curse on both their houses to quote another literary great.

  39. TonyEvans

    Oct 01, 2017, 8:34 #104229

    The sad fact is that Gaz is completely right - there just isn't enough interest in the long term health of the club. Fans will continue to turn up and pay up.

  40. mbg

    Sep 30, 2017, 23:44 #104228

    Your right Kevin we're in the brown stuff now up to our knees and rising. So does it really matter now if Kroenke buys him out or not ? Can we regress much more ? Can we get any worse under the weasel ? we seem to have found our level now thanks to him, I suppose there is still another level to regress to and find ourselves deeper in the shyte, and we'll be reaching that soon enough with wenger as things stand so lets hope Usmanov makes a counter offer back and then starts showing ambition with the first order of business getting rid of wenger, it will still take years to rebuild and restore pride and passion back into this club and supporters (proper supporters) but with a proper ambitious owner and especially a manager I believe it can be done, can it be any worse with him as it is now at this moment and time ? remember the old now defunct AKB anthem be careful what you wish for ? yes they wouldn't fooking listen and after all their defending of their messiah that has now come to pass under/with him lol. Where are all those do gooder wengerites and Chelsea Roman and Usmanov hating luvvies today, just like Dein way back it's to late now, or is it. wenger out.

  41. markymark

    Sep 30, 2017, 23:40 #104227

    It sure beats me why a long in the tooth self proclaiming leftist and supposed minority rights campaigner (yes you Badarse) can sucker up to the Regime with their glorious values of Elephant hunting , Trump loving , minimum wage pay , zero hours culture neo liberals like Kronke. Though if Wengo can kiss Kronke’s arse I suppose that allows Badarse and thicko to do the same.

  42. Roy

    Sep 30, 2017, 23:22 #104226

    From what I've read here and from other sources regarding this, it would seem that there is only one option left - DONT GO. Kroenke has made it clear that he is going nowhere soon. Only a massive hole in profits and a regular half empty stadium might make him change his mind. You know what to do.

  43. Gaz

    Sep 30, 2017, 23:20 #104225

    Agree with the sentiment of this wholeheartedly but the simple truth is at every home game the majority of fans there just aren't interested in any of this. They’re just happy to go to games, suck up to Wenger, and take in the Gazidis ball**** about ‘values’ (whatever they ****ing well are). I’m sorry but we’re totally ****ed. Just a shame we weren’t a northern Club as they’re fans would never allow this to happen. Don’t forget when SK took money out of the Club there were wankers proclaiming to be Arsenal fans defending his right to do so! You’ll see what I mean when knobs like badarse and that other tosser (can’t remember his name) come on here defending him.