Giving It All Away

Online Ed: Gunners too lax in possession in defeat at Watford

Giving It All Away

Ed’s note – I am abroad currently with no guarantees of catching any Arsenal matches due to uncertainty of access to either a TV broadcast or internet signal. So until the League Cup game v Norwich, I’ll be covered by some Gooner contributors for the match editorials. My thanks to Charlie Ashmore for writing up yesterday’s visit to Vicarage Road. By the way, I won’t be able to fulfil any orders via the Gooner store until Wednesday 25th October – so by all means feel free to order, but please bear with me.

Well, where on earth do we start with that?

My irritation was already triggered before the game even started. Watford wear yellow shirts, black shorts and black socks. Which part of that clashes with our home kit? Answer – none. So why the hell do we wear that monstrosity of a kit that some corporate vandal decided should be our second kit this season? Clearly we are not selling enough so corporate need overcomes identity and tradition. It was an ex-Spurs manager who said as he left “There used to be a football club over there”. Am I alone in knowing how he felt?

As for the game, what a shambolic, feeble, pathetic capitulation. The first half had very little going for it and it was notable that the corner we scored from was the first corner of the match. To say we deserved to be in the lead is probably just about correct but let nobody be under the misapprehension that we played particularly well to claim it. Those who have watched our recent performances will not have been fooled by clean sheets and victories for in none of those games have we particularly impressed. We didn’t impress here. It wasn’t that long ago that trying to get the ball off an Arsenal team was like trying to get Geoff Boycott out in his prime –bloody difficult. Not now – the regularity with which our players pass the ball to the opposition is hard to believe. I could not begin to count the number of misplaced passes. Xhaka and Bellerin were particular culprits. Xhaka is frustrating as hell. He has a lot of ability but his decision making is shocking. He cannot keep going like this and expect to be of any use to us. Bellerin is half the player he was two years ago.

The remarkable thing is that poor though we were the game should have been dead and buried. A fantastic save from Gomes kept Iwobi out and then Ozil, having created the Iwobi chance and almost set Mertesacker up, found himself clean through with the whole goal to aim at and only Gomes to beat. He hit it pretty much straight at Gomes. And down to the other end went Watford and won a penalty. My instinct from the other end was that Bellerin got the ball. Having seen it again, he didn’t, but I am pretty sure he didn’t get the man either.

After the penalty there was only one team in it and it wasn’t us - the goal when it came was not a surprise. There was however time for some comedy touchline capers when Wilshere came on for Iwobi and then he didn’t as somebody suddenly remembered that Koscielny had an injury and was still on his feet by memory only and therefore brought Holding on instead. Why we didn’t go to a back four, I have no idea. In any event the fiasco which came with the scores tied fired up the anger of the travelling support who had been singing Wilshere’s name all game. Perhaps it tells you more about both Arsenal and England currently that Wilshere’s stock has risen in both arenas despite having barely kicked a ball.

The capitulation completed all that was left was for a vocal majority of the away support to call volubly for Wenger’s head and then to give the players a chorus of boos at the end of the game.

And so the Arsenal soap opera rolls on. Can anybody be in any doubt that we are watching a club that has lost its way and has insufficient sense of direction to find it was way back? The manager remains the easy target, and he is a fair target. That he is failing repeatedly to get the best out of what is on paper a talented set of players is surely beyond question. But there is far more wrong with Arsenal Football Club in 2017 than just Arsene Wenger. Does anyone have any faith that there is anyone amongst the so called leadership who would make a good, well-informed choice as to who would be his successor? And look, there is an argument which I perfectly well understand that we are at a point where any change would be better than no change. But the assumption those baying for Wenger’s sacking make is that a manager will be brought in who can take us back to the top table, where we last feasted in the 2000-2006 cycle of Arsenal’s recent history. I fear that those in charge will more likely take the Eddie Howe type option - a promising manager who will be grateful for a job at a big club and not rock the boat. They say history tends to repeat itself and, much as watching Arsenal in this phase is reminiscent of Arsenal in the dying days of Graham’s reign, I fear the next phase is more likely to see a Rioch-type appointment. I am afraid I wouldn’t bet my kids’ pocket money against things getting a lot worse before they get better.

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  1. mbg

    Oct 17, 2017, 20:30 #104485

    Would that be the same unwritten rule as your messiah shows by not shaking hands with other managers ? or just tapping it, or the same class as him (and his fans) shows in defeat ? after no handshake, skulks off down the tunnel and then starts Whinging and blaming all in sundry for embarrassments and humiliations for his short comings and failures, class works both ways and all the players and managers in the prem have known for a long time now wenger has none and shows none so why show it back, he's a has been now and they all know it. wenger out.

  2. Yes its Ron

    Oct 17, 2017, 11:54 #104471

    GR - i hear all that you say and recognise it all of course. We ve all had deep emotional ties to the club and its why so many do foam at the mouth, me included, though not near how strongly i used to feel. Im one whos been worn down and to be honest mate, im relieved that i have been. Its a tragedy whats happened at Arsenal. If my Dad was alive, i dread to think what he d make of it, he was a proud North Londoner and it hurt him when we all moved northwards (all over the place as well) for all sorts of reasons, but for him it was because he was no longer 20 mins from Highbury!! Youre right though, the choices are stark. Go or stop going. For me it took 3 - 4 yrs before i finally said 'no more' and 2013 was my last home game, a passionless 1-0 win v Spurs in a largely quiet stadium, many of whom were as bored as i was and we d paid 65 quid i think it was back then for nothing much. Its not all Arsenals fault, football is different of course, but Arsenal stick out like a sore thumb as the Club thats sacrificed itself and bare d its arse to corporatism and thus to the new modern climate in the game. You lads are welcome to it now. I hope it changes for you and a new dawn comes when the Club once more becomes a football Club. I fear things will have to decline and become far worse though before that happens GR. I admire your stoicism. On Deeney, hes only said what Blackburn and Bolton plus a few other clubs coaches and players staff were saying 10/11 years ago. He s not one with any original thinking capacity, but as a player hes entitled to say when he recognises an opponent with no fight. I welcome it as Wengo and the Owner might hear him!

  3. Paulward

    Oct 17, 2017, 10:24 #104470

    Yes but surely there's an unwritten rule in football that you don't stick the knife into beaten opponents. Show a bit of class in victory aswell as defeat if you ask me, what is wrong at Arsenal is no concern of Deeneys and would you expect Oliver Giroud to pontificate on the failings of Everton's defensive strategy if we win on Sunday? Watford have been hammered and lost to lower league teams plenty recently, so people in glass houses should not throw stones.

  4. markymark

    Oct 17, 2017, 7:34 #104462

    Paul Ward - I know you’ve got a bee in your bonnet over dear old Troy , but if you read back what you have just posted you’ve just confirmed Wengo’s Arsenal are really **** at the moment. Yes City annihilated them , cutting through them like a hot knife through butter. Unfortunately the Coward of Stoke has organised a slow ponderous little triangle passing game led by players not up to speed or the fight. The Powerful fast box to box moves of Viera , Parlour , gone . It’s like a dark age chieftain looking upon the ruins of Rome wondering who were these god like men. Wengo cannot create a Barcelona or a City. Instead he has created the New West Ham. Meanwhile a few miles North of us a George Graham like Spurs is being created. The irony is bitter!

  5. Paulward

    Oct 17, 2017, 6:13 #104461

    Deeney should concentrate on aquiring the 40 points Watford need to stay up and practicing getting on the end of their long throw ins. Did you hear any Man City players slaughtering Watford after they beat them 6 nil the other week ? Where were the Hornets cojones that day ? Deeney clearly likes his name in the newspaper, and it isn't gonna happen through his football.

  6. markymark

    Oct 17, 2017, 5:58 #104460

    KC38 - people have tried protesting in the ground , generally it’s been seen as a line that cannot be crossed by various AKB’s leading to assaults or near violent scenes. Neither can you take in banners due to steward screening ( this has been covered numerous times ) . The best you can hope for at the moment is marches outside of which the last big one got a thousand in it. What I suspect will happen is that mass booing will then turn into chanting and that in the end will be the in house protest. Of course the booing and chanting will be by the same morons who used to clump people but this will be ok at this point as they will have decided that they have wasted their money going. It’s the money cost against entertainment that will probably cause the meltdown

  7. Scruff

    Oct 16, 2017, 22:56 #104459

    Captains of a football team are unimportant and no longer required the game is too quick to have someone as a leader , the whole team should lead by example or some bull**** words to that effect. Please Google it and correct me because this is the philosophy of a sane man! Apparently?

  8. KC38

    Oct 16, 2017, 22:53 #104458

    At goonerron, great post, there is a place between wanting change but still supporting it's hard to want your team to lose but I'm very close. What is ironic is so many on here hate the players manager ground owner, criticise people for attending and then spend their time posting! Some even think that posting will end Wengers reign, perhaps they should attend a game organise a protest rather than hid behind a key board.

  9. markymark

    Oct 16, 2017, 22:49 #104457

    Paul ward - shooting the messenger for the message , me thinks . MBG has stated pretty much what I’d of said. I’ve noticed that the raging posts on the Mail story actually pretty much split with a load of Arsenal throwing the abuse at Wengo not Deeney. This season may not see the aeroplanes or even mass marches but active aggressive attacks on WOBs have virtually disappeared . The AKBer’s are scuttling off in all directions. Even Tony lying bastard Atwood can’t maintain a WOB purge on his site.

  10. mbg

    Oct 16, 2017, 22:10 #104456

    Paulward, Deeney resembles a league one striker ? I'll not argue with you there, but he's on the same pitch as Arsenals players (what does that tell you ?)and he's the slowest and least talented striker in the prem, but still makes fools of our nice boy premadonnas, and our fool of a manager ? what does that tell you ? and see's fit to speak out and able to disrespect your precious messiah, the club and us fans ? (nobody would have dared do that in George Grahams era and indeed your messiahs first few years in charge)and getting applause for it, what the f**k does that tell you then ? a second rater like him sees fit and able to do it ? and with no reproach ? that tells us all we need to know as to where we are now under wenger, wake up and get a f*****g grip. wenger out now.

  11. Rochey

    Oct 16, 2017, 21:58 #104455

    I can see this ending in relegation....

  12. markymark

    Oct 16, 2017, 21:50 #104454

    Still think the way forward is to make Wengo’s footballing life a misery. Some of this will come from his own realisation that he isn’t up to it. The rest will come from journos , pundits and supporters. We know that Wengo is keeping a safe distance wherever possible . The end of season pitch parade saw Wengo stay well clear. Further bad defeats away from home will cause the Aways to really kick off ( how many people are getting beaten up now for slating Wengo???) It’s changing isn’t. The zeitgeist has changed it’s no longer an fool, or somebody stupid who calls for Wengo’s head, why is that? Well of course it’s because the pundits have actually got their head out of their arses. Kronke is blinking awful but quite frankly a very laissez faire Kronke with 100m transfer allowance , a willing but amateur Ivan and an Ancelotti could actually do some interesting things. If it’s not Ancelotti then Benitez or Conte could equally do good work.

  13. Paulward

    Oct 16, 2017, 20:31 #104453

    Whether you agree with him or not I find Troy Deeneys comments incredibly annoying. The man resembles a league 1 striker if you ask me and is lucky to have ever been on the same pitch as players representing Arsenal. He has to be the slowest and least talented striker in the premier league and should keep his big mouth shut, hope we stuff Watford 5 nil in the return and give him plenty of stick in the process .

  14. GoonerRon

    Oct 16, 2017, 20:20 #104452

    @ YI Ron - just because I'm not foaming at the mouth all the time doesn't mean I largely support the regime. Kroenke is not a good owner for us, that much is clear and the seemingly mutually-beneficial, cosy relationship he and Wenger enjoys is not healthy either. I said after the Swansea game during the run-in two years ago his position was untenable and I still think it is, but clearly the owner thinks differently. The common thread on here is either you are a supporter of the regime or you should turn your back on it completely - I honestly feel like I'm somewhere in between. The reality is I can't turn my back on the club and not go to games or buy bits of merchandise. I've been a fan since I was 5 when I lived in the south but my parents couldn't afford to take me to games. We moved to Yorkshire when I was 12 and all I ever wanted to do was follow Arsenal home and away when I could afford to. That only really started in 2005 and I was on the waiting list for a season ticket for years until I got one in 2012. I've got enough away credits to get to virtually all away games and have had some incredible experiences watching Arsenal, even in this less-than-glorious period we've found ourselves in. Couple that with the fact my 6 year old son is an absolutely avid Gooner (probably more so than I was at his age) and has started going to a few games this year, I don't want him to miss out like I did. So if buying a shirt with his name on for his birthday (one that he bravely wears at football practice among all the Leeds, Bradford and Liverpool kits) puts some money in the cash mountain then so be it. I didn't live through supporting the club in our less-auspicious periods of mid-50's, 60's, inside the bookends of the 70's and early-mid 80's but I bet there are lots of more modern Arsenal supporters who can look back and be glad their Granddads and Dads stuck with it through the lean times to eventually end up seeing some great years under George Graham and Wenger. I'm hoping that in years to come my boys will feel the same about me, otherwise they'll be lost to more local clubs where, believe me, it would save me a shed load of time, money and wife-related grief to support them. As for Troy Deeney, some of what he said was correct but why say it? How many times have you heard an player slate the opposition after a match like that? The fact is Wenger said the penalty was scandalous but also said in the same breath we have to look at ourselves for not killing the game off and then lacking composure after the equaliser. Deeney's comments weren't required and needlessly personal (and he also said the words 'if you're going to let me do my strength against you', which highlights why the idiot shouldn't be talking on TV in the first place'.

  15. mbg

    Oct 16, 2017, 19:36 #104451

    Well said Shearer wengers new deal was a recipe for Disaster, but we knew that anyway, and also Deeney (while TOF and his wengerites were whinging about and using the pen as an excuse as always) for saying and telling the truth, there was a reason why Arsenal lost and it wasn't because of the pen, it was about having no balls, well said but it's just a pity he didn't go one step further and it would also have been the truth, and it's all because of their useless manager wenger. wenger out now.


    Oct 16, 2017, 19:35 #104450

    SKG - a quiet discussion with the Board would appear to be a non-starter if ANR is correct in stating that Hulot is now instructed to ignore them & deal directly with The Wigmeister. Hulot has stated that Saturday's penalty was "unbelievable" & "scandalous" - not so matey, but your signing a new contract certainly was.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Oct 16, 2017, 18:27 #104449

    Ron, you are right, actually the fans could change it if they really wanted to but as you say they are happy, because they feel they belong to something that they think is special - when they are in fact party to the demise of a real bastion of English football.

  18. Bard

    Oct 16, 2017, 15:50 #104448

    It saddens me to write this but we need a massive results meltdown and huge protests in the stadium to have any chance of change. Its staggering to me that there are so called Arsenal fans out there who still support this regime. Their attachment to Wenger is delusional. I agree with Paulward we will need a few seasons to get back on track.

  19. Exeter Ex

    Oct 16, 2017, 15:42 #104447

    "This squad minus Sanchez, Ozil, Ramsey and Koscielny and a rookie manager in charge" I'd take that scenario right now. It would at least be unpredictable.

  20. Paulward

    Oct 16, 2017, 15:28 #104446

    Not defending Wenger for a minute, just putting it out there that there is a pretty good chance that things will get worse before they get better. This squad minus Sanchez, Ozil, Ramsey and Koscielny and a rookie manager in charge, that could easily be the scenario. I've already written the next five years off.

  21. Yes its Ron

    Oct 16, 2017, 14:49 #104445

    SKG - many are and have been for quite some years past caring about inept performances, its not about forgetting them. The regime has worn them down. You still live in the SE and must have picked up on the take by those fans down there who never go to games anymore, the interest having been squeezed from them? Im truly amazed by those who still pay up and go, esp when we hear of such as that waster Ozil, wanting 330 K a week but might stay if he gets 250K a week. Then you have Wally Walcott and his ilk earning 130 K a week etc etc Who in the right mind still wants to pay into that? Its frankly astonishing. The fans have got the club they deserve in reality i feel. Ive no sympathy for any of them. They sit there lifelessly in that sterilised bowl each home game watching that putrid, passionless football. Nobody forces them to. Its a life choice.

  22. Yes its Ron

    Oct 16, 2017, 14:31 #104444

    gr - all due respect t yr measured manner in yr post there, but dont you people who largely back this rotten regime get just a teeny bit tired of saying things like ' we have to be better defensively ' etc etc. I ask the question as Arsenal have been a powder puff club for nigh on a dozen years now or have you simply not noticed or cant you truly believe what you see (or should see)? Troy Deeney sounds like he has the IQ of a dung beetle under anaesthetic, but even hes deduced Arsenal are staffed by gutless players. Is he wrong?

  23. mbg

    Oct 16, 2017, 14:12 #104442

    NickF, they don't even do it if we're beat anymore, well not the majority of them, only a band here and there and not after a few wins against mediocre opposition, (that would be unfair) they wait for the inevitable again the stuffings, embarrassments, knowing full well it's/their going to happen and just around the corner, even then it won't be full blown the weasel has his luvvies there too, die hards my arse. wenger out now.

  24. Yes its Ron

    Oct 16, 2017, 14:03 #104441

    What a great result. We re improving for sure!! To hold a big powerhouse club to 2-1 away is commendable indeed. A big well done to Arsene and the lads. Character oozing out of the team as usual. Here we go, here we go, here we go, a great big cheer for Wengo, Wengo.

  25. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Oct 16, 2017, 13:46 #104440

    RadfordKennedy : I don't favour a full on showdown with SK, it then becomes a matter of losing face, something he cannot afford to let happen. No I value a quiet discussion with the board, something on the lines of "Mr Kronke unless the current ownership and club management is changed we have 20,000 fans who are not going to attend any more home matches" that I am sure would focus the board's mindset and would be a very strong opening gambit in the battle ahead for the soul of our club.

  26. Goonhogday

    Oct 16, 2017, 13:45 #104439

    With Everton, Swansea, Man City and Tottenham coming up, this could get tasty indeed. Especially if Man City dish up a heavy defeat followed by the spuds beating us! Everton need a win and there’s no better team to play than us when your backs are against the wall. Knowing our luck though, Wenger will get 2 more years instead of the sack! Wenger out, Kroenke out!

  27. mbg

    Oct 16, 2017, 13:40 #104438

    How the fook at every pathetic failure and embarrassment does TOF always have or get/given a get out of jail free card ? an excuse,and boy doesn't the old weasel seize on it, along with his wengerites of course, they hold on to it like a like raft not letting go just like a little comfy blankie believing that's what the problem was or is, you really have to laugh at these people,they haven't a fooking clue. wenger out now.

  28. Radfordkennedy

    Oct 16, 2017, 12:36 #104437

    SKG...Johnf...Couldn't agree more,it has to be a full on vocal demo even it risks a civil war in the ground and it has to come from the side of the ground opposite the cameras

  29. NickF

    Oct 16, 2017, 11:30 #104436

    "all that was left was for a vocal majority of the away support to call volubly for Wenger’s head " The problem is that they only call for Wenger's head when we lose, win and they are silent.

  30. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Oct 16, 2017, 11:17 #104435

    It's the lack of fan organization that keeps this nightmare going - we have enough "trusts" "fans forums" to change things but if our own fanzine "The Gooner" cannot put together a blueprint for change then what hope is there for a return to supporting a competitive football team. These spineless performances have been occurring for nearly ten years and yet we just post our feelings and all is forgotten when we thrash some bottom six team. Another heavy defeat is looming large on the horizon and we will all huff & puff and then do nothing - we only have ourselves to blame for the demise of AFC.

  31. MAF

    Oct 16, 2017, 11:03 #104433

    everyone was well warned on this site that full blown mediocrity was near. well it has arrived, are you enjoying it ? wrong owner and all that. Barton's view on the Radio is spot on: wenger stayed at the Party too Long. sometimes its best to leave at midnight having had a few Drinks and enjoyed. well now its 4am and he is staggering around the room having drunk too much and hes waiting to be thrown out. perfect.

  32. Exeter Ex

    Oct 16, 2017, 10:28 #104432

    This article starts well but then, intentionally or not, seems to turn into a variation on 'who could replace him'. I'd take an empty chair. It would at least be refreshing. Agree with those saying we need a protracted slump to have any hope of change. And Rioch's team was infinitely preferable this one - it had heart and fight. As Wenger's power grew he deliberately removed character and leadership from the team, in order to make himself the totally dominant figure at the club.

  33. Bard

    Oct 16, 2017, 10:16 #104431

    I don't think there is any doubt that the club are totally dysfunctional at present. The fact that Stan isn't interested and has handed the club over to Wenger is evidence of that dysfunction. Bottom line is that the club have to take a massive financial hit before anything changes. As Charlie has hinted removing Wenger probably means another lackey replacement. It must be the job from heaven for a football manager, massive wage, job security and no expectation of winning anything. In truth we need a huge downturn in results over an extended period to force the board's hand and maybe get rid of Wenger.

  34. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Oct 16, 2017, 9:54 #104430

    Wenger can stick his famous 'VALUES' where the sun don't shine. Hope we keep losing until that t*** in the syrup has no option but to get rid, and hopefully disappear himself too. I hate the people running out club, they are nothing but vermin and parasites

  35. The Man From UNCLE

    Oct 16, 2017, 9:35 #104429

    The real concern to me is 4 away games and one solitary goal - from a corner.

  36. GoonerRon

    Oct 16, 2017, 9:29 #104428

    Iwobi and/or Ozil just have to take their chances - do that and it probably ends up a very satisfactory 0-2/0-3 away win. The finishes were pretty powder puff which perfectly articulates our performance after Ozil's chance. It's a dive and and Deeney looked offside for the second (although was at a wedding so haven't seen all the angles from the live game) but we just have to react better to danger defensively. Xhaka's form at the end of last year was encouraging but he really has had a stinker so far this season. Two nice trips to Belgrade and Everton to come with the injuries piling up.

  37. Ando

    Oct 16, 2017, 9:05 #104427

    surely even the wengerite tourists and corporate suits have had enough now?

  38. peter wain

    Oct 16, 2017, 8:15 #104426

    it seems to me that the response to the penalty was for the team to give up yet again. No idea how to turn the game around just like so many performances. Sell Sanchez Ozil Wiltshire and Walcott in January but who are you going to get in? Because if normal Wenger logic (we only need two maximum three players) that is myopic. We need a decent keeper two centre halves a world class defensive midfield player and a world class creative midfield player. A good right fullback would also not go amiss as the tart we have playing their thinks more of his hairdo than his positional play.

  39. markymark

    Oct 16, 2017, 6:27 #104425

    After 21 years at Arsenal with just 3 titles and zero European trophies. Anyone who thinks Wengo is one of the Great Managers, is in the words of Rex Tillerson a ****ing moron.

  40. mbg

    Oct 16, 2017, 0:22 #104424

    Paulward, beyond doubt wenger should go i'm glad to hear that, but him going isn't going to cure all our ills ? So we just keep on getting more ill, sicker and sicker every day, week, month without treatment, without even a chance of getting better and recovering even some with the proper, or different treatment ? If this illness/virus would have been treated three, four, even two years ago we could be well into remission and on the road to recovery long ago, but no the Virus is still spreading and as rampant as ever and we're still going down hill from it and haven't even had any treatment for it let alone starting to recover from it, so we'll just keep getting more ill every day, yeah right, sounds more like one of these, but who do you replace him with. wenger out now.

  41. Gerry1971

    Oct 15, 2017, 22:13 #104423

    Saw us serve up some awful football in the Neill & Howe years, also the last couple under Graham were not too pretty either but we still managed to land a Euro trophy! Even then in those quiet years, we were still regarded as "The Arsenal" who commanded great respect from other clubs and commentators for our traditions & the way we ran our club. Now we are the laughing stock of Europe playing in a soulless bowl making money for people who discarded all them traditions & values. Said it before, Wenger is going to do a Clough, stay on too long and get us relagated. He already got us relegated from the champions league & if the likes of Watford, Stoke & Palace can do us by just trying harder then trust me my friends anythings possible. Remove him & Kronke now!

  42. Paulward

    Oct 15, 2017, 20:26 #104422

    Have to agree with Charlie Ashmore, Wenger going is not going to cure all our ills. We spent zero net this summer and Kroenke is not gonna throw a huge amount of money at the new manager, whenever he takes over. If we carry on not spending we are very quickly going to become complete also rans, whoever the new manager is . It is beyond doubt that Wenger should go, but these are worrying times for AFC, for more than one reason.


    Oct 15, 2017, 20:01 #104421

    Forget the footie. Didn't our little lads look nice in their fetching corporate blue outfits? If Wiggy wants to use the Arsenal Corporation to leverage further debt for his latest USA sports investments he'd better watch out. Quelle shambles.

  44. Roy

    Oct 15, 2017, 19:52 #104420

    As the great Morrissey once sang, Stop Me If You Think That You've Heard This One Before. A defeat that was in the perfect image of this past it Manager. Pointing the finger at the officials for what was in reality another meek capitulation, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory when the pressure gets turned up, is nothing short of ridiculous. Some of the decision making both on and of the pitch surrounding this game was shocking, and as you say we have now reached an impasse where ANY change is necessary to cure what is fundamentally wrong at AFC and regain some sense of direction. And that should start with Wenger. That Joke Isn't Funny Any More and we've had enough. Wenger out now.

  45. Charlie Ashmore

    Oct 15, 2017, 19:39 #104419

    Graham71 - I think I made it clear I agree Wenger is responsible. MY point is not that there is nobody out there better - of course there is and Ancelotti is just one of several. But I don't think for one moment Kroenke will appoint anyone like that - he doesn't want a manager who will make demands on him - he just wants someone who keeps the status quo and the money rolling in. We need change at every level. Without it the slow and painful decline is likely to continue - remember even mediocre Premier League clubs are in the top 30 in Europe financially and that's his priority. But let me be clear again - I am not excusing Wenger.

  46. Alsace

    Oct 15, 2017, 19:31 #104418

    I watched this one on match of the day without knowing the score. Chance after chance went begging. Ballerina had a huge grin on his face after failing to score. I would fine players a months wages for doing that. The surrender was no real surprise. As Troy Deeney rightly says, our team doesn't want it. Oil is becoming synonymous with defeat. Good. Ausfahrt. Schnell.

  47. Paulo75

    Oct 15, 2017, 18:52 #104417

    Another typically pitiful defeat. There have been many similar games of this nature over the last decade or so and there will continue to be under the Wenger comfort zone. Out of the title running by mid-October must be a new low. Ozil's Agent claiming last week that contract talks are progressing - why exactly are we offering this guy a new contract? The pathetic attempt at goal when clean through at one nil just summed him up for me.

  48. Paulward

    Oct 15, 2017, 17:04 #104416

    Shocking lack of creativity in the middle of the park, and why take Lacazzette off when he looked the most likely scorer? Before long he will have to throw Wilshere back in out of pure desperation, and that is only going to end in tears and injury. With Everton , City and Spurs on the immediate horizon things do not look like getting much better any time soon.How much longer can this go on ? My guess is he'll go in May, after a 6th place finish and no silverware.

  49. John F

    Oct 15, 2017, 16:31 #104415

    More depressing for me was not the now familiar performance but what I read on other sites.The site that shall not be named went on about the referere s decisions being to blame for our defeat but no mention of our no bottle knee trembling performance.As soon as an opposition team ups the tempo and fights for the ball our team react like a pair of Harvey Weinstein s trousers,down in flash thinking it's time to get f*****.

  50. nozzer

    Oct 15, 2017, 15:15 #104414

    Next up in the premiership we are away to Everton then home to Swansea. We have struggled at Everton and Swansea always do well at our corporate bowl. We then go to City and believe me that will be ugly. Then we have Spurs. They will smell the blood in the water. Even then Wenger will not go. I am sadly resigned to two more years of this. Kroenke will get in a yes man and it will be the same old same old. However the new yes man might actually coach the team. I am hoping that the consortium who have had bids rejected from Kroenke are successful. We can only hope that Kroenke will sell because he needs the finance for the LA Rams. So much for Gazidis and the catalyst for change

  51. mbg

    Oct 15, 2017, 15:04 #104413

    Guernsey, good post, but those results were fooling some mate, those wengerites who thought we were back on track and everything was rosey in the garden again and were disappointed with a result/results that were just around the corner and inevitable, they deserve him. wenger out.

  52. Rippy

    Oct 15, 2017, 14:55 #104412

    The truth is we are playing granit too deep. It’s not his position never has been. Plus you have to say it but we were better under Rioch... arsenal are now worse under Wenger than we were before he came. We all know that kroenke is happy taking the TV money end of. But it’s time the stadium voted with their feet. What’s on offer is bang average for the price.

  53. mbg

    Oct 15, 2017, 14:48 #104411

    Aren't you lucky Kevin out of sight out of earshot of this old past it excuse making weasel and his just as bad AKB wengerites, I bet your having a good day today though, any resignation yet ? we want wenger out.

  54. Graham71

    Oct 15, 2017, 14:05 #104410

    The article was good until you said Wenger is an easy target and we have a group of talented players.Wrong on both counts.Wenger has been at the club 21 years not 5 years.We have only challenged for the title once in 13 years in 2008.This league season is dead already.Wenger runs the club from top to bottom he buys the players he picks the team he coaches them.The manager carries the can.This is the manager who last week gave a new contract to Chambers!!.You couldnt make this **** up.Make no mistake the blame for where we are now is all down to Wenger.As for no one being available to replace Wenger the former manager of AC Milan Madrid Chelsea PSG and Bayern is available.Not a big enough manager for you? As for talented players only Sanchez is remotely near world class.We need Wenger out now not in 18 months time.Sack him and get Ancelotti in

  55. KC38

    Oct 15, 2017, 13:53 #104409

    Clarky - It's painful boring and pointless at present, really pointless.

  56. clarky

    Oct 15, 2017, 13:40 #104408

    KC38 - "I want to enjoy being an Arsenal fan again". Nail on head.

  57. RobG

    Oct 15, 2017, 13:35 #104407

    Clarkly - I reckon you’re right. It won’t be so much the result, as we will do well for a point but the general performance that will dictate the response. But if we play like we did yesterday even the Emirates sheep might rise up.

  58. KC38

    Oct 15, 2017, 13:26 #104406

    Whilst we all very much agree an owner with ambition is very much required please do not let this get in the way of Wengers incompetence. The football, the mentality, the purchases are his, he has spent money and he spends very poorly. Wenger has always had a blind spot with keepers and central defenders, bought so many poor ones, he just will not accept destroyers and the need of them, Xhakia cost 35 mill and that sums up Wengers incompetence. The man is old and tired hence so is the clubs mentality, no leaders no characters and average players all around the pitch. Sadly and this hard for me to accept I have to want Everton to beat us we need it it to get worse so that the fans that bother to attend become vocal especially at home, the man has to go, I want to enjoy being an Arsenal fan once again.

  59. clarky

    Oct 15, 2017, 12:56 #104405

    I reckon Spuds at home could be the turning point. Lose that and we will hear the first real Wenger out chants at home. Of course the Spuds would love it but we need to think about the bigger picture. Dinosaur out!

  60. markymark

    Oct 15, 2017, 12:55 #104404

    Conte, Ancelotti , Benitez all could do a job at Arsenal and all of them would answer a show us your medals discussion in 2 seconds flat. The Regime supporters (two of them have bolted from this site with tales between their legs) Ivan et al. It’s the same result due to the same failed methods. Troy Deeney summed it nicely a lack of Cojones led by the Coward of Stoke.

  61. Bard

    Oct 15, 2017, 12:13 #104403

    Charlie its only a disappointment if you are expecting something different. Yesterday was a good game between 2 average midtable sides. We looked bang average all over the field, the pen issue is an irrelevance. I will stick to my view that Wenger won't last the season. Whilst I agree that changing the manager won't cure all the ills its a start.

  62. TonyEvans

    Oct 15, 2017, 12:07 #104402

    Another nail. How big is this bloody coffin going to be!

  63. Scruff

    Oct 15, 2017, 11:42 #104401

    There will be lots of discussion and angry responses to that inept usual performance. Forget the dive let other sites believe the conspiracies there was nothing different about this performance as it's a regular occurrence as soon as the penalty was dispatched I knew we would capitulate. I was sat with a friend in the Watford end and all around me was the sense of great expectations and the smell of victory. Troy Deeney summed us up correctly we hold no fear get stuck into them and they will bottle it we are a laughing stock. The lies and the spin by certain people today has now gone beyond unimaginable boundaries and are laughable. Risum Teneatis Amici as my old teacher would say!

  64. Guernsey gunner

    Oct 15, 2017, 11:31 #104400

    This is the start of a bad run of results. Koeman needs a result next weekend and I'd be amazed if they don't turn us over, as ****e as they have been. Then we have city away on 5th November, that will be carnage or as clueless will say Ze little accident. The recent run of wins was fooling no one our away form is woeful. Wenger out now.