Arsenal Supporters Are Not To Blame!

Is it wrong to pin responsibility on club’s decline on the fans?

Arsenal Supporters Are Not To Blame!

Kroenke – If Arsene goes, things might change

I thought it would be a good time to offer some counter points to the recent well-received and strongly written articles (such as this one by John Evans) on the onlinegooner website. The reason for this is the idea of fans’ mass culpability causing our own misery. There has also recently been a view gaining traction that Kroenke is an all powerful, unmovable force of nature and though certainly going nowhere for now, radical shifts can happen in just a few years as seen by Trump and Brexit.

For any edifice in the way of change you have to look for the weak point. Attack that and then watch the walls come down. In my opinion the weak point is Wenger. The man who said ‘Judge me in May’ now spends each May in a sulk, prior to winning the FA Cup.

He was agitated, spiteful and nervous before the win against Chelsea in last season’s final, offering a petulant dig at Arsenal supporters. Rumours had built in the run up to previous Cup Finals that a result going the other way could have led him to leaving. Then we have the ‘I haven’t decided on my future yet’ proclamations and the obvious discussions at Board level.

There is not the unity of old and if stories are correct he is bypassing the Board, I suspect that does not make for a happy relationship. In fact to what benefit does this Wenger/Kronke relationship work, if Wenger still feels miserable for a fair percentage of his time? Does anyone think Wenger looks a man rejuvenated?

The second half of this season followed by the looming disaster over contracts next season could really tip the balance. It only takes angry voices from the crowd to see Wenger hide in his dugout, a poor run followed by destabilisation of players moving could be the tipping point.

Kroenke is the bigger challenge, however has he ordered for a stop on funding for new players? Has he continually interfered in the management of the club? Weirdly the things that would often be praised turn to damnation under his stewardship. There are very many things wrong about him, not least his taste for wildlife snuff programmes, but, and here I hold my nose; if Arsenal actually stumbled upon an exciting manager with ambition there may well be few boundaries for a new project, apart from the limit to transfers.

If on the other hand the new manager is a disaster, the Wenger tenure model will have gone and a culling is likely to happen far more quickly. Kroenke’s footballing reputation then becomes linked to each manager in turn and he will appear increasingly hapless. If Arsenal have a Man United moment, sponsors might start the flight away as we do not have the worldwide cache of United. Does Kroenke then take the nearest offer?

To finish I would add that the promise sold of a new stadium allowing us greater opportunity to compete, with a manager at the time still arguably very competent was a strong and persuasive argument, so those who have woken up and smelled the coffee certainly cannot be held accountable. The remaining rump need to look at why they believe in what they do, can you though blame a group of people who may be deluded?

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  1. Yes its Ron

    Oct 20, 2017, 9:59 #104551

    Sorry Marky, but the fans are very much so partly to blame. If a customer carnies on buying a product, the seller of the product will be of the view that the customer is happy. Reality is that most who attend matches there now ARE happy. The latter day fan relates to the 'match day experience' and being associated with Arsenal. The chattering latte sipping types who go there now think its quaint to have adopted football. the fact that many of them have no knowledge of nor feel the need to understand the soul and emotion of football is neither here nor there. The match goers today provide an emotional and psychological force that not only underpins the regime but its also a force that those of those of who resent what the clubs been allowed to become probably wont be able to over come. The match day fans today, your Sophies, Justins and Mr Arbuthnot - Jones' s dont have footie running though their veins, never did and never will.

  2. Scruff

    Oct 20, 2017, 0:01 #104546

    bba is back and Ozil of off to MU not sure which is more delightful. Ozil or Wilshere Nelson or Wally etc Wenger in Wenger out what's it all about who gives a **** boring boring

  3. John F

    Oct 19, 2017, 23:22 #104545

    I am still of the view that this summer's transfer dealings has weakened Wenger's position and a poor run of results could put an end to his tenure.It is hard for him to justify not selling Sanchez for the reported 70mil then only four months later taking the 20 mil that is being touted by the press.The board may have accepted the deficit if the team was challenging for the title but it appears Sanchez staying for a few months extra has had little impact on the clubs fortunes and is very hard for Wenger to justify to Wiggy and Wiggy jnr.

  4. TOOAW

    Oct 19, 2017, 22:56 #104544

    This coming from the person who spits in the face of all Arsenal supporters. Love Wenger...... Hate Wenger. Mark of nark does both. Punters who boycott and protest one minute, then invest and attend the next sum up the fickleness of the average Arsenal Joe in which you are prime suspect.

  5. markymark

    Oct 19, 2017, 22:46 #104543

    Just a thought about perception. We often see ourselves as either past caring or an inert passive group who take what’s given to us. This is not necessarily a viewpoint held externally, where we can be seen as a seething resentful mob. This is Sometimes taken to the extreme where a view is held that poor ‘Mr Wenger’ is put upon by bad Arsenal supporters. It’s interesting that there is such a polarised perception of who we are. The truth is the crowd is not merely one unified group. Many shades of opinion will be held from arch Wengerite to dyed in the wool WOB. I’d suggest it is pretty certain that the media is now cynical about Wenger with just a few voices acting as his mouthpiece. The radio pundits are now virtually in unison to ditch him. This is not a good look for Arsenal.

  6. mbg

    Oct 19, 2017, 21:35 #104542

    Tony Evans, well said it's eventually got to the stage now where (thanks to the weasel wenger) it doesn't matter a fook if we win, it means nothing as long as TOF is in charge with his sly grin, not to some though it still gives them a hard on, for what and why, God only knows. wenger out tonight.

  7. KC38

    Oct 19, 2017, 18:27 #104541

    Not sure Bard is correct, when I was going which was half way through last season there is still a lot of die hard genuine Arsenal fans that have been going a long time. Sure you have the sight seerers but within a ground of 60000 you will always get them, speak to Utd fans, any big club in big cities are a day out but 40000 season ticket holders are not all new age. The sad thing is that to many perhaps through loyalty will not make their feelings known about the club the owner and more importantly the manager, I don't get it the same errors year after year boring football and a continued slide backwards. What I won't do is be disrespect to them after all this website which we all like to visit and post on is run by Arsenal fans that attend.

  8. Bard

    Oct 19, 2017, 18:10 #104540

    Markymark. Im with you but perhaps more in hope than anything else. I think the fan base has changed a great deal. An awful to of us on here have been Arsenal fans for decades but I suspect that the new age fans are all Johnny come latelys. They don't know anything about at the game but can afford to go and it becomes a bit of 'thing to talk about as in 'I support Arsenal'. I personally know some of them as they sat near me when I was still going. These fans have no idea about the history and even less about whats going on at the club. The Em is a day out with the kids. Its an event. What will change this is poor results. No one wants to pay a fortune to see dross and believe me dross is on its way.

  9. mbg

    Oct 19, 2017, 16:06 #104539

    Markymark, good article, Arsenal supporters are not to blame, certainly not the ones who want change and have been calling for it for four, five, years now and doing everything they can to help it along, the same can't be said for those wengerites who are quite happy with an old past it manager, with a club going nowhere only regressing, although a lot of them have woken up now and know he has to go and it's time for change but still haven't the balls to say or do anything about it just keep stum and let it continue and support an old past it arrogant egoistic manager for fear of disrespecting him thinking they owe him something, pathetic. We want wenger out.

  10. The Man From UNCLE

    Oct 19, 2017, 14:50 #104538

    A little off topic perhaps, but worth noting that AFC have had only 6 managers in the last 52 years! It certainly seems to take something seismic to get our Politburo to take action.

  11. peter wain

    Oct 19, 2017, 13:14 #104537

    frankly I have long since lost any expectation of the yank going anywhere for any amount of money. Whether we challenge for the premiership in my life time is very debatable. It is more likely that we will flirt with relegation. No noticeable advance in new contracts fro Welbeck or Ramsey and as we may well lose 5 first teams in the next year it is difficult to see who we will buy to replace them. Then again we might not buy anyone. Still a nice email from Gazidis to look forward to. Wenger Kroenke outnow

  12. jwe1981

    Oct 19, 2017, 12:45 #104536

    My opinion as I stated in the above mentioned article is that Arsenal fans are 100% to blame. You get treated in life how you accept being treated. The people who continue to pay in to the current system year after year, £1200+ per season ticket. They have meekly accepted Chelsea, Man City, Man Utd and now even Spurs literally being allowed to walk past us over the last 5-10 seasons. They have kept a meek atmosphere in the stadium. They have done nothing to make change happen. Nothing at all. It is therefore my opinion that they are a big part of the current problem. It is not my point to suggest that Arsene being replaced won't help matters. Of course it will but my real point is this: If the people inside the stadium spoke up and actively went against Arsene in just a normal football fan type way. He would not be at the club! This 100% would have happened long ago at any other club in the country. 100%. So by default Arsenal fans that regularly attend The Emirates are to blame. It is there mentality that has allowed Spurs to clearly pass us as a football club over the last few seasons. 100%.

  13. TonyEvans

    Oct 19, 2017, 12:29 #104535

    Mind you I'm well past the wanting Arsenal to lose to get Wenger out stage. Win, lose or draw now my overriding emotion is one of resigned to it boredom.

  14. TonyEvans

    Oct 19, 2017, 12:05 #104534

    TMFU - I agree, a continued run of poor results is about the only way I can see Wenger being forced out. Previous sackings (apart from Graham and Rioch) were due to a combination of falling attendances and poor results. Falling attendance is not going to happen this time around (for reasons already mentioned); demos are a laudable attempt to force the issue, but ultimately will not attract enough support, so that's what we are left with - the appalling scenario where hoping Arsenal lose games is seen as the only option left to get Wenger out.

  15. The Man From UNCLE

    Oct 19, 2017, 11:33 #104533

    Looking at previous managers terminations: Bertie Mee (resigned) had taken the club as far as he could, would probably have been sacked if not resigned. Terry Neill (sacked) after a bad run of results saw the club just above the relegation zone in December 1983. Don Howe (resigned) the board wanted Venables but the Don walked when he found out. George Graham (sacked) due to brown envelopes being exchanged, Bruce Rioch (sacked) was only keeping the seat warm for Le Fraud anyway. So, looks like only the threat of continued poor league placings + lack of silverware will get our board to react.

  16. TonyEvans

    Oct 19, 2017, 10:04 #104532

    I don't go back as far as the demise of Billy Wright in the 60s, but as far as I can surmise even then Arsenal fans demonstrating was not much in evidence - it was more fans simply not turning up that did for him. My memory is not what it used to be but I can't recall any mass demos against Mee, Neil or Howe either, if there were I certainly wasn't among them! Again crowd numbers dwindled, especially in the early 80s, and that, I am guessing, was the reason the board eventually acted. Also back then dwindling crowds hit the club in the pocket, unlike now where fans contributions pale into insignificance when compared to the vast sums from TV revenues. So now the problem is two fold - money is not an issue, and there are more than enough 'new breed' fans to keep the numbers up, no matter how many old diehards like me stop going.

  17. Radfordkennedy

    Oct 19, 2017, 10:01 #104531

    Agreed AW is the weak link in the defensive line as SK as an American billionaire doesn't do embarrassment and pays people to shield him hence the silent monicker.He managed to see through the furore raised about him condoning the killing of wild animals without so much as a question asked by a single AFC sponsor, he has absolutely no regard for fans whatsoever which makes it nigh on impossible to shift him he just doesn't do public opinion.With this being the inaugural T20 football season where the mighty will take it turns to smash the lesser lights by 5,6,7 most weeks which sadly now includes us,it has now made it every clubs target to not finish 4 from top but now 4 from bottom,just stay in the league and collect the cash that's it pure and simple,why spend fortunes on Keepers and defenders when a small investment on forwards will keep the cash coming,only the really ambitious owners will win anything,it's just unfortunate for us we got hijacked by a business man whose just that and nothing else,if we can get AW out there's every chance a new coach could breathe life into a dying corpse but it will be a lesser known manager who knows he can't buy what we need and will have to use his coaching nous to succeed.Nothing will change at AFC until SK decides to go,challenging for trophies and the glory days well that's for others to aim at not us sadly

  18. RegW

    Oct 19, 2017, 7:43 #104530

    The bewigged one will be far from happy with the £150m of assets (I use that term purely in the financial sense with Ozil) that are going to wander off into the sunset in May. Clouseau's financial mismanagement will have a far greater impact on his boss than the constant no shows on the pitch.

  19. Gaz

    Oct 19, 2017, 7:10 #104529

    If one of them goes the other will go fairly soon after in my opinion. Problem is getting one of them out in the first place. Doesn't help that the majority of fans at the Emirates just don't care one way or the other so we'll never see the sort of protesting that could force the issue.