A Not Quite Routine Home Win

Online Ed: Arsenal recover against Swansea

A Not Quite Routine Home Win

I’ll start with a text from sometime contributor Ian Tanner. ”13 consecutive home wins, 10 in league. Swansea conceded one away goal before today. Couple of facts for your editorial. Got to be positive and balanced”

And indeed, in the opening half of this match, the visitors displayed genuine defensive organization and resilience, limiting Arsenal’s chances. Sanchez forced Fabianski into an excellent save, but that aside, there was not much to indicate that the home attack had the necessary imagination to create goal opportunities against Paul Clement’s side.

If only Arsene Wenger’s team looked as clued up at the back. Swansea scored when Laurent Koscielny made a hash of an interception and Bellerin was caught chasing his man. It could have been even worse before half time when Per Mertesacker tried to play football in his own area rather than clear his lines. Petr Cech saved his blushes as Ayew failed to get enough height on his goalbound chip.

A chorus of boos saw the team off at half time as panto season returned to the Emirates. It’s a familiar phenomenon these days, even seen at last week’s AGM. Interesting to note that, in response to a question there, Ivan Gazidis told us that all seats in the directors box are allocated and there are rarely any gaps – as the question had suggested (the idea being they could be given to shareholders). I counted 13 empty seats at 3.15. Only one of those in the two rows allocated to the opposition dignitaries. More interestingly, Stan Kroenke was not in attendance, evidently not able to hang around for 48 hours to witness the team he purports to love, if you believe the interview in the Telegraph.

Fortunately, the second half saw improvement. Arsenal fashioned a goal when an Ozil attempt was blocked and fell to Kolasinac, who dispatched it past Fabianski with interest. The left wing back was the team’s stand out player of the afternoon, and created the winner with a pull back to Aaron Ramsey to finish with his left foot. Swansea, even at 1-1, committed men forward, and the home side enjoyed the greater space, with more chances following.

Still, 2-1 was good enough, especially given the opposition had won at the stadium on three of their past five visits. Cause for optimism? Let me return to Ian Tanner’s 13 match winning run and look at the opposition…
West Ham
Man Utd
West Brom
(The three games before that run started were against Bayern Munich (1-5), Lincoln (5-0) and Manchester City 2-2))

Manchester United aside – who played a mix and match team with their priority being the Europa League – frankly I would expect Arsenal to win the games they did. It’s when the likes of Tottenham, Manchester City, Liverpool and Chelsea visit the Emirates that we see the true measure of the team’s abilities. Last season, Arsenal won one of those matches. So let’s not get carried away. On the road in the Premier League this season, the team have rarely impressed, gleaning four points out of 15.

Hopefully Thursday will see a win v Red Star Belgrade (and wouldn't it be good to see Reiss Nelson played in a more attacking position and Eddie Nketiah get some more game time), before a visit to the Etihad to face the league leaders Manchester City, who apparently have defensive issues of their own. After that game, we will have a clearer idea of whether the run of home wins are the sign of a team that means business. Ok, I think deep down, we all know the answer to that, but football is a game of surprises…

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  1. markymark

    Nov 03, 2017, 8:44 #104742

    Badarse - you are being a bit delusional I’m afraid . How have you been friendly to all? How does constantly berating people as Quislings and Moaners . These people are fair minded intelligent and with long standing , well documented issues that the press also raise . Yes you were friendly to Jamerson , Colesey in fact you found then funny . Very funny to constantly pour forth a stream of homophobic , racist abuse isn’t it? You couldn’t even be bothered to back a wildlife welfare protest . In fact you posted to undermine it saying it would never work. Friendly my arse.

  2. mbg

    Nov 03, 2017, 0:16 #104741

    Toad in wengers hole, for your information and obviously has flown right over your head (but no surprise there) or maybe not, i was referring to the usual shyte your messiah spouts to try and make himself look good (and fails)about an Arsenal player being England's saviour, but like I said you probably knew that anyway, nice try no cigar, must try harder. wenger out.

  3. markymark

    Nov 02, 2017, 14:55 #104728

    Badarse - Jamerson and I stick together ! Colesey I’ll stand with you on the terraces. It’s all in the back catalog you cuddling up to Nazi’s and Irish hating thugs. No bending of the truth just your own words as usual. Now were you joking with your groping poem? . Beware Badarse it’s the sort of stuff that got your celebrity mates in trouble

  4. Badarse

    Nov 02, 2017, 8:45 #104718

    Nark, never cosied up to anyone, but was friendly to all. Made a big mistake with you, didn't I? Still not my biggest error, I've made so many. A choice. Support Arsene Wenger or a gaggle of clowns? Guess where my vote goes? Remember, I'm watching you so no bending the truth, no misrepresentation, no altering of the facts, and no outright lies. Good old Arsenal. Ron tried the marmalade, good!

  5. The Man From UNCLE

    Nov 02, 2017, 8:32 #104717

    In defence of our esteemed manager it's only fair to point out that all managers tell the Hengerlund boss their players should be picked. You've got to remember that lazy journalists try to make the news, not report it, by asking loaded questions. I think that in another life I'm going to be a hack, it seems to beat working for a living.

  6. TonyEvans

    Nov 02, 2017, 7:22 #104716

    Truly a depressing time to be a Gooner. While we contemplate how many we are going to be stuffed by at Citeh, the Spuds knock 3 past Real. I know I don't really care anymore but still....

  7. Scruff

    Nov 02, 2017, 5:01 #104715

    Tooaw/bba obviously you are dumber than I realised please learn to read or did you have a belly full of lager top , could you point out at any stage of my post where I endorsed the credibility or support for Pullis or Allardyce.... no? Didn't think so . You really are a silly boy or girl so go get your comfort blanket and stick a DVD on I suggest Groundhog Day.

  8. Guernsey gunner

    Nov 02, 2017, 1:42 #104714

    JW for England, what a clown Wenger is. anyone see Winks playing in the 2 games against Real Madrid? Credit where it’s due he is miles better than fag ash Chav boy who couldn’t hack it at Bournemouth. This World Cup form based on displays against lower league sides in the fizzy drink cup and the ropey league. Just STFU Wenger no ones listening and they haven’t been for years you passed it old fraud. Wenger out now 100% season ticket boycott now.

  9. markymark

    Nov 01, 2017, 23:02 #104713

    ToOaW - just realised you’re admitting to being Mandy Dodd as well aren’t you. Do you realise how seriously weird you and Jamerson actually are? I actually feel slightly sorry for Badarse who kept on attempting to cosy up to you freaks. Least the rest of us realised all was not well on planet AKB Anyway past my bed time (9-5 day ahead) TTFN

  10. markymark

    Nov 01, 2017, 22:51 #104712

    ToOaW - well you’d certainly know about multiple personalities think it’s your forte and if Mandy is a bloke then that just makes it even more odd. Though I always suspected Jamerson was a trannie . Either way you’re a man of the world ToOaW eh? No 9-5 for you , just an attic and a computer. Knock knock that’s mother calling for you, or it your father?

  11. TOOAW

    Nov 01, 2017, 22:13 #104711

    So the 3 wise men post on here today, or is it one ??? Who knows. Statistically, a couple of dozen post on the U.A. site and we have the 3 gems. Interestingly, Mandy Dodd who is a male poster but has blagged mark of nark yet again due to his 9 til 5 mentality. Scruff... if you believe that a Pulis or Allardyce is moving forward for the Arsenal then again it sums up your mentality because it is a massive downturn. Finally, it appears ok for the maguire chap to run down England (england shyte) but it's not racist eh. All good for the online gooner agenda. Keep it up fellas, gooner ed must be really proud to have you on his side.

  12. mbg

    Nov 01, 2017, 20:26 #104710

    I see the weasel has stuck his big hooter into other managers business again with a grin, the England manager again (he really must have his confidence back) telling him who to pick, particularly 20 a day Jack who apparently is super fit and ready to go, lol, not wally ? no spine of the England team shyte ? we all know his reaction if and when someone does it to him, what an arrogant and egoistic old weasel. wenger out now.

  13. Scruff

    Nov 01, 2017, 19:11 #104709

    Well toabbawhatsyoutname let's have a look at your points about Untold. Positive; that refs and the FA are corrupt and anti-Arsenal they have the proof. Interesting; thèir undying admiration for everything Wenger and how they twist the truth to misguided facts to show how he is the greatest manager ever. Informative; making all Arsenal fan's look like really bad losers and having a massive dose of sour grapes by claiming Leicester cheated their way to becoming league champions. Supporting ; Wenger only not the club even Attwood stated he would not support Arsenal if a Pullis or Allardyce became manager. Genuine ; the only genuine thing about that site is that it is Wengers blogg and Attwood posts it.

  14. markymark

    Oct 31, 2017, 23:08 #104708

    ToOaW / Squeak / BBA - look here’s a challenge for you. Pretend your Ivan Gazidis and you’re on the phone to Draxlers Agent . Do the big sell on why he should come to Wenger Over to you Son .... go on let’s hear it. It should be easy for you ...

  15. markymark

    Oct 31, 2017, 22:36 #104707

    ToOaW - it rather begs the question why don’t you join it permanently? I’m sure we will try and survive without you. You never know the bunch of upbeat goonerettes might actually meet you down the pub. You could wow Mandy Dodd with your cor blimey guvnor routines. She loves a bit of Kronke I hear.

  16. TOOAW

    Oct 31, 2017, 20:43 #104706

    Scruff/nark/Patrick. Interesting your take on U.A. because it is the flip of this site. Positive..... interesting...... informative.... supporting.... and genuine . O.G. Take note... it may help improve the site as most Gooners who contributed have deserted leaving the dregs amongst the bottom of the keg.

  17. mbg

    Oct 31, 2017, 20:12 #104705

    Scruff, markymark, I don't know that particular weasel (and have no desire to) but yes i'd say he's one of these JCL's in his late 30's early 40's who turned and asked myself some years back outside the Armoury who was that man signing autographs ? I was waiting for my nine year old to come back from getting his programme signed by him, he knew who he was, this wagon jumping JCL didn't (and I bet there's a hell of a lot of them)it was our past manager Terry Neill. wenger out.

  18. markymark

    Oct 31, 2017, 19:15 #104704

    Scruff - from what I gather Tony Atwood is to busy ballroom dancing and he excreble Belgium sidekick never leaves his arm chair . Yet apparently both are world experts on all things Arsenal

  19. Scruff

    Oct 31, 2017, 17:03 #104703

    Untold Arsenal an honest site??? They all sing from the deluded hymn book that T Attwood has scripted and only his version of events are published . You dare criticise anything about Wenger and you are banned for ever and according to his blessed flock every ex Arsenal player , no matter the legend status , who has a differing opinion is scum and a traitor. The man himself I believe has never been to a game in his life .

  20. Bard

    Oct 31, 2017, 12:40 #104702

    What is it about these disciples that means they have to have two identities and no arguments. We had enough trouble with Jamerson and his various alter egos. Weird. I would add that as a regular poster I thought you would all like to know that Im hungrier than I have ever been. I'm so focused that I can't think about anything but my focus. You could say Im over focused on being focused. Im actually so focused and hungry that I barely have enough energy to select the side for Man Citeh.

  21. mbg

    Oct 31, 2017, 0:19 #104701

    Toady, that's the funniest post I've ever heard in my life LOL, you'd think to hear you this had only begun happening, not going on nigh on thirteen years now, tee hee, it's not right laughing, you couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  22. markymark

    Oct 30, 2017, 23:41 #104699

    ToOaW - so you are saying that you have not posted as Leekfc? erstwhile known as Leekey or as I called you (sorry him) Leak the Squeak . Yet oddly you gave the game away recently by signing off as BBA . Never mind son, We avent lived av we? Cor your a card Squeak.

  23. TOOAW

    Oct 30, 2017, 23:20 #104698

    Gooner ed. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Because my agenda doesn't match yours, then I will come in for criticism. Open church you said. If you get a chance to read my posts in between your anti Wenger stance then at least I'm consistent. I've never read a post or posted by the name of 'leeky'. Meanwhile over at untold Arsenal. Now there's an honest site with all quarters given. Wenger must stay.

  24. markymark

    Oct 30, 2017, 22:57 #104697

    ToOaW = BBA = Leek the Squeak - oh dear oh dear , you’re a fibber too as you denied being Squeak.

  25. gooner.ed

    Oct 30, 2017, 21:50 #104696

    Leeky - aka TOOAW - if you want to continue posting please stick to your opinions about the team rather than winding up other posters. I had to ban you before for this. If you are just here to wind people up, then I won't prolong this. Make your points without having a pop at other posters, if that is what you want to do. My instinct is that you simply enjoy the wind up.

  26. TOOAW

    Oct 30, 2017, 21:01 #104695

    Well that's your opinion Bard and I kind of respect that but because my views differ from yours, it makes it lesser in your favour. Swerve me all you like and in all fairness because I don't bow down to the negativity of your OG love in, it makes me the minority for which I'm happy to be segregated. Mark of scruff has already made his assumption of me and now you feel the need to assume too. Open church it is....... or is it. So things are bad on and off the pitch?? Fickle fans like yourself may just wake up to the fact that it can also boil down to the supporters getting behind the team at all cost. There is an illness at the club and some fans should take a good look in the mirror. Mark of scruff resembles your modern gooner. Confused beyond belief. Pumps money in, criticises, boycotts and occasionally gets irate after a bottle of gin. There lies the problem with AFC 2017..... not Arsene Wenger.

  27. Alsace

    Oct 30, 2017, 17:45 #104694

    I spoke to my very elderly old boss this afternoon who is a Norwich fan. He gets physically ill with upset when Norwich lose. 15 years ago I was the same. Then something wonderful happened. I became locked in Groundhog Day with TOOAW and his flaccid mate the Creature.... and I no longer care much. I didn't go to the game (for which I had tickets) and I missed nothing. My interest will be immediately re kindled as soon as I tell King Philip VI and his PM, the Duke of Midina Sidonia, that Wenger is an Enemy of Proud Spain. Get out the thumbscrews and the iron maiden big Phil (and the soft cushions. Arsene is coming to bore you speechless with his confession. The good news is that it will still be better than watching Arsenal play football.

  28. mbg

    Oct 30, 2017, 14:37 #104693

    Bard, yes toady has great bouncebackability after every routine mediocre win (even it seems his few mates have lost that now)but wait until the embarrassments and humiliations etc, start. wenger out.

  29. Bard

    Oct 30, 2017, 8:12 #104692

    Good report Kev. Its to same old same old. We are always mentally strong until we aren't then we have to 'bounce' back. Which we occasionally do and then we fall away again. The AGM was a Brian Rix farce. How much hungrier and focused do you need to be ? He sounded like Ione of those contestants on the X factor talking about giving it 120%. Its not his focus that is in question its his judgement. And I loved the bit about the club overachieving, hilarious. Ive said it before guys give TOOAW a swerve. He is just a wind up merchant. He has nothing to say bar reiterating his love for all things Wenger.

  30. The Man From UNCLE

    Oct 30, 2017, 8:00 #104691

    We always seem to struggle at home v Swansea so a win will do nicely thanks. November will, as always, be the acid test.

  31. markymark

    Oct 29, 2017, 23:13 #104690

    Toady - you seem to be very bitter and this is adding to your delusion that I am posting as two different characters. Just to add to your confusion Aylesbury Gooner also occasionally contributes. Guess what ? He doesn’t seem to like Wenger either. Now a question for you, would you rather have gung-ho football under Wenger with ultimately no title challenge, or a pragmatic defensively strong grinding team that wins a title. Let us know your answer , I await as always in anticipation.

  32. mbg

    Oct 29, 2017, 21:53 #104689

    More spin from baldy after the farce of an AGM, a good as an excuse as any for not giving usmanov a seat, AST must have scared him good, I bet Sir Chips was still quaking in the directors box yesterday as he stood at the bar giving them all the middle finger. wenger out now.

  33. Kvltman

    Oct 29, 2017, 19:22 #104687

    It's like you say Kev, those 13 games are all ones that Arsenal should win if they are ambitious to win the title and the Champions League as stated by the owner this week. So they are on par, and sometimes stumbling over the line to achieve that. The true tests are beating Man City, Chelsea and Spurs at home and taking points from them away from home. Remains to be seen but with this manager past form doesn't suggest much hope.

  34. TOOAW

    Oct 29, 2017, 19:05 #104686

    Great write up Admin. We took 3 points and it's nothing but doom and gloom. The fickle fan which is online gooner will pursue the line of negativity. The owner has doubled his money in a short space of time. Why attend? The Arsenal brand is ticking along nicely with not a whimper from the negatives. The only answer is to disappear or deal with it or maybe get a few hundred to demonstrate. Highbury days are long gone and football has moved on. Mark of scruff and nark of Aylesbury deserve everything that they get.

  35. GoonerRon

    Oct 29, 2017, 18:51 #104685

    Important 3 points, stodgy first half but much better in the second. I would prefer us not to concede the first goal and therefore not have to ‘show character’ in coming back to win, though. Hopefully take care of EL qualification on Thursday and then to the Etihad (gulp). It will need a display as disciplined as Chelsea away to have any chance of keeping them at bay but don’t think that’s possible with Ozil and Alexis in the team, and I don’t see Wenger having the balls to drop them both.

  36. Scruff

    Oct 29, 2017, 18:27 #104684

    Apparently I'm someone else according to someone else who is in fact someone else. Another win against mediocre opposition and another embarrassing defensive blunder no point analysing it because it will keep happening whilst Wenger is boss. I'm off now to become somebody else so I can take him out for a pint!

  37. mbg

    Oct 29, 2017, 17:40 #104683

    Another one of these regulation seasonally runs against mediocre opposition (sooner than expected) and the wengrites are spouting positiveness, fairness and balance already, I wonder will they be as positive and balanced when the inevitable arrives (i'd imagine we'll not hear a peep with flat batteries all over the place)and it's business as usual with embarrassments, humiliations, lies, and excuses, no none of us who know better are going to be fooled again with another false dawn like this one, obviously some are, again (no surprise there) as we all know they're easily fooled, but what ever turns them on. wenger out.