It’s 1989 Okay…

Thoughts on the new ’89 documentary movie recalling the triumph at Anfield

It’s 1989 Okay…

Some familiar faces at the premiere

So, The Gooner was invited along to a roundtable Q&A on Wednesday afternoon this week along with a variety of other Arsenal bloggers, and we’ll carry a report of the revelations of Messrs Dixon, Smith and O’Leary in the next issue, out for the Huddersfield game.

A couple of hours later we found ourselves at the Holloway Odeon for the film’s premiere, at which a number of the 89 team were present, alongside manager George Graham, Ian Wright, David Seaman, Jack Wilshere and some celebrity fans.

The movie was the brainchild of Cherry Red’s Adam Velasco, one of the film’s executive producers and your author played a small, but uncredited part in the genesis of the movie when Adam asked me for Amy Lawrence’s email address! From there, the idea took shape, with Amy as the film’s producer. Lee Dixon joined up as one of the executive producers. It’s similar in style to the excellent documentary made about Forest’s glory days under Brian Clough, I Believe In Miracles, in that it combines the music of the time with match footage to create the feeling of the era.

The narrative takes us from the arrival of George Graham, and explains the chopping of experienced players, as new blood arrived, from astute purchases to the mining of the rich pool of talent that had come through the club’s youth system. It’s a minor quibble that a couple of older heads that joined and played a significant part are not amongst the members of the squad interviewed, such as Kevin Richardson and Brian Marwood, but in fairness, we get a good enough account from those that are in the film. Aside from one on one interviews segued into the narrative, we get some great stuff like Merson and Smudger revisiting Highbury’s Marble Halls for the first time since the Emirates was opened, and the famous back four playing cards. George Graham also reveals how he kept tabs on lower division sides always needing the use of the scouting system.

We build up to the Anfield match with an overview of the 88-89 season as it progresses, and the Hillsborough tragedy, which led to the Arsenal match being shifted to late May, is sensitively covered. Ian Wright is interviewed because of his close links with David Rocastle, and at one stage, Wrighty’s emotion makes for difficult viewing.

The meat of the movie is the recollection of that game, seen through the footage of ITV’s broadcast on the night, as well as some camera angles I have never seen before of incidents from the game. The tackling was certainly uncompromising, a reminder of how football has changed. The footage in the dressing room afterwards and from the ‘Winners’ nightclub in Southgate makes for some great viewing. It is fascinating to hear the account of the match from referee David Hutchinson, who was also at the premiere. It would have been enlightening to hear an account of the match from one of the opposition voices, such as John Barnes, but the decision was made to restrict the player interviews to the Arsenal side.

That’s a minor flaw, because ultimately, this is a celebration movie which will be enjoyed by all fans of the winning side in a denouement to the football season – with a head to head game between the two title contenders – that is unlikely to be repeated.

Arsenal are showing the movie at the Emirates for 89p on Monday evening, although from what I can see, it has already sold out. An alternative is to either join a privately organised screening or, if you can get enough interest, create your own through the ourscreen website.

Or if you prefer to hang on, the movie will be available on DVD and digital download from 20th November. A trailer for it can be seen here


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  1. BigDaveTheGooner

    Nov 16, 2017, 17:14 #104959

    mbg,perhaps he's pissed off with telling all the legends and greats that our once great club is being totally mismanaged from top to bottom!!!!!!!

  2. mbg

    Nov 16, 2017, 0:05 #104946

    Big Dave, would you blame him mate ? poor sod knowing he has to go back into work and listen and put up with that excuse for a manager compared to the one he's standing beside, but I suppose we can't have much sympathy for him he's been well compensated for looking and being miserable. and anyway he's probably under orders from wenger not to enjoy himself and to do and look like he always does.

  3. BigDaveTheGooner

    Nov 15, 2017, 21:07 #104945

    Steve Bould looks as miserable as he does when sitting next to Wenger on match days!!!!

  4. mbg

    Nov 15, 2017, 15:58 #104943

    Something not mentioned was after Smith scored the first was the Liverpool players surrounding the referee, Ablett, Hansen (he never got over that night and still bears grudges, lol) Whelan, pressuring him to disallow it, fair play to him he never folded under the pressure, I remember waiting for the out come it seemed like ages as they remonstrated with him, I think he consulted with the lino too, and then he pointed to the spot the relief, I remember the look on whelans face, and the dirty look he gave the referee hilarious, worth watching out for when watching the original.

  5. mbg

    Nov 14, 2017, 1:07 #104934

    One thing about all this is, and some might say fitting and deserved is these AKB jcl wengerites who think wenger formed and built the club will never witness what the fans who were here long before he arrived on these shores witnessed that night. The love, the togetherness, the commadrie among fans, the togetherness with the players, (they could have done anything after that and would have been forgiven) it's fitting also that those that did witness it and now with all's that's going on also think the sun shines out of wengers arse and continue to support him that they'll, thanks to wenger and indeed themselves will never witness anything like it again either, unfortunately fans that do deserve to witness it all again won't either, thanks wenger, and your fans. wenger out now.

  6. John F

    Nov 13, 2017, 20:14 #104933

    Enjoyed reading that Jesus.Like you I was following Arsenal home and away back then and how I regret not getting to that match.

  7. mbg

    Nov 13, 2017, 14:38 #104926

    SKG, if it had been TOF he'd have subbed him on 70 minutes, and handed him a bottle of luke warm water. wenger out.

  8. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Nov 13, 2017, 12:33 #104922

    Ron, A few months with Wenger poor John Lukic would have gone out on loan to Juve or some other feeder club! The posts on this piece from Kevin is how we all viewed football back in the day, bits of it still exist lower down the leagues but overall it's no longer the game it was.

  9. markymark

    Nov 13, 2017, 12:32 #104921

    Yes it’s Ron - I seem to remember Anders Limpar moaning to GG saying he needed to come off. GG told to stop ****ing moaning and keep running. It later transpired Anders had a dislocated or possibly broken jaw! Those were the days no blinking red zones but also no mollycoddling for yeas and years of injuries . Sad though it was to the player. When you were gone you were gone.

  10. Yes its Ron

    Nov 13, 2017, 11:17 #104919

    SKG - Perhaps he was mentally tired? In the red zone? Needing a rest? ......but 'overall' maybe he was OK to give absolutely everything to keep his focus and to fight .... zzzzz. How times have changed! Cd you imagine GG ever trotting out that stuff?

  11. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Nov 13, 2017, 10:53 #104918

    GoonerRon, thanks for that, I never knew that was the reason - can't see why he was knackered though, he had F - all to do all match!

  12. Scruff

    Nov 13, 2017, 10:43 #104917

    The copper from The Bill was the character Dave Quinnon used to see him all the time .

  13. JesusSaidpaddy

    Nov 13, 2017, 9:22 #104916

    9 of us went up there packed in a hired Toyota Spacecruiser with a sun roof. At a standstill in the middle lane on the M6 just outside Birmingham a window rolled down on the neighbouring car "Got any spare tickets mate?", We had one and let him have it. One of our lot said "That's one of the coppers out of The Bill" (a popular weekly show in the 80's). When Mickey's shot hit the net I ended up on top of my mate's missus, her husband on top of me plus 2 others on top of him and at the very bottom was the copper from The Bill - all of us screaming "Yeeeaaaaarrrgghhh" or some alien language. By the time we had disentangled ourselves the final whistle went. An hour and a half later walking and singing alongside Stanley Park four scousers came up and said "we're gonna stab you, you cockney b*****s". 2 of our lot lifted up their jerseys exposing more than generous guts and said "here you go - stick it right in there coz nothing's ever gonna spoil this night - we've just won the f***** league"!! They just sloped off. Got back to the first service station on the M6 and it was total mayhem. The till and counter staff in the café were all up on the shoulders of Gooners who were now serving the food "Want 3 more eggs mate? - here you go". Nobody paid and everyone was dancing on the tables singing "Georgie Graham's magic - he wears a magic hat". And to finish it all off - Big Kev is driving us all back and shouts "Look up ahead, its the team coach ?" We pulled up alongside it on the outside lane and everybody is out of the sun-roof singing in convoy alongside for at least 10 miles. The whole squad on the coach going mental. Nutty Nigel waving and showing us the Cup, Theo Foley off his head. Absolutely unforgettable night - the greatest moment and night of mine and most of my mate's lives. Culmination of 15 odd years of non-stop home and aways every week when the buzz following them was sheer magic. Still sends shivers thinking about it. And then it continued when we got back to The Tavern . . . .

  14. GoonerRon

    Nov 13, 2017, 9:20 #104915

    @ SKG - I heard an interview with Dicko the other day and Lukic said he threw the ball because he was so physically and mentally knackered he didn't have the energy to kick it. Perhaps peak physical fitness that everyone prattles on about in today's game isn't all it's cracked up to be after all! Spine tingling moments that will never be recreated, despite what Sky will have you believe with the Aguero moment.

  15. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 12, 2017, 19:34 #104914

    Steve McMahaon going round after 88 mins surrepticiously shaking hands with barnes and the others saying "one minute". Kerb crawler Pleat talking about poetic justice as LFC appear to holding onto a 1-0 victory...but then it was all up for grabs...Hi Marky. If ever there was a case of being careful of what you wish for, it's challenging the awful badarsio to return to these pages. I for one do not miss a single syllable of his sanctimonious, incoherent drivel. I'm going to give a copy of this dvd to every player in arseneknewbest junior's u13 team (that I coach). Compulsory watching in order to understand what a real team and manager are like. AFC is a club now officially living in the past (although what a past it is). What a feckin fiasco.

  16. mbg

    Nov 12, 2017, 18:33 #104913

    Rippy, spot on, you never hear the old fraud bring up or wax lyrical about the good and great times before him, the success the achievements, the trophies, George Grahams achievements, etc, he hates it/them, except when it's to mention when making excuses after an embarrassment or stuffing the great history, traditions, we supposedly still have, the same ones he thinks and imagines he's holding up and sticking to when in reality the same ones the skinny c**t has destroyed. wenger out.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Nov 12, 2017, 16:06 #104912

    These were a special bunch of players - when us oldies talk of "bottle" it is not all about hard men dishing it out, it's about players like Alan Smith taking it whilst wearing an Arsenal shirt. Smudger was kicked from pillar to post by some of the most uncompromising defenders in football - never any reaction, he just continued playing his role for the team. When you spend your career playing with your back to goal and with the tackle from behind still legal, you need to be brave and Smith was not only brave but a very intelligent footballer. For me, it was his ability to deliver in the really big games, his goal and assist at Anfield and the winner against Parma is what I call real bottle, he was the proper big game player. Never called world class by the press, pundits or his peers he gave a wonderful display in the cauldron that was Anfield and struck a great winner, with his only chance, in Copenhagen - how we could have done with that bottle in the 2000 EUFA final and CL final in 2006. There have been many players who scored lots of goals for Arsenal but none were more important than the goals Smithy scored under George Graham at Highbury, when Arsenal was still a football club.

  18. markymark

    Nov 12, 2017, 13:54 #104911

    Badarse - why aren’t you on here celebrating George Graham’s Arsenal 89’ Achievements. Apparently you’ve got your eye on me so you must be reading. Why not contribute Badarse , why not?

  19. Cyril

    Nov 12, 2017, 9:56 #104910

    I can remember fans celebrating for 3 days after who had not got home. I watched in a pub in Euston with work colleagues from the Civil Service. So I was quite reserved during the evening. When Thomas scored, I was dancing on the pool table. Couldn't care less about the Grade 7 sitting there. On the tube home, I could have been pulled up under the mental health act. I made about ten friends on the northern line in 4 stops back to Archway. I can always remember how eerlily quite the tube was for a Friday evening. I was hugging and telling everybody. I can only imagine the feeling if you were there. Wow, can't wait to see the film. Please check out Arsenal vs Man U - Feb 1988. Two big incidents, McLair pen miss and Nigel giving him stick and the miss by Thomas which was an almost identical situation against scousers. One on one for ages. Thank god practice makes perfect!

  20. mbg

    Nov 12, 2017, 1:18 #104909

    i'd just love to have a bug (microphone)planted in the pot plant in the corner where bould and George Graham are sitting enjoying a pint when the subject came round to wenger, what would a red top give for that recording. wenger out.

  21. Rippy

    Nov 11, 2017, 20:51 #104908

    I think it’s fantastic that the arsenal are celebrating a time before Wenger. Because let’s be honest so many of our fans don’t know how brilliant we were before Wenger under GG. Wenger likes to think he built our club even has the arrogance to say it sometimes. And it’s pathetic to listen to. Football was on the crest of a boom and he was in the right place and time. Wengers early success was great to watch but was heavily founded on GG great work. Yet you never hear him even speak or thank anyone else ever. Players Like Adams & Winterburn and Bould know full well without GG foundations already in place Wenger would have lasted a season or two at best. How much longer we have to put up with this ridiculous situation is anyway bed guess. Looking on past glories makes you realise more and more how much damage is being done. Kroenke can shove his ideaology up his arse and **** off. Taking his patsy with him.

  22. mbg

    Nov 11, 2017, 14:52 #104907

    markymark, Oh they've seen it and read it alright you can be sure of that, it's just that their messiah is not involved and getting no praise for it, and they know he doesn't fooking deserve any. Exeter I would doubt that very much, I doubt if we'll even see him anywhere near it either, it and the publicity is probably killing him. wenger out.

  23. mbg

    Nov 11, 2017, 14:36 #104906

    Gaz, yes mate and I wonder why ? and no mention of that old past it second rate manager wenger in the piece either, although i'm sure the JCL AKB wengerites will be wondering why not.

  24. BigDaveTheGooner

    Nov 11, 2017, 14:07 #104905

    Scruff,you got far better odds on the 2-0 that we did,we got 9-1 and I think the 3-1 was 16's,still I wasn't t complaining at the time the beers never tasted so sweet. I rembember Aldridge that night as well,how he totally dismissed David O'leary at the final whistle was nothing short of disgraceful and especially how he rubbed the nose of a Forest players nose in it in the semi final after putting through he's own net. r

  25. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Nov 11, 2017, 11:36 #104904

    By the way...Wenger if you want to know the real, true 'values' of Arsenal then take a look at this film, this team, these players....they put you and your band of overpaid bottle jobs and prima donnas to absolute shame!

  26. markymark

    Nov 11, 2017, 10:15 #104903

    Gaz / Exeter Ex - yes it’s very telling. Some claim they are super supporters that posters on here are moaning traitors . Yet here is an article celebrating a great Arsenal victory and moment in its history and not one of them have posted. Not one. This article has now been running for roughly 48 hours so you’d think one of them would have seen it. The reason is very simple for a few posters and they know who they are. There is no pre Wenger and there will be no post Wenger. A prime example of inability to separate present over staying incumbent and the club.

  27. Exeter Ex

    Nov 11, 2017, 9:55 #104902

    The greatest memory of my teenage years. Isn't it telling that Wenger's supporters are nowhere to be seen under this article? And I wonder if Wenger will want to speak about the film in his next press conference?

  28. Gaz

    Nov 11, 2017, 7:20 #104901

    Some great memories and not an AKB in sight! Bliss!!!

  29. mbg

    Nov 10, 2017, 23:38 #104900

    Great report Kevin you've got me moist already (it's been a long time since anything Arsenal has) can't wait to see it.

  30. mbg

    Nov 10, 2017, 23:27 #104899

    Great photo and the real messiah himself half or more of the JCL wengerites we have stinking the club out now wouldn't even know who they are, or recognise them on the street. wenger out.

  31. Scruff

    Nov 10, 2017, 23:22 #104898

    Big Dave we were 16-1 to win the league that year and 16-1 to win 2-0 at Anfield. Put £20 on myself.

  32. markymark

    Nov 10, 2017, 22:51 #104896

    I’ve tended to find that a mention of George Graham once a day, keeps the Toad away (plus Badarse too:))

  33. BigDaveTheGooner

    Nov 10, 2017, 22:39 #104895

    I remember the day/night so well as if it was last week. I was so confident we could do it I convinced a mate of mine (a Palace supporter) that we should put £20 on each for a 2-0 and 3-1 Arsenal victory and I don't need to tell you the out come but must admit as the game drew ever closer to its conclusion I started regretting the £20 outlay, but as Mickey was getting ever closer to the scousers goal the more I wanted him to shoot and it seemed like a life time before the ball left his foot and sent Grobbelaar the wrong way before finally settling in the back of the net. I very nearly punched a hole in my sitting room ceiling such was the ecstasy of realising not only we were on the verge of clinching the title but we were 180 quid better off. What a night,thank you chaps for one of the best nights of my life!!!

  34. Alsace

    Nov 10, 2017, 20:55 #104894

    Paul Ward says that he was proud of our club after that game. George Graham gave the club back it's pride as soon as he took over and started chucking out the lazy poseurs, imported some steel and coached the defence properly. Guts. Pride. Effort. Skill. Technique. Very straightforward. Very Arsenal.

  35. Roy

    Nov 10, 2017, 19:25 #104893

    One of the greatest days of my life. Love Rockys fist pump after he wins the free kick which leads to the first goal that makes it into the trailer. Where's all that now ?

  36. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Nov 10, 2017, 19:07 #104892

    Still cannot work out what made John Lukic throw the ball to Lee Dixon, with a few minutes left most of us would have gone long to get the ball into the Liverpool box. Fantastic ending to a game that the PL and SKY are desperate to replicate but know they never will. Just wish we had n't lost that one game in the 90 - 91 season, then the 89 team would have been the Invincibles.

  37. Petergooner

    Nov 10, 2017, 18:32 #104891

    My son was only 4 when he saw his first football live on the tele. He could not sleep afterwards he kept singing "The Gooners". It is now 28 years later and the memory is so clear. They should play this DVD at the stadium before every game to show these players that do not care about The Gooners what they should be doing.

  38. Paulward

    Nov 10, 2017, 17:41 #104890

    Undoubtedly the best football buzz of my life, watched it on the box as a 17 year old with a Chelsea fan and a QPR fan and they went almost as mad as me! Remember the sheer disbelief I felt that Arsenal were champions, and how proud I was of our club.

  39. Bard

    Nov 10, 2017, 14:44 #104889

    One of the greatest Arsenal performances of all time. Remember it as if it were yesterday. Cant wait to watch it.

  40. John F

    Nov 10, 2017, 14:20 #104888

    Being shown at our local Beverley cinema if enough people sign up.We even have Arsenal legend John Hawley living here and selling posh soap.Hope he turns up in that blue and green away kit just to remind me how bad it got before George turned up.

  41. John F

    Nov 10, 2017, 13:55 #104887

    Watched a clip of the game yesterday and even now I still get butterflies in my stomach when Mickey gets the ball.The timing was crucial as he did miss an earlier chance which had it gone in might have given Liverpool time to get back in it.I was at the Derby and Wimbledon games and failed to get a ticket for Anfield.I remember not feeling too disappointed as I thought I could not stomach the coronation of Liverpool as Champions ,one of the biggest regrets of my life.My annoying optimistic mate was the only person around me after the Wimbledon game who thought we could do it and I just wished he would shut up and let me sulk in peace.The mid eighties team was a mess but there was thanks to Don Howe a great youth system and he should take some credit for George's later success.I certainly think that this current team is more of a challenge to improve then that one.

  42. Scruff

    Nov 10, 2017, 13:44 #104886

    Anyone remember that c**t Aldridge and his actions towards O'Leary. Fair play to big Jack Charlton who dropped him from the Eire team ( remember when they were called that).

  43. TonyEvans

    Nov 10, 2017, 13:33 #104885

    Hi Ron - it was amazing enough watching it on tv, but you must have had the footy night of your life and some actually being there! Mickey's goal was just about timed perfectly. If I remember correctly there was only time left for one Liverpool foray into our box (even that was enough to drive me insane with nerves) with Mickey again (I think) calmly dealing with the situation, despite me and my mate yelling at the tv for him to hoof it as far away as he could! Thank God there wasn't longer left after the goal - I am not sure my heart would have stood up to it! Great night and the best season ever. Thinking about the empathy I felt with that team makes today's situation (as Gaz says) seem even sadder.

  44. Gaz

    Nov 10, 2017, 13:09 #104884

    So many fantastic memories from that season! Utter devastation when we thought we'd blown it at home to Derby to total and utter pandemonium when Mickey scored at Anfield!!! Watched it in our local with the mates I was going regularly with at the time and remember just feeling numb with a few minutes left when I thought we'd come so close yet ultimately we'd lost something that had been in our grasp a few games earlier. Then there was one of those big moments in your life where time just seemed to slow right down as Mickey went through and all of us looked at the TV not quite believing what we were seeing! Then it just went completely and utterly mental! I've never seen anything like it ever and the other locals couldn't believe what they were seeing!!! Get goose bumps just thinking back to that moment!!! Bottles of champagne were bought, the singing continued into the street and the best night ever was had by all of us! Also remember-through very drunken eyes-that my girlfriend (who I'm still with) came running across the street (she lived round the corner) and hugged me and celebrated with us! Went up Islington on the Sunday and managed to get hold of the trophy as Smudger walked past me from the coach and spent a small fortune on buying every single newspaper (they're still in my loft!) on the Saturday and Sunday!!! Just a great time in my life which is why I'm always sad at just how little interest I have in it all nowadays. Maybe one day it'll all come back to me!

  45. markymark

    Nov 10, 2017, 12:48 #104883

    Still remember the utter stunned disbelief watching it on TV. It almost took some time to process . Does anybody remember the preamble to it all. We were being framed as bottlers . Teams in 89’ let alone Southern teams were not expected to get results at Anfield. The game against Derby had been horrendous , children crying outside the ground and sadly a gentleman collapsed near me of a heart attack outside the ground it looked fatal. The week prior I’d had it heaped on me by work colleagues and all through the press. We simply didn’t stand a chance. That is the thing about GG at his commanding best he was a true commanding General . Wenger in contrast always wanted to morph into a foreign secretary at best a field Marshall that’s why he can’t rally the troops.

  46. Yes its Ron

    Nov 10, 2017, 12:45 #104882

    Tony - i recall the feeling in the ground when we realised it was MT bearing in on goal was sheer footie fan nerves of the worst kind. It was a case of can he, can he, not Micky .. ......... f...g hell its in, hes done it, cue total utter madness broke out. Everybody hugging and kissing anything that was close ha ha. Frenzied. Everybody tipping and stumbling over each other of all age brackets. i wore a pair of new specs that were knocked of my face and got buried some where in the madness. Cdt have cared less!! I truly think that if the same scenario happened again, it wouldnt be the same for todays modern fan. The passion wdt be there. Thats team was OUR team, we loved em all as if we knew them didnt we. They were rookies really, who didnt care a fig for Liverpool and the Kop. None of Wengers teams in my view have had or ever would have the sheer mental toughness to go there and win like that. All of his teams would flake out and wilt under the same conditions, inc the so called invincibles.

  47. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Nov 10, 2017, 12:31 #104881

    26.5.89 a date imprinted in my mind forever. Best footballing night that could never be beaten. I was 15 and when mickey scored I've never felt a rush of euphoria like it before or since! What a team, what a manager and the connection between the club, players and fans was unbelievable. I was on the north bank for most home games that season and if I could relive any season it would be that one! Can't wait to see the film. I feel so sorry for young gooners, they will never know how amazing Highbury and our club used to be and will never feel a bond like we felt with GG and that team.

  48. Yes its Ron

    Nov 10, 2017, 12:29 #104880

    Best moment is AFC history and as a footie follower, mine too. Beat that Mr Wenger if you can! We know you cant Sir. Legend has it that those 'best fans in the world' were all beaten with honour. No they werent, many of them were bloody awful and behaved badly towards AFC fans after that game, throwing stones at cars, spraying cars, bad mouthing etc. They were as mardy arsed as that w----r Nicol and his ignoramus mate mcmahon, neither who hung around to shake AFC players hand so we were told at the time. Fantastic night stopping at m way service stations on way back. Gooners ruled the roads that night.Mayhem in the ground never seen our fans like it since.

  49. TonyEvans

    Nov 10, 2017, 11:55 #104879

    Best night of my life, football wise, and never to be forgotten. Didn't get to Anfield and ended up watching the game on the tv with my best mate (also an Arsenal nut back then of course) and it still sends shivers down my spine thinking about it! I expect all us older supporters can picture the move exactly right from Lukic's throw out to Mickey Thomas deftly clipping it over Grobbelaar. After years of Liverpool (the media darlings) dominating football and being rammed down our throats the sweet taste of winning the title in their own backyard was unbelievable. I remember at the time thinking how the hell are we ever going to top this, and although we have been lucky enough to have enjoyed some great times since, nothing has ever beaten that night for sheer drama - it was perfect in every way. I will get the dvd for our local film club, even if I am the only one interested in watching it!

  50. RobG

    Nov 10, 2017, 11:41 #104877

    Love the trailer. Definitely getting the DVD.

  51. Scruff

    Nov 10, 2017, 10:48 #104876

    Can't wait to see it every bloody one of them a hero. Remember the 10 hour drive up to Liverpool with mates one of whom is sadly no longer with us and a couple I lost contact with ( married with children) great day's great team who cared and a manager who I believe was probably the most tactical we have ever had. Wonder what the feedback is on the other site who claim all them player's are traitors and scum should be an interesting read!

  52. Offside

    Nov 10, 2017, 10:39 #104875

    Aldridge is down, Barnes is down, Dalglish just stands there!