The Ones That Will Get Away

Loss of two stars in January or next summer is an indictment of the club

The Ones That Will Get Away

The mood music around the club seems to suggest that we are getting rid of Sanchez and Ozil either in January or on a free next summer. If they go in January we will ignore Wenger’s boast a couple of months ago that they weren’t being sold under any circumstances plus a little homily about players running down their contracts. We will bypass the humungous financial own goal of letting two top players walk away for free and ignore the AGM comment that letting their contracts run down and losing £200m+ should somehow be interpreted as a statement of intent.

The point is these signings were meant to be the beginning of our move up a level. It was the reason we endured the ‘lean years’. Watching Ozil’s and Sanchez’s performance against Everton you can see what might have been. It hasn’t quite panned out that way.

The preferred arguments in favour of getting rid of them go something like this. Sanchez is selfish and a bit of a troublemaker. Ozil is lazy and doesn’t turn up for big games. These arguments have merit but the bigger picture is much more complex and ultimately depressing.

Sanchez is ferociously competitive, and he is clearly a handful off the field but he delivers the goods. Last season he scored 30+ goals. It is fair to say that most top players are difficult to manage - ask Ancelotti about his experience at Bayern. A top manager has to have the skills to manage difficult players and big egos. Sanchez’s body language tells all and has done for a good while. He doesn’t really think much of his teammates (incidentally I don’t either) and he makes that quite clear. We have offered him a monster contract but the truth is he doesn’t rate Arsenal or Wenger. In short he probably feels he was sold a pup by Wenger when he signed. He doesn’t want to stay around a club that isn’t going anywhere. You can call that arrogance or a measure of his self worth or a damning indictment of the club. Take your pick.

Ozil’s situation is more complex. We appeared to sign him on a Wenger whim following a home defeat. It wasn’t clear at the time whether we needed such a player or where he would fit in. It seemed one of those where he became available so we bought him. He is a mercurial player, he has a wand for a left foot and when he’s on his game he is wonderful to watch. But he can’t tackle and seems to drift out of big games too often. Many of us have seen players like him over the years and what you have to do is build a midfield and attack around them. Clough and Ferguson made this an art form. He needs robust defensive players around him to do the water carrying and make the tackles. He needs forwards with pace who can make the runs between defenders. But Wenger in his infinite wisdom hasn’t done that. On far too many occasions we have Walcott (another non tackler) and Ramsey (nil positional sense) partnering him with Giroud up front. This negates the point of having Ozil in the team. In this sort of formation his faults look a lot worse than they are. I suspect he gets this and is fed up with it.

Many fans might say good riddance to them but watching the mediocre team we put out at Watford I had other thoughts. They are probably the last world class players we are going to see in the Arsenal shirt in the near foreseeable future. With their exit, the vision that came with the move from the old stadium is dead in the water. We offered Sanchez nearly £300,000 a week and he still doesn’t want to stay. That tells you everything you need to know about how a top player views Arsenal and its manager these days. Hunker down for the arrival of more Denilsons and, Eboues.

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  1. markymark

    Nov 15, 2017, 18:08 #104944

    Looks like Italy’s shock exit might take Ancelotti away from us. That’s a big shame

  2. Goonhogday

    Nov 15, 2017, 13:35 #104942

    MBG, totally agree. It’s a sad state of affairs but makes perfect sense if you’re one of the ‘fold’ and tow the Arsene Party line. It’s now a custodianship of greed over the values our club once boasted! I don’t blame any of the elite players for wanting to leave anymore. They’re wealthy enough and want more trophies before retirement. I’d do the same if I were in their situation. Wenger out, Kroenke out!

  3. RobG

    Nov 15, 2017, 13:35 #104941

    markymark 😄 You beat me to it. If Mugabe has finally gone, it shows change really is possible.

  4. markymark

    Nov 15, 2017, 6:31 #104940

    Looks like the Arsenal Board are fearfully studying events in Zimbabwe where Robert Mugabe appears to be in hiding. Mugabe who is 93 has led a Country of grateful citizens since 1977 and is President for life. Arsene ‘Supreme Leader’ Wenger could not currently be reached for comments.

  5. Bunting14

    Nov 14, 2017, 18:59 #104939

    I think other clubs decided they could do without them for a season and get them on a free rather than pay £50 million in Sanchez's case and £25 million for Ozil. Fergie needed Van Persie. No one needs Sanchez and Ozil

  6. mbg

    Nov 14, 2017, 18:28 #104938

    Goonhogday, yes it would be good that, to hear from a whistle blower, (not a referee or he'd have got it all wrong) but that day may never come as long as TOF is stinking the place out, remember that's why he has/had all these second rate nodding dogs and luvvies around him for years on top top contracts so they won't do just that, and then we have those at the club in nice cushy jobs on good dough and wouldn't speak out for fear of losing it, and others who would love a job and taken back into the fold again and wouldn't rock the boat for the same reason. The only chance we have is when the weasel is gone and with those in place who don't give a fook about him and his long tarnished reputation, and those who have served under him in these cushy jobs know he has no influence and can't get at them so aren't afraid to speak out. But you know something ? there will still be AKB wengerites who are so brainwashed wouldn't and won't believe it or anything, if it shows their messiah in bad light, Sad. wenger out.

  7. Goonhogday

    Nov 14, 2017, 13:22 #104937

    One day I really hope someone blows the lid off the current goings at Arsenal. Ozil and Sanchez should’ve been sold in May17 and the money raised reinvested in the team before the summer holiday period began. I have a theory that Ozil and Sanchez fell into wenger’s lap anyway. Real needed cash to buy Bale and so did Barca to buy Suarez. No other club had the cash at short notice except us and the timing suited all parties. Wenger out, Kroenke out!

  8. TonyEvans

    Nov 14, 2017, 12:13 #104936

    1971Gooner - re the non resigning of Cesc. Don't think the mystery takes too much solving, two words should suffice: Wenger and ego!

  9. Alsace

    Nov 14, 2017, 11:11 #104935

    Fabregas will come back, but as our Manager, and he won't take an iota of cr*p from anyone. When that happens we can all be free to enjoy the game again.

  10. 1971 Gooner

    Nov 13, 2017, 19:32 #104932

    Ron - Cesc *sigh* how AW thought he wouldn’t have improved our midfield when we could have re-signed him will remain one of those Emirates Era mysteries; up there with signing Gervinho and the continued presence of Theo Walcott at our club. Answers on a post card please.

  11. mbg

    Nov 13, 2017, 19:11 #104931

    RobG, not letting them go was never a statement of intent, or any other statement, it fooled some though (we all know who) but not others, it was just a bluff, spin, lies, take your pick, they'll be gone, and then TOF can say, yet again, I deed everytheeng in my power to keep them, and then the AKB wengerites can all hail their messiah, and turn on them and slag them off, just like they did RVP and the rest. wenger out.

  12. mbg

    Nov 13, 2017, 18:31 #104930

    Paulo75, good post but the chance of wenger presiding over a successful season ? we don't need hindsight to predict that mate, or what's coming either. wenger out.

  13. Paulward

    Nov 13, 2017, 17:32 #104929

    Completely agree Bard, and Wenger not being able to get the best out of Ozil is another illustration of how completely washed up he is as manager. This last year or two may look like the good times compared with what’s to come I’m afraid.

  14. RobG

    Nov 13, 2017, 17:27 #104928

    Once again Arsenal have right royally screwed it up. The ‘theory’ of holding onto them to make a statement has back fired, spectacularly. It is obvious they should both have been sold promptly last May. Sadly Bard is right. They are the last top class we will see for the time Wenger remains.more Denielsons, indeed.

  15. Paulo75

    Nov 13, 2017, 15:34 #104927

    The decision to keep them both was because Wenger didn't want the abuse he received a la Van Persie in 2012. To an extent it was understandable in that a successful season may have recouped the potential loss of the transfer income. With hindsight it looks like the wrong decision with Sanchez playing for himself and Ozil clearly not suited to the Premier League cut and thrust. Not to mention affect on squad morale. In truth Ozil should never have been signed, a panic buy after the Villa opening day defeat in 2013 after yet another summer transfer market of mismanagement - sound familiar?

  16. mbg

    Nov 13, 2017, 14:21 #104925

    Bard, TOF's boasts are always to be ignored (just like his AKB fans) as that's all they are, or either spin or lies. And all these so called big signings (mostly other teams unwanted cast offs, and second raters) were supposed to move us up a level, until of course wenger got/gets his grubby hands on them and they find out and realise just what he's really like, with the players ruined or just not caring, and then their gone, the wise ones anyway. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  17. markymark

    Nov 13, 2017, 14:15 #104924

    Ozil should have gone to UTD and been a magician for them linking up their now ponderous but expected fast breaking play. In turn we should have gambled with Fellaini as buttress for our diddy men.

  18. peter wain

    Nov 13, 2017, 13:13 #104923

    both should have been sold last year. But then we should have bought the 6 or seven players we needed then not the 2 we did buy. Wenger's mismanagement has been getting worse year on year. There is still no news on Welbeck or Ramsey's new deals. Get a grip stan and retire wenger and go your self. Let's have decent management of our club not the amateur idiots in power now.

  19. Yes its Ron

    Nov 13, 2017, 11:28 #104920

    Bard - i think those of us with our eyes wide open know all about pups after this last dozen years dont we. Arsenal are a real less than cuddly pekingese terrier. Ive never been an Ozil fan to be honest. Hes never looked right at Arsenal, save for the odd cameo v rubbish teams.When you see Cesc Fabs still doing his stuff at Chelsea and the fact that Arsenal didnt want him back, it puts Ozils purchase in perspective. I wasnt a big advocate of buying Cesc back to be frank, but with hindsight ....? Not totally sure Ozil would be much different if he had a battery of runners and DM s around him either. Hes just not cut out for the rigours of the PL Yr right about Sanchez of course, but i think he peaked last Season. Cant blame him for wanting out as you say. He deserves a far superior team and team mates to play with to see out his career. In the main hes given his best for Arsenal.