Arsenal Resilience A Pleasant Surprise

Online Ed: Dogged three points at Turf Moor

Arsenal Resilience A Pleasant Surprise

Ed’s note – I am currently abroad on a training course. I was unable to see anything but brief highlights of yesterday’s game. However, regular Gooner contributor Charlie Ashmore was good enough to step in for me and cover the piece on the match. My thanks to him for the piece that follows…

I cannot have been alone in expecting a typical "after the Lord Mayors show" performance from the team. Having once again shown what they can do when they put their minds to it last week, a trip to highflying Burnley on a cold wet winter’s days was surely the sort of match which would see all our frailties exposed once again.

The first disappointment was the loss of Ozil in circumstances which will have all the conspiracy theorists working overtime. It could of course be that he was genuinely ill but many will see this as yet further evidence of his lack of commitment.

This saw Iwobi given his chance again to slot into one of the forward three, meaning that we had a forward line of three Alex's. Interesting potential for calling chaos.

The game was probably not much different to what any of us expected. A hardworking Burnley side determined to make life as difficult as possible meant a first half of few clear chances. A lovely piece of work from Lacazette set Ramsey up with our best chance of the half but he was unable to control his half volleyed shot. At the other end Cech stood firm and Mustafi again had a terrific game making one superb block. His partnership with Koscielny and Monreal looks increasingly solid as the weeks go by.

The second half saw most of the chances fall our way. A nailed on penalty should have been given for a foul on Bellerin but wasn't. Meanwhile Burnley players seemed to be falling about with abandon at the slightest contact. The home fans did their best to exert pressure on the ref. All in all, I felt not the slightest sympathy when the ref pointed to the spot in the last minute for a push on Ramsey. It was difficult to tell for certain but there were certainly hands on Ramsey and whilst it would have been no surprise for it not to have been given, we would certainly have felt hard done by had both penalty appeals been waved away.

There has to be something to be said for the side's durability. Many of us will have expected the team to succumb in the way it has all too often done in similar circumstances, so to battle through the 90 minutes and end up with three points that sees us climb above Spurs in the table should not be dismissed. For a club that many of us believe is treading water, it is surprising that we find ourselves as much in the mix as all bar Man City. And yes, we have seen all this before so please don't read this as suggesting we are about to mount some sort of title challenge. But these days I find it helps to take each game and each result on its own merits and on that basis we have had a good fortnight domestically. I am not going to apologise for enjoying that.

As an aside, I wasn't at the game and it took me some time to find a watchable stream. The stream came with some online chat alongside it. I cannot be alone surely in still being disturbed by the intolerance and sheer anger that is exhibited by some of those that partake. Pride of place goes to the idiot who said he wished cancer on Stan Kroenke. Really? I have no difficulty with someone expressing the view that Kroenke is a cancer on the club - believing as I do that if he achieves his aim of full ownership, that will be the death knell for Arsenal - the metaphor would seem apt. But really, if you were that poster, did you really mean to wish cancer on another human being just because your team was drawing 0-0 (as the case was at the time)? If so, I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. In the cold light of day, you might not like what you see.

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  1. markymark

    Nov 30, 2017, 7:54 #105101

    I’ll make it easy for you by posting it here. ToOaW (Toad) , Leekey , BBA , Mandy Dodd ( when you dress up ? ) Here are some stats for you showing Title wins over last decade for top 8 clubs. Please can you explain the reasons for Arsenal’s title haul compared against its peer group. Top 8 Wealth Chelsea — £334.6 million. ... * Arsenal — £350.4 million. ... * Paris St-Germain — £389.6 million. ... * Manchester City — £392.6 million. ... * Bayern Munich — £442.7 million. ... * Real Madrid — £463.8 million. ... * Barcelona — £463.8 million. ... * Manchester United — £515.3 million. - [ ] Top 8 Title wins last decade - [ ] Arsenal - 0 [ ] Chelsea - 3 - [ ] Paris St Germain - 4 - [ ] Man City - 2 - [ ] Bayern Munich - 7 - [ ] Real Madrid - 3 - [ ] Barcelona - 6 - [ ] Man UTD - 4 - [ ] Average title tally top 8 - 3.62* *Note originally quoted this as 4.14 in previous post

  2. markymark

    Nov 29, 2017, 16:29 #105089

    MBG - you’re right on that one, he’s come on with about 8 different post names and can never come up with anything coherent.

  3. markymark

    Nov 29, 2017, 14:56 #105087

    ToOaW (Toad) , Leekey , BBA , Mandy Dodd ( when you dress up ) Here are some stats for you showing Title wins over last decade for top 8 clubs. Please can you explain Arsenal’s title count and reasons for * Chelsea — £334.6 million. ... * Arsenal — £350.4 million. ... * Paris St-Germain — £389.6 million. ... * Manchester City — £392.6 million. ... * Bayern Munich — £442.7 million. ... * Real Madrid — £463.8 million. ... * Barcelona — £463.8 million. ... * Manchester United — £515.3 million. - [ ] Title wins last decade - [ ] Chelsea - 3 - [ ] Paris St Germain - 4 - [ ] Man City - 2 - [ ] Bayern Munich - 7 - [ ] Real Madrid - 3 - [ ] Barcelona - 6 - [ ] Man UTD - 4 - [ ] Average titles wins last decade 4.14

  4. mbg

    Nov 29, 2017, 14:47 #105086

    markymark, just like all AKB's on here over the years when backed into a corner over their messiah with nothing left to defend him with and know others are right, the nastiness, insults, come out, how many times have we seen it. wenger and his nasties out.

  5. markymark

    Nov 29, 2017, 6:44 #105082

    Exeter sadly the most we’ve ever got out of ToOaW is “that’s a silly question”. He cannot answer because he cannot question . Simply no pre Wenger or capacity to see post Wenger. On a point ToOaW you called me cancer ridden ( not pleasant ) and linked me to comments on the site that I hadn’t made. I therefore pointed out as I recently expanded upon that with 1 in 2 suffering the illness it could well be in you. Not pleasant either but statistical reality. Therefore ‘Son’ it’s a bit silly to continue throwing that usage around. However I suspect youll keep on using it.

  6. mbg

    Nov 28, 2017, 17:10 #105075

    Exeter, yes papa Walton will be reading it alright, up there on Walton's mountain, and taking notes in fluent Martian ready for his big comeback (yet again) which will last as long as a small tub of sudo cream. wenger out.

  7. Exeter Ex

    Nov 28, 2017, 10:41 #105071

    TOOAW - as a bit of variation to your comments, why don't you try taking on the points I've raised? Others have commented and as a fervent supporter of Wenger you must feel strongly about it. Let's see a point by point refutation. If you find it a bit much, you could always enlist Badarse to help you. He will be reading this and of course specialises in cogent, clearly expressed counterargument. I await your considered, thoughtful response.

  8. Bard

    Nov 28, 2017, 9:54 #105070

    Wenger was very generous about the pen we got. Why is every pen not given or given against us a disgrace and the ones we get are always nailed on ? Answers on a postcard ?

  9. TOOAW

    Nov 27, 2017, 22:20 #105069

    @mark of nark. Drama queen you are a ten out of ten. The 'black dot' is ok for you to wish upon others eh. Grow up son. People like yourself are a 'cancer' on my club not knowing if to put money in, boycott, demonstrate, attend etc etc etc. Dyche for Arsenal ?????? You just could not make it up.

  10. Goonhogday

    Nov 27, 2017, 22:08 #105068

    I agree with Exeter Ex. We’ve been here before showing promising signs of hope followed by an eventual collapse. Year after year. It’s boring. That’s why I want a change of manager. Someone new with genuine experience to have a chance at running this great club. I’d even take a few years of mid table mediocrity if that’s what it takes to build a new squad. As for Kroenke, he’s bad news for fans. Apparently he’s being sued by the city of St. Louis for moving the St Louis Rams to LA. In addition to this apparent law suit, there’s a two year delay on his new stadium project in LA that’s costing him millions. Just imagine if he got full ownership of Arsenal. Would he do a Glazers and suck all the money out of Arsenal to fund his LA Rams project? No thanks. Wenger out, Kroenke out.

  11. mbg

    Nov 27, 2017, 19:45 #105067

    Exeter, well said, resilience my fooking arse. wenger out now.

  12. Roy

    Nov 27, 2017, 18:09 #105066

    Yes a good result if taken in isolation, but of course Exeter is absolutely spot on in that the season will play out like all the others. It matters not how good Man City are/aren't, Wengers goal before a ball was even kicked was 4th place yet again. And even that, if achieved, will probably be at the expense of the Europa League. Boring boring, boring. Wenger out.

  13. mbg

    Nov 27, 2017, 15:24 #105065

    The Welsh Jesus didn't need much encouragement to fall over with abandon and the slightest either, but of course that's alright isn't it, and resilience ? really ? We must have been showing resilience a lot over the years, no old fashioned luck with wenger doing his usual get out of jail act, if the weasel fell in a slurry pit he'd resurface in a new cardigan and smelling like a boots perfume counter. As for this Kroenke is a cancer on the club crap etc, I still can't understand why there's still those who think he's to blame (obviously an AKB/AKB's who knows it's all his beloved messiah's fault but just can't bring himself to admit it or say it, Sad, and looking for someone else to blame and hold responsible)Kroenke is not the manager he's not the one who picks the team, trains them, instructs them, etc, etc, and sits in the dugout rubbing and wringing his hands rocking back and forth looking clueless. wenger out now.

  14. Yes its Ron

    Nov 27, 2017, 14:35 #105064

    Good win there whichever way you look at it. Exeters right though with his comments all the same. All the talk of Dyche and Burnley is for me as excruciatingly misplaced and tedious as the Tottenham hype. Good to stick a pin it and deflate it, however fortunate the penalty was.

  15. Exeter Ex

    Nov 27, 2017, 13:34 #105063

    Getting for a decade now, people have said 'We would've lost that last season' when Arsenal draw or get a narrow win away at a small club when it's cold and raining. If that Burnley player hadn't put in his hands on Ramsey in the last few seconds would anyone be talking about 'resilience' today? People are so desperate for signs of hope and to believe a corner has been turned. If you truly want to feel hopeful, the fanbase needs to unite against the manager in a consistent, protracted way. The trouble is that - like this author has said he does - so many reset after each match. This constantly renewed, delusional hope that a Wenger team has suddenly acquired characteristics that have been missing since he's had total power is what keeps him in a job. I can virtually guarantee that during the remainder of this year there will be a couple of performances where people say 'Where was the resilience we saw at Burnley?'. Then there will be the protracted collapse in early springtime, followed by a run of decent results right at the end of the season. For some of us, when we've read a book a number of times we know how it ends. Some others still don't.

  16. GoonerRon

    Nov 27, 2017, 12:38 #105062

    @ AKB - the team were up for it. It was a different type of game to Spuds at home that required a different sort of ‘up for it’. We we managed their aerial bombardment effectively, competed for every tackle, didn’t make any big mistakes defensively and tried to probe against a packed defence in the second half. It wasn’t hugely pretty but it was a very solid way performance.

  17. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 27, 2017, 11:32 #105061

    To help avoid this thread becoming a treatise on good taste, perhaps I could offer a third way as Tony Blair used to say. I'm sure we could all agree in wishing that the petit chat atop stan's pate be cursed with chronic diarrhoea. There's no getting away from it - burnley have been hard done by in recent games against Asano Inc. Ramsey WAS pushed but the team was hardly up for it after the spuds game and a nice sit down with tea and biscuits for a week.

  18. GSPM

    Nov 27, 2017, 10:51 #105060

    Good win,3pts, next . Nothing changes, we are playing for 2,3,4 spot so wenger will do the minimum required. Win, Lose or Draw, Wenger & Regime your time is up....

  19. Alsace

    Nov 27, 2017, 9:52 #105059

    It's clearly wrong to wish someone dead over a game of football. You have however to understand that people feel very strongly about the abolition of their football club and their fun. At Arsenal we have the perfect storm. A european enjoying his sinecure for as long as he wants, and an American who could not give a monkey's either. People get very frustrated and say the wrong thing.

  20. GoonerRon

    Nov 27, 2017, 8:47 #105058

    I couldn’t give a **** how hard done by Burnley fans felt. In fact, it made it so much sweeter. Chanting same old Arsenal always cheating after their wallflower striker Barnes threw himself to the floor when breathed on. Their keeper was wasting time from the first second, employing the Stoke-esque tactic at GK’s of defenders dropping off pretending to want it short (which they never did), deliberating for 15 seconds, then deciding to put it long, but not before walking to the other side of the goal first. The ref didn’t say a word until waving at him in the 87th minute. When the incompetent ref gave 2 minutes stoppage time I went ****ing nuts. Thankfully, it bit Burnley as they had no time to try for an equaliser. No matter how much the media try and dress it up, these are the facts: neither team created hardly any clear cut chances; we defended every bit as well as they did; we should have had two penalties and got one; Dyche was raging because a decision he admitted was a penalty was correctly given. Huge 3 points.

  21. markymark

    Nov 27, 2017, 8:26 #105057

    Charlie - sadly the cancer comments work two ways as we’ve already had the excreble ToOaW (Toad) describe people as cancer ridden this was backed up by the lamentable Badarse . Stats are 1 in 2 will now suffer so it really is a plague on all our houses. Taking out rich man , poor man , drink smoker and those in prime health. Some people are complete dullards.