The Gooner Wins Best Fanzine at FSF Awards!

What’s this? More silverware for Arsenal?

The Gooner Wins Best Fanzine at FSF Awards!

Well, well, well. Myself and a tableful of regular Gooner contributors attended the Football Supporters Federation annual awards dinner last night in a venue called The Pavilion at the Tower of London – a heated tent set up in the grounds of the Tower. We were nominated for the best fanzine award. We have been up for this twice before, and in all honesty, had no expectation of winning.

So it was a very pleasant surprise when, after the nominees were read out, The Gooner was announced as the winner. Everyone from the table got up on the stage to collect the award and host James Richardson asked a few humorous questions, as he did with all the award recipients, a far better format than rambling acceptance speeches.

So, a good night all round, with perhaps a little too much alcohol consumed, but what the hell, the hangover is worth it.

Next week, we’ll give full details of the proposal to continue The Gooner beyond the current season. We just need to do a few things first, not least set up a Crowdfunding page. There are a substantial number of Gooner readers who want the fanzine to continue, and ultimately we will do if there are enough of them prepared to commit to a season’s worth of issues by subscribing in advance. So more of that this time next week, but today, we’ll just enjoy the memory of a very enjoyable evening at the FSF awards.

The current issue of The Gooner is something of a 1988-89 special and will be on sale at home and away games until the next one comes out v Chelsea on 3rd January. It can be bought online for £3.60 including postage. The price is higher if you are outside the UK due to the extra postage costs.

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  1. GSPM

    Dec 08, 2017, 13:31 #105250

    Well Done The Gooner - keep up the good work.

  2. mbg

    Dec 07, 2017, 22:51 #105243

    Did ever you see such a f*****g farce in your life ? Boris's third rate batty boys who couldn't even shoot straight, being steam rolled by wengers nice boys in front of a half empty house, a new low for this club, a f*****g joke, wenger out tonight.

  3. markymark

    Dec 07, 2017, 19:26 #105242

    I was having a read of Myles Palmer I do think he’s a bit hit and miss and can follow a cynical hell in a handcart line at times . But something he mentioned made me prick up my ears. He is stating that the Barcelona chap is definitely Ivan’s mate , not a mate of Wengo. He then dropped in a little episode of Wenger getting grouchy about Ivan having a desk at London Colney. Just a little thing but I notice Wenger only seems to refer to Ivan as him or he. Never Ivan . That isn’t warm and is an attempt by Wenger to show parity or ever greater power than Ivan. But why does Wenger need to do this? A really comfortable man would greet him by his name , tell the world how wonderful he is and then totally ignore him. I’m more convinced than ever that project end plan is on, these were not Wenger approved appointments and are for a future after Wenger.

  4. mbg

    Dec 07, 2017, 19:25 #105241

    So it's Thursday night C5 again, and the mighty Bate Borisov, no doubt TOF will have done his homework on them, and will have had the nice boys working their socks off on tactics and drills to combate them, so the nice boys will steam roll them, sore arses will have healed from Man yoo and everything will be rosy in the garden again, with the wengerites back to getting moist, and the tadpole back to expose himself and tell us his messiah must stay, you couldn't make it up. wenger out tonight.

  5. Yes its Ron

    Dec 07, 2017, 16:58 #105240

    Tony - Theyre being bullied just like the Arsenal too matey! PS If Mitchell Starke was English we d be OK!

  6. Badarse

    Dec 07, 2017, 16:18 #105239

    Been away whisking egg whites into soft fluffy peaks. It reminded me of the posse of WORs on here so checked in. Well done Kevin, to you and all at Gooner Towers, and of course the sellers. Thoroughly deserved.

  7. mbg

    Dec 07, 2017, 15:06 #105238

    Bard, and does the little short arsed twat care ? does he fook, that's what happens when you have an undisciplined rabble with an excuse for a manager who believes in letting them work it out for themselves, just because he doesn't know how to, TOF will most likely come out with, yeeeees we allowed that because we thought it would be good for his ankle, can you imagine George Graham allowing something like that, there again George would have got rid of the wee p***k years ago, or he'd be a far better player than he is now.

  8. TonyEvans

    Dec 07, 2017, 15:00 #105237

    Looks like the England cricket team have been taking lessons from Arsenal in the art of empty rhetoric. It would appear that they have 'learned lessons' and 'will come out fighting' and we should not 'write them off yet'. I want to believe it but just like my football team I fear it's all talk and no action!

  9. markymark

    Dec 07, 2017, 14:28 #105236

    I’ve just been over to Untold again and still cannot find any real report of Arsenal v UTD, just a moan from Attwood about MOTD bias. Has it really come to the point that no one on that site can face carrying out a post Mortem? My God they are poor.

  10. jb1109

    Dec 07, 2017, 13:42 #105235

    Congratulation Kevin and to all involved. Well deserved.

  11. Goonhogday

    Dec 07, 2017, 13:15 #105234

    Congratulations. Well deserved.

  12. Bard

    Dec 07, 2017, 10:05 #105233

    I see Smokin Jack has been ice skating !!! Can you possibly believe that with his injury record. The guy must be a sandwich short of a picnic to put it mildly.

  13. Alsace

    Dec 06, 2017, 21:17 #105232

    Very well deserved. glad that you all had a nice evening as well.

  14. RobG

    Dec 06, 2017, 20:09 #105231

    We are the Champions 👏🍾😎🇬🇧👍🥂🍺🥇🥇🥇🏆 Well done guys !!

  15. Paulward

    Dec 06, 2017, 20:06 #105230

    Well deserved Kevin, always been a great read

  16. Paulo75

    Dec 06, 2017, 11:07 #105228

    Congratulations to all involved. Its a much needed platform to air your views and read like minded opinions against the backdrop of empty promises that come out of the club.

  17. GoonerRon

    Dec 06, 2017, 10:52 #105227

    Fantastic news and a great endorsement for the team at The Gooner - congratulations.

  18. bobbybigb

    Dec 06, 2017, 9:20 #105226

    CONGRATULATIONS.....Well deserved,always straight talking and not afraid to tell it as it is. No catalyst for change needed here.

  19. Bard

    Dec 06, 2017, 9:00 #105225

    Hearty congratulations to Kev and the team. Fantastic. Easily the best fanzine around.

  20. TonyEvans

    Dec 06, 2017, 8:49 #105224

    Best Fanzine and online Arsenal site by a country mile - you tell it warts and all, as it should be. Many congratulations.

  21. mbg

    Dec 05, 2017, 23:13 #105223

    No congrats from toady yet I see, or a few others, the mountain man hasn't made one of his big comebacks to offer his either so far, as he's always monitoring.

  22. Roy

    Dec 05, 2017, 22:25 #105222

    Nothing like being rewarded for hard work and quality, is there ? And you can count on my subscription for next season. Well done to all concerned.

  23. Cyril

    Dec 05, 2017, 20:35 #105221

    Congratulations to Kevin and the all the team. Your efforts have been rewarded. I hope you go on to bigger and better things.

  24. markymark

    Dec 05, 2017, 19:24 #105219

    Well done Kevin brilliant result! Cornish I take your wise words on board also


    Dec 05, 2017, 19:04 #105218

    Brilliant result - well done to all concerned. A note to Markymark also - I think your dedication to trying to help those less fortunate, TOOAW for example, who clearly have learning difficulties is commendable but I think you should heed the words of the great Brian Clough ( a proper Manager) " Don't argue with idiots. They'll bring you down to their level & then beat you with experience".

  26. mbg

    Dec 05, 2017, 17:02 #105217

    Yes you showed (real)tremendous speeritte, focus, and menteel strength, well done again.

  27. Aylesbury Gooner

    Dec 05, 2017, 15:59 #105215

    Congratulations Kev and co,well deserved.Hope something can be sorted for next season i always look forward to the the Gooner mag.You can't beat a hard copy landing on the doormat.

  28. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Dec 05, 2017, 14:47 #105213

    Congratulations Kev a very well deserved accolade. I've been buying the gooner since the early days and it's always been the best fanzine around in my opinion and since the internet took off the best Arsenal online site. If our club were half as good we would be multiple champions league winners by now!

  29. mbg

    Dec 05, 2017, 14:35 #105212

    Hearty Congratulations to all, and well done, so much for the Gooner being done, finished, etc, as some AKB wengerites on here and other places would like to believe, and keep telling us every now and again when unkindly things are been said about their messiah. Yet another subject/rant (on a long list)they're now unable to use in their long lost battle to defend him. wenger out.

  30. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 05, 2017, 14:31 #105211

    Very well done to all gooner contributors. That's what you get for telling the truth and being entertaining to boot!

  31. Yes its Ron

    Dec 05, 2017, 14:22 #105210

    Always been brilliant. Well done Kev. You kept yr focus and clearly gave absolutely everything to fight to win. Onto the next edition! Is the Gooner self sustainable by any chance or are you aware that other fanzines are being doped to gain an advantage!! If so, stick to yr values and philosophy matey.

  32. Gaz

    Dec 05, 2017, 14:18 #105209

    Congratulations and absolutely well deserved! Well done all!

  33. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Dec 05, 2017, 12:50 #105207

    Great news Kev - so pleased that unlike the football side of Arsenal the Gooner Fanzine held it's nerve and apparently showed a lot of bottle (lol) to sweep all before it!! That's a proper trophy Arsene !!

  34. JesusSaidpaddy

    Dec 05, 2017, 11:13 #105206

    Congratulations Kev - and to all contributors and sellers (especially Alex). Have bought and read every copy since Mike rolled the first one off the photocopier. You boys have always been the real voice of AFC and long may it continue.