Gooner Podcast 160 Now Online

Recorded on Tuesday evening

Gooner Podcast 160 Now Online

Playboy and Monaco Grand Prix prints available from Pistolchimp

Gooner Podcast number 160, sponsored by Pistolchimp art prints is now online.

Recorded: Tuesday 12th December 2017

Topics Include -
Defensive Woes
Is Mathieu Debuchy worth a starting place?
Meeting some Arsenal legends at the ‘89’ premiere
Time to partner Giroud with Lacazette?
If one were to stay – the choice between Sanchez and Ozil
A testimonial for Theo Walcott?
Is non-use of season tickets a new phenomenon?
What changes do the arrivals of Sanllehi and Mislintat signal?

David Oudot (Twitter@DavidOudot)
Mustafa Goldstein (Twitter@VillageVoice1)
The Highbury Spy, Steve Ashford
Host: Kevin Whitcher (Twitter@KevinWhitcher01)

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And we are also available on iTunes. Our page on iTunes can be found here, from where you can download the latest podcast, and the 159 that preceded it.

We’ll be back with another podcast in January.

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  1. Gaz

    Dec 21, 2017, 11:55 #105446

    Totally agree with Exeter Ex (Post 111194). I'm absolutely amazed that fans still think a new signing here and a departure there makes any difference whatsoever until Wenger goes. It's all just so pointless.

  2. mbg

    Dec 20, 2017, 22:32 #105437

    markymark, hee hee, lol.

  3. markymark

    Dec 20, 2017, 8:50 #105422

    The Reverend Brian B’darse played Stille Nacht. On the Gramophone. For those who wondered why Brian played the German version they would have been even more surprised to hear of Brian’s true origins. For though recently Brian had celebrated his 75th birthday and had regaled parishioners with his memories of the childhood idyllic Yorkshire village and fond recall of the minor Prep he had attended. This was all a sham, for his age was actually 84 and his birthplace a country “far away country” for he had been born Wilhelm Baadenhass in Sudetenland, a country farmhouse in rich pastoral land had been his birthplace. But then Brian shivered for he remembered that terrible night when over the radio Bruckners 7th Adagio played and his father sobbed as he heard the news of Stalingrad. His father turned to young Wilhelm and said, “Mein Kinder, run , you must run as soon as possible as Ivan will come, run to the Britisher lines and if possible escape from their to South America where you can raise cattle amongst our people. Oh Wilhelm never forgot your father and dear mother , never forget your oath to Germany and the Fuhrer!”

  4. mbg

    Dec 19, 2017, 15:31 #105414

    And it took the half wit sixteen hours to come up with that balderdash, lol, hee hee. wenger

  5. Badarse

    Dec 19, 2017, 14:03 #105411

    He placed the pork pie hat firmly upon his head and the jelly aspic dripped down onto his little 'Hitler' moustache. He sneezed and banged his head on the mirror. He looked accusingly at the reflection, which looked accusingly back. 'We wants Wenger out, doesn't we, my precious?' they said in unison. He buttoned up his orange ankle swingers and pulled up his blue and white socks, carefully covering the painful and sore new tattoo of Daniel Levy on his shin. Stepping into his 'Hoddle and Waddle' wellies Twaddle was ready for the world. He placed a neat spoonful of Marmite into his mouth, just to get the exact contortions of misery rightly settled onto his visage. He liked to beautify himself twice a day for the Nark; twice a day was fine but he'd heard that once a night was enough. Pinning his Paisley badge to his coat he turned on his heel, then he turned on the light, and walked into the wall, but he walked quickly out of it again. He felt a bump, so rearranged his pantaloons until it wasn't noticeable. He would have to post a dozen times today in the hopes that at least one sensible poster responded, even he didn't count the Nark's support as anything more than the feeble support each gave to the Arsenal.

  6. mbg

    Dec 18, 2017, 22:24 #105405

    markymark, yes freakish is the word mate, even dangerous going by some of their posts. wenger out

  7. markymark

    Dec 18, 2017, 21:54 #105404

    MBG - yes the Brian BadArse / Toad / Squeak / BBA love in is certainly interesting. Bless em it’s a freakish rabble fueled by alcohol and hatred of change.

  8. mbg

    Dec 18, 2017, 20:59 #105403

    markymark, yes it makes a change it must be the Christmas season and all that, but describing one post as wonderfully written ? lol, he really doesn't know him or he's hit the buckfast early. wenger out.

  9. markymark

    Dec 18, 2017, 20:49 #105402

    Toad - the most eloquent you’ve ever been well done. Now why not write a contribution about why your positivity is so much better than our negativity. I’ll await the article with pleasure.

  10. TOOAW

    Dec 18, 2017, 20:41 #105401

    It appears that our good old friend Nark does get extremely that... narked by the fact that somebody wishes to voice an opinion that differs from most on here. Now, I always feel that our Irish partner requires a few posts to point his finger and get the message across as can be proven over the years. Clearly the 'great one' will leave our great club in a greater position upon his arrival but the Irish one will tell you he told you so. Yawn. Now Nark requires the same few posts it seems to post his opinion. It clearly is catching this confusion and negativity. Badarse post 111217 is Wonderfully written and does sum up nicely the desperation of this site.

  11. markymark

    Dec 18, 2017, 15:14 #105395

    Badarse - did you chuckle at Jamerson when he used Edwardian era racist terms, went on white supremacist rants and was anti Semitic ? You are a dreadful little sleezebag aren’t you.

  12. markymark

    Dec 18, 2017, 14:55 #105394

    Badarse - doesn’t look good for you saying it’s nonsense. It wasn’t and isn’t nonsense . At best you’re a dinosaur at worst something else entirely. Politically you’ve come down from your mountain to tell us where we go wrong. What a progressive leftist you were, how you raised money for charity ( none of us do that?) oddly make obnoxious remarks about an older lady in the same saintly posting , when you finished crowing you cuddle up to the first white supremacist who comes along. What a role model you are!

  13. mbg

    Dec 18, 2017, 14:50 #105393

    markymark, that's what his kind always say when caught, I was only funning or it was only a bit of fun, or I didn't mean it.

  14. Badarse

    Dec 18, 2017, 10:49 #105389

    No Nark, the poem was not about groping women, and it was a silly tongue in cheek piece of nonsense, it is just that your grasp of reality is pretty naïve and a little two dimensional, that's all. Cheerleader for Jamerson? More misrepresentation on your part. Look at the whole picture not a convenient snapshot which might lend itself as a support for your narrow views.The sadness of the OG is that it is a clique of negative posters who all need each other to prop up the party line. A mutual admiration society of disparate individuals. As a supporter of AFC it became tedious in presenting a view which was verbally attacked, and never discussed. Clowns like the Eggman constantly demanded answers to questions long since discussed. He just wanted confrontation; it was a necessity for his own personal glitch. I chuckled at the extreme antics of Jamerson as a nemesis to the 'clique'. That was all, but a little too subtle for you to grasp. Your alignment with a DUP supporter defines you, as does your support with the grubby and sleazy shenanigans you and AKB, (and we all know what the B stands for), indulged in. The relationship you both nurtured with Jamerson, was pretty unsavoury to say the least. I amongst others thought it very near the edge. Just remember, 'You can lead a horse to water, but only westlower can make it drink.'

  15. RobG

    Dec 17, 2017, 21:10 #105387

    Great Podcast boys as always. Well done again, for the Fanzine of the Year award. Here's to 2018 🍺🍷😎

  16. markymark

    Dec 17, 2017, 19:45 #105386

    Badarse - show me where I have misquoted others? As far as I can see I referred to the fact you wrote a poem which contained references to groping woman. You didn’t deny it. I can’t help it if you’ve got Harvey tendencies . Think it’s you who needs treatment !

  17. markymark

    Dec 17, 2017, 19:31 #105384

    Badarse - you little Jamerson cheerleader , a Steve Bannon to Donald Trump, a little Alt right regimist i’d day. Now if you read my post I didn’t say I couldn’t understand it. It’s very simple and weird . He identifies the whole club through Wenger and see’s nothing beyond Wenger he’s a Wenger fan first and Arsenal a very poor 2nd.

  18. Badarse

    Dec 17, 2017, 9:43 #105377

    A couple of bald eggs to poke with now. Nark I understood TOOAW's post easily, so why are you mystified; have a look at yourself and address the problem, it may resolve a few issues in your approach and attitude. By the way you are still being a naughty boy by trying to re-write history in what people say and have said. Please seek help, I can suggest a few hourly sessions with the DUP pork pie hat man. Oh by the way mbg, you called the badrad post's incorrectly, seems to be an habitual habit...whoops Susej, talking of habits will fire you up with monks and friars.

  19. Paulward

    Dec 17, 2017, 6:31 #105376

    By all means have a testimonial Theo, but can I suggest playing the game at Leyton Orient or Brentford? Its the only way you’ll get a full house.

  20. mbg

    Dec 17, 2017, 0:46 #105375

    markymark, spot on, toadys last statement has said it all, the club is yours and yours only, any true Arsenal fan (which toady claims to be)would never put a manager above the club and say something like that, but we all know he's a massive wengerite supporter anyway, so if ever there was a Tottenham fan he's one. wenger out now.

  21. markymark

    Dec 16, 2017, 22:29 #105374

    Toad - your last comment is weird but also gives away what many of us think about you . You have elevated Wenger above the club. This is now obvious . When Wenger goes there is no reason for your existence.

  22. TOOAW

    Dec 16, 2017, 19:58 #105373

    Punters pay Theo's wages. Don't like it... Don't attend. No chance there eh Nark. Criticising a player who is contracted to earn £100k a week isn't Theo's fault. It nicely sums up the modern Gooner. Get the banners out fellas but nope... It's all too much like hard work eh. Carry on Arsene. The club is yours and yours only.

  23. mbg

    Dec 16, 2017, 15:11 #105372

    I might have more respect for wally and the rest of wengers premadona nice boys if he'd waiver a testimonial and put his hand in his pocket and just donate the fee out of his fat bank account with the minimum of fuss out of the money he has received from Arsenal over the years under false pretences, it's not that he couldn't afford it, and at least he'd have gave something back, but there'd be no publicity in that, for him, or the club. wenger out.

  24. markymark

    Dec 16, 2017, 10:28 #105371

    I presume a 100% of gate goes to charity? Really can’t see the point of testimonials with the vast sums flowing around football these days

  25. Bard

    Dec 16, 2017, 8:24 #105370

    I think the Theo testimonial must be some kind of joke. He is the epitome of the current Arsenal. Average to poor, getting worse and on huge wages. He hasn't improved one iota in a decade. Mind you who has at Arsenal this last 5 years or so.

  26. Exiled in Pt

    Dec 15, 2017, 19:33 #105368

    When you look at the list of Arsenal greats that did not get a testimonial and I know officially it comes down to time spent at the club not what they have contributed!! But fock me is it not just another slap in the face to everyone that has sweated blood and tears for a once great club , players ,staff and us silly fockers that travelled over land sea and Leicester paying a fortune for the pleasure. Joke does not even start to describe it ! F#ck of the board Wenger and the preening posers that wear the silly shirts that have nothing to do with our club!!

  27. mbg

    Dec 15, 2017, 19:27 #105367

    Arseneknewbest, just a normal game for him then eh.

  28. Exeter Ex

    Dec 15, 2017, 18:12 #105366

    Should this or that player start? Should we partner this player with that player? Should this or that player leave? I don't know where you find the motivation. What difference does any of it make so long as Wenger is here? And how about, instead of a testimonial, Theo is fined £50 million for grand larceny? Or should that be fraud?

  29. Paulo75

    Dec 15, 2017, 17:07 #105365

    Coming up for 12 years at Arsenal and Theo still cant control a football or pass to a team mate with any regularity. Testimonial? ...... leave it out.

  30. Arseneknewbest

    Dec 15, 2017, 16:34 #105364

    Who'd be insane enough to buy a ticket to watch Feo take it even easier in a game than the ones he actually played. Reminds me of an old colleague of mine who was a total Arsehole. When he finally moved on and the whip round envelope did its rounds, I took a tenner out instead of putting anything in and had a few pints with the proceeds. Boy they tasted nice. I would rather crochet myself a fancy spurs bonnet than attend feo's testimonial. It must be fake news!

  31. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Dec 15, 2017, 15:16 #105363

    Mbg- well said mate, could not agree more

  32. mbg

    Dec 15, 2017, 15:11 #105362

    A Testimonial for wally ? are you serious ? why ? what for ? even if the monies were going to charity he doesn't deserve one or the recognition, one of the least deserving (if not the least) ever to pull on an Arsenal shirt, he should have been shipped out years ago, to have the waster honoured in the same way as true greats before him would be a new low for the club. wenger out