Operation ‘Save The Gooner’ Commences!

Subscribe now to keep your fanzine going beyond the summer

Operation ‘Save The Gooner’ Commences!

Ok, so the original plan was for The Gooner to call it a day at the end of the current season. We kept going this season because we wanted to make our 30th anniversary before bowing out. However, I have been struck by the number of regular buyers who have expressed genuine regret at the prospect of no more issues, and have asked if there was any way we might continue.

So we had a look at the overall picture. The fact is that matchday sales have declined year on year since the move to the new stadium and the increasing use of smartphones and the internet to get fan opinion. That is understandable. Most people under the age of 40 will never pay for a newspaper or magazine these days. And gradually, the audience profile at Arsenal’s home matches has changed. Many who might have bought the fanzine in the past either do not attend at all, or do so far less frequently. Additionally, the wide variety of kick off times means the idea of a matchday routine (which might have involved buying The Gooner) is largely a thing of the past. So for example, our previous issue was on sale for six home games… but only one of them kicked off in daylight. We have always sold less when it is dark, a fact of life.

So to survive, we can no longer rely on selling The Gooner outside the stadium. Effectively, we have become a niche publication, and if we are to continue in 2018-19, we will need to follow a different model. So this is how we can survive, and it is down to the appetite out there as to whether or not we will.

What we need is for 1000 readers to subscribe in advance for the complete 2018-19 season. If we get enough, we will publish six issues. These will increase in size to 64 pages, and be printed in perfect bound format (with a spine, not staples, like the matchday programme). However, the price will go up to £5 per issue, so a season subscription will cost £30. That is less than a lower tier ticket to watch Arsenal play, for example, Watford. So for less than the price of that particular 90 minutes, you get six issues of quality Arsenal reading dropping onto your doormat (post free) approximately every six weeks between August and April next season.

So if you currently buy the fanzine on matchdays outside the stadium, keep doing so this season by all means. However, if you do that and wish us to continue, then you need to subscribe for next season. We will give it until issue 271 goes to press in early April to get enough people committed, and if we fall short, then everyone will be refunded by the end of May. If we survive, we will print a few extra copies to sell on weekend matchdays from a couple of spots to casual buyers (what else would the legendary Alex do?). But if you are a regular buyer and choose to rely on others to subscribe, the chances are we will not be around at all.

Here are the ways you can subscribe…

1. Through the shop section of our online store at our www.onlinegooner.com website. UK readers click here, and if you are abroad click here (the cost will be £42 for you). There are other options on the subscriptions page that include receiving the remainder of this season’s issues as well.

2. By post – Send a cheque for £30 (£42 for addresses outside of the UK) for a 2018/19 season subscription made payable to ‘The Gooner’ to this address -
The Gooner
12 Buxton Court
Hanbury Drive
E11 1GB

3. Via online bank transfer, making a payment of £30 (or £42 for addresses outside of the UK) to –
Account name: The Gooner
Sort Code: 20-76-90
Account Number: 03004112
Use the reference 1819 followed by your surname. Very important - please follow up the payment with an email to [email protected] stating your name and address, and the reference that you used for payment (e.g. 1819Smith). Otherwise, we will not be able to match the payment to you. (If you require Iban and Bic codes for an international payment, please email us at [email protected].

4. You can also simply make a direct PayPal payment to the email address [email protected] for £30 (or £42 if outside UK). If doing this, please make your payment a 'friends and family' / personal gift payment – this helps keep our costs down. If you have the time to confirm you have paid this way with an email to [email protected], even better, although we will see the payment on the PayPal account with your address details.

We will keep plugging the campaign to raise enough advance subscribers up to the end of March and keep you updated on how many we have. Before even publicizing this, three of our readers have found the place to commit on our online store, so there are only 997 to go!

Ultimately, it’s up to how badly you wish The Gooner to continue. Over to you good people…

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  1. mbg

    Jan 04, 2018, 15:25 #105747

    Just to clarify my post 111557, was referring to points. wenger out.

  2. MAF

    Jan 04, 2018, 11:34 #105732

    i will definitely subscribe About Last Night: Laurel + Hardy defending at times again Xhaka is £35m waste Chambers is a Championship Player being exposed by a Manager who has lost his way

  3. Roy

    Jan 04, 2018, 7:49 #105731

    I'm in. You'll have it in the next few days.

  4. TOOAW

    Jan 04, 2018, 0:17 #105730

    I'm in. Only if you mention how great I am. Cheers K9.

  5. mbg

    Jan 03, 2018, 22:34 #105729

    Yes good call Ron and lucky ones at that. wenger out tonight.

  6. markymark

    Jan 03, 2018, 22:21 #105728

    Yes it’s Ron - 6 points over Christmas wasn’t it? Well done Sir!

  7. mbg

    Jan 03, 2018, 19:17 #105727

    Exeter, excellent post, yes when ever he loses/draws any get out of jail free card/excuse no matter how small, minor that has happened or comes along he grabs them and clings to them like a limpet, blowing the minor ones all out of proportion blaming and using them for his own failures, the hand ball incident was another get out of jail card, what a complete god send for the old fraud and boy has he made use of it. And yes so do his AKB apologists who listen and hang to his every word/excuse and lap it up using and citing them themselves for their messiah's failures believing he'll eventually come good (LOL), yes I remember the Jeremiah Johnson AKB your referring to, that was his favourite tactic of the day (until he eventually realised it wasn't working, and then just returned to trying to defend him mostly with silly stats, and the immortal AKG words, be careful what you wish for) trying to take the heat of his messiah by changing the subject after another embarrassment or beating, to talking about music, bands, Jim reeves, Val doonican, historic games/players, his coaching expertise, hockey, cricket, imaginary family, price of peas/carrots, etc, and of course that was soon seen through also, and now between sabbaticals hunting beaver, he's just reverted to talking fluent gobbledegook. wenger out.

  8. Exeter Ex

    Jan 03, 2018, 17:21 #105726

    I believe that, like Trump, Wenger is being deliberately divisive in order to play to his dwindling AKB base. The likes of Leeky and Badarse will believe that Wenger is being punished for wielding his trusty sword of truth and justice in front of the dishonest, evil FA, who are out to stop Arsenal via these 'concerning coincidences' as Wenger put it. Wenger as victim. Wenger as martyr. You see how Badarse tries it in his own little way on here. It all deflects from the mediocre football the team plays of course.

  9. Bard

    Jan 03, 2018, 16:17 #105725

    Will do Kev. Good call. As an aside is Wenger's latest rant, which will in all likelihood lead to a substantial ban, an example of what he means by Arsenal's values. His lack of grace is an embarrassment. Unless its all part of a cunning plot to deflect from the side's mediocre performances.

  10. Aylesbury Gooner

    Jan 03, 2018, 16:12 #105724

    Good for you RobG,im sure we can reach the 1000 figure and hopefully beyond it too.Kev keep us updated if thats possible on progress.

  11. RobG

    Jan 03, 2018, 15:45 #105723

    Right, I was an avid reader / buyer until I stopped going back in 2010. I will get payment with all info details off shortly. £30 is not much to ask these days. In fact it barely more than three glasses of wine at a decent bar. 996 to go 😎

  12. markymark

    Jan 03, 2018, 15:41 #105722

    Badarse have you noticed that virtually every post you make is followed by a poster saying you are talking b0ll0cks. There is a reason for that . I’m surprised you haven’t had time to think it through.

  13. Rocky the King

    Jan 03, 2018, 15:30 #105721

    This is a no brainer. The Gooner has set the bar for truly independent comment. Pro and cons, all are welcome. AKBs and WOBs let us know that we are all big family and “That which unites us is bigger than that which divides us!” Arsenal ‘TIL I die! I’m going to pay my sub

  14. mbg

    Jan 03, 2018, 15:15 #105720

    SKG, yes indeed mate coming out of retirement (this one was short lived) yet again to talk irrelevant shyte, read the article and then again if you have to, then pay up or shut up. wenger out.

  15. markymark

    Jan 03, 2018, 15:14 #105719

    I’ll subcsribe

  16. Aylesbury Gooner

    Jan 03, 2018, 14:42 #105717

    Just purchased for the 2018/19 season.Its gotta be worth every penny and so much better then that rubbish they call a matchday programme.Come on Gooners EIE.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jan 03, 2018, 13:29 #105716

    Badarse: Never mind all that b*ll*cks - just pay up your thirty quid and do something useful by helping keep the Gooner going.

  18. Badarse

    Jan 03, 2018, 12:52 #105715

    Tony Evans thank you for your dignified and unswerving support, in honour of this I rescind my statement and award you, along with SKG, 'The OG Virtual Ronette's Award' for 2017. It seems that recent technology suggests that T.Rex probably had a feathered mane; do you? Nothing to say, but every right whenever it befalls me to go to war with clowns.