Arsene Gives The Fans Another Day Out At Wembley

Online Ed: Chelsea defeated in Second Leg of League Cup Semi-Final

Arsene Gives The Fans Another Day Out At Wembley

There is often an element of good fortune in successful cup runs and Arsenal enjoyed a fair dollop of Lady Luck last night. Both the Gunners’ goals came as a result of deflections (a double deflection in the case of the first), Antonio Rudiger involved on both occasions. And then there was the moment in the second half that Eden Hazard, clean through with just the keeper to beat, inexplicably fell over.

For all that, it was a hugely enjoyable victory. There is an element amongst the Chelsea support that is highly distasteful and I always look forward to their departure from the area after their visits to north London, and it was good not to suffer their goading after the game. Many will feel the Arsenal were due the rub of the green after some dubious decisions in recent weeks have gone against them. The first half saw Chelsea largely dominate, and took the lead through a Hazard finish as the defence was sliced apart. A Nacho Monreal header from a corner that took the aforementioned double deflection leveled the scores and the home side were back in the game. The away goals rule would have counted against them, but in this competition the fact that it does not come into consideration until after extra time has been played meant there was plenty of time.

The game seemed more open than the first leg, although Arsenal’s approach was similar. That Chelsea were playing Hazard up front instead of Morata with Willian and Pedro either side meant they offered greater threat, although most of the time, some dogged defending meant they did not get much joy. The removal of William through injury helped Arsenal’s cause as replacement Ross Barkley looked understandably rusty and found it difficult to blend in seamlessly with his new team-mates.

In the second half, lo and behold, a tactical switch from Arsene Wenger! After having played a 4-2-3-1 formation in the first half, Mohammed Elneny dropped deeper to effectively become the third centre back, and Arsenal looked more solid. They grew into the game more and took the lead when Alexandre Lacazette’s low cross deflected off Rudiger to present Granit Xhaka the opportunity to toe poke the ball past Caballero in the Chelsea goal.

In spite of Alex Iwobi firing a gilt-edged chance to sooth everyone’s nerves at the keeper’s legs with the goal gaping, two goals proved enough. Chelsea huffed and puffed, but with few clear cut chances. It does seem that Arsenal have become a bit of a hoodoo team for Antonio Conte, having only managed to beat them once in eight meetings, three of them at Stamford Bridge and two at Wembley.

So an uplift after a few weeks in which we have seen a very mixed bunch of displays from this Arsenal side, culminating in the nadirs of defeats away at Nottingham Forest and Bournemouth. And ironic that a competition Arsene Wenger places so little priority in should become a beacon of hope in what has been a dog of a season so far. Arsenal will now face Manchester City twice in the space of five days, both times in London. Arsene Wenger has won three league titles and seven FA Cups in his tenure at the club, but never the League Cup. He’s lost two finals – once because of playing a weakened team in 2007, the other time due to a cock-up between Koscielny and Szczesny. Third time lucky?

One thing that brought back memories of last season. With the chance of winning a trophy, the players performed with greater determination and desire than we see in the Premier League. It was a similar case in the FA Cup semi-final and final last season. Perhaps a reminder of the final days of George Graham when Arsenal fell short in the league, but managed to turn it on in the cups. The players have it in them, but only give it their maximum when they feel motivated. How well the team perform against relegation fodder Swansea next Tuesday evening will be enlightening.

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  1. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 21:05 #106548

    Cornish - yes the thought does always cross my mind as Southwold and Aldeburgh are quite near to the father in law . Not that in the grand scale of things it matters a jot but the braying look at me Yuppie Mob go to Southwold the psuedo intellectuals ( oh god it will kick off again ) go to Aldeburgh. While those in the know go to Walberswick. If you ever do come to bandit country! I would highly recommend the Lighthouse at Aldeburgh . A lovely host, brilliant food and local Oysters at half the price of London.

  2. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 28, 2018, 20:48 #106547

    tooey - I think portraying yourselves as dumb bleating beasts of burden is fine as it goes, but I suspect your oh-so-pseudo-intellectual partner in crime will not be amused. Living in wales now, as I do, look you, talk of ovine ladies has me reaching for my wellies and the stringless tennis racquet...think about it. You and the woolly droooler Arsebaaaaa-d will need to take care if you ever cross the severn, especially if you're in your cloven high hoof heels. For a racist to portray himself, albeit very erroneously, as a metaphorical black sheep takes some doing and raise all sorts of questions. Have you tried psychoanalysis tooey? Bit of an open goal there you old spurs fan. Remember there's still time to be a man and apologise for your foul ranting.

  3. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 20:12 #106546

    Not a caravan in Southwold I hope! Take care. That's bandit country.

  4. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 19:20 #106545

    Hi Cornish l, Just down to Suffolk so almost as Far East as you are West . Not too exotic but nice and restful.

  5. Paulward

    Jan 28, 2018, 19:16 #106544

    Anyone watch the Souse / West Brom game? VAR another nail in the coffin of the game we all love. A bad idea, especially for those of us who pay a lot of money to attend matches.

  6. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 19:04 #106543

    TOOAW. Thank you for your polite response. I'm sure mbg, amongst others, will be delighted to hear that you are trying to 'keep a fair perspective on the situation'.

  7. TOOAW

    Jan 28, 2018, 18:31 #106542

    @A Cornish Gooner. In request to your comments on Scruff/markymark comment on gaining a response and his only way to "shut me up". His post was 112116 for the record. Check it out. The primary target was Gooner Ron in relation to his comments 112114. Is this the acceptable behaviour that you require on this site?? Clearly the black sheep of this site are Badarse and myself but try to keep a fair perspective on the situation.

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 17:38 #106541

    Have a good one markymark. Going anywhere exotic?

  9. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 17:34 #106540

    Cornish - I fully agree I’m off now for a mini break to listen to some “bubble gum” pop numbers from the 60’s and 70’s as I find them inspirational for my Euro Trash jingles. Baddie TTFN

  10. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 16:37 #106539

    Maybe now is the time for all this to stop. I think it's in your court now Baddie.

  11. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 16:17 #106538

    Thanks mbg

  12. mbg

    Jan 28, 2018, 16:13 #106537

    Cornish, you've missed nothing mate, only the site joke still rambling on with the usual long drawn out gobbledegook, that's still being well policed by a couple of our top cops. We want wenger out.

  13. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 15:54 #106536

    Scruff. Sorry if I'm being a bit slow, but could you (or anybody else) please explain your post 112339 about TOOAW and the reference to GR. Thanks.

  14. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 15:31 #106535

    Baddie - you point the finger a lot don’t you . A very wise boss I once worked for ( there are some ) once told me , if you point the finger just beware that lots more might point back. He also once said you can go along way with a smile but even further with a smile and a gun in your pocket. I did sometimes wonder what he had done before the world of Estate Agency ( you’ll probably froth knowing I worked in Estate Agency) Anyway you’ve pointed , you keep on saying people are nasty. The trouble is at least 6 on this site are prepared to point back and say you are very capable of being deeply unpleasant and actually failing to meet moral behaviour. So forget about claiming higher moral standards.

  15. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 28, 2018, 15:11 #106534

    I've written a lot on here this weekend, no scatch that, far too much. Self awareness is a wonderful thing Arsebad - give it a try. So all I'll say for the rest of the day is a resounding "hear, hear" to Exeter's most recent and typically erudite and well written post.

  16. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 28, 2018, 14:33 #106533

    ThickoirishBaddy. Good afternoon my little egg-bound chum. Hope you don’t mind the new moniker. It’s a nod to your Irish roots. It’s not ‘necessarily’ derogatory, though most people, except those wearing blinkers, will probably find it deeply offensive. Anyway, sorry I missed your question about ‘liar’ and ‘hypocrite’. Unfortunately, it was at the end of one of your medium length posts. This may sound spooky, although maybe other posters have had a similar experience, but I find some of your posts, especially the longer ones, (today 12:35) have a strange hypnotic effect on me. I start reading them and seconds later I’m fast asleep. Anyway, I know you will think it chumpish but I’m basing my argument on dictionary definitions of the words, not your definitions, which aren’t ‘necessarily’ the same. Ok? Liar: a person who tells lies. Lie: an intentionally false statement. I think even you will admit that you have made intentionally false statements. So, in that respect, you are a liar. Would I describe you as a liar? Not ‘necessarily’. I think most posters on here have probably lied at some time in their past. Even if it was just to say that they were old enough to drink, when the pub landlord asked their age. Hypocrite: a hypocritical person. Hypocritical: behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. Again, I think even you will admit that in the past you have suggested you have high standards AND noble beliefs, but then you’ve posted something that immediately disproves it. ‘Paddygate’ is a prime example, I’m afraid. Even today, your mean-spirited post following John F’s was unnecessary. There must be thousands more examples of this in the archives. But, I’m not going to waste any more time looking for them. In fairness a lot of us on here are guilty of making hypocritical statements, including me. Would I call you a hypocrite though? Yes, I’m afraid I would. Can I end by quoting a line from one of your posts yesterday? “I have fallen out with SKG but I respect him for what he is and stands for”. I appreciate you don’t respect all posters on this site, but, as I mentioned to you years ago, why is it that you lose so many ‘friends’? Surely you can see it’s because of your unwillingness to concede anything to anybody. I recently came across your Munich article on here. Yes, ok it’s sad of me. The rating was 9.6. That’s not bad. PLEASE stick to what most people on here like you for. (This post is deliberately hypocritical)

  17. Exeter Ex

    Jan 28, 2018, 14:00 #106532

    My being 'not nice' is your subjective experience based on the fact we are at odds, whilst your lies and hypocrisy are provable, objective facts. It is also a fact that this comments section isn't like this when you're not on here and that most find your manner intensely irritating and annoying. If only you were a little less selfish and a little more self-aware and for the good of the site would either massively change tack or go away - for good this time. Your presence spoils the site, this is the experience of virtually everyone. I don't know how much clearer that needs to be for you.

  18. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 13:20 #106531

    Badarse - on this advanced negotiations course you went on ( British Leyland School of Excellence in Industrial Relations? ) did they tell you to keep on waffling , yes waffle is the weapon of choice , don’t let them breathe just keep on waffling ... Now just some points for you about the modern world of digi social media. Try not to get hurt when you try to make friends and get rebuffed ( this is one of your issues as you thought 65 years support was going to give you instant respect and gravitas , the reality is it’s given you neither ) Within social media Arsenal sites Your world view is shared amongst at most 10-15%. Ty on Arsenal Fan TV represents your viewpoint. . However Ty can no more alter Arsenal FanTV as you can after this site. You are on a hapless doomed pursuit that will end with Wenger’s leaving at most in 24 months. That is why I keep telling you and Toad you are running out of time.

  19. Radfordkennedy

    Jan 28, 2018, 12:57 #106530

    Afternoon others have mentioned im concerned at the cheap haggling that yet again we seem to have got ourselves involved with in the purchase of Aubam,i thought we had brought a team in to do things in a more professional manner.To be honest the prospect of him on the right,mickey on the left,lacca up front with Ozil and jack behind is quite a mouth-watering prospect,i hope it gets over the line.However as some have mentioned we dont ever seem to be linked with a titan defender(a ponderous bid for Evans apart) or top draw keeper who we desperately need,i understand that holding is wanted at burnley on loan,i think it would be the best thing for the lad to be honest,he looks scared witless when playing for us,being asked to do something that doesnt come natural to him is making him a nervous wreck,he is in my opinion a good old fashioned CB who should be part of a back four,playing under dyche for a while might just give him back some composure and confidence...

  20. Badarse

    Jan 28, 2018, 12:35 #106529

    And Exeter you are not a nice person, so what? You are still entitled to post, and who would deny that privilege? Not me. However across a table you'd be less loquacious, methinks. Love the crudeness AKB, (and we all know what the B stands for), keep it in the script it improves the content, well at least it pads it out. Nark, you deluded old slug...goodness three souffles in a row... Once upon a lifetime ago I attended a course in advance negotiations-part of the remit in my job in that other life. What was immediately striking was that throwing money at a problem, or hitch in discussions doesn't work, it can appease, buy time, but brings with it countless other considerations. So a deluded lizard pontificates, whereas working overtime against it's natural genetics, a deluded slug rushes in. Good luck with that one. Naïve or knave? Highbury was a delight and has a warm place in my heart but you are confounding a number of issues, again! It must be like mashed potato inside your head. Old fashioned grounds where the crowd is close, especially to a keeper, can be frightful and intimidating places for players. I am certain I saw Ospina freeze at WHL as the crowd could almost touch him on the shoulder. There is no argument about such differences between these grounds and the new stadia. It is a given, but life evolves so try to move with the times. For better or for worse these things are with us, revenue streams dictate, it's because we have helped create them, not just the OG posters as you inanely keep referring to as you seem unable to grasp a bigger picture-try grasping Constable's pictures, they are huge! So the ground, Highbury was magnificent and is wrapped up in history, Arsenal's and personal. It is iconic and surrounds many with magnificent red and white memories. I loved the place and I don't need to sell it to anyone, such was it's splendour. Yet I have come close to many 'accidents' there due to poor safety restrictions. The views not always that good, but no different to other grounds of the day. Toilet facilities inadequate with men peeing beside the North Bank and some even on the terraces. Women? Well as you are such a defender of the defender, or at least a faux defender, Highbury was archaic f=when considering female toilet facilities. The pitch was often a quagmire with equally turgid football being played in those conditions. The new stadium reflects the market forces of the day. Who is responsible for market forces, and the answer isn't just the OG posters, do you completely follow my drift? For better or for worse it is, as it is. I love the safety of going with my grandsons to the Grove, the ease in taking a seat, the interesting murals and artefacts in and around the stadium[-none ever evident at Highbury-the facility to be dry, to buy, if necessary, to sit and have a great view from anywhere in the stadium. Loved Highbury, loved it's intimidation of opponents, but love the new stadium for all mentioned, pity we cannot have the best of both worlds, eh? Still we have to leave foolish and childish pursuits behind us, and grow up-sooner or later.

  21. Exeter Ex

    Jan 28, 2018, 11:57 #106528

    My god, is this still going. Badarse you write like someone trying to salvage their reputation. It's far too late for that. "Thick oirish paddy" is derogatory and racist - fact. You are a hypocrite (countless examples, Akb has just given another) - fact. You are a proven liar (you state you're not going to post anymore, then do) - fact. You practise deceit (you pretended to be someone else, Brian) - fact. You're a laughing stock on here, everyone except your risible ally Toady thinks so. All you can do now is change tack and just talk about the actual football. If you keep attempting to mock those that want change, you'll continue to be derided, until you can't take it anymore and have to go on another sabbatical. Wake up!

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 28, 2018, 11:33 #106527

    Kinell Arsebad. Always happy to hypocritise (made up word) aren't you. You more than anyone on here,in fact more probably than anyone I "know", gargle and crap on about the halcyon days of your banal personal history. A world where everyone eats marmalade and listens to soft rock on their gramophones while dreaming about putting dubbing insidea Ian Ure's athletic support. You know, a kind of love thy neighbour world where badarse would keep quiet while others were being abused. Give it a fecking rest with your blunt barbs. John F - I'm sure you're as unimpressed as me with arsebad'so so called critique but he's got a kind of perverse midas touch at the moment. Everything he puts his figurative fingers on turns to dog sh*t.

  23. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 11:25 #106526

    On a different not I mentioned a few weeks back that I thought heading will depart the game . I’ve just read that UEFA will consider banning heading in youth football if medical evidence suggests a problem . If it disappears from the youth game then the skill will start to depart the game.

  24. markymark

    Jan 28, 2018, 11:05 #106525

    Badarse - yes we do need lotsa players now as you’ve got just that leedle bit greater knowledge than the rest of us and special insight to the “Deluded old Lizard” can you get the auybameyang deal done. I’m going to suggest something really radical . Please take a seat. We pay them what they want!!!!! I know crazy isn’t it. Quick question Baddie and it’s not a trick one. How many times have you been to the Emirates and what’s your impression? Personally the unremitting interior of constant slab dull grey has an air of a military bunker. The idea of a ground being a Cathedral of celebration or even a quirky cramped cauldron. Is lost at the Emirates. It’s neither one thing or the other. Highbury in my opinion ticked both boxes , it wasnt always the library as portrayed. Fergie I remember described Highbury as a bear pit. It would be a good idea for some of the millions to be spent on an interior revamp. At least then the Emirates might get some warmth

  25. Goonhogday

    Jan 28, 2018, 10:36 #106524

    Ham’s got a point there, even if some disagree. Our soft underbelly needs more competition for places. Someone also posted earlier that if, Aubameyang is the real deal, why aren’t other clubs going in for him? I remember thinking exactly the same thought when we landed Arsharvin. Is there a problem with Aubameyang?

  26. Badarse

    Jan 28, 2018, 9:18 #106523

    We need lotsa, lotsa players. Why don' he jus' buy 'em? We kin sack 'im then and get rid of that Kroenke as well as. Then we kin change our badge back and move back to Highbury and knock down all those flats 'n that. Wheel GG out of retirement an' win all the games we play, like we never did before. I 'ates it all nowadays, now where's me free range?

  27. John F

    Jan 28, 2018, 8:59 #106522

    Especially the Goalkeeping position Ham that would should be a priority along with goalkeeping and defensive coaches. I do understand going for Auba because if Laca gets injured we would have to rely on Giroud who is in his 30s and likely to start picking up injuries. Auba is a quality striker in my opinion although this is looking like this years virtual signing.I have read a lot of comments that it doesn't matter who we sign with Wenger in charge.Wenger will be hopefully be gone within 16months so any signings will not just be playing under him.

  28. Badarse

    Jan 28, 2018, 8:57 #106521

    Enjoyed that Nark, quite good. Not really down to Eurovision standards but stick with the support of AKB (and we all know what the B stands for), and you'll be doing a Phantom by punting around in the cellars soon enough. Now stop playing with your soldiers and eat your eggs.

  29. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 28, 2018, 8:34 #106520

    A Cornish - yeah, he self-combusted on the terraces at Newport County last night when his heroes went one down. All that's left of him is a bit of tattooed skin that says "Toooey and Arsebad forever".

  30. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 27, 2018, 23:52 #106519

    Been off the site since my last post. Have I missed a Tooaw development?

  31. mbg

    Jan 27, 2018, 22:51 #106518

    Ham, nice one that, made me chuckle, Sad or what. wenger out.

  32. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 27, 2018, 22:12 #106517

    The votes are in for tonight's Arsenalvision song contest. Let's go to impartial anti-racist observer arseneknewbest who's attempting to bring us the scores from wales in French cos he doesn't speak welsh. Bon soir mes amis. Il pleut ici comme d'habitude mais nous sommes tres content d'etre avec vous a londres. Voici nos points: Monsieur mal au cou, or how you say Monsieur Arsebad, nul points. Marky le Marque Douze points par contre. Nice one Marky - if it hadn't have been for that Newport goal against toooey's boys your cover version would have been the no.1 highlight of the evening. Sadarse's effort would only have guaranteed him a turn (fnarr fnarr) in Hughie Green's changing rooms after "opportunity knocks".

  33. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 21:23 #106516

    Badarse - Black is black Brian wants his Westie back Grey is Grey Since his wheelchair whizzed away Oh no, What can he do Coz Bri-I-I-I Brian’s feeling blue Black is black Brian wants his Jamee back Grey is Grey Since his caravan was towed away Oh no, What can he do Coz Bri-I-I-I Brian’s feeling blue If I had my way He'd be back today But he don't intend To see me again, Ooh-Ooh What can I do I can't choose It's too much to lose My love's too strong Wow! Maybe if he Would come back to me Then it can't go wrong Oh what can I do , Br-I-I-I Brian’s feeling blue. Trumpet and Horn chorus followed by Crazy Badarse Grandad dancing......

  34. Ham

    Jan 27, 2018, 21:22 #106515

    The worrying thing for me about the Aubameyang deal is not that it hasn't gone through, but rather that it might actually go through. We desperately need a goalkeeper, a centre-half and a defensive midfielder, but what does Wenger want to do? Land another £50M striker, only a few months after the last one. And why the penny pinching over Jonny Evans when we've just pissed circa £60M down the toilet with Sanchez? Roll on May 2019.

  35. Badarse

    Jan 27, 2018, 20:23 #106514

    Nark the scatter gun approach to a clear criticism is an impotent attempt at blurring the lines. Loves Russell Brand, Enoch Powell, is a centurion, cannot walk, is spoon fed, cannot turn on a computer, now a regime supporter and link me with the Taliban? So naff, perhaps the most extreme atheist or humanist on the site and you have me marked down as religious. Great stuff Nark, just remember, 'When you're WORy, when you're feeling small. When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all. I'm not on your side, oh when AKB, (and we all know what the B stands for), gets rough, and friends just can't be found. Like maguiresbridge over troubled water, Eggman will lay an egg.' Red and white dreams Gooners everywhere. Wem-ber-lee!

  36. mbg

    Jan 27, 2018, 20:09 #106513

    Was Just glancing back over this thread and some of the comments, some referring to the moderator with ideas of ways to police the page and rein in a couple of half wit trolls. Obviously the Moderator hasn't got involved then I realised maybe it was because he thought the site was being very well policed as it was. Go now wenger you embarrassment.

  37. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 19:59 #106512

    If the Taliban declared support for Wengo . You’d get Badarse on here telling us how misunderstood they were. Badarse can overlook any form of crime as long as you support the Regime.

  38. Scruff

    Jan 27, 2018, 19:31 #106511

    Really glad my comment upset a lot of people's but had to do it to shut the moron Tooaw up who thinks I'm Markymark. Apologies to GR but had to use someone to out the racist Spud pig. If you think calling someone Paddy whom you have no close relationship to is ok then you are a complete mug and Badarse defending you is as bad if not worse!

  39. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 17:50 #106510

    Badarse - you have seen society fail. The causes I understand are due to people on this website . Now considering you are such an intellectual Titan . Why were you defeated so easily ? How did we achieve this capacity to reshape society against your will ? When was your better society? please give us a decade.

  40. Yes its Ron

    Jan 27, 2018, 17:16 #106509

    Hi Bard. Yes many of the pitches after October were awful. I always recall going to the old Baseball Ground at Derby to see us early 70s. It was a bog and just had the two strips of good pitch running down inside the touchlines. Im sure you ll recall. Alan Hinton used to play left wing for Derby and he was a lad who didnt like the hard tackling at all yet he d murder the opposition full backs, get behind them and his crossing was some of the best i ever saw for Mc Govern and Hector in the middle for Cloughies great Derby C side. Re Chopper Harris - Bestie said once on TV that he met Harris at a function in about 1980. He was in the foyer of the venue and heard a shout saying 'George, George hey George is that you'? Bestie was bemused when he turned round and saw RH and said 'of course its me you daft c--t who did you think it was'? Chopper said, 'wonderful, so pleased to see you George, ive only ever seen yr arse disappearing into the distance until today'. Made me laugh. They did have balls as you say but they knew the score and used the conditions and the culture of the rules and tackling to their advantage didnt they. I think with a lot of the so called hard men from back then, they get 'harder' and 'dirtier' as each year passes since they stopped playing. Its like Greavesie always said, he became a greater scorer long after he finished and his goals better than ever they were when he scored them! JG, was another great player who dodged the heavy tackling yet was arguably the best finisher this Country has ever seen.

  41. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 27, 2018, 17:03 #106508

    Badarse. That's fine. End of. GE and JB were my first two heroes. Couldn't believe it when they were both transfer listed.

  42. Badarse

    Jan 27, 2018, 16:55 #106507

    Hi Ron, that's a little bit sad that you never saw the man, but having your dad at your side explaining was the greatest of substitutes, of that I am certain. If it's any consolation my memories have dimmed, all our memories do I suppose. Thing is in my book there is no substitute for real talent, and it will always find a way, it will struggle to make it's presence felt, so George Eastham would have twisted this way and that and left a few defenders on their bums, before they closed in and tried to crush him. Corny the 'hoisted by your own petard' wasn't a jibe, just a mention of how an innocent statement can be taken in it's raw content. I thought my explanation that one might be offended by something whereas another not, such are the blurred lines. The naïve thing is a constant. I am now seemingly an Enoch Powell lover, a centurion, as well as a fanboy of Russell Brand. I suppose it's supporting Moan U all my life that has done it. That is the price to be paid amongst the unwitting if you have enjoyed a privilege. My privilege as mentioned before is that I at one time had seen more matches at the 'old' Wembley than most others, perhaps a record? If it is a record I'd just say, 'Play it again!' In that I saw a couple of Moan U Cup Finals and their European victory in 1968, probably more finals than those claiming to be fans have seen in ordinary matches-which I often 'name drop' when I meet a flashy Manchester Ltd supporter. Anyway calling someone a Paddy may not be nice in some circumstances it's true, accordingly then what would calling someone a liar and a hypocrite register? Some might say something very severe if said in person, no?

  43. Bard

    Jan 27, 2018, 16:47 #106506

    Ron while there is no doubting the athleticism of todays players you are right to draw attention to the differences in the game. I was privileged to see GE at Arsenal. Two other factors need taking into account, the terrible state of many of the pitches and the fact that the tackle from behind was legal. The fact that many of the defenders Tommy Smith and Ron Harris for example would regularly go right through from behind meant you needed some serious cojones to be a ball player in those days.

  44. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 27, 2018, 16:47 #106505

    In amongst all the other weaknesses in your arguments and generally incoherent dross badarse, I've noticed that you've recently taken to name-dropping prominent anti-wenger posters on here,Ron and skg to name but two. I'm curious as to why you're doing it. It puts you firmly in the magical wonderland of arsilkhan where you, the sad old impotent lion whose mane has dropped off, is desperately trying to charm someone, anyone. I see no evidence of it working. Your only arsenal friend left on here is a spud! I'm sure you take succour though from knowing you have viable interlocutors on here when it comes to marmalade however. I can imagine you and sturmbahnfuhrer tooey swapping knowing glances as you sneak a peak at the labels of the old Robinson's jars. You're an appeaser like Anthony Eden except the piece of paper you're holding is stained with the remanants of toooeys vesta meal from last night.

  45. Yes its Ron

    Jan 27, 2018, 16:38 #106504

    Strange you mention George Eastham Baddie. I was watching some thing last night about Jimmy Armfield and he mentioned that he played with GE at Rugby in the Blackpool area of Lancs before he opted for football as his main sport. GE was impressive at rugby too apparently at that age yet he was so slight. A good comparison with Hleb. He had skill to spare didnt he yet in todays so called clean football, he was often booted out of games.As a lad i never saw GE play for Arsenal but saw him play for Stoke of course in that excellent team of theirs built by Tony Waddington that lets face it, we sort of 'robbed' in 71 and to an extent in 72 of a bit of glory for that Club never experienced since by them. In the early games i was taken to at Highbury, he was missing and i always wanted to see him. My Dads favourite player he was. 'The schemer' he always called him. Anyway, i digress. My point is that GE was a great player in an era thats claimed as being a dirty football, roughouse, wild style of play era. How so then that he thrived in it? My view is that football back then wasnt what todays media say it was and todays young fans are brainwashed to believe, esp when we see that Hleb was kicked and hacked to silly extents only 6 or 7 yrs ago. A good few of todays fans ought to watch BTs old matches and checkout football from the 60s and 70s i think. Im glad i had the chance to see so many ball players from back then, all of whom in my view would devastate todays chronically poor defences. Coached and trained today Eastham would be a modern day Cesc i think. Often wonder what Marsh, Best, Worthington, Storey - Moore , Currie, Osgood, Cooke, Dave Wagstaffe, Eddie Gray, Peter Barnes, our own Brady and George and dozens of others would do. Its debated often im sure. I think all would find todays game too easy to annihilate many of the teams today in the so called 'best league in the World' .

  46. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 27, 2018, 16:12 #106503

    Badarse. You didn’t mention ‘naïve’ in your first response, but I guessed that was why I had ‘fallen foul’. If you hadn’t mentioned it in your second post I wouldn’t have said anything more on the subject. Funny thing is though Badarse the word naïve wasn’t used innocently or unintentionally. It was used deliberately. You’ve used it several times in the past, to discredit those posters who disagree with you. Although I think the word was appropriate, as in ‘lacking judgement’ on the Paddy issue, I wondered how you would react if you were described as naïve. Now we know. “Not amenable really, is it” I could say you’ve ‘been hoist by your own petard’, but that would be cruel.

  47. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 27, 2018, 15:20 #106502

    Badarse. Thank you for your kind response. I’m pleased that you agree that the essence of my post was correct, though I’m not sure of the relevance of me ‘being hoisted by my own petard’ in a discussion of the word ‘Paddy’. You now agree that the word CAN be used in a derogatory manner but not ‘necessarily’ when using it in the phrase ’very thick Paddy’. Is my understanding correct? No point in bickering about it anymore. I’ve made my point. You’ve made yours. Best to leave it to other posters to make up their own minds.

  48. Badarse

    Jan 27, 2018, 15:14 #106501

    Just a small point but I mention that you didn't just say you disagreed with my view Corny, you labelled it naïve. Not amenable really, is it? Still the WOR love labels. Nark, I see you are busily rewriting a bit more recent history. I am in favour of no restrictions on the OG posters, but want restrictions on AW comments? This is a rhetorical question so please do not over froth, but are you mad? I have never said these things and any licence you think you have with interpreting moods, nuances, nudges, and winks should be kept where they belong, in the phone box at the next WOR monthly meeting. No what I mean? Suggestive? Digestive, nudge, nudge, nod's as good as a wink to a blind man, no what I mean, say no more. SKG, was talking today with two lads about whether I thought players of yore might be successful in today's PL, given the training and wherewithal. An interesting chat ensued, unlike the wayward nonsense endured by snipers on this site. One of my favourites was George Eastham. My suggestion was he would be kicked to death, bundled off the ball, manhandled to the ground and perhaps seriously injured, as Alex Hleb was, a similar stature and style of player. When you have a wealth of memories it is prudent to concern one's self with the positive I think. I know talking of that forward line of Joe Baker, Geoff Strong, George Eastham, Alan Skirton and Joe Haverty left me with a warm glow, then again it may have been the omelette I had for lunch.

  49. Badarse

    Jan 27, 2018, 14:41 #106500

    How ironic that you should be hoisted by your own petard Corny. You see despite the essence of your post being correct you fell foul, innocently, unintentionally but I might say ill-advised use of the word in these circumstances. The lines are blurred in these matters, altering with the wind of change which is blowing through all societies. It is in such a fashion that it has allowed the door to be pushed open by naïve people and their personal dogmas. Their misunderstandings are commonplace. Yes Paddy can be used in a derogative fashion but not necessarily in the case in question relating to TOOAW. If unacceptable to some I would always concede, however when the main body of complainants are bigoted, narrow minded and are following an agenda, it has to be resisted. This is a personal view of another's situation, no more. There is a mentality existing that a poster can insult the Arsenal manager, but rails at a similar insult if it is redirected back at them. Equity? A resounding no, and the inability of some to grasp such a fundamental fact encourages the divisiveness on the site. I do not expect you to be called out as an anti Semite, because you are that side of the fence, unlike myself. As for you Exeter, you will never listen, so no hope of absorbing. Have you lived so long and not recognised that we learn from each other? Providing we have an open mind. Other posters can witness the reactions from us both to Ron's helpful post. One reasonably positive, the other frothing in the dark. Ego? We all possess an ego, even if mine sometimes might appear a double-yolker. Good old Arsenal. Wem-ber-lee!

  50. mbg

    Jan 27, 2018, 14:31 #106499

    Arseneknewbest, he had an Irish setter puppy when he was young. wenger out.

  51. mbg

    Jan 27, 2018, 14:16 #106498

    Has this old no good waste of space of a manager resigned yet ? wenger out now.

  52. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 12:07 #106497

    Exeter Ex - I think we all have a few views about Badarse , my general view is he is quite far from the man he wishes to portray and will allow himself to lie as he wraps this up in a view that he has higher moral and ethical standing hence the continual preaching and self agrandisement. He often ties himself in knots. Most recently where he called for no restrictions on this site whilst simultaneously asking for anti Wenger restrictions. Basically Badarse is always after control and can’t ontain it. Hence his hissy fits , tantrums , insults and disappearing acts.

  53. Exeter Ex

    Jan 27, 2018, 11:42 #106496

    I think A Cornish has nailed it and settled the debate. Context is all. Paddy may simply be an Irish name but 'Thick oirish paddy' is very obviously and intentionally derogatory. For the record, I don't think Badarse is despicable or right wing. He's just delusional, and Wenger comes first, so he'll align himself with anyone of any view, even far right, so long as they're a Wenger supporter and so will trick himself into thinking they don't really believe what they obviously believe.

  54. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 27, 2018, 11:25 #106495

    Badarse. Didn't realise I couldn't post that word. The Spurs fans name beginning with 'Y'.

  55. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 11:13 #106494

    Badarse - a few years back I used to snigger at William Rees-Mogg in the Times. Read his worlds going to end tomorrow bilge , grow increasingly weary reading his proto-yuppie experiences ( he was sort of a pre thatcher Thatcherite ) and probably an Ayn Rand fanboy. Then he popped his cloggs so I could get on with better things of a weekend. Little did I know though that he was going to push little Jacob upon us. So to get to my point please, please don’t push a miniature Baddie upon us after your death. Thanks and that will be all for now.

  56. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 27, 2018, 11:05 #106493

    Badarse. I’m sorry, but I think your take on the ‘Paddy’ issue is rather naïve. Paddy is a diminutive form of Patrick and Padraig, amongst others, as you probably realise. So, for an Irishman with a name of Patrick, as in your example Pat Crerand, to be referred to as Paddy is like us referring to you as Baddie. Sometimes people are also known as Paddy because they have Irish accents or background, such as Paddy Ashdown. However, ‘Paddy’ is also used as an ethnic slur. Whether its use is offensive or not is all about context. If somebody is referred to as ‘a very thick Paddy’ it’s probably not meant as a compliment. Is it? ‘Paddy’ is used as a slur. So ‘Paddy’ becomes offensive at least, and at worst racist. It’s a bit like the use of the word ‘****’ these days in that for some people the use is acceptable, but for the majority it’s not, depending on context.

  57. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 27, 2018, 10:32 #106492

    Badarse Nothing faux about it. I find tooey's anti Irish schtick offensive and so do most on here. You,on the other hand, are an apologist for that sort of thing as you've shown again this morning. That you also claim Irish roots makes you self-hating as well as far more stupid that you believe yourself to be. You're a despicable old fart badarse. There's no hope for you.

  58. Exeter Ex

    Jan 27, 2018, 10:16 #106491

    The above post from Badarse illustrates perfectly why people find him so intensely irritating. He really does seem to think he 'corrects' people, puts them back on the right path. Finishes with 'listen and absorb' like he's some great sage, great teacher. The ego on the guy. But ultimately his delusions are his problem. He and TOOAW or anyone else are never going back down on here and concede they're in the wrong, so it really is time to stick to football and points made and cut out the personal stuff. Play the ball, not the man, and if you don't like being challenged on your Arsenal-related views, don't throw your toys out the pram. If you don't have a counter to the actual point made, just don't respond as that's when it gets personal and silly and irrelevant and boring. That's what I'll be doing anyway.

  59. Badarse

    Jan 27, 2018, 9:13 #106490

    Ron read this when you come back from your sojourn, that was such a spirited attempt my friend, so thank you for that. Sadly I believe it won't be heeded by someone on a mission; though my missionary positions are legendary history has taken it's toll. You could ride with me and westlower anytime; as Butch and the Kid we'd welcome you as 'Rongo' the man with the sticky marmalade fingers. Do you notice a pattern dear readers? AKB(and we all know what the B stands for), and the Nark offer faux offence as an argument. 'Too sensitive', just used as a tool to try to wound either TOOAW and myself. I too have Irish blood and Irish family, and Paddy is not offensive my sensitive souls. Ask Paddy Crerand's family. He wore the monicker with pride. Make a joke about a woman with big boobs in the bath singing, 'Over my shoulder goes one care...'and accordingly receive barracking as a misogynist. Tosh! Stand alone on a site taking unfair barracking and sniping when suddenly a loon appears and insults them left, right and centre. Schadenfreude gentlemen. No succour to racists in this house...or outside it! I believe Jamerson was an obsessive Jehovah, he walked right out of the Old Testament, that's for sure, and that is testament enough to insanity. Personalities are transparent on this site but none can see, or choose not to. Yet when there is an agenda they can see whatever they want, whenever they want. I have fallen out with SKG but I respect him for what he is and stands for. My statement isn't meant to seem particularly grandiose, but it isn't meant to be, it's just reality. He comes from my stock but with differences. He loves the Arsenal, has fond memories of his dad and the lads, loves like me, the inanimate Highbury-how is that logically sensible? But we do. Such red and white memories, and shared. My recognition was that he was sliding down the tubes and I tried to drag him out. He was flushed with determination so I had to go around the 'U' bend. Still I found him and I berated him. He may not realise it but he shook himself out of his malaise. Job done. He can proudly wear his Ronette's red and white tutu. Wembley again, SKG! Over to you gentlemen, the clique within a clique. By the way your behaviour in the past was crude and foul, and may have earned any rebuke or plea to have you banned. Did it occur? Of course not, posters are fuelled by their own responsiveness. Now sit quietly and absorb.

  60. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 27, 2018, 8:13 #106489 take this opportunity to apologise now tooey for using such offensive anti-Irish language on here in the past. Examples are all laid out above. It'll do you good to purge yourself of all that poison. Just do it. Nothing wrong with saying sorry - proper men do it all the time...

  61. TOOAW

    Jan 27, 2018, 7:13 #106488

    mbg. Of course I'm fully aware of this. My family is full of Arsenal and Irish blood as stated many times before.

  62. mbg

    Jan 27, 2018, 1:27 #106487

    Toady, I've no intention of getting into that/this, but did you not hear about, read about, see the photos, see the footage of Euro 16 when norn Ireland (as you call them, a name gave to this wee country for the song we're not Brazil we're Norn Ireland as we didn't care who we played and classed ourselves just as good, and still don't and do) and the Republic of Ireland (the South of Ireland) fans met up ? No I don't suppose you did, you wouldn't be interested in that, I could show you all those, and from mates that were there and took them) DVD's, Documentaries, etc, that have been made professionally, books that have been written of the comradeship, camaraderie between both sets of fans celebrating their rich culture together without a care in the world. And indeed kept going when everyone dispersed and went home, but of course you don't know about that or don't want to know, and wouldn't be interested anyway. Did you never hear both sets of fans have been regularly been voted best fans in the world ? Let me give you one of the many examples where both sets of fans were partying together and an old French chap came out of his house complaining (maybe it was wenger) about the litter in his garden. He picked up and empty plastic pint tumbler to get his point across the fans jumped into his garden and filled half a dozen bin bags with rubbish from it leaving it spotless they then dipped in their pockets and filled the empty tumbler with money the French chap was in tears hugging everyone, five minutes later he arrived back out with a pack of beer for them. But you wouldn't be interested in that sort of thing, do you know any other so called rival fans who would have done that, or acted like that ? Maybe the fans you know would have beat the crap out of him, but i'll not disrespect anyone by going into that. Apologies for my lack of grammar. wenger out now.

  63. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 0:24 #106486

    Toad - Jim Davidson admitted being a coke head in the Guardian

  64. markymark

    Jan 27, 2018, 0:13 #106485

    Toad - we are eeking some sort of discussion out of you . I actually thought your 5 points later comment was actually amusing. Anyway indeed I was Bonzo as admitted before . When signing on again I tried Mark from Aylesbury but realised my far older sign on name worked hence I’m that. Now some questions for you 1: would you sign an agreement confirming you won’t use Racsist , Religously divisive and intolerant and Homophobic language. 2: would you agree to sign a disclosure you support Arsenal above the incumbent Manager (whoever that be) 3: please tell us who your favourite player was prior to Wenger.

  65. mbg

    Jan 26, 2018, 23:42 #106484

    So the old fraud tells us he's confident Ozil will stay at Arsenal, oh really ? is that supposed to mean something ? Are we supposed to sleep better now wenger has spoken ? Now who was the last player TOF spouted that about ? Go now wenger you joke.

  66. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 23:34 #106483

    Hilarious. Mark from Aylesbury aka Bonzo. #please remove Arseneknewbest. Jim Davidson the "coke head". And they want me banned eh Ed. Libelous for sure.

  67. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 23:15 #106482

    AKB - I seem to remember that Toad got abusive before under his BBA persona ( weirdly he kept on recently posting with it ending BBA ) anyway one Irish chap chose to forgive him, however another poster challenged him to meet up. Resiult was that BBA disappeared permanently. On a different note considering Badarse has revealed he was born around the battle of the Somme you’d think he’d be wary of the rise of fascism. Obviously there’s no fool like an old fool and Toad is just his lickspittle servant boy.

  68. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:58 #106481

    Toad - alright son , I’m a Londoner aren’t I son 😂😂 I love Jim Davidson he’s funny mate!

  69. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:58 #106480

    tooey - you remind me of the david brent character in the office. You know that episode when there's a quiz and he keeps googling stuff in the vain hope of keeping up with his more clever colleagues. It'd be instructive to know whether Irish Gooners on this site find your arguments more convincing than the hard evidence of your racism that Marky has provided. There's no getting away from it tooey - you have been humiliated on here and exposed as a racist - shame on you. As David Brent might have said whilst hurriedly consulting his PC: "AD Garrett - Context is everything". Now go and get your guitar and say sorry.

  70. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:56 #106479

    Paul McGrath might say something different you racist scumbag. #please remove Arseneknewbest.

  71. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:40 #106478

    Nark. It's unlike you to have an opinion these days. For once keep out son. However, AKB when a certain bunch of Irish crew travel away to international games, the north of the country call themselves the 'norn oirish' lot. Google it if it helps matters..... Proud of the 'Norn' (to help yourself it means Northern). The patriotic southerners do the same but with a little bit more tact. Arsenal FC even gave every member a book a few years ago with the membership scheme "when Paddy got up". Racist Arsenal eh or is it the local Irish contingent and 'magnificent 7' that gives it away.

  72. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:38 #106477

    kerrist tooooey. Do you really need a response to that? People of colour do not use racist epithets against other people. They're the VICTIMS of racism not perpetrators. You on the other hand are a perpetrator aren't you. Tell me you're not white thought not. There's also a clue in your Irish grandfather - not many people of colour on the island of Ireland 80-100 years ago. More now of course which is a good thing for multiculturalism which I'm sure you love. And as for being lumpen/ignorant, your last message (and several others on here in the last few weeks) clearly demonstrate that on their own without needing extra commentary. Say sorry and leave quietly. It's a simple and painless way to admit you're wrong and end this nightmare that you've fallen into tonight. Tony E et al. I sincerely apologise for this - you don't need/deserve to read this because it has nothing to do with AFC. Bt at the very least, I hope you agree that this racist needs to be challenged.

  73. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:37 #106476

    TonyEvans, Redshirtwhitesleeves, The Man From Uncle. On 25th Aug 2017 TOOAW posted this: @markymark. Ignorance is bliss. Meet for a beer anytime and you will see the real me. When mbg is still talenting about a post a week ago, it says all you need to know on this site, I'm happy to say it one more time. A very thick paddy !!!!! it's hard to define a proper Gooner these days but the OG suffers from what 14 year old boys suffer. Lastly, I've never raised an eyebrow on politics as it's all for fools like you. Meet up for a drink pal. As I said ignorance is bliss. - Post No. 109250 Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember any of you three complaining that such comments were 'spoiling your enjoyment of the site'. Yet today because there is 'bickering' and 'name calling' you complain. Well here's a bit of advice. If you find this sort of post from TOOAW acceptable or you don't have the gumption to say something about it at the time I suggest you keep quiet about the bickering and , as Tony suggests, just ignore it.

  74. mbg

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:26 #106475

    GoonerRon, if only we all were as intellectual as you, but no surprise as of course we know what side of the house you sit. wenger out

  75. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:16 #106474

    AKB. Classy by all means. How do you know I'm white, uneducated and ignorant. Do you wish for me to play the race card ?? Ed. Please look into these comments. Post 112300. #please remove Arseneknewbest.

  76. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 22:14 #106473

    Toad - I’ll jump in here you’ve called MBG thick paddy this is 70’s nastiness . I believe you’ve used the term Oirish —> adjective. derogatory. Originally especially in representations of Irish speech: = "Irish". Later also: exaggeratedly, sentimentally, or putatively Irish in style, character . Then you’ve used exaggerated Irish mimicry so no your not rascist and neither was Jim coke head Davidson. Obviously your pal Badarse is as bewildered as a Wapping Docker from the 60’s. Failing to strike against their real job loss risk ( containerisation ) but instead supporting Enoch Powell . There’s no fool like an old fool as Badarse demonstrates day after day. You of course are little more than his servant

  77. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 21:43 #106472 said by a lumpen white Numpty who has never been and never will be on the receiving end of racism but has dished plenty out. Try asking your relatives if they think it's ok to draw attention to someone's Irish nationality in a pejorative way. Please remove tooaw

  78. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 21:33 #106471

    AKB. Again... How is calling someone Paddy a racist slur. I'll say it again. How is it racist calling someone Paddy a racist slur? Hardly a 'P' or 'N' word is it. You clearly feel threatened by my views on Arsenal FC. Arsene Wenger is manager of Arsenal FC so I will support both. My view on this has never changed. #please remove Arseneknewbest.

  79. GoonerRon

    Jan 26, 2018, 21:22 #106470

    Wow, a lot has happened on here today! I completely agree with Tony Evans that this site should be above much of this. I did have to chuckle at mbg’s last post, however, ironically mentioning Badarse’s ‘ridiculous essays’ in the midst of a sentence that lasted 27 lines. Now that is just banter, which is still allowed, right?

  80. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 20:14 #106469

    So you're admitting to being a racist and you're not apologising. Everyone can judge you for that including the editors. PLease remove tooaw

  81. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 20:08 #106468

    AKB. I will only apologise for being an Arsenal fan and supporting the manager. Checking out your abusive language towards myself and Badarse is really the problem. Now, if I swung my opinion on Arsene Wenger and I wished for him dead, his players are useless dwarfs, ridiculed them as overpaid prima Donnas, attended the WOPG and handed in my membership. Would you love me and kiss my Arse. I think you know the answer. #Please remove Arseneknewbest. It does work both ways (mate)

  82. mbg

    Jan 26, 2018, 20:00 #106467

    Exeter, well said again and spot on, with redarse and his mate their biggest problem is they support their Lord and master more than the club, can't see beyond their messiah and the criticising of him, and think criticising him is equivalent to doing it to their own granddad (if they have one) they and their ilk would like absolutely nothing more than to have all that eradicated completely, especially on sites like this, (and one has even tried it now and again with gobbeledegook and ridiculous essays etc) even though they/he has no defence of him whatsoever because like you quite rightly say, they have nothing to defend him with, (and haven't for many years) all his embarrassments, humiliations and lies and spin etc,,etc, can't be defended in any way instead resorting to insults, racism, gobbledegook essays, petty jibes, holier than thou advice as if he's more intellectual than those their trying to give it to, with nothing to do with/about Arsenal, etc, exactly what they accuse WOB's of doing to their messiah and can't understand it when they get it back and pulled up on it and are so holier than thou think we shouldn't be even retorting to them, but agreeing with them, but still he can't see it, (or doesn't want to)and regardless how many times sent packing with their/his arse smarting always return and start it again. Here's one proud WOB who can ignore trolls and site jokes as good as anybody and have done but there comes times when you just have to retort and kick out at the puppy pounding at your ankle, and well done to all like thinking Arsenal fans for doing the same, because that's just what this particular wengerite wants. We want the weasel out.

  83. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 19:52 #106466

    Tooaw - What a steaming pile of revisionist tosh. So addressing mbg and using all those lazy clichés like "oirish" and "paddy" in a foul and pejorative way isn't racist. You're a disgrace, first for using that kind of disgusting patter that belongs back in the bad days of 1970s and second for playing the I love everyone really card. Seriously mate what do you take us for? Too easily seen through tooaw. Admit and apologise to everyone on here for using racist language. Go on mate - your old man and your grandpa would be proud of you. And then hang your sad old head in shame and take a break from this site for a while. One wonders if you'll respond - go on surprise us with a full apology. #Please remove TOOAW.

  84. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 19:29 #106465

    Redshirtwhitesleeves, The Man From Uncle. Agree with you about the pathetic, infantile and utterly irrelevant bickering and puerile name calling. But, when you’ve finally had enough it’s tempting to resort to an angry post. Then you might even refer to a group as ‘dullards’.


    Jan 26, 2018, 19:24 #106464

    We are just coming to the end of yet another frustrating transfer window, another Groundhog season coming to it's usual conclusion & masses of mature, loyal Gooners on this site wanting to talk about solutions & a way forward for London's biggest club. And what do we get? Just scroll back & read the continuous, inane ramblings of two idiots. It's not remotely amusing or interesting so can I implore the nice guys on here not rise to the bait & just ignore them?

  86. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jan 26, 2018, 19:18 #106463

    Ron: you'd get no "tippy tappy" with Fellaini, like my old Saturday team coach would say "you can do a one two but the third touch has to be long" wise words when you think about it.

  87. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 19:02 #106462

    Interesting day on O.G. by the looks of things. Nark stated that he's going to make one more comment yet five posts later he's still at it. Now this racism thing. I've posted it before if you care to look, both grandfather's were Irish as is my father. My father's best Arsenal pre match pint was the Bank of Friendship. Since when is calling someone Paddy racist. Probably on O.G. and O.G. alone. Also, I would really love to see where I stated that I despised Arsenal before Arsene arrived. All clearly made up by the chief poster on here namely Mark. Read AKB's comments last night at 9pm and how am I expected to react. I see comments about MY football club about the manager of MY football club and I'm offended. A while back on the FORUM, several posters were wishing Arsene dead, wanted him killed, slow death etc. But that's ok eh. Finally, Badarse has every right to comment on this site but check out the abuse he gets. Lots of personal hatred, pathetic bitching, ignorant attitude against him. What does he do???? Laughs it off, defends himself. Grow some fellas. If ya can't stand the heat....... Oo 2 B.

  88. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 18:44 #106461

    Exeter. Cornish Gooner mentioned Arthur Webster in his latest post, following a comment about it being an uninspiring soubriquet. Got me thinking about when it was first used and by whom. I found it in the archived Nov 2015 section. Time flies. First suggested by good old Alsace. I also found the following post (the names have been hidden to protect the guilty): "******* Ha ha double bubble, managed to rile two-for-one, both, *A* and *B*. *A* you do just miss too much fella, it's quite sweet though. *B* I am working, occasionally I have idle time and think what can I do to upset a few who are too comfortably smug in their inward-looking existence, so I post. I have applied as a part-time ... so I may be more occupied in future-then I shall just have to post twice as fast". Is that not an admission of trolling? So from now on mate, I suggest you leave it. He's not worth it.TonyEvans, Redshirtwhitesleeves, The Man From Uncle, and any others. Apologies once again if I'm spoiling your enjoyment of this site, but, with respect, you're not the only ones having their enjoyment spoilt.

  89. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 18:27 #106460

    Arsenalknewbest - I admit to feeling a little put out as I know entirely where your coming from . Nice conversations going on whilst you’re being called an f’ing mug asked to meet oddballs down pubs . Having others claiming comments about being cancer ridden are perfectly ok. Laterly our Western England cousins have also found themselves continually picked on as well and then the case of MBG who has vile insults. Feels a bit rich doesn’t it. Sorry must mention Scruff as well who has called it out. I think looking at all of this. Everyone sign a good behaviour agreement. The site itself needs to ramp up a bit. Believe me it could be really smashing it so I’d say the hardworking webeditor needs to look at TZ and other sites that handle massive traffic well. My guess is if Toad signed a good behaviour agreement he’d be banned in a month. Badarse will bore off for a period of time anyway.

  90. mbg

    Jan 26, 2018, 18:15 #106459

    Cornish, and if anyone can f**k it up it's him, and the fact the Weasel is looking for £25milliom for the carthorse Giroud and Dortmund don't value him at half that, and only want him on loan anyway, for £1million lol, is a good start to the f**k up, no frugality from the weasel there when it comes to selling. wenger out now.

  91. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 18:12 #106458

    Badarse if say Cornish , Exeter , AKB, MBG and I say something roughly similar and because if this we are a rabble. What then are you and Jamerson and you and Toad when Jamerson was spewing out White supremacy poison and you were awarding Toad awards after his Irish hate speech . I suppose just good old boys eh ?

  92. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 18:04 #106457

    Tony and others. Tooaw is a racist. Simple as. I've never shirked from confronting people with views like his and I never will. A site like this shouldnt besmirch itself by platforming the kind of anti Irish spew that tooaw subjects us to when he loses an argument on here, especially but not exclusively with mbg,whose opinions and rights to express himself must be respected. Tooaw, on the other hand, regularly spouts hate speech of the type most arsenal fans disassociate themselves from. While some of us are mugging this particular mugger, you're able to carry on with the football dialectic safe in the knowledge that people like Marky, exeter, cornish and I are helping to keep the website clean,and something of which we can remain proud. If you want to assume that role of policing someone who is clearly a troll and a non-Arsenal fan, then please be our guest. Those of you who expressed an ennui about the tone on here are all people whose views I greatly respect. I too have spent the past 45 years supporting a club that I dearly love. But I don't want to be talking about it on here while tooaw's foul racism continues unabated. Badarse is a altogether different case. An irritating troll who appeases racists but who is nevertheless a supporter, albeit of arsenal and manure! The solution to the tooaw abuse lies in persuading the hard pressed editors to remove the tooaw moniker in much the same way as jamee son and leek were given the red card. Can I therefore suggest that everyone ends any postings over the next few weeks by typing out "please remove tooaw". Rant over. Peace out boys - I've got tickets for the Swansea game so I'm on cloud 9 this weekend.

  93. Exeter Ex

    Jan 26, 2018, 17:35 #106456

    Okay it's hopeless. He doesn't get it. 'I explained something once in 1978 so I never need to explain it again' is the reasoning. He believes his behaviour is beyond reproach, he thinks he's the voice of reason. He's delusional beyond help. I'll try and ignore him but as A Cornish said, it's like trying to ignore the radio whilst in the car.

  94. Yes its Ron

    Jan 26, 2018, 17:34 #106455

    Ex and Baddie - you 2 are both far better than what yr doing to each other guys. You each need to give it up and sign the truce. Baddie and myself used to lock horns but we found an equilibrium many moons ago. Baddie has stacks of good stuff to say and is a clever bloke with a depth of AFC knowledge. I think in all fairness some times its Baddies style that gets him into hot water and when it does, hes exasperated and wonders why his message can get lost in transit somehow. He can be very funny though, you have to concede that! For yself Ex, youre a clever guy too and are very rigorous in yr appraisals of football stuff and there s probably none better on here at hitting the nail right on its head than you on nearly all points Arsenal. I rate both of your views on stuff on here, not that thats a ringing endorsement of anything, as im as wrong as hell in most stuff i say im sure, as we all are i suppose. Baddie and me soon solved our impasse. We sat down over toast and marmalade, exchanged a few posts, chewed it over, found the root of the problem, thought it through, changed our styles towards each other, pondered the problem together and then agreed that i was right all along !!! Ha ha. Only joking Baddie lad. Both have a great week end guys. Up the Gunners. Joe Baker rules immortally!

  95. Yes its Ron

    Jan 26, 2018, 17:18 #106454

    CG - Auba probably did Say that. They all say stuff to ingratiate themselves with the fans dont they. The statement by Sanchez about 'not being able to turn down working with JM' for eg. I bet he just substituted JM for PG as he clearly wanted Man City as his first option Club. Lord knows why they say anything when they've signed but i suppose it s to sate the social media crew who would probably troll them if said player didnt offer up up some bullshine to chew on. Yes, Steve Williams matey ha. He wouldn't manage a Season these days without at least 5 bans would he, spiteful Stevie. Liked him a lot. He could play a bit too. I was thinking more Peter Storey actually! He d be forced out of football wouldn't he due to his aggressive style. Nowhere nr as roughhouse as he s been portrayed though since his day.

  96. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 16:37 #106453

    TonyEvans, Redshirtwhitesleeves, The Man From Uncle, and any others feeling the same. It's not going as well as hoped, is it?

  97. Badarse

    Jan 26, 2018, 16:30 #106452

    Exeter I have been on this site on and off for quite a while. You in relation to myself are a parvenu. After nailing up your colours you began insisting I defend my position. I duly explained that it was history and water under the bridge; I also explained quite patiently that no one has to keep parading out his/her reason for any position they take in life when a newcomer joins the circle. It isn't done. You also happened to have a poor style, blissfully unaware of your didactic manner of demanding. Against my better judgement I relented and tried to explain, which led to more questions, more demands, more insistence from yourself. I have tried to put you at your ease by simply saying I will not hound a manager of the Arsenal; that I think much criticism laid at his door by you and others is purely conjecture and interpretation; that I am aware of most positive aspects he has brought not just to my club but to the game. It isn't enough for you, in all honesty it could never be enough as you seem to thrive on confrontation. A battle between you and any with opposing outlooks. All daft and fruitless. I also have seen you descend into personal attacks and character assassinations based on your warped sensibilities. I say something rated lets say 4 out of ten and you attack. Another viewed as in your clique says something perhaps rated 6 out of ten and you stay schtum. That earns the description of Rabble in my book. Unfair, recklessly random statements and comments, with cowardly sniping. Very ingenuous and yet entrenched attitudes are impossible to debate with. Why can you not accept that you see with one pair of eyes, and I with another? Is it that glitch? You may think it is hidden but my guess is many are aware of the aspect of truth in these exchanges. Those who may not agree with me or my views perhaps see the clarity which you find hidden. I wish you no ill, in fact if I could I'd send you a gift of a dozen free range if I could.

  98. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 16:14 #106451

    Ron. I'd go for a Steve Williams/Thierry Henry mix. Or was that Joe Baker? John F. Yes it is a bit puzzling. Last summer Real Madrid were interested, and Auba said that Real were the only club he would join. Now there's talk of Chelsea going for Giroud. Why not Auba.

  99. Exeter Ex

    Jan 26, 2018, 16:08 #106450

    Badarse - I really don't mind what you think of my 'whole existence' on here. I've made it clear I dislike Wenger and what Arsenal (and wider football) have become and give actual reasons for it. If see others making statements without giving their reasoning, I'll ask them expound. If they don't/can't, I'll point this out. This is what you experience as 'berating' and you just want it to stop, but it won't until you start backing up your remarks, or stop making them. I don't mind if you see my stance as negative - I see your continued support of Wenger as a wholly negative, bad thing, acting against the interest of the club you profess to love. Next point - Wenger is a public figure paid handsomely in part to take the criticism (fair or otherwise) that comes with his job. He neither knows nor cares what people on this website say about him. You do care however and feel you must defend him on his uncaring, unknowing behalf. There is a world of difference between indirectly insulting Wenger in his role and insulting individuals directly and personally on here. In short, you calling someone a 'slug' as they've called Wenger a 'lizard' is not proportionate, equivalent or justifiable. Next point - If you think someone like mgb is wrong to call the team soft or weak-willed or whatever words he expresses this in, then the best way to respond is to demonstrate how in fact the team is full of heart and character though the power of your argument and the evidence to hand. Responding to criticism of the team or manager by simply stating in various ways it is 'wrong' to make it, criticising the sheer fact the criticism exists, lacks substance. You need to counter-argue. Last point - if I call you Sadarse you are happy with the last 6 letters, you just want B rather than S. Tiny nuances. Do you see this point? If you cannot see the points I'm making here, that demonstrates a limited ability to comprehend, and not much can be done about that.

  100. John F

    Jan 26, 2018, 15:19 #106449

    I am puzzled why there is not a queue of clubs going for Auba not often a quality 28year old striker comes on the market.Chelsea are desperate for a striker and with the ridiculous transfer fees about,55-to 60 mil would be viewed as a bargain for some clubs.Must be something about him that is putting a lot of clubs off.SK I did read a BD fans view of him.He is fast and does miss a few but he has knack of being in the right place to tap them in.

  101. Yes its Ron

    Jan 26, 2018, 15:17 #106448

    CG and SKG - I hear you both fellas. I think theses backroom deal makers were only parachuted in with Arsenes blessing really, he ll be the arbiter on transfers still im sure. Is he very good? I dont know mate. his goals record is pretty good and its german football hes in so i can only assume hes got the knack of scoring. I hope so at 50 odd million. He seems a bit of a wild, perhaps bad boy type, so he ll have a bit of an edge i hope. Arsenal need that, a bit of 'mongrel' as they say in Aus. This is what we ve missed for so long. Skill without some devil cant work i think in the PL even in todays diluted football. This is where Utd have always balanced it. They always have a few mongrel types who disrupt and annoy other teams. Arsenal are just too 'nice'. I d have had Fellaini in our team 5 years back for eg. We need one or two who oppo fans love to hate!

  102. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 15:12 #106447

    TonyEvans. I'm doing my best to ignore. It's easier said than done though. Reminds me of, many years ago, going out in the car with my two kids. I'd put Radio2 on. They'd hate the music and complain. I used to say 'If you don't like it don't listen'. Thanks markymark. SKG. He WAS a good player. Seems he's got a bit of an attitude problem now.

  103. mbg

    Jan 26, 2018, 15:09 #106446

    markymark, well said, those accusing others of bickering with and answers the trolls, may not be a victim/victims of them yet and been or on the end of their jibs and insults, maybe if they were they'd think differently, a case of their leaving me alone so etc, etc, and anyway like you say there's times the more you ignore these trolls the more they do it so have to be rebuked and reined in whether some like it or not, now i'm sure the trolls in question have taken great delight in succeeding to have real proper Arsenal fans (and not wenger worshipers like themselves) bickering with each other. wenger out now.

  104. Badarse

    Jan 26, 2018, 14:49 #106445

    Exeter mbg calls AW a weasel and he has never defended Toad Hall in his life, unlike TOOAW and myself. So who calls him out on it? You? No bercause he aligns himself with your clique so surely the WOR fits? You are happy with the first two letters you just want B for brigade, I see it as R for rabble. Tiny nuances, just ask Bard about these if in doubt. Your whole existence on this site seems to be to bad-mouth AW or berate myself and TOOAW. Nothing positive there. Now stop frothing and eat your chukky egg.

  105. mbg

    Jan 26, 2018, 14:34 #106444

    So smoking Jack has got promotion, taken over the mantle of wally as wengers mouthpiece, telling those who believe him how they've (the players) have learned their lessons now especially defensively etc, lol, words right out of the weasels mouth, it hasn't taken him long, until the next injury. wenger out.

  106. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jan 26, 2018, 14:14 #106443

    Hi Cornish,Ron: You can just hear IG telling Arsene to "step aside I'll show you how it's done". I suspect however it's the money, it always is, the Sanchez's deal will skewer the rest of this transfer window - plus the fact there will be no CL football at Arsenal next season why should he come. PS. Is Aubameyang that good?

  107. Exeter Ex

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:54 #106442

    Part of the trouble is individuals need to be aware of what they're doing in order to stop doing it. You have Badarse talking about the need for moderation, enlightenment, self-control then in the same comment using terms like MAYDUP and WOR which then just keeps the cycle of immoderate, unenlightened lashing out going. I can only think he genuinely can't see what he's doing.

  108. TonyEvans

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:45 #106441

    Exeter - I agree troll is probably overegging it in Badarses's case (pun intended); wind-up merchant is a better description for the likes of TOOAW. I say again just ignore the rubbish on here, and only respond to genuine posters with something sensible to say - sometimes that even includes Baddie!

  109. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:42 #106440

    Ron. The worrying thing about the Aubameyang deal not being completed yet, is that this was meant to be our new team of super deal makers, not Arsene.

  110. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:40 #106439

    Cornish Gooner - I don’t think you have anything to apologise for really. You can’t make a comment on this site without Baddio jumping on you and I think think Tottenham Troll Toads had a pop as well. It’s well meaning people going on about it but it needs to be designed out and then it can be self Policed. If we’d all signed an anti rascist agreement we could have imediately yellow carded Toad for instance and then short term banned him for a further transgression.

  111. Badarse

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:31 #106438

    Nothing should ever supplant personal control and an individual's regulation of themselves, Nark. We are just borrowing time and what we accept, whenever we roll over, we rubber-stamp that as a legacy to the children. You might find that in all my posts I never swear and froth. I get cross on occasions, but as an atheist I just swing my cross into the danger zone of the penalty area. A typical post which escapes you, or skims under your radar as follows from the MAYDUP man. 'So the old fraud's little dwarves beat a weak low side, one expected to roll over. The great messiah thinks he knows all, what a liar. These little nice boys and cart horses are useless. Winning 4-0 against poor opponents won't save him though. We know what he is up to, no more little pansies playing for him, and his disciples all getting their arses smacked by us on here, we wants Wenger out!' Now not only is that unproductive it is divisive. All the norm for a person reared on divisiveness. Do we care? Well we should, the DUP with the same mentality is currently the tail wagging the dog of this government. Yet caring isn't enough. Shouldn't he be explained to by his ilk, his posse? Shouldn't he be told he has skied off piste? Enlighten, explain, it might modify, it may even help him see a bigger picture, and not religious icons. Substitute the approach of the post to 'Wenger haters', and many WOR would be frothing all over the place. Edification to all souffles?

  112. Exeter Ex

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:28 #106437

    I think the points about staying on topic are fair enough. Ideally disagreements would be on points raised rather than personal. I doubt that Badarse knows what an internet troll is but his behaviour is that of one - he posts to provoke a reaction (see 'poked with a bald egg', 'POKE' etc etc) which disrupts on topic discussion. His justification for his name calling appears to be he's defending 'his' manager, which is pretty weak. I see nothing wrong with asking a contributor to explain their views further. The trouble comes when they cannot and instead of remaining silent they seek to justify this inability through trying to make the questioner look 'bad' for asking the question, then when that fails attempting to distract with nonsense, then when that fails pretend to leave the site, then return as if the slate is wiped clean. That's a pretty long winded way of saying we should all play the ball, not the man, and if you can't back up a point if asked, then just remain silent, thus avoiding this descent into name calling and irrelevance a lot of us find ourselves caught up in too often.

  113. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 13:07 #106436

    I think the Badarse retort demonstrates my point perfectly the to and fro should be in a different area of the forum. Eventually I fear the 83 years young Badarse will self combust but anyway. My thoughts are that the editors should look at site architecture as done right it will increase traffic

  114. Badarse

    Jan 26, 2018, 12:55 #106435

    Nark, this is how you attempt to change history, even as recently as the other day. Is it just because you are obtuse? Is it because you purposely attempt to manipulate? You decide. You actually insulted the manager of my football club calling him a deluded lizard. He cannot answer for himself, cannot defend himself against such vilification. To quote TOOAW it is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. You insulted with, 'deluded lizard', I responded with, 'deluded slug.' Simples! I no more think you are a deluded slug than I believe Arsene Wenger is a deluded lizard. It's that pointing thing again. You point a finger and three may point back-four possibly in the west. I won't lie down when insulted. I can walk away and have done so often. Yet if necessary I shall stand my ground on a principle. Again the decision is your one to make, your decision and that of the WOR. Do you recognise that only a handful of silly boys insult and denigrate myself and TOOAW? Why is that? Feel threatened? You really have no need of fear. I am plain and simply an Arsenal fan for coming up 63 years. I love my club and would defend unsubstantiated criticism against whosoever I see fit. I am also free to offer another perspective on someone else's view. Simples! I may not agree with another's negative view but would defend with all my might their right to say it-whoops, that's the trouble with suede intellectuals always calling upon Voltaire's words to explain a point. I have no gripe with the negativity, it is their lives, their choice. Many of the complaints from others are very difficult to rebuke too. I surely can offer an alternative though, can I not? One based on perception and logic. The reasoning may be off, but it is honest and sincere. Yet others on this site have accused me of all those things that I have mentioned before. Liar, Moan U fan, hypocrite, misogynist, racist, alt right, Trump supporter, anti-Semite, homophobe, and a biter of jelly babies heads. Not nice is it? Especially as I happen to be an individual who has spent a lifetime fighting and campaigning against those very things. Here is the olive branch. Oh, Susej, it had to be a Kalamata olive branch didn't it? These suede intellectuals choose every opportunity don't they?

  115. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 12:54 #106434

    Just to reiterate again those who may be going on about puerile name calling may not as yet been a victim of it. I suspect if you are called a maggot a slug an f’ing mug on more or less a continual basis you will retort . The people who have suffered this has altered over time so next time it could be you. Most websites with posting columns either become abusive over time or operate strong filtering. The problem with filtering is you get a stalinistic 1 world view like Untold. Comparing TZ ( the watch site ) to the Gooner . By now Badarse would have been redirected by the posters to a different part of the forum ( let’s call it egg soufflé ) I could then in that forum tell Badarse his eggs tasted like..... leaving rest of the site in peace. Sadly unless some site architecture is altered I think the ongoing problems will continue as with many other sites. Ps for those who think Watch collecting is a gentle hobby believe me it makes some of the idiots on here look like choirboys. But as I said the site architecture works well.

  116. Badarse

    Jan 26, 2018, 12:25 #106433

    John F those matches happen to us all, or should, it aids perspective if nothing else. I did play in a 22-1 defeat, but scored with a header. A head and hope kind of thing from outside the box. All those years ago...quiet George. 'There's Only One', thank you for the support, nice to know someone has your back, especially when it is in such demand by the WOR, aiming their knives at it, ha ha. Corny consults his dictionary and parrots what he reads. Well done chum-p. The point is too specific perhaps, but here goes again. If an individual accuses in a vague manner that someone else is not one thing but another it is justified to question that assessment. The accuser has a personal view, no more no less, based on the precept that the recipient has a view of themselves of grandiosity. Then it must be considered if the view is valid. We take other considerations into account. If that same accuser is a foul-mouthed Stalinist who accused the said individual of being a Moan U fan then surely his assessment should be held as suspect, or is that contempt? 'One wheel on your wagon, but you're still rolling along...', bald eggs at the ready, on the command 'One!'-POKE!

  117. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 12:18 #106432

    I will just make one point then shut up. The problem was / is that when nobody said anything Jamerson / Leekey / Colesey ramped up racism anti semitism , homophobia and this was being posted to the world without rebuttal . Any contrary views were being labelled ( well think of homophobic epithets ) The re registering removed 3-4 particular unpleasant loons of the site. Now I’m happy not to say anything but don’t moan when you do make a point if someone calls you a Slug or a Maggot . Recently I made a comment about Wenger only to find Badarse bizarrely calling me a slug so on it goes . Might I suggest the following which operates on a watch site i use regularly 1: number of posts against each poster if you hit a certain level you become a master ! - sounds a bit odd but it breeds loyalty 2: Online Ed makes everyone sign an attestation to commit no rascist / homophobic / religious / sweary and dodged like Cnut 3: An argument forum ( yes bear with me ) this is where you go to kick off. Therefore anyone on the site can quickly direct a kick off to that forum. The site I go onto safely operates a buyers and sellers market and has millions of hits so it’s a strong working model I’m happy to discuss by PM if anyone wants information.

  118. Yes its Ron

    Jan 26, 2018, 11:27 #106431

    im gettin gthe feeling that this Aubamayang deal might founder on the rocks of Arsenals dippy, dallying. Is he to be another who we 'nearly signed'?

  119. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 26, 2018, 11:01 #106430

    TonyEvans, Redshirtwhitesleeves, The Man From Uncle, and any others feeling the same. Sorry. It won't happen again.

  120. The Man From UNCLE

    Jan 26, 2018, 10:57 #106429

    I agree with the chaps about this puerile name-calling on here, this is supposed to be an Arsenal fans website not Jeremy Kyle. Online Ed?

  121. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Jan 26, 2018, 10:26 #106428

    Tony Evans- completely agree mate, these idiots are ruining an otherwise excellent site with their pathetic, infantile and utterly irrelevant bickering. Like you I enjoy reading the comments and trading opinions with many genuine, old school Gooners on here. The dullards going on and on with their boring exchanges are about as welcome as another new contract for Wenger

  122. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jan 26, 2018, 9:41 #106427

    I am not sure if others have noticed but Stan has hoovered up a few more shares this week. No doubt the assault at this year AGM did put his back up and he is obviously desperate to avoid it happening again. Perhaps Kev could give us his current shareholding and how many more he needs to make Arsenal officially a "closed company"

  123. TonyEvans

    Jan 26, 2018, 9:22 #106426

    I don't know how others feel but I am being put off Online Gooner by the never-ending arguments between certain individuals. The best way to deal with Online Trolls is to ignore them; the more you engage with them the more they will post. I am not going to name names but I think most people will know those I am referring to. It's a shame that the site is being spoiled by ridiculous arguments about God knows what sometimes because I really enjoy OG, with the likes of Ron, SKG and RadfordKennedy (and others), who have supported Arsenal even longer than me, and I am interested in reading their views.

  124. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 26, 2018, 8:34 #106425

    Home or away? This is a football website tooooooey, not some dreary forum in which to discuss aussie soap operas. I'm not a racist says tooooooey - I just hate Irish people. Please be kind to me because I live alone and no one ever talks to me, not even the hoodlums I admire when I'm watching my beloved spuds. Marky -toooey's favourite Arsenal game was when his heroes beat us 3-1 at Wembley and gazza banged in that free kick from about 45 yards past spunky. Name your own local tooooooey and we'll meet you down there. You'll be the stranger sitting on his own nervously leafing through a spuds programme from the early 90s. Arise king Edward!

  125. markymark

    Jan 26, 2018, 7:49 #106424

    Toady - blatant anti Irish statements on this site. Strong dislike of Arsenal prior to Wenger, unable to answer any questions regarding Arsenal apart from throw away very general lines. Still not answered my question who is your favourite Arsenal player prior to Wenger. You are a Wengerphile not an Arsenal Supporter and very likely a Spud Troll. It’s not just me saying it Pal. It’s what a large number of contributors including I suspect the Editor think as well.

  126. TOOAW

    Jan 26, 2018, 7:28 #106423

    Nark. Show me racism. Show me my love of the ****e down the road. It's ok for you to get all jumped up and offensive though. Pot. Kettle. Black.

  127. mbg

    Jan 25, 2018, 23:46 #106422

    CORNISH, your Mrs is right, he certainly doesn't look a happy man, even with his odd grin and smirk, and he also looks ill, but we've known that for quite some time, so why does he do it ? no life no wife, no family no history, but most of all for egoism, arrogance, and to spite all those who want him out. wenger out.

  128. markymark

    Jan 25, 2018, 22:54 #106421

    Toad what do you and Colesey OAP have with wanting to meet people in pubs. You come across as deeply unpleasant , borderline rascist much like Your would be pal Colesey. Your capacity to discuss anything is severely limited on this site so how will it be any different in real life? Why would anyone who is sane and has a reasonably busy life spare the time to meet a drink addled borderline personality disorder Troll in some god foresaken pub? How do you think your public persona comes across?

  129. TOOAW

    Jan 25, 2018, 22:11 #106420

    AKB. Home or away ?? . Let's me meet for a pint and then we can discuss A.F.C.

  130. Goonhogday

    Jan 25, 2018, 21:45 #106419

    Lets not forget it was only a few weeks ago that we lost at Bournemouth. Swansea away is coming up next! Park the bus stuff on a cold, winters evening, not Arsène’s forte. Wenger out, Kroenke out.

  131. markymark

    Jan 25, 2018, 21:11 #106418

    Toad - I think Your intimidated by Scruff . All this plastic Cockney gibberish you come out with is pure rubbish . The only bus you’ll be on is some single decker plodding through satelilite town on your way to your dreary occupation. No Alcohol allowed Toad unless you’re drinking it out of a brown bag. We know your type. Now a question for you. Who is your favourite Arsenal player pre Wenger ?

  132. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2018, 21:02 #106417

    tooooey - You're the King Edward of spurs fans...Do you think anyone on here seriously believes you are a genuine Arsenal supporter? If so, then you must have been inhaling some of that smoke you've been blowing up Mr Bad's arse in the past few weeks. H loves it bu the rst of us find your fake a creepy behaviour a it worrying. You know nothing about the club, it's history and arguably most importantly what makes this club different from other ones. When challenged, you evade or simply disappear. You're having this ridiculous wenger love-in in order to try and wind people up. You're thick, but not even you can really believe that tripe you spew about him. Like I said the other day, have some personal f*cking integrity and get back to

  133. markymark

    Jan 25, 2018, 20:38 #106416

    Toad - Badarse is about 83 has even dodgier knees than me and can barely operate a computer. He can’t answer a question either which is something you have in common with you . Imtimdated ? Errrr no just frankly bemused. No one on this site is intimidated by Badarse though one orcctwo of us think he might be ill. Just a point for you Toad. You don’t support Arsenal as Leek you confined you didn’t like Arsenal pre Wenger. Your a Wengerphile not an Arsenal Supporter and at least 3 people now have called you out for being a Spurs Troll. Am I frothing yet? Egg soufflés ..... oh know Badarse is turning up quick run.

  134. mbg

    Jan 25, 2018, 20:27 #106415

    Cornish, the pub know all, nice one but it must be a small pub, (can you have a pub in a phone box ? ) much prefer site joke though.

  135. TOOAW

    Jan 25, 2018, 20:15 #106414

    Nark. Supporting Arsenal and Arsene makes me a Spurs fan !?!?!? Now that is very very ignorant. Admit it, you and the clan are intimidated by Badarse. You are infatuated by me and him. It gets bad enough when Scruffy tips into his council estate language at Gooner Ron. See ya at the the final, I'll even buy you a drink or will you be hiding on the open top bus getting beer thrown at you. Excellent work Badarse..... Excellent work fella.


    Jan 25, 2018, 20:04 #106413

    HE IS NEVER GOING TO LEAVE IS HE? He is NEVER going to leave!!! My wife is trying to keep a straight face but it has "I told you so" written all over it. Seeing how upset I am by the ongoing tragedy of AFC, however, she added "but I can see he's not a happy man" & I think she is correct. The X factor has long gone on the playing field along with the clever little witty phrases ( usually at Fergie's expense) & approachability we all used to love. Lonely & unloved by the majority ( but that's enough about Mr Badbottom). I like to use the name "Arthur Webster" because it is ordinary, boring, mediocre & has zero gallic charm - exactly what AW has evolved into. I am sure his ex-wife would agree with my very shrewd wife. He is so lucky that every time the likes of Chelski appear to have found yet another winning formula & manager, they manage to **** it up. Looks like the Old Fraud will see off yet another, better manager in Conte.

  137. mbg

    Jan 25, 2018, 20:00 #106412

    So the joke of the site is back(with what has to be the reddest arse in history) and thinking if some on here think he's a racist homophobe, evangelist liar the list goes on and on, all his own too, funny that, there's not much he can say or do about it as he suggests we're not intellectual enough for him to understand (no surprise there) the holier than thou one could always have unequivocally denied it, rubbished them in no uncertain terms etc, anyone else would if not true, but guess what no he didn't. We want wenger out.

  138. Exeter Ex

    Jan 25, 2018, 19:44 #106411

    "A person who claims proficiency in scholarly or artistic activities" e.g. might make statements like "living in a broken society of their own making". "lacking in-depth knowledge or critical understanding" e.g. when challenged to explain the above statement, cannot do so, so instead claims the request is 'demanding' and that they won't 'bend the knee'. Then states is leaving the site in order to escape a situation of their own making, but claiming the trap they found themselves in is 'job done'. Then returns as if nothing has happened, repeats cycle. Badarse is the very definition of not only a pseudo-intellectual, but a recidivist.

  139. GoonerRon

    Jan 25, 2018, 19:41 #106410

    It’s never anything but satisfying to beat the chavs. And who knew, Wenger made a tactical adjustment that improved our performance. Our recent record at Wembley is great so let’s go there and do them.

  140. markymark

    Jan 25, 2018, 19:34 #106409

    BBC running interesting stats showing we receive highest gate receipts in Europe out grossing UTD and 22m greater than Real Madrid but only have 9th highest salaries .

  141. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:49 #106408

    intellectual: a person possessing a highly developed intellect. So, Badarse the difference between an intellectual and a pseudointellectual is: You think you are an intellectual but you are in fact a pseudointellectual. Hope that helps Chum.

  142. markymark

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:48 #106407

    Badarse just to point out that Your Badarse “Canestan Cream Sponsored awards” have awarded Arsenal supporters of the year to a Spud! Toad is a Spud Troll. If I were you, due to the embarrassment heaped upon all true Arsenal supporters I’d consider resigning. We won’t stand in your way. But then again if you’re like Wengo you’ll still be blabbering on 15 years later.

  143. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:33 #106406

    pseudointellectual (plural pseudointellectuals) A person who claims proficiency in scholarly or artistic activities while lacking in-depth knowledge or critical understanding. A person who pretends to be of greater intelligence than he or she in fact is. Seems pretty accurate to me.

  144. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:23 #106405

    Badarse. Your post BEGGARS belief. How can anybody on here ‘slink off into the shadows’? How do you know I am fearful of being criticised? I’m not bothered about anybody discussing marmalade on here, including Ron. But it’s not Ron who put the n into ‘thick cut’. It’s you. You continue to refer to ‘Nark’, ‘The Eggman’ ‘mug’ and AKB(and we all know what the B stands for). Do we? YOU tell us. What DOES the B stand for? So, I’ll continue to refer to you as ‘Thick Cut’. Sad that for a few days this week your new medication seemed to be working. Unfortunately, it was yet another false dawn and you’ve reverted to being the boring pub know all. Don’t you ever read these posts and think maybe, just maybe I’m seen as a complete prat and I ought to do something about it, rather than just resort to piss poor comedy crap responses. ‘I find the minutiae of slight augmentations and the end results fascinating’. You pompous oaf.

  145. Yes its Ron

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:15 #106404

    Paulo - Some of the best players ive ever seen liked a good night out, either 3 days pre match or the night before, even on the match day itself and still played brilliantly. If every footballer who ever did a party was hung out to dry and subjected by trial by former boozy pundits, you wouldnt ever get two teams on a pitch come a Saturday my friend. Iwobis a kid. His team mates were clearly happy to play with him. Clubs upo and down the Country have players whos coaches turn their face away to players antics as long as the players does his bit. Long may it last. Wengo deserves credit for not bending to comments like Charlie made. Yes, Charlie was a really good finisher. I loved him in his day and hes Arsenal through and through, but hes in no position to judge others about a night out. Hypocrisy and he was playing his SKY pundit remit, protecting his big salary there by allowing himself to be dragged into commenting about Iwobi. The issue being dragged out was yet more of Sky sports 'no news'. Load of b-----s debated for the sake of it. Fortunately they stopped short of suggesting Iwobi maybe needed a priest sending round to his house to seek his repentance ...but they werent far short of it. Only Le Tiss treated it as it should have been treated. lightly and tongue in cheek. Another fabulous player whos social life often affected his fitness.

  146. Exeter Ex

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:13 #106403

    There you go again, Badarse - "too complicated for you". You still genuinely think you're intellectually superior, don't you, despite the amount of times you've been stripped bare and sent packing. Have you ever considered that perhaps you don't express yourself very well? Of course you haven't, you lack the self-insight. You mistake verbiage for intellectualism, a sixth former's error. Offering "nothing to debate' you throw my way and at others, despite my regular attempts to get you to expound on what you mean, which you, in your inability to do so, conveniently describe as 'demanding'. I don't know about Man u fan and all those other things you list, but what I do know is you're a proven hypocrite and liar. You wag your finger all the time at others but are outraged when challenged yourself. That makes you a hypocrite. You regularly state you're not going to post on here anymore, then do so. That makes you a liar. It's not the worst lie in the world, but it's a lie you tell on a regular basis. So there we have it, an unarguable, indisputable, proven hypocrite and liar. Perhaps you have some alternative facts with which to refute this, or would even that be 'bending the knee'?

  147. markymark

    Jan 25, 2018, 18:08 #106402

    Badarse as you are still refusing to answer I’ll just have to ask it again. If some of us on this site ( I presume I’m included ) have somehow managed to break society. Why are you so weak that you couldn’t stop us and if society is broken it logically follows that you feel it was once better . So when was that? What decade? How did we break society? How comes you were defeated in your capacity to support your vision of society? These are big questions, I want to learn off you as apparently I froth?!? And cannot understand. Enlighten me, surely you can provide an answer ?

  148. Badarse

    Jan 25, 2018, 17:57 #106401

    OK big boy, stop frothing and please explain the difference between a pseudo-intellectual and an intellectual. These are labels chum, they are designed by the inarticulate to hang around another's neck because dealing with reality is a too big an ask. Think on that, or just froth a bit. Bald egg poking time isn't over yet, ha ha.

  149. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2018, 17:51 #106400

    Bollix? Bullsh*t? Batsh*tcrazy? Ball bag? All adjectives neatly apply. You're a phony pseudo-intellectual badarse unfit to mix with the big boys on here. Get Mrs B (we all know what the b stands for snigger snigger...) to nail your coffin lid dowm straight after your horlicks because you're tired and we find you tiring. Bon nuit branleur (there's a continental b word for you to grapple with).

  150. Alsace

    Jan 25, 2018, 17:46 #106399

    Dear KW. How very dare you compare George Graham's twilight with Wenger's. 1) George is an Arsenal man. Arsene is an Arsene man. 2) George is a legend. Arsene is a ****end. 3)George was sacked by the club when he couldn't do it anymore. Arsene hasn't been able to do it for 12 years. 4) George could defend. Wenger doesn't know the meaning of the word. 5)George was caught doing naughties. Wenger's legitimate financial rewards are far more distasteful. 6)I went to George's cup finals and wanted Arsenal to win them. Now I can't even be bothered to turn up half the time.7)I shall be upset when George leaves us. I shall be ordering champagne to celebrate when the Charlatan does.

  151. Badarse

    Jan 25, 2018, 17:23 #106398

    Too complicated for you to take on board AKB(and we all know what the B stands for)? For the same reason I no longer try to explain some aspects to the frothing Nark-it's too complex for him to really comprehend. I reckon if someone thinks I am a liar, cheat, misogynist, racist, homophobe, Moan U fan, evangelist, anti Semite, Trump fan and a Tory Blue then there isn't much hope for them in rationalising simple logic. To compound matters, not recognising those traits in another so close, as in the MAYDUP mug, it beggar's belief. So too with those western boys, they just snipe. No positive input. Nothing to debate or memory or suggestion of any worth, just to await a post from the one that they see as an enemy, then froth, insult and demand answers. Also inherent cowards, the Corny git wants to dig me about marmalade. Note he slinks off into the shadows avoiding any criticism of Ron-the other Marmalade Kid, because he is fearful of being criticised by his 'posse'. Hilarious bunch, and you all still have one wheel on your wagon.

  152. A Cornish Gooner

    Jan 25, 2018, 17:19 #106397

    Moscow. Angus Kinnear at Leeds for their new badge launch (hated), at West Ham for their new badge (hated). Prior to that he was at Arsenal as Marketing Manager! Coincidence or what?

  153. mbg

    Jan 25, 2018, 16:55 #106396

    Moscow, typical Arsenal fans/luvvies soft as butter little sheep brain washed against all that by an old arrogant egoistic Dr Moon, and still failing to organise against the biggest monstrosity of all that was ever foisted on our club. wenger out now.

  154. Paulward

    Jan 25, 2018, 16:25 #106395

    Undoubtedly a cup side now, and we are getting the slices of luck that you need to win these competitions. Hope they get a move on with Aubameyang, he’ll be needed in the final. On Chelsea it is us who should be chanting for their manager to stay, as Conte clearly has a problem beating Wenger. The fact is the Italian will depart and Chelsea will again challenge for the title, whilst we will continue to tread water as cup specialists.

  155. mbg

    Jan 25, 2018, 16:18 #106394

    I very much doubt TOF gives the fans anything Ed, (unless it's two fingers) and only then if it's for himself and makes him look good too, which isn't very often. Yes another final and for a trophy that himself an his wengerites treated with disdain and contempt for years even worse than the FA Cup, a micky mouse trophy it was and now creaming their pants over, I wonder is it the actual final or jus the fact like the others it could save their messiah's skinny arse yet again, like then and this time it'll change nothing. We want wenger out.

  156. The Man From UNCLE

    Jan 25, 2018, 16:01 #106393

    Re the Leeds badge - I wouldn't put it past them to "suddenly" change their mind and revert to another badge, conveniently boosting shirt sales in the process. Meanwhile, two marketing people are giving each other high fives on the beach.

  157. Moscowgooner

    Jan 25, 2018, 15:55 #106392

    Completely off message but the row over LUFC's new badge helped to remind me of how many years we've had to put up with that Disney cannon at Arsenal. 50,000 have signed the Leeds petition against their badge; we completely failed to organize against the monstrosity foisted on our club - there is a parallel with AW and SK - despite the fact that our crest went back to the '40s not the 1970s. The day we melt down that plastic cannon and put the 'real badge' back where it belongs we should have an open top bus tour through N5. I have never ever bought any merchandise with that thing desecrating our colours.

  158. Paulo75

    Jan 25, 2018, 15:31 #106391

    Yes it Ron - No doubting Champagne Charlie Nicholas liked a night out but in his role as a pundit he was 100% correct about Iwobi - whether that makes him a hypocrite or not. Playing Iwobi against Forest sent the wrong signal out in my opinion despite his improved performances since then. Iwobi could certainly do worse than develop Charlie Nick's finishing ability too - another woeful attempt at goal when given the chance to finish the tie last night.

  159. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 25, 2018, 15:27 #106390

    It's all a bit jolly and glass half full on here today,notwithstanding badasio's typically incoherent babble. I think Kevin's headline is ironic - a more realistic description would be,"another day out at Wembley despite being managed by a complete cretin who has historically poured scorn on this tournament and who now cannot believe his luck despite facing a FAR superior team and manager in the final". I no longer want this idiot ruining Arsenal so getting to the final of a competition that he has mocked for years -sheff Wednesday anyone - but which may prolong his career is definitely bitter-sweet. Plus I was also there for Luton 87 and have been mentally scarred every since. Wengo-quit while you're ahead for the first time this season.

  160. John F

    Jan 25, 2018, 15:12 #106389

    I stopped listening to Talksport years ago because of some of the presenters unreasonable dislike of Arsenal.Today I tuned in to Jacobs and Hawksby to be greeted by Chelsea fan Jacobs ranting about how much he despises Arsenal fans and the club and hopes we get a good spanking by City,very professional I thought and turned off.Always good to beat Chelsea with fans like that.Baddie you brought back a bad memory,I usually played at the back but was once put in goal and we lost 28-2.I should of sued for backache.

  161. Yes its Ron

    Jan 25, 2018, 13:46 #106388

    PS - just thinking on Awobi. Typical empty headed SKY punditry the other week about the kid going to his party 48 hrs pre game. Who else but Charlie Nicholas on the TV jumping up and down saying he ought o have been dropped etc etc. Laughable wasnt it. This is the same old Champagne Charlie Nicholas isnt it who s off field exploits were legendary and thus the reason GG wanted him gone? I like Nicholas but do they think we have no memory or that we re just so brainwashed now by their PL post 1992 bul****e that we really do think we re now finally persuaded there was no football before then?

  162. Yes its Ron

    Jan 25, 2018, 12:54 #106387

    A great win Kev. Yes we got the deflections didnt we but that Cup football. Cheslea looked good at first but we did well to go 1 down and win. Theres seems a will to try hard in that team there now that Sanchez had perhaps poisoned. The lad Lacazette can flourish now with him gone and we ll sign Aubamayang i reckon. Monreal - top lad again. Hes a battler and always has been. Awobi needs to sharpen up his finishing but he put a good game in didnt he. I m sure these transfers will really benefit Arsenal in the end. They could beat Man C. It ll be tough but theyre far from impenetrable if a team has a go at the. I dont think Stones and his mate in their centre defence is that much better than ours in all honesty. Their full backs are really good though, propelling their attacks and it tends to insulate Stones.

  163. GSPM

    Jan 25, 2018, 12:40 #106386

    We won, we are at Wembley, happy for the fans & the players. But we all know nothing has really changed, seen it all before. We are in limbo until the old fossil leaves.

  164. TonyEvans

    Jan 25, 2018, 12:19 #106385

    Even though my head is telling me losing last night may have been better for hastening Wenger's exit from the club I can't ignore the heart saying fantastic, another final. Don't get the same buzz I used to, but you can't be negative after beating Chelsea in a semi-final over two legs.

  165. Paulo75

    Jan 25, 2018, 12:19 #106384

    Great result and fair play to the team for a determined, if unspectacular performance. Plaudits will always be given when 100% effort has been shown on the field. Hopefully post Sanchez the squad will be more united and results will improve accordingly. We really need Aubameyang deal to be finalised as there is a lack of back up / competition to Lacazette. Hopefully Arsene can complete the domestic honours in February but his time was up years ago and we need a new direction come May.

  166. Bard

    Jan 25, 2018, 12:03 #106383

    Dull game but an excellent result. Monreal was fantastic as was Ozil. Chelsea look to have similar problems to us, a lack of quality apart from Hazard. Congratulations to Wenger for making the tactical switch in the second half. On a side note it interesting how much damage the decision not to sell Sanchez to City in the summer has had on this season's campaign. its no coincidence that since he's been going and gone the side have looked better and more focused.

  167. The Man From UNCLE

    Jan 25, 2018, 11:21 #106382

    Fantastic win, you've got to say that was hugely enjoyable. One thing that stood out for me last night, because of the high line Chelsea were playing, Lacazette kept on the shoulder of the centre half waiting for a ball over the top, which almost always never came, Bellerin or Iwobi preferring instead to pass inside. If this can be ironed out will surely result in lots of goals for him. No, let's not paper over the cracks but who in their right mind can carp about that result.

  168. Badarse

    Jan 25, 2018, 11:17 #106381

    John F I don't think players come off coat hangars. You don't just go in and buy the finished product which fits in a tailor made fashion-apart from those right at the top who have really arrived as established players, and you pay top dollar for them. It is a great aspect to play in an alternative position to the one a player may believe to be his own. As a slight digression I would consume anything 'football' as a kid, and there wasn't that much, believe me. I read Joe Mercer's words saying right footed lads should play in left footed positions and vice versa, just to get an awareness of the differences it can bring to a person's game. I took this literally; as a head down, unswerving servant to his words, and I played inside left. I played in lots of positions, even in goal in one game, but spent my entire career in a left-footed position as a permanent fixture. I do remember Arsenal having some training sessions in the late 60's where they played games in alternative positions. Slightly different intention as this was to let a moaning right winger realise that being a left back wasn't that easy to hold down, and again, vice versa. I would always play players in alternative positions to give a greater insight into the three dimensional demands of the football chessboard. Sometimes you have to try to make a square peg fit a round hole too. Players arrive and the manager has expectations, sadly they stutter and fail, then voila! Another player, another piece sits nearby and a transformation takes place. I am not saying this has happened with Granit, but I find the minutiae of slight augmentations and the end results fascinating. Must be the Yorkshire blood.

  169. Guernsey gunner

    Jan 25, 2018, 10:20 #106380

    Good report kev and we’ll all take a cup final day out, but let’s not let that paper over the chasms at arsenal. Change is afoot as evidenced in this window and regardless of trophies or league position in May he needs to go in the summer.