Clucas beats Clueless

Online Ed: Arsenal lose three points at bottom of the table Swansea

Clucas beats Clueless

Arsenal have played 13 away Premier League matches so far this season, and only won three. Amongst the teams they have failed to beat are Bournemouth, West Brom, West Ham, Southampton, Watford and Stoke. Swansea, bottom of the Premier League going into last night’s game can now be added to that list. West Ham are currently 10th in the division, the rest are in the bottom half and include all three of the teams currently sitting in the relegation spots, which Arsenal’s hosts yesterday evening moved out of with their 3-1 victory over a woeful Gunners team. In their last five Premier League fixtures, Wenger’s side have won five points from the 15 available.

What is significant is that this was more or less the same line-up that beat Chelsea last midweek to make the League Cup Final. Cech replaced Ospina in goal, and Jack Wilshere did not travel to Wales due to illness, meaning Aaron Ramsey came in. And yet the contrast in the level of performance was notable. A group of players that looked far more committed last Wednesday were generally impotent in attack and ragged when they lost possession.

Let’s start with a message that Doktor Schneide sent me on hearing the manager talking up his team post-Sanchez’ departure after the win against Chelsea, which seems kind of apt this morning.
Wenger’s comments on the team having more ‘clarity’ and being ‘more focussed’ after losing one of our precious few (only?) world class players made me think of a would-be pep talk by Captain Mainwaring in Dad’s Army:
Mainwaring: ‘Right men, as you’re all no doubt aware, our strategic victory at Dunkirk has rather unfortunately left the country without any anti-tank guns…’
Fraser: ‘Or tanks.’
Mainwaring: ‘Yes, thank you Fraser. Er, we’ve also lost most of our anti-aircraft weapons…’
Wilson: ‘And airplanes, Sir.’
‘Do you mind, Wilson? I’m trying to encourage the men. Er… oh yes – and the majority of our soldiers returning from France had to leave their weapons behind. Now I’m sure you all agree, that if Hitler and his mob were to turn up on our shores, we would give them a bloody nose due to our new found clarity and clear focus. Jones – give the men a pitch fork each, we’re taking up positions on the promenade.’

If Manchester City win this evening, Arsenal will be 26 points adrift of the leaders. I am guessing here, but I suspect the last time such a gap existed between Arsenal and the top team was back in 1994-95. It’s a surefire sign of further decline. Reputedly, bad boy Alexis Sanchez was disrupting the team spirit and his departure would see a newly invigorated Gunners. Well, Sanchez did not travel to Bournemouth. Arsenal thrived at home – against Palace and Chelsea, but it seems that on the road, the absence of the Chilean makes no difference. Perhaps, dare I suggest it, the weakness might be in the dugout? In terms of preparing the team for this type of match against a deep defence that will counter-attack rather than come out and give their visitors space to play in. A caller to TalkSport last night opined, “If Wenger coached a fish it would drown”. Certainly, defensively, the team were a shambles on a wet Tuesday night in Wales, all of the goals too easy.

Arsenal looked shaky before they took the lead, a Ramsey block preventing a goal from a ball across the area that should never have been allowed in the first instance. There were at least three other very decent opportunities for the home side. However against the run of play, a sublime Ozil cross to find Monreal gave cause for optimism as the visitors went one up. It didn’t last long. Ozil, under pressure in his own half, gave the ball away and seconds later it was in the back of the net as Sam Clucas ran into the penalty area with Granit Xhaka doing a passable imitation of a lamppost as the midfielder levelled the scores.

The second half saw the introduction on 60 minutes of Mkhitaryan for Elneny as the manager decided he could do without his defensive midfielder in pursuit of victory. It didn't quite work out. Less than a minute later, the home team went ahead thanks to a howler from Petr Cech, miskicking a clearance straight to Ayew who slotted the ball home. Arsenal failed to seriously threaten Lukas Fabianski’s goal, an offside Mkhitaryan heading a simple chance straight to the keeper, but the linesman’s flag made it academic. In the 86th minute, the game was over as Monreal made a hash of a clearance, allowing Ayew to waltz past Mustafi and tee up Clucas for his second. 3-1 was a fair reflection of the chances in the game. Swansea could certainly have had more.

After the match, the manager said, “When you make mistakes, there’s not always a rational explanation behind it, apart from the fact that maybe it highlights a whole lack of quality concentration that we didn’t have tonight.” But whose job is it to make certain the players are focussed?

Anyway, it’s another nail in the coffin. I have come to the stage now where I actually do not care too much about these defeats. I get a perverse kind of pleasure from seeing Arsene Wenger’s hubris punctured. A man who displays nothing in the way of humility, who never takes any responsibility for his team’s failings, who is stubborn and disrespectful about the people who pay his wages. ‘Judge Me In May’ is one of his mantras, but when the guilty verdict is passed, what happens? Arsene goes on holiday and starts preparing for another season.

Oh well, there is no question this is his final contract. The only thing to be resolved is whether the club drag out his tenure beyond this season. And what the point of that would be I cannot fathom. Loyalty? That would be seriously misguided. The rebuild job needs to start now. My guess is that by the start of the 2020-21 season you might only see a couple of the players that started last night still at the club. Wholesale change awaits, and is badly needed. The sooner the people who are supposed to be running Arsenal get on with it, the better. Arsenal have become a standing joke in the power circles of European football. Time to restore some pride by making the necessary, long overdue changes. And that starts with a past-it, clinging on for his £8 million a year manager.

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  1. mbg

    Feb 01, 2018, 15:41 #106725

    MAF, another example (not that any more is needed) of TOF thinking the club is his and using/putting his personal opinions/views, valuations before and to the great detriment of the team and club, (we're not exactly talking world class here) yet another sackable offence at any club in Europe. Go now you old weasel you don't own this club, and never did. wenger out now.

  2. mbg

    Feb 01, 2018, 15:11 #106722

    markymark, move back ? Egoism, pure arrogance mate he knew best, he thought he was God, he let it get to the stage he then couldn't, it would have been like admitting defeat, he just bumbled on (to the huge Detriment of the team and club) waiting and hoping it would one day come good and he's still waiting along with his AKB disciples. We want the weasel out now.

  3. Yes its Ron

    Feb 01, 2018, 13:17 #106711

    Ex - re Ozil - it certainly seems that way doesn't it

  4. Exeter Ex

    Feb 01, 2018, 12:10 #106706

    I think the likely reasons Ozil signed up are fairly easy to discern. Nowhere else was paying him that salary, nowhere else will give him games off when he feels like it, everywhere else would have expectations of performance, and he likes the London life. He can just cruise through the next few years now, enjoy life.

  5. MAF

    Feb 01, 2018, 11:47 #106703

    Zero tactical Coaching. correct. but surely so many other things also wrong at the Club? if you wanted Johnny Evans then do you quibble over a couple mill ? if you Need him in order to have a run at top 4 then surely you just get him. especially if bank Balance fine, etc. but no. Arsene only wanted him at a certain Price and didnt get him. so leaves things as they are at the back i.e absolutely woeful. i am in shock that Ozil has signed w/o Holding Arsenal to ransom and saying ''buy a proper back four and ill stay''. well known Alexis was crushed by how many times Arsenal crumbled at the back. groundhog day at this rate Arsenal are heading for 60 Points from this season. now that really is a sackable offence when your salary bill is £200mpa. THFC is £75mpa...

  6. Exeter Ex

    Feb 01, 2018, 10:34 #106702

    Still not knowing how the internet really works, Badarse thinks we all know each other on here and meet up to discuss what we're going to say before posting. This is the only explanation he can think of for the broad anti-Wenger consensus on here and why he's baffled by the lack of a party line on the degree of Wenger's involvement in the recent transfers. I'm only half-joking. Badarse - what are your thoughts on Tuesday's match, and what does this and performances of a similar ilk suggest to you about the coaching at AFC?

  7. markymark

    Feb 01, 2018, 7:42 #106701

    Gooner Ron - Good points . It always surprised me that moving away from our incisive running and midfield kingpin centre ( Kante a modern equivalent ) seeing that the Barcelona lite model then failed that he didn’t move back. bordering on 15 years of triangular passes -> no title . Danny Murphy was interesting on MOTD last night saying upfront Arsenal have zero tactical coaching

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Feb 01, 2018, 2:20 #106700

    Badarse. Disappointed you didn't give us your thoughts on Tuesday's game. What exactly brings you to the conclusion that Ron's opinions, that are not based on facts, are a 'more credible view', than differing, or even, in a lot of cases similar, opinions, that are also not based on facts? They are, after all, just opinions.

  9. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 23:42 #106699

    And things were going so well, no friction no starting trouble, etc, etc, until up he pops the joke of the site like a cockroach out of the skirting, right on cue late at night when everyone else is going to bed (after just receiving his own bed bath) not having the balls to come on earlier as he knew what he'd receive, to try and defend his messiah (the un defendable)from the big bad bully boy/boys with not a word of explanation of why, why he should, what's to defend, or why should he, etc, etc, he's going to be a long time retorting to all the other bully boys who bullied, slagged off, insulted, name called, etc, his messiah on here today, but I suppose he has all night now, here on his own to write notes, until the early hours of the morning when he scuttles off again, when others start retorting, that's if like I say, he has the balls to do it to all, preferring to spew his gobbledegook on/to just a few, so we'll see if he's a coward now too along with all the rest, none of us would be surprised as that would be right. We want the weasel out.

  10. GoonerRon

    Jan 31, 2018, 23:39 #106698

    @ marky - there’s clearly something amiss away from home, in the last 12 months especially, as I’d imagine we’ve lost more games to lower half teams in this period than we did in the 3-4 years before. I’m not sure if it’s specifically effort, discipline, nuts or tactics - probably all of the above. I know a lot is made of our defence (and clearly our defenders have made lots of individual errors) but I always come back to the dysfunctional midfield as the absolute crux of our issues. It’s not just that we need a massive great DM but the balance is rarely right, especially when we play with a back 4 as the FB’s push on regardless. It’s the responsibility of the manager to get this right but he’s clearly failed and to continues to fail in this area. Our midfield isn’t strong enough, disciplined enough or tactically aware enough to function properly, and this is exacerbated by the lack of a genuine DM and the two-footed genius of Cazorla who briefly papered over the structural cracks. I was thinking the other day that for most of the past 6 years the DM position has been filled by either Arteta, Flamini or Coquelin - and not a single international cap between them. That’s staggering for what has become one of most important positions in the game at a club that pretends to be going for the top trophies.

  11. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 31, 2018, 23:29 #106697

    Badarse - How can you expect that the 17,345,321 people on here who think wengo is a stain on AFC's underpants would speak with one voice when you don't speak with one voice yourself. It's a site where people debate arsenal-related issues remember - doh! We've already established your clearly hypocritical credentials haven't we - you can add to that a complete failure to understand why you come on here. Work out where the off button is on that computer and try pressing it. In any case, I'm surprised to see you and your slug trail on here tonight - as AFC's foremost octogenarian hoolie, I would have thought you and colesey would have been out on the tube network looking to leave your calling card on some hapless Chelsea headhunters on their way home from tonight's defeat to the mighty bouremouth. A team you'll remember that also humiliated your friend arsene too recently. Shame manure lost tonight eh baddie? Your two favourite clubs are in the doldrums methinks.

  12. Wrinkly Voyeur

    Jan 31, 2018, 22:30 #106696

    well...errrrrrr... overall badarse...errrrr..I belieeeeeeeeeeeve arsene knows things about his bowels that you don't know....errrrrr....looook.... if you leetle beet sniff one of arsene's top top qualiteeeeee bowel movements you will show great spiwit, big commitment and big desire.

  13. Badarse

    Jan 31, 2018, 22:05 #106695

    'It's got AW written all over it; it hasn't got Aw written all over it.' Come on gentlemen, get your statements to agree. How can you vilify an individual when one side wants to criticise him over something the other side promotes? Sycophantic it may sound but Ron's take on matters is about the only credible view worth reading. MAYDUP man, are you and the rest of the natives keeping off AW's back now? The image is everything.

  14. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 21:49 #106694

    So off goes the Arsenal king of oral sex(the ladies will miss him if nobody else)without a peep from the wengerites for leaving their poor messiah in the lurch for more dough, (unlike the others who were/been castigated for doing it for ambition, in fact their waving him off wishing him well, and he's not even English, no booing m when he returns then, you couldn't make it up. wenger out tonight.

  15. Paulward

    Jan 31, 2018, 21:47 #106693

    A few observations . Firstly the number of ins and outs this month suggest the changing of the guard behind the scenes has had a major impact, and that the decks are being cleared for Wengers departure, which is now no more than 16 months away, tops. Secondly what has Wenger done to Lacazette? The man looks shot. Thirdly , Cech is finished and should be dropped immediately. Lastly what have the Wengerboys on here got to say about last nights humilliation? They seem to have gone very quiet.

  16. markymark

    Jan 31, 2018, 21:05 #106692

    Gooner Ron - I’d be interested to know if you think the players can no longer be arsed under Wenger? At home different story have to do the right thing but go away and discipline evaropates.

  17. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 31, 2018, 20:49 #106691

    Feeeee-oooooo. I always said he was brilliant. Not. But seriously expect octogenarian terrace hooligan badarse and racist tooey to be on here soon saying how they always loved him and that lord wengo was forced to sell him by amgs. As our old friend jeff "adolf" wright might have said, parroting his ideological idol and an even bigger spurs fan than tooey, richard littlejohn, you couldn't make it up.

  18. Jock Gooner

    Jan 31, 2018, 20:47 #106690

    This can't be Wenger's doing! So far this transfer window has proved a very efficient exercise in offloading dross - Cocq, Wally, Debuchy and to a lesser extent Giroud. This has funded the new purchases as well as the wages for what looks like a new Ozil deal too. This is not Wenger in action, who tends to carry lightweights for as long as they wish to remain. Would he really pay £60M for Aubameyang who looks very likely to cause issues if he is unhappy. No way that an incoming Sanllehi is going to allow the club to drift the way that AW has. His brief at Barca was to complete transfers not to have a go at them / nearly sign players. I think if AW had genuinely wanted these deals done he would be in front of the cameras crowing about it but he has been largely quiet about it all. I think the new man who officially starts tomorrow, I believe, has already made a start - this must be a good thing! I don't think Barca ever moved for Sanogo - did they??

  19. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 19:16 #106689

    Ron, I agree it's a panic buy alright to keep the natives of his back, but it's backfired on him and he hasn't come out smelling of roses (like he always makes sure he does)this time as Giroud refused to move to Germany as TOF hoped, and has had to accept Chelsea's offer regardlesss in order for the whole thing to go through, now the natives are up in arms over Giroud going to the chavs, has telfon weng lost his touch.

  20. Reality Cech

    Jan 31, 2018, 18:55 #106688

    Why all the tears and wobbly bottom lip over Giroud leaving? Good riddance I say, totally useless. Shame We can’t offload Danny Wellwide at the same time. Anyway Lacagoals is the new Giroud. Let’s hear what The Chavs have to say about the French wardrobe after his usual balloon over the bar followed by the sticky out tongue. Still a few hours left to clear out the rest of the old overpaid crap Wengo has burdened us with, before we get rid of him as well. Giroud out, Wenger out!

  21. Alsace

    Jan 31, 2018, 18:10 #106686

    Interesting comment on the financials, John F. The point that I would make is that it is immaterial whether he has touched the TV Money or not. He got nothing for Sanchez rather than $85 million ( and a player that Maureen didn't want)and he will forego another sum just as big when Ozil goes in the summer. He got some money for the biggest waste of space in recent memory (Theo) and is (deliberately) losing the only impact player we have (Giroud). Oxlade has jumped ship straight into the Liverpool team, and by staying in position rather than departing is showing Jack Wilshire that he also should be heading for the door. The new guys are not what we need. We need a strong coach and a midfield killer to facilitate our attack while defending the defence who should STAY IN DEFENCE. Our best hope is the balance sheet, because if Stan reads it properly then Wenger will get the bottoms rush. I'm hoping that the deal collapses tonight so that we can keep Giroud and our money.

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 31, 2018, 18:03 #106685

    After seeing so many away failures on TV this season, it was sobering to be at the liberty to see one in the flesh last night. It brought back to mind the probably hundreds of away games I've seen Arsenal play in England and Europe over the years, and how much they contrasted with the dismal shambles that wengo served up last night. Carvahal is the new mourinho - a new portugeezer that owns our sorry former manager. Swansea's tactics were simple but effective against our arrogant cretinous wretch of a manager. As we watched both sets of players warm up, it was Swansea of course that were putting the effort in and making sure that they prepared. Arsenal on the other hand were going through the motions and looked like a bunch of arseholes having a post pub kickaround in a local park. Within minutes it was evident that another away struggle was on the cards. Slow ponderous build up, sideways balls aplenty, and little or no running off the ball. Disastrous. A minor turning point for me last night. I've resolved to make no more effort to get tickets for away games until the chihuahua heided b*stard and enemy within is gone. Fans must be doolally to watch this shower of sh*t home OR away in my view.

  23. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jan 31, 2018, 17:54 #106684

    Cornish G & Ron, what I dislike about some supporters is that they view trying to get a mental or physical advantage over your opponent as somehow crude, they feel it is beneath them. Great listening to GG in "89" where he decides to go to Anfield on the day, not staying overnight, as he felt the whole city was against Arsenal and he did not want his players to be affected, George knew that side of the game very well. He was a cool character GG, just a shame he fell to the age old trap. A fully charged battle against two sides who dislike each other is my idea of a proper game of football, the 0 0 at Old Trafford in the invincible season was as good as it gets.

  24. John F

    Jan 31, 2018, 17:47 #106683

    If I have got my maths right Arsenal over the last two windows are in a couple of million pounds profit on transfers.The spending is unlike Wenger but still coming out with a profit is.Arsenal have not had to touch the TV money.

  25. Bard

    Jan 31, 2018, 17:31 #106682

    Ron. you might be right but buying a 28/29yo for that amount of money seems strange. He has a history of going for big buys but usually bottles it Suarez, Higuain come to mind. If it is his call its a desperate one. Anyway its all a fairly meaningless distraction the team are going no where for the time being.

  26. Yes its Ron

    Jan 31, 2018, 17:16 #106681

    i m not quite sure about the view of Auba not being a Wenger signing. I think it is. The buying of a forward when centre defenders, a full back and a goalkeeper are more worthy of spending heavily on is typical AW. Hes done it for yrs. Its a signing to pacify the unrest over Sanchez if you like, a borderline panic buy. He could have got through till the summer with Wellbeck Giroud and Lacca up top. We re hardly chasing glory are we. Auba seems like hes well worth having but was he essential? Not for me. Does his signing excite? A little bit but not much because its wrongly directed expenditure in my view.

  27. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 17:14 #106680

    TonyEvans, a scrappy draw would do it for some of his luvvie fans mate, we'd be back on track again. wenger out.

  28. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 17:03 #106679

    The clueless weasel is still at it, the turning point was when we went 1-0 up and gave away the goal, Wow it took some tactical awareness to come to that conclusion what a fooking fraud, and on the idiot rambles, there was no rational explanation why we gave it away, really ? And there's idiots who'll believe that, then this gem for the last spew of vomit, it's better not to talk about the second and third goals, Why ? because you say so, you arrogant old waste of space, and you can really can't see why, and have no explanation ? Jesus wept. You'd just love that wouldn't you ? You and your fellow clueless AKB wengerites, well not a fooking chance. Resign now you clueless good for nothing waste of space.

  29. Exeter Ex

    Jan 31, 2018, 16:41 #106678

    GR - I do agree that the Auba deal so soon after Lacazette and the squad turnover has been very un-Wenger-like. I suppose we will see this summer whether all this activity is a signal of future ambition or merely to shore up the status quo.

  30. Yes its Ron

    Jan 31, 2018, 16:34 #106677

    CG - Agree with you re Aussies. Love their rugby approach and the cricket too. Ive been fortunate enough to have been to the SCG and Adelaide tests a few times down the years. I love Aus anyway. Quiet when theyre losing though! Loud when they're winning. So much sporting achievement by so few. Has to be admired doesnt it. They love our barmy army as much as we do down there.

  31. Bard

    Jan 31, 2018, 16:29 #106676

    Gooneron yes we have just blown a cool 150/200million or so less sales from Wally and co but it doesnt leave Wenger much wriggle room. He's been given some of the tools we need so what's his excuse if we limp in around 6th. History suggests that Wenger would never have sanctioned this kind of spending on these sorts of players, think Kim Kallstrom, so maybe the tide is turning behind the scenes.


    Jan 31, 2018, 16:18 #106675

    Unbelievable performance & I am expecting a detailed FACTUAL explanation from the Gruesome Twosome, our favourite poster boys on here, as to why Arthur can be forgiven for yet another **** show. No show as yet though! Ron, you are right about the North /South divide - no big club up there would tolerate this nightmare - the Geordies haven't managed to get rid of the obnoxious Ashley but he knows their feelings & wants out. I'm afraid this country, in the south anyway, always goes for the gentrified option - e.g.: wealthy rugby union v northern & relatively "impoverished" rugby league (a better sport imo). In Oz land rugby league is the aspirational sport & I much prefer the aussie attitude to sports in general.

  33. GoonerRon

    Jan 31, 2018, 16:06 #106674

    @ Exeter - the Auba transfer doesn’t seem an obvious ‘Wenger signing’ so perhaps Mislintat, Gazidis and Sanellhi sense weakness and are getting their way? We are definitely spending more per player than ever before but I reckon with all the in’s and out’s since the summer and new contracts signed that we’ve still turned a slight transfer profit and only increased the wage bill by less than £10m per year - which sounds very much like Wengeromics.

  34. Exeter Ex

    Jan 31, 2018, 15:57 #106673

    So with a 2nd striker costing over 50m in six months brought in and Ozil's ridiculous demands for his part-time playing role at the club caved into, is that the final death knell for 'Wenger operates under great financial restrictions'? He really has nowhere to hide now and when nothing changes and these sorts of results continue as they will, if there's any sanity left at the club, that should be it for him this summer.

  35. Yes its Ron

    Jan 31, 2018, 15:28 #106672

    Up for grabs - Yes , i missed Highbury matey. The Clubs shed all that it stood for after we left. I went for 5 -6 yrs to the new place but couldn't take to it to be honest. It is what people say .... soulless. Poor design in my view and the clubs doing new stadia will learn from it and not allow their own stadiums to be so lacking in atmosphere. You could have 60000 of the loudest fans in that place and the noise levels would still all disappear into thin air. Sadly, AFC fans arent loud and havent been for years now as the away fans love to point out. As things stand that grounds too big for Arsenal. The actual attendance figures they announce have been lied about since more or less day 1.

  36. markymark

    Jan 31, 2018, 15:06 #106669

    As I mentioned in the previous thread I think we are not to far away from a hammering from a bottom 6 side. The home form is the only thing keeping us top 6. I think are current ability is more of that of a team in 10th.

  37. Bard

    Jan 31, 2018, 14:58 #106668

    No surprises then. Wenger's incredulity at the performance and the result is baffling. His reaction is like its the first time he's seen us put in a defensive horror show. Where has he been for the last 100 or so times when we have done exactly the same thing ? Has he blanked those performances or what. Surely no one in the board believes he still has his mojo.

  38. TonyEvans

    Jan 31, 2018, 14:33 #106667

    Gaz - fingers crossed Everton turn up and don't just roll over - who knows there may even be a few cries of 'Wenger out' should we lose! Allerdyce often outsmarts Wenger (not difficult I know, considering what a one trick pony Clueless is) so come on Big Sam do us all a favour! My guess is though we'll win, and Wenger will be sweeping all the crud under that massive carpet of his again, as per usual! And so it goes on and on and on.

  39. John F

    Jan 31, 2018, 14:28 #106666

    I was thinking Arsenal given a Dud Cech for a headline.Cech is reminding me of Seaman in his last season for us both great goalkeepers kept on too long for sentimental reasons by the same manager.Maureen saw the demise in him years ago and dropped him to the bench,George Graham did the same to Lukic for Seamen which at the time was a bit of a shock.Wenger is not ruthless enough and has adopted Cech as one of his footballing children and appears to value his toeing the line media skills above anything else.

  40. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 14:22 #106665

    Peter Wain, do you honestly think if TOF did surprise us and bought some top top quality (what was Sanchez, Ozil etc)it would make any difference ? Your still overlooking the real problem mate, can't see it or don't want to see it.

  41. GoonerRon

    Jan 31, 2018, 14:20 #106664

    Pure ****, which is more the norm than the exception this season away from home. The list of teams we’ve dropped points against is pretty shocking really and not like us - we usually roll over the lower half relatively well but I guess these are the new depths we have gone to, certainly in the last 12 months. Auba coming in might give us a shot in the arm and Ozil signing a new deal will at least halt the rumour mill and allow Famhy to look at other deals that need attention.

  42. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 13:47 #106663

    Up For Grabs, well said, and all those now sitting down keeping their hands warm with their arses, will be the most vocal and have the most to say and gob off about when the new man comes in and makes a few mistakes, pathetic. We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  43. peter wain

    Jan 31, 2018, 13:38 #106662

    another is a long line of awful performances and the signing of Auba and Ozil's new contract does not alter the fact that we cannot defend. The defenders we have are not good enough and the coaching they receive is a joke. Quite why we have not bought a decent goalkeeper a right back who knows the position and two quick centre half is beyond me. Further investment is required in midfield as the Swiss guy is woeful and totally out of his depth. A new creative mid filed man is a must as is a defensive midfield. Perhaps Wenger will surprise us all and but top top quality but then again leopards do not change there spots so the mantra for this summer will be two maximum three players. Wenger out now and take the yank with him.

  44. mbg

    Jan 31, 2018, 13:31 #106661

    Great heading Kev, any resignation from clueless yet ? I wonder what the excuse will be for this latest embarrassment from himself and his clueless wengerites ? I haven't read any comments yet so it could already be there, or more likely when the dust dies down (again)on this latest humiliation from bottom of the table relegation material, well you've got to remember this Swansea side beat Liverpool. Go now wenger you fooking embarrassment.

  45. Goonhogday

    Jan 31, 2018, 13:08 #106660

    Wenger hasn’t got a Clucas! Sorry, not sure if that’s been used in the press today but I couldn’t resist! Like most of you, I’m beyond caring anymore too until Wenger leaves. The thought of now selling an international forward with premier league experience who’s saved our bacon many times to Chelsea is plain madness. Giroud for Kante is the only deal that will change my opinion. Wenger out.

  46. Offside

    Jan 31, 2018, 13:02 #106659

    @Redshirtwhitesleeves Good point about the kit. It sums up the soulless corporate nature of the club and our lack of identity.

  47. Gaz

    Jan 31, 2018, 12:56 #106658

    RobG: With the abscence of a decent result to fall back on with a protest imminent they’ve pulled out all the stops to sign Aubameyang and to get Özil to finally comit for three more years. Clever stuff from the club as all those on the brink of protesting will now flip-flop back over to suggesting we all give these new players to settle. The agony continues I’m sorry to say.

  48. Up For Grabs Now

    Jan 31, 2018, 12:46 #106657

    Yes its Ron - You are probably right, it's just hard to believe that from my hey day of attending games at Highbury (70-90's) the atmosphere and camaraderie among fans, especially during big games, has effectively completely gone. There is simply no way with what is happening now, they could have got away with back then. We wouldn't have stood for it, full stop! God I miss those Highbury days, as I suspect you do too Ron!

  49. TonyEvans

    Jan 31, 2018, 12:45 #106656

    Redshirts - spot on. Two things amaze me above anything else: 1) why is absolutely no one at the club asking questions of Wenger, calling him out and generally saying what the ffing hell are you doing? and 2) as Up For Grabs says why oh why are fans still willing to fork out lots of money, and give up their time, for utter garbage - repeated ad nauseam? Ron - a passable attempt at explaining point 2, but, as Up For Grabs says, I still don't think that fully explains it. As for the game - was anyone really surprised - thought not! At least most of us can laugh at it all now, it's the best way of dealing with it for me.

  50. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Jan 31, 2018, 12:11 #106655

    A few questions. 1. What is the point in Iwobi? 2. Why not play Mkhitarayan from the start? 3. What the f*** are we playing in blue for against a team in all white? 4. How many more chances is Xhaka going to get to gift the other team a goal before he is finally binned? 5.Why oh why are we not targeting a new keeper, centre back and centre midfielder? If anyone has the answers I would love to hear them. No surprise as far as the result and cowardly performance go, they will be repeated time and again until the old fraud is gone

  51. Seven Kings Gooner1

    Jan 31, 2018, 12:08 #106654

    Arsenal's defensive "shortcomings" have been with us for the last 15 - 16 years. Even during the 2003 - 4 season there were some dodgy moments that were rescued by our array of goalscorers. Since then we have had enough forwards to save many games that otherwise would be lost. However now the defence is totally shot, poor coaching and lack of leadership on the field does n't help but as the modern fan thinks this is what makes the PL exciting they come back for more. Arsenal now, are a bit like a chess player without an opening defensive gambit - you are likely to get beat by anyone - and so it is proving.

  52. RobG

    Jan 31, 2018, 11:50 #106653

    Normally we plan a protest and Wenger gets out of jail with a couple of prize wins. Well this should focus everyones attention. I hope the protest at the Everton game is long and loud and carries on inside the stadium. He has to go in May. The idea of one more year is INSANE. Literally mad. Fan pressure can only hurry the matter along.

  53. Yes its Ron

    Jan 31, 2018, 11:47 #106652

    Up for grabs - i just think the modern fan culture and the years of the clubs spin has just worn down whats left of the hard core supports resolve. The palpable air of resignation to it all you can feel when speaking to many fans now and especially how it was at the stadium when i last went (2011-12) is chronic. I find it very sad as there was so much hope and excitement when the stadium move was first mooted. We all fell for it didnt we. The London football fan though of all of the clubs are very passive i find compared to other regions though and its allowed AFC to do as they wish with scant respect for the supporters, esp the hard core who hung around after Highbury. I dont believe this regime would have survived this long at any NW Club or one in the central region. Footballs far more fundamental to the fans in those areas. Londons cosmopolitanism amongst the fans makes it all the more peripheral whats gone on there. This is my theory anyway.

  54. The Man From UNCLE

    Jan 31, 2018, 11:39 #106651

    That second goal was pure Carry On. Except please don't Mr Wenger.

  55. Exeter Ex

    Jan 31, 2018, 11:29 #106650

    What surprises me is how many are still surprised, including in the media. The BBC headline was 'Swansea shock Arsenal', like this hasn't been happening for years, including twice before just in the last couple of weeks at Forest and B'Mouth. You have a manager apparently 'fuming' at the defence - doesn't he hear himself repeating himself? A fanbase getting excited about a changeover in attackers at the club when the problem has been staring them in the face for years - a manager who clearly doesn't coach the basics. Endless 'new dawns' and newfound unity now the 'problem' of the best player at the club is gone. Where was that unity last night then? Still a significant proportion of supporters actively against change and berating those that do. Goldfish memories everywhere. This endless, irrational hope from the manager and his supporters that somehow it's all just going to suddenly click if you keep doing exactly the same things. It's like living in a parallel universe where rationality and reason have no place.

  56. GSPM

    Jan 31, 2018, 11:10 #106649

    Nothing Changes - Win, Lose or Draw - Wenger Out !!! Everything else is just waffle .

  57. Up For Grabs Now

    Jan 31, 2018, 11:07 #106648

    Yes its Ron - I don't disagree with your analysis, but that must still leave a certain number of core original supporters, who were there prior to the current era, and even those don't protest in any coordinated or significant numbers. Why?!?

  58. Bob Bayliss

    Jan 31, 2018, 10:58 #106647

    This reminds me of the fag end of the Terry Neil and Don Howe era. Some very decent big-name strikers (Woodcock, Mariner, Charlie Nick) but a powder-puff midfield, a poor defence (Caton, Chrissie Whyte, Colin Hill) and - dare I say - a goalkeeper who had once been world class but was now well past his best (Big Pat). Is anyone remotely excited by this bloke signing? I am sure he knows where the net is, but he will make very little difference to our fortune.

  59. Yes its Ron

    Jan 31, 2018, 10:57 #106646

    UP FOR GRABS - Theyre trapped into going by that oppressive Membership system that they run there but mainly its todays fan culture of these top clubs. Yrs ago we went out of love and passion for the club and to see players who we identified with and we could choose our games. Now they go because they see it as being necessary 'to be seen to be there'. A good many need to be attached to a top 6 club as an accessory to their lives, to give them 'identity'. A high proportion who go to those home games know absolutely nothing about football. Being part of a club in crisis ironically enhances their identity as it gives them more reason to be heard to shout, grimace and display the 'pain' they feel to associates and friends and to the 'social media' crew.

  60. Yes its Ron

    Jan 31, 2018, 10:46 #106645

    i think theres far deeper rooted problems at Arsenal than just players not being good enough, square pegs in round holes etc and iffy coaching. The clubs in a deep rut and heavy malaise. The body language of all them, on the pitch and off it tells the story as i see it. Its years of easy going and sodt rolling thats caught up. i suppose it was inevitable. In my view, under this regime, any signing is yet more sticking plaster. A football club going through this is no different to what happens to a large retail Co. Its identical in fact. Ultimately, the whole regime and ethos of the organisation has to be torn apart and rebuilt. Its takes quite a few years to do it and it ll take AFC a long time too. I think deep down Arsene Wenger knows the reality. Hes holding the reins for his owner until the change starts in earnest i believe.

  61. Up For Grabs Now

    Jan 31, 2018, 10:32 #106644

    Will this never-ending farce ever have an ending, or are we just all doomed to watch the decline continue for what seems like forever now? No doubt they will now beat Everton convincingly and then this will be followed by another no show, just as night follows day! The tedium and predictability of it all is so mind numbingly boring. The never-ending riddle in my mind, is how on earth do those that still attend home games continue to put with this ****? This will baffle me long after Wenger has eventually left the club!