Arsenal No Show In League Cup Final

Online Ed: Disappointing, but predictable defeat at Wembley to Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City

Arsenal No Show In League Cup Final

Man City fans rub it in

The one thing that struck me at Wembley yesterday afternoon was the amount of apathy in the Arsenal fanbase. There wasn’t much in the way of chanting, or backing the team. Manchester City fans sang loud, as you’d expect with their team dominating proceedings, but there was not much in the way of response from the opposite end. There seems to be an osmosis going on between the players on the field and the support. It’s as if both sides have kind of given up and are waiting for the other to lift them. And yet, these players are paid a great deal of money to put in a shift.

So, who motivates the millionaires? The manager. In 2018, a good manager needs to master how to get the best from a collective who, in reality, could retire tomorrow and never have to work another day in their life. Some manage it, although, if Antonio Conte is taken as an example, nothing is forever. And perhaps this is one of the key reasons that top clubs now rotate their first team coaches, rather than stick with an old style ‘legacy’ manager like Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger. Because players don’t fear the manager so much, they ultimately often have greater power than the first team coach. So it comes down to a mixture of personal ambition on the part of the guys on the pitch – how badly they want to win – and good man management, coaching and tactical preparation to maximise the chances of this happening.

Arsenal didn’t look that hungry yesterday, with the arguable exception of Jack Wilshere. And technically, they were at times woeful. The first goal was straight out of Hackney Marshes, and yet Shkodran Mustafi was unable to prevent it by simply marking his man. The third goal was way too easy, as Calum Chambers might as well not have been there. That the manager has run out of capable centre backs is a condemnation of either his squad building or his work on the training field. Chambers came back to the club last summer after what was felt to be a decent campaign at Middlesbrough but his confidence looks as shot as it was after the manager decided he’d make a good right back.

The hope of course, was that Arsenal would surprise us. They’d beaten Manchester City at Wembley last season (with a bit of the rub of the green, but we’ll take it) and eliminated Chelsea over two legs to reach this final. There was a belief that the players could up their game and – on the day – contain and overcome City. Of course, finals can be unpredictable, and Aubameyang was perhaps unfortunate not to open the scoring. But what was most damning was the lack of subsequent attempts on target from the Gunners. They were impotent. Unable to string a series of passes together until the game was beyond them and the City fans were chanting ‘Ole’ as their hapless opposition finally managed to keep the ball for a while – largely due to City winding down their intensity, the game effectively over.

The image of the more than half empty Arsenal end in the final minutes of the game said it all. Why stick around for any more of this sh*tshow? Why bother staying to applaud the losers when they hadn’t seemed to bother that much for the entirety of the game?

There is definitely a feeling that the players are as fed up as the fans. They are probably all too aware that they are not being prepared for matches properly, that the squad isn’t strong enough, in spite of plenty of transfer spending and high wages. They seem to be simply marking time, waiting to see what happens next. And if Arsene Wenger remains beyond the end of May, it will be more of the same next season, irrelevant of which players come in.

As for the manager – and he is definitely the problem – his lack of humility is a disgrace to the club. Never gracious in defeat, he could learn a thing or two from some of his peers in the Premier League, such at Sean Dyche or Eddie Howe. Even Mauricio Pochettino. It seems that the officials are more often than not the reason Arsenal lose a game. Nothing to do with his own work, his preparation of his team.

I can’t understand why anyone would want to see another season of this. But there seem to be people that do. Maybe they are wind up merchants, who enjoy getting reaction more than seeing their football team succeed.

The FA Cup proved the manager’s salvation in 2014 and 2017. That won’t happen this year. The League Cup remains the domestic trophy he has never won, in spite of making three finals. It’s not too significant in the greater scheme of things, but regardless of that, it won’t save him his job now. Only qualification for next season’s Champions League might do that, and it's difficult to see how the team can turn it around based on what we've seen so far this season. Frequently, the players seem to down tools, away from home especially. And yet, Wenger never seems to confront them, call people out. The only people he seems to enjoy conflict with is referees and journalists who don’t pussyfoot around him.

Whatever he is doing, it isn’t a recipe for success. Hopefully it will be over in three months’ time and we can all move on. He’ll always be remembered for his first decade at the club, but sadly, football’s last ‘legacy’ manager will depart with his own legacy severely tarnished. A man who stayed on too long, lacked the self-awareness to sense that he had gone stale and ultimately left a mess for his successor to sort through. Goodbye Arsene, enjoy counting the money.

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  1. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 15:15 #107479

    Exeter ex, indeed and you can be damm sure he(or whoever it will be) wouldn't/won't be getting twenty years, he'll/they'll get their time to prove themselves of course, and you know who'll be shouting and giving out, booing the most after a few loses, mistakes, beatings, cock up's etc, ? yes the AKB wengerites, what hypocrites, lets hope they piss off with him and leave the club to the real fans. wenger out now.

  2. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 0:16 #107463

    markymark, that brings me back to what I said the other day, that a win on Sunday would have been the worst thing to happen to the club, imagine we had ? wenger out now.

  3. mbg

    Feb 27, 2018, 23:56 #107462

    Hi Berry, wenger sitting shaking rubbing his hands rocking back and forth in a packed room, the lady says we have a new member today he was a long time coming, hello every one my name is arsene wenger, hello arsene, and i'm a useless football manager, everyone nodding in approval and applauding, i'm just so f*****g useless, applauding, heads nodding in agreement, I know absolutely f***k all about it I never did, I know fookall about tactics, man management, coaching, anything to do with it, loud applauding now and cheering, I had so many people fooled for a long time especially my family the AKB's I am a liar I lied to everybody especially my family pretending to be a manager sixteen hours a day, wenger is crying now, the room has erupted more cheering and nodding everywhere, the other participants are agreeing with here here's everywhere the councillor is on her feet with applause and a box of tissues for wenger, let it all out let it all out arsene she's appealing, it's been a long time coming so there's a lot in there. Five hours of admitting his sins later and his nose like Rudolph's and tissues strewn everywhere wenger says thank you to the councillor and the rest of the group yet more applause and nodding and asks is that all now? the councillor looks at him and asks back is that all ? of course it's not it's going to take many more sessions lasting Months, ok councillor wenger sobs, then asks will I always have you ? hell no says the councillor you need more experienced than me, and anyway i'm sick listening to you and on my way to the press with this recording to prove what we all knew anyway, i'm a WOB.

  4. markymark

    Feb 27, 2018, 21:14 #107460

    Just a thought about Arsenal. The defeat of Arsenal is a far far bigger story than City’s win. It really does show who the bigger player is. The board should man up and actually act like a big club.

  5. markymark

    Feb 27, 2018, 19:35 #107455

    I wonder if our players have looked upon Wenger as an eccentric Uncle type figure , a chap who spoiled you as a kid but quite possibly is a train wreck. The last 3 cup final performances were a bail out to him, a thank you perhaps as everyone likes an eccentric. However there’s a difference between eccentric and sad, mad and gone to seed. It looks like the players are now completely fed up and feel they’ve paid him his dues. It’s a slow painful death for Wenger. The crunch is coming. Surely a man of his intelligence should realise the games up?

  6. Alsace

    Feb 27, 2018, 18:27 #107452

    Moscow Gooner. Wenger doesn't reach the heights of Terry Neill. He is somewhere between Leslie Knighton, Jack Crayston and Billy Wright. Terry Neill employed Don Howe to coach his defence. Terry Neill played for Arsenal. Terry Neill is a god compared to the specialist in failure. He went with a good grace when he was past it. This B****rd won't go if he's in his coffin.

  7. markymark

    Feb 27, 2018, 16:58 #107449

    Exeter Ex - re your cult comments. I’m sure there’s a compound in Utah fenced with barbed wire and armed to the teeth. Inside you’ll find The Church of the Later Day Wengerites. The Preacher Brian delivers them their Ol’ time religion !

  8. mbg

    Feb 27, 2018, 15:14 #107446

    Moscow, yes Terry Neill (and no disrespect to Terry who I personally have time for) standing outside the Ground on match days smoking a cigar waiting to sign autographs, with fans walking past him not recognising him. wenger out now.

  9. mbg

    Feb 27, 2018, 14:52 #107444

    markymark nice one, well done AISA, now for the rest, lets be havin yea. We want wenger out

  10. David1

    Feb 27, 2018, 14:46 #107443

    It's hard to remember a less competitive final from Arsenal...Swindon, '69? This was very bad, and hopefully enough to see off AW.

  11. Gaz

    Feb 27, 2018, 13:07 #107434

    Ron: I'm hearing you right back fella and I'm hoping we make the right appointment first time round. Just suggesting if we don't I'll be happy as long as Wenger's gone! Tony E: I'm still holding onto a small flicker of hope that if he were to leave this summer that passion I used to have will return in some way! One thing I'm certain about is that I'll definitely be making every attempt to get to our first game post-Wenger! From there I'll just have to see how it goes. Mrs would be in for a shock if it's rekindled as she's enjoyed me not going to games lately!!! :-)

  12. Exeter Ex

    Feb 27, 2018, 13:06 #107433

    The reason absolutely anyone would be better than Wenger is there wouldn't be all this sentiment and ridiculous cult-like behaviour around the new coach. Whoever he was, if he failed, he's be out within a couple of seasons and someone else would get a go. Henry would be less than ideal but he wouldn't be there for 20 years. I'd bet he couldn't handle it and would quit himself anyway. Anyone who thinks we might as well stick with Wenger must be mad - he's just got to go, so what if it takes a few turns after him to get it right.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 27, 2018, 12:55 #107431

    Hi berry. Nice one mate. Sounds like she's doing really well. Football out here in the wild woolly west of Wales is pretty rudimentary too but there's a mate of mine with a 15 year old daughter who's on swansea's books. I wish my twin daughters were similarly inclined - they're nearly as tall as TA and Sol Campbell! I get most of my footy related enjoyment these days from coaching rather than watching arsenal's sorry shower.

  14. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2018, 12:48 #107430

    Hi Gaz - no disagreement really (as usual) - I do think Henry would be a poor choice but like you I would take any manager if it spelled the end of Wenger. As we have both said before it is probably too late now to re-ignite our old Arsenal selves whoever takes over, but Wenger resigning or (better still) being sacked would make me very happy indeed! Sorry Ron I know you would like to see him bow out gracefully but for me it is way too late for that.

  15. GoonerRon

    Feb 27, 2018, 12:45 #107429

    These reports about new managers are encouraging. I can see Ancelotti coming in with an ex-player as his assistant, maybe Henry.

  16. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2018, 12:17 #107428

    i hear you Gaz, but dont you think sits time Arsenal made a statement of intent by the appt of a proper Coach? Just getting shot of Wenger is a bit of a narrow approach if you dont mind me saying so. Whats the use of replacing a busted flush with a egocentric never been? What will that do for the fans? The clubs done nothing ambitious for over 12 years. Moving stadium was the last statement of intent. I accept Henrys appt would be a Messianic move for some though. Hes a maniacal appt for me. You wouldn't get a razor blade in the difference gap between him and AW.

  17. Gaz

    Feb 27, 2018, 12:09 #107427

    Tony E: Like you mate my gut feeling is that he'll still be in charge next season because I cant see his ego allowing him to resign and I just don't think the Club have the balls to sack him. What I slightly disagree with you though with (a first surely!) is that I'd welcome any manager-including Henry-if it means we finally see the end of the Wenger era at Arsenal. For me its all about getting rid of Wenger first and who takes over second. I mean what's the worst that can happen? Henry is useless and we replace him because there's no way he'll hang around as long as Wenger meaning the hatred we all have for Wenger wont ever be replicated with Henry! Anyway you seen the latest tweets from 'The Gooner' RE these AISA comments? We can but hope fella!m

  18. Exeter Ex

    Feb 27, 2018, 10:54 #107426

    Pub names: The Sham & Denial; Player's Rest; Flower in the Barrel; Arsene's Non-Coaching Inn

  19. Rippy

    Feb 27, 2018, 10:46 #107425

    I have it on very good authority certain arsenal players were in libertine club in London at 2am on Saturday night before the cup final. Yes the night before. Wenger runs a **** shop. These players actually played I kid you not.... They were out with sterling and his kiss arse brigade. Pathetic when you think the wages they are on ...

  20. Yes its Ron

    Feb 27, 2018, 10:45 #107424

    John F - Points taken and good points too. Henry would survive for at least a Season on good will and hype alone before his bubble burst. Hes far too close a link with Wenger for comfort and needs to be avoided. Hes best left alone to carry on waxing lyrical in that studio as to how hes the new self proclaimed fountain of knowledge on Guardiola while the media/SKY carry on the bowing, scraping and arse licking of the City boss that Henrys bought into big time so as to bask in Peps reflected glory. Henry has revised his own history at Barca for the benefit of the TV. He was taken there as no more than a squad broadening player yet to hear him now, he was as fundamental to their best teams as was ever Messi, Xavi and Co. He may well be an Arsenal great but hes a bit of a fraud in my view and his own character isnt at all cut out to run Arsenal in my view. Hes just another opportunist.

  21. MAF

    Feb 27, 2018, 10:26 #107423

    ''Wenger's Sheep'' ? '' AWOL '' ? ''Sham Balls'' to think Arms factory workers in Woolwich Arsenal were the founders of this great Club, that it's history Tradition DNA have been well and truly crushed by Wenger. the CLUB took him into their arms and in return he stamped out ist very meaning

  22. Petergooner

    Feb 27, 2018, 9:42 #107422

    I have realised Arsenal are now named wrong. It is time to change the name because Arsenal means "establishment for making weapons to help win wars and defend nations". This is totally contrary to the team at the present time. Even "Gooners" is wrong there are no defenders and no one shooting.We are more like a "Pub team" at present with a broken down coach that means the passengers (i.e players like Xhaka) are left in the "Pub" when they should be somewhere else. I suggest the name "Kroenke's Head" or "Wengers Head" or "No Cups", "Hole in Defence". If it wasn't funny it would be unbearable. Anyone got any other Pub names for our sinking team??

  23. Hi Berry

    Feb 27, 2018, 9:19 #107421 your post on the previous thread: yes, she's been playing boys' footie for the past few years and ended up top goalscorer in each season. I can tell you that opposition players don't like it when she glides past them and scores! Hoping for great things for her as time goes by but, even though she is part of the regional girls set-up, being stuck out here in the East puts her at a severe disadvantage to the training other girls get at the big clubs like Arsenal, Man City etc.. In the main, parents all seem to be quite good in our league, but agree that certain teams from certain areas do leave something to be desired!!

  24. MAF

    Feb 27, 2018, 9:15 #107420

    look at Fergy one of the all time greats. he stepped aside when he knew it was the right time and for me, using the Wenger scale of Manager as God, then fergy had the right more than anyone of staying on, and on, and on until booted out. but what did he do ? what does that tel you about his character compared to the absolute ARROGANT EGO MANIAC that is occupying our Club ?? Fergy is now a Director travelling all over the Country for a Club he loves and is grateful to for what it enabled him to achieve. what does that say about his characted compared to the SELFISH MONENY MONSTER that we have ? People, listen. Wenger destroyed his legacy in how he has acted last 2-3 years especially. the legacy anyway was overblown as Geroge Graham, David Dein and the core of HIS Team deserve more credit than they ever get !

  25. Hi Berry

    Feb 27, 2018, 9:07 #107419

    Is there a Football Managers'Anonymous organisation? Seems to me that Wenger has the same compulsion to 'manage' a football team that makes alcoholics drink and gamblers bet. The past decade is littered with examples of round pegs in square holes in an almost pathological need to prove he can 'do a Henry' again. Perhaps the first meeting should have Wenger and Pardew standing up and announcing their compulsion as the first step to recovery.

  26. TonyEvans

    Feb 27, 2018, 8:42 #107418

    Henry would be a disaster (swapping one sulky, petulant Frenchman for another) and I don't want to see one of the all time greats go the way of Wenger where most of us have ended up hating the very sight of the man. I still haven't ruled out the awful possibility of Wenger still being the manager for season 18/19. He is so selfish and deluded there will be no resignation, and does the board have it in them to sack him, even now - I somehow doubt it.

  27. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 27, 2018, 7:05 #107417

    Moscow - how about somewhere right at the bottom of the pantheon (and I use that term loosely) of arsenal managers say just below Stewart Houston. The guy's blown his legacy in my view and needs to be blown out of the club now like an ill wind. He blew the stadium move and reduced the club's standing to a joke that fans of other lesser clubs enjoy. There has been so much cash sloshing about in football for so long now that his inability to win meaningful trophies in the past ten years will in future represent a deep scar in club's history. No legacy - the club is in deep merde thanks to him.

  28. Moscowgooner

    Feb 27, 2018, 6:49 #107416

    First, you have to wonder about AW's mental health. His behaviour has become increasingly stubborn, defensive and erratic. I assume he has an annual mental/physical assessment - but then with this gang running the club who knows? Secondly, I always placed AW behind only Chapman and Allison as Arsenal's third greatest manager: as the seasons roll on I think it would be fair to assess Mee and Graham as better managers given their relatively short tenures and the budgetary limitations they worked under. Where will AW end up if he continues? On a par with Terry Neil.....?

  29. Guernsey gunner

    Feb 27, 2018, 4:53 #107415

    Henry should not be anywhere near The Arsenal managers job, he has done nothing to get a sniff at it. Carlo a would be fine post Wenger to steady things and to undertake a root and branch review of the train smash Wenger leaves behind. If any ex player deserves a look it’s vierra who’s actually been coaching for the last 5 years. Most fans would get behind that, but I am firmly anti Henry it would be Wenger mark 2 and nothing would ever be his fault.

  30. Guernsey gunner

    Feb 27, 2018, 4:43 #107414

    We all know his time up, the mainstream media are saying it, some ex players are saying it. Maybe it’s time for the fans who still bother attending to say it.

  31. John F

    Feb 26, 2018, 23:24 #107413

    You make a lot of sense Ron but I think the Utd situation was different because of Utds recent success. Moyes inherited a squad in decline but still had to live up to huge expectations due to Fergie leaving on a high.Arsenal have an even worse squad but not the same expectation due to lack of success.I believe an appointment like low would galvanise the Club.If progress under a world cup winning manager was clear more Patience would be shown as he is starting from a low base.A patsy like Henry would not be given such luxury as he has no pedigree in management and patience would wear thin very quickly.

  32. markymark

    Feb 26, 2018, 22:25 #107412

    AISA - have come out demanding his sacking, not maybe huge in the grand scale of things but remember once a year Ivan holds a jamboree which we can go along to. Last time Ivan had to plea for calm if you remember and this was when Aisa was officially neutral. Ivan will pick up at least that the shift is definitely on with all those neutrals swinging over to WOB. Poor old Graham Perry will have to resign his Aisa membership in disgust ( a terrible loss:)) Yes it’s Ron - inciteful as ever - agree I don’t think one manager will cure this. I am though for some deluded reason relatively upbeat about Josh. Yes 8 years to late, but at least he is poking his nose in. I think Stan’s passing over the reigns. My thinking is what billionaire with age on his side and power at his finger tips is going to settle for mediocrity ? You’d give it a go at least even if you do stuff it all up with a Henry style appointment.

  33. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 22:14 #107411

    I think someone has already mentioned what a bad loser he is, as was shown yesterday not just with his protesting and blaming others, but the world saw him flying along the gang plank yesterday quicker than long john silver with two legs to pick up his losers medal, not taking time to commiserate say sorry shake hands properly with his friends, luvvies, paymasters, sponsors etc, (like every losing manager does)instead just a quick tap half hearty shake (like one of these Saudi princes or sheiks who don't like getting their hands dirty and pull it away) and away down the steps as fast as he could go, and then heading for the tunnel before skulking down with his little nice boy bottlers in tow to cast blame some more, bad loser, and a fooking egoistic arrogant man. Go now you loser.

  34. Yes its Ron

    Feb 26, 2018, 21:27 #107410

    Juhn - i work on the basis that AFC arent going to cure the clubs ills in one management appointment. The dry rot, the wet rot, the damp and the stench thats rotted the club for a decade or more is too deeply ingrained/ It take maybe 2 appts i think, same as at Man U to even start to lance the boils from the clubs hide. The one dubious 'benefit' that might follow by appointing a poser like Henry is that he can be the first failure and thus the first post Wenger sacking to make that short sighted Board sit up and realise they have a real problem there. It could take 5 or 6 yrs to make AFC challenge again, they wont use a cheque book to mask the ills like Man U are capable of doing. In short, he could be the required patsy, just like Moyes was. As for anything else his appointment might bring i dont see as there is one. Yes hes scratting around at that Belgium job such as it is, but if he was a real Coaching prospect, he wdt have been sitting there in that studio this last 4 years. Some club would have took him on.

  35. John F

    Feb 26, 2018, 20:59 #107409

    Henry not for me but just the appt that Arsenal would go for. Fantastic player that he was you have only got to remember Henry's sulk away season and his cheating against Ireland to get into his character.I m dreading Arsenal using Henry as an excuse to keep Wenger on as some kind of mentor to him to get him ready.It would be sold as a dream team more like a wet dream for Akbs,a nightmare for the rest of us.

  36. Yes its Ron

    Feb 26, 2018, 20:14 #107408

    The thought of Terry Henry taking over fills me with dread, though ive suspected its coming for a couple of years now.The guys another fraud pretty much like Wenger as accused of being. Arsenal need far better than him. They need a coach with gravitas, authority to tear that Club apart and a track record. Henry cdt even Captain the team. He was a crap Skipper, hes a poor pundit, has no worthwhile basis to seek the job other than those fellow idiots of on SKY tele bulling him up, tapping him on his big bulbous head and stroking his massive ego thats big enough to fill a scrap mans waste skip. For Henry in management read Gary Neville at Valencia. But hey ho, that lot who go to games there would buy into the gimmick appointment of him as if hes walking jabbering salvation, a messiah if you like.


    Feb 26, 2018, 20:07 #107407

    Just maybe the dime has finally dropped with our wonderful Trump supporting owner that there is a difference between the business models of American Sports & our Football industry? i.e. the financials only work well if you are winning stuff (proper trophies that is) & not pissing off your sponsors. Pep went straight from player to manager did he not? I would have no problem with Thierry - as long as he has an initial apprenticeship under someone like Carlo. I found it amusing that Craig Bellamy claimed that, because of AFC's dithering, ALL the best managers had gone elsewhere! I reckon that several posters on here, better informed than me, could come up with some very interesting possibilities. A defeat in the Ropey League plus growing stadium boycotts could see the end of Arthur sooner than later. I found his post-match comments reached a new low & at long last he is getting a pasting from his former best mates in the media. About bloody time too!

  38. markymark

    Feb 26, 2018, 19:35 #107405

    Bob Baylis - I’m with you fella, personally I’d love Ancelotti to steady the ship but can’t help thinking Josh has a plan and of course they recently brought through an inexperienced manager to some success. Henry if it does get it ( it was also over the 7pm news on Absolute radio btw) might want to bring in some experience . Sacking the entire Wenger coaching staff would be a good starting point and it maybe to the detriment of Belgium who might lose coaching staff.

  39. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 19:31 #107404

    John F, spot on post, he was at it during the match too and started arguing with the officials, and even pick a fight with Pep, when he knew the game was up and he was beaten lol, but Pep was having none of it and kept walking away (with dignity) with TOF following him until he could follow him no more, then of course he turned on the fourth official again with the penguin rap, and looking into the crowd as if he had been hard done by, yes classic distraction tactics from a failure, it's always someone else's fault. Resign now wenger you failure.

  40. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 19:05 #107403

    Bob Bayliss, one things for sure it's not one of these records we'll hear the AKB luvvies (or the old fraud himself)crowing about, I remember when they were on here crowing and blowing about all sorts of records TOF had set and was setting, where are they now ? long gone and in hiding. wenger out now.

  41. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 18:36 #107402

    Exiled in Pt, you certainly have mate I should have known better, it's a sorry state of affairs that we're/this once proud club, that we all loved so much is now in, and it's only going to get worse. wenger out.

  42. Roy

    Feb 26, 2018, 18:23 #107401

    What was it Wenger said on Thursday ? Don't focus on the negative result, it's the response in the next game that's important. Well, that "response" tells you all you need to know. There's a great last line over on Arseblog which describes Wenger as an old boxer who keeps getting batterered, but there's no one around to throw in the towel. Couldn't agree more. Wenger and the board aka hapless and hopeless. And Ozil, over 300k a week and goes on more holidays than a lottery winner. Is anybody actually "managing" anything in the literal sense of the word ? Please end this sh*tfest NOW.

  43. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 26, 2018, 18:06 #107399

    Kevin. Thanks. His legacy isn't severely tarnished. It's f*cked, gone, finito. No more kind words, no more panglossian review of his record. He has ruined the club. Let's hope City really go to town on Thursday and make the old twazzer squirm in his seat. He deserves nothing but the worst now. An enemy within. History will judge him in the harshest possible terms.

  44. Bob Bayliss

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:57 #107398

    markymark, I have no problem with a new manager who is "full of himself", but I would prefer him to have a proven track record. I couldn't care less whether he has any previous association with Arsenal - a new broom will do me just fine.

  45. John F

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:55 #107397

    It was his complaining about the fourth official at the press conference that got me Exeter,Mgb.As Ron said he would make a good politician ,he was using it as a distraction technique.Must of been on a media course.Dave It is more hope then confidence on my part.

  46. Exeter Ex

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:29 #107396

    When Wenger throws in those ridiculous remarks about not being able to get subs on when he wants or fourth official comments, he's knowingly feeding his dwindling base the last desperate narrative available to him to excuse his incompetence - the officials are biased against him. Brian and Toady will have been nodding along. Desperate, desperate stuff from Wenger. Why doesn't he leave and go and do something that will make him and us happier, like 'develop' (i.e. tell them they're great and to express themselves) young African footballers.

  47. markymark

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:26 #107395

    I’m going to make a call based purely on a hunch. Wenger out 2018, Henry in...... now it could well be a total disaster. However I guess he’ll only have 3 seasons to be a disaster and with Henry’s (sorry to say this ) natural arrogance anyone expecting a long running mourning session for Wenger will be sorely disappointed. In that regard I’d rather have Henry who has rubbed up the wrong way with Wenger. Than an Eddie Howe type character who will be emasculated by the overhang of Wenger. My thoughts are you might as well get someone in a bit full of themselves as they are going to need all their self belief to deal with the present car crash.

  48. Bob Bayliss

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:21 #107394

    I'm not sure whether anyone else has picked up on this, but Wenger broke another record yesterday. Arsenal had never lost ANY cup final by a three-goal margin. In fact, only once before had we lost ANY cup final by more than a single 1969, when we lost 3-1 to Swindon. And that was 1-1 after 90 minutes. If we somehow get to the Europa Final (unlikely in the extreme) and meet Atletico Madrid or a couple of the other sides left in, he could break his own record before the season is out!

  49. Bard

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:20 #107393

    I think the rumour about Ancelotti is on the money. He fits the bill, dignified and willing to work within a structure. Not my first choice but hey anything is better than the the current regime.There is a lot of speculation abroad that he will be in post when the season ends.

  50. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 17:16 #107392

    I just f*****g love this, TOF is complaining that the fourth official was trolling him as the game neared the end, when wenger asked why wasn't there more time ? the fourth official replied, why do you want more time ? brilliant from the fourth official, what a legend. Imagine any of them ever daring to say that to fergie. Go now wenger you've no respect left.

  51. Big Andy

    Feb 26, 2018, 15:23 #107391

    @John F: I wish I had your confidence about Wenger being moved on. Do you really think that the same people who gave Wenger a new contract on the back of last season's disastrous campaign will act decisively this summer? The fact that Josh Kroenke has decided to come to London for 12 weeks to find out how the club is run - EIGHT F**KING YEARS AFTER HIS DAD BOUGHT IT - tells you everything you need to know about the ownership of Arsenal FC. They bare a joke.

  52. Exiled in Pt

    Feb 26, 2018, 15:22 #107390

    Mbg apology accepted, i have been saying since 2008 he should go! When he could of left with some sort of pride for what he had achieved! I was at United when we took the biggest humiliation under his so called control and most of the other humiliations away at Chelski, Liverpool, Citeh, Everton etc.. So i am 100% behind getting rid of him. What i am saying is this goes deeper than getting rid of the zip fiddler, this owner and board have no interest in our club other than the money they pocket from it. Look at what the yank owns in the USA they are mediocre with no interest in making them successful, why does anyone think it will be any different! He will make his money and we will sink to mid table mediocrity and until the tv money implodes it will stay the same. Arsenal as we loved and knew it is finished irrelevant of the current wa#ker that supposedly manages and the overpaid pricks that wear the shirt don't have the personal pride to turn up for a cup final then it really does not matter who the coach is!!

  53. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 15:16 #107389

    John F, good post, of course the old weasel knows, and has known for a while he's just to egoistic and arrogant to admit it, he just hasn't it in him to do the decent thing and admit failure and that he was wrong and would rather carry on to the detriment of the club and team he proposes to love, what an arrogant c**t. Go now wenger.

  54. SilverGooner

    Feb 26, 2018, 15:06 #107388

    Post-match quote of the day from Inspector Clueless - " We were a bit unlucky in the second half". And this - "I feel a little bit that everything went against us". We pay this fraud a staggering £8 million a year. Unbelievable!!

  55. 1971 Gooner

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:53 #107387

    We have certainly explored previously uncharted depths of crap performances in 2018, accompanied by the results they have deserved. I want Wenger gone as much as anyone but surely the players must also accept their share of the blame? I thought the best comment came from Merse who said we’re the worst team in the country without the ball. We’re not that good with it either anymore. As an aside, looking at our central defensive options (putting it politely) can anyone explain why we sold Gabriel? He was no world beater, but he was better than Mustafi and Chambers.

  56. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:45 #107386

    Exiled in Pt, apologies, disregard my last post, I should have read a few other of your posts first, but I certainly do believe TOF is the biggest problem so first things first. wenger out.

  57. Cheltenham Gunner

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:38 #107385

    First time I have switched us off midway through a cup final. No words to describe that performance! Hope we lose every remaining game in what's left of this miserable season. If that does not push him out nothing will.

  58. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:35 #107384

    Exiled in Pt, and not a mention of the real problem, and why things are like they are, (did you not read the article)the owner/board don't pick the players, coach, tactics, teamtalks, etc, etc, etc, do you honestly think your messiah is going to be any different and change and do tings differently if we changed owners the board ? Your as delusional as he is if you do. You couldn't make it up. wenger out now.

  59. GoonerRon

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:18 #107383

    The defending for the first goal was a new low in our catalogue of ****ness, I mean you are literally taught ‘getting goalside’ at school. We’re just so technically average on the ball now, we just didn’t have the skill, courage or composure to play through their press often enough. Overall, just ****. If we are planning to sack Wenger we need to get our **** together quickly - it’s a World Cup year with a shortened transfer window so allowing a new manager to make moves in the market will be tough.

  60. markymark

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:17 #107382

    Ultimately this may be the most signicant game in Wenger’s winter years. The day when all sides came crashing down on him. A Wengo apologist ringing into talk sport or 6.06 is going to get the treatment dishes out on them that WOBs used to get. For that I’m going to love it when they are called out for being deluded . Of course will anybody publically support him anymore? Wouldn’t surprise me if the Brian’s of this world run for the exits claiming they always wanted him out ( as those types tend to do ). The traditional media is now firmly in line with the social media, Henry who of course is Josh’s dining companion is publicly touting for the job. The wider public saw how rubbish we were and that no doubt includes Addidas and Nike who we need to approach in 2019. For anyone wanting to see the end of the deluded Lizard. This may not have been such a bad day after all. Over to the two rag tag Wenger boys to defend him - should make an interesting read.

  61. Exiled in Pt

    Feb 26, 2018, 14:14 #107381

    Everyone needs to see the bigger picture this is no longer just about Wenger going. The owner and the board have no interest in getting rid of him as they do not have the same interest in the club as us. If they did he would of been sacked on August 28th 2011 at 17:40 after losing 8-2 to United. Instead regular humiliations ever since and he is still there. It is the owner and the board we need out if any chance of change is to happen at our club.

  62. mbg

    Feb 26, 2018, 13:59 #107380

    Here we are the day after another embarrassing defeat/stuffing, do we really care ? are we depressed ? are we crying ? (apart from some children who haven't even grown a set of teeth and know no better, and of course some AKB wengerites who are still sniffing into their dinner)do/are we f**k, the club itself maybe, but nothing nobody else, so look on the bright side of life, the worst thing for this club would have been a win yesterday. Go now wenger you embarrassment.

  63. Exiled in Pt

    Feb 26, 2018, 13:41 #107379

    Until the owner and board are gone this club is fuc#ed!! History and tradition have been forgotten it is all about the money! Writing was on the wall the day we left highbury,it was never about competing with the elite it was about rinsing the loyal supporter the true fan for all he was worth! Then filling his place with a tourist who will spend more cash! Seriously time to follow the example of Wimbledon fc & United fc as we the real support have nothing left in common with what once was THE ARSENAL.

  64. peter wain

    Feb 26, 2018, 13:27 #107378

    there are no arguments that this was the worst performance this season. A lack of passion endeavour and commitment without equal this year. We are getting worst and the total shambles that is our defence is now equalled by the lack of ability in our mid field. Quite what is done about this before Thursday is difficult to know. The whole club is so badly run that it will take five years at least to clear out all of the back wood both players and coaches. Wenger just leave now,

  65. Goonhogday

    Feb 26, 2018, 13:22 #107377

    Great post Kevin, sums it up perfectly. Enough is enough, Wenger out.

  66. Dragongunner

    Feb 26, 2018, 13:18 #107376

    Another sorry shambles of a performance and like 'Up for grabs' did not bother watching as I can't bring myself to watch the same old lazy and inept defending over and over again and I've been a supporter of this great club since 1961. It is now obvious to me that the players Wenger inherited back in 1996 were thoroughly professional and well coached. They could cope and manage on field situations themselves. Adams, Keown, and dare I say Bould. (He got lucky with Sol as he was handed to him on a plate by Dein.)Tony Adams is right. He doesn't coach and has been unable to do so with the players he has since brought in. The players are probably good players, as they are internationals, but under Wenger they are hapless and weak. Since the demise of the Invincibles he has been found wanting and has been exposed for the fraud he has become. Surely someone on the board can see how stale and complacent the players have become. How long must this nonsense go on? The form of the team is relegation standard and although this season we may have enough points to be safe but if he stays in the job for next season we are more than likely to be in a relegation fight, despite who he brings in. Those people who still have a blind faith in Wenger only have to look at the facts that we are now unable to beat the the lower teams as well as the teams above us. One last thing. How the hell does Bould sit there week in week out, like a wooden indian and do nothing. Why doesn't he make a show of how frustrated he must surely be with Wenger.I would, and surely most of the fan base have more respect for him, but I suppose the ridiculous money he is on, he is happy to keep his mouth shut!!!! WHAT A TOTAL SHAMBLES WE HAVE BECOME UNDER THIS MAN WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHEN TO LEAVE THE STAGE.

  67. Paulward

    Feb 26, 2018, 13:00 #107375

    Awful day, and we left as soon as the third went in. Will not be going Thursday night and fully expect Milan to effectively end our season next month. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if we don’t even finish sixth, looks like the players have simply given up.

  68. Bard

    Feb 26, 2018, 12:56 #107374

    As others have said, its no disgrace to lose to Cteh but the manner of the loss was shocking. The worry for me that unless he is sacked quickly we will have a summer of boardroom wrangling, with Wenger hanging on and the board too weak to get rid of him. He needs to go now and let someone else clear the decks. Buy and sell in the summer and be ready for a crack in Aug.

  69. shu

    Feb 26, 2018, 12:51 #107373

    Unless the fans stay away or turn on him at a game he will be here for yet another season. You have spoken of changes but where he is concerned I see nothing. I am not going back until he has gone. That is a silver reg that hasn't been used this year.

  70. Paulo75

    Feb 26, 2018, 12:43 #107372

    Still struggling to believe the positioning of the central defenders for the opening goal let alone Mustafi's individual culpability. Coaching is obviously non existent but we all knew that anyway. The penny has even dropped with Gary Neville that the Manager ultimately shoulders the blame and has to go.

  71. Yes its Ron

    Feb 26, 2018, 12:31 #107371

    A sad day in the proud history of AFC. The main thing is that it doesn't remotely hurt to lose anymore, though in truth it wasnt a loss was it? It was just an abject clueless surrender to a team who weren't that good themselves. A very underwhelming Final. Nothing else to say really.

  72. John F

    Feb 26, 2018, 12:17 #107370

    He still has some leeway as long as Arsenal remain in the Ropey cup but as soon as AFC are knocked out then I think the decision will be taken to move him on.Wenger is not a stupid man and must by now realize that he is harming Arsenal but may just be hanging on because he knows if he goes then there will be a clear out of his inept coaching staff as well.He is putting himself and his friends around him above the best interest s of Arsenal Football Club.

  73. Exeter Ex

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:58 #107369

    The only slight surprise for me as I thought this team were still self-motivated for one off games, so we'd see some fight even though City would win. But it seems even that has gone now. It's a new low, and Wenger as a man is reaching new lows with his attempts at excuses and distraction. The stuff about offside, trying to bring on Welbeck at 2-0 to save the game but not being allowed, and not enough injury time was plain embarrassing and makes him look the old fool he's become. It's just bizarre how this carries on, and I agree those who still want him to go on are either on a wind up or just support the man not the club.

  74. Bob Bayliss

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:56 #107368

    The whole piece is spot on, but one sentence above all stands out. "The FA Cup proved the manager’s salvation in 2014 and 2017." So many WOBs have found that an inconvenient truth. It's inconvenient, because it begs the question: why did you celebrate those results? why did you not recognise the bigger picture? Would you really not have swapped a couple of "feel-good" days at Wembley for halting the relentless decline to our club? Do you not realise that even if he goes in May, we have been left so far behind that it will probably take a decade or more to repair that damage, even if we get a half-decent manager? It's probably true that the result yesterday made not a jot of difference. But I agree with Kevin that he would have been toast in 2014 and 17 had it not been for two very fluky cup wins (we deserved to beat Chelsea in the final, but we had fortunate draws all the way to the semi).

  75. RobG

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:53 #107367

    " A man who stayed on too long, lacked the self-awareness to sense that he had gone stale and ultimately left a mess for his successor to sort through. Goodbye Arsene, enjoy counting the money." I can remember arguing with one of Wenger's obsessives, some years back and pointing out that he - Wenger- inherited a solid legacy from Rioch/GG - specifically the defence DB10 and Platt. My associate laughed at this and said that Wenger's legacy would be 'stellar, way better....' which just shows how hubris can cloud judgement. His legacy as far as the squad is concerned is one far worse than he inherited. Ozil was again anonymous at Wembley. He shows up about every fourth game. Jack tries ; but the rest are just not up to it.

  76. Up For Grabs Now

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:50 #107366

    I didn’t see or listen to the game, which in itself says a whole lot more, than yet another no-show by Wenger’s Arsenal. When I found out the result, I just laughed and felt absolutely nothing, other than a flicker of hope that this joke of a manager might be slightly closer to the exit door, but I heavily emphasize the word ‘might’ here! The board has long since proven they don’t have the balls to make the right decision, having avoided it for over a decade now, so I don’t expect much change there. A larger margin of defeat against the same opposition on Thursday, then a defeat or a draw against Brighton, followed by a thrashing in Italy and then the word ‘might’ could change to ‘hopefully’! However, having watched this boring scenario play out so many times previously, I don’t doubt that Wenger’s Arsenal will somehow once again get a result or two, once more fending off the desperately required chop, extending this death by a thousand cuts, well closer to ten thousand cuts by now! Personally, I am now long since immune from the pain of these individual cuts, as proven by my I couldn’t give a toss about the result of a cup final ffs!

  77. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:46 #107365

    What a treat this week has been, 2 humiliations in the space of 3 days!! Just two more gutless, spineless, cowardly defeats in a decade littered with them. There is no chance whatsoever of this w***** resigning so we just have to hope that someone at the club grows some balls and puts him and us out of our misery. A specialist in failure? More like a specialist in humiliating surrender. Pathetic. I laughed when City scored their 3rd goal. This is what supporting Arsenal has been reduced to. It will never change until this leech has gone. Wenger out

  78. Gunner Rob

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:45 #107364

    who is going to sack him then ?

  79. Exiled in Pt

    Feb 26, 2018, 11:31 #107363

    Could not agree with you more Kev, just i honestly still do not see the old fraud leaving at the end of the season! Problems are far deeper than just replacing the zip fiddler and half the inept over paid players who obviously do not have any personal pride! The board and Wenger out!