Arsenal Circular 181 – Some people do stay too long in power

But that should not excuse abuse and disrespect

Arsenal Circular 181 – Some people do stay too long in power

Arsene – How much longer will he cling on to power?

Dear Fellow Gunners

In the last few weeks we have fallen further behind in the League, lost limply to Nottm Forest in the FA Cup, struggled through to the next round of the Europa League and been beaten soundly by Man City in the League Cup Final – a bad run interspersed with some wins against lesser teams in the Premier.

For some fans, the results have been vindication of a long held belief that Wenger needs to go. Some say it provocatively and unpleasantly and others say it sympathetically and decently. For other fans, the results have been painful as they point to a decline which likely requires managerial surgery and the eventual departure of a much revered manager who in his early years took Arsenal to the pinnacle of English football.

Some people do stay too long in power – Thatcher had to be hounded out by her own party because she made such a mess of the Poll Tax. Blair was manipulated out by Brown who went on to become one of the most unsuccessful PM’s of all time. Two things happen when people remain at the top for two long;- first, they can become stale and safe and, second, they inspire envy and jealousy and become the focus of discontent. I often recall that metaphor of Hugh McIlvaney who said that the media welcomes the new messiah while playing in their pockets with the nails for his eventual crucifixion.

At the end of the day it comes down to success which itself becomes a drug. You give success and your followers love the excitement and the celebration and want more and then even more. Success raises expectations and when those expectations are unfulfilled the fans turn. Other managers come to the fore. Other teams secure big financial backing and hopes and expectation of more success are dashed. Fans feel misled, even cheated. They look to the future and want to enjoy bragging rights but the magic mix is not there and things fall away – you cease to be in the top two; you sell stars to finance the stadium move and then have difficulty in maintaining the same special quality of player excellence. Ordinary players replace stars. Stars arrive and fall short. The club loses momentum; the players lose confidence; results fall away and the atmosphere becomes polluted.

Van Persie, despite AFC tolerance of repeated long lay-offs, went for money whatever he might say. He had one wonderful season at Old T and won Ferguson his last title. Oxlade-C was different. He wanted away. He rejected more money at Chelsea and went instead to Liverpool where he is coming good. Some will say that is down to the better man-management skills of Klopp. AFC fans mock the Ox but he will come good in the World Cup. Big money has been spent on uncertain players – Xhaka particularly seems to be unable to learn from his mistakes or raise his game but Chambers and Holding, too, have been treading water. Lacazette is another who has fallen short. But this kind of post-mortem is inevitable when things go wrong and setbacks mount. We all contribute our views – we should be modest because none of us have a coaching badge, or have managerial responsibility, or have had to spend £40m on a player or told a star that he is on the bench. As Benitez has said – “Pundits give opinions. Managers make decisions”. But the way the game is played and reported and discussed encourages us to believe we have valid views and opinions but in reality we know so little.

Football also produces monsters in bad behavior – “fans” who yell obscenities and act in such a comprehensive disrespectful manner especially to someone like Wenger who has brought such success to AFC. Their contempt for him increases my contempt for them. Yes we have fallen away but the three FA Cups in four years was an immense achievement – when did THFC last win the Title/Cup – ditto Liverpool FC. It does not mask our failings in the League and in Europe but AFC did what every other soccer club wanted to do – and not just once but three times and by beating every top club on the way – City, United, Liverpool, Chelsea and THFC. But of course none of them were “interested”. They weren’t “trying”. Really?

So we need balance – the under-achievement needs to be seen against the achievement and seen without vitriol but with respect.

Some fans are dominated by the negatives and talk up failure and nudge towards contempt even hatred. Others see the whole picture - see AFC over a span of years that has seen success and failure. Those of us who witnessed Cup defeats by Third Division clubs Norwich City in 1954; by Northampton Town in 1958 and by Peterborough in 1965 and the barren years in League and Cup from 1953 to 1969 including successive League Cup Final defeats in 1968 and 1969, know how to appreciate Anderlecht in 1970, the Double in 1971 and further titles and Cups under George Graham and Arsene Wenger. We have sadness and regrets and failures. We have joy and celebration and successes too. It does not make us tolerant of mistakes and setbacks – you always want to win, have to win – but we appreciate the life long commitment that Arsenal creates. When the good times come we fear they may not last. When the bad times come we know they will not last. We see the whole picture and understand what it means to support Arsenal. We end up loving Arsenal. It is part of our lives and our years are so often defined by a win (Rocastle at WHL 1987 in League Cup Semi-Final), a defeat (Nayim from the halfway line 1995), a Cup (Parma 1994), a Title (Anfield 1989), a goal (Charlie G at Wembley 1971), a penalty (Storey at Hillsborough in 1971) and the Invincibles (2004). We will come again. For sure. In the meantime we revere those who made our name – Chapman, Allison, Whittaker, Mee, Graham and Arsene Wenger.


PS - the ref was wrong, so was Neville and Redknapp and Henry and all the pundits - everyone except Aguero. He knew it was foul – and he has said it was a foul. But if you want to hit Wenger on the head you will ignore Aguero’s admission – it gets in the way of the anti AW narrative. (Ed’s note – the only thing I can find online about this is here which does not suggest Aguero did say it was a foul, but I stand to be corrected)

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  1. David1

    Mar 02, 2018, 11:42 #107572

    Modesty has nothing to do with - and Wenger is just the unfortunate chump in the way of the flak. It isn't his fault that he has become bigger than the club, or that the club has been too spineless to sack him. How has he done more for Arsenal than Mourinho did for Chelsea? He hasn't, but every sucker on the board seems to believe Wenger's own propaganda. Wenger's secured tenancy agreement with the board (top 4, CL) was of their making not his. They are to blame for the club being in the position it's in now. The board doesn't have the ambition that the fans have - or indeed the ambition (as unrealistic as it may be) that Arsene Wenger still has: to win the PL and CL. They haven't been fussed that Wenger is palpably no longer capable of delivering the biggest prizes, but are happy with the consistent turnover. Which is worrying. Because even when a new man takes over, he will only be backed so far. It would take an owner with the kind of vision that Sir Henry Norris had many, many years ago to enable Arsenal to achieve the sort of success and status that would raise Arsenal above it's current standing. Even if the football was good under AW for the first 10 years, he still achieved nothing more than any manager before him - just with a bit more style. Style over substance is Tottenham's game, not ours.

  2. markymark

    Mar 02, 2018, 8:26 #107566

    Current state of the AKB’s 1: Screaming Lord Perry - recently deposed Rev Brian as supreme leader. Most likely to comment Dear Fellow Gunners. Hates: Arsenal supporters and anyone who dares to criticise the Messiah. Has a further 500 circulars planned which will continue in the event of his death. Age : 81 2: Rev Brian Badarse - Previous supreme leader who wielded North Korean style dictatorship across his followers. Most likely to comment: Froth , Eggs and Marmalade. Hates: WOR (anyone who criticises Wenger) Recently won a Weinstein award for poetry. Loves: Jameeson , Westie and Colesey Age: 83 3: Westie - self appointed greatest Arsenal Supporter ever. Most likely to comment: I once bought a ticket in 1967. Hates: Arsenal winning as has bet on them losing. Recently disappeared from site, believed to have been financial wiped out after being victim of online betting scams. Motorised wheel chair was unfortunately repossessed. Age: 76 4: Jameeson - the religious mentor of the group prior to Rev Brian. Racist , Bigot , anti-semite , child beater. Brian’s Online mate. Retired to his caravan and awaiting the second coming Age: believes he’s 2359 5: ToOaW , Leekey , AKB, - despised by everyone. Jameeson, Colesey completely ignored him. Brian in desperation gave him an award. Most likely to comment: Mr Wenger, lick , ooh Mr Wenger lick , lick The willing lackey boy of the AKB’s. Age: 19 6: Coleseyboy - the hardman of the group, played football at every level, fights regularly for Arsenal. Hates everyone Most likely to comment: You ****ing Mug. Disappeared from site, believed serving time in Pentonville for major online betting scam aimed at pensioners ( see Westie ) Age: 75

  3. mbg

    Mar 01, 2018, 22:35 #107563

    Well perry wot you think of that? and you and youe ilk are part of the problem so lets be havin you, you pathetic f*****g twat. Resign now wenger you useless c**t.

  4. markymark

    Mar 01, 2018, 21:08 #107550

    Sack Wenger , sack ToOaW , sack Brian Sadarse , Sack Perry!

  5. !No Pasaran!

    Mar 01, 2018, 15:38 #107539

    Mr Perry, please spare us this sanctimonious guff. Thatcher destroyed this country. Blair should be in jail. He was responsible for over one million deaths in Iraq,along with Bush, who was only inches from imbecility, as some may agree Wenger now is. In fact, was Wenger sitting by your side as you penned this excuse for his mismanagement? None of us older fans expect successes, but we do expect the team to be set up properly to challenge, sadly Wenger can not provide this. He needs to be removed as soon as possible.

  6. mbg

    Mar 01, 2018, 15:27 #107537

    Bard, I know mate I had a mate in Hospital the last few days getting his Haemorrhoids seen to, I should have put him on to this it really would have given him something to laugh about. wenger out tonight.

  7. mbg

    Mar 01, 2018, 15:07 #107536

    Cloggs, more like shut up and support the manager, which will never ever happen with this old fraud. We want wenger out tonight.

  8. Exiled in Pt

    Mar 01, 2018, 13:58 #107534

    The board, Wenger and any other tw#t like Perry that supports them out out out now!

  9. Ham

    Mar 01, 2018, 13:30 #107533

    Wenger out, lion killer out, Perry out.

  10. Yes its Ron

    Mar 01, 2018, 12:48 #107532

    Its correct it was a foul by Aguero but it was a professional one afforded to him by The defenders naivety being on the wrong side of the fwd. As a team, we ve forgotten how to do 'professional fouling'. Any successful club does it routinely. In fairness to G Perry, theres much in what he says but sadly, neither the club nor AW have made the respect a mutual thing this last 10 yrs. The opposite has occurred so the result is the vociferous backlash by the fans base who feel that AW should have sown respect by resigning some yrs ago. His record at the club is a good one. theres no doubt about that but longevity and a past good record doesn't perennially excuse poor performance and staleness Graham. There is for sure still a lot of emotional support and attachment among AFC fans after so many years and lets be honest, we ve all had it at different times. Its no basis for denying where the root of all the problem are though. The redeeming feature of things for AW is that its not just him, its the clubs owner too. Both need to go. AFC has a good structure still in place but sadly, of the two fulcrums of it all, one doesn't care at all for football and the other has simply ran his course, of which theres no shame in that. It happens to the Heads of all large organisations.

  11. markymark

    Mar 01, 2018, 12:10 #107531

    Both Graham Perry and Badarse with his 65 years of support hold this up as a badge of honour when they are a pair of the most pathetic Wenger boys who’ve ever existed. Both have big issues with change and fear Wenger’s leaving as much as Wenger does himself. Many points in responses from other posters have hit the nail firmly on the head and as mentioned before he doesn’t give a toss for the supporters so why obsequious Wenger lickers feel the need to prostrate themselves I really don’t know. If you want to care about some Arsenal guys transfer some love over to Bob Wilson, Frank McClintock etc. They are true Arsenal men who will talk to you face to face about the club, Not treat you like some dirt on the sole of their shoe.,

  12. Exeter Ex

    Mar 01, 2018, 11:34 #107530

    Perhaps it's not so much Graham can't or won't see it. I think the key thing is the likes of Graham don't want Wenger to leave, no matter what. Arsenal could be relegated and Wenger would be 'the best person to take back up where we belong'. All the 'give your view but do it respectfully stuff' is disingenuous - he knows that would mean there's no real pressure on Wenger. Graham is claiming nearly 70 years of support - it's quite sad to see someone of that longevity's support hollowed out and replaced by support for one individual. It's a bit like a lobotomy - Graham won't have felt it happen and doesn't know it's happened now.

  13. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 01, 2018, 11:13 #107529

    We all needed a good laugh to cheer us up in this freezing weather, and this article sure does that. Thanks for posting.

  14. TonyEvans

    Mar 01, 2018, 11:09 #107528

    Christ almighty, with supporters (and I use that term very lightly) like Mr Perry and the rest of his docile Wenger supporting sheep it's no wonder this farce has been allowed to continue for so long. Supporters of the northern giants would have rebelled years ago; yet all true Arsenal fans get is abuse when they try to demonstrate in an effort to rid the club of this arrogant bastard.

  15. Bard

    Mar 01, 2018, 10:54 #107527

    I really enjoyed the circular Graham. I haven't had such fun reading a post for a while. In common with Tony Atwood on Untold and Badarse on here the posts start off in the same way. Quiet good humour, reason, moderation etc and then the bile and ranting at the injustice kicks in. Ps Aguero fouled, second goal offside, refs a cheat, Arsenal conspiracies etc etc. It mirrors Wenger's post match comments. 'Congratulations to City but they only had 3 shots to our 2 so the game was much closer than people realise'.Er what game were you watching ? I think the correct term is called wilful blindness. Anyway keep them coming. Shall we have an online party when the 'circular' reaches 200 ?

  16. Up For Grabs Now

    Mar 01, 2018, 10:31 #107526

    Jeez Graham you just don’t get it do you? Wenger has as good as already had ten years of fans being polite and respectful and surprise surprise Wenger is still with us!!! Do you not understand the coincidence here? Only by hounding him out will he leave in the first place, if you can’t or rather won’t see that, then you are as deluded as your messiah!

  17. Reality Cech

    Mar 01, 2018, 10:21 #107525

    Hahaha this is just comedy gold from the boy Perry! Incredible stuff! Makes me wonder what will happen to this weird Wenger loving cult once their messiah gets the bullet (which is defo going to happen sooner rather than later). Will there be a Jimmy Jones style mass suicide pact, all laying down together in TOOWAT’s bedroom in their redcurrent commemorative shirts, holding hands and chanting for Arsene? Haha! I can’t wait!

  18. foxinthebox2001

    Mar 01, 2018, 9:59 #107524

    Sorry Graham, the point where I could see him leaving with dignity and repututaion slightly tarnished, but still intact passed when he casually suggested the fans were to blame for the poor atmosphere and therefore bad results. Deserves the abuse for the contempt he holds us in, but still we are still expected to stump up good money to watch his team.

  19. markymark

    Mar 01, 2018, 9:10 #107523

    Toad - the whack-a-Troll comment about you perfectly sums you up. All we need is your old pal Leekey to add his Mr Wenger, lick , lick comments to add so much more. What i’d Suggest is that you contact Brian Badarse (83 years young), you finally have that drink with a Gooner in your local Boozer, yeah I know you have to keep yer head down , and yer mouth shut but you can handle it son. If anything been fenced, give us the nod son! We can move it sharpish.

  20. Gaz

    Mar 01, 2018, 8:50 #107522

    You ask this to be posted then fail to reply to the comments Mr Perry! Get your arse on here you Wenger muncher!

  21. Cloggs

    Mar 01, 2018, 7:26 #107521

    Another clueless version of the "Shut up, respect the manager and support Arsenal". Wenger has exposed himself as an arrogant egoistic fraud who is in complete denial of the damage he is inflicting on this once great club. The same goes for the board keeping him in power whilst paying him 9M pounds for achieving f**k all. Then we have a part of the fanbase who turned themselves into an Arsene fanclub, hurling abuse and bullying to whoever has the guts to vent a critical opinion. Can you f**king believe someone puts up an AIWT banner after the humiliations at OT and SB? Where's your proud then?? Doesn't it FFS ring a bell when tottenham supporters are chanting wengerite songs? Fans should unite and get their act together to end this current mess.

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 01, 2018, 7:07 #107520

    Graham - Your views are evidently absurd and not worth reading. These circulars merely record the unravelling of your mind as you vainly attempt to defend the indefensible. You're now at the point where the only person with whom you are arguing is yourself. You've placed yourself in a psychological solitary confinement, unable to see and admit the truth. When the axe does eventually fall on the man who has wrecked our club, you need to have a coping mechanism in place to make sure you don't also become a casualty. Given the amount of wengo-related bilge that you've posted on here, I seriously wonder about your sanity and hope you'll be ok while the rest of us are partying like it's 1999. Go on mate - ease the pain and just admit you've been making all this nonsense up to try to upset people.

  23. Guy in Jersey

    Feb 28, 2018, 23:23 #107519

    I despise Wenger, I despise Kroenke, I hate the arrogant, pathetically inept, self-serving disgrace that is Chips Keswick, and I despise the useless, deluded moron that is Graham Perry. Why is he on this site? He is a fantasist and clueless idiot, who will never admit he's wrong (even when the next manager shows up Wenger's dithering, indecision, general ineptitude, inflexibilty and completely outdated methods). Perry and his cronies are one-eyed, blinkered, moaning, whingeing, stupid, sad apologists for mediocrity and continuing failure and embarrassment. They have nothing to do with real fans, either Arsenal or any other club. We used to be a great club, and we acted with style and class. That's all gone out the window and I can find very little I respect or like about Arsenal these days. I can't wait for the likes of Wenger, Kroenke and Perry to be gone from our club, so we can build something great again. Unfortunately, all I sense at the moment is greed, arrogance and (in Perry's case) brown-nosing and colossal bull****.

  24. Gaz

    Feb 28, 2018, 22:39 #107518

    Ok thanks mate.

  25. Emess

    Feb 28, 2018, 22:24 #107517

    The writer insults the intelligence of real Arsenal supporters and is Arsene’s very own propagandist - perhaps he should write as goal balls !!!

  26. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 22:23 #107516

    Gaz, Give me sport website.

  27. Gaz

    Feb 28, 2018, 22:02 #107515

    meg: who’s GMS?

  28. TOOAW

    Feb 28, 2018, 21:43 #107513

    Wonderful write up Graham. You've just told it how you see it. Nothing wrong with that. Well done.

  29. Ernie71

    Feb 28, 2018, 21:42 #107512

    This guy is not a Gooner he is the Online Gooners answer to Arsenal Fan TV's Ty.Wenger gets paid nearly £10m a year for failure.The most ridiculous article the Gooner has ever printed.Keep printing this rubbish and you will lose all credibility

  30. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 21:38 #107511

    According to GMS wrighty knows things (described by GMS as nasty) about wenger and his regime that would get him the sack at any other club, and if came out there would be up roar among the fans. wenger out.

  31. Paulward

    Feb 28, 2018, 21:10 #107510

    Deluded nonsense , thank heavens those who think like Graham Perry are about as easy to find as an Arsenal away win these days. Wenger out ASAP

  32. PaulMersonlalala

    Feb 28, 2018, 21:06 #107509

    Anyone read tonight's Evening Standard? Evidence if any more needed that the manager has now left the earth's orbit. Utterly shameful business but there's momentum gathering now I believe.

  33. Rippy

    Feb 28, 2018, 21:01 #107508

    we Do know so little . But players in clubs the night before a cup final says it all. Wenger has lost respect and the fans. Your making excuses that sound feable . The cup finals were brilliant and a reason why more of us wanted him to go after every one. Head high and with some pride. But the inevitable has been in the cards for ages. Only a blinkered fan couldn’t see it. Some of the abuse is bang out of order and over the top . But your deluded if you think he can win the fans back . His done finished gone. Shame it’s ended this way. But ffs go Wenger GO

  34. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 20:55 #107507

    andy1886, and we know who the other couple with macs in the phone box with him would be too. we want wenger out .


    Feb 28, 2018, 20:41 #107506

    Markymark - ANYONE really, please, ANYONE!! How about AW's gardener? Apparently he didn't even know who that guy was that kept turning up to his mansion. I expect he'd be a lot better at growing & nurturing things. But what a great opportunity I have just given for GP to come back with the inevitable "be careful what you wish for".

  36. markymark

    Feb 28, 2018, 20:24 #107504

    Cornish - looks like Jardim is emerging doesn’t it. Whether it is purely speculation or an actual insider . View appears to be Henry too early in his development , Arteta is getting bigged up but lots of talk around how much he is liked at the Emirates. Young Manager keeps on being mentioned as well. Personally I’d take either Ancelotti or Jardim in a shot. I feel Low would be a disaster

  37. Goonhogday

    Feb 28, 2018, 20:11 #107503

    markymark - Many thanks. His pro-regime article post makes a little more sense now. Wow. Wenger out.


    Feb 28, 2018, 19:49 #107502

    Comments on this article? Unprintable ffs. As to more positive things i.e.. the return of AFC to the top table - what is the feeling about Jardim? He seems to be the front runner & I hope Ivan & Co. are already making soundings or, alternatively, are ready to bring in Carlo.

  39. markymark

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:43 #107501

    Goonhogday - Graham Perry certainly exists. A man used to a microphone he reminded me of someone on the stump trying to be your local MP. He grabbed the microphone at the AISA gathering and basically had to have it grabbed off him. His aim was to time out the Q&A session to Gazidis which was asking searching questions . As I said before I think he has an agenda.

  40. Guernsey gunner

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:42 #107500

    Your not a fan graham, you are wrapped up in a bizarre personality cult of adoration for a grade a failure. Like the old fraud you cannot or will not accept the glaringly obvious. By the way your demi god messiah would t give you the steam of his p**s if your life depended on it despite your sickening brown nosing. Understand this Wenger is a disgusting, selfish, greedy arrogant, narcissistic TNUC.

  41. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:39 #107499

    bobbybigb, good post but do us a favour and stop using the words arsene and Mr wenger to describe TOF, he doesn't deserve those titles any more and hasn't for a long time, he has no respect left. Go now wenger you embarrassment.

  42. arrgee

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:39 #107498

    Is this for real? Who witnessed the Norwich game in 1954? I'm surprised there is no mention of Walsall in 1933. But then that wouldn't fit the apologist narrative as Chapman kicked half of that team out of the club. Wenger gives them a pay hike...

  43. andy1886

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:38 #107497

    Wow, utterly delusional. The cult of Wenger is still just about alive and twitching it seems. Beware of strange men in macs meeting in a phone box near you.

  44. Goonhogday

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:34 #107496

    Wow, this article is dreadful. It reads like a sermon. If the author of this article really exists, you’re one glutton for punishment. Wake up. Wenger out.

  45. Deighty

    Feb 28, 2018, 19:08 #107495

    What f###### c###. I knew this article was gonna be **** but then lost any credibility when stating “Brown who went on to become one of the most unsuccessful PM’s of all time”. Stopped reading at that point. Can’t these pricks be barred from posting.

  46. Exeter Ex

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:51 #107494

    Gaz - yes Graham has posted exactly the same article on Gunners Town today, just with a different title. Are both websites aware of this? Not exactly an 'Exclusive' is it?

  47. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:50 #107493

    The old frauds spin machine has been mobilised then, with another pathetic attempt (with exactly the same diarrhoea as last time)from a chief wet wipe attendant to cover his failings, bury bad news, have everyone forget and move on from his latest humiliation and embarrassment and failure and failures, but alas again (like always)it will fail, people have woken up now, the wengerites, like their messiah have run out of excuses any feasible ones anyway and the weasel has nowhere to run anymore, everyone now knows what a lot of us have for years wenger is a fraud and a failure. We want the failure out we want the failure out.

  48. markymark

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:46 #107492

    MBG - this weird preaching style common to Graham Perry, Tony Atwood and Brian Badarse (83 yrs old) seems a common thread. They expouse so called tolerance they talk to us from their high horses. Calling us rabble and accusing us of violence. All 3 of the above are willing to lie for their great leader. Liars , hypocrites , charlatans all 3 of them.

  49. Gaz

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:20 #107491

    See he's also posted this on other sites. What a Wenger loving weirdo.

  50. mbg

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:17 #107490

    So 1 mention and wengers chief bidet cleaner pops up, (not to fast I hope, or there again) as if he's some kind of informed reporter doing us all a favour with his holier than thou views, by keeping us informed with the goings on, in reality he's just a chief wenger apologist with the same old crap, telling us something we already know, (and have for years) and have read in and off other places newspapers before now days even weeks ago (old news)the same as the last and all before not even worth only a skim if that, don't give up the day job. We want the weasel out we want the weasel out.

  51. cameron326

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:14 #107489

    "Success raises expectations and when those expectations are unfulfilled the fans turn" Arsenal should never be 27 points off the league leaders. 17 points in the odd really bad year - okay, its acceptable. Nobody is seeking Real Madrid levels of ruthlessness (although didn't we supposedly move stadiums to compete with the Big Boys?) But, anyway, 27 points is not acceptable. Meanwhile 3 FA Cups in 4 seasons was a very good achievement, but not an immense one. For the past ten-fifteen years the FA Cup is more on akin to the back in the day) League Cup than the FA Cup of old in terms of prestige. That achievement in no way mitigates the lack of challenges in the big competitions.

  52. Alsace

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:10 #107488

    Graham. That man has wasted ten years of my football watching life and £30k of my money. That behaviour is not ok and there is ( in my very humble opinion) no level of verbal challenge inappropriate for the purposes of levering him out of his sinecure. He does not occupy any sort of position amongst the great managers of our club. He is not fit to be mentioned in the same breath as Chapman, Allison, Whittaker, Mee, Graham or Howe. Why, because his conduct in failure has been not only pathological but deliberate. He has deliberately refused to adhere to the traditions of the club relating to defensive solidity, and the failure which attends those who break those immutable rules. Deliberate misconduct in office is prima facie grounds for fair dismissal, and his deliberate conduct in this regard is a decade old. Further, your desire for him to be treated in a gentlemanly manner is I am afraid, the sort of misguided nonsense that had enabled him to survive this long. That which he is about to receive is well and truly merited. They have put in a new airport on St Helena. Lets put him on a plane and lock him up in Napoleon's old house as proof against his return.

  53. Big Andy

    Feb 28, 2018, 17:08 #107487

    Wenger deserves no sympathy. He has put himself before the club and is now destroying everything about Arsenal. He has had many opportunities to go with his head held high but won't. He deserves to be driven out.

  54. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Feb 28, 2018, 16:55 #107486

    Unbelievable, the author of this piece is as deluded as the old git himself!

  55. markymark

    Feb 28, 2018, 16:25 #107485

    I’ve witnessed Graham Perry first hand. Basically he tried to filibust a debate hanging onto a microphone to try and silence probing questions regarding Wenger. During his speech he once again accused hard put upon supporters of violence without a shred of evidence. Actual evidence of Protesters being attacked was of course entirely glossed over. The guy is either just deluded or at worst a Propagandist with an agenda.

  56. Trevor Ross

    Feb 28, 2018, 16:06 #107484

    Graham- Wenger has been disrepecting you and your fellow apologists for years, yet, blissfully unaware, you continually suck it up and keep coming back for more. It would be funny it wasn't both so pathetically tragic and severely damaging to the club you profess to support. YOU. ARE. THE. PROBLEM.

  57. Exeter Ex

    Feb 28, 2018, 16:03 #107483

    You don't need to work in football to see it's over for Wenger. All you need to do is look the results and the league table and have the ability to join a few dots. The article suggests the author is not actually capable of even these basic tasks. But that's his problem, not the rest of us. As Mr Circular cannot make a case for Wenger continuing and cannot argue against the case for his stopping, all he has left is to witter on about the 'way' some people make that case. That is what this article is.

  58. bobbybigb

    Feb 28, 2018, 15:47 #107482

    Poor Graham, whom i suspect is a thoroughly good guy and true longstanding Arsenal supporter that cannot or will not grasp the facts and overwhelming evidence stacked against Arsene. I do not believe that many want to string Mr Wenger up to the nearest tree however the majority do want him gone and many have felt that way for a long time due to his poor decisions and rank bad management. Do not feel sorry that his demise is now inevitable, he is a very wealthy man who has had many opportunities to leave with his head held high.Sorry Graham i am the same generation of Arsenal supporter as you and can clearly remember some bad times but none as bad as these because even in those dark days we had a team that fought and played for the shirt and a united fanbase.

  59. elseg25

    Feb 28, 2018, 15:38 #107481

    This is absolute rubbish of the highest order and the ramblings of a man who is obsessed with Wenger and more concerned about him than he is Arsenal. Wenger is finished and has been for the last 8 years irrespective of the FA Cup wins (we nearly screwed up in 2014 and 2015 but that doesn't fit Graham's narrative). The worst part about Sunday was being 3-0 down with 25 minutes to go and I just did not give a toss. The team didn't and the manager didn't. I'll admit I was one of the few that stuck it out until the end but in way does that criticise those who chose to leave earlier. As for his ps at the end, it was not a foul on Mustafi but pathetic defending. Too suggest it was a foul is bordering on the ridiculous.

  60. Skooner

    Feb 28, 2018, 15:38 #107480

    Oh look, a fan defending Wenger blaming the ref for Sunday. What Aguero did was what centre backs do to forward 20 times during the game, accept it was an appalling piece of defending and focus on the actual issue as to why we lost. On the broader topic of the piece, how do fans respectfully convey their wishes to the club that the manager needs to leave? Anything which is in the slightest bit negative (some of the banners have been incredibly polite by football standards) is branded as disrespectful. Wenger's supporters can hide behind the many excuses we have heard over the years but the fact remains others have achieved more than Arsenal on lesser budgets in the last decade and for many the need for the manager to be replaced is not an issue of the last year or two but 8/10. The signs have been there but it was too "disrespectful" to mention it, rather than act like a proper club and address the issues with less sentimentality than we have done. So at this point, people who do genuinely love the club feel they have no way of voicing their valid opinions but in a way that is less disrespectful in order that their message is heard. I'm sure the majority of them don't particularly enjoy doing so but in their opinion it is being done for the greater good of the club

  61. Gaz

    Feb 28, 2018, 15:08 #107478

    For goodness sake I realise this is an open forum but can't we just stop with these ridiculous circulars.