Arsenal In Danger Of Being Cut Adrift Of The Big Three

Club poised to post losses in current financial year

Arsenal In Danger Of Being Cut Adrift Of The Big Three

The AST estimates on Arsenal’s year end figures, based on the six monthlies

The Arsenal Supporters Trust Meeting Annual General Meeting last Monday began with an analysis of the six monthly interim figures on Arsenal’s annual accounts, up to the end of November 2017. It was interesting to see the effect not taking part in the Champions League has had on the club’s income. The Trust’s Simon Hill, a financial expert, estimated that by the time the financial year ends in May, Arsenal will be posting a loss of around £54 million, in contrast to the £37 million profit figure in May 2017. A larger version of his figures can be downloaded here.

So where has the money gone? The two most significant areas are a decrease in TV income of £29 million (the bulk of this due to not qualifying for the Champions League this season) whilst at the same time an increase in the club’s wage bill of £15 million. Additionally, Hill estimates that the club’s commercial income will fall by £8 million to £83 million. Of course, money can be raised to address the fall of income through judicious business in the transfer market, but part of Arsenal’s problem is that they have a number of players on wages that they are not going to be offered elsewhere, with the result that they are difficult to unload.

It’s a vicious cycle once a club begins to slide. Arsenal used to be regarded as one of the top four clubs in the Premier League (alongside Chelsea and the two Manchester clubs), and in terms of revenue, they still are. However, when expenditure is taken into account, to remain in profit and have regular funds available for player investment (both wages and transfers), success is key. Unless previous success is at least matches, the wage bill cannot continuously increase. Arsenal, at least, had profile through their participation in the Champions League before 2017-18 and by remaining in the Premier League title race for 75% of the season – as has happened at times over the last decade. But that profile is ebbing away.

There is little chance of catching the commercial muscle of Manchester United, and strike deals for more money with an increased number commercial partners, such as the one the Old Trafford outfit struck with In the last round of figures, United made £279.5 million in commercial and retail revenue, compared to the £117.3 million at The Emirates, according to Deloitte’s. That’s an advantage of over £160 million a year to invest in the team.

The reality is that Arsenal are unlikely to match United’s operation in most of our lifetimes. However, what they need to do is start competing on the field so that they can begin to at least close the gap and lessen the advantage. Granted, Arsene Wenger has kept the club in the spotlight, albeit for sometimes the wrong reasons, and the continued interest of sponsors will partly depend on whether they simply want exposure for their brand or for it to be associated with success.

The best case scenario for getting the optimum deals will give them both, so the club need to prioritize rebuilding from what, in time, will be viewed as the wreckage Arsene Wenger has done to the club by staying on too long. The situations where you have quality players either allowed to wind down their contracts to leave for nothing or force the club into meeting extortionate wage demands to remain is one that should never have been allowed to develop, but in the cases of Mesut Ozil and Jack Wilshere, that is certainly the case. Aaron Ramsey has 15 months left on his deal. Players like Wilshere and Ramsey will have noted with interest the progress made by a player such as Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain under a different coach when they consider whether to re-commit to Arsenal. Certainly, Jack Wilshere looks very unlikely to remain unless there is a new coach in situ before his current deal expires.

At least, in Sven Mislintat and Raul Sanllehi, the club has made two very important signings off the field. Mislintat can identify real talent before the price of the relevant targets goes through the roof, and Sanllehi’s reputation for getting deals across the line is well-established. So although financially Arsenal are at a disadvantage, there is cause for some optimism. Even if the club manage to win the Europa League, they would be well advised to change the manager in the summer, as it’s quite obvious Arsene Wenger can no longer get consistent performances out of his players, and that there is no good reason to delay the rebuilding job that needs to come.

Commercially, Arsenal need to start being in the mix more frequently in the two big competitions, the ones that are watched worldwide. Domestic cups make for a good day out and fans love trophies, but they’re small fry as far as sponsors are concerned. Another season out of the Champions League would be a huge financial blow to the club, but it’s fairly likely at the time of writing, in spite of the victory in Milan. Granted, things like adding a different sponsor’s name to shirt sleeves will help a little but it won't be long before every team is doing it and the reality is that the now established ‘big three’ will get more for theirs unless Arsenal can re-join the party, something they are battling to do alongside the lesser-earning Liverpool and Tottenham.

The danger though, is that the process of recovering the ground lost since the move to the Emirates will take so long that the Premier League title winning sides will be too far out of sight, a permanent league within a league to carve up the title, with the three sides behind them scrapping for the fourth Champions League spot. The directors need to be careful about who they get in to clean up the mess left by the current incumbent, but the longer they wait to make that decision, the greater the financial gap will be. A shot at next season’s title may seem unlikely, but if the club are not in the Champions League, a new man should be able to make a better fist of it that Arsene Wenger managed this season. For Arsenal to at least be taking part in meaningful matches every weekend would be a start in their recovery.

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  1. mbg

    Mar 12, 2018, 14:17 #107930

    Bard, your dead right of course, but some have to be smacked down every so often or else they'll begin to think their important, and get above their station with even more bullsyte and gobbledegook. wenger out now.

  2. markymark

    Mar 12, 2018, 13:11 #107927

    Bard - you are right. I do sometimes think though that even with the most simplistic of wind up trolls that a point is aired that can be debated. The fickleness issue is still raised at times so my ramble was more a broadside . I think the editor team need to come to a decision on ToOaW . It was only the lamentable Badarse who seemed to want to keep him on here

  3. Bard

    Mar 12, 2018, 9:27 #107915

    Markymark I don't know why you waste space addressing Tooaw. He's a wind up merchant. He doesn't post anything worth reading. It's probably Jamerson/Leeky in another guise. If you ignore him he will go away. I only wish the same could be said of Wenger.

  4. markymark

    Mar 12, 2018, 9:01 #107914

    ToOaW - your assertion that Supporters on this site are fickle. Comes from lazy journalism of around 18 months ago. I refer to it as lazy due to the fact the journalist hasn’t put his ear to the ground to pick up the supporters vibes. From memory it was a Mail Journalist. What the chap had concluded was on a bad Arsenal defeat day ( plenty of those ) large groups of supporters would ring in or go online and demand Wengo’s head. On a good win , let’s say Chelsea cup final . Supporters would ring in saying he deserves his contract and let him go with dignity yada, yada. The journalist assumed this was supporters continually shifting position ( fickle ) what he hadn’t judged was the major schism in the support base. Those who want Wenger gone (I’d now say 75%) will not shift their minds. The remainder pro Wengo boys (diminishing every day) will still plead for him to leave with dignity at some vague point in the future ( neither group is particularly fickle ). As a case in point I know of no Arsenal Supporter on this site who has changed from anti Wenger to Pro Wenger. There are a few supporters who have turned into anti Wenger on thus site but quite frankly after the years of evidence they are hardly fickle either . I hope this helps your understanding as it appears so difficult for you to grasp it.

  5. markymark

    Mar 12, 2018, 8:29 #107913

    No doubt we will hear from the AST , however I understand Ivan refused to answer questions on Wengo’s future. It suggests at least the brazen we couldn’t find anyone better line has been consigned to the bin. Huge crowd again I see!

  6. Rippy

    Mar 12, 2018, 7:07 #107912

    So many of our former players who are in the know . Or have spent time there coaching have been heavily critical of wengers out dated coaching methods. So it’s not up for discussion really in my opinion. That’s not to say wengers approach is terrible but it’s obvious a change would freshen up the whole atmosphere and get everyone back behind the team. The leaks are real the players themselves want better coaching. It has to change for the better of the club. I can’t see how you can defend it ?

  7. markymark

    Mar 11, 2018, 22:40 #107911

    ToOaW - my question is not about Ozil or comparisons to Ozil. The question is why is the Ox receiving plaudits for his play and has a number commentators saying he has improved since leaving Arsenal?

  8. mbg

    Mar 11, 2018, 22:06 #107910

    I see toady in his buckfast stupor has suddenly become good mates with Vieira, I can just see him standing in front of the mirror supping and chatting away. We want wenger out

  9. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 21:42 #107909

    So basically put Nark. The scousers signed a lesser Ozil by way of our reject Ox. Thanks for that Arsene. True genius.

  10. markymark

    Mar 11, 2018, 21:42 #107908

    Don’t worry ToOaW I’m chilled out, you’ll still be thick in the morning though

  11. Alsace

    Mar 11, 2018, 21:41 #107907

    30,000 people who have PAID TO SEE THESE GAMES are not attending the games. THIRTY THOUSAND people cannot be bothered to watch groundhog day and are voting with their feet to see a change. Has TOOAW bought his airline ticket, because he must be joined at the hip to the creature that football forgot.

  12. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 21:28 #107906

    Good to see Mesut Ozil reach the record of 50 assists in 141 games which no other player has achieved in the Premier league. Now Nark.... In relation to your question. It will take the the ox double that if not more before his stat can compare with Mesut. Ozil £42 mil. ox £35 mil. Do you need any more detail.

  13. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 21:02 #107905

    Squeak. Squeak. Chill out Scruff/Nark. 3 points today eh sunshine.

  14. markymark

    Mar 11, 2018, 20:08 #107904

    ToOaW - and we all know what the A and the W stand for. In recent weeks AKB has shown you up mercilessly for using incorrect usages of language , malapropism‘s etc. You are still unable to understand what Fickle means and of course you’ve included most of the site within this usage. You really are thick as a mouse aren’t you!

  15. Paulward

    Mar 11, 2018, 20:00 #107903

    Won’t see any West Ham style protests at Emirates because working class fans have been slowly but surely priced out and marginalised at Arsenal.Most of the fans near me sit in near silence throughout the match, and do not seem that bothered by the slow decline of the club.

  16. Exeter Ex

    Mar 11, 2018, 19:36 #107902

    No Toady, fickle is still the wrong word to use even in the context you're giving. You may claim that doing all 4 is counterproductive if you've a singular goal of removing Wenger, but it has nothing to do with changing your mind or feelings about Arsenal or Wenger. Try and think a bit more about what you're saying... if you've the ability, that is.

  17. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 19:26 #107901

    Thanks for that explanation Ex. It perfectly sums up my opinion of Nark and many others Support.... Boycott.... Attend.... Or Protest. That, for me is the perfect summing up of Fickle. Nark attends matches, pops along for the protest, purchases items from the shop and claims to support the Arsenal... Cheers for that pal. If you want Wenger out..... You simply cannot do all 4. Fickle, cynical and full of Irish pudding.

  18. Exeter Ex

    Mar 11, 2018, 18:47 #107900

    fickle: likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason. Completely the wrong word to use to describe a bunch of people who've been consistently Wenger Out for years. If you're going to troll, at the very least you shouldn't make the central plank of your trolling a word that's the complete opposite of what you intend. How thick can you be?

  19. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 18:01 #107899

    Nark. And we all know what the T stands for eh son. The dictionary clearly states Fickle equals ,'Arsenal, anti Wenger fan who can't stand when they go a few seasons not winning something' FICKLE.

  20. markymark

    Mar 11, 2018, 17:19 #107898

    ToOaW - and we all know what the A stands for.,FFS you thicko you still don’t know what Fickle means!

  21. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 17:06 #107897

    Patrick. Congratulations. That is exactly my point. The fickle gooner, Wenger haters have no balls. Attend, protest, support or boycott eh Nark!!!!? Will you ever see actions of the Wenger haters perform like we saw at the tax payers stadium. NOPE. Too fickle..... Onto the football. Yet another wonderful result. Congratulations Arsene. Give credit where credit is due.

  22. markymark

    Mar 11, 2018, 16:29 #107896

    Hi Berry - I expect ToOaW ( and we all know what the ‘W’ stands for ) has more knowledge of the Chicago Bears than West Ham. Seeing that he is nouveau Wengerist. With West Ham an element of the working clas East London crowd albeit from as far afield as Kent and Suffolk these days. Won’t put up with it. These guys ToOaW are the true working class element . Unlike your piss poor Jamie Oliver mockney act you pull

  23. mbg

    Mar 11, 2018, 15:48 #107895

    Hi Berry great post, as usual the toad in the hole farted before lifting his leg. And obviously the hammers fans aren't going to take it or stand for it, (unlike our softies)i bet the owners/ directors are s******g themselves now dreading the next game (ARE OURS ? the proper f*****g way to have them)very embarrassing for them indeed they'll not want the same thing happening again, they're now in meetings, planning, taking steps so it doesn't happen again and it's not about beefing up security either it's in the proper areas. wenger out tonight.

  24. mbg

    Mar 11, 2018, 15:05 #107894

    Is there a game today ? Any Resignation yet ? We want wenger out we want wenger out.

  25. Hi Berry

    Mar 11, 2018, 11:00 #107893

    What have West Ham achieved as a club? asks Tooaw. Well, they supplied three of the players that won the World Cup in 1966 in times when players and clubs weren't motivated solely by money. They have a reputation for playing attractive football stretching back fifity or sixty years. They have won a couple of Cup Finals and desperately close to winning another before Steven Gerrard stepped in. They won the European Cup Winners Cup in 1965, a five years before we lifted a lesser European trophy and a full thirty years before we lifted the same trophy. West Ham are not and never have been footballing royalty in the sense that Arsenal are perceived to be, but they are one of a legion of good, honest, hard-working clubs (that were) connected to their local community and who taste success every now and then. Their supporters don't expect title challenges year in year out, they don't expect silverware year in year out but they do expect their team to put in honest commitment every game and like giving the 'bigger' clubs a bloody nose to put them in their place occasionally. What their supporters didn't expect, however, was to move from their historic, atmospheric ground to an anonymous athletics stadium with vastly increased match-day revenues and not seeing that increased revenue translated into better performances, players and results on the pitch. I wonder if that rings any bells with anyone? It's taken them under two years to get angry with the way their beloved club has been hijacked and had the soul torn out of it - we are ten years and counting and even a couple of days ago after the victory in Milan there were still people ringing into Talksport and pledging their allegiance to Wenger. There's Only One Arsene Wenger is the one with blinkers methinks.

  26. RobG

    Mar 11, 2018, 10:08 #107892

    The problem is that once the downward spiral begins, it's hard to arrest. I would have thought Wilshere would be keen to resign. But it doesn't look like it. And the flip side, is that we pay way over the odds, for players other top sides aren't interested in. I have no agenda against Lacazette but was/is he better than Giroud ? We were crying out for defensive and DM improvements this summer past and Wenger did nothing. Ozil turns up about one game in three, yet because Sanchez walked, we had to accede to Ozil's extortionate wages, which are - in my eyes - no way justifiable. So we can't attract the best ; and pay over the odds for what we can get. A sure recipe for continued decline.

  27. markymark

    Mar 11, 2018, 7:51 #107890

    ToOaW - yes we all know what the ‘W’ stand’s for. Ps I asked you a question the other day. Ox’s goals and assists are winning praise. Why is it he is playing so much better.

  28. TOOAW

    Mar 11, 2018, 7:08 #107889

    Patrick. Take off your blinkers sunshine. Your anti Arsenal is astonishing. Please tell me what it is that West Ham have actually achieved in their history as a club. ' such a short time of discontent' Really???

  29. mbg

    Mar 11, 2018, 0:49 #107888

    JohnF, disgraceful ? Maybe maybe not, but their not happy and not standing for it and doing something about it, (like other clubs) and after such a short time of discontent, (not eight years)and i'll bet they'll get results too, can we imagine our soft bellied luvvie fans doing something similar at our pile in front of the directors box ? not a fooking chance they wouldn't have the balls, but that's what's needed, and has been needed for years, and if we'd have had the courage and/or the balls months even years ago we wouldn't be in this position now, fair play to them I say, I wonder would they come over to us and give us a hand and show us how it's done. We want wenger out.

  30. John F

    Mar 10, 2018, 23:05 #107887

    The disgraceful scene's at West Ham today are a sad reflection of how fans are feeling disconnected with their clubs particularly in London.West Ham and Arsenal have made their new stadium s soul less. Spurs and Chelsea will soon follow suit and football for the top London clubs will be lost to their traditional supporters that they owe its very foundation too.

  31. mbg

    Mar 10, 2018, 22:21 #107885

    I see the old fraud is playing the poor me, hard done by card, feeling all sorry for himself (even with £10,000,000 a season coming in) so your receiving all these messages of support from other managers are you weng ? even fergie ?lol. I just bet you are you past it old man, I just bet you are. wenger out.

  32. Big Andy

    Mar 10, 2018, 20:32 #107884

    Remember what Gazidis said: having searched the world he decided that Wenger was the best man for the job.

  33. mbg

    Mar 10, 2018, 17:33 #107883

    In danger of being cut adrift from the big three ? your way behind the times. We want wenger out now.

  34. Jock Gooner

    Mar 10, 2018, 16:51 #107882

    Don't worry, Arsene will tell us that he is the best man to turn this situation around too. Thank your lucky stars for Arsene the saviour!

  35. Roy

    Mar 10, 2018, 16:31 #107881

    You couldn't forward this on to a certain syrupy Yank, could you ?