Get ready for Saturday and Sunday evening matches

The gradual erosion of tradition continues

Get ready for Saturday and Sunday evening matches

A football free weekend for Gooners, meaning with the international break, no Arsenal games for over two weeks. Having played on Thursday 15th March against Milan, the team next play on April Fools’ Day, at home to a stuttering Stoke.

On Saturday, I was aware that two FA Cup quarter finals would be played either side of the Premier League 3pm matches. I didn’t pay a lot of attention to Spurs’ win at Swansea. Mauricio Pochettino’s players seemed to make easy work of the Welsh side. They will have a theoretical home advantage in the semi-final (and final should they progress past Manchester United), even though technically drawn away for the tie (which just means a different dressing room from normal for them). Arsenal fans who wish to numb the potential pain of a very possible Spurs cup win might even consider backing them to win the trophy at, after all, emotion should never be a factor in your gambling. It’s a wager you could quite easily live with losing, although due to the draw, Chelsea are the current favourites to win the trophy.

I made plans to tune in to watch the Man Utd v Brighton quarter final around 5.30, only to find out that Liverpool were facing Watford in the Premier League in that time slot. United’s game kicked off at 7.45pm. A Saturday game kicking off after 7.30 is something I think I have only previously seen in lower divisions, foreign leagues, the Champions League final or in international football.

Yet, it is a sign of how matches are gradually being spread over more and more time slots to accommodate television. In Spain and Italy, they have matches from Friday evening through to Monday evening (and Friday fixtures are beginning to creep into the English game more and more), but what really sticks out is that they will habitually kick off matches at noon (and on occasion even earlier) in those territories so as to have a distinct time slot for every individual fixture – with every game being available to watch live on television.

So in Spain, when the teams return from the international break (precluding a Friday evening match), they will play four games on Saturday – kicking off at 1pm, 4.15, 6.30 and 8.45. Then on Sunday there are five fixtures (although due to the loss of the Friday evening match, two of them must kick off at the same time). These matches start at 12 noon, 4.15, 6.30 (two games) and 8.45. And a Monday night fixture finishes it off. There was a time when every weekend match would kick off at the same time on a Sunday afternoon, post-siesta. Then again, the same applied to Saturday 3pm matches in England.

It’s a creeping phenomenon that will surely become more established in the Premier League. TV is king. Already for the top six clubs, Saturday 3pm matches are something they experience maybe five or six times a season. The Europa League is partly to blame, but off the top of my head, I think Arsenal have played only three Saturday 3pm games this season, all at home. Of the rescheduled Sunday games, one or two might have not been shown live on TV.

Already we have seen four televised matches played on Sundays at different kick off times. With ten games per weekend, how long before we have Friday and Monday night matches every round of fixtures, followed by 12.30, 3pm, 5.30 and 7.45 matches on both Saturday and Sunday? I’d give it about five years. Crowds will suffer (which should at least lead to reduced pricing) but the TV income will more than compensate. Football sure isn’t what it used to be…

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  1. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 23, 2018, 20:49 #108213

    Mrs Badarse told me that she used titanium bolts, gorilla tape, 6 inch galvanised nails, the stickiest marmalade ever made by bears in peru and some of her former husband's extra runny potato juice discharge (which he keeps in a phial by his bed) to ensure that ye olde bastarde cannot escape from his coffin this time. Toooey is said to be devastated and considering whether to pop his cork. Go on Tooey - whatchagottalose?

  2. mbg

    Mar 22, 2018, 17:57 #108211

    Yes there he goes as usual on/with his vintage 250cc BSA, and we all know what BSA stands for. We want wenger out.

  3. markymark

    Mar 22, 2018, 15:33 #108210

    I’d suggest go for a few years break

  4. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 22, 2018, 10:00 #108209

    Shorty. Hope two months in rehab will do the trick, but don't come back too soon.

  5. Badarse

    Mar 22, 2018, 9:11 #108207

    Have whisked and frothed you WORs up enough for now. See you all in a couple of months. Watch me as I slink away angrily, ha ha.Good old Arsenal.

  6. markymark

    Mar 21, 2018, 20:25 #108203

    I’m getting sticky keyboard problems on my iphone plus I think I need a change of glasses and remove the extremely annoying predictive texts. So “fantastical plots from otters” should have read “others”

  7. markymark

    Mar 21, 2018, 20:07 #108202

    Badarse, Your posts show a man losing the plot. Borderline stalking one member whilst fantazing over fantastical plots from otters. Either go back on the meds or get your wife to switch off the router. Believe me your posts are bizarre and rambling.

  8. mbg

    Mar 21, 2018, 18:51 #108199

    Sadarse, who wants you to join a lynch Mob ? markymark doesn't want you , a lot of others don't, I certainly don't, where have you been asked or invited ? There you go again with your self importance, nobody cares about you, nobody wants or would want you for anything, (except toady of course, lol)and anyway we have plenty for a lynch mob without you, and the biggest hangman and giving us all the ammunition and doing a great job of helping us and making the hemp rope is your messiah himself. We want wenger out.

  9. Exeter Ex

    Mar 21, 2018, 18:43 #108198

    More manipulative, melodramatic b*llocks from Sadarse. Ron is being 'attacked' cos a few of us disagree with Ron on Sadarse. Wanting Wenger to leave his job is 'hunting him down', 'a lynch mob to hang'. It's see-through stuff, a laughable attempt at guilt tripping, from someone who destroyed his own reputation on here long ago, but doesn't know how to let go and move on. A little Wenger, really. Now, if people with 'IQs of carrier bags' can see through him so easily, and these exchanges end up with Sadarse running off the site for a while every single time, what does that say about Sadarse?

  10. mbg

    Mar 21, 2018, 17:43 #108197

    markymark, Yes mate desperation isn't it, the joke of the site trying to draw Ron into this and turn him, attacked ? where was Ron attacked ? the deviousness and badness coming out again, it looks like his big plan has failed before it's even got going/of the ground, as I said last night i'm sure Ron's to smart for that/this. We want wenger out.

  11. Badarse

    Mar 21, 2018, 17:35 #108196

    Nark I will not join a lynch mob to hang AW. What else is there? All this baloney about 'desperation' child/adult, poor old MAYDUP man, insulting height because that boorish clown Babu said jeff wright was 5ft 4in. Are you heightist? What's with age, are you ageist too? Age is relative and I may be older than you but many would think you old. Like MAYDUP man you write the page to suit. How do you square the circle with his ageism, little pansies-heightism and homophobia in two words. Really you WORs are so insecure, just crawl away into the corner and have a good froth and leave others alone, just focus on me you deluded slug.

  12. markymark

    Mar 21, 2018, 16:56 #108195

    Badarse these recent posts of yours are very needy , despite our lack of intelligence we are detecting a desperation to keep on dragging Rob into all your postings , an imploring of him to take action on your behalf . It’s like your as child desperately looking for parental approval and all this from as guy who’s knocking on. When I’ve said your acting as a stalker that’s about you Badarse. We are all adults on this forum so we can actually agree and disagree every now and again . But for you , your on the periphery a dying argument with the odd whistfulness for mostly dead players. You need to move on. BTW I know people who know Frank Mc and he’s not happy

  13. Badarse

    Mar 21, 2018, 16:29 #108194

    Yeah go on hyenas, attack Ron now, what cowardly twits. IQs of carrier bags...full of eggs. Eggman I am in awe, you are such a hero. As for skits, if they irritate you and make you froth it is fine. I note that no one wants to defend or support poor old deluded jeff wright not even Bard this time around. That is probably because he, '...doesn't want or expect Arsenal to win anything, just that they try...', however three successive wins and not a peep, so it suggests no enjoyment. Disingenuous? On the reverse of this the previous four defeats brought much howling at the moon from him, and it was audible.

  14. mbg

    Mar 21, 2018, 14:35 #108191

    Arseneknewbest, I've wondered that myself mate, maybe he thinks he's a clairvoyant along with all these other trades/traits he'd like us to think he has (and master of none of them) or maybe it's just the badness and devious streak we know he's always had coming out, God help his family if this is how he likes to amuse himself and gets his pleasure from, that's if he has one at all. We want wenger out.

  15. markymark

    Mar 21, 2018, 13:01 #108188

    Brian Badarse , do you dream about Ron? I think you are developing stalker tendencies. You’re coming over a bit weird old man.

  16. Exeter Ex

    Mar 21, 2018, 10:34 #108183

    "Can you see how toxic the Badarse monikor is?" Then why don't you try posting under Brian again? Do you think I'll stop if you call me 'obsessed', is that the hope? And you can't see how I hitting you back with the 'green bike' stuff you tried to use against me - you really aren't half as smart as you think you are. Ron may have tried to 'settle the ash' but you stirred it up again by once again claiming intellectual superiority in your response to him. You're not going to get away with that, you'll continue to be exposed for as long as you continue in the same manner. As for your latest skit - who are you trying to impress? Your one admirer Toady wouldn't have a clue what you're trying to do, and the rest of us find them spectacularly unfunny. So why do you do them, exactly? Why do you post at all in fact? Sorry, direct questions, how immoral and demanding of me.

  17. Badarse

    Mar 21, 2018, 9:05 #108181

    Hello, Philomena Cunk here. It's confusing to me as Arse and Nose Winkler is wanted out of his safe space but it is not good to lose another as Stephen Hawkwind has died and he was the greatest oncologist-and had many ologies-on darkened wholes and parts. We are discovering many oxo planets as we speak, and since Geordie Armstrong first set foot on the moon it has just gone around and around. What troubles me is egg and cress sandwiches are still the same size and take up lots of space which means there is less for all of us to go round. If Richmal Branston does his space ship thing in a balloon it could go pop as there is much dark energy like Lacazette and Aubemayang out there in the Twiglet Zone. It is also odd that even when it is raining and cloudy some have their eggs sunny side up which uses up energy and the sun could go out one day and we'd all be in the darkest of holes, but Stephen Hawkwind wouldn't be able to get in a balloon and save us all. I think scientists should try to store some sun in plastic bottles for the future and it would solve the plastic problem which is a big problem PM May has to solve before she can constipate on Yuxit. Anyway it's not rocket science unless a rocket is made of plastic in the future.

  18. Badarse

    Mar 21, 2018, 8:37 #108180

    Ron can you see how toxic the Badarse monicker is? You have tried twice to settle the ash and on both occasions Eggman jumps to attack-he is seriously obsessed and needs the confrontation. He must be a frustrated man. Nark isn't too bright so froths and rushes about waving arms and yelling, he too must clearly desire the 'safe' confrontation. AKB isn't too switched on, perhaps an existence of dominance over another is the root cause of his problem. Corny is alone in a room venting with not much to add, but plenty to subtract. MAYDUP man is infatuated with me and constantly talks of my bottom, he must have been spanked a lot as a youngster, perhaps he is still spanked in a dingy basement flat. I am not going to let him see my bum though, despite it being like Michelangelo's David. You are a good man Ron but I suggest you give up as already the hyenas are circling because of your involvement. Clear your head and play a tune on your Banjo Baker. Ha ha.

  19. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 21, 2018, 8:17 #108179

    No badarse. Just honest about your manifold inadequacies. You enjoy arguing and defending the indefensible primarily because the site allows you to do so safe in the knowledge that there's no risk of physical confrontation as a result of your naughty behaviour. The Internet is perfect for shouty little bollixes like you, although tim berners-lee would probably vomit in disgust if he knew that it was used as a gateway by you for your appallingness.

  20. markymark

    Mar 21, 2018, 7:59 #108178

    Badarse any demo I was on about was Arsenal orientared and believe me better men than me organised it. You do a serious injustice to others on the forum. The reason I created the Reverend Brian Badarse with his authoritarian and naive views on the extreme right ( they are misunderstood , entertaining ) was based on your continual high horse preaching , look at me see how much I give to, pompous grandiosity and costing up to white supremacist Jamee. I believe the skit I created still holds true and has been relatively proven by your recent outburst. Now as I said if we are going to go archive trawling I think it will be relatively easy to find your Jamee and Colesey OAP cuddle postings. TTFN much love

  21. Badarse

    Mar 21, 2018, 7:39 #108177

    AKB you are rude, aggressive and course in the language you use and the content. You base little on fact-though much more than the Nark who seems to have a serious disconnect. I mention saving the site-he takes it literally and cannot recognise the teasing. I mention demos and he misconstrues yet he is the architect of calling the site to arms to demonstrate. Mouth and trousers without wit. Dangerous to confuse education with intelligence. It is where Ron has made an error over him and the Eggman. The Eggman uses anything to hurl at me, I do the same back. He got angry with Gooner Ron (I think it was him, Corny will troll back to check), and frothed over his bike. I threw it at him. He misunderstands and believes I am against green issues and cycling. Neanderthal understanding. As I said, educated but far from intelligent. Corny is just a nasty man.

  22. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 21, 2018, 7:09 #108176

    Sad Arse - I'm intrigued. Where do you get your evidence for writing that extraordinary guff about me. Yes that's right,it's made up from your atrophied imagination. I genuinely don't recognise your characterisations of me but them why would I? I don't even understand how you can defend yourself,let alone there being others on here who'd idealistically characterise you as an avuncular, harmless old marmalade eater who worships at the altar of George Eastham. In reality you're a lot less than that, Mr I'm a terrace hard man in my former life. You do nothing on here badarse but annoy, lie and get pleasure from being vile. You're a misanthropic old fart and a has-been.

  23. A Cornish Gooner

    Mar 21, 2018, 0:02 #108175

    Sorry Ron, complete bollocks mate. Hope you're happy with the results. You just carry on indulging the pr*ck.

  24. mbg

    Mar 20, 2018, 23:41 #108174

    Exeter, markmark, cheers for those posts much appreciated, see sadarse ? Now that's what it's like to have real right thinking friends/mates on a football/Arsenal site, something you'll never have on here, and i'd safely say the ones ignoring you and the ones not wanting to get involved think the same, as the three of us, and here's you still scraping about after all this time doing everything in your power with your bulls***e gobbledegook trying to make one, toady, hee hee. We want wenger out.

  25. mbg

    Mar 20, 2018, 22:49 #108173

    Ron, sorry but markymark and Exeter are spot on, the joke of the sites dream has come through, he has you on side now, the one that used to swat the twat away in a sentence for what your now defending him for, it has worked out exactly as he planed, just watch the village idiot play on it, and it didn't take long, the two posts directly after yours, Aw Ron, how sweet, you are entitled to think what you want/like of course and treat the half wit how you like, (he will take great delight and his plan will have worked even more than he could have hoped for if he were to turn you against the rest of us too, even one of us, but I think/know your to smart for that) but I can assure others on here won't and don't think the same as yourself towards the joke of the site, as you can see, you just have to see the tired old dig towards me in one of those posts (funny thing is if only he knew) why was that ? me or him haven't engaged on this tread at all so why ? as one poster says he brings all the critizm on himself trying to be smart, sanctimonious, holier than thou, more intelligent, etc, etc, while all along he's just a hypocrite and a lying one at that. Like I keep telling the village idiot himself I can continue this smacking and redening his arse all night any night it's one thing i'm an expert in as I've had a couple of good teachers and have had a hell of a better opponents than sadarse, it's up to him. We want wenger out.

  26. John F

    Mar 20, 2018, 22:30 #108172

    Great post RK it is obscene.I always think it is amazing that clubs that come up to the premiership celebrate the money they are going to get coming in then find themselves a few years later back in the Championship in worse debt then they started with due to players wages.I am struggling to remember when the super high wages started taking off.I may be wrong but was it Real Madrid and the Italian sides that started paying players a fortune after Bosman then Chelsea and City got in on the act.

  27. markymark

    Mar 20, 2018, 19:58 #108171

    Hello Exeter - certainly a strange man who appears to be violently clinging onto what he perceives are his core beliefs. Pure projection I’d say. Why all the guff about his marches indeed? Impressing no one. Why the constant political attacks on MBG who, as far as I know has never bought in sectarian strife to the site. When you think of it demonising someone just because they live in NI is pretty bigoted . A further point you made well is the more he defends himself the more he runs his mouth off and gets into trouble. He actually appears a troubled man I suspect his momentum pals would be interested that he found a white supremacist funny. Perhaps he’ll find the discredited Dieudonné funny as well.

  28. markymark

    Mar 20, 2018, 19:14 #108170

    Radford Kennedy - I was also thinking along the lines of Ant and Dec as well. The human condition never changes does it? Some us will be greedy, some misers, some saints, some full of self destruction The equivalent of 100,000 a year lifestyles which is a little like footballers but particularly entertainers earned in the 70’s. (Earnings in reality were far Lower but they could afford to live in expensive suburbs along with senior managers) the comedian or footballer still had a connection to the community. Now a comedian or footballer earns as much as a hedge fund manager do we care? Yet they still will be greedy , or miserly or saints . The money doesn’t change the human condition but the divide grows ever more.

  29. Radfordkennedy

    Mar 20, 2018, 18:21 #108169

    evening others the continual spector like 'wall of sound'of TV football bores me witless,but what is starting to annoy the hell out of me is the disgusting greed of some players,to be paid the equivalent of a childrens hospital wing every week and put extreme effort into not paying taxes.My good lady comes from a place called Pontevedra in the Galician region of Spain,not far from the Portugese border,and people there are getting really angry that 1 in 5 youngsters between 17 and 25 dont have work,foodbanks are being used by people once thought of as middle class,the country is on its ar*e yet these players seem to walk away even when exposed.Some players come from countries where dirty water kills more people than bullets,but still avoid paying their dues.I read today that Neymar despite being on 6 zeroes a week wants more to stay at PSG because he's unhappy,the incredibly mediocre players in this overhyped league of ours are no better,i know there are exceptions to the rule such as deeney and lampard who have put tremendous amounts of money in to local communities,but by and large football leaves a sour taste these days,as many have said football is eating itself and its all becoming ugly,distasteful and incredibly boring

  30. Exeter Ex

    Mar 20, 2018, 18:12 #108168

    The stuff about marches shows one thing very clearly. For all the talk of "I'm not here to make friends" he's still trying to impress the rest of us.

  31. markymark

    Mar 20, 2018, 17:39 #108167

    Baddie - so thick Paddy is not rascist ? Doing piss taking Oirish argot is not rascist . Hummm . You know a number of years back I went out with an Irish girl quite a lass. We were all together her mates and another male friend of theirs. He decided to tell an Irish Joke full of the B’Jezus etc. They found it quite funny. Accept a bloke came over and belted him straight on the jaw. Kapoow no messing . Think the Irish are ****ing funny do you? The question hung in the air a bit and gave me food for thought. Sorry a number of us feel he’s rascist under the modern acceptance within society. If you want Baddie we can revisit the Jamee files where you say he made you laugh and then we compare with other people comments such as White Supremacist or “why does this man constantly mention homosexuals and deviants, What has this got to do with football “ you maybe all the things you say but sorry old son you’ve not signed up with the PC society. This will ultimately cause you issues and make people highly suspect your leanings. Now a question - why all the stuff about marches, what are you trying to prove? Do you think we really care? Now a further question why keeping on making assumptions about MBG? Why politicise him? How do you know what or who he supports? Do we care, does MBG bring politics to the table? You bring a lot of baggage with you . It undermines your pretensions to moralise . A little Napoleon I feel.

  32. Badarse

    Mar 20, 2018, 17:18 #108166

    No he is not a racist. Go back and reread. Then cut that slack. You are really selective in your judgements. mug is the MAYDUP man. He talks of 'pansies'-homophobic. Messiah, disciples etc.,-'religious nut'. 'A one trick pony'-post from 2010...'we want Wenger out', post from 2018...'we want Wenger out.' Obsessed with bottoms, much arse-smacking which indicates a stern and disciplined upbringing with rod and cane. Only sees my literary masterpieces as gobbledegook, which he thought was a hungry Vietcong. Always celebrates my demise, there have been many, which just feeds into his resurrection theories. AKB(and we all know what the B stands for, discernment) only uses crass, crude and course aggressive keyboard speak. Espouses left wing principles yet the closest he might ever get to another is constantly bad-mouthed because I do not join the lynch mob mentality which would hunt down Arsene Wenger. Really, is that the only difference? How say you? Just to furnish your Filofax-I know you still have one,(with your initials on the cover)-I've attended three protest demos this calendar year and another on Friday is planned. Have sent suggestions to my Momentum group and answered a Labour Party questionnaire. AKB(and we all know what the B stands for-all mouth and trousers) counts the sheep then nods off. Then of course I am a centrist. Good old Arsenal, good old PV4, good old Tony Adams, good old Frank McLintock, good old Joe Mercer. 'You'll never take the North'll never take the North Bank!'

  33. Exeter Ex

    Mar 20, 2018, 17:18 #108165

    You can see in Badarse's latest comments why the problems will continue. He mistakes verbosity for intellect, a lack of clarity for articulacy and continues to constantly suggest he is more intelligent than everyone else due to his own confusion. It is this that will continue to land him in trouble, and the lack of comprehension of why he's in trouble is why he will continue to claim he is always the innocent party and merely retaliating at worst. Ron, I think you are far too generous with him. 'you are too dim to understand', 'a modicum of intelligence to recognise' are not terms 'lost in transit'. It is this arrogance, this affecting of a moral and intellect superiority that he can never follow through with when challenged ('I answer to no one', 'you are demanding' etc are the excuses) that will mean him continuing to be chased off the site on a regular basis. And there is nothing 'positive' about TOOAW's support of Arsenal. Anyone at this stage who wants Wenger to carry on is putting the man before the club. TOOAW recognises in Badarse someone doing the same as him (albeit using very different language) and that's why he crawls to him.

  34. markymark

    Mar 20, 2018, 17:13 #108164

    Ron - I’m going to entirely disagree with you . Badarse talks bugger all about football and a huge amount about Eggs. Though his discourse on the maintenance of Ford motor cars was once interesting. Read his message again , do you not detect any arse licking ingratiating bollards? OMG. Badarse sorry that load of cobblers won’t do . Consider hostility ramped up.

  35. markymark

    Mar 20, 2018, 16:57 #108163

    Badarse - ToOaW is an unpleasant rascist . Tbh I’m not interested if he’s never said a bad word you . Don’t care. If Jamee and ToOaW appeared to be my best mates I’d be worried

  36. Badarse

    Mar 20, 2018, 16:33 #108162

    Ah Ron I was typing away as you were. It's almost as if it was a dual script, that old twin foil of Eastham and Baker. I guess in a way I have said the same thing to markymark though I omitted anything to do with our spats. I think as close as anything you have nailed it. I have always found this medium a tricky one to deal with and accepted the exchanges as normal 'across the table' discussions. I would never expect you to eat another's crap, nor would I do it myself. If it manifests in literary terms on a posting site it draws the same response. After a while you pull back and control a little more as the other participant does and ergo, compromise. Then you only ever get the distillation of knowledge and experience from that particular lad. It was eloquently put and sums up those differences we had over syntax. Music and marmalade now rules, and don't even mention frozen Jubblys.

  37. Badarse

    Mar 20, 2018, 16:23 #108161

    Ron, yes you remember the truth of the day, so well said on your part. Is it true you have gone all international, as I hear on the grapevine that you are eating thick cut marmalade tortilla wraps these days, and even I cannot believe the rumours of marmalade croissants. markymark I would be happy to sign any 'good behaviour' promissory note. I would be the winner. Just to set that wonky old record straight. I have taken nonsense for far too long. I do not take it in real life, and rarely have. I am like an elephant, I never really forget so any below the belt punches or snide and arrogant remarks are dealt with. This escalates, and the line in the sand is drawn. I am always prepared to lay down my arms, next to my knees and nose. Nothing random in posts, just pay back. If you scan carefully you might detect that most brickbats are cryptic but easily understood. Those who cannot read between the lines believe them to be gibberish, gobbledegook and nonsense. Look closer. You may even detect that the veiled criticisms of the targets are valid. Much about nuance, but also never any cutting of slack over a post which is generally hurriedly scripted and may just miss or be misinterpreted. You have to walk a mile in my flip flops to understand, but you just need a modicum of intelligence to recognise. You say something and one of the clique accept it, I say similar and certain members of the clique jump all over it. I don't need that, so I prefer to antagonise those culprits by poking with bald eggs. Be thankful they are not coated in marmalade. You are more guilty than most by misinterpreting and laying your own understanding on something which you then cling to. I don't for one minute expect this to go any further than a simple post so I can give you advanced notice that a cousin of the Badarse family, Badmyarse of Blackburn is coming for a visit, and in a duffle coat. He may post, he may not. By the way, ask yourself, how come TOOAW never insults me and is just positive about the Arsenal? Isn't that reason enough to align myself as it seems to be de rigueur in the WOR camp? Oh, and well done for the Babu chastisement, it was needed.

  38. Yes its Ron

    Mar 20, 2018, 16:22 #108160

    Marky - i used to fall out a lot with Baddie at one time and we have had many a cyber set to. The thing is that many of us have a certain style or verbage/word use that from time to time irritates and annoys others. I m sure that we ve all typed stuff that makes others think 'what an idiot' etc etc. Its how we are and its what football does to us sadly isnt it!!. Not favouring anybody in this long running spat that youve had with Baddie but i do think that it is often Baddies way of making his point that makes him seem as he can often be perceived to be. Underneath, Baddie has a wealth of knowledge about football. Many on here do so. Thats what i decided ages ago to engage better with Baddie and accordingly some times, seeing as none of us know each other and we all look at stuff from different angles, its best to give a wide latitude to posters. For me, i took the view that it was my comments that might justifiably have pis---d Baddie off for all i know as much as his did mine. Some thing had to give. Eventually a stable platform was reached. Messages we all send are so often lost in transit and interpreted too hastily and then ... bang, friction.

  39. markymark

    Mar 20, 2018, 14:44 #108159

    Hi Berry and Tony Evans there are some issues here that need addressing. 1: In my opinion Baddie posts to Ron normally to ingratiate himself with him. Some of us think Ron, lovely man that he is indulges Baddie. the most recent one was where he said “Baddie I’m sure you didn’t really mean Arsenal were going to the wall” I raised a valid point by saying proof it as quite frankly I think there was zero evidence. The result was I got called to dim ( though no evidence was proffered) Badarse then decided to attack others. He seems particularly to do this to A Cornish and Exeter. He also will randomly attack Arsenal Knew Best. I therefore think there is an artifice behind this a sort of semi trolling that perhaps even he is not aware he is doing. ToOaW adds nothing but abuse but for some reason Baddie thinks he’s the worlds best Arsenal Supporter . As it seems 4-5 people have recently posted their frustration regarding ToOaW I’d suggest he’s sacked off the site. As a generous offer I will be willing to sign a good etiquette agreement as long as Badarse does. In fact I think we all should do it , apart from ToOaW who should be removed. What say you folks?

  40. mbg

    Mar 20, 2018, 14:24 #108158

    And it can't be any worse than Thursday nights Channel 5 that the AKB wengerites love so much. wenger out now.

  41. Yes its Ron

    Mar 20, 2018, 13:37 #108157

    Man from Unc - indeed they have matey. Bang on the point. I think the Europa Cup is growing in stature again as the tedium and boredom that is the CL gathers apace and even more tiresome with each easily predictable Season. Is there anyone whos sick to death of the names Messi and Ronaldo and anything that relates to Bayern drudgery club Munich?

  42. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 20, 2018, 12:35 #108156

    On the point about the UEFA Cup, as well as the extra round it used to be harder to win because before 1999 it was of course a 2-legged final. Some outstanding sides have their name on that trophy.

  43. TonyEvans

    Mar 20, 2018, 12:31 #108155

    Hi Berry - could not agree more re this pathetic squabbling that goes on with TOOAW. Why can't everyone just ignore him like you say? Badarse though does occasionally write something sensible, which he actually has done on this thread re WHU, so I am not sure why he descends in to 'souffle mode' the ramblings of which, like you, I just ignore.

  44. peter wain

    Mar 20, 2018, 12:22 #108154

    it is not likely to affect us . With the team we will have next year I doubt TV companies will want us on at all.

  45. Yes its Ron

    Mar 20, 2018, 12:16 #108153

    Hi Baddie - agree totally. Simmo was the equal of Moore in the post WC win years in my view but BM carried himself in a very stately manner and was it has to be said a fine Captain. Yr dead right re the ICFC and later the UEFA Cup being strong. Always contested by clubs who were consistently in the upper levels of their leagues, though occasionally won by those who didnt ie Newcasle in 69 who were pretty low down the league the years before to qualify as i recall. The ECWC was in those days often contested by some teams who were far from consistent as the domestic Cups were often won by teams who rarely did well league wise, such as West Ham and WBA as examples. The FAC was far better back then tough wasnt it.

  46. Badarse

    Mar 20, 2018, 10:09 #108152

    Hi Berry your post regarding WHU deserves a sensible 'football' response. Firstly that little 'heart of the community' club was financed and set up by the large exploitative company of ironworks, Arsenal by comparison were just a group of football lovers, earning peanuts who created a team. The fact that Arsenal have risen to 'royalty' status whilst WHU have become a middling 'good side' are happenstance which has occurred over more than a century. Three players who played for England, and three very good players at that,was also chance. Our own George Eastham may have occupied Martin Peters' shirt, the remarkable Jimmy Greaves may have filled Geoff Hurst's position, and dare I say even our very own Peter Simpson could have filled the number six role. That the three in question did is a magnificent achievement and rightly celebrated by the WHU fans, but it isn't a strong argument. As for an attacking football reputation yes to a certain extent, but like today's nonsense media driven due to the 'Three Lions' mentality. Still if memory serves me correctly I went to see that marvellous attack-minded team two seasons running and experienced two successive 0-0 draws when they put a blanket over their defence. The error made in assessing the European cup competitions is a fairly common one so no criticism is intended. In fact no criticism is intended on any points just a clarification of the facts and a different slant on things. The Cup Winners Cup was, like the European Cup, a round less compared to the Inter-Cities, European Fairs, and UEFA Cup. A cup winner is never to be confused with being a league winner in terms of strength so the European Cup was much stronger. The Cup Winners Cup was quite a weak competition compared to it. The third and regarded as minor of the three was in fact the second strongest. It had a number of entrants from the stronger European leagues, all generally based on high league positions in their respective divisions, and that extra round was damaging to the chances of winning it. Here is a football related post even though there is raw egg dripping down it. Good old Arsenal.

  47. Hi Berry

    Mar 20, 2018, 8:25 #108151

    Jesus Christ on a bike!!! Does every thread on this site have to descend into a playground slanging match between TOOAW, Badarse and whoever rises to the bait??? For goodness' sake TOOAW's contributions on this site offer no opinions about Arsenal and serve only to wind people up. Does anybody actually read any of Badarse's ramblings past the 'Good morning my little souffles' opener?? Responding to them only add fuel to the fire. Ignore and they will desist.

  48. markymark

    Mar 19, 2018, 23:22 #108149

    ToOaW the point obviously is you’ve spent days and days asking me about multiple logons when you’ve done it yourself and won’t admit it. Therefore you are a liar Ps why do you send creepy invites to meet you in pubs every 6 months ? Most odd. Now didn’t you say you were saying goodbye?

  49. TOOAW

    Mar 19, 2018, 22:38 #108148

    Hi Bard. Give your old pal another word of warning fella. It appears that Nark can't give up until he gets the last word. Now I've exposed him as a lying fraud, it's clear he can't accept this. This site is on it's Arse and clearly Nark wishes to take it down to BABU's level. It's in his best interests after all. Over and out. Au revoir. Ta da

  50. TOOAW

    Mar 19, 2018, 22:22 #108147

    Nark. And your point being???? Now your friends have told you to ignore me. But clearly your infatuation with me is getting a bit worrying. Yyyyaaaaawwwwwnn. Here he goes again fellas. Boring Boring Narky. Get over it you two faced, confused, lying, lizard. Meanwhile. Good to hear Arsene upbeat on the remainder of the season. Fitness could be key to more silverware. Give credit where credit is due.

  51. mbg

    Mar 19, 2018, 21:58 #108146

    Ron, Exiled, also remember when the footie results were read out on the tele in the old ticker tape fashion displayed on the screen ? by I don't remember his name, in his own self styled drone, (I can still hear him/it, now we have the Jeff Sterling's, Jim whites, le tissiers, mersons, etc, sitting in a studio full of multi pound gadgets, multiple TV's, equipment, all shouting screaming and creaming their pants trying to get the better of each other as to who can scream the loudest over a goal or a half chance, by a medicore team or player, blowing everything out of proportion, like wenger they really would and do sicken you and put you off. wenger out now.

  52. markymark

    Mar 19, 2018, 21:15 #108145

    ToOaW’s history of being very very sad, friendless and trying to meet people from the internet in pubs I believe toad has tried this on at least 3 times with latest incident 2 weeks ago There’s loads more Toady . You of course won’t admit to multi sign on’s Leek fc  16:59pm 7th Mar 2017 Exeter.... You'll be able to see what I look like when we meet for a drink eh. - Post No. 104846 Exeter Gunner  17:25pm 7th Mar 2017 Sorry Leeky, you're not my type..... Leek fc  22:01pm 7th Mar 2017 Exeter... Your post 104421 clearly states that you wish to meet for a chat. I'm not implying anything as you brought it onto me. Post 104421. I'll say it again 104421. Let's get it on. - Post No. 104865 Does Leek mean this in the Marvin Gaye’s sense of the word ? Leek fc  17:10pm 14th Dec 2016 Yaaaaawwwwwwnnnn. Have we just been relegated !!!?!?!?. - Post No. 101321 - this same Yawwwn have we been relegated has been used by ToOaW

  53. mbg

    Mar 19, 2018, 20:58 #108143

    I'd say the Sat and Sun matches will go down well with the old fraud and his followers (if he's still here) they'll provide him and them with more excuses for his failures. We want wenger out.

  54. markymark

    Mar 19, 2018, 20:44 #108141

    ToOaW the biggest liar on this site is of course you as you support Wenger and Tottenham now be careful as the ghosts of the archives could come back to haunt you I think as Mad Monk could be on your trail BBA/Leek/LeeSTD / ToOaW and I believe the Gooner Ed believes your Colesey as well.

  55. TOOAW

    Mar 19, 2018, 20:23 #108140

    Good evening Badarse. It's very interesting that another of the clan has been exposed as a liar. Someone who cannot let go and keep going on til it's factual that he's a fool. Clearly reminds me of Nark. Anyway, good on yer fella for keeping your faith in it all. Now, I'm going to stay for a while to support someone who can clearly look after himself but it makes absolute sense to give the WOR's just what in essence, they deserve. Credit where credit is due.

  56. Exiled in Pt

    Mar 19, 2018, 15:58 #108135

    Tony and Rob , do you remember the A-Z lettering at Highbury representing the other games going on that day used to have the scores at half time and like you say Tony at the end of the game over the tannoy. Out here via the internet and tv i can see every game going but do not watch any now only the games that involve us and half the time i have to force myself to watch that ! The game we used to pay to go and watch has long gone and i doubt we will ever get it back for the better. Stan the board and Wenger out!!

  57. Yes its Ron

    Mar 19, 2018, 15:53 #108134

    Hi Tony - just seeing the HT scores inserted into the slots at half time was part of the day too wasnt it. HT scores slowly being displayed, band playing ha ha. Crowding round radios to hear the FAC draw and finding TV shops to watch the final scores through the window! Great days. Things do and should change of course but so much has changed in football from the fans perspective to render the whole thing tasteless and yes, not mattering too much. VAR is another nail in footballs coffin as i see it. Footie isnt scientific so to need that. Its about passion, error, personalities, contentious moments, speedy knee jerk occurrences and injustices. VAR is just a response to those in football who think they might lose a few quid if a lino gets an offside wrong or awards a throw in to the wrong team etc etc.It has nothing at all do with the fans who in the main dont want it, but then when did the fans ever matter? Agree totally with that view - i.e more TV games , less desire to see any of them. Very true.

  58. The Man From UNCLE

    Mar 19, 2018, 15:53 #108133

    Just think, if AFC's present downward spiral continues we'll be playing lots more games at Saturday 3pm. What's not to like.

  59. TonyEvans

    Mar 19, 2018, 15:34 #108132

    Gunner Rob - couldn't agree more. Football on TV is a classic case of less is more for me - the more games become available to watch the less I want to watch them! TV has ruined the game for real fans.

  60. Gunner Rob

    Mar 19, 2018, 15:26 #108131

    TonyEvans - yes they were the days and it was all part of the Saturday afternoon of going to the football. the stand alone games nowadays are perfect for the PL product though. Nothing is placed in context anymore, so results feel less important than they once used to. I now go to watch non league football on Saturday afternoons for that old style approach and it makes things so much more interesting(watch Arsenal on TV only - you can do both now as Arsenal rarely play on Saturday afternoons...)What I do find is that the more the TV companies dilute the football product the less games I actually watch and want to watch on TV

  61. mbg

    Mar 19, 2018, 15:11 #108130

    April fools day how very apt indeed, now all we need is a good shot of our fool fiddling with his zipper. we want wenger out.

  62. TonyEvans

    Mar 19, 2018, 14:53 #108128

    Hi Ron - remember the days when the scores from the other games were announced over the tannoy! It mattered back then didn't it, and it finished off a great day (if Arsenal had won of course) if the other results had gone our way.

  63. markymark

    Mar 19, 2018, 14:21 #108127

    Babu - few have now mentioned this stop using that phrase it’s poor taste And will ultimately get you banned .

  64. Yes its Ron

    Mar 19, 2018, 11:48 #108124

    I can only speak for myself of course, but one of the main factors for me in deciding to stop going to football matches was the proliferation of Noon, 12.30 pm and 4.00 pm matches. The early start means flat atmospheres on stadia and on away days the later kick offs meant silly times to get back home. Now, we have the dreaded Monday night stuff and Friday games. Nobody bothers about the fans at all as the gravy train and betting syndicates get rich. It ll be a darned good thing when the wheels come off the crazy 'sport' that football has become. Im glad i no longer go. I dont miss it one jot, but do miss the camaraderie amongst freinds that used to be the case on the odd away trips that i still did up to about 2 years back. In fairness to Arsenal and Wenger, everything to do with what they've allowed themselves become is only one part of why ive tuned face away from football in the main. They could appoint the finest Coach in the World now and spend a billion on players but it wont tempt me back. Soulless game, increasingly soulless stadia and to be frank, fans who in my view, are (in the main) totally brainwashed by TV football and are utterly out of kilter with the reality of what their Clubs can actually achieve. Theyve become little SKY clones!

  65. Exeter Ex

    Mar 19, 2018, 9:47 #108122

    "Football sure isn’t what it used to be…" Supporters never used to be constantly encouraged to gamble either.

  66. Bard

    Mar 19, 2018, 9:39 #108121

    This is a nothing post to advertise a betting site. Ignore and delete.

  67. Babu

    Mar 19, 2018, 9:33 #108120

    Oh, and Badarse... You're a mong!

  68. Babu

    Mar 19, 2018, 9:09 #108119

    Just to clear a few things up...Yes, I am still "mental"... No, I have as yet not sought any professional help...Yes, I am still "self-medicating"... and No, of course it's not working, I know that. Again, sorry. Ciao zäme!