Turgid Afternoon At The Emirates Ends Well

Online Ed: Half-paced Arsenal display against Stoke masked by three late goals

Turgid Afternoon At The Emirates Ends Well

It was no great surprise that something in the region of 25% of the ticket holders for this sold out game decided not to come. This is the way it is going to be for the remainder of Arsenal’s home Premier League fixtures this season, unless there is an announcement that Arsene Wenger will be stepping down. That would certainly see a full house against Burnley to see him off and would probably increase the numbers for the Southampton and West Ham matches.

Unfortunately, the nature of the team’s performance for much of the game might have given rise to the idea that those who did attend might have enjoyed their Easter Sunday more is they had chosen to spend more time with the family. Still, there was some hunger for the game amongst those who have seen less of Arsenal than your writer. The 16-year-old son of a friend had been promised a spare for the game, but was let down on Saturday. He’d spent Good Friday watching videos of Arsenal’s wins this season. Through The Gooner’s Twittter account, we were able to find a seat for him and another teenager, as the holder had a pair they could not use due to a family event and even better, did not require payment for it. (We’ve arranged a subscription to The Gooner next season by way of thanks - more on that later).

As for the game itself, Stoke played in a committed, organized fashion, harrying Arsenal down and evidently motivated by Paul Lambert to do so. There was a sense of humourous inevitability among their travelling fans before the game, singing about returning to the Championship. On the pitch, the selection of Elneny for Arsenal and Sobhi for Stoke led to this text from sometime contributor Ian Henry: This weekend being both Passover and Easter, it is very gratifying to see Mohammed v Ramadan in the Arsenal v Stoke game. Divine”

Moving swiftly on, Shaquiri had an effort go just wide of the post from distance for the visitors and Aaron Ramsey had a looping shot that hit the crossbar. That was the excitement for the first half, which led to some booing at the interval. I might be wrong, but I am not even certain they bothered with the highlights of the first 45 minutes on the big screens.

At least in the second, Arsenal produced more, with Ozil becoming more influential. There were excellent chances for Aubameyang and Chambers which should have been converted. With Thursday in mind (which saw Mkhitaryan, Xhaka and Koscielny on the bench) it was unfortunate that Danny Welbeck had a poor game. However, the introduction of Lacazette to replace him in the second half seemed to perk things up. Aubameyang moved over to the left and there seemed nothing to suggest that the two expensive signings could not perform in the same side.

The deadlock was broken by a very dubious penalty, but hey, we’ll take it. Ozil had the ball poked away from him as he swung his leg against Martins Indi. Aubameyang converted the spot-kick and followed it up a few minutes later with a nicely converted volley from a corner. It was a very generous gesture to then allow Lacazette to take a late penalty after the latter was shoved over in the box. He sacrificed a hat-trick, an indication of good team spirit.

So 3-0 put something of a gloss on a performance that was, against a team in the relegation zone, nothing to write home about. Still, psychologically, it will do no harm with regard to the team’s confidence going into the match against CSKA Moscow on Thursday.

Now onto another matter that is understandably of interest to many who will be reading this, and the significant announcement from us that the print version of The Gooner will continue next season as we have met our target of 1,000 subscribers. The deadline to do this was the end of today, and we’ve made it. However, as a result there is now no cut-off time for any further subscription orders if you have not got around to it yet. We owe a lot of thanks to everyone that has signed up with their £30s (or £42s if you are abroad) and especially to all those that have helped us to spread the awareness, especially Arseblog, ArsenalFanTV, Goonerholic, Arsenal News Review, Le Grove, The Highbury Librarian, Just Arsenal, The Gunners Pub, the Matchday Store, Piebury Corner, The Arsenal Supporters Trust, Layth Yousif and the many who have retweeted the various tweets we have done about the campaign. The power of the internet and social media has, ironically, saved a printed institution which was a formative part of the phenomenon of fans expressing their views on their team to a wider audience. I’ll write more about the campaign and the communications I received in a week or so, but I’ve been genuinely moved by the goodwill shown towards us. I honestly thought this would our final season, and we only kept the fanzine going for 2017-18 because we felt it would be nice to celebrate our 30th anniversary before bowing out.

I’ll leave it there as I have to get the final issue of this season to press (which, printer allowing, should be delivered in time for the CSKA Moscow game on Thursday).

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  1. markymark

    Apr 06, 2018, 15:37 #108365

    Badarse - by all means take what comfort you can, you’re still a liar . I’m obviously waiting for the hundreds of your supporters to post on here? Perhaps I may be waiting some time. Posts about the match are on the other thread . I thought your latest posting was very needy Baddie. You really do need to man up.

  2. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 06, 2018, 15:24 #108364

    Hi ho, hi ho, Badarse my little chum. You seem a little Grumpy this morning. I have to admit your post made me laugh. It was so much funnier than your ‘comedy’ posts, and you also managed to prove my point. Read my post again and tell me why you think it is factually incorrect. Don’t just say it’s ‘malevolent tosh’. As for the nasty comments, I don’t think you could name any regular poster on here who hasn’t made at least one disparaging comment about you. Why do you think that is? Thanks for your insightful in-depth report of the game last night. It was ‘nice’! Hi ho.

  3. mbg

    Apr 06, 2018, 14:17 #108359

    He's was up early this morning I see, must have needed his bed changed. We want wenger out.

  4. Exeter Ex

    Apr 06, 2018, 10:11 #108350

    Nicely summed up, A Cornish. Sometimes, when you've been exposed, it's best just to shut up. He'll never learn this of course.

  5. Badarse

    Apr 06, 2018, 9:31 #108349

    Good morrow my little omelettes. I note the third one slithering into the imagined combat zone. Nothing to add regarding football, not even subtle analogical sketches or scenarios, just malevolent tosh. 'I know, I have a pointless life, I shall search and sift and repeat past posts. It is pointless but so is my life.' How odd. The strongest thrust of the clique argument is that 'We all agree with each other-and you are a 'Baddie', so there!' My overview is that I would be distraught if I found myself with the same attitudes of the clique. It serves as a comfort with every attack to know there is clear blue sky between. How funny that the same ones react to being poked with bald eggs, ask yourselves gentlemen, why do no others react in the same nasty fashion, and more relevant, why no mention of a nice game of football with a great outcome?

  6. mbg

    Apr 05, 2018, 23:00 #108347

    markymark, yes those looking after him really should make sure he eats all his jello. wenger out tonight.

  7. markymark

    Apr 05, 2018, 21:54 #108346

    MBG - the mans all over the place isn’t he? I still contend that an actual left leaning supporter would not be cuddling up to Jamee or ToOaW . In fact he should be horrified by the white supremicist and overtly racist tone. Along with Anti Irish sentiment.,Yet Badarse is always trying to justify his moral superiority., A very weird oddball who loves attention

  8. mbg

    Apr 05, 2018, 20:42 #108344

    markymark, WOR minstrels, I wonder what he means by that ? who/what he referring to ? and the joke of the site has the gall to accuse others of being racist and have, and post, racist tones, what an idiot. We want wenger out tonight.

  9. markymark

    Apr 05, 2018, 20:41 #108343

    Baddie that’s fine about us rising to a supposed bait. But Baddie be aware you’ve been caught lying. Ron - proof positive that Brian is a lying divisive sack of ****e . Don’t know why you indulge him ? he’s obviously a devious liar , hypocrite , potential anti semite and dodgy politico . So yes Brian caught lying again what’s left for you on the margins? Is it really worth the hounding you get?

  10. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 05, 2018, 19:39 #108342

    Exeter,markymark. It seems that once again you have fallen foul of the much used ‘Badde Steinitz Gambit’. This will start with all manner of pompous, contradictory, bragging gibberish from a particular poster. His comments will then be comprehensively shown up as complete tosh. The poster will deny this is true, claiming naivety, a glitch, misunderstanding, not being able to see the big picture, by anyone who disagrees with his view. Once again, his post will be torn to shreds. But the ‘master’ stroke will be for him to then claim that it was all just a wind up, and how very funny, how very clever he is. Apparently Shortarse has returned sooner than expected because he failed all his seven auditions for a part in Ramsgate Amateur Dramatic’s production of Snow White.

  11. Badarse

    Apr 05, 2018, 18:43 #108340

    The phrase of being poked with a bald egg springs to mind my frothing brethren, even those slinking in the gutter cannot escape the full force of some stiffened albumen. Note how the two lost souls rise to the bait. So funny. Good old Arsenal.

  12. markymark

    Apr 05, 2018, 17:12 #108339

    This took a bit of tracking down Baddie “The WOR Minstrels are at it again, with their superior insight into all things Arsenal, whilst living in a broken society of their own making which kind of crept up on them over the last 40 years. “ Interesting views on Judaism from you as well “Just a heads up, the Jewish religion was founded on the Caan religion much older, just as patriarchal and misguided”

  13. Exeter Ex

    Apr 05, 2018, 16:31 #108338

    “Clowns who accept the disgraces and inequalities in our society, who visibly prop up a disjointed, doomed to failure game plan, then bemoan the effect it has on 'their' footie team aren't worth considering.” Badarse post 112010. “I never suggested that the people on this site damned society.” Badarse post 114166. “The Dark Moanies, the WOR, the clique…” Badarse – too many posts to mention. “We are all linked, there isn't a 'them' and 'us'” Badarse post 114166.

  14. Badarse

    Apr 05, 2018, 15:28 #108337

    No Nark, I never suggested that the people on this site damned society. That is a manifestation of your limited grasp of what was posted, oh and stop tap dancing as you may fall into the sink. As was said in Nicholas Nickleby, water is aptly named by the French-l'eau, well it does find it's own level as the OG posters do. You make a dangerous habit of labelling people. Be wiser as that should be guarded against, at least an intelligent person would be less self-righteous and therefore not cast stones. We are all linked, there isn't a 'them' and 'us', that's what the vilification of AW by the WOR has done to your sense of balance. We are all victims of the zeit geist we grew up in, however within that framework there are noble and less noble, and will continue to be so throughout history. Do you have nobles? 'Eggy, Eggy, Eggy, Ei, Ei, Ei!'

  15. mbg

    Apr 05, 2018, 14:47 #108336

    CORNISH GOONER, a case of from Russia with love, and the hard on's will be rife again, I know the only present we need from Russia. We want wenger out.

  16. markymark

    Apr 05, 2018, 11:29 #108335

    Toad - where do you think Aylesbury is? Your Python parody style of a post industrial revolution sounds more inner city Manchester ? Now where is Engles? Anyway Aylesbury tended to get a lot of Camden Town and Hackney residents it’s a pretty even Arsenal Spurs split so you’d find lots of Tottenham buddies for you. Pop on down in your battered Fiesta and enjoy the wonderful views from the Chiltern Hills. You can see so far that locals witnessed the Blitz from Ivinghoe Beacon. The kids doing fine , fully toilet trained ( are you ? ) and reading and writing coming on great shakes. Thanks for enquiring about the job , work can sometimes be a hassle , however my job is never dull . I’m a keeper of assets and a controller of the flow . If sadly we have to turn a tap off. I watch amazed as adults stamp their feet and act as little children . It’s also interesting that nationalities almost react to type. Guess what ? it’s always the Brits who threaten violence often in a sadly pathetic manner , before sometimes weeping . The French will often try a stylistic protest, the Italians jab furiously , the Americans threaten to sack you through their high level business connections. It’s interesting that at least 10 people have told me I’m dead or sacked this year alone! Company rating for me is Strong so it’s not shared by the powers that be. So the job is not dull! Anyway I’ve got a sneaky feeling that you maybe projecting a sad life from a room somewhere. No kids , no partner , just a 2 litre cider bottle and a computer. Now Baddie I’m glad you’ve thought about your censorship as of course numbers of your generation used relaxing censorship to abuse people including minors. I’m sure some of your celebrity pals are doing time for it. Ps . A number of the student revolutionary’s were committed pedophiles . What a bunch eh? And you reckon people on this site wrecked society? None so blind as an ancient naive fool

  17. MAF

    Apr 05, 2018, 11:20 #108334

    Klopp's enthusiasm has rubbed off on players and fans. Wenger's apathy has rubbed off on players and fans.. praying for Change...

  18. Exeter Ex

    Apr 05, 2018, 11:12 #108333

    "I was at the vanguard of changing the censorship rules..." "freedom became in cases total anarchy, (take a look at this site for reference)". Sometimes, all you need to do is quote him back.

  19. Badarse

    Apr 05, 2018, 8:28 #108332

    Morning my little souffles. Odd that a suggestion to 'let it go'-and only a suggestion for those individuals' peace of mind, nay tranquillity and serenity really, in fact just offered advice, meets with total misunderstanding by the Nark. It has nothing to do with censorship, is that too much to comprehend? This is where you go off on a tangent and your uncle becomes your aunt within a few posts. I was at the vanguard of changing the censorship rules back in the day, but times changed as they always do, and it became apparent that allowing a level of freedom became in cases total anarchy, (take a look at this site for reference). So freedom had to be checked and guarded. Over-zealous 'thought police', (check this site for reference), made for a new type of censorship, an ugly type. So it's betwixt and between. Freedom, with not so much liberty. Sorry Nark, that is your free lesson for the day, the rest you pay for. Now soldiers at the ready, on the command 'One!', dip!

  20. TOOAW

    Apr 04, 2018, 23:18 #108331

    I suspect that Nark lives in a run down 2 up 2 down terrace in Aylesbury. Apparently the area is littered with Spurs fans and they are always belittling his family and pets probably because he has no friends other than his grubby little laptop. Apparently the boy still wears nappies even though his age is close to Tony Adams number which is suspected to be tattooed to Narks left arm. I suspect his job is one of boredom and pain having to apparently sit through hours of paperwork for probably little pay. The wife, I suspect has to trudge home in the early hours after working a nightshift alone and wears very little clothes in the process. It is an assumption that the poor fickle fella has a George Graham tattoo on his inner thigh to brighten up his days whilst assuming that he was the greatest Arsenal manager of all time. It is understood that Nark occasionally frequents the Emirates to watch the soccer but apparently he does stand to the back of the queue when a minor demo is in place. Apparently this is to ensure nobody sees his face. I suspect it's one that breaks mirrors.

  21. mbg

    Apr 04, 2018, 22:22 #108330

    markymark, ruminate, I like that, or maybe more appropriate for him as he's not very bright is, sit down think about it, have a cup of tea, look out the window, think about it again, have another cup of tea, that should do him more good, but I wouldn't hold my breath. wenger out now.

  22. mbg

    Apr 04, 2018, 21:41 #108329

    Exeter, didn't catweasel say something similar twelve years ago ? ten, eight, six, four ? and the fraud is still at it, believing, and of course the AKB's are still believing too, hee hee, thinking things/their messiah is going to change, this is our year, lol, a new dawn (remember all those hee hee) to f*****g stupid and dense to realise and see what's in front of their own eyes, Sad, they deserve him they really do, idiots. We want wenger out.


    Apr 04, 2018, 20:34 #108328

    Proper qualitee match at Anfield tonight - in case a couple of posters hadn't noticed. Never mind we'll thrash the Championship team from Russia tomorrow & everything will be wonderful in their world again.

  24. markymark

    Apr 04, 2018, 20:31 #108327

    That man who apparently had no talent (according to a genius on here) has scored again I see, he’s not frightened of being on a big stage

  25. TOOAW

    Apr 04, 2018, 20:07 #108326

    Excellent supposition Nark. 'probably' 'apparently' and 'i suspect' all in a few sentences. Stop being fickle fella.

  26. markymark

    Apr 04, 2018, 19:22 #108325

    Badarse - for a man who apparently doesn’t believe in censorship ( btw ruminate over that a little while ) you seem to want to censor discussions regarding Wenger and the onward regime change. Hopeless task Baddie my old fruit. Looks like you should have gone for the full two rest period. TTFN much love

  27. Exeter Ex

    Apr 04, 2018, 15:23 #108324

    "fantasy and reality are subjective" This is where the AKB defence is now. This is all they've got left. Yes, who am I to point to the league table and emptying stadium as objective evidence of decline and the manager's inability to let go as unhealthy? That's just my subjective interpretation of reality. In another interpretation, Wenger is a happy, healthy hard worker and is just about to deliver his masterplan to take us back to the top. Just give him time. Christ, you have to pity them.

  28. markymark

    Apr 04, 2018, 15:18 #108323

    Badarse - let it go? Hummm let me think about that? Arsenal website, biggest obstacle ( to a lot of us ) blocking change? Sorry no , expect more postings from me and others . BTW have you got this site mixed up with Egg lovers.co.uk ? Now that’s something you really do need to let go

  29. mbg

    Apr 04, 2018, 14:33 #108322

    Did some idiot say something ? wenger out now.

  30. Exeter Ex

    Apr 04, 2018, 12:56 #108321

    You can tell where the division between fantasy and reality lies with Wenger but listening to the things he says. He said after the cup final this team would win the league within two seasons. It is heading in the opposite direction. He said just recently he thought he could turn this around. Reality as most of us are experiencing it is proving his words a fantasy. Badarse seeks to create a cloud of doubt to hide Wenger in where none really exists. He's prepared to go as far as suggest there's no objective reality whatsoever in order to do this. I do agree with him that society's attitudes to money and consumption will have to change if there's to be a sustainable future, but we're talking specifically about the world of football here, where money is clearly increasingly the main driving force for now and the foreseeable future. Again he's seeking to broaden out and blur the edges of debate as he cannot concede others have made the stronger points in this instance.

  31. Badarse

    Apr 04, 2018, 12:33 #108320

    Hi Bard, fantasy and reality are subjective. How do you decide another's division between the two without prejudice? I also see you perhaps wander into dangerous territory of presumption. Yes I agree being manager is important to AW, just as typing this right now is mildly important to me. The concept of money is changing my friend, perhaps not as we see much around us but it is coming, as sure as sure can be. The world will eat itself if it doesn't, and I am not so pessimistic on the this attitude sustaining a stranglehold on societies. I know quite a few altruistic people so it may be who you hang with, (and that being upside down in a cupboard). People's values will change, are changing, and a safe and secure habitat, enough food in your belly, and a feeling of worth are aspects still alien to many unfortunates, but I think it is enough; with a narrow society who let their dogs crap on the pavements, transformed into a pet ownership 'hygiene-friendly' community means anything is possible.

  32. Bard

    Apr 04, 2018, 10:00 #108319

    Baddie I disagree Im afraid. Yes everything is 'life' in so far as it is a narrative of someone's experience but that why there is a distinction between fantasy and reality. Wenger's fantasy is that he is a top manager capable of leading the club to greater things. But that idea only exists in his head it is not how things are in reality. He says he is hungry for more trophies but this is also a fantasy, in my view. He needs Arsenal to fill the void that is the reality. As an aside I doubt very much whether he would do it for nothing. Much as I would like to believe that money wasn't a driving force in the game I'm afraid Wenger has his head in the trough as much as the next man.

  33. Exeter Ex

    Apr 04, 2018, 9:54 #108318

    A man who continues to shred his already shredded credibility with his latest return a few days into a stated 'two month' sojourn tells people on a website which exists to give views on AFC to stop giving views on the dominant subject at the club. Going from challenging for the title to top 4 to 5th to not even challenging for top 4 whilst the resources available to you increase isn't supposition, it's real life bad management. Wenger himself calls his ongoing management of AFC an 'addiction' and equates retirement with death, so that isn't a supposition, it's real life unhealthy. But of course we shouldn't talk about that - just 'enjoy it for what it is'. You make it so obvious that criticism of Wenger hurts you personally, along with the suppositions there are a lot of home truths on here you just don't want to think about, but they're not going to stop so instead of continuing with your years long, futile mission to make them stop why not take your own advice and 'let it go'.

  34. Badarse

    Apr 04, 2018, 8:19 #108317

    All very interesting suppositions, but that's what they are, suppositions. Speculation, conjecture, and plain guesswork. Bard, there are no substitutions for real life. What happens is real life. We are all complex individuals, fired by odd and occasionally weird compulsions as viewed by others. Train-spotting? Disney figurine collections, and it reaches into fundamentals like jobs. The money becomes academic, most of what I do I do for nothing, a privilege but fact. Being an Arsenal manager is his life, his obsession if you want to denigrate. Until he is asked to go, or an outside factor determines he leaves, then he stays. Football management is life, life is a moving tapestry. Every day the comfort of familiarity, and a challenge with every awakening, large or trivial. It is not rocket science, we are all doing it. Even typing this is part of that. Most of the comments are just POVs, beliefs, interpretations. All possibilities, but no mystery surely? There is only one Arsene Wenger, as there is one Bard, or Ron, or even Markymark, thankfully. James Bay says it clearly, 'let it go!'

  35. mbg

    Apr 03, 2018, 21:39 #108316

    Bard, yes the red cross or something like that, or teams and managers less fortunate than him, after all they have helped him and saved his skinny arse enough times over the years. We want wenger out.

  36. Bard

    Apr 03, 2018, 21:20 #108315

    markymark. I thought that was a very interesting and insightful post. I get its purely supposition but it made sense to me. Sometimes these 'devotions' these 'passions' are seen as heroic when in reality they are nothing of the sort. They are a substitute for a real engagement with life. here we have our club being held ransom to a man unable to see the bigger picture. There are rumours that the club have no plans to replace him. If this is true we are even in the sh*** than I had imagined.

  37. markymark

    Apr 03, 2018, 19:34 #108314

    Bard - Wenger , probably has no love life unless he’s got a very discreet let’s just say, ‘courtesan’. Eats on his own apparently in restaurants around Totteridge . Appears to have no UK friends beyond David Dein. Daughter lives in Cambridge and married so I suspect once a month visit if that. His life is a very wealthy lonely, unfulfilled life. To famous to join an every day social grouping and he is probably high on the misanthropic scale. - [ ] There is no life beyond Arsenal as he sees it. His love for Arsenal is no more than a high functioning Alcoholics love for fine wines or whiskey They con themselves that each bottle is a beautiful work of art. The reality is it’s a prop and they get themselves smashed. Wenger’s all encompassing management full-fills a massive void in his life.

  38. markymark

    Apr 03, 2018, 19:17 #108313

    Exeter Ex - just a thought in regard to your last comment. We had Colesey Boy (OAP) who banged on about playing football at every level in between his chavtastic f’ing Mug comments ( a mate of Badarse’s ) I asked him a few times about Spurs. He refused to or couldn’t visualise that Spurs were taking over Arsenal in footballing terms . Then you had Westie moaning about the cost of a ticket in 1967. Reckoned he was Arsenal’s best supporter. Bet every bet on Arsenal losing. Then you have Baddie who apart from writing about eggs will say oh so and so was good the common denominator being most are now dead. Then you have the dead from the neck upwards ToOaW who is unable to comment on Arsenal at all ( Baddies mate ) finally capped by the racist , white supremacist , anti semite Jamee. Knew sweet FA about Arsenal . Oh yes also Baddies mate.... Basically the AKB could fit all their Arsenal knowledge on a postage stamp and still leave room to spare.

  39. Bard

    Apr 03, 2018, 17:54 #108312

    I don't disagree Ron. Its more that there is a mismatch somewhere between his supposed intelligence and his wish to continue 'coaching' Arsenal. Why not go and run a charity or get involved in business. Footballers are basically stunted adolescents and most aren't exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer to put it mildly. So where is the upside after 20 years or more of saying the same things. Just dont get it myself.

  40. Yes its Ron

    Apr 03, 2018, 17:34 #108311

    Hi Bard - SB is only trotting out the party line though isnt he. In doing it , hes preserving his own best interests i suppose. He ll know that if AW does go hes as good as on his way too, unless theres some condition imposed on a new Coach that the backroom remains as it is. A lower level appt ( that ASL will perhaps opt for) would wear that, but a 'name' as Coach probably wouldn't. Bouldy seems a good bloke but personally i think hes maybe not helped his own career by remaining locked onto Arsenes yolk. Cant help thinking for years its been one big comfy, relaxed lounge at Arsenal and SB knows it. AW is probably still really hungry though. His ageist comments said much i thought. Deep down he knows that age erodes the old powers and unwittingly, the motivation. I think Arsene is privately fighting the ageing process but wants to blame others for being ageist to mask it. A bit daft of him really i thought. It was a useful red herring though and took the focus off the team. Hes a canny operator is Arsene 68 or not, well oiled by 10 mill per annum too! As to him feeling the need to retire, to be honest ive often wondered if those coaching jobs are very stressful. Yes, results bring some pressure, but the sack brings massive compo and managing a club of Arsenals stature will always mean results are never going to be Palace/Albionesque surely. Wheres the pressure? Its a big con i think. Arsenes not daft. he knows he could do that job till hes 90 fitness permitting as they all do. I liken Coaches 'pressure' to players 'tiredness'. Its a cop out basically. Just my view.

  41. Bard

    Apr 03, 2018, 16:49 #108310

    I can't help feeling that Arsenal are in need of some serious PR help. Dear much loved Bouldy declares that he has never seen the boss 'hungrier for wins'. Does he not see the irony and absurdity of such a comment. When I read that it made think that the great man has lost his marbles. He is 68 years of age and has amassed a fortune for very little over the last decade. He is allegedly an intelligent man, or so we are led to believe. Has he seriously got nothing better to do with his time or his life other than obsess over football matches. How many times do you need to be knocked down before you realise that you need to retire. If what Bouldy says is true you really worry for the guy.

  42. Exeter Ex

    Apr 03, 2018, 16:40 #108309

    The ever dwindling, desultory band of AKBs still don't, and never will, get it. They think others were simply unhappy about a 4 game losing streak, therefore should now be happy about a 4 game winning streak. The irony is, this is coming from one who constantly claims it's the WOBs that can't see the bigger picture.

  43. markymark

    Apr 03, 2018, 16:36 #108308

    Brian scratched his chin as he stood upon his stool, for he was only 4ft 11”.,The duffle coat at least shielded him from the wind that howled in from the North Sea. Brown crashing waves battered the coast line as Brian thought, had it really come to this? A commune perched by a Nuclear Resctor and an old Caravan site. Jamee’s promises of a free love Neo-Stalinist Worker’s camp was not all that it seemed. In fact Jamee forced the inhabitants to write cyber bot postings at websites 24 hours per day, pro Trump , pro Putin , Pro Momentum and Pro Wenger. Brian who was leader no. 2# of the “Wenger must reign , death to WOBs faction“ had fingers covered in calluses from the constant keyboard postings and in fact so were his palms from the “Mandy Dodd does Untold” videos that were also available for half a ration of bread. The urgent order came blaring across the loud speakers found all over the camp. “ Workers a new threat to our beloved Leader appears on the horizon . Approach the Stadium of Wenger with banners in your hands 10 more years , 20 more years , 30 more years! A worker nicknamed Toad leapt from foot to foot and began to sing gibberish songs about Eggs. Yet more bloody work thought Brian . I’ll just have to add Wenger’s head to those old ZANU PF banners . That’ll do the trick !

  44. mbg

    Apr 03, 2018, 15:34 #108307

    Exeter ex, it used to be third place, then fourth, fifth, now it's six that gives the wengerite fools hard on's, after the 100mg of Viagra of course (for some) God knows what fourth again would do to them and the mess they'd make. wenger out.

  45. Badarse

    Apr 03, 2018, 15:13 #108306

    He had made a secret visit to the WOR HQ with TOOAW. It was a low-slung building with low-slung inhabitants. TOOAW was amazed that the populace were all walking about with eyes and mouths wide open looking at the sky, except for a few with inconvenient glitches. One was unable to open his mouth as his lower lip covered his nose, and a couple were unable to stand on their own two feet and just slithered beneath the radar. He'd noticed the sniping comment and wondered if it was a regional drawback or just a coincidence, perhaps it was something in the eggs. He marvelled at GoonerRon's unrealistic and naïve attempt to discuss with the MAYDUP man, perhaps he would learn as time went by. He wondered about the comments, 'I don't want them to win, just show some effort.' Four defeats had brought the howling at the moon, four successive victories brought a cacophony of silence. TOOAW asked what made some as they were. He just shrugged and said, 'George Graham is an old man and ain't coming back. Highbury has diminished and become a clouded but supreme memory. It will never see the Arsenal play it's football there again. The badge has changed as it had throughout AFC's history, there is no going back. Money from sponsorship pays the crazy but necessary wages of 'superstar' footballers today, so shirts are the sponsor's domain, not the fans. At best they pay lip service.' Just then he saw the one without a bottom lip and grinned.'Time has passed, perhaps not like Beregkamp, but perhaps more like John Roberts, but it has slipped away all the same. Enjoy as much as possible with the here and now. As GH sang, 'All things must pass', except Malcolm MacDonald. So be patient or be a patient.' With that they went for a cuppa Rosie; still in the cup, so not yet time for the mugs. They left two bald eggs beside the front door of the HQ with a note to 'Get well soon'.

  46. Exeter Ex

    Apr 03, 2018, 13:44 #108305

    Ron - I'd take Pardew tomorrow. I don't think he'd be given an unconditional lifetime contract, then when he was sacked within a few months you'd get another go at it. Beats Wenger in the job until he dies.

  47. Yes its Ron

    Apr 03, 2018, 13:24 #108304

    Pardews free again! Be careful what you wish for lads. Perish the thought!

  48. markymark

    Apr 03, 2018, 13:15 #108303

    It’s the return of m-m-m-m-m-m-m-momentum MAN!!!!!!!!......... Don’t worry we know Christine was misunderstood , just like Jamee and Toady

  49. Exeter Ex

    Apr 03, 2018, 12:21 #108302

    I share Badarse's 'joy' at the victory over Stoke. This solidifies 6th place, keeping that all-important gap to Burnley in 7th. Sign that extension, Arsene! That 2 months Badarse said he'd be away sure went by fast, it must be the end of the season. Did we win the EL?

  50. Badarse

    Apr 03, 2018, 11:29 #108301

    He stood on tip toes in the bathroom, still he was unable to see the wrinkly old reflection. He had a brainwave which nearly knocked him off those little twinkle toes. He quickly removed his clogs with the 'Made in Blackburn' logo on the soles. He stuffed an egg and cress sandwich in each, and carefully placed atop a fat mushroom omelette. He slipped his size three feet back inside and smiled at the reflection. Then his humour vanished as he sneezed and banged his head on the glass. He hadn't wanted to return so quickly despite his joy at the Orcs defeat-he still couldn't forgive Shawcross, but that was a cross only the player himself bore, and wore it with crudity in his name. Yet the Gooner had great news and he wanted to do a bit of back-slapping, unlike the MAYDUP man who wanted to do a bit of bottom smacking. He stood erect then with utter pride walked stiffly to his table. He glanced at his favourite duffle coat hanging on the door, the red one with white sleeves. It made him glow, but enough of his appendage. He scooped up the box which was beside the boxed scoops. Inside were his collection of toggles. He fingered them feverishly. It was a sense of solace that settled on him, others would just see it as dandruff. It was time to go and sang the little ditty he always did as he prepared for battle. 'It's easy to take the urine from the WOR. Yet impossible to take AW from the word AWE!' He gave a sideways glance in the mirror at himself, and stepped into the cat tray. 'WOR!' he exclaimed, and left the building.

  51. markymark

    Apr 03, 2018, 8:25 #108300

    ToOaW how did you and the Wenger Boyz get on against Stoke? I hear there was a disagreement over uniform with Momentum Man demanding Blue Boiler Suits Red Neckerchiefs and banners with “Leader No1#” 10 more years! Whereas you and Colesey wanted leather shorts big moustaches and t shirts with Wenger Love 👄 emblazoned on them. How was the match? You did go didn’t you ? I mean the no1 Arsene fan? Surely you went?

  52. Redstar

    Apr 02, 2018, 23:34 #108299

    Great news guys.

  53. GoonerRon

    Apr 02, 2018, 23:33 #108298

    @ mbg - I’d hope I’ve shown enough on here over the years to not have to lie to curry favour with the Wenger out crowd (I can’t think of another reason why you’d think I’d say it and not mean it). I am, however, truly gutted that you don’t believe me.

  54. mbg

    Apr 02, 2018, 23:25 #108297

    GoonerRon, of course you do, maybe you do, but you don't convince me one bit. wenger out.

  55. GoonerRon

    Apr 02, 2018, 22:27 #108295

    @ mbg - your exaggeration is utterly surprising. Not. I’ve said on repeated occasions I want Wenger to leave so hardly my messiah.

  56. mbg

    Apr 02, 2018, 21:18 #108294

    GoonerRon, their our level now, another few years of your messiah and you could be visiting their ground and others like it sooner than you think. wenger out.


    Apr 02, 2018, 19:59 #108293

    The difference between the great Brian Clough & AW? The drink got to the former whereas the latter is driving thousands of loyal Gunners to the bottle.

  58. mbg

    Apr 02, 2018, 17:50 #108292

    Yes it's great to see the campaign for the Gooner was a great success, well done all, so much for those idiots who tried to tell us it was finished (you know who you are) hiding behind the sofa time again, now all we need is the campaign to get rid of the weasel to be such a success. wenger out now.

  59. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Apr 02, 2018, 17:40 #108291

    At least something good has come out of this most boring, predictable, depressing of seasons- congratulations on reaching the magical 1000 mark.

  60. GoonerRon

    Apr 02, 2018, 16:34 #108290

    Great news that The Gooner lives to fight another season in print. Very stodgy for the most part but very glad to beat those stinking orcs - I hope we never have to visit their place again. 4 wins on the bounce should be good for momentum, and we’ll need it if we’re going to win the Europa League.

  61. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 02, 2018, 15:41 #108289

    Kevin, Great news about reaching break even point. Hope you can go on and continue to regrow the base of subscribers. Many of us have grown up with the gooner and it's a key forum for genuine fans. Heartwarming too to know that OG sorted those tickets for those young kids. You're good eggs at gooner towers. Turgid, torpid, flaccid, supine and passive. What a terrible f*cking season this has been and an equally terrible era under wenger and kroenke. Money grubbing lying scumbags the pair of them.

  62. mbg

    Apr 02, 2018, 14:02 #108288

    Your been kind to TOF and his shower with the word Turgid Kevin, I can think of a lot worse, and all true too. Yet again another boring tired performance from a long tired team/club led my a long tired old past it manager long long void of ideas who needs to be put out of his and our misery. What would this old fraud of a manager do without the stokes, west broms etc, of this world always saving his skinny arse and making him look good, but he's/it's fooling no one. Go now you past it tired old man.

  63. markymark

    Apr 02, 2018, 13:00 #108287

    Excellent news that the Gooner will continue in its printed form . Very well done

  64. Gaz

    Apr 02, 2018, 12:21 #108286

    Delighted to hear The Gooner is going to continue! Well done to all those involved.

  65. Aylesbury Gooner

    Apr 02, 2018, 12:07 #108285

    Congrats to Kev and all connected with the Gooner for their hard work in getting to the 1000 mark.Even though we are surrounded by so much technology there's nothing like receiving the hard copy landing on the doormat.Keep up the good work.

  66. Bard

    Apr 02, 2018, 11:52 #108283

    Congratulations to the Gooner team. Well done. Alsace I reckon you will have a long wait till the money disappears ( if ever) from the game. I just see it escalating. Who would have thought that players would be changing hands for £100m ten years ago. These players are the new movie stars. I dont mind as long as they perform and put in a shift every week. Brian Clough what a manager, one of the truly great managers. It was a real sadness that the drink got him in the end.

  67. Alsace

    Apr 02, 2018, 10:59 #108282

    Well done on print goner survival and for the use of the word turgid. How interesting that as committed a supporter as you now feels that way about your own team. I like to watch the scousers or Leicester City if they are on MOTD. They are not turgid, but most teams actually are. I can't wait for the money to leave the game. There was a very good programme on yesterday about Liverpool and forest in the 70's. How I would love to unleash Brian Clough on today's pampered spoiled players.

  68. RobG

    Apr 02, 2018, 10:54 #108281

    Well done Kev and all subscribers - or at least the other 999 of you. 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍. Here's to next season and a Fresh Start, with some real interest and excitement. It's long overdue.

  69. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Apr 02, 2018, 10:43 #108280

    Kev - So pleased "The Gooner" is to continue, well done to all at Gooner Towers and a thank you to everyone who bought a subscription. We need to continue to be a thorn in the board's side and "The Gooner" is a perfect vehicle for the fans viewpoint.