The King is dead… but who is the Messiah?

A slightly unusual take on M. Wenger’s departure

The King is dead… but who is the Messiah?

And so it came to pass that just 7 days before the Europa League Getoutofjailcard game the King has signalled His abdication. Nearly everyone in the Kingdom agrees it is right. Some subjects, myself included, are fairly recent converts. Even the great keeper known as “Earholes”, a loyal supporter of the King, has stated he should have gone after the Chelsea cup final win.

His Majesty will get a wonderful send-off. Even the bitterest of dissidents will surely bite their collective tongue and show true reverence to our greatest ever King whilst quietly thinking AT LAST!

Thoughts now turn to His successor and I pity the poor sod who gets the gig. Let us examine the demise of some other empires. Mancunia 1 saw the Great Knight depart and more or less put his replacement in post. The followers barely gave Moyes a chance and demanded a famous name. King Louie duly arrived with outstanding credentials but he “didn’t play the Mancunia 1 way” and was replaced by the evil and bitter serial empire builder known as “that @+$= Mourinho, who the Mancs don’t really like.

Redscousia never had a King for as long as Mancunia 1 or Arseland but they had a dynasty known as the bootroom, which meant a peculiar form of nepotism ensured phenomenal success. When the last of that dynasty departed, the man known as King Kenny The Incomprehensible, various leaders were summoned but none, save the maverick Rafa the Gaffer, really satisfied the demanding Scousefolk and King Kenny was even dragged out of retirement at one stage to steady the ship and get the Scousefolk to calm down.

Meanwhile Mancunia 2, aka CITEUH!, was amassing an unheard-of array of readies and went through a succession of managers until they appointed the one true Messiah who inspired his team with a heady mix of overt latin gesticulation and pep talks. And what of the other members of the perceived TOP6? Chelski employed more managers than Barnet (factually true if you count Mad Dog as 1), and the North London Wannabies …. Well anyway they are still trying.

So to the succession. And this is where many rabid anti-Wengerites might struggle to find peace and ultimately may come to know the true meaning of “Better the devil you know”. For it seems to me they yearn for a similar King to Arse only one with more success. Many weren’t born in the days of Emperor Strollerbrownpaperbag and will not comprehend the ironic chanting, after his demise and in the early days of Arse, of “Boring Boring Arsenal”.

So… Simeone? Benitez? Too boring. Howe? Dyche? Too English. Rodgers (btw my own choice) too, er, much of a failure. Vieira / Henry? Arteta? Too inexperienced. Denis? Just been sacked by Marc Overmars. Marc Overmars? Yeah right. Low? Hmm… intriguing given the impact Klopp has had.

And then there is the continuation of the reign of the Superstar Kroenke. Maybe we could have had Guardiola a couple of years ago if Arse had decided to fall on His sword or fall under a northern line train but the last few seasons would have been a constant battle between Pep and Kroenke over funding as whatever anyone says about PG making players better he has ALWAYS bought success.

As the Warner Brothers cartoons always said, That’s all folks. I am an atheist but for a few weeks I’ll be praying our new politburo makes the right decision. In the meantime, give the Legend a fitting adieu. He was a genius and deserves to be remembered as such.

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  1. CT Gooner

    Apr 23, 2018, 22:34 #108892

    I really hope my passion for the Gunners returns, as Sunday was tough. I wanted to get behind the team, but the performance for the first 80 minutes was poor. It's really become par for the course over the last few years, play like crap for 80 minutes and then turn it on for the last 10. Looking at the glass half full though, we have a decent group of forwards, so at least the new manager will be able to focus on defense and midfield, areas neglected for too.

  2. mbg

    Apr 23, 2018, 18:53 #108885

    markymark, yes mate the last two AKB's racists of the site have lost their messiah and just like their messiah are in denial, they have nothing left now, just insults and racism, so I very much doubt any other site would even want them so they have nowhere to go either, reminds me of a song I heard in movie the other night, with the lyrics, nowhere to run to nowhere to go, nowhere to run to nowhere to hide. WGOAB.

  3. markymark

    Apr 23, 2018, 11:16 #108864

    Toady - most on the list really though I’d have reservations over Rogers ( I’d back him but wouldn’t be happy) if it were Viera I’d Want Ancelotti guiding him. Personally Ancelotti for a few years would be fine by me.

  4. Yes its Ron

    Apr 23, 2018, 9:25 #108852

    The Club knows its man i d guess. Perhaps Arsenes known for quite some. Cant see it being one of the oft suggested candidates.

  5. TOOAW

    Apr 23, 2018, 8:34 #108851

    Nark. What is the name of this proper manager?? Go on, name him.

  6. markymark

    Apr 23, 2018, 8:33 #108850

    Excellent editing typo Pantheon turned into Panthers but perhaps there is some ultimate truth to that

  7. markymark

    Apr 23, 2018, 8:23 #108849

    Moscow Gooner - very true time to move on perhaps Baddie and Toad surely who form the panthers of Wengerdom can write a protracted article on their great leader , a sort of homage to Kim Il Jong . I’ve suggested joint effort the reality is more 500 frothing words from Baddie and an odd racist line from Toad. After their eulogy they can then depart to the ‘Untold’ compound in Utah

  8. Moscowgooner

    Apr 23, 2018, 4:32 #108848

    The guy's on his way now so we unite behind the team 100% on Thursday night and make the Emirates rock for the first time in a long while. Not much point any longer in perpetuating the civil war; we might as well be arguing about the merits of Billy Wright and Jon Sammels... We need a European trophy and we need to get back into the Champions League - under new management that can actually get us past the round of 16.

  9. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 23, 2018, 2:22 #108847

    Heigh ho, Heigh ho, Baddy. With regard to your recent piece of advice suggesting we should read John Donne's 'No Man Is An Island'. Might I suggest you reread Max Ehrmann's Desiderata. i know it's one of your favourites. The last line will be of great interest to you; "Be cheerful. Strive to be Happy"

  10. markymark

    Apr 23, 2018, 0:42 #108846

    Badarse - when are you going to drop this pretence that ToOaW is not racist? His ‘what if arguments’ are just put up jobs. Comparing a race to mental capacity is racist .It also shows up the stupidity of the comments when we think of the literatury geniuses from Ireland. You hide amongst the pond life.,The reality is your a nasty piece of work.

  11. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 23:12 #108845

    Bard, what do we expect from him mate ? dictator, egoistic, arrogant right to the very end (he still doesn't think he's wrong) and we're supposed to and expected and being asked to give him a great send off ? they must be bloody joking not a fooking chance.

  12. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 22:55 #108844

    Ham, all us proper fans can all get back to supporting our team properly now no matter what our politics are, religion, colour, creed, no matter where we're from etc, and that fact is f*****g killing a couple of racist bigots on here who think they have to keep throwing that up at us all. WGOAB.

  13. TOOAW

    Apr 22, 2018, 20:44 #108843

    Ham. The great one has been called many things. French tosser? But that's ok. I can go on and on and on about the pathetic vitriol aimed at a manager who had his best interests at heart for the Arsenal. By all means go back a year or so on the Forum and Arsene Wenger was wished to die, cancer, slow death. etc. Check it out for yourself. And myself and Badarse are the bad apples or eggs of the site. Ignorance is for the ignorant ones. And there are plenty on here.

  14. Ham

    Apr 22, 2018, 20:22 #108842

    Why didn't you just call him "thick"? Why did you have to call him "thick Irish"?

  15. TOOAW

    Apr 22, 2018, 20:19 #108841

    Nark.... Who is this proper manager???? Name him fella. Don't be shy. Always got lots to say and assumptions are your forte. Go for it. Who is it???? Go on say it's Brendan Rodgers or George Graham.

  16. KC38

    Apr 22, 2018, 20:15 #108840

    Bard your first post is spot on. Defensive nous and coaching, sure we do require two CB and a quality DM but it’s the leadership that’s required a team motivated, Wenger was a great manager but the champions league first leg at OT summed up the present day Wenger, he could not motivate the team to play in one of biggest ever game add no motivation to zero defensive structure totally explains our short fall against quality opposition.

  17. TOOAW

    Apr 22, 2018, 20:07 #108839

    I'll try to break it down for those of little IQ. He's thick..... Tick...... He's Irish...... Tick and he's a person..... Tick. Yet it's ok to call me amongst many words.... An imbecile. Not quite sure if it's racist... By all means check back on comments regarding AKB. I was insulted by means of calling me a thick, white p..CK. The agenda is set so keep it fair game. Ham.... Please feel free to check on my history. Paddy is a word which is relevant throughout my ancestors. I've been through this before but if you can't keep up. Not my issue.

  18. Bard

    Apr 22, 2018, 19:51 #108838

    The man who espouses values and takes the moral high ground is busy taking snide little a pop at the fans after the WH game for not supporting him. How low and deluded can you get. You have been sacked mate because we are in a dog fight with Burnley four 6th place. Its got nothing to do with us. All we have done is hasten the process. He really is bitter and after he's just trousered another £9m as a pay off. Her needs to shut the f*** up and show some dignity.

  19. Ham

    Apr 22, 2018, 19:38 #108837

    More anti-Irish bile from TOOAW, I'm Irish and, yes, I do take offence at this racist crap. In the context of a football website about Arsenal, what has anyone's race or nationality got to do with the anything? Kevin, about time you stepped in and ended this permanently.

  20. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 19:37 #108836

    ToOaW - please try not to have a tantrum, it tends to make you racist , I know it’s difficult that we the WOBS can start attending with full heart again. I know you Wenger Boyz were mostly arm chair keyboard warriors . Sadly with nothing now to keep you. As with any manager the new guy can have 2 years to put his stamp on it and review in year 3. I prefer that to 12 seasons of mediocrity . Ps Baddie is trying to rewrite his history to say he doesn’t care about Wenger. I know you do so it must be difficult having a hypocrite in the camp

  21. TOOAW

    Apr 22, 2018, 18:32 #108835

    Nark. I've clearly outed you as a two faced, lying, hypocrite. Remember...... Alls Welbz that ends Welbz.... So it's 'probably' Bath not Barcelona for you. Who's this proper manager then??? Name him. WOB's need to retain the Wenger out banners as I'm sure in a few bad years you can always alter the Wenger name for the new man coming in. One bad move by the board and the thick Irish one will definitely have his Arsenal back. Mid table mediocrity and years of trophy less seasons lie ahead.

  22. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 17:28 #108834

    ToOaW - oh how he suffered when he realised the game was up. Yes Ihe did make us happy so for once you were right

  23. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 17:07 #108833

    ToOaW you imbecile I’m in Barcelona so no was not there. Were you ? Doubt it somehow. I am there against Athletico . Again I doubt either you or the other whack job will be there Ps ToOaW - don’t live in the past . Wenger’s gone. It’s tine for a proper manager to take over.

  24. Bard

    Apr 22, 2018, 16:29 #108832

    I think the premise of the article is rubbish. We dont need to worry too much about who comes in. The bar isn't set very high at present. Its not as if we are reigning Euro champions or are serial winners of anything. The squad is decent we need someone who can organise and motivate. If he can fix our defence and get the players to put a shift in every week we are more than half way there. This 'be careful what you wish for' stuff is cobblers. Wenger has been a good manager but that was a decade ago, we have been drifting since so its not as if we are having to replace a Ferguson type, get real.

  25. TOOAW

    Apr 22, 2018, 16:06 #108831

    "I'm ready to suffer to make the fans happy, but if sometimes I'm happy as well it's not bad" Arsene Wenger. Legend. Gentlemen. Total class. The greatest Arsenal manager ever. Did you dare to sing it Nark? Or were you actually there?

  26. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 15:55 #108830

    Exeter ex, it's really killing and pissing of the joke of the site and his mate as well as others that even at this time (although we're not wishing TOF any harm bad luck or anything else bad or harmful in his life after Arsenal)we're still not singing their messiah's praises, and paying homage to him saying all things nice, basically kissing his arse, and giving him the great send off they imagine he deserves at this time, and it's really bringing out the worst in them, but that surprises none of us, oops I nearly typed wenger out then.

  27. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 15:27 #108829

    Exeter Ex / MBG / Cornish - you know when you’re included in Baddies ( loser ) axis of evil you must be doing something right . We are now seeing the rewriting of history where the visionary Baddie fully expected Wenger to go and is perfectly at ease with it. You couldn’t make it up. He’ll be down the momentum meeting saying “ the trouble with that Wenger.....”

  28. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 15:24 #108828

    To all you AKB wengerites and luvvies still trying to defend and cosy up to your messiah, always look on the bright side of life. WGOAB.

  29. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 15:16 #108827

    Oh dear Baddie looks like I’ll have to take a little look though the archives again to locate your famous grope poem , have a little look at where you would stand with Jamerson , take a peek at the anti Semitic dig you had. It’s all there Baddie . Do your relatives still enjoy your postings? A controller who could never control , a regimist and a prop for Wengo. You lost Baddie , you lost .

  30. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 14:42 #108826

    Exter ex, spot on, lets see how the AKB wengerites and all his other luvvies react to the new manager, especially after his first loss, his second etc, how long they'll give him or put up with him before they start doing what they were for ever accusing others off, one things for sure they'll not give him fourteen years of failure. WGOAB.

  31. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 14:15 #108825

    Isn't it great coming on here not have to ask the question, any resignation yet ?

  32. Exeter Ex

    Apr 22, 2018, 13:57 #108824

    Just a few days ago Badarse was imploring site regulars to stop criticising Wenger, just accept things. A few months ago he was imploring the editor to just accept things as they are. He very raison d'etre on here was to try and make others see the errors of their ways, to get behind Wenger and accept him as manager as long as will be. He failed, spectacularly. In his central purpose on this site, he has failed. Wenger is going, for the reasons we have been saying he should go for years - he was leading the club into decline. Badarse, you were wrong and we were right. You are now pointless. You had a chance for rapprochement when the announcement was made. Instead you started attacking others for being pleased he was going. You've only yourself to blame for the antagonism. If you revel in that antagonism, then by definition you are a troll. Worse for you, you're a troll without a purpose now.

  33. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 13:46 #108823

    I see the joke of the site is in the comments section desperately trying to divert attention from his beloved messiah's demise, and as usual failing miserably, the dying throws of the dice, it would be funny if it weren't so Pathetic, and not a comment, opinion, or retort to Kev Cartys article, you'd think he'd be slurping all over an article like that, I wonder why. WGOAB.

  34. mbg

    Apr 22, 2018, 13:17 #108822

    Kev, or should I say badarse sorearse ? that's where your wrong, as you always are, you and others may give you Majesty/messiah a wonderful send off that's your prerogative, after all you've been praising him for years right through when he was bringing the club down and making us a laughing stock, but the bitterest of dissidents will not be biting their collective tongues and doing likewise, first of all we're not hypocrites, we never praised him when he was here so we're not going to start now, although there was nothing much to praise him for anyway only embarrassments, humiliations and second third raters, etc, etc for years, and who knew his time was up and wanted him out for years, (before you by your own admission a fairly recent convert and the rest of the kingdom, jumped on the band wagon when yous eventually realised and knew your messiah's time was up) and were calling for, and trying to do just that, your ilk were keeping him here by supporting and backing him through all said humiliations and embarrassments, maybe if you and others had opened your eyes and came to the party far earlier we'd have got rid long before now, and be a hell of a long way further on in our rebuilding and have this hullaballoo over us now.

  35. Badarse

    Apr 22, 2018, 13:01 #108821

    Nark, no I never tried to control the site so therefore couldn't have failed. I challenged dullards like yourself, that's all. No, the site editors know that I never called on them for any AW protection, two wrong out of two. No I never tried to downplay an anti-hunting protest as I oppose blood sports, I downplayed the naff clots who talked a 'protest'. The closest that I have been to cuddling up to a racist/ white supremacist is when I offered a token of 'friendship' to yourself, which I regret. Groping? I am incensed by the chap at the end of the London Marathon who I believe puts his hands on female finishers more than he should. I make that five wrong out of five, a miserable failure on your part. Still you are in the majority so you must be right, well as a centrist in conservative England you are pretty far right in my book. Funny that a related comment to an Arsenal post brings out three of the five Dark Moanies, just MAYDUP man and AKB(and we know what the B stands for 'lack of independent thought), to arrive on the scene, but one is in church and the other in the lurch. That was your line of poetry, chump. I did pose the question what would the muppets moan about once AW had finally left, it's clear that the answer is me. Ha ha, ooh to be popular.

  36. Exeter Ex

    Apr 22, 2018, 12:54 #108820

    To attack the individual because you're incapable of countering the actual points they raised, and to do so indirectly as you're frightened of what happens when you confront them directly and so you're hoping this way they'll somehow let the attack go by is... well, cowardly. Didn't work, did it?

  37. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 12:26 #108819

    Baddie - I recently read a comment where it said a reasoned view is to look at what Piers Morgan is saying and think the opposite. I feel this very well applies to you, sunshine . With your Bardesian world view of homilies . You tried to control the site , you failed , you called on the site editors to stop attacking Wenger you failed , you tried to downplay an anti hunting Kronke social media protest , you failed and lastly you cuddled up to racists and white supremacists . Mate you failed Whilst you’re feeling a little blue why not write some poetry? Grope anyone ?

  38. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 22, 2018, 12:20 #108818

    As you have just demonstrated.

  39. Badarse

    Apr 22, 2018, 12:09 #108817

    To talk of another's arrogance whilst displaying the most incredible arrogance themselves is..., well, arrogant.

  40. Exeter Ex

    Apr 22, 2018, 12:05 #108816

    Trying to absolve Wenger of responsibility for his own decisions and the force of his own ego by saying the board should've imposed a foil on him is a weak defence. Ferguson had a massive ego but knew to adapt, bring in new coaches, delegate in order to stay at the top for so long. Wenger didn't want to share the credit with anyone, indeed was enraged when the suggestion was ever made. He didn't listen, didn't adapt, convinced he knew always best: "I have been a coach for 30 years" the arrogant standard response. To suggest he would've done better had the board made that imposition - the opposite is true. He'd have left in indignation much earlier. So in that sense it's a shame they didn't try.

  41. Badarse

    Apr 22, 2018, 10:25 #108814

    RobG I've been in situations where something impinged upon the normal running of things, both in life in general, but also in the workplace. I would reason that this scenario is commonplace nowadays in industry as companies and businesses cut staff numbers to maintain a profitable course. Often extra duties or changes are foisted upon some, if not all of the employees involved. It can change things dramatically, but often more subtly. I do believe this impacted the club severely. The board's naivety and ineptitude was glaringly obvious, and with many occupying those positions it still is. Still a change is occurring, and as with all changes it brings it's own excitement and enervation. There is a saying, 'The most certain thing in life is that we shall die; the most uncertain thing in life is when we shall die.' That is the buzz from uncertainty and hopeful endeavour. Here's to the Arsenal and the new man, whomsoever he is.

  42. RobG

    Apr 22, 2018, 9:59 #108813

    "Had they reined him in and given him a foil, as David Dein appeared to be, then perhaps the past decade may have resulted in differing outcomes." Indeed - on that point we are in full agreement. Dein's departure - and the manner of it - was probably the single most calamitous event in recent Arsenal history. He wasn't irreplaceable - as no one is - but he wasn't replaced- per se. This completely upended the relationship between the Board and the playing side of the Club and it took a decade - !!! - before a new structure was put in place with several different individuals, fulfilling Dein's role. That explains much about our decline in the intervening period.

  43. Badarse

    Apr 22, 2018, 9:40 #108812

    RobG personally I think we get sucked into a position which isn't really valid. We all have egos, without them we would be eggs, or perhaps sausages. Our inner demons drive us, sometimes to destruction, look what Nark's and the MAYDUP man's have done to them. Yet they are necessary, vital in fact and AW was no exception, just a human organism like us all. We are all victims of the world we see through our eyes and the outside influences which visit us throughout our lives. MAYDUP man shouts and rants that, '...we have our Arsenal back...', he doesn't have the nous to realise that he doesn't, there is no 'we' except in his wellies, Hoddle and Waddle. Arsenal is everyone's and no one's. That is the peculiarity of being a fan. No one can deny another's claim, providing they recognise it is a universal right for others to lay claim to it too. It is Arsene's too, in fact his claim is a little stronger than mine and certainly MAYDUP's, though our patronage is also unique to us. Give me a position managing the Arsenal and they would have to carry me out in a box. A man cannot truly be criticised for an ego which drives him on and on incessantly. We all posses this capability and it is this fundamental aspect described on occasions as our lifeforce. Without it the species would be long extinct. The criticism to support your view would be that the powers that be allowed an unreasonable amount of influence from AW to dictate. I believe those Muppets used him as they were inept and incapable of running such a mega club in a different age. Ron has constantly pointed out the difference between a mega London club as Arsenal are, and a provincial giant. Different factors rain down on them. Had they reined him in and given him a foil, as David Dein appeared to be, then perhaps the past decade may have resulted in differing outcomes.

  44. Exeter Ex

    Apr 22, 2018, 9:25 #108810

    "And this is where many rabid anti-Wengerites might struggle to find peace and ultimately may come to know the true meaning of “Better the devil you know”." I think here we see where many AKBs will now position themselves, unfortunately. There'll be waiting for the new guy to trip up so they can say "See, should've stuck with Arsene". As the derogatory reference to GG and the dismissal of possible candidates emphasises, this is the heart of this article really.

  45. Badarse

    Apr 22, 2018, 9:17 #108809

    Nark that was so poor, fella. I told you that your scripts showed promise but please learn to toddle before you try to walk. MAYDUP man, I am surprised that you can spell DNA, well done to you. You see reading my posts has certainly helped; keep it up but stay away from the window, or keep the curtains drawn. Moscow Gooner, I twigged that you were a Tory immediately yonks ago, but although I would disagree with your politics I would defend you and your right to express them; as an aside you are clearly an Arsenal fan and quite joined up. As for JC ask David1, he would agree that Jeremy Corbyn is the only JC. Rippy, a nice post buddy.

  46. RobG

    Apr 22, 2018, 9:14 #108808

    Hmmm...Yes ! A slightly unusual take. Two points. Firstly he omits the name of the candidate I would suggest as the most likely appointment - Ancelotti. Second - whilst I would never deny Wenger's accomplishments and if I was at the ground, would give him an enthusiastic 'farewell' - he tainted his legacy by putting his own ego above the Club's - for several years. That is not something I would thank him - or anyone - for.

  47. markymark

    Apr 22, 2018, 9:03 #108807

    Thursday night the Wenger boys were singing a song, It went Tooaw’y , chirpy chirpy Leek Squeak . Woke up in the morning and their Wenger was gone . Tooaw’y chirpy , chirpy Leek Squeak.. Where’s your Wenger gone ? Where’s your Wenger gone? Far far away , far far away Where’s your Jamee gone Where’s your Wenger gone Where’s your Westie gone Where your Wenger gone Where’s your Colesey gone Where your Wenger gone Where’s your Brian gone Where’s your Wenger gone Far far away .........