The King Will Soon Be Leaving the Building

Although news of Arsene Wenger’s departure has yet to bring peace between Arsenal fans

The King Will Soon Be Leaving the Building

'Way Down' was Elvis' single at the time of his death...

It’s 16th August 1977. The setting is the Vortex club on London’s Wardour Street ahead of a gig for cult Punk act The Adverts. The DJ interrupts the music to announce the news which has just broke that Elvis Presley has died. The response from the crowd of punks congregated within the club was to break out in spontaneous cheering. Taking the stage to berate the disrespectful punks was famed Millwall fan and future 606 presenter Danny Baker, then co-founder and editor of Punk fanzine ‘Sniffing Glue’. Incensed by their failure to acknowledge Elvis’s importance to the story of popular music as ‘the first punk’, he refers to them as ‘Neanderthals’, ‘drones’ and ‘w**kers’, later describing that: ‘I accused them all of being bandwagon jumping, knee-jerk s**t-for-brains who bought into a cookie-cutter cartoon nihilism the way the Daily Mirror ordered it’.

For his trouble, Baker gets hit on the cheek by a bottle thrown from the crowd before being pulled off stage by Sham 69 lead singer Jimmy Pursey for his own safety. Backstage, Baker - while cleaning the blood off himself - sees Punk’s greatest champion on mainstream radio, John Peel, in tears, personally thanking him for getting up there and putting it straight to a largely obnoxious and ignorant audience. Arguably though, both Baker and Peel would have been hypocrites, due to the fact that it’s highly unlikely that either of them would have chosen as their record of the week Elvis’s latest track, ‘Way Down’ (which received an indifferent public response, before suddenly shooting up to the top of the UK chart on news of Elvis’s death).

Both Danny Baker and John Peel would have spent the mid to late 1970s busily fawning over The Ramones or The Damned to be too bothered about an irrelevant and aging Elvis Presley and his increasingly underwhelming output. That doesn’t mean that either of them would have been daft enough not to acknowledge that two decades prior, Elvis sounded a lot more exciting than Winifred Atwell, looked a lot cooler than Bill Haley and frankly, Tommy Steel was simply no substitute. The Danny Baker Elvis death moment sprung to mind this week on hearing that Arsene Wenger would be finally leaving the building at the close of the 2017/18 season.

I’m not going to lie. I’ve spent seven years calling for ‘Wexit’ through The Gooner’s pages, either online or in print (AFTV has only existed for six). Arsenal’s collapse at the end of the 2010/11 season made me realise that title wins and serious challenges for the Champions League (something the most supported and historically successful club in London should really be aiming for) were becoming increasingly unrealistic. In fact, this season has begun to show that even the dream of Champions League qualification by finishing above fourth in the table is increasingly becoming a flight of fantasy for a Gooner. On hearing the news however, my first reaction was relief. Not triumphalism.

Relief that Wenger’s decline would reach no lower than finishing sixth or seventh in the Premiership. People forget that the tenures of both Bertie Mee and George Graham ended in the bottom half of the League table. Arguably, if the Wenger era dragged on for longer, that’s a place he could have also headed to, but thankfully we’ve now been spared that indignation. Also, relief that after living off past glories, Arsenal have now got the opportunity to find a new manager that can give them a fresh impetus and a new direction (and no, not Brendan Rodgers. Personally, I’d rather we’d have muddled along with Wenger than take a punt on a bloke who failed with Liverpool).

The news also brought a hope that the imminent exit of Wenger sees the end of the ludicrous cyberspace battles between parts of the club’s fanbase. Sadly, there seems to be little evidence of that at this present moment. As pointed out, we currently have ‘Wenger Ins’ calling ‘Wenger Outs’ ‘hypocrites’ if they show respect to the man’s past achievements. Admittedly, accusations of hypocrisy might be less befitting if such social media commentators had been more fair and balanced in their criticism of the man, instead of spending the last five years portraying things in black and white and covered in vitriol for the sake of attracting YouTube hits (your average AFTV contributor probably thinks a nuance is someone who hangs around a park with a packet of sweets).

For the ‘Wenger Outs’ not wanting the hypocrite tag, they’ve mainly been in self-congratulatory mood since last Friday. Sadly, like with Elvis in 1977, you have to point out to certain ignorant and obnoxious weathervane pundits in cyberspace that Arsene Wenger was once hugely important to Arsenal, regardless of how 2017/18 pans out (for me, I unreservedly wish it ends victorious in Lyon). Their portrayal of the misery which Wenger has forced on them also looks a bit dumb when his fourteen years of relative decline since 2004 took in twelve Champions League qualifications and three FA Cup wins in four years. That’s a record that would probably have qualified as a golden era for about four fifths of current Premiership clubs (particularly the Spurs fanbase who have spent the last few years winding up Arsenal fans by singing of their wish for him to stay in N5).

As of May 2018, Arsene is finally gone from Arsenal. Sadly, there’s no sign of the black and white thought process of social media warriors following him out the door. Rather than simply being an Arsenal problem, this has become a growing public nuisance embedded in the national discourse over the past ten years by social media, though undoubtedly it stands on the shoulders of a general process of mainstream media dumbing down over the last three decades at least. If this tone hasn’t ended yet with Brexit, it’s a bit optimistic to hope it’ll end immediately with ‘Wexit’. Hope lies in the trolls? I doubt it. Victory Grows Out of Dis-harmony, has never been a motto for anything really, has it?

Robert Exley can be found on Twitter@robert_exley

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  1. Exeter Ex

    Apr 28, 2018, 18:05 #109108

    Your hypocrisy has been laid bare. You are demonstrably, provably a hypocrite. You are betrayed by your own words. Your own glitch prevents you from seeing this, but you cannot argue against it. As for pseudo-Arsenal, it is the likes of you who have continued to back him whilst he's managed the club into decline, and would have big continue for years more if it was up to you, that have shown yourselves to be not Arsenal fans but Arsene fans.

  2. mbg

    Apr 28, 2018, 17:45 #109105

    A Cornish Gooner, and claim is all it is, his true principles have been exposed on here over and over again by us all, like now, and quite easily with minimum effort too, but he hasn't even the principles to realise that. WGOAB.

  3. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 28, 2018, 14:55 #109098

    Badarse. No US blood, but I would vehemently defend your Miranda rights.

  4. Badarse

    Apr 28, 2018, 11:16 #109093

    What argument Eggman? You were arguing with yourself all along. Try this on as it's been said so often before. I would not join a cat's chorus howling at the moon, talking negatively, wishing Arsenal to lose, and constantly berating a man who cannot answer back. I have said I respect an individual's view but draw the line at abuse of anything to do with my club. In real life, where a person vilifies anyone at AFC I would challenge. I will not take nonsense from a Sour or a Moan U or a Chav fan, so why take it from a pseudo-Arsenal supporter? No argument, just your glitch showing itself again. Get it seen to!

  5. Exeter Ex

    Apr 28, 2018, 9:33 #109091

    It's the post of a man who's lost the argument.

  6. Badarse

    Apr 28, 2018, 8:09 #109089

    Corny your posts have always surprised me as you are an intelligent man rather than just an educated one. You really need to take a deep and hard look at yourself and your actions. You might not like all you see, but there is hope, there always is. (I'm not sure that you do irony-any USA blood?)

  7. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 27, 2018, 22:39 #109085

    Not the post you would expect from a main claiming to have high priciples.

  8. Badarse

    Apr 27, 2018, 17:04 #109073

    Eggman, what a Richard you are, ha ha. I got the last word, nah, nah, nah, nah! Abortion? Backward land? No just some unprincipled politicians with archaic reasoning.

  9. mbg

    Apr 27, 2018, 16:07 #109068

    Exeter Ex, nice one, that's another fine mess he's got himself into, so you can let him out of your pocket now. WGOAB.

  10. Exeter Ex

    Apr 27, 2018, 11:29 #109052

    "a desperate need to have the last word, people can see this clearly, do you not grasp that" And what do you call your continued attempts to have the last word? That old hypocrisy again. And it is your hypocrisy that I'm highlighting again and again - do you not grasp that? MGB has never said "I challenge rudeness and bigotry", he is unhypocritically rude about Wenger. The 'weasel' is rude and 'MAYDUP' is bigoted. Based on him being from N Ireland, you assume he supports the DUP. That's bigotry, as is "We have Greenpeace in England, do you have it in your land". The inference obvious again, he's from an inferior 'land'. Again - it is your hypocrisy that is highlighted. You say you challenge rudeness and bigotry, yet say rude and bigoted things. You defence of 'No, when I do it it's just teasing, it's only rude when others do it' simply emphasises your double standards. Is that clear enough, have I spelt it out enough times for you, do you grasp it yet or are you going to keep presenting me with these open goals?

  11. Badarse

    Apr 27, 2018, 11:04 #109049

    No Ex I have you as a group, individuals do that, they group people and things, do you not grasp that? MAYDUP weasel has earned his right to that name by constantly calling AW a weasel. Tit for tat, do you not grasp that? You get your response in a name as you are downright rude and insulting. I shall not go to that level and prefer to tease in the manner that I do. Cut the nonsense and all disappears, but you have that glitch which prompted post this morning, a desperate need to have the last word, people can see this clearly, do you not grasp that? Now sit down and breath. Incidentally this is not going to develop into an exchange, it is too tiresome and boring.

  12. Exeter Ex

    Apr 27, 2018, 10:07 #109048

    "I am uninterested in you, your group of five, or your views" Uninterested in a group which only exists in your head, and so uninterested in me you make up names for me and keep responding. "I challenge rudeness and bigotry" immediately followed by "the MAYDUP weasel". You make it so, so easy...

  13. MAF

    Apr 27, 2018, 9:45 #109047

    We can all now see just how much work there is to do to make Arsenal competitve again; this is a very unbalanced squad with alot of weaknesses. to have Mustafi/Xhaka as core Backbone is a part of the Problem as they are both very very weak ultimately compared to top 10 Teams in uk/europe. Bad purchases by the Club. if the clud is not prepared to spend Money then I really fear that we are going to see YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS

  14. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 20:05 #109046

    Good sale on the bacon foil around North London today, well done Arsenal the fans aren't going to get cold anyway, and they'll do the celebration BBQ's tomorrow evening. WGOAB.

  15. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 18:33 #109045

    Clockend, I don't think it's getting carried away at all, it's very feasible, like I've said they've already shown ambition in getting rid/sacking wenger, otherwise why do it, and very much against TOF's wishes too, listening to him gearning, lets hope they keep showing that ambition with a proper manager now. WGOAB.

  16. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 18:02 #109044

    Exeter Ex, and he's aligning himself with, and putting himself in the same bracket as Ron and Robert Exley now, I never read anything as funny, did you ever see such an odd one out in your life, like a couple of lawyers, NASA engineers, etc, and Stan Laurel. You couldn't make it up.

  17. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:57 #109043

    RK - Seconded mate!

  18. Radfordkennedy

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:46 #109042

    Ron ...agree mate 3 years would make sense,not sure PV would be anyone's number 2 but I would like to see someone from our highbury past involved.I think it might of been Storey or Frank who said'we may get beat but you'll have to bloody play well to do it'that's all I want to see really,Heart,desire,ambition and leadership

  19. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:30 #109041

    So the spiteful old weasel can't just do us all a favour and piss off quietly, instead hanging around causing mischief and disharmony, antagonising everybody with his spitefulness even his paymasters, to the stage now where it threatens his generous (to bloody generous) pay off, like I've already said there's worse/more to come before he's finished. WGOAB.

  20. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:28 #109040

    RK - Rafa would be good - agree. Parlour thinks so too apparently. No good if they want a 'sexy' appointment though and ive a feeling this Board will want that. I dont at all mind the Toon, great Club, but Rafa s cut out for bigger and better isnt he, yet theres nothing snobbish or arrogant about the man. Always liked him. Rafa with say, PV4 alongside him ?. 3 yr contract for RB?

  21. Badarse

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:11 #109039

    I want the last word-he didn't say but needed-(all part of the glitch). Cut out the advice fellas it falls on deaf ears. Nark I wonder if you could stand alone, without props you'd topple over that much is clearly obvious. I need no one, but of course it is nice when someone sees something similar in a game, a line-up, a possible purchase or sale. Nice but not necessary. Don't offer me a poisoned chalice Eggman. I am able to discern then reject or accept. I am uninterested in you, your group of five, or your views, but remain at liberty to challenge rudeness and bigotry when I so see fit. As in that MAYDUP weasel's recent post. What a weasel! Love, light, and peace. Now no cuddling in the back row, gents.

  22. Radfordkennedy

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:07 #109038

    Afternoon fellas...Can't help feeling the club have put this £50 Mil warchest story out to just let everyone know it's not going to be a big name,or at least one of the fans first choices.Using terms like being 'bold' to me is board speak for cheap or unproven,I'm not one who thinks AW going means we're going to win everything in sight,but I am very much hoping the next manager makes us harder to beat,to get that reputation back for being up for a fight if needs be.This cannot be done with our defences current mindset and the money's not going to be there to buy quality,which to me points to the only one who has the coaching ability and who places great store in defending and above all will not start a fight with the boardroom for money,for me it has to be Rafa,but only perhaps in the short term to steady the ship as it were.

  23. markymark

    Apr 26, 2018, 17:07 #109037

    Baddie Picking up on your little office tales. Here are one or two issues I suspect your work mates had with you . Arrogance , self -aggrandisement , verbosity , treachery , machiavellian politicking , complaining to management to achieve minor victories over work colleagues , ingratiating yourself with higher management levels to grass up colleagues, (see treachery). On your Vanguard of change I suspect there were a few knifes in the back eh?

  24. markymark

    Apr 26, 2018, 16:50 #109036

    Baddie you’ve got no one to cuddle up to, toad just doesn’t do it does he? Where’s your Westie gone ? Where’s your Wenger gone ? My god i could make a song out of that . Now Westie said he was going to Cheltenham and was never seen or heard of again , you had the closet , sorry I meant closest relationship . Was it crime of passion ?

  25. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 16:22 #109035

    Tony, Bard, David - all good stuff. Still have nightmares about that goal Tony! All that was needed was a sything foul on him! ha. There is lots of good potential there as you say lads. Bard is right too. PS I shall give up totally if Rodgers joins. Cant see it happening though ......... pray that it doesnt anyway just in case.

  26. Bard

    Apr 26, 2018, 15:57 #109034

    David1, I agree with you. We have some terrific attacking players. We need someone to sort out our defence which isn't the most complex of problems to solve. A keeper and a decent CB will make a massive difference. I see only an upside in Wenger leaving as long as it isn't Rogers who replaces him.

  27. David1

    Apr 26, 2018, 15:45 #109033

    Y-i-R - I kind of agree with you. However, no-one could've guessed in 1995/96 that Arsenal would win the double two years later. So, it's worth being hopeful. There's a lot of potential in this side - Ozil, Aubameyang, Lacazette, Mkhitarian, Rambo, etc. When AW took over he had a great defence, DB, the Merse and Wrighty - and no midfield. It will be the opposite for the new manager - all the Kiwomyas, Hilliers, Jensens and Helders are in defence.

  28. TonyEvans

    Apr 26, 2018, 15:41 #109032

    Ron - The Feud is worth a look at. Has some good contributions from the likes of Dixon, Seaman and even Keown. On the United side of the fence Phil Neville comes over very well . You will have to put up with seeing that bloody Giggs goal for the umpteenth time though!

  29. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 15:08 #109031

    Tony - not seen the Feud yet. Youve just turned me off bothering ha ha- Scholes on it. What on earth does TV see in him? Him and the equally odious Steve McMahon (now as fat as bloated porker) seem to be getting more air time. I think the last 7 have been a bit wasted really. I do enjoy the cup wins, though its not a tournie like it was back in the day and we all have to accept that dont we. Shame i think. AW really thought the tide would turn though in fairness to him, right or wrong but just couldnt let go. Had there have been no ECL i think AW would have gone after the 8-2. The ECL was his deepest wish to win yet post 2006 we just couldnt cut it could we. Those ECL campaigns were a real waste for me. The worst experience in it for me was that loss to Utd at home. I used to wish he d play weaker teams in it and just go for the title/ the Cups more around 2008- 2011 time. Arsene was beguiled by Barca i ll always feel, hence he went for small mobile players rather than the heavier duty type. He seems to either not realise or to ignore that Barca still had physicality and knew all the black arts. Arsene wanted to win with style and to show it could be done without massive spending. That seemed to be his holy grail as well the ECL. Just my theory though. We ll learn much when he writes a book. Im sure and hope that he does. Never has one man cast such a shadow at the club really.

  30. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:48 #109030

    GR - Agree with all that you say matey. Yes, it was 0-0. Cant recall the replay result. We won though. Loved it on the terrace that day. They gave their home end to us as we took about 7000 that day i recall. Ramsey thinks hes better than he is i think, tho i ve oft wondered if he uses those annoying flicks etc as defensive mechanism to avoid the tackle coming in. The bloke must be scarred a bit still i think. I used to think he could be our Frank Lampard. He still shows signs but hes far too inconsistent. I think the injury did for him really but hes done well to come back at all. Seems a decent lad. As you say, h ed still fetch a price. Maybe a new coach can harness his game. Hes best when hes given licence to get into the box and he ought to have a shot more often? Very frustrating to see him play isnt it, but he did have real ability pre injury i think. Depending on who comes in, he will have to step up his game to stay at Arsenal now i think.

  31. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:48 #109029

    Bard, the weasel is just that fooking arrogant, and now as we have learned and know, bitter and spiteful too, and boy is it showing, (but it comes as no surprise) he's beat you see, finished, and he knows it, blaming everyone except the real problem, TOF himself, and as we All know he never could take a beating, yes his ego completely deflated now, especially when he sees he's not getting the recognition he thinks he deserves after he was sacked, and spitefulness has taken over, and there's a lot more of his spitefulness to come too especially if we bough out tonight and even if we don't, give him a good send off ? not a fooking chance.

  32. Exeter Ex

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:24 #109028

    The hypocrisy is self-evident. Yet another example: "Stop making snide remarks... any of the group of 5 at the CP game". It's not an accusation, it's not name calling, it's a statement of fact. Chump, clot, rabble, clique and all the rest is name calling, that's also a fact. And of course you want to be part of a group, you make overtures to individuals quite regularly and clearly miss the little group you once had on here with Westlower etc. You are self-evidently jealous that there are likeminded people on here, and wish for the same. It's perfectly understandable but you're going about it the wrong way. Stop what you're doing and being exposed in this way will stop.

  33. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:21 #109027

    markymark, Areteta far too much of a werngerite nodding dog luvvie, he was even his mouth piece for a while when wally wasn't available. WGOAB

  34. TonyEvans

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:15 #109026

    Hi Ron - ten wasted years (in spite of the 3 cup wins) as far as I am concerned - as I am sure you think too. I will never understand, to my dying day, why Wenger so completely ditched the winning blend of toughness, experience, pace and character that we had in spades. What the hell was he thinking! I watched a programme called 'The Feud' on Channel 5 about the old Wenger v Fergie years, and that obnoxious git Scholes called it right when he said Ferguson was a winner at all costs and Wenger clearly wasn't. I used to respect Wenger for being true to his principles but he took it too far and I ended up hating the man, which is such a shame considering he gave us some wonderful moments. As for the games against Athletico I hope we don't see a repeat of the Juventus and Liverpool semis where we beat the favourites and then went on to lose the final!

  35. Badarse

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:06 #109025

    To complain of name calling by an accused hypocrite is tacit name calling, non? Wise up chump and move on. As with you Corny the 5:2 diet is scientifically proven as very healthy. I can eggnore as well as any eggs. I react as appropriate, when I suffer from ennui I walk a mile in my clogs. As for jealousy, that is hilarious, but reality for the 'group' as it gets the 'group' seal of approval. Jealousy, that's going to be hard to get over, ha ha. Jealous, had his bottom spanked, stalked off in a fit...anymore? Keep them sunny side up fellas. Stop making snide remarks and the truce is automatically activated, false news shall be rejected. Any of the group of five at that CP v Arsenal game I earlier talked of?

  36. GoonerRon

    Apr 26, 2018, 14:00 #109024

    @ Ron - I went that Cardiff away game, was right in the corner next to their fans. I could be wrong but think it was a draw, possibly 0-0. I think the Ramsey and Eduardo’s injuries happening relatively close together hit the team hard emotionally, but unfortunately they couldn’t/didn’t channel it into being consistent and winning something. I also think, broadly speaking, that our opponents were caught up in ‘Arsenal don’t like it up ‘em’ mentality spewed by the odious Allardyce and we didn’t always get the protection from the officials at times. Ramsey probably divides opinion more than any other player at Arsenal because he’s been with us ages (and because Walcott and Giroud have been sold). I think he adds athleticism and stamina to our midfield and is a good finisher but think he’s either too selfish by always wanting to score and / or he doesn’t have the in-game intelligence to know when to reign himself in. Linked to that last point is he may have got away with being a ‘hot dog’ due to a lack of leaders at CB to tell him to ‘sit the **** there for 10 minutes’ along with our generally dysfunctional team shape. My gut feel is that whilst some supporters don’t rate him, if we were to make him available for transfer there would be a lot of top clubs who’d take him.

  37. Exeter Ex

    Apr 26, 2018, 13:51 #109023

    Badarse had his chance last Friday to change his approach in the face of the new landscape but has maintained an oppositional stance that was originally founded in Wenger In/Out. It is this that makes me think he hasn't accepted what's happened. Perhaps another break is needed to let it fully sink in, and how this changes the dynamics. I know I should try to ignore but it's difficult when you're being called names to resist pointing out that person's manifest and multitudinous hypocrisies. I think we need Wenger to have actually left and have a new man in there filling the vacuum to have some effect on the split in the fanbase.

  38. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 26, 2018, 13:50 #109022

    Badarse. Markymark is right. it's time for you to ditch the 5:2 diet. Move back to something a bit healthier. There's really no need to mention 'inadequacies' either. Is there? Thanks for the concern re. my boney arse. Move on.

  39. markymark

    Apr 26, 2018, 13:27 #109021

    Baddie this constant jealousy around the group of 5 has got to stop. There’s plenty of opportunity to make friends with others if you try had enough . Now in the spirit of the Arsenal family joining , together are you and Toady going tonight?

  40. Badarse

    Apr 26, 2018, 13:09 #109020

    Well Ex you again claim to be a winner and introduce your POV as if fact. Good for you, but I wonder if Ron has revisited his 'intelligent' proclamation? Still young man, I wish you a good day with a limited number of bald eggs. Corny, time to move on, fanning the flames? Would that I could stoke them a bit higher and burn your bony arse. You haven't got a bony arse? Me neither, but it appears to state that I have is accepted as reality on this site. This site and it's a case of my bum doesn't look big in this. Clique isn't issued in spite, the behaviour of a number earned that title. I do not believe a leopard changes it's spots, nor that a speckled hen lays speckled eggs, so I expect a number who have displayed inadequacies in their personality to continue along that road...until they too topple off the end of the old conveyor belt. As for advice from David1, a firm believer in fairy stories he has been indoctrinated into as a babe, it beggars belief. React as necessary gentlemen but why make loud crashing waves to announce to the assembled group-not clique. Sunny side up gentlemen.

  41. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 13:02 #109019

    Isnt it rotten when you just have that thought that another decade of yr life has passed by!. Just read young Ramseys bit about him being at AFC for 10 years. I recall going to what might have been his first game or certainly was one of his first games when we played Cardiff in the FAC in South Wales. He started and was subbed. Seemed overawed by playing v his old club. Recall being on their fans end of the ground and it was terracing at the old Ninian Park. 10 years lads. Bloody ell! What a player he would have become ive always thought if not for Mr ( not that kind of lad) Shawcross. AR was looking the business for re that day at Stoke. I went to that as well. Lousy yr that was, Eduardo as well succumbing to Mr ( he doesnt have an ounce of malice in him) Taylor. i was thinking, had these 2 have blossomed as they shd have been allowed to, Arsenes CV may have altered quite a bit at that time and maybe even the situ and landscape we have now would be perceived differently?. Im sure AW looks back and thinks the same. As they say, small margins of change can create enormous outcomes.

  42. David1

    Apr 26, 2018, 12:40 #109018

    Best to treat Baddie like a nagging wife, with a monotone 'Yes, dear'- a form of tactical ignoring; a pretense of paying attention.

  43. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 26, 2018, 12:22 #109017

    Badarse. There's no need to keep spitefully referring to a 'clique' (that you weren't part of) There's only one clique now and its the ALL Arsenal supporters clique. Move on.

  44. Exeter Ex

    Apr 26, 2018, 12:13 #109016

    Badarse adopts this relaxed ‘Hey, everyone dies in the end, I accept everything’ posture, totally at odds with his words and behaviour on here over many years. He spouts this pseudo-philosophical waffle as if Wenger came to some natural end, rather than being sacked for manifest decline. A decline that some spotted years ago, whilst others didn’t. So yes, the latter group were wrong and the former group were right. Oh and just look at Badarse froth now, here we see his true feelings coming out upon being caught out.

  45. Badarse

    Apr 26, 2018, 12:03 #109015

    Exeter you are an absolute clot. You are clearly obsessed and your glitch is transparent for all to see, as they are in your group, clique, mob, or whatever you conceive the others to be they are too embarrassed to speak out. Rational people do though, whether myself, Ron, Robert Exley, or whoever. Here is an obvious diagnosis, you are dependent on a 'winning' mentality. It shows the frailties you posses as an encumbrance to reality. You must challenge, you must confront, you must vilify in order to support your views and you must rewrite history to endorse where you are in your own personal conflict within your mind. I recognise the traits having worked with many such individuals over the years. The desperate desire to express triumphalism-like Trump-is the fantasy which gives you your raison d'etre. It is transparent my friend. Stop attempting to rewrite history, enjoy the prospects of a new chapter in AFC's personal history, and breathe. As in the tao of pooh, just try to 'be'. Peace and harmony.

  46. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 26, 2018, 12:02 #109014

    Stop fanning the flames Badarse. It's time to move on.

  47. peter wain

    Apr 26, 2018, 11:15 #109013

    whoever it is with this squad if he only has £50 million to spend then all he can achieve is the status quo. To compete to win things we have to spend in excess of £150 million. Anything less and we are treading water. For £50 million we are bottom half I think.

  48. Exeter Ex

    Apr 26, 2018, 11:01 #109012

    "The only difference between myself and a clique, block, mob, rabble, group-large, medium or small-was that I was prepared to see how circumstances played out as natural evolution, others wanted a change. I respected their decision." You respected their decision so much you call them a clique, block, mob and rabble (along with WOR, Dark Moanies and the rest) and railed against them for years on here. How easy Badarse makes it - you simply use his own words against him.

  49. Badarse

    Apr 26, 2018, 10:33 #109011

    Good morning my little bald eggs. How interesting that one tries to rewrite history on here with a hammer, chisel and piece of rock, another, certainly more educated but no more intelligent attempts to rewrite with a fine-nib fountain pen. Nonetheless both are intentions to skew; they are not Irish either because Irish Skew is pretty hot, unless you leave it in the fridge. Some not accepting his time is up? Bizarre. He leaves at the end of the season. Fact! Wanting him gone for years and years and now he is going have been proven right. Even more odd. We are all going to die and to celebrate the fact as another drops off that rumbling conveyor belt is a bit circumspect if claimed as a 'proven'. Of course he was going at some stage and life is fickle and random. You leave on a winning note and superficial individuals rejoice, leave on a down time and people spit on your memory. Chance, happenstance, mushroom omelettes with bits of shell in them, just occurrences. The only difference between myself and a clique, block, mob, rabble, group-large, medium or small-was that I was prepared to see how circumstances played out as natural evolution, others wanted a change. I respected their decision. Our editor is in this school of thought as is Robert Exley, respect for them written large, gentlemen. No conflict. The other aspect which was basically an offshoot of what differentiated the two divisions is the manner of conduct. I have immense respect for Arsene and would challenge those bad-mouthing him, especially when it was all supposition and interpretation. An Arsenal manager without a certain arrogance is no manager for me. Why the 'Stroller' strutted on the pitch and was one of the finest players I ever had the privilege to see. A player with arrogance. I was at Selhurst Park when we won 1-5 and he scored that goal of goals. I have seen Raddy leave the pitch at HT with a torn shirt, blood on his forehead, and wearing a brown kit due to a quagmire of a pitch, and dear old Stroller strutting off with pristine white shorts. He wasn't often seen on the ground, great players rarely are. He was a greater player than manager in my book but a great manager all the same. He was perfect for the zeitgeist. They operated in different times as did Herbie. All incredible and each embellished our 'history'. There is no need for acceptance that Arsene will leave, he shall. No opposition to a new manager as he will become an Arsenal man and if he develops and repeats Arsene's pathway then he too will be hounded and vilified by the same people howling at the moon and calling for his head. I shall not be one of them.

  50. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 26, 2018, 10:12 #109010

    Is it getting carried away to think that Josh Kroenke may give a sh*t about the success of Arsenal and that in Gazidis, Sanllehi and Mislintat we may have a structure in place to try and achieve that success?

  51. Yes its Ron

    Apr 26, 2018, 10:09 #109009

    GR - See yr points. To be honest im not convinced about PV4 s credentials either. Great player and all that, Was he really a great leader? I was never too sure. To me, an ex AFC player at this juncture with the familiarity etc that comes with it is a mistake. We need a total clean break now and a coach strong enough to make his sown imprint on the club as i see it. It calls for a grizzled, hard nosed man with personality and a track record really. Even then he ll have SK and his regime to deal with. Thats not going to change and it will deter such candidates i think. We ll end up with a type of experimental coach and this is why i think it might not work and then later we ll be changing coaches again. Similar to Utds experience but for different reasons. SK needs to see things really not working before he ll alter his approach. For me, hes been a bigger part of AFC s decline than ever AW has. All this tosh that AW has ran the club as his own is total rubbish ive always thought. He had his own area of control of course but only within SKs parameters. AW has simply made the very best of that hand he was given and chosen not to rock SKs boat. Its been too comfortable for them both.

  52. Exeter Ex

    Apr 26, 2018, 9:49 #109008

    How comes you're not reacting the same way as me, Robert? Maybe cos we're two separate individuals with individual responses? I have outlined my personal reasons why I won't be kow-towing to the pervasive demand to thank Wenger; you have chosen to call this vitriolic. But you are the one who is clearly angry that not everyone is responding in the same way as you are to his departure.

  53. markymark

    Apr 26, 2018, 8:24 #109007

    I think we are all agreeing ( well most of us , anyway!!! ) that’s it’s time to move forward. I’m just wondering if it’s now time to look at a ‘ truth and reconciliation committee’ Does anyone know if there any Swedish Diplomats kicking around with time on their hands ?

  54. Bard

    Apr 26, 2018, 8:20 #109006

    Wenger is still at it, dropping little bombs. This time its he was effectively sacked. A nice little comment guaranteed to further split the fanbase. Where is the dignity and higher moral ground that he is always going on about ? Why doesn't he shut up and just get on with managing the last few games. He can write a book about it all at another time. If he wants us all to get behind the club, shut the f*** up and show some class. He is like one of those kids bleating on about 'life's not fair'.

  55. markymark

    Apr 26, 2018, 6:36 #109005

    Gooner Ron - only thing I’d say about Arteta is someone or some group at the Arsenal don’t like him. They all could be purged of course so might not count anyway. The story of the gift of an expensive watch from Arteta to Ivan came from within inside of the club when he was previously in the frame . Who put this cheeky little gossip piece out there? Who knows

  56. mbg

    Apr 26, 2018, 0:35 #109004

    Exeter Ex, good post, yes, after all these years of wanting him out and eventually getting our way we're now not supposed to celebrate, hic, hic, but fooking thank him in some cases, and spread luuuvvvv for TOF and stroke his ego and give him a great send off ? It's been a long time coming and to many embarrassments and humiliations and everything that went with them etc, in that time, so i'm certainly going to continue to enjoy it so there's plenty more celebrating to do yet until we eventually see the back of him, some have a very short memory.

  57. mbg

    Apr 25, 2018, 23:44 #109003

    markymark, he looks like George Graham, love it, does for me. Exeter, so he's admitted it then ? the ultimate ego buster for him, it couldn't have happened to a bigger egoist it was a long time coming, it would have been a fooking shame if it would have happened at the end of the season where he'd have been allowed to and could have slinked away quietly on his terms, this way he's still here and has to face it all, the questions the press etc, hence the blame game and bitterness, the ultimate revenge from Gazidis and the board ? WGOAB.

  58. Robert Exley

    Apr 25, 2018, 23:31 #109002

    @ExeterEx - I spent seven years also writing pieces saying he should go and also being told I was in the wrong. How comes I don't take pleasure in the fact he's going or being proven right. How comes I feel moved to thank him enough for ten trophies and 2004? Maybe I realise there's only a handful of games left to bare it. And maybe I simply don't have enough invested in the vitriol

  59. GoonerRon

    Apr 25, 2018, 23:23 #109001

    @ Ron - the Arteta as assistant is only a small hunch based on a few things: I think Gazidis and Sanellhi’s voices will be strongest in the recommendation to Kroenke and an Enrique/Arteta solution ensures neither losing face, us getting a manager with experience and with someone who knows the club well. He’s joint assistant coach at Citeh so being an assistant in his own right could be a wider remit for him. He’s had five years playing under Wenger, two years working with Pep, maybe experiencing another manager could be of interest to him. under Morning. Im just looking at the Arteta as Asst boss role you suggest. If Pep was to leave would Vieira’s experience make him the next in line for the Citeh job, in which case going to Arsenal as assistant (especially considering his connection to the club) be a faster route to a top job? All conjecture on my part but just had the feel of a potentially neat solution.

  60. Alsace

    Apr 25, 2018, 23:14 #109000

    Now you have said that I want George Graham back. Better still......FERGUSON. I wonder if he could be tempted out of retirement to kick them all up the Arsenal?

  61. Exeter Ex

    Apr 25, 2018, 23:01 #108999

    The predominant school of thought across both mainstream and social media is that even whilst nearly everyone (a couple of obvious exceptions on these pages) now accepts Wenger's time is up, those who have wanted Wenger gone for years and years, who spent years and years being told how wrong they were in thinking that should, now it's happened, take no pleasure in the fact he's going or being proven right, but instead default to an endless thanking of him. Thanking and thanking him. Robert is apparently of this school, so is annoyed we are not all united in this thanking - even while Wenger himself stokes the fires of disunity with each interview he's giving. Wenger was very successful, then very unsuccessful. He has caused a great deal of damage to the club by going on so long. My view is it wasn't worth the early success. I feel AFC might have managed some success in the last 22 years anyway whilst not suffering such record breaking, humiliating defeats, and not garnering a worldwide reputation for such physical and mental weakness. The club is bigger and richer due to TV money, and if Wenger is to be given credit for the stadium, personally I wish that had never happened anyway. I don't like it and I don't like it being named after an Arabian Airline. I find this an insult. I wish we'd stayed at Highbury. Overall, I think Wenger did more harm than good and it would've been better if he'd never got the job in the first place. So no, I won't be thanking him.

  62. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 22:25 #108998

    Alsace - I’d take Allegri on the spurious grounds that he looks very slightly like George Graham

  63. Alsace

    Apr 25, 2018, 22:09 #108997

    The creature has gone. The rest is just noise. There is a game tomorrow night. We can enjoy it and support our club. I want Ancelotti. I always imagine him to be wearing a big string vest with half dried spaghetti sauce and meatballs detritus staining the front of it. We have to have an Italian to make sure that the defence is immediately sorted. Priority number one, two three and four. Then at least we won't be a laughing stock any more.

  64. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 21:41 #108996

    Robert Obviously my point was tongue in cheek but designed to show that 3 titles in 22 years is not a good return . You still seem oddly pee’d off with half the forum for reasons I’m trying to understand? Don Howe and Terry Neil had to engage against a rampant Liverpool . Don Howe was obviously not a great manager however good a coach he was. Obviously you’d look to Clough and Revie in those days as the guys who took on bigger , more popular clubs

  65. Rob1971

    Apr 25, 2018, 21:13 #108995

    Carlo Ancelotti :One Italian title in 17years, One at Chelsea, One at PSG in two years, zero at Real Madrid in two, one at Bayern before being fired for lack of a work ethic.....not a good option for the Arsenal.

  66. Robert Exley

    Apr 25, 2018, 21:06 #108994

    @ExeterEx - with the Graham and Chapman examples you've given, you're peddling a 'who's the greatest?' argument. That's not the word I used. I said he is the most successful ever Arsenal manager. We're surely in the realm of Trumpian 'alternative facts' if we're going to dispute whether ten is higher than six. If we go by the trophies per season ratio that you point out with GG, of course it's skewed by the fact that Wenger has spent more than three times longer in the job. The only comparator you can use on that front is what Wenger won in the same period in which GG was boss (8 full seasons). There you have GG winning six trophies (2 titles), Wenger winning seven (3 titles). Who's the greatest is a subjective opinion and gives you the scope to argue on points like who inherited what from their predecessor, what was the standard of the opposition they were playing against, who had what finances to play with etc. On that point, I probably wouldn't say Wenger. Who's the most successful is simply a case of adding up trophies won. @Markymark - you seriously think even a trained baboon could win the title with Arsenal? I'd be interested to know then how both Terry Neill and Don Howe failed to win one when they were in charge. Especially as the former had Liam Brady and the latter was one of the greatest coaches of all time

  67. NickF

    Apr 25, 2018, 20:14 #108993

    3 paragraph of meaningless drivel before getting to the point which seems to be "be careful what you wish for".


    Apr 25, 2018, 19:36 #108992

    I do have sympathy for Exeter's opinion re Chapman, having read Patrick Barclay's book, but as Ron says it's all a bit pointless. I used to play a lot of tennis & was totally immersed in it's history. The greatest? Take your pick from, say, Big Bill Tilden, Rod Laver, Borg, Sampras & Federer but all from different eras, playing equipment etc. All I would say is that all of them had that extra something which would have made them outstanding champions in whatever era they competed. On the new appointment, I want someone with a bit of a track record ( that wipes out Arteta, PV, TH etc.) but looking for the next step up. Sure Allegri would be safe & very expensive & I just don't like the sound of Enrique. So it's still Jardim or Nagelsmann for me, both of whom seem to be good people motivators as well as excellent coaches - which is important. If AFC go for unproven or an AFC old boy, then that will tell us that there is no real ambition to be anything other than a profitable business Fingers firmly crossed.

  69. Exeter Ex

    Apr 25, 2018, 17:32 #108991

    What I'd like to hear from the new manager: "We deserve nothing. We have to earn it". Nothing about 'special mental quality' please. Presumably the same 'special mental quality' that meant the players had to 'grieve', as Wenger put it, by losing several more games after the League Cup Final. Of course Chapman is the greatest ever AFC manager, he's the one that built it up into a world famous club.

  70. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 17:31 #108990

    Just a few little nuggets I’ve dug up about Enrique , he was famed for his engine as a player and has since competed in Iron man competitions so expect the intensity levels of training to ramp up ( could lead to player grumbles potentially ? ). Enrique fell out with a number of players including Messi , so it sounds like he doesn’t care too much for reputations . After going through trial by fire for changing line ups . He steadied the ship and won 42 out of 50 competitive matches for Barcelona . This stands as an all time record for the club. Potentially it sounds like he could be the man to drill and not put up with any nonsense . Even in the Spanish big 2 League , 42 out of 50 is pretty bloody impressive .

  71. mbg

    Apr 25, 2018, 17:27 #108989

    UNCLE, god post, they both ruined their legacy, but I bet we'll not still be talking about the egoistic arrogant wenger so fondly and with such sentiment in forty odd years time.

  72. Yes its Ron

    Apr 25, 2018, 17:16 #108988

    Depends on what biases we have as well Ex re choosing 'who was best' etc etc doesn't it. Cant see the point in it really. Like comparing Pele to Ronaldo . Pretty pointless. All worked with totally different clubs, different opponents, different conditions, players and finances and different footballing 'climates'. GG for me but AW has a claim as they all do. Its a shame that AW has just hang in for too long and tainted his record as i see it, but many would rightly say that he hasn't and they would/do have an arguable case. Its peoples expectations that have sunk his claim to being the best i think. All these FAC s even 20 years back would have made him the best. He deserved to ride out of town a real AFC hero had he have got his timing right.

  73. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 17:13 #108987

    Clockend_90 - could be a thread all on its own about what we’d like to hear from the new manager . “Hard work , be the best you can be, understand the value of this club is based on effort with skill, never give up. That sort of thing will do for starters

  74. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 25, 2018, 16:30 #108986

    “This group of players deserves something special. I want to do it for them, to achieve something with them because I feel they have a special mental quality. My biggest satisfaction would be to be successful together with the group of players that I have. I’ve seen them behave the whole season and they deserve it". So says Arsene Wenger today. Just think my fellow onlinegooners - come the summer there will be no more of this sh*t!! No more colossally getting it wrong about the squad he has put together and so feebly represent our club. Happy days may well be here again!

  75. Exeter Ex

    Apr 25, 2018, 16:27 #108985

    It's also damaging to the club's image to fan the flames of disunity by making out it's why you've been sacked - as he has admitted he was today, 'not really my decision' - rather than the truth, which is poor results. As for most successful manager, GG's trophy to seasons ratio is superior, and Chapman left a platform for success for years to come, whilst post-Wenger requires a major rebuilding. So it's not a 'fact' Wenger was the most successful but a matter of what variables you choose to apply.

  76. Yes its Ron

    Apr 25, 2018, 16:13 #108984

    The man from ... - agree there matey. Suspicious Minds, one of his best if not his best ive always thought. 1970 ish was it?

  77. The Man From UNCLE

    Apr 25, 2018, 15:38 #108983

    The Elvis / Arsene link up is quite appropriate. A Fool Such As I, The Last Farewell, You're Right I'm Left She's Gone, For Old Times Sake, You'll Be Gone, Come What May, Until It's Time For You To Go.....I could go on and on. IMHO the King brought out some of his finest material between 1969-1975 but the last album Moody Blue was dire.

  78. mbg

    Apr 25, 2018, 15:05 #108982

    Yes Fawn over TOF and give him a heroes send off ? when he's never tasted a juicy cheeseburger in his life ? WGOAB

  79. mbg

    Apr 25, 2018, 14:38 #108981

    So the racist joke of the site has made a friend of you Robert and is willing to take a bullet for you, i'm sure that's made your day.

  80. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 13:57 #108980

    MAF - bring back the Police band , bring back the badge

  81. Yes its Ron

    Apr 25, 2018, 13:45 #108979

    SKG - Ha . I cant really see Bouldy getting into the frame, can you? Im not sure he d even like to be. I was wondering though about him and his back room colleagues the other day. It must be hard for them at the moment as the chances are that with AW leaving, their jobs are now very much in the balance. It must be a pretty downbeat place at London Colney right now. Not good with the AM tie coming up.

  82. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 13:38 #108978

    Robert I fully understand that people using the term “mongs” has no place on the site . This language was used by a wild poster on here recently and regularly by Jameeson . Where the flack has arisen is that the group who post on here are not using that terminology have under extremely unpleasant trolling by Jameeson , Leek , Colesey . Mostly kept good humour . Therefore perhaps the message needed to be filtered a little to confirm who it was directed at. Yes 10 trophies 22 years fact , also 3 titles 22 years against 2 titles 6 years fact. If you gave a trained baboon 22 years as boss of Arsenal with all st our disposal I think the chestbeating and arse showing could have been successfully interpreted by Bould or Rice to win something .

  83. Robert Exley

    Apr 25, 2018, 12:58 #108977

    @MarkyMark - My comment wasn't aimed at anyone on here (although, I've gotta say the frequent Wenger in/out p***ing competitions in the comment section are a little tiring, especially if you haven't even mentioned Wenger in your article and it bares no relevance to what you've written). Basically, there was a certain Arsenal related Facebook group who self-define was 'Wenger Outs' (as well as railing against commercialism in football while asking you to buy merchandise) who took exception to being name checked in the piece and ordered it to be amended. I've actually since Tweeted them a screenshot of their frequent habit of calling people they disagree with as 'mongs' and that my description of them as ignorant and obnoxious tubthumpers was fair comment (they've also claimed to be the only site calling 'Wenger out' in 2012, despite the fact I've pointed out articles to that effect which pre-dates this, showing that my accusations of self-aggrandising towards them were also a fair comment. In essence, I think it's about time people realise the Wenger In/Out spat was arse with two cheeks. For one cheek see aforementioned Facebook group calling people 'mongs', for the other see the Meerkat fool from Blackburn on Twitter who claimed Wenger Outs secretly enjoyed an Arsenal defeat in the same manner that the far right secretly enjoy an act of Islamic terrorism. In that respect, Wenger was sort of right when he mentioned its damage to the club's image (though of course, he should have had the self awareness to quit a lot earlier and spare us this). Basically, I've called for Wenger to leave for years, but I think I've been fair and balanced in what I've written and not resorted to personal abuse of Wenger, others clearly have and really, now he's quit they should cut out the triumphalism (though frankly, I think some of them have got far too much invested in the vitriol to let it go). I personally think now one side has won the argument, the vitriol should be dropped and the fans should get behind the side, and yes, give Wenger a dignified and respectful send off. Because whether you like it or not, Arsenal fans owe Wenger a lot. We don't owe him our future, but he deserves respect as Arsenal's most successful ever boss - which is fact, not opinion. If you don't believe me just simply do the counting. Wenger's won ten trophies, George Graham six, Herbert Chapman three, George Allison three, Tom Whittaker three, Bertie Mee three, Terry Neill one. Thank you for listening

  84. Exiled in Pt

    Apr 25, 2018, 12:42 #108976

    Lets hope it is Enrique or someone of his standing that gets the job but would not be surprised if they went with Arteta .Proof will be there for all of us to see once the choice is made , just how much intent this owner and board have got !! To me they are no better than the old fraud they supposedly just got rid off..Time will tell as far as i can see for the benefit of the club we have got rid of one we now need them to follow him into the sunset ..........

  85. Yes its Ron

    Apr 25, 2018, 12:06 #108975

    GR - Morning. Im just looking at the Arteta as Asst boss role you suggest. Why would he choose to do the same job at Arsenal as he does at City but on far bigger wages? Im not sure he would really. Some where there might be a role at Arsenal for MA but as an Asst, im not sure really. Its a strange one isnt it. Many rate MA as a man and rightly so from what ive seen and heard from him at times. Does he really have a pull for Arsenal do you think?

  86. Exeter Ex

    Apr 25, 2018, 12:05 #108974

    "poor old Paddington got some unwarranted abuse for agreeing with something in one of my posts" ... "nowhere was confrontational abuse mentioned". For someone so unintelligent, it should worry you how easy I find it to show up your contradictions and hypocrisies. Your last two posts illustrate why there was disagreement with Ron over you being a 'decent poster'. As I said before, you characterise simple disagreement - such as with Ron, with Robert - as abuse, then deny you've said what you've just said. But if you're happy to keep 'challenging', then us unintelligent ones are going to keep showing up your 'challenges' for what they are. And you'll keep running away, then coming back, then running away again...

  87. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 11:55 #108973

    A Cornish - I’ll look that up , I really didnt expect our Momentum man to be posting under yet another pseudonym post the Brian debacle

  88. MAF

    Apr 25, 2018, 11:32 #108972

    i do think Arsenal should bring back that Elvis song playing one min Prior Teams walk out. gets People in the mood. Anfield, West ham, chelsea all do this. it helps

  89. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 25, 2018, 11:32 #108971

    markymark. To be fair to Badarse and to put the record straight, he HAS written articles. As I've mentioned in previous posts he has written ten or so articles under the name of ALEX STEINE. Just google 'online gooner Alex Steine'

  90. Badarse

    Apr 25, 2018, 11:22 #108970

    Eggman I can expound even exEuro with the best of them. I choose not to engage with certain types. I was schooled as a youngster never to engage with a fool as others would not be able to see the difference between the two. Nowhere was confrontational abuse mentioned-I see you are taking tips from the fake news master, the Nark. You have never pressed, you have demanded, and with an open-secret type agenda, to try to force confrontations, that chummy is your glitch, it needs seeing to or is it a seven year glitch and the clock is ticking? I have no desire to engage. I wouldn't berate AW but am happy challenging dimwits and rude Muppets on this site. Now rewrite that. Do you not think any rational individual may think you are what I call you. Oh, and as it's so important to you I disagree with Ron on some matters as stated. One is that you are intelligent. I think you educated, not intelligent. Intelligence is far too complex to bestow on most as a panacea. You can educate a monkey, but someone from an Amazonian jungle may be supremely intelligent-look at Tarzan!

  91. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 11:20 #108969

    Baddie your such a tool ( of the Wenger regime ) , dark moanies, rabble , wor , random digs at Judaism , constantly try and dig MBG for politics ( he never mentions it ) whilst boring us stupid with your pompous Momentum routine Grow up you 80 year old halfwit , move on and stop the cowardly sniping Wenger’s gone we told you it was going to happen , it’s not our fault you chose not to believe it

  92. Exeter Ex

    Apr 25, 2018, 10:38 #108968

    What others accept as reasoned disagreement, Badarse characterises as confrontational abuse. This is chiefly due to his own inability to expound when pressed. In the above comment he is trying to stoke divisions in the hope of gaining allies.

  93. Badarse

    Apr 25, 2018, 10:16 #108967

    Well I did warn you Robert, run for safety, I'll draw their fire and cover you. I wanted to add this as poor old Paddington got some unwarranted abuse for agreeing with something in one of my posts-we have had our differences, we are all different so why shouldn't that be?-but we go back a long way. Why we can remember when Stoke-aptly now named the Orcs-were a superb footballing side. Greenhoff, Ritchie, Dobing, Banks, our own George Eastham, being knocked out of the FA Cup S/Fs by us in '71 and '72, whilst beating CFC in the '72 League Cup Final, which memory says was their first ever trophy. You cannot eradicate history or connections between people who share a similar account of events. This is not to mention my hero Joe Baker or marmalade! It leads me onto SKG. I have gently teased him for being an 'Eeyore' in the past but we too go back a long way. Differing upbringings, different outlooks on some issues, but a river deep love of those old red shirts with white sleeves, and I get his angst. Bard is totally consistent, sometimes the blood rushes to his head and he says questionable things but that's what you get if you sleep upside down in a wardrobe. Even Moscow although we are from opposite sides of the tracks politically we walk in the same direction with a general desire for the same goals, we are just on opposite sides of the street. When he doesn't allow his politics to colour his views I have quite a lot of respect for them. Some like Gaz, Nark, equaliser are just silly boys. Some others are more suspect. Right I hope I have diffused any criticism directed at Ron-try having a go at the others now. Good old omelettes, good old Arsenal.

  94. Exeter Ex

    Apr 25, 2018, 9:33 #108966

    Robert - given your concerns about fan unity, how do you feel Wenger's post-match comments helped or hindered here?

  95. Bard

    Apr 25, 2018, 9:23 #108965

    Robert. Im a fan of your historical posts but you seem a tad thin skinned in the light of your recent piece. If you post an opinion piece there will always be posters who disagree. That seems healthy. You need to ignore it and not start making snide little comments about trolls. The fact that some of us feel really pleased Wenger had been effectively sacked is just a point of view, no better no worse than those who are heartbroken that their Messiah has left. I had you down as being above the playground name calling.

  96. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 8:38 #108964

    Baddie - I’ve already written roughly 4 articles for this site and have a 5th in the planning ( unless somebody covers it in the meantime) how about you , the man who blathers from the sidelines but never written an article for the Gooner. Aligns himself with the Racist Toad , or go crazy and write one yourself. Jeez Louise . I’m surprised you’ve tried arguing that one.

  97. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Apr 25, 2018, 8:30 #108963

    Ron, your comments about SK punishing the fans, the board have stated that they "will be bold" (Bould) in their appointment. Just pray that the play on words is my cynical mind and not based on any future SK planning.

  98. Badarse

    Apr 25, 2018, 8:29 #108962

    What a diplomatic gentleman Robert Exley is. Look out Robert the Dark Moanies smell blood. Nark you say that you wish Ollie was still with us, me too, but his decision. The MAYDUP man with whom you align yourself, 'Oi don't tink...' is racist, 'Mental speerit...' isn't, believed Ollie to be a cart horse. Sit down together, write your reasons for your views, (only in joined up writing), then discuss.

  99. Moscowgooner

    Apr 25, 2018, 8:17 #108961

    What I couldn't accept about AW's comments was that he talked about 'damaging the global image of the club' rather than the damage to his own ego from fan dissent. Rubbish frankly. Anyway it's over now. Pointless to bicker any longer. We need unity to get past Atletico - from the stands and from the players. We have had very few chances in my lifetime to get this close to lifting a European trophy and we can't blow it now because of apathy or internecine battles between supporters. Victoria Concordia Crescit. It should begin tomorrow night.

  100. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 6:35 #108960

    Strong rumours that Ancelotti will be the new Italian manager and Loew is quoted about being concerned over his own burn out post World Cup. I’m thinking the shortening odds on Enrique could be pointing in his direction

  101. markymark

    Apr 25, 2018, 5:46 #108959

    Robert - I’m a bit surprised actually disappointed that you’ve joined the group view that anyone who bites back against a Wenger love in is a troll. There were s number off trolls on this site all pro Wenger from memory. Your capacity for differing viewpoints appears brittle. I’ll be there Thursday and I won’t be singing there’s only one Arsene Wenger.

  102. mbg

    Apr 25, 2018, 0:41 #108958

    Bob Bayliss, yes it seems we're all expected to fawn over him his achievements now, and the fact a hell of a lot of us aren't and not going to is where this newly found anger and hatred from his AKB luvvies is coming from now.

  103. Robert Exley

    Apr 24, 2018, 22:32 #108957

    I've seen some say the Elvis analogy is flawed. Sorry, gotta defend it. @ExeterEx - don't buy the idea Elvis lifted then damaged only himself. He'd turned quite conservative, allied with Nixon and pushed for the Beatles to be banned from America for being unwholesome, un-American druggies (bit hypocritical seeing how he died). @BobBayliss - don't quite buy that Elvis didn't outstay his welcome. He'd become a bit of a joke figure by '77 and a shadow of himself, hence why punks cheered (Johnny Rotten even went as far as saying 'good riddance to bad rubbish). But anyway. Seems that certain people liked the article until they realised I was criticising their triumphalism. Kind of reinforces my view that hope doesn't lie in the trolls

  104. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 21:28 #108956

    CORNISH GOONER, good post, yes not a top club in the world (or more importantly their fans) would have tolerated the stagnation we did (well not all of us)but like I've said they've sacked wenger now and that has to be read as showing ambition otherwise why do it (it wouldn't have come as much as a surprise if they hadn't and even given him another year on top) why do that if their going to just carry on regardless with the status quo, lets hope there's a bigger budget forth coming and for the right man to put things right, when fans (and we know who they were) were blaming Kroenke and not wenger I've always maintained and believed there was plenty of dough available to/for TOF for signings, proper signings but he didn't want it (and of course Kroenke got the blame) preferring instead to carry on and do things his way, until of course and as usual he ballsed everything up with his cheapies and second raters, and then a big money signing (nobody else wanted)was bought or fested upon us to keep us happy, well it's all backfired on him now and caught up with him (and not before time and of course he and his fans are still blaming everybody else even the WOB's) time will tell of course but lets hope he carries on showing ambition with a proper manager with ambition himself with a decent budget on top of all the sales and what have you, and the manager takes it and uses it and even asks for more, and doesn't throw it back at him, exciting times ahead. WGOAB.

  105. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 20:43 #108955

    Gooner Ron - I’m with you on that one. I just wish for the new managers sake we’d not sold Giroud , would have been a useful option. I just wonder if Lacazette will be sold even at 15m loss, it still frees up cash followed by the sale of Ramsey. MBG - I never got around to saying well done. I hope the hangover has now receeded . Exciting times ahead!

  106. Bob Bayliss

    Apr 24, 2018, 20:40 #108954

    The Elvis analogy is deeply flawed for many reasons. He was an individual music icon, not manager of a team. No-one had to buy his music or listen to him. And, most of all, he did not outstay his welcome. He left the stage early. Wenger has presided over a deep, lasting decline. He has refused to go, and no-one has held him to account. For that reason, I will not fawn over his earlier achievements. He can't have 10 years' worth of unearned money and the respect he would have been due had he gone when he should. He should go - and go quietly.

  107. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 20:24 #108953

    markymark, lets hope your right, exciting times ahead. WGOAB.

  108. GoonerRon

    Apr 24, 2018, 20:24 #108952

    @ Cornish - couldn’t put it better myself. If true, I’m not entirely sure the £50m budget will put the ‘big names’ off - I reckon they’d all fancy their chances of getting ‘a bounce’ with the existing squad through a better team structure, more defensive balance and add in a top level defensive midfielder. I’d imagine the ‘sell’ to them will be a big salary, 4 or 5 year deal and an understanding it will take £30-50m net spend per transfer window over 3 or 4 windows before talk of genuine tilts at the league title will kick in. I wouldn’t be surprised with Luis Enrique and Arteta as his assistant.

  109. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 19:48 #108951

    Badarse - it is now time to move on and look forward. When are you next going to the Emirates ?


    Apr 24, 2018, 19:46 #108950

    Oh for god's sake, the bloody bickering should stop now. Triumphalism? NO! Relief that a new, hopefully exciting, era might be upon us? Definitely YES! AW was only in his forties when he arrived & was seen as a huge risk but for c10 years it worked. AFC is now massive - but would the fans of Man U, the top Spanish, German & Italian clubs have quietly tolerated such stagnation as we have been through? If the Club's latest on-line survey is anything to go, by there are still great doubts that we will remain a business first & a football club second. However, let's be optimistic. I want to see another imaginative appointment but NOT Arteta ffs. If the stories of a very modest budget for this Summer are correct, then the list of candidates reduces dramatically imo. I think it rules out Allegri, Ancelotti & Enrique who are all big budget boys - although Carlo would be a "safe" pair of hands. And I can't see the volatile Diego fitting in with AFC's culture at all. For me, Jardim & Nagelsmann are the ones worth a punt. Nagelsmann's achievements at only 30 are truly exceptional & he could be the next 'Special One"? I like Tuchel also but am assuming that his fallout with Sven will kybosh any approach there. No-one older than 48 please Ivan.

  111. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 19:35 #108949

    Gleaning what I can from the newspapers ( btw the Daily Gleaner is definitely the best named newspaper ) The new coach will be given £50m. In reality I’d suggest it’s more a £100m as players will be sold. Luis Enrique has apparently said he wants the challenge and is coming in now at 2/1 with the bookies. Further speculation suggests Arsenal want a strict disciplinarian and motivator ( which if true suggests the board may have looked at the Ox ) and are not overly happy

  112. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 18:29 #108948

    Exeter Ex - well spotted

  113. Badarse

    Apr 24, 2018, 18:18 #108946

    Just a moot point, socialists are against poverty, not wealth.

  114. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 18:02 #108945

    Exeter Ex, yes when he tries to make light and fun of it it's a sure sign he's cornered, he' be heading off to stroke and feed his own blossoms soon now, pansies of course. WGOAB.

  115. GoonGoonerGone

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:59 #108944

    For me, Wenger was the embodiment of arrogance. He truly believed that he, and only he knew all the answers to Arsenal's woes. Furthermore, the delusion that he subscribed to, that of being Arsenal's 'messiah' was a fatal flaw, much like the kings of yore who believed that it was their divine right to rule. The guillotine has landed, Wenger is know carrying his metaphorical head and the 'rabble on the street' he so hated, the ones who dared commit the treason of questioning him are now baiting him. Arrogance disguised as an honourable sacrifice is at most an insult to the long-suffering Arsenal fans who rightly called Wenger for what he was- a sham masquerading as a socialist do-gooder who quietly siphoned off 11 million pounds a year for "playing with the handbrakes on" and lacking "mental speerit".

  116. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:20 #108943

    Im right with Baddie on the fan base rift. I can only underpin his view by my own micro experience of the fan base. Among roughly 7-10 people who for many years at different times or games i went to games with up to 2013 at home and up to 18 months/2 yrs ago with a few chosen away day trips, the level of fall out was caustic among men/2 women friends/associates who are all worthy of respect in all ways - until it comes to football. It ended there and to be honest the exchanges about AW were less than edifying for a few of them. It became very unpleasant at times. boring too! It was one of the reasons i stopped doing even the away games. Im pretty sure rifts have occurred generally. As Baddie says, they ll maybe take a long time to heal because theyve been there for many years. I recall some shouting for AW to be removed well before Chelsea turned up for the party. Madness then surely? I thought so back then. Others have maligned him from more or less day 1! We cant blame the media for all the faults of peoples exchanges about football but much of what we hear and read is in my view parroted from what SKY et all offered up. The whole media, social media, 'expert' base and TV presenter fraternity has as there objective the end result of creating friction and disharmony and angst. Its cleverly done isnt it. They do create a diet though for many who both wittingly and unwittingly gobble it up voraciously and then go back and like Oli Twist, ask for more. The TV and media are laughing back, as they stoke it up and ladle it out generously and to differing extents we ve all fallen prey to it at times unsurprisingly. Football just isnt worth it.

  117. Exeter Ex

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:20 #108942

    Note he always resorts to these sketches when cornered. I sense another router breakdown coming on next... "Anyone who believes a change of manager is vital to our success is entitled to that opinion" Some things go beyond opinion. It's not actually possible, using rational thought, to give a valid opinion otherwise. Which is why we didn't hear one and why it's happened.

  118. Badarse

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:19 #108941

    Thank you for the compliments MAYDUP man, you are such a 'Blossom'.

  119. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:16 #108940

    So the joke of the site has crawled out of his pit to tell us all where we're going wrong and put us to rights with his expert and vastly superior views, and it's only ? and has found himself a new mate ? just wait for the fawning around him, until his racist brother arrives anyway. WGOAB

  120. Badarse

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:03 #108939

    He washed his swash, then buckled his buckle; Cap'n Jack 'Bluetit' Badarse was ready for the Bounty. He undid the wrapper and popped the bar in sideways, a trick he'd learned to do with his mouth since meeting AKB(and we all know what the B stands for 'Bounty Bar'). He looked for some bait but hadn't any left yet from the corner of his patched eye he saw some slithering things. Oh no, it was just the crew swabbing the decks with their 'Winkle Out' T-shirts as all the s'WOBs were gone. 'Are ye sWOBs, me hearties?' "R!" they all grunted. 'So it be WOR?' "BWOR?" they chorused in Acapella harmony through victory. They were confused and when the order came for them to walk the plank they argued about who was the 'plank' of the crew, Nark or MAYDUP man. Both climbed into the rigging to drink their Tiny Totts of rum, dear 'Sunshine' and 'Blossom'. Then Cap'n Badarse noted the wind up, as in 'i', not 'eye'. So he began to soothe the crew with a rendition of 'Sailing'.

  121. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 17:00 #108938

    Baddie - your point was fine in general until again you down this route of calling people rabble . It’s really odd thing for a supposed leftie to use old school right wing terminology . The Term rabble is used by regimist to denigrate ferment from the masses. Is this how you see yourself ? An establishment regimist ? Must be hard to work that one with your supposed views. Btw. The rabble you describe are from what I can make out a group of thoughtful gentleman who look at your arguments and critique them. Hardly a rabble. You’ve fallen into this cycle of faux loyalty mixed with borderline trolling . Your only mate continually makes racist remarks against the Irish. Not a good place to be pal .

  122. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:56 #108937

    Ron, tooaw and a fair point, now there's a first, however I agree with you we will probably do a moyes on this, but like I and others have always said the new man will have and get my and no doubt others especially on here full support for the length of his contract and even further (heaven knows he's going to need it to put things right and clean up after the last one) providing he's doing the right things and going in the right direction, on and off the pitch especially on it (I doubt very much he'll get thirteen fourteen years though especially from the wengerites) and not a complete failure and way out of his depth like the last one. As for Kroenke and the board yes i'd also like to see a more ambitious regime, but remember they've got rid of wenger and at this moment and time wenger seems to be bitter about, so at least they've got something right, personally i'll wait for now and see just how ambitious they are, but regardless who it is they're going to have a hell of a job on their hands cleaning up after wenger, and inevitably i'd say it'll be Kroenke and the board getting the blame if it does go tits up, especially from one side of the fan base.

  123. Exeter Ex

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:53 #108936

    "I am not trying to wind people up as a pursuit." ClockEnd90 has starkly exposed otherwise. You have one problem with what you've just written - absolutely no one on here buys it. It's only what's going on in your head, I'm afraid. So, to quote you again, writing it is "pointless anyway".

  124. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:47 #108935

    David1- yes matey. Nice points and very true factually but we have to factor in that the new man will likely as much have his hands tied money wise. That doesn't happen really at Utd. They were in decline too. RVP s efforts masked a lot as LVG found out later as RVP declined rapidly. The new man it seems to me is going to have a lot of fan pressure on him in his face but at his back, an owner who wont change tack. With much respect to you David there is much in my view that suggests there is every chance that the transition will be a painful one, for both Coach and fans. I truly think this owner doesnt care too much. A similar performance plane to Arsenes exiting one will as i see it satisfy him. Yes, he ll hope for top 4 again and a new coach - the right one - may manage it. As you say, al the best good luck to him. I honestly think he ll need the sun moon and stars to align perfectly for him to radically change Arsenals fortunes too much in the shorter term. I want to be totally wrong in which case please do alert me to your post!!

  125. Badarse

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:36 #108934

    Nark, MAYDUP man, ClockEnd-90, (28 years of age, or you are 90, or you began your support in '90?), and Eggman. I am not trying to wind people up as a pursuit. I state a point and draw barracking from a group who identify with each other. Fair-minded people who only see there views, attitudes, belief systems and behaviour as operative. One issues a challenge to explain. That is confrontational and I walk away. The only other alternative is to attack in a soft illustrative manner. To show the aggressor up for what they are. I have a simple creed and it is this. I recognised much wrong with my club and the circumstances of defeats, upsets etc., wounded me as much as the next. That is a statement of fact. IU did not want to join a lynch mob on a social media site. It is not me, and is pointless anyway. To demonstrate is a just cause if perpetrated with dignity. To howl at the moon, to wish defeat on my club to justify a change of manager is an obscenity to some fans, I am one of those fans. I have heroes down the ages but anyone who represents my club is part of my Arsenal family. Attack them and I shall return fire. Hence my teasing in the best humour that I could offer. I think any small child would understand and recognise that, not some on this site though. When insulted the gloves come off, isn't that a natural reaction? I give my critique of a good post and am chastised as a boot-licker. It goes well with all the rubbish offered as a CV by the WOR. The gang of five perfectly epitomise that R for rabble. Anyone who believes a change of manager is vital to our success is entitled to that opinion and I would defend that right, as in Bard. I have said this before and oft quoted Voltaire to support that way of thinking. It isn't difficult to comprehend. Incidentally, Elvis was quite unique as a singer and performer, iconic certainly, but every bit a 'Richard'.

  126. David1

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:28 #108933

    There shouldn't be the same transitional issues that there were at Man U for lots of reasons. Firstly the board has been making operational changes in prep for this for the last couple of years. Secondly, Fergie achieved virtually everything it's possible to achieve, whereas Wenger hasn't. AW didn't win the CL, and he didn't dominate the PL either; although he proved the most successful manager in FA Cup history. Not bad, but falls short of what Arsenal - board, fans, players and manager - really want. The new manager won't have to emulate AW; he will have to break new ground - Arsenal doesn't need someone to succeed AW, they need someone to improve on his record. AWs main priority was to win the CL. In those first 10 years, he built a side capable of doing it, and like hiking up Everest, by the time the pinnacle was in sight in 2006, his side was past its peak, and ran out of oxygen 100m from the summit. Great effort, but however agonizingly close it was, it wasn't close enough. There is room for a new man to achieve what Wenger never did. C'mon the new guy!

  127. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:22 #108932

    Gaz - people who want a reaction have clever ways of getting reactions.

  128. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:19 #108931

    Clockend_90. Baddies post was fine until this: "Just the ability to do what I am doing, giving my POV, is often seen as a transgression by some." Do you see what he's done there? If he'd left that whole quote out or taken 'I' or 'my' out of the quote and made a general point about abuse both ways there wouldn't be a problem. But he didn't did he?

  129. Exeter Ex

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:09 #108930

    "the divisions have always been there, they are just emphasised by technology and media corruption" Badarse that's a very good general point. Unfortunately however you don't 'just' give your POV. You attack the POVs of others in a highminded and superior manner, and when challenged double down, refuse to expound with that same manner. It is this that gets you attacked. You had the chance to hold your hands up and admit you were wrong to continue to back Wenger, instead you've carried on in the same manner, despite what's happened. GoonerRon for example managed to evolve his position; you did not. SKG - that's a very good point, look what Wenger's leaving behind compared to Chapman. It's all got to be ripped up and start again. Bard - another good point, 6th is about as low as it's possible for AFC to go under any manager in this league.

  130. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:08 #108929

    MarkyMark, it's a game of one-upmanship. And in a game of one-upmanship online no one is one up for long, because the equalizer is always coming. As a Wenger Out man you have won the battle and the war. Doesn't that give you a glow of satisfaction that doesn't require rising to Badarse's or anyone elses bait?

  131. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 16:02 #108928

    Clockend_90 - the problem is, you also have to to look at the Baddie post in the previous thread . We have Baddie on this thread doing his woe at me act, previous thread he’s doing his usual shouting and raving. It’s Baddie who kept on attacking us WOBs ( rabble he called us ) for attacking the manager . As Ivan has listened to the rabble and not him I’d suggest it’s for Baddie to ‘move on’ as you put it. I’ve got what I want . Have you?

  132. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 15:55 #108927

    markymark, good post, yes the AKB's are in meltdown (especially his bidet polishers and die hards)just like their messiah, hitting out at, and blaming everyone and everything (as usual) except the real cause, and as you and others have said wenger himself fanned the flames for that, still in denial, but I'd say knew full well what he was doing (it would be a first) yes it's the AKB wengerites who need to pull back and calm down now, whether they like it or not they have lost, it's over, but I suspect wenger is as bitter as them and going by what he's had to say since news broke and be as manipulative as he has been he's not ready to let that happen in a hurry. WGOAB.

  133. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 24, 2018, 15:41 #108926

    MarkyMark, you've seen what Badarse has written. Do you really need to react? There is every possibility you can just move on. It's possible we can all get behind the Arsenal. I think it's possible that we can put our disputes to one side and that Victory Through Harmony may well be very prophetic words. Up the Arse!

  134. Badarse

    Apr 24, 2018, 15:17 #108925

    Well Robert I join the plaudits, a well-written and observant piece. Where I find a fork in the road is the expectation, or longed for anticipation of solidarity amongst the fanbase. We have had so many years of 'dissing' unity. The Miner's Strike was a watershed moment. Bloody Sunday before it, Parliamentarians with feet of clay, high profile acts of outrage at home in the Stephen Lawrence murder and cover up, Hillsborough and it's 96, the bankers, and as an end piece Brexit resulting from a referendum which should never have been held, which hallmarked a complete abdication of responsibility by the sitting government. As mentioned on a previous thread the divisions have always been there, they are just emphasised by technology and media corruption. There is no going back. I just believe the feelings will subside, lie dormant, but ever ready to be resurrected at the first false move, whether we discuss AFC, or any other situation which 'today' throws at us. Just the ability to do what I am doing, giving my POV, is often seen as a transgression by some. Their opposing view is pronounced, often rude, regularly based on supposition and interpretation, and woe betide anyone who challenges it. It can result in vitriolic abuse with insults aplenty. Racist, liar, homophobe, sexist, right-wing zealot, and perhaps the most offensive accusation a Man U fan! How do you come back from that, with a verbal handshake? A warm shake of the throat more like. That is life, evolution is happening as we speak and this displays one such disadvantage, which is offered as a template to current society. So the beat goes on. Thankfully away from the webs there is real life. So life will show as normal, however those airwaves will be stoked and prodded constantly by a dissolute media, trying to bring discourse wherever and whenever a story is required. Victory Through Harmony still counts for something in my book though. Good old Arsenal.

  135. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 15:09 #108924

    Lads - yr points are good. Its a very attractive club job but yr posts are why i think its a poisoned chalice and we ll find that one change of coach is maybe likely not to achieve very much. Arsene going now in itself isnt the jolt this owner needs. Without doom mongering, the club may well need further decline and a Coach to come in and fail before they really do wake up and smell the coffee? Taking cynicism to its level, SK might think some 'punishment' for the fans who complained about Arsene might now be appropriate hence, little funding and a less than inspiring appointment? SK equally as much as AW is the architect of where Arsenal are now. AW has took all of the blame but its never been just him, he just bought into what was all that offered to him and followed the owners lead. Yes, AW did it willingly and chose to stay but 100% of the blame on him has never been fair in my view. SK should be the next target for the supporters ire and should have been so a long time back.

  136. MAF

    Apr 24, 2018, 15:05 #108923

    the fans did well and forced the club's Hand re wenger. can we now do the same re the owner..? we got the wrong american. i prefer the ones Liverpool have..

  137. Bard

    Apr 24, 2018, 14:56 #108922

    I don't think we need to worry too much about who the next manager will be. There are some very experienced guys behind he scenes who will appoint someone who will make a difference. The bar is so low at Arsenal, battling with 'Burnley for 6th spot, he cant fail really. As I have said if he can sort out our defence we are already a better side than we are now without any new additions. If he isn't the real deal then he will be sacked and we will get someone else in. This is how football works at most clubs except the last decade at Arsenal. All this hand wringing and worry about what will happen next ignores the fact that currently we are s****. We can only get better.

  138. TonyEvans

    Apr 24, 2018, 14:54 #108921

    Hi Ron - agree the board are in a very difficult place. They have been forced to act on Wenger (kicking and screaming) because they know damn well whoever comes in will not be prepared to be their fall guy anymore. If stories about a £50M transfer budget can be believed it could well end up being the task from hell, and virtually nigh on impossible to get us challenging in the PL and CL - this will seriously reduce the boards choice and could well mean an Arteta type coming in, who will just be grateful for the opportunity of a lifetime to manage what is still a top club.

  139. mbg

    Apr 24, 2018, 14:46 #108920

    And it won't bring peace either Robert not proper peace anyway (not like the peace there was before he became egoistic and arrogant and caused and ruined it all.

  140. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 13:51 #108919

    Tony - re yr Arteta point, i ll just stick this post on here off last thread if i can be indulged. 'rabbit from the hat' is the risk. Agreed. i think its A fair point made by TOOAW to ask exactly who our Board have the strength to appoint. Its a concern. Theyve been very much feather bedded by having AW around for so long who has followed their financial lead slavishly for so long without public utterances of any type in that respect. AW has been unique in that regard and they've been lucky, though perhaps have bought his silence by the salary paid to him. The risk in appointing a hard nosed, successful, good CV backed Coach is that his only concern will be whats out there on the pitch or how to improve whats out there so as not to tarnish his CV. Its a culture shock this Board might have a problem with. On this basis fans should brace themselves i feel for a less than exciting and untried lesser light to take Wengers place. Arteta keeps being mentioned. He may fit the Boards bill. I think Arsene Wenger will counsel them on this aspect of things too. If its attractive to such as Arteta such a man has to ask himself if its a bit of a poisened chalice. MA seems well regarded in the game now and hes on a trajectory we assume, leading to a top post some where i would guess while doing his tutelage under PG. Is it wise to take what on the face of it is a very attractive job but to agree to try and work with the same constraints as AW has for so long? Its a risk for him given he has no experience in the hotseat to help him i think. Arteta is a top bloke i feel. Always liked him even before we signed him. I wouldnt like to see him become a Moyesesque type fall guy. Much to ponder for him and hes much to lose (or any man like him has too) and AFC as well. The club is very much in virgin territory and that can often lead to disjointed decisions.

  141. TonyEvans

    Apr 24, 2018, 13:11 #108918

    Reading between the lines it would appear to me that Gazedis is aspiring to pull another rabbit out of that akin to Wenger's appointment in 1996. Big mistake, for me, if that is the case - our new manager will not be inheriting arguably the best back four / keeper to grace the PL and no Dennis Bergkamp. It is going to be a tough ask which surely requires an experienced hand at the tiller in the first instance. Arteta as a number two to start with would work for me.

  142. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Apr 24, 2018, 12:58 #108917

    Great piece Robert as usual and I get the comparison. Wenger going will be as good for him as it will be for Arsenal. I expected Wenger to blame the fans, it fits in with his current mindset, he has surrounded himself with frictionless yes men which has helped breed the apathy and malaise that surrounds the team. It annoys me greatly that Wenger is constantly called our "greatest ever manager" sorry he just cannot be compared with Chapman when considering the major importance of staff appointments alone, Chapman surrounded himself with very capable personnel whose input was encouraged. Allison and Whittaker went on to manage title winning Arsenal teams, most of Wenger staff will have to be culled to raise the coaching and training levels to the heights required to compete at the top - that is not the legacy of a great manager. and

  143. 1971 Gooner

    Apr 24, 2018, 12:52 #108916

    A very thoughtful and balanced piece Robert, with a bit of late-70s nostalgia thrown in. My beloved late mother who was a massive Elvis fan cried all day, and she was in her mid-30s at the time. I do hope the Arsenal social media team are reporting back to Ivan on the almost universal anti-Rodgers feeling amongst us Gooners. Whoever we do get, I do hope we can unite behind him, and be patient if early results don’t go our way. We’ve had enough infighting to last a lifetime. If he really is having second thoughts about Spurs, why not sound out Pochettino? At this rate, Spurs will have to make up their own Mickey Mouse pre-season competition in order to put a trophy in their shiny new stadium cabinet.

  144. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 12:49 #108915

    Peter - in simple terms, SK doesn't have any such expectation. Thats been clear for a decade.

  145. peter wain

    Apr 24, 2018, 12:46 #108914

    the news that the transfer budget is £50 million is nothing less than a joke. As we need at least 10 players I would interested as to how Stan the man expects the new manager to challenge for anything. The sooner he is gone the better.

  146. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 12:24 #108913

    Ex - 'AW held on far too long' - thats the obituary succinctly put. Most if not all must surely accept that and in fairness to most of those on here who all stoutly defended his tenure, there was in the main tacit acknowledgement of it i think. We re now in the realms of drawing out the plaudits a bit too long as you say. AWs work is well known and documented by Arsenal fans and its only them that matter. AWs highs as a footie coach are hardly 2nd WW Churchillian but he was a revolutionary at his best and the younger fans should learn it i think in the same way as us older varieties use our Clubs history to gauge our perception of the present. Joe Baker still rules supreme for me as the King of the Arsenal. The King is dead and remains dead for me!! They can keep the invincibles! Choppy waters for the Board now Ex i think in entering this new coach finding territory. I only wish i had some faith in them to get it right.

  147. Exeter Ex

    Apr 24, 2018, 12:04 #108912

    I read a short Nick Hornby article on 'Wexit' yesterday in which he mentions the 'people have short memories' motif regarding Wenger's glory years. He points out that perhaps their memories are too long. If you're under 20, you've only known the lesser years. Wenger held on far too long, has been thanked and thanked and thanked for his early years over and over whilst still in office. For many of us, he used up the gratitude long ago and we don't feel inclined to thank him again now. What matters is the mess he leaves Arsenal in now, not what he did in a bygone era. And as Bard points out, Wenger himself has exacerbated the split with his 'lack of unity' statement. Those were the words of a man looking to deflect blame and not caring for the consequences for the club, not the words of a man looking to put the club first, as he's always claimed he's done. So no, the analogy with Elvis doesn't quite work. Elvis lifted then damaged himself. Wenger lifted then damaged our club.

  148. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 11:49 #108911

    Clockend_90 - probably better directed at the previous thread. I do actually have a day off today so have time at hand. I would add I feel your asking a little too much to ask the original WOBS ( it was Jamerson term to describe us , he called me a chief WOB at one point I belief ). To know crow a little. Particularly as Wenger has got narky. My view has been stated a few times before . Any manager should have a 2 year rebuilding job and review in year 3. That is the understanding of modem football. The only time to not adhere to that is under special circumstances such as scandal , player revolt or relegation risk. I think most people get this. At the moment we are in a bit of a vacuum and as we know nature doesn’t like a vacuum.

  149. ClockEnd_90

    Apr 24, 2018, 11:29 #108910

    It really is quite unedifying to read the bile going backwards and forwards on here between the usual parties. I think they would be better served by thinking how better to get behind the team in the new era than after-the-event points scoring that only serves to reveal a lack of maturity and - more likely is the case - far too much time on their hands.

  150. markymark

    Apr 24, 2018, 11:12 #108909

    Robert - as usual a great article well researched I’d actually forgotten the term ‘Wexit’ . One day a social historian might trawl the dusty cyberspace for these terms to show the realisms of these days . One big , big point . Wenger himself has chosen to pour oil on the flames . Interesting he did that . I myself am glad in a way . Whether petty or not protestors want to see protest register . Compare his most recent words compared to only a few days prior . A further mention of Ivan’s ‘ultimately the fans will decide’ ultimately it was possibly the people who said nowt, they simply did not turn up who actually caused the change. What I’m trying to say is that people at the club were not above harnessing fan power so the tumult will need to settle a little. My suggestion to anyone reading this is to view the postings at Untold . At the moment they border between confusion and volcanic anger . That’s the side that needs to simmer down . The Gooner readership will tend to flow between a little sad and a little happy . Fairly Normal I’d feel.

  151. GoonGer

    Apr 24, 2018, 11:10 #108908

    Relief is the right word, a dark cloud has been lifte.

  152. Bard

    Apr 24, 2018, 10:51 #108907

    Robert, fan unity or lack of it has several parts to it. What he has achieved ( or hasn't as the case may be) over the last decade isn't the issue. The issue is the fans have been sold a pup. The club said we were going to compete at the top level while quite clearly making no such efforts. Qualification for the CL should be an expectation given our financial resources.The Spuds comparison is pointless because they have nothing like our resources. The second issue is that Wenger has made clear that he blames the WOBs for his departure this has incensed the Wenger devotees and they have been directing their anger towards the Wenger out group even more vociferously. I fully expect this to continue as Wenger pours petrol onto the fire with his little homilies. However once we get a new manager in I think we will unite.

  153. Yes its Ron

    Apr 24, 2018, 10:42 #108906

    That is an excellent post Robert (as ever) in my view. Hard to add to it.