Forget Stan - It’s all about Josh

Recent changes at the club suggest father may be ceding to son

Forget Stan - It’s all about Josh

As a best guess I’ve suggested on a few occasions that Arsene Wenger would go this season. This was based on gut feel, picking up any signs I could glean from the media (particularly journalists favoured by the club) and reviewing social media where the editor might have an “in” at the club. However I have to admit this confidence was recently shaken by what appears to have been a rearguard PR campaign probably via Wenger’s coterie that suggested he was staying.

An area I still felt essentially correct was that a little while back I flew a kite in the air suggesting that Ivan may be playing the long game . I used the metaphor of cricket, the point being that a long game being played to achieve what Ivan wanted was valid. The staff he has bought in - Mislintat, Sanllehi even Huss Fahmy dis not appear to be Wenger people. They set about creating an alternative power base to Wenger and Primorac.

I’ve also become increasingly convinced that the reason Ivan stayed was not so much as a willingness to suffer humiliation under Stan whilst taking a gamble on finally winning a war, but a solid understanding in place that the future is Josh Kroenke.

Josh is currently fairly low key in the media. His father is of course famously known as Silent Stan, not only the richest man in the room but the least vocal (reasons for this could be the stuff of further articles) but suffice to say Josh appears generally more engaging and at home across the various media platforms. He appears to operate that classic American way of mixing high power with down to earth homilies. Definitely a man of the people (perhaps President Kroenke in some future career move!). Josh has been trained to lead and so he will do so. In my opinion, Arsenal will be his test base. A little removed from too much American media scrutiny but also big enough to provide challenge at every conceivable level.

Stan needed his most trusted deputy to go to Arsenal a few months ago to report on the state of the club. That conclusion would result in a decision and this time it would be removed from a personal visit to a hotel room by Arsene Wenger. For Stan it probably was the most difficult sporting decision in his career, as he indeed suggested. For his son was saying sack your beloved employee. This was personal on a number of levels. Not least ceding power to your son.

Make no mistake Wenger was sacked. My opinion is that Josh sacked him.

So moving forward, in my opinion the biggest obstacle to change, Arsene Wenger, has been removed. So what if Josh becomes chairman? With this comes a very strong influence to the point of effectively running the club. Will we see anti-Josh protests? Previously I have suggested that a non-meddling owner is usually perceived as being good, but it was actually the relationship between Wenger and Stan, leading to a lack of necessary intervention that caused at least some of the toxic uproar.

I wonder with a new man in charge on pitchside and a board member able to talk frankly (at least in directors’ meetings) whether the anti-Kroenke factions will dissipate? Time of course will tell. A new Kroenke in charge may be one of the keys to mending the undoubted issues we face.

Let’s look forward to 2018-2019 with renewed heart.

To end, we are bringing out a special edition of The Gooner for the Burnley game. This will be a special on Arsène Wenger’s 22 years at the club. It will pay tribute to some of the wonderful times he has given us, but won’t ignore the less enjoyable stuff, if only because there will be a review of every season alongside a plethora of articles about different aspects of his time in North London. At the moment, it’s likely to be 84 pages thick and will cost £5. We have little doubt the official programme will also be an Arsène tribute of a more sugar-coated variety, but you pay your money, you take the choice. Important to note – no-one’s subscription covers this special edition. Existing subscriptions cover up to issue 271 (the current edition) and those of you who have committed to next season will get their first issue in August (272). This special edition will be available to order by post – you can pre-order it here – or if you are not coming to the Burnley game, assuming we do not sell out, the sellers for our reduced matchday sales operation next season should have copies.

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  1. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 30, 2018, 17:14 #109173

    Badarse. Why do you think that everybody who challenges your views has a glitch? Have you had any medical training? Could you be described as a pseudo-listener, or a virtue signaller? This sounds a bit like you: Virtue signaller. “There is no philosophy or ideology where a person can rebel against the king/establishment hence any kind of rebel or voice against status quo is considered morally wrong and virtue signallers use this moral code to demean those who want change”

  2. Exeter Ex

    Apr 30, 2018, 16:33 #109171

    markymark - even if he did, he'd never admit it. He can never concede a point or lose an argument, as he can always proclaim the other one is a bad person that he’s above it all and is nobly walking away. Except when he’s not above it all. Except when he decides ‘If someone can call my club manager a weasel then it’s OK I call them one’ or casts aspersions on their mental health. You’d think he would ensure there’s coherence to his position, but surprisingly for the most intelligent person on the site, he hasn’t really thought it through.

  3. markymark

    Apr 30, 2018, 16:19 #109170

    Badarse - that’s like in some alternative universe I love Donald Trump. Every time you make a comment about Trumo. I call you thick , weasel , maggot , coward . Do you see what Exeter and I are getting at?

  4. Exeter Ex

    Apr 30, 2018, 15:51 #109168

    All you've done there is betray the fact you cannot argue against what I've just said.

  5. Badarse

    Apr 30, 2018, 15:46 #109167


  6. Exeter Ex

    Apr 30, 2018, 15:35 #109166

    Badarse - "A poster calls my club manager a weasel so it must be OK for me to call them that." No it's not okay, it is hypocrisy. Do it if you like, but know that's what it is. This is the point made again and again you are blind to. If you're so above 'rude and insolent' words then you are descending to the level you are condemning by then using them yourself. This is the point you seem unable to grasp. You're worse than a hypocrite actually. You're directly using that language in a form of childish retaliation when it's been used against not you but indirectly against someone you don't know who neither knows nor cares it's been used against them. It's an excuse for you to use it, you simply want to use it. And I attack the points you make and expose your hypocrisy. You retaliate with (in the last few days alone) 'clot' 'chump', 'buffoon', 'clown' and other instances of name calling. The irony of your self-righteousness on here is you're the worst offender of all.

  7. Badarse

    Apr 30, 2018, 14:43 #109164

    No Marky, on the contrary, Stalin wouldn't say that, he'd just get someone done away with, so no need for words. Criticising a manager is perfectly acceptable. As is defending him. Rude and insolent words are to be challenged. I think it's perhaps the internet clan who have forgotten good manners. A poster calls my club manager a weasel so it must be OK for me to call them that. It isn't too difficult to understand. Virtually all my posts are reactions rather than actions. Once a line is drawn in the sand it is open season. I am perfectly prepared to forgive and forget, but as said often reserve the right to challenge my perception of poor manners. As stated. Behave and the nonsense ends, throw stones and they get tossed back. My affinity with Ron stretches into music-though not in total agreement, coaching but differing outlooks on some issues, those days of yesteryear with Jubblys and marmalades. Daft isn't it, but simple pleasures.

  8. markymark

    Apr 30, 2018, 13:57 #109158

    Baddie why is it cowardly to criticise a manager ? Many , many of us feel he ballsed up on numerous occasions and failed to remedy obvious problems . You make out people on this site to be cowards and thick. By default you are therefore suggesting you are more intelligent and braver . Care to explain how and why . Ican only assume you still don’t understand Internet forums. By your comments only the brave people on Untold can Meet your requirements as strong crtitisism is cowardice. Sounds like something Stalin might have said

  9. Badarse

    Apr 30, 2018, 10:30 #109144

    Corny it is all subjective, you know that. I have witnessed 'successful' marriages for instance, know that I wouldn't last a weekend as a hubby, or a wife with either partner. Weird, eh? It is true of all people, of that I am sure. I feel a little sick when I see Forage grinning from the telly, yet others think him a great guy. Elvis, a crafty conniving individual, distanced from the fans, controlled and manipulated by Parker. He was wrapped up in his own self-created image and had lackeys around to reinforce those views, then sneakily tried to get the authorities onto the Beatles trail to monitor them. A thoroughly despicable character, but an iconic performer with a unique singing voice and style loved by millions. Horses for courses as westlower might say. Still with AW my view is unimportant as are all other's views, my reaction is to defend someone incapable of defending himself when invective flies in a cowardly fashion across these pages. The insults directed towards me I take with a pinch of salt as it wouldn't happen in real life. An individual is rude and insulting to your face so you tell them and distance yourself. They follow repeating the insults and you either run away or attack. End of problem. Here we are sitting ducks to the Richards of the site. C'est la vie. Oh and yes I know we share similar outlooks on larger issues it's why I initially became friendly towards yourself, but I think you overstepped the line and took advantage of a fact. Think about that, please.

  10. mbg

    Apr 29, 2018, 22:50 #109138

    markymark, Exter Ex, the joke of the site just can't help himself it's in him, it's his up bringing the idiot knows no better, i blame the parents. WGOAB.

  11. mbg

    Apr 29, 2018, 22:35 #109137

    Exeter Ex, yes and others, AKB's, his luvvies etc told us we were fools etc if we thought protests etc, got him out, or even contributed to it, well the last time I looked he had got the sack. WGOAB.

  12. mbg

    Apr 29, 2018, 22:24 #109136

    markymark, 114955, good post, yes at Man u and indeed any other club in Europe the axe would have been swift, TOF got away with so so much at Arsenal he really did and with the minimum of complaints, protests, etc, etc, etc against him from what can only be described as the most softest least ambitious fans in Europe (a reputation i'm certainly not proud off, although not all of us fit/fall into that category) and still TOF is gearning, crying, complaining, blaming everyone everything but himself, thank God it's over. WGOAB.

  13. mbg

    Apr 29, 2018, 21:23 #109135

    It's feels odd not being able to type wenger out, unless of course the old weasel does us a favour and walks now.


    Apr 29, 2018, 20:03 #109134

    Badarse/Alex - believe it or not I applaud & share many of your views on the bigger picture, it's why I chose to move down here, to a lovely but unappreciated (by HMG) part of the UK & am very glad not be be in SE England any more. So I cannot understand why you think AW is such a great guy, he isn't, but then neither can I understand why I continue to give a **** about AFC these days. We are probably both old enough to be a bit wiser.

  15. markymark

    Apr 29, 2018, 16:49 #109133

    Carlton Pogba 1-0 ——> oh dear

  16. Exeter Ex

    Apr 29, 2018, 16:37 #109132

    You're doubling down into your hypocrisy, Badbum. How many times do you want me to keep exposing you in front of everyone until you stop the goading, the name calling? You weren't even mentioned by name in my last post. The site Untold was. You stress that others should accept your position and how awful it is to be vilified, but your words betray that you do not accept theirs: those critical of Wenger being "a rude and aggressive lynch mob" being just the latest example. Where are you leaving room for another position there? You are a grade A hypocrite, I quote you to prove it again and again. But you don't see it, because you hold yourself to a different standard. You believe you are superior to others, therefore what's rude and aggressive in others is humorous and justified when it comes from you. Your frequent references your own intelligence and the lack of intelligence in others speaks of a deeply insecure little man.

  17. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 29, 2018, 16:21 #109131

    Well that didn't last very long!

  18. Badarse

    Apr 29, 2018, 16:12 #109130

    Marky you have to read the posts and decide. The man uses a situation, over eggs it and delivers it back as a Molotov. I rejected what he had to say and I call him a buffoon because he acts like one. Nothing wrong with that chap. His points are an interpretation of me being in the wrong because I am not like him and want to attack Arsene Wenger. What were his 'good points'? Explain and I shall tell you my view. As for criticising my use of English it would be interesting if you could remain neutral and imagine how you would feel if there was history and his post was aimed at yourself. I seem to remember your 'naughtiness' over some posts and along with AKB let yourself down. Lost in a moment perhaps? Think about it. I owe him nothing. Not a response, an explanation or even a simple acknowledgement. I am lost to him, and he to me. He has a glitch and I answer if and when I am attacked, either with a baseball bat, or a soufflé. I never need telling that passive support is wrong, if it is my choice. That is a veiled Bushism once more. As for active support, what, in railing against me on a website? You are having a laugh surely. Armchair soldiers are ten a penny buddy. You know that. I still look myself in the face and see no egg on it.

  19. markymark

    Apr 29, 2018, 15:56 #109129

    Baddie - surprised you reacted that way to Exeter? Name calling , denigrating? All good points Exeter raised. I’d suggest it’s your lack of clarity over your position has caused the comments not buffoonery on another’s part. You know Baddie we put up with you constantly calling people thick. You need to look at your what you are saying . That and the constant oddball Egg comments just muddie your comments .Most of us of whatever IQ have difficulty interpreting you at times. On a further note Passive support doesn’t get you anywhere. Sometimes you have to fight for your beliefs. If everything was so wonderful how comes the season ticket holders went on strike. Good points Exeter

  20. Badarse

    Apr 29, 2018, 15:30 #109128

    Eggman you are such a buffoon. Who said unconditional support? Another attempt to confuse others, or is it yourself who gets confused? That is such a Bushism, 'you are either with us or against us'. It leaves no room for any other position. It is the wide brush stroke of a conflict seeker. 'Passively wait' expressed as a negative, as if I am sitting on my hands, (still that beats sitting on MAYDUP weasel's hands), when all you do is moan, groan and rant, not to mention frothing, (I said not to mention frothing!) You are a dangerous clown Eggman. You interpret in an obtuse manner, repeat quotes in a nuanced style and above all else is your pompous arrogance displayed as, 'I am right, therefore you must be wrong.' Get on your bike mate. Cluck cluck. Off to church now.

  21. Exeter Ex

    Apr 29, 2018, 15:02 #109127

    This notion that all supporters should unconditionally support an individual by sheer virtue of the fact they are employed by the club they support, and just passively wait for a 'natural end' or 'evolution' is ludicrous. Historically supporters have never ever been like that, there's just more platforms now for them to express an opinion. Supporters had to make their voices heard (and stop turning up), had to be 'negative' in order to push the club towards the right decision. Wenger himself said it played a major role in him going, so it was clearly the right thing to do. The alternative was further stagnation and decline. That's what would've happened if everyone took the 'I await evolution' approach and keeps clapping and cheering no matter what's happening on the pitch. And anyway, that "I'm too good and noble to jeer like those bad people do" attitude is just an excuse. What's really behind that approach is the personality cult around Wenger, with its apotheosis at Untold. Given the choice, they'd rather he was manager and AFC were in the bottom half than someone else were and AFC were challenging at the top.

  22. markymark

    Apr 29, 2018, 14:31 #109126

    Baddie - to each their own . The crashing of dustbin lids had to happen in my opinion . He’s lucky he wasn’t managing UTD. The axing would have been swift . I’d suggest 2009 and if the board wouldn’t have done it . The fans would have been outside his mansion by 2010. Don’t mix up the combustible social media platform by events on the ground . Arsene Wenger thanks it’s tine to go was about as nasty as it got. The slimey journo Oliver Holt went on the radio to try and openly villify a Supporter and called him an idiot live in air . Where are you now Oliver? Keeping quiet now aren’t you ! You may remember a piece where I discussed how once Idiots were perceived as supporters who smashed up service stations and trains . Yet by 2015 it seemed to be anybody who dared raise an opinion about Wenger . People were beaten up for daring to criticise as well. So I think the mob was rather more a defensive group who grew vicious as they got more exasperated with these people who dared criticise . I’m waiting Oliver for your first revisionist history where you warned us Wenger wasn’t up to it.

  23. Badarse

    Apr 29, 2018, 12:10 #109125

    Marky I understand all your frustrations, I too suffer them. The fact that I don't crash dustbin lids together to join a rude and aggressive lynch mob mentality to vilify a man is my choice. I do believe that there is much in modern football which is a direct result of the cash cow, which is TV as alluded to earlier. The development of attacking style football sells the product, PL football. That brings the rewards. The emphasis is on attack and defence is very much an afterthought. Of course individuals manage football clubs and they bring their own personalities, both qualities and limitations to their management, so some clubs are more defensive than others. Throughout though attack takes the high road. As for individuals Ospina is a second string keeper in my opinion, no more. Sadly the modern game means a deputy keeper gets little game time. Sitting on the bench for a season cannot improve reflexes or enhance positional awareness and knowledge when the time is called upon to perform. Evolution, many advantages, quite a number of drawbacks. That double-edged sword again.

  24. markymark

    Apr 29, 2018, 11:58 #109124

    Baddie - still can’t quite get my thoughts on ToOaW beyond thick Troll. But each to our own thoughts on that matter. Far more important is the steady move forward . I’m feeling positive . We’ve been here before with Chelsea lumping money to win titles . Man City are but the latest . Arsenal with aubameyang have no real issues upfront. I last watched us play probably the best defence in Europe without him so my thoughts of us being powder puff , I’ll have to think maybe a little harsh. Defensively we are a mess. I just knew , just knew it that we’d blow it. One blunder after another and quite frankly Ospina good shot stopper aside. Takes to wandering way outside the area. It’s just completely reckless. Why oh why didn’t someone within the management knock heads together. For that I really want Bould to go as well. He should have had the gumption to do something even if Wenger May have been hostile. Arsenal could have been top 4 easily this season with just a tighter defence . Arsenal could have been pushing top 2. Virtually every team including UTD in their heyday have collapsed when chasing pressure is applied. Find us a manager who can push Arsenal into top 2 , who doesn’t have some silly over 30 rule so you buy like a Carlos Puyol type player with a few seasons still in the tank, you buy in a bit of steel. It could all be so different. Personally I want to hear a lot less of Art , Philosophy and a lot more of application and discipline

  25. Badarse

    Apr 29, 2018, 11:36 #109123

    Good morning Marky. I never pushed a point. I gave a POV of needing to adapt. It's what the species does to survive. It's a constant as it's why we are here and not the Neanderthals. Not all survive, and as they never managed to adapt to circumstances they went; it seems along with other considerations they had Homo Sapiens to contend with and we are quite voracious when it comes to survival of the fittest. We adapted as a club brilliantly but it meant saying farewell to Highbury, other circumstances came to the fore, a collapse in housing prices and suddenly it was a long haul ahead rather than a relatively quick fix strategy. The second part of your post, looking forward and not liking what I see is apt. I have highlighted some of the aspects of modern life which have impacted societies, changed them, for considered better or worse, and are here whether we like it or not. All evolution comes as a double-edged sword. The crucifixion of football on the alters of Sky and latterly BT, also means people in every part of the country can often watch our team, providing it is a money-spinning 'big' name. So despite my recognition of the TV companies destruction of football as we knew it we were handed convenience. Watch our team in the comfort of our front rooms. There are huge amounts of evolving aspects which are remarkable. Medicine, science, understanding, shared knowledge, food production-few in this country are hungry despite the austere measures of an uncaring government, those though food banks are getting longer as are the homeless numbers. Just a correction, Uzbek, not Russian, they are guilty of many things but not of other countries nationals. You misunderstand TOOAW. He is a reactionary as I can be. Sewage spewed out against an individual, or against a football club which he and I align ourselves with prompts reactions. Whether this is in 'funny' sketches, or any other way it is a rebuke. As for choosing wisely IO should look around. Some have been criticised by myself in ways which are clearly obvious to most who can do 'joined up writing', but not to some. Have a think as you dip your soldier into the yoke. Sunny side up for me today fella.

  26. markymark

    Apr 29, 2018, 10:28 #109122

    Badarse - I’d draw you back to your comments over moving from Highbury where you said we’d have gone to the wall . You were pushing an agenda of you being all about adaption and looking forward whilst we were mired in the past. Now look at your latest posting that sounds the work of a man looking forward and not enjoying what he is seeing . It is all about adapting to what’s around you but trying to stop the worse . Arsenal really have had a mixed bag with he shiny Emirates. For a concrete bowl that still feels a little like we’ve rented it. My recent trip to Barca’s concrete bowl (less comfortable but exuding their stamp) is a case in point. Now an altered Highbury more akin to Anfields slow but steady changes may have bonded us more , particularly during the Wenger years. However now we have the Emirates I’m going to write to the board with one or two thoughts ( they’ll go in the bin but worth an email or two I think ). Moving on I’m generally feeling a lot more confortable. Sanllehi ( boy do i keep on mistyping his name ) Mstinlat are no mugs and won’t be here to put there feet up. Also if I were young seriously rich and son of a club owner would I not want to win? Ok I don’t think we will get the Russian emotional money ( I think Russian billionaires pour out there love with cash) but we may at least get a bit more pragmatic interaction. Interestingly Allegri is becoming s favourite again ? Now think back , who’s that handsome dark haired chap patrolling the touchline in an overcoat. I wish you well Baddie with your on going support of Arsenal. Pick your buddies well. ToOaW is lost in his failure to even accept obvious understanding of Wenger’s departure . He will float around with no obvious anchor .

  27. mbg

    Apr 29, 2018, 10:11 #109121

    Gooner Ron, a stupid question but of course I do, although I can't see it, i'm not an optimist,I took no joy in defeats regardless of what some may think or thought, i'm fifty five years old and supported this club since I was about nine and it was a huge very enjoyable part of my life until wenger destroyed that with his antics (and we'll not go into that)something I will never forgive him for no matter what, it was a way to a means for me (or something like that) and a lot of others too, something others just couldn't get their heads around, and probably still can't, but now he's going, happy days. it will still be extremely nauseating though if/when we lift the trophy to see him strutting around with a smirk and grin like a Cheshire cat on his mug like a cat who's got the cream, lapping up the applause with a ET on his CV, but it will be worth putting up with and celebrate a European trophy for us also knowing he got his comeuppence and we'll have the last laugh as he dissappears off like a bad dream.

  28. Paulo75

    Apr 29, 2018, 9:54 #109120

    I think its time we put the Wenger saga behind us and focused on the future. Interesting summer ahead, you never know we might even have a Europa Cup in the trophy room by then.

  29. Badarse

    Apr 29, 2018, 9:49 #109119

    Well Nark your writing without invective suits, so well done for that. It is true you have covered the bases but I think in an article it is perhaps necessary on occasions to make the narrative flow. Amusing that you are ready to find yourself in a bun fight immediately after in posts though. Football is no longer a working man's game. Mmm, interesting but old news. Sponsorships on shirts, changing strips more regularly, the PL and a division between the elite and the rest it brought, rampant Thatcherism, with Reagan doing his bit across the pond, 'Loadsamoney', asset-strippers, state sell-offs, then the advent of Sky TV, all to the backdrop of 'The 3 Tenors' carrying the 1990 WC to bigger and higher profile levels, the abduction of Olympics, London Marathon, WC, Euro Cup, any mainstream gathering by McDonald's, Budweiser, Coca Cola and the multinationals, the corruption of competitions like the EC, just to promote more games to increase revenue. The hype of the telly on Sky, then latterly on BT. People beginning to think football began 10 years ago. More corruption in governments, more VIPs found to have feet of clay, yesterday's celebrities found out, male abuse of females in a power play, internet abuse and egoistic power plays by keyboard warriors, kids bullying, mentally affected people spewed onto the streets by uncaring governments, crass merchandising, increase in kit changing, big events in corrupt countries, wars for profit, religious divisions, and football isn't a working man's game? Even the term is archaic, what of women? Who doesn't work nowadays? Even the unemployed are forced into zero hour contracts, and the sweat shops of the east are the only things which are, 'coming home'.

  30. GoonerRon

    Apr 29, 2018, 8:14 #109118

    @ mbg - now we know Wenger is leaving and the outcome of the EL won’t impact him staying or going - do you want us to win the trophy?

  31. mbg

    Apr 29, 2018, 1:50 #109117

    Alsace, good post, and as D Day and the invasion approached/approaches some collaborators came over/back to the other side as they could see which way the war was going and what was happening, some are on the run and in hiding, and some are getting their hair cropped and shaved, with some getting their arse kicked on a daily basis also, by those who didn't collaborate and held on and fought the enemy and never gave in and won freedom again, some are even telling us we should give the invaders a good send off with a party with some even wanting them to take another piece of looted silverware as they go. I wonder what would be appropriate to paint on their foreheads ? or do we need to ask. WGOAB

  32. Alsace

    Apr 28, 2018, 21:57 #109116

    We have all been the victims of Wengers occupation of our beloved club for ten hard years while he screwed it up. During the occupation, we had to put up with a series of traitors / collaborators / cowards who lived their lives up Wenger's metaphorical bottom. The payoff for these bastards is that their faith was groundless and they have been proved WRONG with the sacking of the creature. Still they persist that they were right. So be it but the creature's anal tract is moving far away from Highbury. His tapeworms will follow.

  33. GoonerRon

    Apr 28, 2018, 21:47 #109115

    It does look like Josh is becoming a more prominent force behind the scenes. Time will tell whether he can do some good for us in terms of shaking up the board or maybe highlighting to his Dad that the self-sustaining model will only get us so far, and that investing to strive for success will probably unlock our full potential in a commercial sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gazidis and Josh joined forces (probably with ‘real-world’ endorsement from Sanellhi) to encourage Stan to push the button on Wenger.

  34. markymark

    Apr 28, 2018, 21:32 #109114

    ToOaW - did he leave of his own accord or was he sacked? The sacked would include the terms . We are not planning to keep you on board next season despite our original two year contract .

  35. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 28, 2018, 21:22 #109113

    TOOAW. Did you predict Arsene would be sacked before the end of the season?

  36. TOOAW

    Apr 28, 2018, 20:32 #109112

    Nark. You skirt around questions when you can not answer them. FACT. Arsene Wenger left the club. FACT. The greatest Arsenal manager ever. FACT. Opinions and assumptions.... I,ll leave them to you probably, maybe, possibly, etc.


    Apr 28, 2018, 20:15 #109111

    I am currently reading John Kampfner's interesting book "The Rich" which is relevant here inasmuch as Silent Stan isn't considered significant enough to warrant a mention. However our Alisher warants a couple of pages. The point being that "The (Super) Rich" have now decided that footie is to be one of their new playthings. It would be great to see AFC as a major force once again but we will have to swallow hard & realise that the working man's game no longer exists.

  38. Wardy

    Apr 28, 2018, 19:38 #109110

    mbg - AW has only been removed as the board are worried about their profit margins, its obvious the decline in playing standards has been ongoing for the last 4/5 seasons in my opinion so why has he been kept in post until now ,,,, answer because he keeps us competitive on a budget, now the board have decided to pay really silly wages, they need champions league minimum and that won't happen under AW.

  39. markymark

    Apr 28, 2018, 18:15 #109109

    ToOaW - I’m not the only one to make some assumptions about you. Sacked or left of own accord ? Over to you !

  40. TOOAW

    Apr 28, 2018, 18:04 #109107

    You covered all bases Nark. Now you are on here pressing that you knew all along. Genius. Yes. I was there Thursday. But that's irrelevant eh as you've already made your assumptions.

  41. markymark

    Apr 28, 2018, 17:49 #109106

    ToOaW - I’ve said on numerous occasions I suspected he was going at the end of the season . However due to the existing lack of planning in place it was also likely they would hold onto him until 2019. It really did depend imo to Josh. Wenger was given a 2 year contract. So to break contract would cost them 12m. I believe my premis as stated is correct that Ivan bought in these guys to break the Wenger powerbase. Now I have made a big statement in there “Josh sacked him” why are you not arguing against that? You have continually said Wenger would choose when to go. You were on here a few days back saying Wenger chose to leave . Why not defend this ? Come on ToOaW defend this . I’ve made an allegation here and you say nothing? Ps: Did you go on Thursday night ? Thought not !

  42. TOOAW

    Apr 28, 2018, 16:53 #109103

    "we are effectively being formed for a new manager in 2019 to coach" Nark.

  43. mbg

    Apr 28, 2018, 16:48 #109102

    The smiling Assassin.

  44. A Cornish Gooner

    Apr 28, 2018, 16:08 #109101

    TOOAW. What are you going to do about your moniker next season. Will it change to TOOLE, or are you hoping Ann Widdecombe is appointed Arsenal manager.

  45. markymark

    Apr 28, 2018, 15:53 #109100

    Tooaw - I’m afraid it’s the nuances that throw you once again . Seeing a logic in something and wanting it to happen can be two separate things . So yes as argued by a number of non Wenger fans and given a nod by me it was logical that Arsenal may not have wanted to sack Wenger as it would cost them 12m. Happily they did .

  46. TOOAW

    Apr 28, 2018, 15:44 #109099

    Nark Nark Nark. "I do see the logic in keeping him on for one more season" your words recently not mine. Your first sentence clearly contradicts this. You are a complete two faced, confused liar as exposed in Alls Welbz that ends Welbz. This piece is full of speculation and assumptions but hey ho that's your personality down to a T. Anyway. Did you sing it??? TOOAW.

  47. mbg

    Apr 28, 2018, 14:14 #109097

    Wardy, what kind of a statement is that ? if that is the case and it's more than likely who do you think was the cause of all that in the first place ? with the/his embarrassments and humiliations etc, etc, ? somebody else's fault I suppose, footballing reasons ? what other reasons could there be, the last time I looked wenger was the manager. You couldn't make it up.

  48. mbg

    Apr 28, 2018, 13:57 #109096

    It certainly looks that way, and it's good to see young Josh doesn't suffer fools like his daddy, and you could well be right about Ivan too, he hung in there after TOF got his way, knowing what was coming, with the weasel smirking and grinning after going over their heads and getting his way, little did he know that was soon to be wiped of his face with the sack, it looks that way also, the weasel has finally ran out of get out of jail free cards, it was a long time coming, long runs the fox as the saying goes only in this case the weasel. WGOAB.

  49. RegW

    Apr 28, 2018, 12:16 #109095

    In my opinion Wenger outlived his usefulness to Kroenke and son. Started to clearly lose them money with no Champions League, contract cock ups, etc and no longer provided the barrier that shields these people. Hence the firing squad. Now the interesting bit starts. Will they have the ability to choose a coach capable of sorting out the mess? I think we might be in for a long war

  50. Wardy

    Apr 28, 2018, 10:18 #109092

    Let's hope the removal of AW has been done for footballing reasons and not the fact that the empty seats and fan apathy made the board act as their profit margins were clearly under threat. Whoever is appointed has to be backed financially to bring in some fresh faces, with pace and physicality much needed in defence and midfield. Whatever the case, i'm looking forward to next season already but it won't be an easy job implementing a winning culture in the current 1st team squad. I hope that some of the youngsters are given some game time as well. Happy days although I fear the worst for tomorrow and the return in Madrid.

  51. Bard

    Apr 28, 2018, 8:33 #109090

    I enjoy speculation pieces and I think we can all agree the Wenger was sacked. Im not that bothered about who did what to whom. It remains to be seen whether there is any real change at the top. Stan and his company haven't put a penny into the club on the contrary they have taken money out. I dont see how that is going to change. I suspect this will be a determining factor in who we get in. No top manager will want to come in and have only small change to play with. Either way Im still excited about next season not least because with the playing resources we have we cant play any worse.