Next Arsenal manager will be under 50 and feel lucky to get the job

Board are to blame for on-field decline and have a big decision to make

Next Arsenal manager will be under 50 and feel lucky to get the job

“The last five years of my Arsenal supporting life have been by far the worst”

There is an old saying that you get out of life what you deserve. After the final whistle blew at the end of the semi-final second leg against Atletico Madrid that old saying came to my mind. Arsene Wenger should have left Arsenal Football Club a long time ago, a minimum of five to six seasons ago in my opinion. Did he deserve to now go out on a high and leave the club back in the Champions League for next season?

There are two reasons why he didn’t. Firstly the man himself, too stubborn for his own good and allowed over time to become full of his own self-importance. Arsene was either blind to the damage he was doing to the club or more interested in his own ego/bank balance to care. With any real level of self-awareness the man himself would have walked at the absolute latest in 2014 after finally ending the trophy wait against the might of Hull City. The level of complete power and control he has ‘enjoyed’ at AFC pretty much since the turn of the century has sadly meant that any self-awareness the man once had has long since disappeared.

Make no mistake about it Arsene has been asked to leave. If it was up to him he would continue on and on. Would he even decide to step down of his own back if the club were relegated? I would certainly question if he would have, given the chance to stay on. Then you have to come to the realisation of how and why this has been allowed to happen and the answer to that question comes from above Arsene and the board of directors at the club.

The very fact that Arsene has been allowed to continue for this long is a massive indication of just how low on-field success is in the minds of the entire board of directors. Let us not beat around the bush here Arsene would have been fired long ago at any other club in world football that genuinely puts onf-ield success even close to the top of their own agenda. That it has been allowed to drag on until 2018 before anyone took the decision out of Arsene’s hands is a total disgrace.

Not winning the title? Don’t worry about it better luck next time. No longer even competing for the title now? Don’t’ worry about it better luck next time, here’s to another wage rise! Struggling to make the top four? Don’t worry about it the bank balance still looks rosy. Out of the top four and well below Spurs? No biggie we all have bad luck some times. 15 Points off the top four and struggling to finish in sixth place above the might of Burnley? No real issue there.

It really has only come to a head because 20,000 fans have started to not turn up to games on a regular basis which in turn opens the whole worlds eyes to the fact that our club has become a total joke. Panic stations everybody. The club has taken an age to make change happen not because they want on-field success but purely because the bottom line has started to take a hit with the lack of Champions League revenue and in stadium match day revenue. It looks bad on TV to the commercial partners and that is why they have let Arsene go.

It begs the question if this wasn’t the case and we were still in the same league position when would they have taken the same course of action? My guess is Arsene would have left in a box. The man himself lost my own respect long ago and I feel absolutely no need to start singing his name again just because the club have relieved him from his duties.

There has been a lot in the press of late about the first seven years or so of Arsene’s tenure and asking people to show him the respect he deserves. Not for me I am afraid. He lost the right to that show of respect when he started earning £8m a year in return for total on-field mediocrity. The last five years of my Arsenal supporting life have been by far the worst. It for me has turned into some kind of perverse endurance test of what fan takes the longest to snap.

To sum up what Arsene staying far too long has done to this club both myself and my father have been wanting Arsenal to lose all season long in Europe in the hope that Arsene gets fired at the end of the season. The Atletico tie was the first one in which I wanted Arsenal to win all season as Arsene is going now anyway.

I have supported Arsenal since the age of six and have been a season ticket holder for many years at Highbury and my Dad has supported the club for over 60 years now. We used to be the kind of Arsenal fans that if we lost on a Saturday the whole weekend would be ruined. Arsene has literally stank the place out for so long that I no longer get that bothered about the results even in North London derbies which used to feel like life or death at times!

I personally lost any faith in Arsene many years ago. Certainly since before I met my current wife - and we now have a seven year old son together. I have felt strongly that he has been the wrong manager for us for a number of years. No passion, no energy, no defensive awareness or tactics of any kind. I for one do not have any confidence at all in the board to make the right kind of appointment as far as the next manager is concerned. The reason being that they clearly do not put any real value in on-field success and that is all I care about as a fan.

I am not bothered about bank balances and revenue enhancing marketing strategies. I simply want my club to do the best it can on the field of play and show some passion every time they pull on the shirt. My guess is that the current board will make an appointment which enables them to have total control of everything apart from coaching. They will decide who we buy and how much we pay etc. If someone makes noises that they want a large transfer budget they will not be hired. Expect someone under the age of 50 and someone who will feel lucky to be manager of Arsenal Football Club.

I therefore can’t see an Allegri type or even an Ancelotti getting the call. It would not overly surprised me if we do end up with an Arteta or Vieira type appointment as they would be easier to appease with a smaller budget than your more experienced successful managers, and they would also themselves command a lower annual wage.

The one hope I have for whoever the new man ends up being is the simple fact that in my own opinion things like motivation, tactics and defensive discipline simply can’t be any worst than what they already are. Any new manager should get an extra 10-15% out of the current squad just from doing the basics right and allowing other coaches to coach. The sad thing is if you did combine that with an experienced manager with a proven track record of delivering success that 10-15% would probably be more like 25-30% and then you would have a genuine chance of starting to compete again. We need an Allegri type with a budget big enough to deliver him a new goalkeeper, centre half and a mobile defensive minded midfield player. My fear is we will most probably end up with an Arteta type with a budget only big enough for one of those new additions.

Either way we will improve, but by how much? It’s over to the board of directors to decide.

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  1. Clash

    May 06, 2018, 19:19 #109344

    Fantastic piece John. I agree with every word.

  2. bunch

    May 06, 2018, 7:37 #109335

    John, thanks for putting in words my feelings exactly. I gave up my season ticket at the end of last season in response to the unbelievable decision Wenger's contract. I felt myself wanting Arsenal to lose just in the hope that it would hasten his exit. But now he is going I won't be rushing back. 46 years of support has been severly damaged by Wenger and the current owners.

  3. mbg

    May 06, 2018, 1:07 #109333

    Paulward, with respect but it will be an embarrassing day for him regardless.

  4. Jock Gooner

    May 05, 2018, 21:41 #109332

    Good post John. I will be there tomorrow but I will not be wearing any pro AW t-shirts or the such like. I will be out the door 2-3 minutes before the end and the wenker love in although I will be very interested to see how many stay behind. The club have been crafty with the old boys coming back as people will stay to see them giving the impression it's all about wenker. I celebrated him when he deserved it but he has indeed stank the place out for so long now that he has lost all rights to any kind of send off other than a boot in the arse out the door. The guy is so on the spectrum its sad that the board allowed him to get to this stage. As someone said if it was down to him he wouldn't be leaving until it was in a box. I don't want somebody to takeover who is consumed by the job I just want the new guy to do the job properly then it won't need to take over his life. Big Andy - I am in agreement with you. I think the appointment of Sanllehi and Mislintat shows the direction the board are taking which is the new guy will be very much the coach in the new holy trinity at Arsenal. If wenker had bothered to use his staff he might have solved a lot of his problems but as I said he is so spectrum that it is all his way full stop. The point made about the early and mid eighties quality of football is fair but the difference is I enjoyed going to Highbury. That, the North Bank, Saturday 3pm kick offs, the fans and cost at the gate all made it a good day out. Wenker and the bowl doesn't.

  5. arrgee

    May 05, 2018, 20:58 #109331

    I read that the £50 million transfer kitty is now a mere £20 million because of the failure to qualify for the Champions League. That ain't even sausages never mind caviar. Hiw much do tickets cost at Arsenal?

  6. markymark

    May 05, 2018, 20:24 #109330

    Too much of my time was spent cursing Wiley old Ferguson. As time went on and he obviously had Wenger in his pocket a deeper respect emerged in me as well as hearing one or two reports of his good side . So to you Fergie , here’s to hope that you make a full recovery and my very best wishes to you and your family . At least a brilliant manager and probably as lot more


    May 05, 2018, 20:13 #109329

    I notice that the media have today been fed a revised summer transfer budget of £200 mill - which is interesting. A proper manager wouldn't need this of course - a couple of big(gish) names, some freebies & promoting "the young Greek boy" plus a couple other youngsters supported by some long overdue coaching should do nicely. I think our major Sponsors will be making their feelings known & therefore I am feeling more optimistic about a big name manager coming in. Allegra, Jardim or Conte would be great. I don't think the shake & vac man would meet with Sponsor approval but, unfortunately, a big name Arsenal old boy with no experience probably would. Fingers firmly crossed. Announcement next week?

  8. TonyEvans

    May 05, 2018, 19:49 #109328

    As GoonerRon says it seems a strange thing to say that the last five years have been for the worst, but I know what you mean. I am not saying I didn't enjoy the cup wins, of course I did but the spectre of Wenger was always lurking in the background, and his continued mis-management overshadowed everything else. Perhaps worst is not quite the right word, frustrating probably fits better for me.

  9. Paulward

    May 05, 2018, 18:39 #109327

    A fair summing up, although I can’t agree the last five years have been quite as bad as the early / mid eighties or even the last season under George. Tomorrow will a very strange day and it could turn very embarrassing for Wenger if we lose and hardly anybody stays behind afterwards.The fact that he is leaving after our poorest season in decades is an awkward but inescapable fact.

  10. mbg

    May 05, 2018, 17:31 #109326

    Have you heard/read the latest from the TOF he reckons the new manager will have to devote his entire life to Arsenal make it his priority (just like he did I suppose with the lose of his wife and family)and commit completely what ever the fook that means, but here's the funny bit, and it would be if it wasn't so serious and wrong, like he owns the club, yes the way you treated it you weasel, no wenger, WRONG, that should and hopefully never will, and i'd imagine never will be allowed to happen again at Arsenal after the f*****g mess you left it in doing just that, just do us all a favour and go now you weasel.

  11. Goonhogday

    May 05, 2018, 14:29 #109325

    Great post, totally agree with you. Very concerned about our boardrooms ability to find the right man.

  12. shu

    May 05, 2018, 14:15 #109324

    100%i in agreement with u , well said

  13. mbg

    May 05, 2018, 13:33 #109323

    Yes and his AKB wengerites would have continued to allow him too, without a fooking whimper, in the hope one day he would come good and prove us all wrong, right down to the championship, as has been said many times before they're just as much to blame for the mess were in, at least show one piece of class in your dying throws wenger and go tonight. Good article.

  14. Exiled in Pt

    May 05, 2018, 12:28 #109322

    Spot on John. Still think there are to many people believing that as they finally got rid of Wenger this owner and board are suddenly great and are moving us forward. Hope i am wrong but i believe it will be a coach with limited experience and limited backbone to fight against a board who have no more interest than getting the 4th place spot back.Just look at the difference at Chelski...

  15. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2018, 12:13 #109321

    Agree with much of what is said here and completely acknowledge the decline in certain areas, however: ‘The last five years of my Arsenal supporting life have been by far the worst’ just feels perverse considering we’ve won three trophies in that time. Everyone keeps saying the game is all about the glory and on that basis the last five years haven’t been that (in italics) bad IMO.

  16. RobG

    May 05, 2018, 10:04 #109320

    This really nails it - sadly :- It really has only come to a head because 20,000 fans have started to not turn up to games on a regular basis which in turn opens the whole worlds eyes to the fact that our club has become a total joke. Panic stations everybody. The club has taken an age to make change happen not because they want on-field success but purely because the bottom line has started to take a hit with the lack of Champions League revenue and in stadium match day revenue. It looks bad on TV to the commercial partners and that is why they have let Arsene go." I think we will be very lucky to get Allegri, frankly. The budget has put the kibosh on Ancelotti and Enrique's wage demands are beyond us. I am not a fan - as such - but I wouldn't rule out an approach to Eddie Howe. And I am quite serious.

  17. Big Andy

    May 05, 2018, 9:36 #109319

    Very good post. You've said a lot of stuff that I agree with. On interesting thing about the new boss is that it looks like he'll very much be a coach and not a manager like Wenger was. Ivan is determined to make sure that we never have another Wenger. Mislintat will be the DoF and the coach will work under him. That's why that Shake and Vac guy from Liverpool is a credible name for our new coach. Under this system it's unlikely that Allegri or any other big-name boss will be arriving at the club this summer.

  18. markymark

    May 05, 2018, 9:22 #109318

    Very fine post and a rebut to the various people who will emerge to tell us how we should behave . Interestingly often not Arsenal supporters. I’ve also noted an understanding of our situation from the more intelligent UTD supporters . Perhaps they see the echos from their own situation. Looks like Arsenal may decide to make a manager as they may feel that Sanllehi (spelling ?) Mstinlat and Gazidis can handle the rest. If it goes wrong I expect corporate sackings next time around. I fully believe Kevin in his assertion that within 2-3 seasons the squad will be unrecognisable from now. The Indie is also suggesting the entire back 5 will go in due course

  19. John F

    May 05, 2018, 9:19 #109317

    Good passionate article John.I have been guilty in the past few weeks of just being happy that he is going and forgetting Arsenal s problems lie deeper then just Wenger. The problem the board do have is that Wenger was their buffer with him gone the pressure will be put on them.

  20. Bard

    May 05, 2018, 9:06 #109316

    Excellent post and reflects my view. What we are in fact celebrating is someone who has for the last 6-10years overseen a decline to the level where we are now scrapping with Burnley for 6th spot. The board are culpable in this deceit. They have been either blind or not bothered with this state of affairs. The new manager will have a much harder job than if we had switched a long while ago. As you have written the fact that he has overseen this decline without offering to resign has sullied my view of him and his legacy. I will not be pitching up to the Burnley game to wave goodbye.