Thanks For The Memories

Online Ed: Arsène Wenger takes his farewell bow at the Emirates

Thanks For The Memories

It was all a bit strange. Two and a half weeks after being told he was on his way by the Arsenal board, Arsène was deified by the club at yesterday’s final home match of his tenure.

There was a giant Merci Arsène banner above the front of the Armoury, t-shirts with the same message on every seat, and a sell out for the programme with a 43,500 print run (the average sale this season has been around 5,000, in addition to the 9,000 giveaways printed for the middle tier). People were buying them in threes and fives.

Arsène came out to a guard of honour from both teams. And then we saw a very enjoyable 5-0 romp with very little at stake. Burnley, in theory, could have pushed for sixth place, but for the most part did not resemble the team that Sean Dyche has got performing so ably this season. On a glorious sunny day, they were already on the beach. The goals flowed and ‘There’s only one Arsène Wenger’ had a few airings. It was a love-in as the club had planned when making the decision that Arsène’s resignation should be announced before the season was over (as the manager has admitted, the timing was not his decision, although he has not yet gone as far as to admit that the resignation wasn’t either).

Konstantinos Mavropanos, a player that Arsène hadn’t heard of before being told the club had signed him in January with a view to sending him to Germany on loan for the rest of the campaign, had another start and played well. Wenger saw him train and decided he’d rather have him in the squad. Given his obvious qualities, the poor displays of Mustafi, and the long term injury being carried by Laurent Koscielny, it’s a wonder we have not seen the Greek centre back earlier. Still, it gives hope for the future that Arsenal can now secure better players for their buck than the likes of Xhaka and Mustafi.

Mesut Ozil took part in the post match lap of appreciation, wearing white trousers and a baseball cap. He didn’t play, apparently down to a back injury. I don’t think there is a supporter who believed he would, and the new injury conveniently gives him reason to take the next two games off. Sadly, here is a player who has been coasting for about 80% of the season, more concerned with saving himself for Germany’s forthcoming World Cup defence. The challenge for the next manager will be to get the best out of the player, but a bit of me now suspects the wage deal agreed a few months ago was more with the thought of being able to sell him this summer. Ozil’s wages could pay for those of half a dozen prospects on the level of Mavrapanos. Finding a buyer might be dependent on how he performs in Russia.

So a 5-0 win to sign off, and at home, aside from the visits of the other top six clubs (only Spurs were beaten), this season the Emirates has generally proved a place where the team won their Premier League matches this season, in spite of a lot of crowd apathy, shaped by the results and performances away from home.

In spite of five second half substitutions, referee Andre Marriner did not add on any injury time, sensing the pointlessness of delaying the send off. A number of the Invincibles were there as guests of honour, and the club missed a trick by not at least introducing them one by one. Even worse, with all these guys available, the half-time interview guest was Steve Morrow. Go figure.

I am pretty certain that both Arsène’s wife and daughter were in the directors box to see him off. David Dein and his wife were also allocated seats there among the contingent of Arsène’s invited guests, a final two fingers to the board from the manager. To have been a fly on the wall when Dein met Stan Kroenke, Chips Keswick and Ken Friar in the directors' lounge - the former who abandoned Dein to join the board, the latter two directors when he was unceremoniously booted off it for his failed coup d'etat in 2007.

A couple of giant condom shaped balloons stood poised to be raised with hanging banners of Arsene’s head and the trophies he’s one. Bob Wilson did a speech after making awards to Vic Akers, Alex Scott and the retiring Per Mertesacker (who had an enjoyable cameo for the final part of the match). Arsène came out and did a speech with a microphone that failed at a key moment, symbolically like his defence in a major European tie. He was presented with the mini Premier League trophy the club had been awarded for the Invincibles season. Not being one for baubles, expect to see it in the Arsenal museum in a few months’ time, donated by the recipient.

The end of season lap of appreciation followed. It must have been a rather strange feeling to do it in front of a largely packed house. A few left on the conclusion of the match, but most people remained to give Arsène his send off.

So that is that. Leicester and Hudderfield will see Arsène’s tenure conclude not with a European final, but the damp squib of two meaningless end of season kickabouts, assuming Huddersfield are not in danger of the drop by next Sunday. It is a genuinely sad ending, and ultimately, the board and the majority owner are to blame for the stage we reached this season, with everyone realizing this can’t go on any longer, that Arsène has lost what made him special in his first decade. It was encouraging to hear Stan Kroenke and chairman Sir Chips Keswick booed loudly when they appeared on the screens. They were left in no doubt of the way the fanbase feels about them. They should have done the right thing for the club long before this sh*tshow of a season was allowed to happen, but as long as Arsène was raking in the profits, they allowed him to remain and take the flak for the club’s lack of ability to compete at the top level any longer.

Finally, it was the hit to the profits that did for Arsène. Given the chance to return the club to the top four status, he had delivered for so long, and failing miserably, even Stan Kroenke came to realize Arsène was a busted flush, even it he needed son Josh to come over and check out the situation at the club for three months to come to that conclusion.

With time, the failures of the first 12 seasons of the Emirates era will be forgotten. Brian Clough is remembered for his achievements rather than the decline. The stadium was shrine to Wenger long before the board called time on him, and will remain so. Bob Wilson introduced him as “Arsenal’s greatest ever manager”, and on trophy count, that is undeniable. There are arguments in different ways for Herbert Chapman (revolutionized the game, and built the team that dominated the 1930s) and George Graham (higher success ratio on the trophy count, and delivered in Europe, despite having only two attempts).

What isn’t in doubt is the re-build job from the wreckage the manager has left behind – especially in terms of what has happened to the Emirates crowd. That is an article in itself. The work to be done on the pitch is thankfully easier to address, and the club could be challenging again for the title in 2020-21 with the right recruitment. Anything before then will be a bonus. At this stage, all I need to see is progress and the development of solid foundations, not least it the team’s awareness of defensive basics.

However, plenty of time to discuss that. Yesterday was Arsène’s day. The sun shone, the team won 5-0 with some cracking goals, everyone paid their tribute and we all went home afterwards. One more week, two more matches and the era is over. We await news of the successor…

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  1. Alsace

    May 10, 2018, 21:05 #109500

    How pleased I am to have misssd the spunkfest of the AKB's. Tee shirts indeed. Nearly over now.

  2. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 22:33 #109446

    Yes and we could put tonight's embarrassment on his statue also, but I guess not. wenger out tonight.

  3. markymark

    May 09, 2018, 22:06 #109445

    Poor old Toady and The Quisling. Lost again away from home. Oh no, what can we do? poor old Wengie it’s not his fault is it? At this rate those terrible WOBs will have him out of a job. Lucky he chose when to leave eh! You pair of rag tag losers !

  4. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 18:35 #109439

    GoonerRon, you left out a European trophy from your list, yea sure, maybe before he ruined and destroyed all that, his legacy now is with his arms stretched out whinging, with all the humiliations and embarrassments and all that went with them (obviously forgotten all that, no surprise there) over the last thirteen years, and being the cause of making us a laughing stock to the extent other fans chanted for him to stay, before been sacked and leaving us worse off than when he first slithered in, they can build what ever they like for him, or call what ever they like after him and put on it whatever they like that's (the last thirteen years)what he'll be remembered for. WGOAB

  5. GoonerRon

    May 09, 2018, 17:14 #109435

    @ mbg - ‘double, double winner’, ‘creator of the invincibles’ or ‘most FA Cup wins in history’ could also work on Wenger’s statue.

  6. mbg

    May 09, 2018, 16:25 #109431

    markymark, yes the wenger stand, a picture of him standing there arms out remonstrating and complaining, or a statue of the same, i'd go along with that very apt indeed, one thing it certainly won't be with is a European trophy.

  7. Exeter Ex

    May 09, 2018, 15:55 #109426

    Or perhaps I'm just able to see through fraudulent revisionism. Your glitch is you don't think anyone else is intelligent enough to see through you. Doesn't matter how many times you're proved wrong on that.

  8. Badarse

    May 09, 2018, 15:43 #109425

    Touch of the George W there methinks-with us or against us. So a chasm between '...he's arrogant, an old fraud, he thinks this, he thinks that...' and being objective and balanced. Well a glitch is a glitch I suppose, 'Riding along on my green push bike honey,(the one with the Minnie the Minx bell)...'. Guess life and all it's facets is just too nuanced and subtle for some.

  9. markymark

    May 09, 2018, 12:42 #109421

    ToOaW - you’ve said it again that he has to be quick off the mark. Or what exactly ? Breathtaking hypocrisy from a Wengerphile who couldn’t even countenance any criticism to a man who failed to deliver a title in 12 seasons. Over the past 10 years has overseas the worst record for the top 8 peer group in Europe and ended with the worst away record in the league. Happy to raise money for a statue of him fiddling with his zip if you want. Anyway Sonny don’t be too sure you’ll get nice stands named after him. Note no place on the board for him ( unthinkable 2 seasons ago ) Arsenal want a clean break . Wenger’s gone fella . I know you’re suffering as we look forward but sometime you’re going to have to get over it. I suppose you and Baddie never go anyway so you can just sit at home and keyboard troll with Baddie . Much love see you next season for more fun and jinks

  10. Exeter Ex

    May 09, 2018, 11:43 #109418

    Quite right to tell off those who speculate and imagine scenarios. Who are we to think and imagine? No, comments should be restricted to the likes of "I'm sure our betters at the club know best". Who knows, if we'd done that, maybe we'd have got another 10 years of nice Mr Wenger at least.


    May 09, 2018, 10:37 #109416

    ACG: Have just washed my mouth with soap & water for having accused the Trumpmeister of being an idiot on the flimsy grounds of having zero commonsense & no awareness whatsoever of of national pride in "bad guy" countries like Persia & Russia which had a wealth of history before the USA was ever invented. Depressing stuff - but I think your tongue was firmly in your cheek, oui? On a positive note, I look forward to interesting debates on here regarding our regime change & with less rancour. Mine's a pint of HSD please!

  12. Badarse

    May 09, 2018, 9:44 #109415

    CORNY, sometimes a large piece of humble pie has to be eaten and your post was sharp, I am with you all the way on that, good for you. Never wagged my finger at critics of AW, did wag my bottom once and MAYDUP man came steaming through a bed of pansies to spank it, that was enough. Only ever criticised speculation, rudeness, insolence, cowardly bullying, imagined scenarios, but especially those who displayed their interpretations of arrogance etc., of a man, whilst displaying those very same unprincipled traits themselves. Nark, I advised you, don't lose Wyn's drawers. Froth on Tommies! Morning TOOAW, keep up the common sense buddy.

  13. TOOAW

    May 09, 2018, 9:26 #109414

    Nark. Where am i slating the new manager. You do lke to make it up as you go sunshine. Next season, when you walk up Wenger Way and pop for a drink into the 49’s bar or the Invincibles restaurant. Remember the words of the wise ones.... “the greatest Arsenal manager ever”. There's no denying that the new guy in will have to be quick off the mark nark.

  14. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 23:00 #109413

    ToOaW - as MBG says , if you think any of us on here will demand a title within one or two years your nuts. Your messiah couldn’t do it in 12 years. Let’s repeat that 12 years. A good replacement will get us back with complete root and branch change within 3 seasons. Most of the present under performers will be shifted. If it’s messed up it could be the next manager along. If you want to slang the new guy off after a season that’s down to you sunshine .

  15. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 22:45 #109412

    Oh dear the first signs of descent for the new manager from the AKB wengerites, and so soon ? And he hasn't even been appointed yet ? he has to win the league first time ? LOL no he doesn't have to win the league first time, after the mess your messiah left ? or second time either, when's the last time your messiah won it ? the true colours of the AKB's are coming out and being shown now alright after we've been continuously told they'll be supporting the new manager no matter what, that didn't last long and they don't even know who it is yet, like I've said over and over just wait until the first loss, the first cock up he makes, etc, and we'll hear the cry of the wengrites, and it's come already before he's even appointed, bitter or what. WGOAB.

  16. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 22:14 #109411

    ToOaW - Your latest offering was almost philosophical but then it mired into your normal thick old recidivism . It also seems to have no relevance to any comments previously? so god knows what you’ve put in your Buckie today. Anyway do you now admit Wenger was sacked? your pal , well actually it looks like somebody who is trying to create distance from you, thinks so. Friendless , Wengerless, don’t cry my frightened little one. Change is coming ToOaW , get used to it. We won , you lost.

  17. TOOAW

    May 08, 2018, 21:47 #109410

    Nark. You are clearly scared of your own shadow at times. Scared to admit you are wrong. Scared to stand toe to toe with the few Halfpennys of this world. Scared to accept defeat. Scared to be honest. Scared to boycott. Scared to attend. Scared to follow. Scared to stand at the front of the queue. “We won you lost”.... what did we lose and what exactly did you win. Your Arsenal back ???? The new Arsenal boss needs to win the league first time up. 2019. Lets see eh.

  18. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 21:37 #109409

    markymark, funnily enough I was just thinking along the same lines myself, the list of names and potential that could be used for renaming after TOF is endless it really is from embarrassments to humiliations, and there wouldn't be an exaggeration among them and they'd be all very fitting indeed. I doubt it will ever come to pass though, maybe a stand and the same will go for that, the 77th minute stand, and very American too, LOL.

  19. A Cornish Gooner

    May 08, 2018, 21:13 #109408

    Cornish. That's no way to talk about a future Nobel Peace Prize winner.

  20. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 21:03 #109407

    Exeter Ex, another great post keep them coming mate, yes TOF would still be here in three years time bumbling about and bumping into things embarrassing us blaming everyone/thing but himself if He'd had his way, and all with the blessing of his ABK wengrites as he'd have taken the club down. And your right mate the AKB's think just because we've got what we want and their messiah out we think like them (god forbid)and couldn't care less, job done, the AKB's and his bidet cleaners couldn't be more wrong, The WOB's couldn't be more happy now, it's a new lease of life for them, they can't wait for the announcement of the new manager and for the season to start, so much to look forward to, exciting times ahead.


    May 08, 2018, 20:00 #109406

    Boys, boys - enough!! AW, amazingly, did today sound much happier & more rational than for many months. However, I was musing today that as the disaster of an unplanned Brexit continues to fall apart would the job still attract any top class European manager. But then work permits, tax considerations etc. etc. are never too much of a problem for the super rich are they? But maybe it will be Brenda after all. A quick PS: I am still reeling from listening in the last few minutes to the delusional tantrums of an overgrown child masquerading as the President of the USA. If this scenario goes tits up then it's Good Night Vienna for all of us.

  22. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 19:47 #109405

    Baddie - equally bizarre that a club that apparently wants to be the Bayern Munich of the UK would put up with a 12 season no title Manager. Make no mistake Baddie it was the frothing forums the terrible media, the strike by season ticket holders . I’m delighted he’s gone , delighted your understanding that he was asked to leave ( please inform ToOaW ). You don’t go to the Emirates your relationship with modern Arsenal is dubious. We won you lost

  23. A Cornish Gooner

    May 08, 2018, 19:12 #109404

    "He was no doubt asked to leave". That's good enough for me.

  24. Exeter Ex

    May 08, 2018, 18:10 #109403

    "the WOR, the rabble, the Dark Moanies ... there are no sides". "my allegiance to the OG and my quest to save the lost souls of the WOR ... to be aligned with some on this site would be a head in the oven job for me" It's so, so easy.

  25. Exeter Ex

    May 08, 2018, 17:59 #109402

    For years and years on here Badarse has wagged his finger at and railed against those that criticised Wenger whilst making friends with anyone vaguely pro-Wenger, no matter how distasteful their views. Now he tries to claim he wasn't on the other side of the argument, just his 'own side'. Even his attempt to portray Wenger's departure as some naturally occurring phenomena with the pseudo-philosophical 'it was simply his time' stuff, rather than what it was, a conscious decision taken about him by others in the face of his failure, is illustrative of just how deeply entrenched he is in the pro-Wenger faction.

  26. Badarse

    May 08, 2018, 17:55 #109401

    Bizarre that grown men, (physically at least), should want to TRUMPet a manager of AFC announcing his departure. Sacking? Not sacking? He was no doubt asked to leave, perhaps he said it was time to go, only the mobsters on this site know the truth, the rest, mere mortals have to guess and trail behind in their slip[streams. Laughing stock? Please allow me that; to be aligned with some on this site would be a head in the oven job for me. There are no sides, it is a circle, the circle of life. Give over with that glitch-the need to cause conflict-top frothing and take a powder. After all you are the victor, ha ha.

  27. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 17:38 #109400

    Exeter well said and there are still quite a few ignorant of it such is their love for an old past it manager.

  28. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 17:38 #109399

    MBG - The Wengodrome ? The theatre of delusion ? The house of defensive horrors ? Sanogo Park ? The Amaury Bishoff Stadium? When you go to buy a ticket and say what level. They’ll just say the next level is the next level so causing terrible confusion. Hmm . I’m just not sure.

  29. Exeter Ex

    May 08, 2018, 17:29 #109398

    Badarse's claim of a UKIP style disintegration is illustrative of how those on his side see things. As they now see no point to AFC now Wenger is leaving, he assumes it's the same for the anti-Wengers now they've got what they wanted. As for saving anyone, surely you have to have some credibility for that rather than be viewed as a laughing stock. As for sacking or otherwise, it's very obvious Wenger didn't want to go. As Cornish says he wasn't marched off the premises but he was told he needs to go, and for his own reputation is trying to manage it with dignity, albeit little barbs keep slipping out around the edges. It is a sacking, just not a 'nasty' sacking.

  30. Badarse

    May 08, 2018, 17:27 #109397

    Good evening Marky. Faction? Neigh, as westlower oft said. Faction is a part of the majority I believe. I met a young lady today who said she and her mum were crying at AW's departure ceremony. Anyway I am in no group or faction so cannot win lose or draw, and please don't lose Wyn's drawers. The Trump triumphalism doesn't become you buddy. No in off the post or a deflection of any kind. I am aware we travel that old rattling conveyor belt-remember?-and eventually we topple off into oblivion, AW was no exception. Care? I care passionately about all concerned with my club, outgoing, incoming managers, all. Recognition of inevitability is not the same thing. So I think you've misunderstood once more, always said, always cared. I have no friends on a disembodied site. I yam what I yam, and no YAMPUD in sight, though as a defender of AW TOOAW is OK by me. Never prayed in my life and couldn't pretend to. Sorry the last part of your post was all Greek to me, I truly don't understand what the reference was, but will speak to cuz Badarsemewhatyoulike for a translation..

  31. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 17:12 #109396

    My god their talking about naming the Stadium the old fraud now, pathetic.

  32. A Cornish Gooner

    May 08, 2018, 16:48 #109395

    Ron I don't think anyone is suggesting it was a 'conventional' sacking. We know it wasn't instant dismissal, being escorted off the premises, but as I posted the other day it was a 'Voluntary Departure’. (The term ‘voluntary’ describes the method of departure rather than the choice of whether or not to depart.) Since the resignation he seems a happier man to be honest. I think although he will be sad to go, he's probably a bit relieved as well.

  33. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 16:42 #109394

    Ron , Have to disagree with you I’m afraid and though it just maybe people like me putting 2 and 2 together . The suggestion is that Wenger was effectively sacked by the board end of last season but saved by Stan. Wenger was given a final two years to ensure smooth handover. Wenger then of course oversaw the most abject away Record in the league. Josh comes over and is recorded as saying ‘we need straight talk’ just a month or so after his visit Wenger is out. Stan says this is the most difficult decision I have ever had to make in sport ‘ Wenger says “the timing wasn’t mine”. Sanhelli says in his first public utterance and sitting next to Ivan “I’ve overseen 8 managerial changes at Barca “ Why come out with that? He didn’t have to say that. Arsenal would still very much do a massive send off to Wenger. They will believe they owe him. It’s good for PR and it doesn’t effect anything. Notice no one is saying oh Wenger join us on the Board. This would have been an unthinkable snub up to 2 years ago. He’s frozen out , yesterday’s man. Welcome I’m sure though to pop along every now and again . The next manager will be sacked as brutally as anybody else in the game, as our ex Barca DOF will operate as a true DOF at Arsenal. It will now become a results business with anyone within the upper echelons as at risk as the manager . We will now finally enter the modern game with expectancy over a max of 3 seasons. Only the most exceptional will last longer and the reality is other teams would pick off a successful manager anyway.

  34. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 16:01 #109392

    I reckon TOF such is his deterioration he doesn't/hasn't realised he's been sacked yet, he's staggering about deluded in some time warp thinking these so called accolades are because hes just won the league and the fans think he's the best manager in the world and that trophy was the prem trophy, and the legends were the current team. Thank god he was and wasn't allowed to go on his own terms or deluded old fool would probably change his mind, indeed he might turn up at the gates with his red tie and brief case next season and have to be convinced and told you don't work here any more arsene.

  35. Yes its Ron

    May 08, 2018, 15:52 #109391

    Chaps - On the point of AWs 'sacking'. Im still not convinced its been a conventional sacking. Hes been persuaded to go now instead of next May and hes very reluctantly agreed. The ceremony and the paraphernalia tells us this. Never would be allowed to occur had AW been sacked. It would have been too daft, to celebrate a mans departure who was unceremoniously kicked out, on notice or not. Just my view on it. His expressions of love for the club and the big send off etc etc etc wouldn't follow anything other than an agreed severance of his contract. OK, more agreeable to the Club than to him, but an agreement nevertheless.

  36. A Cornish Gooner

    May 08, 2018, 15:36 #109390

    markymark Coming soon (probably) from the man who changes history. Arsene Wenger: My Part In His Downfall (by doing nothing) and his epic tale detailing his 'quest' in Le Morte d'Arthur.

  37. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 15:08 #109389

    Baddie - you might be right. Obviously your faction lost though I have detected you trying to deflect this by saying you expected it and you don’t care. Funny you never said that at the time. Anyway if that is genuinely the way you felt then you’d best explain to ToOaW who will be confused. In fact as his mate can you explain to ToOaW about the sacking situation as bless him he doesn’t get it. I know that you as a very senior ( now retired ) figure in industry can tell him how these things work. Btw no need to pray for us. The victors don’t need a prayer. Just join up with your Untold Brethren and preach to them. Last time I looked the site was falling apart with ‘Zam’ Telling the deluded ones a few home truths . Poor old Walter said ‘do you support Spurs’ what a card eh! Poor old Walter probably supports Anderlecht and don’t mention his basement!!!!!

  38. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 14:53 #109388

    Well it appears that Allegri’s odds are shortening again. Surely a man who’s tactical acumen and defensive set ups are light years ahead of mediocre Wenger. Ifs it’s not to be there’s a suggestion Ancelotti ( 3 European champion leagues equaling Bob Paisleys cups ) along with an Arteta or Vieira at no. 2 could be installed. Both very solid options and who will eradicate the effete Wengerball loved by the rag tag bunch of Wengerphiles. Can’t wait till next season

  39. Badarse

    May 08, 2018, 14:42 #109387

    Hi Bard, I've seen it written, so know it's true. The description of the Rolf didgeridoo accompaniment was a little beguiling but horses for courses as westlower twice said. You are the Bard therefore the Byron ballpoint of the site. Looking forward to the new chapter and I owe my allegiance to the OG and my quest to save the lost souls of the WOR-methinks a UKIP type disintegration is imminent.

  40. ClockEnd_90

    May 08, 2018, 13:38 #109386

    Arsenal have become very good at ceremonial stuff and send-offs and flag waving and t-shirt handing out since we moved to the Emirates. Players who want to achieve things 'for the manager' or 'for an injured player'. No! Lets stop celebrating mediocrity and get an attitude that players want to achieve things for their professional careers. In my view we are in desperate need of a manager who drives the club forward in a new direction and not the potential of a continuation of what we already have. Wenger took us forward for 10 years and back for 12. Good luck, Arsene. Bring on the new man! UTG

  41. Exiled in Pt

    May 08, 2018, 12:39 #109385

    Priceless now Wenger suggests the team only need 2 or 3 additions and it can compete .We have all been saying it for how many seasons !!! Seems like he is gently adding to the pressure for the next man to come in.. If only 50 million to spend !!!

  42. Bard

    May 08, 2018, 12:33 #109384

    Still at it Baddie. What are you going to do when the Messiah hangs up his bomber jacket ? May I suggest a short hike over to Untold where they have been discussing whether the ground should be renamed after 'his lordship'. As for poetry, I was once a called poetry in motion by a girlfriend, in fact several girlfriends.

  43. Yes its Ron

    May 08, 2018, 12:02 #109383

    Hi Bob Yes, agreed. I think BW allowed his sentiment to run away with him a bit didnt he. It was all a bit 'royal wedding' but to be honest, anybody there had the choice to leave them to it. I think AW even seemed to find it all a bit too much.

  44. mbg

    May 08, 2018, 11:32 #109382

    markymark, yes mate they're crawling out of their hole less frequently now, one only does when he's back on earth, or when his village find him again, I see they have and he's mumbling something about a tee shirt, has he seen an alien again ? it took them longer than usual this time he must be getting good at hide and seek and he's took time to practice his gobbledegook too, I guess they've finally realised and admitted now what we've all known for years and just couldn't lose face and come on and admit it, hence the disappearing acts in cloud cuckoo land. WGOAB.

  45. Badarse

    May 08, 2018, 11:29 #109381

    Sorry Nark, had a senior moment-thinking incorrectly of the hattrick 0f titles, though Richards would put their own seal of disapproval on things as they did AW; and it matters not a jot what colour your bike is.

  46. Bob Bayliss

    May 08, 2018, 11:17 #109380

    Hi Ron The send-off went beyond what was palatable, I'm afraid. While those of us who lost all respect for him accepted that there would invetiably be some sort of ceremony, once the likes of Bob Wilson started coming out with tripe like "Arsenal's greatest ever manager" that crossed the line. Still, onward and (in time, we hope) upward now he has finally gone.

  47. Yes its Ron

    May 08, 2018, 10:56 #109379

    A good send off and well deserved i thought. The send off was meant to be detached from any views and theories of the teams decline that we have all exhausted and argued about many times over and should be seen as such. It was a send off to acknowledge his 22 years and has nothing directly to do with the high or low points of his tenure. Its opportunistic for people to denigrate the nature of the send off to reinforce their personal views.It was well justified as i saw it and i was glad it was a full stadium for him. Football fans are largely poor quality fans brainwashed by TV these days and im pretty sure there were many in there shouting for and heralding his name who have not only called for his departure but who have consistently insulted him. Quite likely a few there shouting whos behaviour at Stoke a couple of yrs ago was disgusting to see. Thats normal for football fans but it shouldn't detract from the due celebration of his time at Arsenal. Look at those 'best fans in the land' 2 years back at Leicester. Barely anyone there at the King Power for their lap of honour. Poor show. Glad ive dropped out of committed football supporting. Its all a bit sick at that PL level these days. I pity the younger newer influx who are finding their feet in it.

  48. Exiled in Pt

    May 08, 2018, 10:17 #109378

    Exeter ex, not a truer word spoken !! This clubs history was built by Mr Chapman not Mr Wenger . No one can deny Wenger did a lot to change English football and turned our football back into something everybody wanted to watch not just us! But his first 10 years have been ruined by the last 12 years of his tenure 3 fa cups is not enough , after all we moved to the concrete soulless bowl to compete with the big boys........

  49. Exeter Ex

    May 08, 2018, 9:50 #109377

    Chapman had already won 2 titles and AFC were well on the way to a 3rd when he died. Those ignorant of AFC history are not in a position to judge who is Arsenal's greatest ever manager. Those aware of it, and of Chapman's transformative effect, will know it's not really up for debate.

  50. Badarse

    May 08, 2018, 8:33 #109376

    A send off a la Arsenal, it was nice and only people without sunshine in their lives like the Bard, who prefers to hang upside down in the cupboard, can deny the beauty and romance of the event. How does poetry sit with you Bard? Just a lot of silly words that might rhyme? As for the MAYDUP man if you don't believe a woman should have control over her own body how could he make the transition that Arsenal's greatest manager should be applauded with dignity to the end? Never thought that I would see a twit fail to spell 'T' as in T-shirt. A good report Kev, thanks for the season. I agree that Ozil could/should go this summer, and his wage increase was instrumental in preparing the ground for that eventuality, so sorry SKG, that is business today, as the Daily Express would encourage. I like Moscow, (sorry to put the kiss of death on you buddy), he is balanced and aware and extremely dignified, unlike one who results to 'Toady' despite Nark winning the Kermit award in the season's Virtual Awards. 1971 Gooner/KC38, me too. The greatest ever football, and the greatest ever team at my club. Worth that little boy dining on dreams until he was half a century old to witness the constant stream of events. Nark Herbie was great and there is no question over that, however he died before the second title was secured, so that and the third was certainly his legacy but not his accomplishment. There was only one Arsene Wenger, and thankfully that carries across that there is only one of each of those damaged posters. Virtual OG Cookery classes begin next Friday chaps, followed by egg-rolling around the kitchen, bring your own knee pads.

  51. markymark

    May 08, 2018, 6:43 #109375

    MBG and Exeter - I’ve spotted that the Rag-Tag Wenger boy rabble are posting dramatically less. One of them attempts to show interest in Arsenal but it seems half hearted and fixed in time way back when. The other with Wenger in his name is extremely narrow of field and I’d suggest a bit thick. I’m assuming he’s tapping away in his Merci Arsene T shirt that hecpribsbky found dumped outside the ground. They lost , one of them has already tried to rewrite his stance. The other is in denial. I suspect not s lot will be seen from them unless it’s a surprise choice of manager or new manager has a form dip at which point their protestations of extreme loyalty will be exposed as complete BS

  52. mbg

    May 07, 2018, 23:33 #109374

    Imagine Fergie and his Man U the opposition, he'd have loved it, he'd have had his team well up for it and sent TOF off with a proper send off, one he deserves another embarrassment, with a smile on his face.

  53. mbg

    May 07, 2018, 22:52 #109373

    Bob Bayliss, good post, and they wont, all those years of wengers failures will never be forgotten, cloughs latter years and failures are still talked about nothing else and that's the way it will remain, just the same as wengers, he had a couple of chances to do something about that, and change it but didn't take it such was his arrogance and ego, so that's the way he will be remembered now, his legacy now ruined and branded a failure.

  54. markymark

    May 07, 2018, 22:47 #109372

    ToOAW - sing what ? what are you on about numbskull? My singing is atrocious Ps . You have been asked this question before so I’m asking it again. Did you predict Wenger’s sacking?

  55. TOOAW

    May 07, 2018, 22:26 #109371

    Ex..... you use the word........ hopefully.

  56. Roy

    May 07, 2018, 22:26 #109370

    Spot on as usual Kev, and if it were up to me they'd be running a greasy spoon called Stan and Chips with Arsene as their Guvnor turning over a meagre profit, until in the end of course they inevitably run it into the ground. But hey - ho, you can't have everything ! I wouldn't go as far as to say it was hypocritical of some of those to turn up, after all he did give the club what he did, but I personally stuck to my guns and didn't go. I'm now looking forward to going again. The Ozil thing is a conundrum, isn't it ? My own personal take on it is that if there is a way to offload him and cut our losses, we should take it, although not everyone is going to agree on that either. How will he react to the new man ? Speaking of which, that is just one of a whole host of issues he's got to try and sort out following this sh*tshow of a season as you succinctly put it ! There could be further trouble ahead in the short term, but at least it might not be mind - numbingly predictable. As for your much vaunted 'values' Arsene - au revoir to that, time for a different set.

  57. Exeter Ex

    May 07, 2018, 22:11 #109369

    Only a week to go and the likes of Toady will be gone forever. Along with the ridiculous notion you cannot criticise the Arsenal manager of the day. Hopefully a manager who does actual tactics and for whom support is conditional upon succeeding lies ahead. Insane how long this has gone on.

  58. KC38

    May 07, 2018, 22:11 #109368

    1971 doesn’t the home and away performances sum it all up. Play when they want, no discipline, no fear of being dropped, no defensive organisation, away is when your team set up and dna is tested, ours failed because we don’t have either hence we can’t compete against the best. We are great at home against the ordinaries.

  59. TOOAW

    May 07, 2018, 21:40 #109367

    Only pathetic if it suits your agenda. Perspective is that it is 1 more than the loud ones down the road who have 2 in its history. Clearly you are wiping out the domestic cups which didnt happen eh. Allz welbz that ends welbz. Did you sing it??? Go on did you?? Or were you at home fingers crossed we got beat. Gooner???? My arse.

  60. mbg

    May 07, 2018, 21:22 #109366

    If ever a team stood off and let TOF and his little nice boys play wenger tippy tappy all over the place this was it, shame on them, it was bad enough listening to and watching the vomit fest afterwards (even though I did nod off now and again due to too much stella) but Dyche and his Burnley going through the motions making sure they didn't ruin the day for an old fraud of a manager even though they had a chance to progress made it even f*****g worse, pathetic, maybe he thought it wouldn't look good if he caused another embarrassment, especially if he's taking over his seat next season, is that the type of manager we want ?

  61. markymark

    May 07, 2018, 21:09 #109365

    ToOaW - I’m making an assumption that next season you’ll drop the ToOaW tag and try and sign on with a different user name? I’m also making the assumption that you have been able to accept Wenger’s sacking? Assumptions , assumptions eh? 3 titles in 22 years pathetic

  62. TOOAW

    May 07, 2018, 19:22 #109364

    Loving the assumptions again eh Nark re chapmans demise. What if Manchester United hadnt existed. We would have won more league titles under “the greatest Arsenal manager”..... what if, what if, what if. Your favourite website has admitted Arsene being number 1 manager of all time but unfortunately you and others cannot bring yourself round to admitting it. The Irish one reckons we were lucky to go the season unbeaten and we should be grateful of Bruce Rioch. Go figure.

  63. GoonerRon

    May 07, 2018, 18:56 #109363

    It’s usually difficult to compare anything between generations and football managers are the same. I think Herbert Chapman would get the nod for me as he was the first manager to make us great and that has to be the most difficult to achieve. Wenger will always have a hugely special place at Arsenal for the unbelievably amazing heights he took us to and on that basis the farewell with a good win, good football, classy send off and the sun shining was awesome.

  64. markymark

    May 07, 2018, 17:55 #109362

    I think all those who keep on spouting Wenger was Arsenal’s greatest ever manager as some sort of shield against criticism should think about Chapmans death after the 2nd title. The fact that Alison could grab a third in a row would surely have meant Chapman doing the same . Though Alison’s latter 30’s team were not all conquering he was stuffed by WW2. 3 titles in 22 years is quite frankly threadbare

  65. Bob Bayliss

    May 07, 2018, 17:21 #109361

    I agree with much of this analysis, especially around how Wenger was ultimately forced out by the hit to the profits and the ominous evidence that there are no longer enough tourists to more than half-fill the Emirates irrespective of what is on offer. I also think it is fair to highlight that much of the blame rests with Kronke and Chips Keswick for allowing the situation to continue as long as it did. Which of us would sack ourselves when we know we are going to be allowed to continue to coast year after year? But where I disagree is "With time, the failures of the first 12 seasons of the Emirates era will be forgotten." They won't, and they shouldn't. Wenger sacrificed much of his reputation in staying so much longer than he should have done. It's unfair to compare Cloughie. True, he stayed too long, but until a couple of years before he went Forest were still competing at a level historically above anything they could have imagined before Clough. Not true of Arsenal. We had a proud history, created by the man who was - and always will be - the greatest manager: Herbert Chapman. Wenger sacrificed his right to be mentioned in the same breath when he carried on pocketing money without earning it year after year.

  66. 1971 Gooner

    May 07, 2018, 15:26 #109360

    Our home league record this season of W15, D2, L2 compares more or less with Man City, whereas our away record of W3, D4, L10 compares more or less with West Brom. Has there ever been such a disparity, and what might be the reasons? Discuss.

  67. Exeter Ex

    May 07, 2018, 14:36 #109358

    I think it was an appropriate ending. Appropriate that the opposition played in the way late Wengerball requires to succeed - stand off and watch. And appropriate that Wenger maintains his delusions to the end, in his belief this team is close to competing. I'm sure he thinks if he'd just had one more season... as he would have forever if allowed. In the end his major plus was his inside track on overseas players in the 90s. As a coach he was poor.

  68. mbg

    May 07, 2018, 14:26 #109357

    Thank God that vomit fest is over, at least the tee shirts came in handy.

  69. Bard

    May 07, 2018, 13:38 #109356

    Yesterday was quite surreal, although I only watched it on Sky. An appropriate farewell given his service but the love in also pointed to a chronic weakness that should have been addressed years ago. Arsenal are in the business of top class sport and its a brutal environment. There should be very little room for sentiment. He should have been asked to leave years ago. Its become a social club with Wenger wittering on about art and life. Sorry in my view this has nothing to do with high level sport. We have too many in the squad who are comfortable going though the motions and they either have to up their game or leave. Wally was the epitome but there are plenty of others. Agree about Ozil.

  70. KC38

    May 07, 2018, 13:30 #109355

    It’s opinion who is the best ever manager. What I don’t think is in question is the brand of football quite simply Wengers first ten years built on a tight budget going up against Fergie at his best was an Arsenal team that played the best football we have seen in our life time. It was breathtaking at times and produced players of the highest quality and technical ability. Yesterday was summed up by the presentation a trophy based on a season 14 years ago. It’s the facts that matter 3 titles won with classy attacking football and now a team in 6th place with an atrocious away record. He was fantastic but sadly the table proves it’s time for change

  71. 1971 Gooner

    May 07, 2018, 13:01 #109354

    I couldn’t say if Arsene is the greatest ever Arsenal manager, but what I can say is that for a period of time he delivered football of a style and quality I thought was wonderful, with trophies to accompany it. Nobody can take that away from him, and those are the best footballing years of my life so far. I look forward to the new guy, whoever he may be, getting us back there.

  72. Moscowgooner

    May 07, 2018, 12:41 #109353

    Celebrations were OTT - as Seven Kings suggests - but I don't think it was 'hypocritical' - as some have suggested in the media - to give him a good send off. I have wanted him gone for at least 5 seasons; but he will go down as probably the second greatest manager in our history and it would have been petulant (as AW himself has been on too many occasions) not to stay and applaud him on this, his final home game.

  73. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    May 07, 2018, 11:32 #109352

    You signed off your home match reports in fine style Kev, really good balanced piece. I will take task with you though about Ozil and his 80% season, more like 50%. The fact that not only do Arsenal tolerate this type of player but choose to give him a huge salary increase, shows how far our standards have fallen. I yearn for a proper Anglo Saxon captain to sort out the arrogant little sh*t, Thursday's defeat was another one of the many "no show Ozil" performances. How the club allows him to do just what he likes is disgraceful, I want Simeone in just to watch MO world implode! The OTT celebrations were expected but when I hear Bob Wilson calling AW the greatest manager ever, it upsets me big time. Bob was one the bravest Arsenal players I have ever seen and a particular favourite of mine, to see some of the cowardly players Arsene has given a shirt to makes our 71 double winning keeper's statement so misplaced. Sorry Bob, Arsene was great - up until Dein left.