Air is distinctly blue in the away end at Leicester

Online Ed: Arsenal make it seven league away defeats on the trot in Arsène’s penultimate outing

Air is distinctly blue in the away end at Leicester

Arsène goes for the casual look at the King Power

Ed’s note - My thanks to Charlie Ashmore for doing the write-up on last night’s game, which I only saw sections of on a questionable stream

And so to the penultimate episode of The Wenger years season 22 (and final). Another away match and another defeat. Ain’t nobody able to say we don’t deliver consistency eh?

And what fun it was. The sort of thing that makes you give up going to live football. The match? No not at all. Meaningless end of season fixture and quite entertaining in its own way. What I am referring to is the moronic narrative being spouted by the ignorant prick we had the misfortune to be sat (sorry, stood) in front of all evening (well all evening until the third goal anyway at which point the energy it must take to be as angry as him ran out and he declared to the universal relief of those around him that he wasn’t going to stick around to abuse the team at the end). He was alone for the first half which to be honest didn’t surprise any of us as who would choose to have their evening ruined by a man whose opinions he feels are sufficiently important that they bear repeating ad nauseam loud enough for all around him to hear but of course never reaching the players and manager who they purport to be aimed at.

Here are some of the highlights:

“Maitland-Niles you useless c***. Never good enough to play for Arsenal. How many chances is that c*** going to give you?” The fact that he was one of our better players and did brilliantly to set up the goal not enough to give pause for breath nor even any apparent understanding that he has had about one chance in the position he believes is his best.

“Xhaka… £32m…my f****** arse. You’re f****** sh*t you useless c***. Have been ever since you joined.”

(Contrast with “Mikhitaryan… come on Micky you’re f****** better than that” as he gets the benefit of the doubt not afforded to others of a misplaced pass).

The defence… “stop marking space you useless c****. The c*** is going you don’t need to listen to him anymore. This sh*t wouldn’t have happened under George Graham” (ignoring the fact that under George Graham the defence that won us the title a few years later under Wenger nearly got us relegated in Graham’s last season).

“Wenger…. what the f*** are you doing?! We are 1-0 down and you bring another f****** defender on when we are chasing the game. No wonder you got the f****** sack you useless c***”. This of course after the sending off of Mavropanos when if we hadn’t brought on another centre half we would have been playing with one centre half for 80 odd minutes (and our fourth choice at that).

“Iwobi you useless c*** how the f*** can you stay on the pitch instead of Welbeck. How can you be better than Welbeck. You’re f****** rubbish.” (I am reasonably confident that had Welbeck stayed on, he too would have received the same dog’s abuse from our friend so he was perhaps lucky to be spared it. Unlike us.

Young players generally. “It’s a f****** joke. They are not f****** good enough for Arsenal. How many f****** chances do we have to give these c****. We are the Arsenal not a f****** academy.” The fact that many of our best sides in history have been stuffed full of players who came through the ranks obviously not relevant. They of course will never have made a mistake as they set out in first team football.

The team generally. “you useless c****” Make no f****** mistake most of you are out on your ear when the new man comes in and we get our Arsenal back. Only one more game of having to watch you f****** w******”.

And so on (with most of the above being repeated many times in the unrelenting verbal barrage). Imagine putting up with 90 minutes (no, sorry, 80 minutes) of this constant aural battery (even if you agree with some or all of the sentiments) delivered in an increasingly irritating whiney voice and you begin to understand how enjoyable the experience would have been for those of us who experienced it.

For what it’s worth, I enjoyed the game. I don’t think we deserved to lose 3-1 if at all. I thought the sending off was harsh as to me Rob Holding looked to be covering but those around me didn’t (our friend and I were in agreement that it shouldn’t have been a red but his “argument” seemed to be based on Mavropanas’ youth rather than merit). The penalty was down the other end but also looked harsh and this seemed to be supported by the way the referee appeared to pause before giving it.

We started well. Their goal came from nothing. That combined with the sending off changed the flow of the game. They had some chances as they dominated the rest of the half. Cech made some good saves. We started the second half well and started creating chances. At 1-1 (great work by Maitland-Niles) we looked the more likely winners until they took the lead again with a dodgy penalty – immediately after Mkhitaryan had inexplicably chosen to pass instead of shooting as it opened up for him. Credit to him for racing back to be the man in defence against whom the penalty was harshly (have I mentioned it was harsh?) given. We had a couple more breaks when we should have done better and then they scored again to kill the game off.

The majority of the fans took the game for what it was. An end of season kickabout in which we had played reasonably well (for about 60 minutes in total) and deserved a better result. Some knockabout banter with the home fans which is always in evidence at Leicester where the atmosphere is usually pretty good (“How sh*t must you be we’re drawing away” being responded to by “how sh*t must you be we’re drawing at home” was a particularly good exchange) and the whole ground sang “there’s only one Arsene Wenger” just before the end (which would probably have given our friend a heart attack had he not already left to beat the traffic).

Look, I get the fact that the whole Wenger thing has generated anger in many quarters (including one or two of those whose comments will appear below) and that’s fine. Nothing wrong with a bit of passion and I get the anger) but it is done now. Can we not all relax for a bit and just have a bit of fun before it all starts getting serious again? It used to be fun you know watching football and we used to be able to enjoy matches that meant nothing by taking them on their own merits. (Anyone remember going up to Everton in the late 80s after a torrid run and singing ‘We’ll score again don’t know where don’t know when’? Or going to Maine Road and losing 3-0 against a doomed to relegation City but doing the conga through the benches in the away end while singing “30 pound a week, thirty pound a week division 2 is calling you – 30 pound a week?”. It would be nice for it to start being fun again.

Huddersfield next for the damp squib finale. Here’s hoping for some entertainment and who knows maybe an away point or three to celebrate in 2018. Somehow the historical connection with Huddersfield makes it as appropriate an away venue with which to end an era.

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  1. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 15:36 #109578

    markymark, waiting to click renew on the AKB site ( not the Arsenal membership site of course they were never interested in that)the two deluded fools are probably hanging on in the belief it's been a bad dream, and they wake up this morning and we're and their messiah are going to be presented with the prem trophy, and the announcement of three more years, you can imagine the disappointment when the realisation sets in. WGOAB

  2. markymark

    May 13, 2018, 12:07 #109574

    ToOaW and Baddie ( the Rag Tag Wenger Boyz ) - last day of your membership , further contributions from you are now pointless . He’s going fellas , he’s gone ! Just a quick question , do you think Real , Barca or Bayern are getting their offers ready ? No thought not :)

  3. markymark

    May 12, 2018, 15:39 #109557

    Tooaw - “ ignorant, drunken idiot“ yep top marks fella , you’ve recognised how you come across. This process we’ve been through really seems to have helped. I might now write some more. Unfortunately your partner in crime is refusing to recognise himself. More work I think is required on his Delusional behaviour

  4. mbg

    May 12, 2018, 14:01 #109555

    Ha, ha, hee hee, lol,lol, the toad in wengers hole accusing someone of racism, I thought i'd heard it all, and calling on the Editor to do some thing about it ? LOL, and to someone who is always against racism whom I've never read a racist word/post off including the one concerned, is this all they have left ? real low barrel scraping there from the biggest racist on the site. You couldn't make it up. WGOAB.

  5. Exeter Ex

    May 12, 2018, 9:56 #109548

    Think the story has touched a nerve. Remember, it's only okay when Quisling writes a comedy sketch. From anyone else it is rude and insolent. Desperate reaching by the Toad, and sounds like he wants to ban himself for life. Can all get behind that, I'm sure. And how do you make the judgment 'don't give up the day job' if you've returned Unread?

  6. markymark

    May 12, 2018, 6:42 #109546

    Unless I’m missing something there’s no mention of Scottish . ‘Yous’ is a drunken you , like oshifer for officer. Anyway you said you had Irish ancestry ? Now if I’d said Thick Paddy - as you have on numerous occasions that is racist. As You verbally or textually linked the nationality to the perceived sin, weakness or undesirable behaviour. Nice try, but so cigar fella. I thought it summed you up quite nicely

  7. TOOAW

    May 11, 2018, 22:55 #109544

    Nark. You've overstepped the mark fella. 'Scottish, ignorant, drunken idiot' in reference to your juvenile piece which didn't quite capture the OG imagination. Now. I'm sure this was your suggestion.... Ban anyone for 90 days if reference is made concerning racism, trolling, abuse etc. Online Ed. Maybe you will take a look into this.

  8. markymark

    May 11, 2018, 20:50 #109543

    ToOaW - racist please explain ??

  9. TOOAW

    May 11, 2018, 17:08 #109530

    Sorry Narky boy. C minus on that (and we all know what the C stands for) tread carefully fella. Your racist streak came to the fore there.

  10. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 15:13 #109526

    markymark, Laurel and Hardy.

  11. MAF

    May 11, 2018, 12:10 #109512

    Here is the squad for this Weekend.... Richard Wright, Squillaci, Senderos, Djourou, Cygan, Stepanovs,Syvestre, Gervinho, Denilson, Inamoto, Chamahk, Bendtner, Jeffers. Wenger was(not) a genius

  12. Badarse

    May 11, 2018, 11:31 #109510

    Sorry Nark, script returned as 'Unread'. As I said before don't give up the day job with all your centrist chums, ha ha.

  13. markymark

    May 10, 2018, 22:05 #109503

    Baddie and ToOaW - I’m going to put to you a synopsis for a a script based on two bumbling incompetent detectives . I’m giving them the quirky names Quisling and Toad. Week by week they attempt to unravel a major heist of £8million pounds .The culprit is easily identifiable , however they always miss the clues as they roam the country ( latest episode set in Leicester) Quisling the pompous one will continually use terms like ‘dim witted’ or ‘buffoon’ to any helpful member of the public who actually identifies the culprit . Toad will be a maudlin drunk . Continually feeling sorry for himself saying lines like “yous need to meet the real me, I’m nice really” and “yous are a bunch of fickles” whilst drinking anything he can get his hands on. Due to Toad being continually propped up at the bar he doesn’t actually investigate much, therefore easily allowing the criminal to escape each week. Next episode I’m thinking of setting an episode in Huddersfield . What do you boys think?

  14. TOOAW

    May 10, 2018, 21:23 #109502

    MBG. Did you arrive home safely from Leicester last night? Fickle gooner down to a T.

  15. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 20:37 #109499

    GoonerRon, you may have a point, but it's fooking hard to when TOF is walking around London Colney talking to trees.

  16. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 20:25 #109498

    Lets hope that photo looks a hell of a lot different next season, completely unrecognisable even, and i'm sure it will, even if they were just carrying out instructions, doing what wenger wanted, carrying out their duties how and the way he wanted, (that certainly was the case with bould) either way their too long under his regime/dictatorship, what's the term/terms indoctrinated, institutionalised ? to remain and should be sent packing like him, lets hope that's the case and we can have a fresh start.

  17. John F

    May 10, 2018, 19:10 #109496

    The one player i remember getting dogs abuse was Lee Chapman.Even during the warm up the poor chap would get it with people breaking out into laughter as he missed controlled a pass.

  18. GoonerRon

    May 10, 2018, 18:14 #109492

    @ mbg - chill out, Wenger said he’s clearing his office out next week so your turmoil is almost over.

  19. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 17:33 #109490

    So TOF says he can leave a club he can be proud off behind him, club to be proud off ? after all the embarrassments and humiliations etc, etc, after nearly ruining it, and leaving us in a worse position than when he started, i wouldn't like to bloody see it if he wasn't proud, and/or if he'd got another season or two.

  20. markymark

    May 10, 2018, 17:30 #109488

    Yes it’s Ron - completely off on a tangent it’s very much There is an argument as to whether society is getting worse or better. Steven Pinker gets regularly attacked for saying it’s getting better (seems odd really to attack optimism) I personally believe We have lost a soul of football . We just need to look at Spurs v Arsenal 1987 semis to see that . However saying all of that randomised football violence in the 70’s and 80’s was far worse than it is now. Issues over recent in-fighting are peculiar to our club and the poor way the situation has been handled . Whatever side of the divide when you have a major organisation being outflanked by a social media Chanel such as Arsenal fan tv. That organisation is in trouble . In a sort of parallel McDonalds were outfoxed for a few years by the McDonald’s 5. It’s taken them millions on PR and a makeover to put that one to bed. Arsenal can close off the in-fighting by a decent managerial appointment

  21. TonyEvans

    May 10, 2018, 16:12 #109484

    Hi Ron - yeah don't miss it as football is now. We had the best of it by miles didn't we. Happy now to be more impartial - Arsenal will always be my team, of course, though, and I am really interested to see how things develop post Wenger.

  22. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 16:11 #109483

    Way back when i was a scrawny kid Dave Court used to get the heavy end of the dogs abuse, then later, Colin Addison they chose Jon Sammels. I loved Sammels and could never get why he was the preferred target. It wasnt ever like it is today though. The abuse sort of had a humorous aspect to it. Society s changed of course esp since Thatchers days but im fairly sure its media methods of conveying so called news and football opinion that addled the tiny minds of those like him Charlie is talking about.

  23. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 15:44 #109482

    Hi Tony A lot of the abuse today is far more sinister and vile than it ever was years ago though Quinny used to cop it didnt he. He was hardly ever 'fit to wear the shirt'! . Stoke 2 years back was a new low how they attacked Wenger. Away supporters fighting among themselves on quite a few away days and ive not been away for 2 years so whats it been like recently?. Never saw that yrs back. The contorted faces as they rage at each other isnt just the odd one v each other its quite a few of them. Last aay game i saw was at Leics last Season - 0-0. August. They were fighting that day. Leics fans thought it hilarious. It was actually pathetic. These moronic knobheads are all high on Sky sports hype and pundit speak plus the booze.

  24. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 15:37 #109481

    And he's still slabbering (to those who'll listen) about it being the best home season in years, (whatever that's meant to mean or achieved)and not f*****g word about it being the worst away one, even at this stage trying to cover up ? Who the f**k does this p***k think he's kidding, definitely ill.

  25. TonyEvans

    May 10, 2018, 15:33 #109480

    Markymark - twas ever thus! I remember one particular moment at Highbury when some old feller was non stop moaning and cussing. Niall Quinn was on the receiving end mostly! When I plucked up the courage to say to him something like shouldn't you be in the away end as you obviously hate Arsenal he didn't half lecture me about how many years he had been a supporter and how he had every right to have a go at the team. True I suppose but sometimes you do wonder exactly what someone like that is getting out of it!

  26. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 15:11 #109479

    GoonerRon, yes and no doubt you and that contributor would have got on very well together.

  27. Exiled in Pt

    May 10, 2018, 14:53 #109477

    ClockEnd 90 , YES he is !!! The press wax on about how wonderful a person he is to interview and talk too because he is so honest and always has an answer for them. Be nice if he just came out and said he has fu#ked it all up and he is sorry to leave a worse mess behind than when he took over...............

  28. GoonerRon

    May 10, 2018, 14:45 #109475

    @ mbg - did you enjoy your trip to the King Power? Small world with you being seated in front of a Gooner contributor.

  29. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 14:32 #109474

    Ernie71, this old past it excuse for a manager (and his shower of tippy tappy nice boys)has/have no pride in the shirt or the club no matter what he spews to the media and his wengerites, otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess, but some are easily pleased and would enjoy it, and find positives out of it regardless.

  30. markymark

    May 10, 2018, 14:12 #109473

    Charlie - don’t really see the point of the Moan about the moaner. As a six year old taken to the north bank for the first time in 1975 I was bewildered by male anger. Later on you realise it’s a safe place to vent the frustrations of your life. If there were kids around him perhaps not the best . But don’t see any different behaviour as witnessed over the years. Where we any good Charlie? No didn’t think so. That’s probably the more important thing

  31. ClockEnd_90

    May 10, 2018, 14:05 #109472

    Wenger still banging on about the special qualities of this squad and how it is capable of challenging for the title next season. Is he actually f*****g insane? You have led that side to 7 straight away league defeats. Cannot wait to see the back of the man.

  32. Bard

    May 10, 2018, 14:04 #109471

    Charlie your frustration says it all really. Frankly cant wait till the season's over and we can all move on. I had to laugh at his comment that we are a couple short. Could be his mantra over the last decade.

  33. 1971 Gooner

    May 10, 2018, 13:59 #109469

    I still can’t get my head around why we’ve been so crap away this season. The pitch is the same size, the grass is green and the away support is more vocal than the home support most of the time, despite being fewer in number. As for the t**t in the crowd last night, wasn’t the answer simply to tell him to shut the f*** up?

  34. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 13:47 #109468

    No it's not done, some would like it to be, it's not done until that useless f*****g c**t walks out the door for the last time.

  35. Exiled in Pt

    May 10, 2018, 13:37 #109467

    yes it is time we stopped moaning about le fraud he is finally leaving , just Sunday to go thank god! However as already said GG's teams lowest finish was 10th place in 92/93 not near relegation and the season they lost 10 away games 89/90 they finished 4th . Just face facts Wenger's record this season alone is worthy of the sack and draw a line under it. Roll on the announcement of the new man and see if the board back him with the funds he will need to turn it around .

  36. mbg

    May 10, 2018, 13:36 #109466

    So the air is blue in the away end ? It's too f*****g late now, they got, and have got what they deserved, and more along with it.

  37. TonyEvans

    May 10, 2018, 13:18 #109464

    So our 'greatest ever manager' has now overseen yet another incredible achievement - yep we have now set the record for the longest run of Premier League away defeats. Well done Arsene! Over to you, Bob Wilson, for your comments!

  38. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 10, 2018, 12:54 #109462

    We never 'nearly got relegated' under George Graham, nor would he have tolerated slackers like Ozil picking and choosing when they can be arsed to play or have sent teams full of pussies out to have their tummies tickled year after year after year. The manager may well be leaving but I for one am very embarrassed about this run of losses away from home, it's a disgrace for a club of our size and surely points to a complete lack of character amongst the squad. Good luck to the new manager having to pick up the pieces, there's not many players there that he will be able to count on.We need to sign some leaders and battlers very quickly and get rid of the serial bottle jobs that litter that team

  39. Paulward

    May 10, 2018, 12:30 #109461

    Utter garbage again on the road, and it must be a worry that a run this bad could affect next season too. Gonna need an away win pretty early next year that’s for sure.

  40. Exeter Ex

    May 10, 2018, 11:30 #109459

    Most of the article is taken up with you moaning about others moaning. Is the idea we get to experience what it was like for you at the match? Oh and a team that makes so many rectifiable errors match after match after match doesn't 'deserve' anything.

  41. Yes its Ron

    May 10, 2018, 11:18 #109458

    Just the one bloke then? Be honest, there are hundreds like him amongst Arsenals away following these days and has been for a few years. That kind of stuff and while doing it no doubt farting his copious evenings ale intake out, causing those nearest to him to wretch is pretty much the norm isnt it, unless its changed this last 2 years? Bet hes never so much played for his school under 9s team, though im guessing he was about 34 years old?

  42. The Man From UNCLE

    May 10, 2018, 11:17 #109457

    This is our worst away record since 1989/90 when we only got 17 points (4 wins 5 draws). 84/85 season was the same number of points but with 2 more games. How about that for a record under the fraud.

  43. MAF

    May 10, 2018, 11:17 #109456

    Wenger in the end, well in the last 3-4 years, became completely delusional about Players and the Team. Arsenal are top of ''Errors leading to goals'' table. any other Manager would address that but not wenger. he then says Close to mounting a challenge for the the title - what planet is that comment from ? deluded. he has several Players who would not make it any other of the top 6 or the top 3-4 Teams in the other european leagues. These are utterly inaccurate damaging comments that he continues to make because he seems himself as a Guru. well he is not a Guru by a Long way. he is a veyr nice ''has been'' Manager who should get out of day to day Managing at any sort of high Level. he has made far more bad signings that he has made good ones.

  44. Ernie71

    May 10, 2018, 11:11 #109454

    An end of season kickabout but the team have been having a end of season kickabout away from home since 2018 began.Last night was no different from the shambles at the mighty Bournemouth Swansea Brighton and Newcastle.There is a thing called pride in pulling on an Arsenal