Arsenal’s most expensive signing this summer could be Toby Alderweireld

And as Arsène’s tenure draws to a close, an Arsenal title challenge before 2020/21 will be a bonus

Arsenal’s most expensive signing this summer could be Toby Alderweireld

A summer of change awaits at the Emirates

‘If you look at our season we have championship-winning home form and away from home we have the consequences of many things. A lack of confidence causes a few bad results and after that we neglected some games because we were in the Europa League. But the quality is there and the spirit is exceptional. I think if the team get one or two good away results next year they will play for the Premier League next season, I am convinced. There is something in special in that team that will come out next season and I am convinced Arsenal will be one of the contenders next year.’

The words of the Arsenal manager after another away defeat at Leicester. Arsène has become the master of excuses, a master of the selective statistic. Expected goals was one he used this season when it indicated his team should have won the home match against Manchester United. It’s interesting to look at the “championship-winning home form”. Arsenal are actually second in the home form table… to the actual championship winners. So it isn’t actually championship winning home form.

As for ‘There is something in special in that team that will come out next season and I am convinced Arsenal will be one of the contenders next year,’ he’s trying to shape the narrative that any success the man that follows him will enjoy is down to him. In reality, Wenger’s team will be ripped apart before the club challenge for the title again. Two seasons without Champions League football married with a spiralling wage bill has lessened the club’s ability to compete in the transfer market, the drop in profits the reason he has been told it’s over. But Arsène never did humility. Crying poverty by claiming that the first few years at the Emirates were his biggest achievements ("Because to accept to commit to five years when you build the stadium to work with restricted resources and keep the club in a position where we can pay our debts back, I personally feel I did my best job in that period. Not the most glamorous maybe, but the most difficult.") at a time a huge increase in income and the amount of money in the club’s coffers growing year on year as he chose to indulge himself in project youth rather than buy players like Xabi Alonso. It’s a myth he has repeated so often most people, even journalists, believe it.

So where are we now? The rebuild begins – I predict with indecent haste – the moment he has left the building. I suspect he will have cleared out his effects from his office at London Colney before the trip to Huddersfield, so that he can get away for a couple of weeks’ holiday immediately before he considers his options and then works at the World Cup for Bein Sports. There does not look to be any scheduled end of season Arsenal Foundation charity dinner for a change this year. It’s almost as if they decided against one because they knew Arsène would not be attending. Some of his support staff will be out on their ear with him – Primorac, Peyton, Banfield are obvious hangers on, employed for years because of past indebtedness and nepotism respectively in the cases of Primorac and Banfield. Paid up to the end of their current deals as the manger has been (in spite of ‘resignation’ normally meaning no pay off).

Although Arsenal are not rushing the appointment of a new manager, I suspect one will be announced soon after the European leagues finish business on May 20th. However, the structure is in place to secure new players regardless of the new first team coach. Sven Mislintat has been in post for over six months now. As well as scouting players to bring to the club, he has been running the rule over the existing squad. Expect a lot of players to be moved on or loaned out over the summer. There are plenty of comfort zone coasters there, as well as players who are past their best or never reached their potential. Mislintat was doubtless influential in the securing of Aubameyang and the decision of Mkhitaryan to accept the swap deal that saw him move from Old Trafford.

Additionally, he secured Mavraponos from Greece. There looks to be a good defender in the making there but the Leicester game revealed he is still very much a rookie and needs the kind of coaching which Steve Bould can administer, although has been limited up to now in being able to do so, due to Arsène’s strict limits on the amount of time his players spend on the training ground. Bould’s frustrations are known by the hierarchy at the club, and he is likely to be one of the survivors in the clearout of the backroom staff.

The recruitment process though will be interesting. Expect the club to go bargain basement shopping for players either at the end of their current deals or with one year left. There are unlikely to be many, if any, purchases on the scale of Lacazette and Aubameyang, although these might happen if players like Ozil, Ramsey and Bellerin are sold. And if Ramsey does not agree a new deal this summer, he almost certainly will be. Financially, the club is not in a position to let players run down their contracts any longer. Raul Sanllehi’s reputation is high, and I suspect his work will mean that targets are secured with a great deal more efficiency than they have been when Arsène had the final word in the negotiations. There will be less cases of “I almost signed… (fill in the blank from dozens of choices)”

The majority of the incoming players will be priced from £5m to £25m. We are now looking at unpolished diamonds that, with the right coaching, can be turned into the players the club needs to challenge. And make no mistake, the appointment of Wenger’s successor will be a man with a very different approach to match preparation. Far more hands on, rather than the express yourself and ‘play, play, play’ idealism of his predecessor. ‘Play, play, play’ is fine if you have experienced players who know how to do it both with and without the ball (Ajax in the early 1970s, Liverpool in the 70s/80s and Milan late 80s/early 90s being prime examples). Arsène’s earlier Arsenal teams had the right mix of personnel (although notably failed to conquer Europe). Sadly, the break up of the Invincibles exposed the limitations of this philosophy, and the club failed to win another domestic title.

Your author is not anticipating another title challenge of any substance until we have seen two seasons under a new manager. The wreckage he will inherit is simply too great, exposing the idea that “Arsenal will be one of the contenders next year” as a fallacy, expressed to say ‘look at the great work I have done and the wonderful shape I am leaving the club in as I depart’. Arsenal have won three Premier League matches in 18 attempts this season, and are currently on a streak of seven away defeats. At home, their record against the teams below them is laudable – although it should be noted that against the five teams that will finish above them, the home record is won 1, drawn 2, lost 2 – 5 points out of 15. To challenge for the title you have to take points from your direct opponents. Away from home against the same five, the record is won 0, drawn 1, lost 4. One point from 15. Six points from 30 against the top five sides isn’t a coincidence or down to bad refereeing.

All I want to see initially is progress. A credible attempt to return the team to the top four. That will make it easier to secure quality signings in the summer of 2019. I’d like to see the return of the kind of defensive solidity and knowhow I associate with Arsenal’s best teams. Arsène always talks about the club’s values, but defensive solidity was one he did not care too much about. I asked him about this in the days when he would take questions from the floor at the shareholders’ AGM and he told me that you can’t buy defenders like they are on a shelf in the supermarket. The insinuation being that the quality required was not available. Well, maybe with a decent scouting team, you might have been able to find the next Nemanja Vidic. I actually have a feeling that the club’s most expensive signing this summer will be Toby Alderweireld from Tottenham, who is not going to sign an extension and has a year left on his deal. Shades of Sol Campbell. It will be dependent on Spurs’ resolve and whether they can afford to let him depart on a free in 2019. There is no debate that the club’s priority this summer will be securing better defensive-minded players.

In summary, I am optimistic. We are entering the unknown for the first time in years. Next season will be anything but predictable, because it’s all new. The buzz will certainly return to the club, because there will be a genuine feeling of hope, something we haven’t felt at Arsenal for far too long.

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  1. markymark

    May 13, 2018, 1:51 #109571

    Cyril - your a good guy and what makes the Arsenal family a little different, slow to anger and forgiving ( perhaps that’s the British Way, it separates us from the Yanks who can be punitive) I’m probably sounding harsh . There’s nothing wrong in your view and probably a lot right. I’ll continual ranting on no doubt. Anyway onwards with the new man!

  2. Cyril

    May 13, 2018, 1:04 #109570

    @MM- with respect that’s a low blow. The matter of Princess Diana was terribly sad. For the record, she was an amazing person in my eyes. I like the cut of your jib all things Arsenal and yes I am still feeling sad about the way it has ended. I’ve had some great laughs and pride following Arsenal under his stewardship and I’m concentrating on this stuff right know. I’m not willing to tramp the dirt down, sorry!

  3. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 0:44 #109569

    Cyril, I hear what your saying, but it was him who did and has now brought that to an end, (and quite a few of those seasons he just managed it by the skin of his teeth with help from others, including the spuds themselves, and because of him we may never be able to celebrate that day again, and if we do it may be some time off, and like/as I was saying/referring to also, it was the AKB's who used to while always trying to defend him at every opportunity who used to keep spouting that record/stat, but not a mention or a peep now it's ruined again, well until now anyway.

  4. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 0:16 #109568

    From what I can gather and read, bouldy still here and staying on is wholly dependant on the new manager whether he wants him or not, i'd imagine the new man will want his own known and trusted sidekicks. Part of me would like to see what bould could do given real proper authority (unfortunately the arrogant dictator never allowed that) but because he sat like a nodding dog and never complained etc, or showed any self respect i'd prefer to see him gutted with all the rest, maybe the new man wants him on a temporary basis to show him around the training ground where all the bibs, cones, and balls are kept. WGOAB.

  5. markymark

    May 13, 2018, 0:04 #109567

    Cyril - with out being horrible I remember people walking around with black armbands for Princess Diana. How many of them still wear them ? He’ll be yesterday’s news with a Cod and Chips wrapped around it. Just remember Arsenal were very good for Arsene. It works both ways. Join on the Evita love in by all means but just like the Perons. Have a dig around , he’s not a Saint .

  6. TOOAW

    May 12, 2018, 23:36 #109566

    By all accounts, its looking like a return to the early 1980’s boys. Most on here will recognise these times so it will be deja vu all over again. TOOMA doesnt sound right does it????

  7. Cyril

    May 12, 2018, 21:45 #109565

    @mbg- I have wanted change for years, but some of the records he was breaking in the early years made us proud. Your unfair to mock AW on St Totts day stat, it was he who allowed us boast and berate Spurs in this way with his unbelievable consistency. I spoke of a stat years ago about how we hadn’t hardly finished outside the top 7 for fourty years as a tool to remind AW how it’s almost a given to expect to be there or thereabouts. I manipulated the stats. I should of course mention that his work was nearly 50% of that record. Some of my most memorable moments attending our games have been in seasons when we did not win anything in the old days, like the the run to the CL final. Myself and my mate having VIP tickets at Villa Real in the semi final. The delayed reaction of Lehmann’s save against Riquelme and quaffing on all the half time treats talking to an old boy about how to fix England’s woes and then being told I had been lecturing Tord Grip by my mate. The 98 side, the combination doubles and the Invincibles. The pain of Owen in 2001 but singing to hearts content after the obligatory beer and curry. I sang his name for the first time in many many years last Sunday and I was almost tearful as he walked past us in the lower east stand. He was part of our football family and the boy done good you know! I get your politics but some respect and perspective please, especially now he has gone, please !!

  8. mbg

    May 12, 2018, 20:05 #109564

    On a lighter note and off topic lads, the Eurovision song contest is just starting who's going to in it ? Maybe wenger knows.


    May 12, 2018, 20:04 #109563

    Thanks Arthur. Looks like Allegri is now a NO NO because you failed again to achieve Champions League. This appointment is going to tell us a great deal about the ambitions, or lack, of AFC. I don't want Arteta but would love Conte. Why? Because I have an image of him going ballistic when we score, leap into the crowd, return & then launch himself into the arms of a mightily surprised Bouldy!! We can sorely do with a bit of Italian passion imo. By the way, can someone explain why, after seasons of keeping lips firmly zipped, Bouldy has managed to keep his job?

  10. Alsace

    May 12, 2018, 18:21 #109562

    Too aw says that we are going to get our boring Arsenal back. Let's hope so. Interesting that he actually knows what this club is about and what it is for. The defence first. Whilst it makes his adherence to a man who made us defend like wet weak Juankers shameful, at least it shows some grounding in reality. I hope that he will be very happy supporting the team that the creature screws up next. Monday cannot come soon enough.

  11. mbg

    May 12, 2018, 18:00 #109561

    I see Arsenal have released a batch of photos of TOF taking his last training session (and I use that term lightly) looks right though just as we all expect they're all like, with him and his nice boys just standing about talking and playing tippy tappy, although the nice boys were jumping and skipping about, smiling and laughing looking very happy indeed, while wenger headed for the trees.

  12. John F

    May 12, 2018, 17:23 #109560

    Alegri a manager who would organize the defence,makes substitution s as early as half time if he feels a player is not performing and changes tactics during a game if the result is not going his way.I suppose that would be more boring then the 70min substitution,indulging players who are not performing and playing the same way game after game.How I am going to miss the heart stopping moments when an opposition striker out runs our high defensive line and sends the team into panic.How i am going to miss our goalkeepers fumbling and abumbling shots and crosses.How i am going to miss defenders who struggle to jump to cut out crosses and most of all I am really going to miss playing players out of positions,I loved it when Ramsey with a broken toe played as a left winger against Utd last season and I really enjoyed a left back playing as a right back and a right back playing as a left back and a left back playing as a centre half with a centre half sitting on the bench against Liverpool.Yes Allegri would be very boring compared to Hokey cokey football.

  13. mbg

    May 12, 2018, 17:13 #109559

    And something else that hasn't been mentioned yet, especially from the wengerites, strange that, as it's something the AKB wengerites and a certain Simon Rose used to take great delight in telling us and reminding us about over and over, and how their messiah never failed to deliver it blah blah, St Totteringhams day, oops failed again, and in his last season too, TOF couldn't even pull that fete off, and no chance to put it right, another record, another record and value and tradition destroyed. WGOAB

  14. Dave in China

    May 12, 2018, 16:22 #109558

    From 6,000 miles away, Wenger’s sacking was definitely a ‘where were you?’ moment. Like the majority of people, just an overwhelming feeling of relief. I tried not to hate the guy but, in the end, him hanging on for dear life combined with his increasingly absurd post match interviews after each embarrassing defeat made me despise him. As he himself said the other day, ‘everyone loves you when you’re no longer a threat’ and that was the case years ago when Ferguson started to express sympathy for him instead of the old aggression. Very sad. On another note, did the club announce their new partnership for club cars and buses with BYD? Relatively big news here. Huge Chinese company, so certainly makes sense financially and should sell a few shirts. Hopefully, with Wenger going, the vehicles they give the club won’t be ones where the poxy handbrake applies itself for no apparent reason...

  15. markymark

    May 12, 2018, 14:45 #109556

    MBG - absolutely mate , that was the big fear wasn’t it . Yet another year of his delusion. I have to say that there was a lot of arrogance around the Europa as loads of supporters had it nailed on that beating Athleti would then create a guaranteed cup. Repeat Wenger has never won in Europe , repeat Toad , Wenger has never won in Europe! Be interesting to see how Bould gets on without Wenger. I became disillusioned with him , but it is very interesting that Arsenal are looking to keep him on. That says negative things about Wengo in my book. Onwards and upwards wth the new man

  16. mbg

    May 12, 2018, 13:49 #109554

    markymark, isn't it great ? it's just hours now, and here was us, and the wengerites thinking another year maybe even two, if he'd fluked another trophy, a real spring in our step again, exciting times ahead. WGOAB.

  17. Jumpers For Goalposts

    May 12, 2018, 13:43 #109553

    TOOAW 11:14am 12th May 2018 It appears that the shortlist to replace the greatest Arsenal manager is down to 2. -------------- Have you invented a time machine and travelled back to January 1934??

  18. markymark

    May 12, 2018, 13:31 #109552

    ToOaW - it’s up to you , but if you can’t handle the change, as let’s face it in case of mounting evidence you still can’t process Wenger was told to leave. Just abandon it . Husbands leave their wives , people depart from friends. It’s not normally seen as a good thing , however In your case the relationship is toxic. Your recent emails are Anti Arsenal. It’s so obvious Wenger Going has thrown your world upside down. You have a chance to break free. I’d do it if I were you .

  19. Exeter Ex

    May 12, 2018, 12:35 #109551

    Toady's desperation for Arsenal to fail next season is tangible. Unfortunately for him and other Arsene fans, even an empty chair would find it hard to take a club like Arsenal lower than 6th in this league.

  20. markymark

    May 12, 2018, 12:10 #109550

    ToOaW - pure projection from you , in that it’s obviously you who feels disorientated and at s loss with Wenger leaving . Obviously all of us will have preferences for a new manager but I see little fear on this site. Just renewed optimism . For depressive bitterness , check out Untold which appears to be going through it’s death throes .Ive noticed its fallen out of the top 75 Arsenal blog sites. Like your mental state . It’s fragile fella

  21. TOOAW

    May 12, 2018, 11:14 #109549

    It appears that the shortlist to replace the greatest Arsenal manager is down to 2. With Alegri, you are certainly going to get your Arsenal back that some crave for. Boring boring Arsenal. Wont be good on the eye but results may have to be grafted for. If he brought home the FA cup for example in the first season. Would that be clased as a success?? Then there is Arteta. Keep the wenger out banners fellas cos around november, you may need to alter these with good old Mikels name. Nervous times for the fickle few. One wrong decision by the board and we are back in 1982 again.

  22. markymark

    May 12, 2018, 9:10 #109547

    One game to go , just one more game ..... bye !

  23. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 23:14 #109545

    TOF wenger has now told the new manager to respect the values of the club, respect the values ? What fooking values ? your values ? lets hope he doesn't, all the values this club had you degenerated and destroyed you fooking weasel, what a c**t.

  24. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 19:45 #109542

    Exeter Ex, yes and we all know who will try and do that at every opportunity, and/so we must make sure that never happens, doing what we're doing now, and have been for years when ever they raise their head above the parapet.

  25. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 19:23 #109541

    A watch one of the nice boys no longer wants probably and has got fed up wearing (nice to be able to afford it and do that in the first place)and one Ozil will probably never wear and give away himself, I paid thirty quid for a lovely Timex Quartz last week.

  26. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    May 11, 2018, 19:16 #109540

    Exeter - you are right of course, it's Arsene being the smartest bloke in the room again - however only the very stupid will fall for that one again.

  27. Exeter Ex

    May 11, 2018, 18:31 #109539

    I think the comment about challenging next season is Wenger being the politician that he truly is at heart. The team does challenge - "I told you, these are my players, I always knew they were good enough". The team doesn't challenge - "The players are great, the new manager isn't using them right, I would have if still there". He's a politician thinking of his legacy, cunningly making sure he can have it both ways.

  28. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    May 11, 2018, 18:17 #109538

    Good piece Kev, I think when Dein left, Wenger started to lose the plot, he and Dein made a good managerial partnership. Dein certainly had a way of finding out what Wenger needed and went out of his way to secure whatever player was required to keep Arsenal at the top. The outrageous statements from Wenger aren't new, the unbeaten season just encouraged him to throw the press a few more "curve balls". However, he overdid it when he stated that he thought Almunia could play for England. Watching Manuel away at Stoke, running and hiding from Rory Delap's long throws and how frightened his fellow defenders were that day is the reason I stopped watching Arsenal. All that said his latest outburst regarding the new manager inheriting a good squad, a squad that has the worse away record in all 4 divisions this year, suggests that AW does have a serious problem regarding his judgement. That poor judgement has set the club in a downward spiral that will take probably a couple of managers to correct.

  29. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 18:09 #109537

    Ron, your right there none of us expect a quick fix and success immediately (regardless what some idiots think) heaven knows the new man won't be landing on his feet and inheriting who and what wenger did, and yes again it could take two even three years, (just think, we'd have all this behind us now if all those wengerite luvvies had woken up and got their heads out of the sand and other places four five years ago) but i'll tell you this mate it's going to be a hell of a lot more fun and enjoyable now/again, getting successful, being successful, getting this club/team back on track now, than it has in the last fourteen years under you know who, exciting times ahead.

  30. GoonerRon

    May 11, 2018, 18:09 #109536

    @ mbg - you REALLY need to chill out - I think he was asked a question about future developments so answered it! @ Exeter - according to reports £100,000 came from the players and manager and Ozil paid £30k for a rather nice watch.

  31. Exeter Ex

    May 11, 2018, 17:40 #109535

    GoonerRon - was that just Ozil donating 9 days salary?

  32. GoonerRon

    May 11, 2018, 17:26 #109534

    Oh FYI - the Arsenal Foundation charity dinner was held last night and raised nearly £450,000.

  33. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 17:24 #109533

    So OGL sorry ex leader reckons a Euro super league is coming (he's been spouting that for years too) so fookin what wenger, what's it got to do with you ? mind your own business, you'll not be managing us in it anyway, and I doubt any other top team, and anyway the team you left us with won't be in it (and don't deserve to be) and wouldn't last long in it.

  34. GoonerRon

    May 11, 2018, 17:12 #109532

    I don’t think we can measure how big a re-build job is required until a new manager comes in and assesses the playing squad. Considering he will come in when the players are on holiday or at the World Cup this can’t properly happen until pre-season. Yes, Mislintat may have a view of who is / isn’t good of enough but I doubt he will act without consulting the manager first (if our budget is as limited as some say, we can’t afford to spend money on a player the manager won’t ‘fancy’). I think this squad has performed below par this season and is broadly level in quality with Liverpool, Chelsea and Spuds so there is rebound potential from just setting the team up better and making fewer mistakes. I believe that assuming we find a midfield balance and defensive focus if we add a high quality centre back and central midfielder we could challenge for second place and get much close to Citeh.

  35. markymark

    May 11, 2018, 17:09 #109531

    I’m starting to come around to the view of Arteta maybe I’m easily swayed by le grove who is a fan. I think Mstinlat will sort out some good bargains. Then will we finally see Bould come into his own ? Apparently he is staying , the board apparently aware of his frustrations . Sanhelli will wrap deals up and probably be able to do some real world persuading like a David Dein. Do get me wrong I’d prefer Alegri but it’s going to be such an exciting ride. Just love it!

  36. RobG

    May 11, 2018, 16:53 #109529

    ‘There is something in special in that team that will come out next season and I am convinced Arsenal will be one of the contenders next year,’ Now where have we heard that before ? Oh Yes ! Every year for the last twelve.🙄

  37. ClockEnd_90

    May 11, 2018, 16:30 #109528

    Sunday is going to be a sweet day. AW finally out the door and no more of his insane ramblings. It's very sad how he's trying to lay the groundwork for the myth that his squad will challenge next year. Praying now that we make a good appointment - and by that I don't mean Arteta or Vieira.

  38. Bard

    May 11, 2018, 15:47 #109527

    Good thoughtful post Kev. I agree with most of it. Yes Im sure we are going to try to get more out of the squad through better coaching. And I agree that we aren't likely to be in the market for top players. We have some expensive and decent strikers so I would think they can unearth a a couple of defensive players that would be massive improvement on Kos and Mustaphi. I feel quite excited to see what might happen when they actually have a clear idea of what they are supposed to be doing and have a better defensive structures. Im a little more hopeful. Its been a long while since we saw an Arsenal side really at it fighting for a result. We seem to either win beautifully or not bother.

  39. TonyEvans

    May 11, 2018, 14:45 #109524

    I most lament the missed opportunities Wenger denied us. We were ahead of the game at one stage - new stadium, debt manageable, money available for transfers, and other top clubs struggling - Man U post Ferguson, Liverpool pre Klopp, Spuds pre Poch and Chelsea up and down like the proverbial in a lift. Wenger royally screwed up massive chances for us to take advantage and win the PL, instead he achieved the bare minimum of CL qualification and started the myth that this was some sort of trophy! Now we have been caught up, over-taken and left battling with Burnley for 6th spot. I agree with Ron that Wenger's last 6 or 7 years have besmirched the previous 15 or 16. Yes we won the cup 3 times which was great but for me it could have been so much more with a better, more tactically astute, manager - at least one PL title, maybe two - especially if you go back and include 2008.

  40. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 14:28 #109523

    And of curse the wengerites would be up and crowing again with, that was wengers team, blah blah, but of course that won't be the case when we're being stuffed left right and centre which is inevitable, no a complete gutting of that team, back ground staff etc, etc, even Robb the bloody chef if need be, is required, get his grubby fingerprints of everything.

  41. Yes its Ron

    May 11, 2018, 14:20 #109521

    Hi Ex - hear you there. Yes, its the true background to all this stuff that i d like to know. As a general point though im just of the view that he has to have latitude and credit for the immediate post ground shift years. Utd were the primary opponent still back then and Chelsea in the early Mournho years when they were excellent. My premise is that none of us really know the true state of the fiancees or SKs instructions to their use from 06 - 10. Getting top 4 then was better than par i think but who knows, perhaps he really did refuse funds available to him as is alleged? From 2010 there ought to have been a sharp incline in fortunes though i agree. We were told back then that the worst of the debt burden had by then been discharged. No problem with disagreeing with me matey, most of my views are based on gut feel rather than any great empirical research. I think Wenger should have better reviews than he gets though from many, despite the awful decline in the last 6 years. Had he have gone in 2011/12 im fairly sure we would all accept that he had till then been a credit to Arsenal. 6 yrs for me have besmirched 22. its very sad. To the new era we go though! The only irony is that in those 6 yrs, we won 3 Cups. Its crazy really.

  42. Paulward

    May 11, 2018, 14:02 #109519

    Hope the new man gives one or two of the younger ones an extended run in the first team, particularly Niles who reminds me a bit of Michael Thomas. Should be a player among the younger centre backs too.

  43. Exeter Ex

    May 11, 2018, 13:51 #109518

    Ron, sorry to disagree again (I think it's allowed) but AW actually characterised 2006 all the way up to 2015 as his best years. And as Kevin has pointed out, it was a time of increasing revenue, not decreasing, and if you look at the landscape 2006-10, the competition for a top 4 spot was the likes of Villa, Spurs (pre-Poch) and Everton. And I don't think there's any virtue or credit to be given for his choosing to use low grade players. So 2006-10 was par at best. Now there are 5 good teams in the league so therefore Wenger is 6th. Kevin pointing out the limitations of his philosophy rather than any 'blows' seems a far stronger point to me.

  44. mbg

    May 11, 2018, 13:37 #109517

    Yes did you ever hear a statement like it in your life, and we've heard some diahorria come out of his gob over the last thirteen years, and the worrying thing is the sad old fool believes it, as no doubt do his nice boys, along with his AKB wengerites of course, thank God WGOAB when we have.

  45. Yes its Ron

    May 11, 2018, 13:14 #109516

    Hi Kev - good stuff. No reason not to be optimistic but i think quite a few people think great success will follow like night following day as a result of AW leaving. I agree with AW that his best period of management was in the few years after the move. Not blowing my own trumpet but i actually said that some years ago!! He did really well to stay top 4 up to about 2010 in my view esp as he used such low grade players on some positions. His judgement started to falter after the CL defeat to Utd i always maintain.It was a personal blow he struggled to overcome perhaps. I d like to see the club really go for using its own home made players harnessed to a few well chosen, powerful and strong players. Lets make us hard to beat again and take it from there is all i ask. In all honesty, i think with or without AW Arsenal are going to wait quite some years before they actually win a title again. TOP 4 is now the target realistically and with their resources it should be possible within a 3 yr contract for the new man i feel.

  46. Exeter Ex

    May 11, 2018, 12:54 #109515

    A great summing up of the picture now. There will be those that will rail against the characterisation of Wenger's comments, though we can be sure they will not produce any coherent counter-points of their own. 'All I want to see is progress' - yes exactly.

  47. TonyEvans

    May 11, 2018, 12:46 #109514

    I can't wait for this season to end and to finally see Wenger disappear over the horizon, never to return. I am genuinely excited about Arsenal for the first time in ages. Like you, Kev, I am not expecting miracles; I just want a manager who speaks the truth, reacts and at least tries to solve problem areas on the pitch, who is willing to take tough decisions when required - shifting players on when they fail to make the grade, and will admit / apologise when mistakes are made. In short the exact opposite of Wenger - who is still coming out with unbelievable bull****. How can he say he is leaving the club in 'great shape' - we've just lost seven away games on the bounce! If any of us needed reminding why we were so desperate to see the back of him this latest claptrap is more then enough.