The day I met Arsène

On the day of Arsene Wenger’s final game as Arsenal manager, a recollection of a meeting beside a hotel swimming pool in 2004

The day I met Arsène

Arsène faces the press in Athens, 2004

Ed’s note – this piece was intended for inclusion in our ‘Au Revoir Arsène’ special edition of The Gooner, but we simply ran out of space. So it seems an appropriate day to publish it online…

From my new home in Cyprus, a trip to Greece (a one hour flight) to see Arsenal take on Panathinaikos in Athens (October 20th, 2004) was the best chance of seeing the newly crowned ‘Invincibles’ in action. My wife chose the hotel, The Intercontinental, and joined me for the four-day break.

I was carrying a sense of unfinished business about the Champions League. The loss at home to Chelsea the previous season was a far bigger thorn in my side than the defeat to United in the FA Cup semis. I was sure this team was good enough to win the Big Eared cup, and that season I felt we could do what we should have done the in 2003/04. After all we had some of the finest players in the world and the best manager in the world.

We’d arrived the night before the match and had booked a dinner reservation at the hotel’s roof-top restaurant. When we checked-in the hotel reception told us they could no longer accommodate us in their restaurant as it had been fully booked.

We found it a little strange but shrugged it off and headed into the mid-Athens evening for a late supper. It wasn’t until afterwards that we discovered that the Arsenal team and touring party had block-booked the place.

The next morning at breakfast neither of us was particularly hungry but as it was thrown in with the room deal it seemed a waste not to. As I browsed the newspaper my wife said: “I think that’s Arsène Wenger.”

I didn’t really believe Arsène was at the hotel, just someone who might have looked like him, so I didn’t make too much of an effort to see who she was referring to.

“I’m sure it’s him you know,” she insisted.

This time I put the newspaper down and turned 180 degrees to see who it was that looked so much like the Frenchman.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was him, quite literally in the flesh. He’d come down to do a few laps of the swimming pool. I knew I couldn’t pass up this opportunity, so I made my way over.

I waited at the end he was swimming to and meekly said: “Hello Mr Wenger, I’m a big Arsenal fan.”

He got out of the pool wrapped a towel around himself and sat on the lower diving board.

I explained to him that I was over from Cyprus to see the game. At first, my clearly defined British accent and undeniable Mediterranean roots puzzled him. I gave him a brief history of my life as an Arsenal fan and former season ticket holder and how I’d ended up in Cyprus.

He was visibly more at ease to speak about himself after that, so I asked about the rumours linking him to Real Madrid.

“I’m very happy at the moment, I have everything I want at Arsenal,” he shrugged.

I asked about our chances for a trophy this season and if the Champions League was the main target.

“We will try to win it, we have a good chance. But there are some good teams.”

Surely, we’d have beaten Monaco and Porto I suggest to him, in reference to last season.

I got the impression he wanted to say more than “That’s football” and the half-smile he offered but that’s all he’d comment until adding: “Our focus is on trying to win the group now.”

I was confident that we’d pick up three points against the Greek champions, but Arsène was cautious.

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  1. Perryashburtongroves

    May 14, 2018, 9:10 #109588

    Shame he didn't ask someone from The Ivory Coast what the papers said about Drogba before we played the Chavs. Someone might have offered a bit of advice.

  2. markymark

    May 14, 2018, 7:40 #109587

    I think it’s Arteta based around the Mstinlat / Sanhelli axis . I’m not sure that Allegri May want to work around that . The good news is that the PR from within football is very good . He appears to be the “real deal” if Pep and Potch at Spurs are to be believed.

  3. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 23:10 #109586

    paulward, good post, yes indeed if he'd went out to get, and been happy enough with and settled for more of those over the last eight nine years in stead of going all gung ho etc, etc, trying to be something we weren't, he might still be in a job. WGOAB

  4. KC38

    May 13, 2018, 23:04 #109585

    They were not good they were great moments so sad that most of those great moments were so long ago. A great manager who lost his way although if Arteta is seriously being considered then our fall down the league has a very good chance of continuing.

  5. GoonerRon

    May 13, 2018, 21:45 #109584

    “I’m very proud of having contributed a little bit to give some good moments to people who love the club.” Sums it up well, Arsène.

  6. Paulward

    May 13, 2018, 20:08 #109583

    Somewhat ironic that he signs off with a one nil to the Arsenal, let’s hope we see many more of them next season and a little less of the flimsy defending that has dogged the club since 2006.

  7. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 18:28 #109582

    The nightmare's over, he's finished, he's gone, no more wenger and all his trappings, lets hope TOF's on route to Heathrow as we speak, Charles le Gaul the next stop, with an over night stay, then Bermuda the next destination via the Triangle. We've got our Arsenal back.

  8. TOOAW

    May 13, 2018, 18:08 #109581

    All signed off nicely with a win. The history has been written. Legend Arsene. Very classy.

  9. GoonerRon

    May 13, 2018, 17:54 #109580

    Chant of the season from the away Gooners to the Hudders fans today: “He left cos you’re ****, he left cos you’re ****, Herbert Chapman, he left cos you’re ****.”

  10. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 16:01 #109579

    Hee, hee, ho ho. WGOAB.

  11. TOOAW

    May 13, 2018, 15:23 #109577

    Excellent piece Soteris. The greatest Arsenal manager has left an indelible stamp on my life. Supporting Arsenal is not easy but one thing is for sure, the new incoming manager will have a much easier transition than most clubs. The footprint of the club is in place thanks to Arsene. As for those who ridicule. How was your last 22 years? Did you achieve everything you set out to do? Did you ever make mistakes? Thanks Arsene. Genius, Legend, Greatest.

  12. GoonGoonerGone

    May 13, 2018, 14:19 #109576

    The new dawn cometh, the darkness stealeth away Hope springs anew as Online Gooner commentators have their say Whosoever the new manager mighteth be May he from TOF's 'values' set us free.

  13. mbg

    May 13, 2018, 14:06 #109575

    Sorry Soteris i'm only interested in today, the one we've been waiting on for years now, and it's been far far to fooking long coming, we thought it would never come we even thought we would have to put up with the weasel for another season, but no here it is, no more having to listen to his drone, lies, excuses and spin, just like Christmas day although this one can't come to an end soon enough, pity I've no champagne left, Carlsberg will have to do. WGOAB.

  14. Exeter Ex

    May 13, 2018, 9:53 #109573

    I'm not sure asking a fan what's in the Greek papers is quite the testament to his scouting of the opposition you seem to think it is...

  15. John F

    May 13, 2018, 8:14 #109572

    The day has finally come for the great man to say goodbye. He seems to have been around for a lifetime.Unsurpassed in his profession he will be missed.His encyclopedic knowledge of football is legendary, he really must as rumoured devote hours just watching world football.He remained calm under other manager onslaughts, who can forget the great Alex Ferguson trying to intimidate him.I will miss his calm all is right with the world voice and of course his famous coat.Unlike some of his fellow professional s he did not have a degree in the bleeding obvious and treated fans with respect.Good luck John also known as Motty and look after that sheep skin coat.