The case against appointing Arteta

That no evidence exists that former captain is up to the job makes his appointment a huge risk

The case against appointing Arteta

Those of us who have followed football for a long while are familiar with the ‘madness dressed up as reason’ approach to the game. A quick trawl though Wenger’s press conferences over the last few years will give any doubters a good feel for what I mean.

If the rumours are to be believed Arteta heads the list of favoured candidates to take over the management of Arsenal. What is astounding about this news is that bar being a good coach he has absolutely no other meaningful credentials.

In order to make his candidacy sound more creditable we get the ‘he knows the club inside out’ argument. True but largely irrelevant. ‘He has a thirst for coaching knowledge’ is another one. Really... most of the Premier League coaches fall into that category. Surely it would be a prerequisite for any aspiring coach to be vaguely interested in their job.

How about the long list of don’t knows:
Is there any evidence that he can manage a big club? Answer, no.
Is there any evidence that he can mould a group of players into a formidable team? Answer, no.
Is there any evidence that he can make the big, difficult decisions and keep the team on track? Answer, no.
Is there any evidence that he can install mental toughness into the team? Answer, no.

Management is much more than astute coaching and while it’s true Arsenal are desperately in need of decent coaching the malaise surrounding the playing side presents a formidable psychological obstacle. The club is full of underperforming players who seem unable to put in a proper shift week in week out. Our highest paid player turns up (literally) when he wants.

In short this isn’t a job for someone who is currently part of the coaching staff at another club and has no experience whatsoever in managing a team or a club. The Arsenal spin is that they are, to coin a phrase, ‘leaving no stone unturned’. In what other multi-million pound profession would you consider appointing a total novice as the head honcho?

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  1. Ernie71

    May 18, 2018, 12:04 #109773

    He is the cheap option. And that sums the board up.Allegri one of best managers in Europe wants guarantee's there would be money for transfers.He is not stupid he knows Arsenal need to spend £200m just to compete we are so far behind.We are 6th in the table nearly 40 points behind.His job is not to get us to compete but to balance the books.Arsenal will not pay for what we need a top class experienced manager and thats where Arteta comes in.Gazidis puppet

  2. skipper

    May 18, 2018, 9:25 #109768

    Gary Neville at Valencia springs to mind.

  3. mbg

    May 18, 2018, 0:32 #109767

    I agree with those saying Kreonke, Josh, Gazidis, along with these three specialists and certainly Arteta if he'e the man or takes it, (or any other) have all put themselves on the spot now, on the line yes under pressure if you like, with their reputations, etc, if it does go tits up the only losers are them, the only ones who aren't are us fans, we're probably found ourselves and are in a better position now than we've ever been.

  4. Reality Cech

    May 17, 2018, 23:17 #109766

    Im not convinced Arteta will get the gig. Does he even want it? Not sure why he would break his ongoing education under Pep and the opportunity to be part of the fantastic set up at City pushing for the CL next year. Why would he want to be the potential patsy, thrown to the wolves just to meet our puny top 4 ambitions? If he is so nailed on, why bother interviewing anyone else? I think this has still got legs. Watch this space.

  5. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 23:06 #109765

    Forget the big announcement what Id love to know is what has happened to AKB Central command ? lol.

  6. Nigel

    May 17, 2018, 22:40 #109764

    I'm on board with Cornish here. There's a huge amount at stake for Gazidis, Sanllehi, Minslintat and Kroenke Junior if it goes downhill. And there's Arteta himself, he knows he doesn't have managerial experience but he's not going to set himself up in a position to fail which could affect the rest of his future.

  7. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 22:14 #109763

    There’s a little bit of the conspiracy vs cockup theory emerging. The conspiracy theorists are seeing the hand of Stan everywhere, parsimonious , strangely trying to create mediocrity like actuallly winning a title is against his best interests. The cockup group reckon its typical boardroom blundering. The odd interviewing of Henry late in the day seems strange and points perhaps towards blundering . The outliers are those who are threatening to ditch their tickets if it’s Mikel , or alternatively thinks it’s a master stroke of decisioning to appoint him. Time will tell , there’s probably as in most things a little bit of the truth in what everyone is saying . What it is though is exciting and interesting. I reckon the Emirates will be electric for the first home game

  8. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 22:02 #109762

    Paulward, 115582, maybe that's something we can actually thank wenger for.

  9. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 21:46 #109761

    Paulward, I wanted Bould culled with the others to be honest, for been one of wengers cronies if nothing else, for someone who worked with, was coached by, worked under and was part of George Grahams famous back five he really should have been better than that, and surely he was/is, experience and knowledge wise, (and maybe that's precisely why he wasn't allowed in the first place) fair enough at the end of the day he might not have been allowed a say, or any input, and that's certainly what it/s looked like, all the more reason to have and shown a bit of self respect and done something about it, instead of just sitting there like a statue and a yes man, but again I suppose upwards of a £1,000,000 a year for doing nothing from a club he loved was/is hard to turn down, maybe he had inside info and seen this coming a few seasons ago and didn't rock the boat and held on. Yes it will be very interesting indeed to see what role he plays if retained, it's one I will be watching out for anyway, maybe someone else knew/knows the form with bould ? and couldn't over ride/rule wing weng, Arteta ? and he's now going to be given full control over the defence and Lehman the keepers, if that were the case having worked with George, and like you say should be well fit to set up a defence even after having listened to weng wang all this time i'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and a chance, time will tell.

  10. GoonerRon

    May 17, 2018, 20:25 #109760

    @ mbg - I just cannot imagine Arteta will have spent two years on Pep’s staff and not taken on board the need for intensity and energy when out of possession. That is probably as big a hallmark of Pep’s teams as tiki taka when on the ball. I’m not saying he will try to make us ‘Citeh lite’ but you’d hope someone as seemingly intelligent as Arteta would pick up the best bits of all the managers / coaches he’s worked with (including Wenger!)

  11. TOOAW

    May 17, 2018, 20:22 #109759

    Wow. Thanks Mr Nark. Clearly we all have Arsenal within our best interests. This does include Badarse. We’ve all mentioned it’s a turning point. Its now which point we aim for.

  12. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 20:06 #109758

    ToOaW - credit where credits it’s due, a reasoned summing up and one that does not seem to want to go on some revenge mission. I don’t necesssrily agree with you but better than anything the grand intellectual Badarse has added in months .

  13. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 20:02 #109757

    CORNISH GOONER, great post, post of the day, (and there have been some good ones) personally I haven't been more optimistic and looking forward to the new season for years.

  14. Paulward

    May 17, 2018, 19:45 #109756

    MBG Will be interesting to see if Arteta uses Bould, as his input may be be considered more than it was during the Wenger years. Surely Bould knows how to set up a defence, and that is the number one priority for me.

  15. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 19:35 #109755

    Gooner Ron, I can't see us falling much lower either, maybe a couple of more positions on a temporary basis, but it depends on new acquisitions and the coaching it really does, especially the coaching/defending/keeper, maybe that's why bould and Lehman are been talked about been kept if it is Arteta (and yes he'll be having our support)but if he carries on with wengerball and same tactics, and proves he's out of his depth we're in trouble, what a lot of us a more disappointed about is we wanted/want to push on from this fourth, third even second place trophy, and become real contenders again sadly I can't see that happening with Arteta but maybe and indeed hopefully he'll prove us wrong.


    May 17, 2018, 19:32 #109754

    Oh for crying out loud - what's with all this negativity? Arthur has gone - sacked - nicely dressed up & presented, but sacked. So Ivan finally got his desired result & along the way seems to have brought in two elite executives with the combined skills AFC have sorely lacked for many years. Imo, Josh K is firmly on board with change & with something to prove to Daddy. No proof at all that Daddy isn't interested in winning stuff as he has allowed Junior to have "Proper Job" (also the name of a lovely pale ale from the St. Austell brewery) at long last. All billionaires are ****s in my book anyway &, despite their protestations to the contrary, will always put the bottom line & their own wealth above anything else - so Stanley is hardly unique as an owner. But he is now being watched by the diehard Gooners & more banners will swiftly follow if AFC don't make rapid improvements in both achievement & the manner of their performance. So I remain upbeat & positive - whoever gets the gig. Just wish no-one had pointed out the strong resemblance between Arteta & a Lego Man - worrying!

  17. Paulward

    May 17, 2018, 19:32 #109753

    Agree with most on here that it’s hard to see us finishing lower than sixth, whoever gets the job. Like the fact that we are already being linked with a keeper and centre half too.If it is Arteta and he fails dismally next term, then we will probably get a bigger name in next summer. In that sense next season is a bit of a free hit. Seems we ll have fewer 1st teamers at the World Cup this time too, which could help us get off to a decent start come August.

  18. TonyEvans

    May 17, 2018, 19:11 #109752

    Just seen that Wenger has given Arteta his seal of approval - he has all the qualities required apparently. Whatever they are! I think Ron may be right in his guess about Wenger having a big say in this.

  19. TOOAW

    May 17, 2018, 19:06 #109751

    I hear you CT Gooner. Now most on here call the new stadium soulless. It's soulless because atmosphere is fan made, not a given once in the stadia. My point being is this, can you imagine if PV4, DB10 or even legend Tony Adams was named within the coaching staff. We are 3 points ahead straight away. I'll leave it to the board to decide. I personally believe that support for Arteta is a massive support for Stan and the crew. They've been in football longer than us eh.

  20. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 18:40 #109750

    Gooner Ron - I agree I don’t see a relegation battle from this team. Aubymang is top class ( not world class but good ) Lacazette a tryer I like his energy but could be sold , Welbeck is reasonable . If Wilshere is not sold ( I hope not ) his conditioning is improving . The defence is shot so will be replaced . Arteta is credited with working meticulously on positioning and body shaping bringing on Raheem Sterling leaps and bounds. City’s football is intense and based on the Barca ball recovery rules. If he gets the job I’m hopeful

  21. CT Gooner

    May 17, 2018, 18:29 #109749

    I understand why TOOAW is suggesting hypocrisy in terms of the "anyone but Wenger" for manager calls, but how on earth can our great club be looking at an inexperienced coach (not even manager) to take the wheel? He wasn't even a legend, or play on a decent Arsenal side, this has a Moyes feel to it! Why aren't we talking about DB10 or more seriously PV4? At least they were part of the good Wenger years, Arsenal legends, and have more experience than Arteta...No, this appointment would not do much to get those disenfranchised fans back in my opinion.

  22. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 18:12 #109748

    ToOaW - exactly what success did Wenger have over the last 10 years? . If you want a cup team great. The fact he couldn’t pierce through the quarter finals in the Champiions league , could never win in Europe and was on a losing streak in reaching the top 4. I’d actually suggest Arteta ( if picked ) might actually improve over Wenger’s last 2 years.

  23. Don Howe

    May 17, 2018, 17:53 #109747

    I remember feeling a sense of disappointment when we lost Fabregas and got Everton's ersatz version instead. My view is that anything is better than Wenger. Plus points - he has been around Guardiola for 2 seasons and may have picked up some ideas. Secondly we will see very quickly whether he has the right stuff defensively. Wenger followed the Osvaldo Ardiles theory - play all 10 outfielders in the other side's 18 yard box and be surprised when you get rogered on the break. Arteta can't be as big a moron as Wenger. He wouldn't be my choice, but it's different, and for such relief much thanks. Apologies MGB for mentioning the creature twice post his ejection.

  24. GoonerRon

    May 17, 2018, 17:23 #109746

    I’m not saying this arrogantly at all but I just don’t see us falling any lower than we have. To say we might perform like Everton or Villa overlooks the fact we’ve got some serious offensive potential that is far better than most teams in the league, let alone the chasing pack. Aubameyang, Lacazette, Ramsey, Mkhitaryan and Ozil have scored over 400 goals between them in the last 5 seasons and probably another 200 assists in the time (42 combined last season). I know we’ve got to find a team shape and midfield balance that works whilst obviously sorting out the defence and GK, but I cannot imagine any coach that came in wouldn’t set about those tasks as a priority, be it coaching and / or player acquisitions (it’s encouraging that all the players we’ve been linked with recently are either GK, CB or DM so if that reflects Sven’s focus then great). I agree that Arteta is a pretty big risk but I’m prepared to give it a go and see where he can take us, and for my money that isn’t lower than 6th and par for this squad is top 4, possibly top 2.

  25. Exiled in Pt

    May 17, 2018, 17:05 #109745

    Exeter , exactly what Ron and myself have been saying .They have shifted the problem of fan dissent by getting shot of Wenger and know they got time and a ready made excuse with Arteta taking over. I still think he will get the team in to the top 4 if his coaching is as good as everyone is saying . We will only ever really compete with the big guns of Europe when we get rid of this owner and board...........

  26. Exeter Ex

    May 17, 2018, 16:55 #109744

    Ironically, Arteta's inexperience could work for him staying in the job no matter how bad things get. We may find ourselves going from 'You can't sack Wenger cos of what he's done in the past' to 'You can't sack Arteta, he's learning on the job'. Could be Kroenke's not even bothered about top 4 now, just run it on the cheap, cheap coach, small budget, staying in the league is enough. Why pay Wenger £10m a year for 6th when you can pay Arteta a 10th of that for the same.

  27. TOOAW

    May 17, 2018, 16:47 #109743

    Narky boy. Being negative is one thing, posting facts is another but hey ho, you can spin it which way you require as usual. Currently, Arteta is not yet the Arsenal manager. Once the official statement comes from Arsenal Towers then you will see a half hearted reaction from most on here. Why? Because he is not the fans choice. That is a fact by the way before you spin that one. My only personal wish is that we appoint a manager who can continue the success that Arsene Wenger brought to the club. Howzat fella?? Badarse told you something similar earlier but your blinkers obviously need adjusting.

  28. David1

    May 17, 2018, 16:45 #109742

    This would be a typical Arsenal appointment (Ex players or back-room staff) - only Herbert Chapman was a big name in football management before he came to Arsenal. Otherwise the managers have all been fairly low-profile. The character of the club would seem to be that they like success, but they like it on the cheap. There may be some lean years ahead...Everton/Villa territory.

  29. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 16:06 #109740

    Sorearse, no, wrong again, but i can see where you and your ilk would like that, and like to think it. I thought you said, on one of your many disappearing acts, you were always looking in and keeping up to date, well if that were true (which I very much doubt)you'd know and have read where it has been said by many on here on numerous occasions the new man will have and get our full support, even for the length of his contract if seen to be doing the right things and going in the right direction, unless he's a complete imbecile and one of those was enough in the last thirteen years, no the first people on the lynch him band wagon will be those willing to give the last failure thirteen years and more, and your best and only mate has started already before he's even appointed.

  30. Yes its Ron

    May 17, 2018, 15:59 #109739

    Its all creating a healthy new debate anyway lads isnt it after so many years of Arsene out or in!! Seriously though, the club is quite clever. Appoint Arteta and they expect the level of expectation to fall bit by bit. Under Arsene they (or SK) recognised that the level of expectation heaped on him and them had its origins in his early years 1996 - 2006. It followed that demands by fans for spending while AW was there would never cease and thus collateral pressure was upon the board and SK. So, arrange for AW to go early. Appoint a greenhorn Coach and the thinking is he ll need a lot of time because of his inexperience. As long as things dont become too bad they ll give him all the time he needs. The only pressure on the new set up and MA remains 4th place though because SK wants his CL cash flow back. SK and Co feel theyve unscrewed the pressure valve by appointing MA and now have the freedom to say to fans they have to be very patient. They couldnt say that under AW. Theyve bought time essentially. Arsene W agreed to sell himself for the big salary when SK took over and forget football glory. AW at the end has once more coalesced with SK by agreeing to go early so to ease the pressure on SK, no doubt AW gets a very handsome pay off for doing so. Had Arsenal appointed a top notch established Coach, It could only mean fans expectations going through the roof, spending to match said Coach ambitions and pressure on the Board to rival the top clubs. SK NEVER will buy into that. His risk here is only that MA might be an abysmal failure and if so, there will be noises about him being naive appointing such a candidate. He can live with that from across the pond. Hes bought time by seeing off AW and created an image that a new broom of ambition has been started. Its another dupe job on the fans and many will buy into it. In the meantime SK keeps his wallet firmly shut. The announcement of a low budget now 50 Million etc in transfers is all part of 'conditioning' the fans to whats going to follow. I think Arteta is showing a lot of courage by taking the job really. Its a hiding to nothing, but he ll be well paid anyway at a far higher salary than City are paying him for sitting there on the bench like Guardiolas goafer. Its a case of the king is dead (AW), long live the King. Arteta may do brilliantly though, lets hope he does and confounds our doubts and if so all will be well and the club will say they applied a touch of genius at cost price and say the fans know nothing about anything, which is what they think anyway. Whatever the outcome theres no grounds for excitement yet. The reality in my view is that AFC will just have more of the same. I really do want MA to do well though despite my scepticism. Im more than happy to be proved wrong.

  31. mbg

    May 17, 2018, 15:39 #109738

    Good post Bard, I haven't seen any TV yet today so he well have been appointed already, and/but if he is I think we'll all be disappointed it's not someone better with more experience, personally i'm just happy you know who's gone, but like I say if he is and it all goes tits up one thing we can take comfort in is, his reign won't last long.

  32. Aylesbury Gooner

    May 17, 2018, 15:24 #109737

    If West Ham get Rafael Benitez even with a 6 million buyout clause what does that say about our board and process for selecting a manager.Would have him or Patrick Viera over Arteta but like other posters have said hes a yes man so the jobs his.

  33. Exiled in Pt

    May 17, 2018, 14:47 #109736

    Paul, this is the board that continued to employ Wenger season after season , humiliation after humiliation . The players are certainly accountable as is the manager , who is supposed to coach them !! This board will only ever do enough to maintain there profit making they will not go out and compete with the elite of Europe .. If mediocre and nearly being close to the top is enough then we have the correct owner and board .... I was under the belief we moved to Ashburton grove to compete with Europe's elite after all we pay the highest ticket prices. This is why they are as much to blame as Wenger ........

  34. 1971 Gooner

    May 17, 2018, 14:42 #109735

    Whether it is Arteta, Allegri, Ancelotti, anyone else beginning with 'A' or another candidate in charge next season, it is quite possible they will lose their first four games, as with the exception of Aubameyang the team is bang average. With respect to the argument that Arteta being the wrong option as he is untried and inexperienced, that is of course true and a very valid argument. However, the tried and experienced option that Man Utd took after Sir Alex retired didn't turn out all that well did it?

  35. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 14:35 #109734

    Quisling and Toad - you said you’d always support the Arsenal manager. Why are you both being so anti Arteta

  36. Exiled in Pt

    May 17, 2018, 13:39 #109733

    We will not be involved in a relegation battle with Arteta in charge . New coaching ideas will refresh and hopefully bring the best out of the players already at the club. We will improve on last season and hopefully with a couple of additions and sensible sales we may mount a reasonable challenge to the top 3 , we will not suddenly become relegation fodder ! We just will not go that extra bit to be competing with the elite..

  37. Paulward

    May 17, 2018, 13:32 #109732

    Not sure about the argument that the board are to blame for recent failures.Weve paid a lot of money for Ozil, Sanchez, Xhaka, Mustafi, Lacazette etc, and our wage bill has always been in the top four or five in the country. Don’t think it needs a miracle worker to sustain a decent title challenge to be honest, Tottenham and Leicester have managed it on thinner resources after all.

  38. peter wain

    May 17, 2018, 13:24 #109731

    no I do not want Arteta. He has no experience of being the top man at a club But with our owner we always go for the cheap option. So I expect by December we will be closer to the bottom than the top and if it is looking like relegation in steps big Sam. So not a lot to look forward to.

  39. Cyril

    May 17, 2018, 13:23 #109730

    If it is Arteta, its unlikely I will renew. I would like to know before the deadline to give us that option.

  40. Exeter Ex

    May 17, 2018, 13:11 #109729

    Badarse is just wriggling on the hook.

  41. TOOAW

    May 17, 2018, 13:07 #109728

    ANY ONE BUT WENGER was the cry from the rooftops. It appears that half or more of the posters on here do not wish for Atrteta as our new manager.

  42. Badarse

    May 17, 2018, 13:05 #109727

    Missed again Eggman, ha ha. So funny that you really cannot grasp simple matters, have you had training from the Nark? I have never criticised Arteta, in fact I admired his style and the way he carried himself as an individual and footballer. I just wish we'd had him at the Arsenal earlier. I have previously stated that Kroenke, (which effectively is AFC), has a track record of going for a cheap option and I see a new manager as continuing the trend, no more, no less. Arteta would fit that bill so has a good chance of succeeding in his appointment. I shall welcome and give my full support as always, unlike yourself who picks and chooses his ethics to suit. I do not know TOOAW but I can speak for him because I know what makes the man tick, he will ride tandem with me in his support of an Arsenal manager whosoever he eventually is. Of course the tandem will be red and white and we will have a bell each, mine will have a pic of Charlie George, his might have Thierry Henry. The only thing we might disagree on is who sits at the front. Ding-a-ling. Good old Arsenal, good old new manager to be.

  43. Exiled in Pt

    May 17, 2018, 13:05 #109726

    Ron, spot on again , the owner and board are only interested in being in the top four for the money making , they do not need to push for winning the PL or CL or even the EL. That is why i believe they are not chasing a big time name to fill the seat. They have achieved the problem of people not turning up because of the demise under Wenger . Everyone will go with a new hope and give the new man time and as said before we may even get lucky as apart from City everyone else is pretty much on an equal par, a bit of coaching and discipline installed we are not that far off the others in the PL . It will be in Europe where we will still be lacking and Stan is not bothered about winning he just needs to be in it to make his cash... We only need to be top four in the UK , he has no ambition to compete to be top four in Europe....

  44. TonyEvans

    May 17, 2018, 12:59 #109725

    As I said before we can at least have some hope for next season now that Wenger has gone, but that hope has to be tinged with disappointment if Arteta does get the nod. I would love to think Gazedis and co had really left 'no stone unturned' in their search for a new manager and, after an exhaustive search, really believed they had found the ideal man for the job in Arteta BUT I think the reality is his appointment just confirms Ron's point about where Arsenal's ambitions are at the moment under this regime - and winning the PL or CL is far above them I fear. I am resigned to it until Kronke follows Wenger out of the door.

  45. Exeter Ex

    May 17, 2018, 12:34 #109722

    Hang on a minute, the likes of Badarse and TOOAW always said the basis of their support for Wenger was they always back the manager of the day, whoever it is. But here they are, Badarse agreeing the imminently-appointed Arteta is not up to the job, and TOOAW denigrating him for cutting AFC social media ties. I don't think the two of them could've demonstrated their support is/was all about Wenger any more starkly.

  46. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 12:08 #109720

    ToOaW - very sensible of him to delete all social and media connections . Also very sensible to remove himself from Wenger’s orbit of influence. Seems like a wise head on his shoulders. If he does get the job I wonder how many of you ragtag Wenger Boyz would have backed him to the hilt if he’d learnt under your master Wengo? . It’s the very fact he removed himself from his influence gives me some hope he can achieve . Anyway how long will you give him to win a title ? 12 years ?

  47. Yes its Ron

    May 17, 2018, 12:06 #109719

    Hi Bob - its exactly his tie to the philosophy of AW thats getting him in the door. The club's looking for continuity and Arsenes paw prints are on this. Just my view. Him and Arteta were very close. This image that AW now has been soundly 'sacked' and severed links etc is all so far from reality. Hes bound to have have been asked for a view at the very least.

  48. Bob Bayliss

    May 17, 2018, 11:58 #109718

    There are so many reasons why this appointment would be flawed. First - and most obviously - he has no relevant experience. since retiring other than a year and a bit as one of Pep's three assistants: is anyone suggesting we should hire Brian Kidd (his status is roughly similar as an ex-Arsenal "legend" - his goals helped prevent us being relegated in the mid 70s!? My main worry is that he is too closely associated with modern Arsenal and, inevitably, with Wenger's philosophy. There is no evidence that he is in any sense his own man. The anecdote about him buying Ivan Gazidis with an expensive watch from the proceeds of club fines which he collected as captain is cringe-worthy. If we were really going to go for a manager below the elite group, I would actually have preferred either Benitez or the much-maligned Brendan Rodgers to Arteta. At least someone who has something tangible on their cv in the game. Ultimately, though, the failure to attract a new broom from the 'A' listers speaks volumes. Plus c'a change, plus c'est la meme chose.... And if anyone says "we have to get behind him", I will swing for them. Time to form the MOB.....

  49. The Man From UNCLE

    May 17, 2018, 11:44 #109717

    You never know, he could be in the George Graham mould of management. That would be fine with me. And remember that GG's first 100 days in the job were not exactly days of wine and roses either. Wiggy is a bit of an underwhelming choice for sure but if it is to be him at least give him a chance.

  50. TOOAW

    May 17, 2018, 11:24 #109716

    Agree with you there Bard. This being the same Mikel Arteta who deleted all social media connections with Arsenal when he joined Man City.

  51. PradeepKachhala

    May 17, 2018, 10:59 #109715

    This is a huge gamble with potential long term consequences if we fall further behind. Ask yourself what are the odds of a man with no experience, (be it head coach or manager the title is irrelevant)suddenly coming in and challenging for a league title. It's slim, but we are shopping in the bargain basement - Allegri would have come if there was a budget. Jardim seems to have been ignored entirely and he fits our requirements extremely well (limited budget, blood the youngsters, play good football, fit in the new structure), while Vieira's talks with the club were a token gesture according to the man himself. The process has been a joke

  52. Yes its Ron

    May 17, 2018, 10:51 #109714

    I agree with that Big Andy. This new set up is a potential powder keg for Kroenke. My long term view is that the owner is as much to blame as ever Arsene W was and the worst case (perhaps the best case even!)if it doesnt work is that SK just might consider his options and sell up. Until he does, he wont change one bit. Tough cookie he is. He doesn't care about fan opinion but a repeat of AWs last 9 months of turmoil and fan unrest or so might just force his hand. Until that happens ive accepted a long time back that Arsenal arent really looking to be at the races. This new set up is a bit of a sop to the masses.

  53. Big Andy

    May 17, 2018, 10:34 #109713

    @ Ron: Good post, but here's a problem: the real reason why Wenger was booted out was because 20 thousand fans stopped turning up. A corner has been turned. Arsenal fans are no longer interested in paying the highest ticket prices in the world to watch mediocre sides, even teams which finish 4th. The club must begin to challenge for the title again and the CL. Fans bought into the stadium debt austerity argument under Wenger but that's all history. I'm willing to give the Arteta experiment a try: it might just work. But the patience of Gooners has come to an end: we want to see real success, and if we don't get it then things could turn really nasty. The days of the Kroenkes taking Arsenal fans for a ride has come to an end.

  54. RobG

    May 17, 2018, 10:06 #109712

    All true. But if you think back on previous Managerial appointments, it is not out of kilter with previous Arsenal actions. Appoint the physiothrepaist as Manager after a long period of failure ? Step forward Bertie Mee. Appoint Bruce Rioch after GG - hardly obvious was it ? Sack Rioch and appoint some unknown guy from Japan ? But that's what they did. Don't get me wrong, I would rather a proven Manager than Arteta. But Arsenal have a tendency to do the unexpected.

  55. TonyEvans

    May 17, 2018, 10:00 #109711

    Agree Bard. With expectations suitably lowered following an Arteta appointment we can but hope he will surprise us all. He can't be worse than Wenger and at least we can look forward to next season with hope, rather than despair for a change.

  56. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 9:57 #109710

    ToOaW - an Arteta Arsenal does the following - your choice keep or sack 1: Suffers 2nd worse away record in the league 2: Loses 5-0 to Chelsea 3: Loses 7-2 to UTD 4: Plays Bayern in Europe loses 9-2 on aggregate 5: Finishes outside of top 4 , finishing 5th 6: Actually reaches Europa final but loses Would you sack on any of the above events?

  57. Yes its Ron

    May 17, 2018, 9:53 #109709

    Is there any evidence that MA will fit the Boards agenda and Mr Kroenkes overall intentions? Yes. His past profile and regard held for him at the club stands him in good stead in that dept. Thast the all important factor Bard i think. I liked MA as a player and he seems a genuinely good professional. I really hope he does succeed, but success as defined by the owner is attaining the level that Arsene always did until we finally fell from the top 4. In short, Arteta represents a chance (a gamble yes) that continuity as we know it at the club can be sustained. He ll come and be grateful for the chance but wont want to or be allowed to create seismic shocks to the way Arsenal operate. The team already in situ to work with him will make sure of that. MA is just part of what Arsenal see as a groundbreaking way of running the team. Its a big experiment. If it works, MA will be set fair to improve himself abroad at bigger clubs. If it doesn't, he can be dispensed with and the framework already installed will be there to hold the fort until an alternative can be found. Its quite well thought out and planned and typically Arsenal, they're looking to create a new model that other clubs might copy. Is it what Arsenal need right now? We cant answer that. We can express our preferences. Whats certain for me is that Gunners fans need to stop thinking that the club wants to seriously make a mark in the PL title chases and CL campaigns. They dont. The Club is happy to be on the periphery of the big spending clubs and looking in. Most clubs and their fans would give their right arms to achieve what Arsenal are content to settle for and the fans today have to accept this or leave it alone. If they dont do that, Arteta s beaten before he starts.

  58. Exeter Ex

    May 17, 2018, 9:40 #109708

    Wenger was manager for 22 years, and it took many years of seeing the same mistakes before anyone started to call for change. Yet AKBs try to portray those who came to want change as quick to judge, impatient, that somehow the same people who took years to come to that position with Wenger will be demanding the next guy is gone after a few games. It is notable how many of the erstwhile AKB are backing Arteta. Their hope is that he fails so badly they can say "Should never have got rid of Wenger". Their deeper hope is that Wenger is then reinstated. Toady is upfront about it, got to give him that.

  59. markymark

    May 17, 2018, 9:37 #109707

    ToOaW - I see your hoping for failure in your new manager the AOR will be your description . It’s a nice fairy tale for you to cling onto. Wenger won’t be back in s hurry it’s Josh who sacked him.

  60. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    May 17, 2018, 9:27 #109706

    I don't think the job of an Arsenal manager exists any more, the new role is clearly that of a head coach, which rules out Allegri, Benitez and my preferred choice Simeone. We all complained that Wenger had too much control - which was true, so the board have restructured the way the team is to be run and the fall out from that is a narrower job description for the new manager/head coach. There are only a handful of managers who can really motivate today's football aristocracy - the players. Arsenal will not pay the money needed for a top top manager, nor will they make a huge war chest available, so we go down to the next level. Arteta has coached a team to a major trophy - the hope from the board may be they have grabbed him on the way up. However I still harbour a small hope that we may all be surprised and shocked when Simeone is announced as the new man at Arsenal - a man can dream.

  61. Badarse

    May 17, 2018, 9:25 #109705

    Well Bard I agree. Thing is it fits perfectly into the grand AFC/Kroenke scheme of things, doesn't it? It isn't certain but the bandwagon rolls along and it's becoming a juggernaut as the tumblers drop into place. As TOOAW points out what happens when and if he fails in a notable and early fashion? I know, it will promote a lynch party on the internet and on this site. 'Off with his head'. (A bit difficult to see out your job description as a lynch party if you have chopped his head off-a fair analogy?) Thanks for the article though. Still as TOOAW suggested the other day the WOR should hang onto their 'Wenger Out' banners in readiness to change the name, in order to reuse them.

  62. TOOAW

    May 17, 2018, 9:13 #109704

    Arteta loses his first four games...... He’s sacked....... Who shall we turn to...... Step forward Mr Wenger. !!!!!!!

  63. peter wain

    May 17, 2018, 8:44 #109702

    Allardyce will be appointed in January 2019 if we appoint Arteta now.