What the appointment of Arteta signals for Arsenal’s future

Don’t raise your hopes too much if top four will be seen as over-achievement

What the appointment of Arteta signals for Arsenal’s future

Club ambition? Ramsey – Likely exit to avoid large net spend

The forthcoming appointment of Mikel Arteta as first team coach confirms 100% for me that nothing will change any time soon at AFC. Arsene leaving the building was a chance to kick on and really show that we are a club to be taken seriously again. To do that we needed to bring in a coach with a track record of success, somebody who would not be satisfied to simply plod along somewhere between 4th and 6th each season. I wrote an article recently in which I mentioned my own feeling that the current board would not want to make such a hire. I predicted that the new coach would be under the age of 50 and someone who would feel fortunate to be manager of AFC. Enter Mikel Arteta.

As true fans of AFC we have wanted change at the top for years. Anyone that knows anything about the game has seen that things have gone beyond stale at Arsenal. Arsene being told to go has given us renewed hope that the club we all follow so keenly might begin to show the ambition we all crave so badly. The sad reality though is the simple re-realisation that AFC stopped being a football club many years ago and has been nothing other than a business for a minimum of the last decade.

Stan Kroenke is not interested one jot in whether or not AFC are competitive at the top of the EPL or competing for the Champions League. The only reason Arsene was asked to pack his bags was the empty seats in the stadium on match days which doesn’t impress the clubs commercial partners and makes re-signing them on for more money harder when current contracts expire. That my friends is what modern day football is all about especially in this country where any advertising hoarding is simply sold to the highest bidder regardless of what destructive product they are trying to tempt viewers into wasting their hard earned money on.

Max Allegri or Carlo Ancelotti would have come in at AFC and demanded in the region of £8-10m a year to become first team coach. This would have been comparable to what Arsene was earning when he left the club recently. I would imagine for that amount of salary per season they can now get not only Mikel Arteta but also Sven and Raul thrown in for good measure as well. Arsene goes to get the bums back on the seats which keeps the commercial partners happy and is replaced by three new employees to do what Arsene did on his own for the last decade. Three men for the price of one and the nice little fans come running back to their expensive seats.

The other difference between Allegri/Ancelotti and Arteta is that Allegri or Ancelotti will have expected/demanded a genuine chance of being successful. This takes money. A transfer war chest of circa £50m would have not been enough to entice either of those managers to the table. Will Mikel Arteta be storming into see Ivan anytime soon demanding an extra £100m to spend on new players? I very much doubt it. He will feel lucky to have the job in the first place which is exactly what Ivan and Stan want him to feel as it gives them control over each and every decision that needs making. SK will keep total control of AFC and not have to spend a penny more than what he would have done if Arsene had kept his job. The appointment of Arteta will confirm this as clear as day.

Why as fans do we think SK was so happy to keep faith with Arsene for all those years when anybody with an ounce of footballing knowledge could clearly see his time was up? The simple reason was that Arsene was perfectly happy to toe the club line so that he could keep his ego and own pay packet intact. Had Arsene been interested even remotely in winning why would he have signed up to the whole new stadium/limited resources idea all those years ago? He wouldn’t. Any manager worth their salt would have said nice idea and like the long term goal but sorry it is not for me as I want to be as successful in my own career as I possibly can be.

Some modern day fans/bloggers seem to want to put out the message that Arsene was made a scapegoat for things going wrong as he was always the one in the firing line as far as the press/media were concerned. They blame Ivan for hiding behind the firing line and letting Arsene take all the flak. For me this misses the point completely. Arsene was paid around £9m a year to be the one that took the flak as far as the media/fans were concerned. He was never anything more than a well paid front man in the latter years of his reign. He was perfectly happy and willing to play that role with literally no chance of any significant on field success. If he wasn’t he would have left the club of his own accord many years ago. If the club hadn’t asked him to leave he literally would never have left. That is not the action of a winner nor is it the action of a man with any pride in my opinion.

Ask yourself this question. What other club who proposes an aim to be somewhere near the top of European football would hire a new manager today who has not managed any football team in the world ever before? Some may claim Zidane at Real Madrid but he managed their B team which is the same as managing a team in the Championship over here. Guardiola did the same before he became first team coach of Barcelona. In reality I doubt this kind of hire has ever been made towards the top end of world football. Literally zero experience which instantly means his demands will be very low. Box ticked. You’re hired.

My transfer predictions for the summer after Arteta is named is for Ramsey to be sold on for somewhere in the region of £40m and for Arsenal to reinvest roughly the same amount of money in a goalkeeper, central defender and midfielder. I would estimate £15-20m on each of the goalkeeper and central defender and maybe someone on a free for midfield. I would be surprised if our NET spend is over £10m and we will have moved on some salaries from the balance sheet - the likes of Cazorla, Mertersacker, Ospina etc.

AFC finished the season with 63 points. City won the league with a record high of 100. To be competitive in terms of really having a chance to win the EPL in a normal season a team needs a total of around 85 points come May. This means as a club we need to improve on Arsene’s last season in charge by around 30% to have any chance of being competitive again. For this interested viewer I simply can’t see that happening with the choices we are about to make as a club.

As mentioned in my previous article I can see us improving maybe 10-15% with any new hire as long as they can coach properly and do basic tactics, which one would hope Arteta can achieve. The problem is that will only get us to around 70-72 points next season which in all likelihood will struggle to even make the top four let alone be competitive again. It therefore seems pretty set in stone that we have gone from being a team that always qualified for the Champions League to one now that would view that ‘achievement’ as just that. An over achievement or put another way, a great season. Any gooner expecting us to greatly improve simply due to Arsene leaving is possibly as deluded as the man that has just picked up his coat.

It might be worth mentioning that we haven’t won the league since Patrick Vieira left the club who himself was also in the running to be our next coach. The person who will get the top job ahead of Vieira is the man we haven’t managed to finish in the top four without since he left the Arsenal midfield just a couple of years back himself. We really have dropped that far since 2005. A successful business manages to lower the customers’ expectations without them walking away or taking their business elsewhere. You do have to give credit where credit is due Stan sure is a very successful businessman. In that there can be no doubt.

As true Arsenal fans we prayed for Arsene to fall on his sword for the last five seasons or so. In him leaving it has raised our hopes for the first time in a decade. The truth is that hope only really has a genuine chance of being realised if someone else departs the club for good. Arsene lasted 22 years, at present Stan has been involved with Arsenal for around half that time and counting. Keep hoping or spend your time, effort and money on something else? I guess the number of empty red seats next season will tell us all the answer.

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  1. Suker

    May 20, 2018, 23:52 #109850

    So The Arsenal are now a club where an unknown or tested quantity comes in to learn the ropes? This at some of the highest ticket prices around?? Really??

  2. mbg

    May 20, 2018, 15:08 #109843

    Toady, and why do you think you and your joke of the site mate are always been acknowledged, (when ever you both crawl back out from under your rocks that is)every time you both sit should tell you, it's certainly not because of anything else. WGOAB.

  3. Badarse

    May 20, 2018, 9:27 #109836

    The MAYDUP man wouldn't move on. Last night in the village hall disco he'd got some moves on and been asked to leave by the priest in charge of the wafer biscuits and tonic water. He would continue his mission of seeking out Wengerites, Wengerboyz and especially their Wengerballz. Hoddle and Waddle were waiting patiently at the door. He surveyed the damage to his orange ankle-swingers with the priest's big footprint on the back of them. On his way to the bathroom he trod on a discarded egg sandwich. He hopped his way there in a slow Riverdance style. Knowing it was time to pull his socks up and let his hair down, he did and fell in the bath. Carefully consulting his A to B map he found the front door, and left the building. His quest continued.

  4. markymark

    May 20, 2018, 9:26 #109835

    ToOaW - I and others regularly acknowledge MBG. In fact your pal who unless he’s fibbing AGAIN! The 90 year old Badarse appears obsessed about MBG and mentions him in virtually every posting . Apparently this is reactive so Baddie isn’t a gutless coward ( in Baddies own estimation )

  5. arrgee

    May 20, 2018, 9:21 #109834

    I have always seen the board and the owner as the problem. No other club of Arsenal's size would have kept their manager after a 2-8 beating in August, If there was a time to give a new manager time it was then.

  6. mbg

    May 20, 2018, 2:08 #109833

    Toady, I woke up alright and it was long long before you and your ilk, and that's what pisses you and your fellow wengerites off isn't it,(and we all know you'd have him back in the blink of an eye0 and because we were right. So we're just supposed to move on are we ? After the fooking mess your messiah left behind? forgive forget ? brush it all under the carpet, air brush all the embarrassments and humiliations out of history ? after the likes of you and your ilk supported him and defended him for so long? spoken like a true wengerite, i'd expect nothing else. It's just a pity you didn't take your own advice and seen the light years ago we wouldn't be in this mess now. Idiot.

  7. mbg

    May 20, 2018, 1:45 #109832

    Exiled, sorry about that mate, i'm well aware of that, my post was actually aimed at another one close to yours.

  8. mbg

    May 20, 2018, 1:02 #109831

    arrgee, but it was alright giving it to wenger ? over and over and over again ? hoping he'd come good, upwards of fourteen years ? and some were even prepared to give the weasel another season ? get a grip, Oh how times have changed, you couldn't make it up you really couldn't.

  9. Exiled in Pt

    May 19, 2018, 23:40 #109830

    Arrgee, forget the top five even West ham are looking at big time managers!! So your in agreement with me the owner and board need changing. For someone that wants to push the club on? Not settle for mediocre money making...

  10. arrgee

    May 19, 2018, 23:35 #109829

    @exiled - Anything less than top 4 next season will be considered failure. In my opinion the eleven that started the second leg against Atletico are nowhere near good enough to be top 4 and PEA and Micky Targaryan ain't gonna transform them. Unless Arsenal start competing quickly there will be fewer prawn circle renewals, fewer season ticket holders and there will be less TV money. And Stan won't be happy. It is madness to suggest a rookie coach with a couple of sensible buys and some decent coaching can compete with the current top 5. Never mind the gap to Man City, the gap to Chelsea is significant. The doom and gloom is justified. The big 5 are not recruiting untested managers.

  11. mbg

    May 19, 2018, 23:27 #109828

    Bard, it is great fun isn't it(but not for some it seems) imagine the alternative ? another one, two years with/off wenger, I know which one I prefer.

  12. Exiled in Pt

    May 19, 2018, 22:26 #109826

    Arrgree, your not getting it mate, this club under the current owners are not interested in winning the Premier league or the Champions league, they get enough money from just being top 4. Read my other posts read the main article. Stan is not about winning he is happy to be close. I did not want Arteta, i wanted Wenger out this board and owner out, Usmanov in and to see this club push on to compete with the elite of Europe but it aint going to happen. So i am not putting money in to his pocket, it will not stop me supporting the club i love and have followed all my life passed on from my family who lived in Drayton park! I am just excepting what we are getting Arteta as a coach who actually can probably get us into a top 4 spot and keep Stan happy!! Because it will take another few seasons before our fans do anything about it... All very well saying what GG done now and Wenger did in his first few years it was a different board and make up then. They have now long since sold our club and its values down the river. Mbg my mate dont get me confused with a wenger lover i wanted him out as long as you mate, i just dont have the same faith in the board as you do...

  13. mbg

    May 19, 2018, 21:35 #109825

    A lot of AKB's who have become anti AKB's (if you know what I mean) all of a sudden, you couldn't make it up, or maybe you could.

  14. TOOAW

    May 19, 2018, 21:29 #109824

    99.9% of gooners have moved on following Arsene Wenger leaving the club. Then there is the most boring gooner (MBG) He will wake up one day. Boring or what. Nobody seems to even acknowledge him, her or it. Move on fella. It’s the year 2018.

  15. mbg

    May 19, 2018, 21:16 #109823

    Exiled, I sorry but think the fans were bored to death with and listening to wenger, and his ramblings and out of date boring regime, fans I know and that includes myself have more optimism now about Arsenal and the new season than we've had for years, and i'm sure quite a few on here have too, it's just a damm pity fans didn't turn on wenger and stopped forgiving him over and over and over again say stick it up your arse to him when he was humiliating and embarrassing us on the pitch over the years like a lot of us did, maybe we wouldn't be in this position now.

  16. mbg

    May 19, 2018, 20:54 #109822

    I think the majority of fans were hoping we'd push on when TOF got the run, but at the same time realised it was going to take time top man or not( especially after the mess the last second rate manager left behind, a lot of fans have forgotten that already funny that and I wonder why) he'd have a massive job on his hands and still will, and that we might even do a Man yoo and indeed it's more than likely, I hope i'm wrong, but would it have changed if the weasel would have had another year ? or even two ? God only knows where we'd have ended up plodding along to, (and remember a hell of a lot of his wengerite fans would have been happy for and wanted that, after already giving him thirteen) plodding along towards relegation more likely, we've got change now lets see where that brings us,time will tell.

  17. arrgee

    May 19, 2018, 20:51 #109821

    @exiled - Arteta will NOT and should NOT be given time to prove himself. He is going to be a manager of the sixth biggest club in the world according to the money list and the one that charges most for tickets. He needs to get Arsenal in the top four by October and keep them there until May. Anything less will be failure. George Graham had Arsenal top in December 1986 and Wenger was winning the league in his second season. After 12 mediocre seasons at the new stadium, this needs to work and work quick. If it doesn't and Arsenal are in the bottom half of the table in December, Arteta will be gone and heaven knows who they will turn to.

  18. Bard

    May 19, 2018, 19:24 #109820

    Exiled of course we dont know if the big hitters were asked, any more than we know whether Arteta is really in the frame. Its all speculation but fun nevertheless. I do stick by my theory that things could get tricky if we dont make a better fist of challenging next season.

  19. Exiled in Pt

    May 19, 2018, 16:46 #109818

    Why doom and gloom if Arteta is appointed, he will be and should be given time to prove himself. If he has learnt anything from Pep it will be a bonus. This team is not as bad as people make out, it may not be CL winner quality but that does not matter we are not in it. A couple of sensible signings and proper coaching and playing players in correct positions and dropping players who are not doing it! We should easily half the amount of losses away from home! Along with a similar home record to this season and we are competing for top 4 place.Progress with out pushing on for glory Stans remit...

  20. TOOAW

    May 19, 2018, 16:21 #109817

    It's a decent write up John. Not one I agree with but nicely put. "We want Wenger out" was all this site consisted of for 3 maybe 4 years. Now the great one has left. It does seem as if plenty on here are being very 'fickle' again. On the assumption that Arteta is to be named manager with some total novices by his side. The doom and gloom will return. For the record, Arteta is not my choice but what if the new recruits to the coaching staff head towards the new year a few points off the leaders. We could have a Coneygree situation on our hands. Highly unlikely but possible.

  21. markymark

    May 19, 2018, 15:15 #109815

    It’s certainly an interesting choice assuming it is Arteta. If it goes wrong they risk being looked at as a bit a laughing stock with potential for high level sackings . That’s why I’m not joining the conspiracy theory of Evil Stan with this one. I’m pretty sure Ancelotti could have been secured on a don’t rock the boat and here’s 8m a year for two seasons very easily. The point being that Bayern’s players were rebelling against his training methods . Too mundane , not enough push . It would be Wenger all over albeit improvement may have come anyway as a slightly past it Ancelotti would still kill Wenger . There’s a project or plan to this . Whether or not it’s successful is of course waiting to be seen

  22. Exiled in Pt

    May 19, 2018, 14:54 #109813

    Just one worrying thing according to the media we are about to sign Sokratis from Dortmund a defender who according to most in Germany has been going backwards rather than his career progressing hence Dortmund happy for 20 million!! I am sure they know what there doing.....

  23. 1971 Gooner

    May 19, 2018, 14:45 #109812

    As I brace myself for the Arsenal PR machine assault next week, I have the following question in my mind: “Where is there a single shred of evidence to show Arteta is capable of doing this job?”. Inexperience does not guarantee failure, neither does experience guarantee success, but this would/will be an unprecedented gamble by the Board.

  24. Reality Cech

    May 19, 2018, 13:41 #109809

    Another good honest article tapping into the collective concerns re the club’s pending appointment. I haven’t been convinced that Arteta will get the job to date but I have to admit, with the weight of ‘insider’ reports across the media, it’s looking likely. Like many on this site, when asked who I’d like to see replace old Wengo, I’ve replied ‘anyone’ and apart from one of the usual waste of time, merry go round managers like Fat Sam/Pardew/Moyes etc, I meant it! Therefore Arteta fits firmly in that ‘anyone’ bracket and so be it. But for me the most worrying aspect is the reported appointments of Cazorla & Henry. Why? I don’t get it. Surely Arteta will need some proper experienced, badged up, coaches to weigh in. Having got rid of Wengo,s cronies, Arteta/Gaz are bringing more in! Is Cazorla a coach? Has he ever coached. He can barely run after the horror injury of the past 2 years. How has he suddenly become a 1st team coach? And having seen no signs that Auba and Laca have trouble scoring goals, why Henry? What’s he bringing to the party? This smacks of another cozy old pals set up. Where’s the much need defensive coaches so glaringly needed? Bouldy the bib monitor?


    May 19, 2018, 12:52 #109808

    AFC will not attract big money in sponsorship deals if they continue to decline or just stagnate. Stanley is a "bottom line" guy for sure but he can't be that stupid as to ignore the unique need in football to win things - can he?! As said before, plenty of money has been spent, on both transfers & wages, in recent years but very badly. Don't agree that all the successful owners are, by definition, nice guys - all are ****s in my book, every one of 'em. Don't think Arthur deliberately set out to take that flack from Wiggy either - unfortunately his downfall was caused by a genuine, but deluded belief that he could still "do it". Desk emptied yet? Incredibly sad. Let's just wait & see how the summer unfolds & keep a positive mental attitude!

  26. Exiled in Pt

    May 19, 2018, 12:50 #109807

    Bard, do you honestly think any of the big hitters where even asked or offered the position?? Or was Anceloti just at the ground a few times to give a bit of advice? All these links with managers seems to me to just be media talk the same as today we are linked with buying Benzema for the 10th year in a row...

  27. Bard

    May 19, 2018, 12:24 #109806

    Good article, I tend to agree that the situation at the club is far more uncertain and fragile than previously under Wenger. We have been turned down by the big hitter managers for one reason or another and we are now in the realm of the 'colossal gamble' or second stringers. It neatly sums up where the club are at after a decade of signing up to profit and mediocrity. Wenger soaked up all the bile directed against this strategy but now he has gone IG and Stanley are well and truly in the firing line. I suspect there are a lot of disgruntled Wenger supporters who are angry that he has been sacked. If we dont get some improvement I foresee more angry protests and empty seats. Interesting times.

  28. Big Andy

    May 19, 2018, 12:12 #109805

    Very good article, John. If Arteta gets the job, and if, as we all expect, he flops, then things will turn very nasty. Expect to see more empty seats and more disgruntled fans. This season could be the beginning of the end for Kroenke. Stan's biggest problem is that he just can't see that you can't serve up sardines and then expect your customers to pay caviar prices. Nobody is interested in just fourth any more. The game is up. There was a lot of love for Wenger, which lessened the protests of the bad results, but Arteta will be shown no mercy when he fails. Hopefully, stupid Stan will just sell up and go away. Then we can get back to being a proper football club again.

  29. Rippy

    May 19, 2018, 11:36 #109804

    Agree 100% with paulward the stadium will be half empty if the team gets a bad start or we look crap from the off. The facts are the fans are bored to death with the arsenal story now. It's been going on since kreonke turned up . Only the cup wins kept the fans interested. 9 years they supported without too much grief. But the board treated them like ****. Now there is no forgiveness. And all this talk about being loyal blah blah . The money they are charging is disgusting . Even if you live and die arsenal there's a limit for everyone. Arteta looks a cheap lazy appointment for me. First signs of trouble the team will turn on him. His 36 FFS. And not coached an under 5s Easy target and one a vast majority of the fans will just say stick it up your arse I ain't going ......

  30. Exiled in Pt

    May 19, 2018, 11:18 #109803

    Great article bang on the money. If it is Arteta i think he can get this team into the top four with one or two sensible and cheap buys and some structured coaching. That will keep Silent Stan happy and it will keep the paying fans happy. It will be progress and that is what will keep the seats filled and not a murmur of protest will be heard against the owner or board. I truly believe those of us that want this board out as we can see there is no interest in challenging the elite, have stopped paying our money and going along time ago!! Stan has just bought himself more time with the current fanbase and more time to get hold of those last shares that Usmanov will eventually give up!! Then forget Arsenal FC they will look to move it to the states.....

  31. Paulward

    May 19, 2018, 10:56 #109802

    Some fair points John, but if Kroenke thinks he will fill the stadium by finishing 4th - 6th every year then he is wrong. If we are in a distant sixth come February next year I am sure there will be thousands of empties again, so of course it’s in his interests to at least challenge for the title. Don’t think the fans have agitated to get Wenger out simply to finish sixth under Arteta or anyone else for that matter.