South Down Gooner: Arsene at Arsenal to Emery at the Emirates?

Thoughts on Wenger’s successor 22 years after the last such appointment

South Down Gooner: Arsene at Arsenal to Emery at the Emirates?

The word of today is “swerve”, defined as “to change or cause to change direction abruptly”.

Quite so… as in my case as I was ready to compile an article on the various risks associated with appointing Arteta when suddenly the news broke on Monday evening that Unai Emery is set to be named the next Arsenal head coach/manager, or whatever title the club deems fit to give him in this new continental structure. It’s classic Arsenal though, let’s be honest they have previous with this and we as fans once again never saw this swerve coming. Just as when Arsene was selected over Cruyff and Venables, or when Mee and Graham were appointed in years past, you never quite know what is happening behind the scenes. I also suspect the £50m budget isn’t quite what it seems and it may be a way of deterring clubs from demanding obscene transfers value for our summer targets.

I like this appointment, Emery has won 10 trophies in his time as a manager, that’s more than Wenger, Graham, Rioch and Mee combined before they took charge at Arsenal. Emery has his critics, some will point out PSG’s capitulation against Barcelona and indeed the manager’s poor general record in the Champions League. It is also true that we are appointing a manager whose history suggests that in major leagues he is good at getting a top 4 league finish and winning cup competitions but has only ever won one league title in his career, and even that was in a relatively uncompetitive French League. But at 45 years of age he has his best days ahead of him, and he also has something to prove; that he can take a top club to consistent domestic championship success and into the latter stages of the Champions League. These are the exact challenges that Arsenal themselves are faced with going forward so it could be the perfect union.

My feeling is there wasn’t a whole lot of choice out there given the remit we were working with; a limited budget, a pre-defined structure for the coach to slot into along with the ability to play attractive football. At Valencia and Sevilla he ticked all three of these boxes. Emery didn’t really fit in or was appreciated at PSG, the players disliked his meticulous preparation and obsession with tactics, given what we have heard coming out of the our own club about players wanting more guidance on the pitch, Arsenal’s current team may actually embrace his approach.

We must also question what the expectation is for the new manager next season? Are we going to challenge for the league title? Unlikely. How would we feel if we secured 3rd and won the Uefa Cup? To me that would sound like progress along with the possibility of better coached and prepared players to develop for the long road to recovery ahead.

Considering we may have been on the verge of appointing a man with no previous managerial experience which seemed like an uncalculated (and in my opinion irresponsible) risk, there is some comfort in appointing someone who has plied his trade for 10 years and while his record isn’t without blemishes, Emery is a “known unknown” rather than the “unknown unknown” that Arteta would have brought. Gazidis spoke about a “bold appointment” on the day Wenger announced his exit, these may have been words spoken in haste, Emery isn’t a bold appointment but I was never convinced that such a phrase was appropriate for the direction of the club going forward anyway. It seems in the end sensible heads have prevailed and I wonder whether any consultation with the senior players about Arteta’s appointment swung the board away from giving him the job.

Amusingly there are still those out there who are convinced that Allegri will still be appointed manager and the way this process has gone you couldn’t safely rule out anything until Emery is pictured in the customary pose inside the stadium waving an AFC scarf. (Ed’s note – This article was submitted on Tuesday morning, 24 hours before Emery was officially announced.) That being said upon reflection, the AFC fan base will embrace the new man in charge, Emery will have plenty of credit in the bank based upon him not being Arsene Wenger as we step into the unknown so let’s give him a chance as we move into this new chapter in our great club’s history.

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  1. bergkamp10

    May 26, 2018, 8:28 #110073

    Petwe Wain- Agreed 100%. After 5 plus years of waiting. Let's hope the board allow him the scope to achieve progress. If we don't at least bag a cup in his first two seasons, then that's when the club will show it true colours. For me it will be good to hopefully see a team move and develop forward. It at least should be a more exciting journey next season.

  2. mbg

    May 25, 2018, 16:28 #110058

    So we have the first hint of dissent from a wengerite, hee hee, before the man has even taken his first training session, Unai's spiel, that was more associated with the old weasel wenger, but are we surprised ? not at all, Oh how it must be killing him/them the new man been lauded all over the place, best wishes and support coming from everywhere, especially the WOB's, yes especially them, and they can't bear to agree what are they going to do, their worst nightmare come true as their messiah slithers away with boos in his ears. WGOAB

  3. Badarse

    May 25, 2018, 16:13 #110056

    They had stuck to their guns; because their hands were smeared in marmalade, thick cut at that. One licked his butt, then licked the butt of his gun. Yummy, he thought, now this was their reward. How noble they were, in fact both had nobles written all over them. They'd tried sticking to their beliefs but as they were all different it had proved extreme. One had stuck his to the wall, another to the door. They refused to be licked, so it was a case of lick it and stick it! Ah, to be in the company of other self-righteous souls, or for short, ah souls.

  4. mbg

    May 25, 2018, 15:58 #110055

    Sorearse, you've tried that enough times on here and without success as we all know and can see, but wrong again, I don't speak with forked tongue or never have, I (and a lot of others) have stuck to my guns and beliefs right through this and have been rewarded for that, and I now (just like the others) know what way we're heading, there's only one serpent on here. WGOAB

  5. Badarse

    May 25, 2018, 13:15 #110052

    Marky there is history with the Eggman and myself. He has a glitch and whenever I post he often slithers into view with a knock back. Sure we are free to comment but when it is a perpetual hatchet job for the reason of an obsession it becomes tedious. I choose that inalienable right to ignore, put down, react, make up an 'amusing' sketch or just throw bald eggs at it. Think you do the same chum. Again you have to walk a mile in my shoes which means leaving off wearing the Hoddle and Waddle wellies for a while. An insult is an insult is too broad an example buddy. Note that I have ceased to exchange with him directly for a while now, but he slithers and slides out from under a rock constantly then tries to throw it at me. Whether you recognise a reaction or such is academic, it is there and it is a reaction, as for washing that's like the nun in the bath with a soulful of hope.

  6. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 12:28 #110051

    Baddie -this reaction number I’m afraid does not wash. An insult is an insult however you dress it up. Particularly if you insult someone who hasn’t directly referenced you. I’m afraid there are groups on here who simply don’t believe you however much you dress it up. As I said before , you make a comment about Trump , I then insult you . You say why did you do that . I reply I was being reactive. So blinking what I’ve still insulted you . Much like you insult our intelligence

  7. Badarse

    May 25, 2018, 11:57 #110050

    Marky it is your choice which path you take, your opinion what is meant by this or that, your selection of mind sets to reassure, but invariably it unsettles. Still yours and as stated, I would defend that right. I have already said, I never pick, I react. Read, reread, you will get the answer eventually. Glad you are happy with Unai's spiel I hope you don't pin too much on it as it will be like a Brexit UK if it fails. Good old Arsenal.

  8. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 11:44 #110049

    Baddie - who’s the reptilian friend ? You really don’t need to continue picking fights . Currently we are up against a wall of Emirates money . Unai has still stated we will attempt to take on City . He has not stated I will take finishing 2nd for the next twenty years. It’s a bit like a boxer saying I’m happy to finish 2nd. All confidence seeps out. It also gave Mourinho the platform to dish out his expert in failure line. Wenger imo manipulated a portion of the base to accept the title was not winnable and so created a new dynamic for his tenure . Very cleverly he pushed the long term button 20 years being 2 whol generations of footballers. Arsenal’s stock sunk with that. Amy IMO is quite correct in her assessment of a split base with meek acceptors . He became incredibly dangerous for us . If he had not been sacked this season I would’ve have expected havoc to ensue

  9. Exeter Ex

    May 25, 2018, 10:15 #110043

    Except Winger said for the next 20 years, not for that period. So your argument falls down right there.

  10. Badarse

    May 25, 2018, 10:04 #110042

    Morning Marky note the reptilian slithering, from he who shall be nameless? Anyway of course you are entitled to any view you hold my friend. It is an inherent right and a tenet that I hold dear. All I offer is a suggestion of the path I take and the peace of mind it brings. It certainly isn't cosmic, new age, religious or anything offered by the life of Brian, ha ha. During the period you speak of that 2nd place resonated with me. Up against money men, more cash flooding into the game making the middling clubs and the fodder much harder to beat. Teams had learned to defend for a full game, even going a goal down didn't open up the game as it had a few seasons earlier. They still defended at 0-1 down hoping for a late breakaway equaliser. The housing market had crashed making the forward thinking (?) of AFC to sell Highbury independently a convoluted limited damage situation. It registered as where we probably were in the pecking order, we were possibly below that, so a reasonable comment to my mind. The paradox is many insist people at the helm speak the truth rather than act like snake oil salesmen, then if they allow their mask to slip and they admit to inadequacies either in team or set up they are vilified as defeatist. Can't have it both ways buddy, or can you? I do by imagining the situation and my likely response, I might say something similar. Not particularly wise or profound but quite honest. I also accept that an individual in a certain role follows tried and tested procedures so I never listen to the P.A men or the hype. I have honestly never listened to a word by Ivan Gazidis and my life is better for it. As for Amy L she has a POV nothing more than me so it doesn't trump what I am saying, she is a voice, that's all. Possibly AW missed the fact that nowadays we are a split society in everything, and always shall be from here on in. Not just in footie but our approaches to life in general and each other in particular. Desiderata says, '...even the dull and the ignorant, they too have a voice.' Yes only now it is at full blast on the internet and in 24 hour news coverage plus a huge dash of fake news and personal viewpoints thrown in to sway people (check the Amy L comment). How long would the Stroller have lasted, Neill, Wright, Mee, Howe, had they tried to manage to an internet/social media barrage? I think their legacies may have been different, and they may well have fallen by the wayside much earlier and with little or no honour. Still it's nice to chat positively. As Simon Cowell said, or was it John Lennon? 'Whatever gets you through the night.'

  11. mbg

    May 25, 2018, 0:15 #110038

    markymark, good point there, the club must now realise what we all did, they're starting to cleans the club of all things wenger already.

  12. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 18:59 #110028

    markymark, this is very hard for the joke of the site to comprehend he probably wakes up every morning and try's to get out of bed on his own before the home help arrives to see if it all wasn't just a dream and his messiah is still here, but what's getting to the half wit the most is that we're all getting behind Unai even before the season starts and wanting him to succeed, and it's killing him that the same wasn't afforded to his beloved wenger, and he's now going to have to follow suit or really be the odd one out in more ways than one. WGOAB.

  13. Exeter Ex

    May 24, 2018, 17:36 #110024

    "Without someone being the first to say, do, or think differently, we would have remained in the dark ages. It is conservative thinking" here we have a transparently disingenuous attempt to spin Wenger making a virtue of 2nd in competitive sport as somehow innovative, groundbreaking, radical, daring. However, this is then contradicted by "What you saw in AW's speech I didn't". He finishes up this muddled thinking with the hope it will be treated as 'enlightenment'. Badarse at his most Badarsian, absolutely hilarious!

  14. markymark

    May 24, 2018, 17:08 #110022

    Baddie - if it’s any better I intensely disliked Arsene Wenger after he effectively gave up challenging for the title by saying I’ll happily finish 2md for the next twenty years . As Amy Lawrence alluded to in a recent article he polarised the base . Turning one group into meek acceptors and one group ragingly angry . I could not accept his cynical job entitlement (imo) and continued to rage. A group measuring approx 15 - 20 thousand finally had enough and stopped turning up. Social media was a death by a thousand cuts from seasons before creating a circus around him. There is no point for me trying to alter my view. Emery is validating what I want in a manager so the future starts now. Judging by the lack of mood music for a permanent statue or stand naming. It looks like Arsenal May only consider that now after his death . Therefore the club are now banishing his memory now quite effectively.

  15. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 13:21 #110012

    Marky I am not trying to change heads, at best suggesting to a younger brother. Hate is effete. It is used too much. 'I hate football!', 'I hate chips!' It has lost it's meaning but to really hate is too strong. Don't get too sucked into the hype, 'I am going to do this and that with Arsenal.' It is nice to see passion displayed, commitment, intent, hang any label on the words you like, but they are just words. We can all talk a good fight. I am ambivalent to most things which cause reactions in others. I am not a special species, I just kick nonsense into touch, except when I write it in my posts on the OG. What you saw in AW's speech I didn't why is that? I was deaf to the real meaning, or your interpretation was over the top. You decide, (in the best Geordie Big Brother voice).

  16. markymark

    May 24, 2018, 12:54 #110010

    Baddie / to admit hate is only a spin from love . Why restrict my feelings . I genuinely hated what Wenger said, as I saw a massive cynical controllery more interested in himself keeping a job come what may. Compare to Unai who basically said I will drag Arsenal kicking and screaming to catch up City . Now he may not be able to achieve it but I love his core belief he can do it. No financial doping tosh from him. Unlike Wenger who financially doped himself ( the greediest mediocrity in modern football) Hope that helps Bruv ...

  17. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 10:43 #110005

    MAYDUP man you give yourself away, (will anyone take you, even for nothing?). To make a distinction between abortion as taboo, but eggs as OK is a transparent revelation. To link it with atheism/humanism as a negative reveals the inner MAYDUP man. To want to tacitly close the topic down is the seal on the short post you delivered. Sad and narrow man.

  18. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 10:31 #110004

    Oh Marky, you shouldn't hate, nor admit to it. Don't offer this as an example to your children, blud. This is the step to how you go wrong. Self-serving positioning? No buddy, just a statement built around the zeitgeist. Neither did he need to say that to keep himself in a job-he had a contract. The final aspect of your post, ' Who in the history of sport...' is a dead giveaway. Without someone being the first to say, do, or think differently, we would have remained in the dark ages. It is conservative thinking my centrist friend. Seriously think about these words and ignore the sniping from other comments towards it. You don't even have to respond. Peace, and hopefully enlightenment.

  19. markymark

    May 24, 2018, 7:52 #110000

    I’ve the feeling that the 50m is a net figure after sales and may just be a move in the market to quell price inflation expectancy

  20. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 1:32 #109999

    Suker, you and the rest of us could be getting just that sooner rather than later, with up to eight players (including first teamers) reportedly fearful for their Arsenal futures, GOOD. markymark, well said mate when the arrogant twat first came out with that crap he was done for, ambitionless, and of course his ambitionless AKB's backed him and didn't wake up until it was to late, but still, believe it or not, some would have been happy to keep him on. Yes that's what we want now and maybe with honesty, and heading in the right direction with hard work on the training ground and pitch with most of all ambition and seen to be showing it (and he shouldn't have to much trouble bettering TOF in all those) keep doing that and he'll have no problems from us and our support, and the way things are going at the moment even this early him and others are well on their way.

  21. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 23:00 #109998

    apparently we're on the brink of signing Freiburg defender Caglar Soyuncu for £35m once the market opens, if true talk about moving fast. Is it Xmas ?

  22. markymark

    May 23, 2018, 21:28 #109997

    On April 11th 2011 Wenger said “As long as you are second in the league, I am ready to sign for the next 20 years and stand up for that. “ I began to hate Wenger from that day forward. It was flagrant self serving positioning to keep himself in a job without delivering the goods . Who in the history of sport had come out with a comment like that . As long as Unai looks to keep it positive , sets out a positive agenda then he’ll earn my respect whatever the result

  23. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 20:58 #109996

    CORNISH GOONER, good post, and he seems to be a genuine guy, yes I know it's early days but he does, a hell of lot more than we were used to anyway, lets hope he brings the beast with him, we can just imagine the little nice boys in tears as he shouts at them, and from the touch line too and not another nodding dog like bould, so my Mrs isn't the only one who thinks he's good looking, that could cause problems, changed times indeed.

  24. 1971 Gooner

    May 23, 2018, 20:25 #109995

    Just watched Unai’s unveiling video and I must say treble top marks to him for doing it in English, which he clearly needs to work on, but understands the value of communicating to the fans directly. Respect and good luck to him.

  25. John F

    May 23, 2018, 20:21 #109994

    I read that Cornish about his assistant and had a chuckle at the thought of Ozil dealing with him.Bellerin is another player that should be considered for selling.Can't defend or cross a ball yet other clubs might pay big money for him.Good to see he rates Perez and is giving him a chance to prove himself.

  26. Suker

    May 23, 2018, 20:08 #109993

    Item 1 on the agenda. Sell off all the lackeys that make up a big component of the current squad. Lets see who will tolerate their wage collection with no accountability for performance?

  27. Paulo75

    May 23, 2018, 19:47 #109992

    On the face of it a great appointment. Very relieved we haven't gone done the rookie / cheaper option of Arteta which had disaster written all over it. Most enthusiastic I've felt about Arsenal's future for a long time. The great job he did at Sevilla almost mirrors the position he will inherit at Arsenal i.e. A Club on the periphery of the top of the table with lesser resources than the top two. Looking forward to seeing the end result of some coaching and organisation being brought to the playing squad. All the best Unai, welcome to the Arsenal!


    May 23, 2018, 19:34 #109991

    Enjoying all the conjecture about how good Dick actually is! 3 thoughts. It's amusing, innit, to read stuff about his limited english (was he reading a prepared statement today then?) when you listen to today's pampered English contingent. Secondly, to me, PSG is a basket case & any gossip from there needs to be read with extreme caution. Finally, the horror, his sidekick is supposed to be a real beast who SHOUTS AT THE PLAYERS! If true I would pay good money to be present at future Colney training sessions!! In Unai we could be in for exciting times as his best days are surely ahead of him &, the clincher, my wife is impressed with the look of him & her Jurgen had better watch out.

  29. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 19:12 #109990

    Exeter Ex, spot on and well said, a true two faced serpent speaking with a forked tongue, who knows no better, is it any wonder he openly admits to being an atheist when he uses words and terms like abortion on an Arsenal site.

  30. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 18:55 #109989

    MAF, yes isn't it great ? A new, bright, vibrant, young, trendy, good looking (am I allowed to say without setting the holier than thou one of on one of his moral high ground ravings when he himself has the morals of an alley cat.) manager full of new ideas, everything the last out of date old man wasn't and hadn't, (and some wanted him for another year or two ??? )even telling us already how he wants to play, and what he wants from the nice boys, exciting times ahead roll on the new season. WGOAB.

  31. markymark

    May 23, 2018, 18:12 #109988

    Baddie, yuz like 90 Blud but you cool with der yout . Wherez yer Endz Blud? Yuz need to hang out, smoke some and chill with us Yuz sick Blud .

  32. Badarse

    May 23, 2018, 17:22 #109987

    Ron I agree, seriously there are many considerations with how to invest your wealth and what to spend the next grand on. Though I am sure Theo mastered the art a decade ago. Yes I understood the tone Ron and sometimes clarification is needed, it's often difficult to get a concise point across, isn't it? The young of today is something dear to my heart, I do genuinely think they have got a raw deal, circumstances, evolution, the technological revolution, the movement of families so there usually isn't a nan or granddad nearby to advise, mum and dad having to graft-but often with some a disengagement with their kids when there is time together, fears for them with bullying, terrorism, lack of jobs, elder states-people being shown to have feet of clay. Lying politicians, grubby icons, (celebrities), and no heroes anymore. Where's Joe Baker when you need him?

  33. Exeter Ex

    May 23, 2018, 17:13 #109986

    I'm not sure how you reconcile a desire to heal wounds with in the next breath continuing the name calling and the insults, but then you have to recognise a double standard to cut it out. I'm sure Emery will be determined to improve his English as quick as he can. "Ooh you are awful.." will be a useful phrase for some of that squad.

  34. Badarse

    May 23, 2018, 16:37 #109985

    He bent his ear to the door, it hurt a lot so he stopped and rubbed it better. It was 2028 and the little toothbrush tash was covered in salt and pepper; he must be more careful when he sprinkled the condiments on his freshly bald eggs. He stretched his stiff back, wisely he ignored his stiff front. 'Glad he's gone, we wanted him out and we kicked him out, tee hee shirt hee.' The orange ankle swingers had seen better days, last Thursday week was one of them. 'This is my time.' he squeaked, checking that it was five past six. 'I am going to the Mall to demonstrate. No abortions, no free laxatives and we wanted him out, tee hee shirt hee.' He slipped Hoddle and Waddle on and tested them by kicking the cat out of the door. 'Sure that's youse out too, we wants you out.' A man of the present doesn't need any gift.

  35. Yes its Ron

    May 23, 2018, 16:27 #109984

    Hi Baddie - no, i didnt think you were matey. My answer might have suggested i thought it though. Sorry. Yr right about the filth on shirts etc etc. Because we dont see it on players today, we think they've had an easy time of it dont we. The cardiac demands on today's players are just as bad though i reckon, maybe worse. They just stay clean while doing it!

  36. GoonerRon

    May 23, 2018, 16:19 #109983

    There is a risk with any appointment but Emery’s track record mitigates the majority for us. I would have got behind Arteta but for me appointing him would have been a wholly unnecessary risk so I’m glad the board saw sense in the end. He’s got a great chance to start fast given we’ve only got 7 players at the WC, so a solid preseason with the majority of the squad is ideal. Hopefully he and Mislintat can get their ducks in row regarding squad changes so we’re all set from the get go. P.S - mbg - he’s gone now so you can refrain from mentioning him and deriding him in all your posts now, it’s boring mate.

  37. MAF

    May 23, 2018, 15:57 #109982

    going on record to say I am absolutely delighted with the Aura that Emery is giving off. I almost feel like ive got old Arsenal back ! best wishes to all fans we all deserve to feel better !

  38. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 15:41 #109981

    Hee Hee just watching Sky and they were running the usual list of mangers and dates on screen before and right up to the new man, with wenger left out, well done that man.

  39. Badarse

    May 23, 2018, 15:38 #109980

    Very pertinent observations Ron, you are correct. I didn't want to suggest that the young are somehow less inclined than the old. Quite the contrary in many cases. It's my generation who had lost the sense of fight, and the next endorsed that. We owe the kids big time, none more so than today's kids, what a legacy to leave the poor blighters in so many ways. Each generation inherits the cast offs of the previous one, as well as the good groundings. It is endemic now that you press a button and it is there, whatever 'it' happens to be, so no one could reasonably criticise that affecting kids. I do look, still in awe I might add, at the favours bestowed upon young prospective footballers at junior amateur level. The kits, boots, and all accessories are just amazing. Remember us discussing the boots back in the day? The cow hide boots up past your ankles, with nailed in studs. A ball absorbing the water and hitting you like a medicine ball, knocking you down but springing straight back up like a 'Weeble', as the one inch studs were firmly attached to terra firma. Ah, thems were the days, ha ha. Showering in draughty old changing rooms, hot water in the showers running out due to earlier finishes of other games. The old magic sponge and freezing water doused all over a knock on the thigh running up your shorts. Shirts loaded up with mud and water so the sleeves hung down to your knees. Ah the beautiful game, playing on a rutted cow field. Nets knotted and won't come down off the bar and freezing numb fingers playing the ties like a harpsichord. How I miss it all. Guess I always shall.

  40. Ian M

    May 23, 2018, 15:16 #109978

    Remember one Juande Ramos? Managed Seville, won the precursor to the Europa League twice with them. Highly touted. Language barrier a bit of a problem for him. Won a League cup, got in the UEFA cup, then was sacked along with the director of football next season. The PL is extremely demanding, and can come as a culture shock for managers successful in other leagues. Just saying.

  41. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 15:14 #109977

    Yes it's great he's not one dimensional and can adapt, and also does drills,(we'll not know ourselves) but like I said yesterday can the little pampered pansies he left behind ? Remember the way they've been coached (cough) and indoctrinated for years.

  42. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 14:40 #109976

    3rd would certainly be progress on it's own remember the mess some one has been left behind and where he left us, and remember the statisticians (wengerites)wherever they are, who used to tell us every season with more points than the last (even two)was progress even though we'd finish 4th and pot less, yes i'm quite sure they'll all be hoping for better and even expecting it now just like the rest of us, but anything/any better than where we are now will be progress and have to be seen that way, for a couple of seasons anyway, anything else will be a bonus.

  43. Bard

    May 23, 2018, 14:03 #109975

    markymark; you may be right mate but I dont think we need to worry about years 2 or 3. Im not sure we are ever going to get another manager on a long term basis unless he keeps improving the side. If he has a successful couple of years we can get rid of and appoint someone else. He isn't absolutely top draw although he may be. He is a manager for our level which is second tier like Seville.

  44. Yes its Ron

    May 23, 2018, 13:57 #109974

    Good points Baddie. The money has rotted the basic essentials of the game hasnt it to an extent. Players earning oodles more than the Boss? How does and how can that work? The application falls ultimately onto the individual now and the management of them has become peripheral to a degree. I think Arsene gave in too willingly to that though and it took them out of his range of control and it wasnt a recoverable situ for him. Its still the case that the Coach can use his powers to select or to sell though so to 'encourage' better attitudes. I think most players do put it in to be honest. It depends on the Coachs persona. Liverpool look a driven set of lads for eg. These players are grown men though too. Not kids in the main. Its unfair to suggest that most youngsters want always the easy ride. Ive found that attitude with older 'dyed in the wool' types equally as much. Many youngsters want to be driven to achieve and want to impress in my experience. They get bad press these days and its often unfair. It applies whether its footie business or whatever as i see it. What they do need to see is a sense of clear direction from the top and a purpose and real objectives to justify the effort. If its not there, they wont give the effort. Young people are more discerning these days and ask why. Back in the day, they didnt. Its perhaps the case that Arsenals acceptance of being an also ran team for so many years has doused the fire in so many of the players whove passed through the club this last dozen years. Thats the Clubs fault from the top as much as Wengers and not solely the players wanting easy options.

  45. mbg

    May 23, 2018, 13:55 #109973

    And isn't it great news Pradeep, and not having to listen to some old man with a gravely French accent denying it. WGOAB.

  46. Badarse

    May 23, 2018, 13:36 #109972

    Corny always opt, choose and select rather than pick. Lots to be excited about. I like the notion that the man is driven. The problem with today's footballers is the mood of the day. Most youngsters want an easy ride, nothing wrong with that as I did when on those crusades with westlower, but when there is a job to do it calls for application. There are no 'hungry fighters' in the PL nowadays and trying to motivate a multi-millionaire footballer cossetted by a long contract must be a devil of a job. The 'new broom' will carry him into the season. His ability hopefully will sustain that. I crave the idea that the players will be worked and drilled effectively. There are many still to attain their hidden potentials within the squad.

  47. A Cornish Gooner

    May 23, 2018, 13:08 #109971

    Badarse. I agree with markymark's comment, but bear in mind, if you keep picking a wound it will never heal.

  48. Yes its Ron

    May 23, 2018, 13:04 #109970

    Thats it Bard. His contract was only as a result of the club not wanting to face a Sanchez situ again anyway wasnt it and not really on merit or the worth of the player to the team. It was to save face. I feel Emery really needs to see who truly wants to be there and to be allowed to shift those who dont, whoever they are. Essentially, the Landlord needs to evict the Tenants living on Easy Street whove not been complying with the terms of their leases for the last 10 years. They know who they are.

  49. Exiled in Pt

    May 23, 2018, 13:04 #109969

    Look forward to seeing just how he plans to set the team up to play. Hopefully young Ainsley is given the chance to perhaps become the combative midfielder we have been waiting for . He may also be the right coach to bring out the best in Ozil rather than talk of selling him. Nice to have something to look forward to just a shame we have the inconvenience of a world cup first, i just want to get to August and see how we look...

  50. markymark

    May 23, 2018, 12:55 #109968

    Bard - it’s a bit what Unai turns up. If it’s the chap your describing bring it on. Against that I believe he had a terrible away record with Seville in his last year ( as bad as Wenger’s ) and lost control of PSG doing a let the players sort it out reminiscent of Wengo. Arsenal players will probably be more amenable to him and willing to try a new approach. If training is too repetitive and he is very absorbed I spot trouble ahead years 2/3. However that’s pure crystal ball gazing . Badarse your latest comments I suspect will come true it is now a case of moving forward with the new man

  51. Bard

    May 23, 2018, 12:54 #109967

    Interesting call on Mesut Ron. If we can get £35/£40m for him and unload his £350000 per week we open up lots of other possiblities, that's effectively 3 players on £100000 per week. As I wrote the ins and outs will be fascinating.

  52. Yes its Ron

    May 23, 2018, 12:25 #109966

    Nothing negative about the appointment, whether it proves to be successful or not as i see it lads. Good to hear he drills and practices etc Bard as you say. Some of the pampered crew there will need to look sharp. There has been years of lax practices there though, its been clear hasn't it. Players playing when they want to etc. Ozil even seems to choose when hes ill! Hopefully Emery will take a pretty quick over view of what he has to work with and be given the remit to ship a few out who dont want it. If hes prevented from doing that, it ll cause a problem for him. See lots being said about how he did or didnt handle Neymar. I cant see as its relevant. That guy seems like a walking ego and in my view his skills are well out of sync with the ego. He s not going to get that Arsenal. On Ozil, i personally think that if the club isnt going to fund him very much as the reports say, that Ozil is one of them who they ought to sell while they can still get a fee for him of note.. Hes been far from a success at the club.

  53. TonyEvans

    May 23, 2018, 12:25 #109965

    Having read all the blurb on Emery there are good reasons to be optimistic. I certainly like the fact that he drills his players well, has a good eye for detail and actually adapts his tactics when required. He has won a European trophy, has experience of managing tighter budgets and getting the most out of his players. All good stuff - the only blemish seems to be his record against top teams, which worryingly is very Wenger like, especially that 6-1 against Barca - which had Wenger written all over it. Fingers crossed anyway - it will be different and that is good enough for me.

  54. Badarse

    May 23, 2018, 12:06 #109964

    Hi Bard, yesterday should have said cynical rather than negative, sorry. Pleased that you didn't name the delicate flowers; think MAYDUP man calls them pansies. Interesting times ahead fella.

  55. Bard

    May 23, 2018, 11:41 #109963

    There was a very good piece in yesterdays Evening news by Terry Gibson on Unai. My god Arsenal's delicate flowers are in for a shock. Very intense training and masses of repetitive drills to create the structure he wants. Poor old Mesut, not sure he will like having to put a shift in, could see him on his way. Will be fascinating to see who steps up and who disappears out the door. Really excited for once. As a footnote I did laugh at Wengers recent suggestion that the club lacked patience. Can you believe it? Someone needs to put hi straight.

  56. Badarse

    May 23, 2018, 11:28 #109962

    So Unai it is. That means the poison has gone from the wound, except for some pus around the edges, but they'll scab over soon enough. Good old Unai, good old Arsenal.

  57. David1

    May 23, 2018, 11:26 #109961

    He must be the highest profile appointment Arsenal have made since Herbert Chapman. Gazidis is starting to look like a capable fixer.

  58. Wardy

    May 23, 2018, 11:18 #109960

    I can't wait for the season to start and I haven't said that in a long time ,,,, patience will be required as the squad will need tweaking (not to mention being reminded that poor performances means being dropped) & even if it starts badly at least it'll be different !

  59. peter wain

    May 23, 2018, 11:09 #109959

    I jus hope he is given the tools to do the job.

  60. The Man From UNCLE

    May 23, 2018, 10:57 #109958

    Having thought about it, a manager with form for winning the UEFA Cup and finishing in the higher echelons of the table is just what is required in the short to medium term. Perhaps we can all start to pull together from now on - it really does feel like a breath of fresh air is blowing over the Grove let's hope it lasts.

  61. arrgee

    May 23, 2018, 10:51 #109957

    He looks like the best option. He did well at Valencia and Sevilla given the resources and only Real and Barca beat him at PSG in Europe. A domestic treble last season was a pretty good achievement even if PSG are so dominant. Likely to get a bit more slack than the likes of Arteta. Will be interesting to see where Arsenal are at the start of next season after three transfer windows. Hopefully he can get Arsenal back in Champions League and get Arsenal competeing in the league.