The handover: from Arsene of Arsenal to Emery of the Emirates

Thoughts after the new head coach was confirmed and met the media

The handover: from Arsene of Arsenal to Emery of the Emirates

Courteous, ambitious, and driven, Unai Emery was typically assured in his first press assignment at his unveiling as Arsenal boss. He spoke calmly yet passionately, and, albeit with a few apparent linguistic glitches and having to resort to his mother tongue a number of times along the way (Ed’s note – when the journalists requested he did, in fairness to him), he had clearly wasted no time in absorbing all things Arsenal in the recent weeks leading up to this much-anticipated news.

The news somewhat shocked fans of the club and the media alike when rumours of Emery’s appointment broke out on Monday evening. Yet in truth, this is an appointment every bit as logical as it was surprising.

While the romantics amongst us were rooting for the likes of Patrick Vieira or Thierry Henry, before eventually settling down to the notion of Mikel Arteta, and others were enthusing over some of European football’s more seasoned campaigners, the man from the Basque Country ticks almost all the boxes to take us to the next level.

At 46, bizarrely the same age one Arsene Wenger was when appointed all those decades ago, Unai Emery already has a wealth of managerial experience in his home country, in continental football, and, most recently, in France, where he led Paris Saint-Germain to a domestic treble last season. And, whilst we are more than entitled to raise an eyebrow at his list of honours in the French capital, a list sugar-coated and funded by PSG’s Qatari billions that blew the rest of Ligue 1 out of the water, it is his previous work with Valencia, and more impressively, Sevilla, that has made him into the coach he is today.

Many of us will have witnessed at first-hand, an Emery-led Sevilla’s efficient second half dismantling of Liverpool in the 2016 Europa League final to complete a hat trick of consecutive European trophies under his guidance. The manner of the comeback that day typified a man who is not afraid to show flexibility in his tactical decision-making whilst making the bold changes when needed.

Emery may well have enjoyed the benefits of a limitless bankroll at Paris Saint Germain, but he was all about resource creativity and invention on a relatively limited budget when at Sevilla. Indeed, he has been credited for the reinvention of many of his former protégés, not least Steven N’Zonzi, once a merchant midfield man for Blackburn and Stoke, now a midfield general, and one of the stars of the aforementioned 2016 Europa League win. He is exactly the sort of player we have crying out for at Arsenal for years, and given Emery’s reputation for deploying an N’Zonzi or a Thiago Motta in the middle of the park, he will surely look to prioritise addressing this gaping hole in Arsenal’s midfield in the coming weeks and months.

Known for his meticulous preparation and studying the finer details of his opposition, Emery will develop new attributes and make new demands of his squad. It is this attention to detail that we have been often so bereft of in recent years, a quality that seemed to have sadly deserted Wenger (or Wenger deserted it) in his later days, and is a renowned trademark of the Premier League and European football’s greatest modern minds in coaching. A new, modern approach, and that is what Emery will look to provide.

An advocate of attractive possession-based football but also of a high pressing game and intensive fitness regimes, Emery’s coaching style will suit the now famed “Arsenal way” whilst also adding new facets to our game, again, based on the demands of an elite footballing side in the modern era.

Looking within, this Arsenal squad is one of the poorest mentally we have seen for many years. Emery has been known to use sports psychologists to maximum effect, where the focus was on individual goal-setting to maximise each player’s ability in bettering himself for the good of the team. True, this may not necessarily be enough in terms of some mere passengers in our current batch of players. But, this brings me onto a key factor which swayed me into being all for Emery as opposed to ex-Club Captain Arteta.

For days, possibly even weeks, Arteta was supposedly set to take the reins, and, as true as this may have been, I for one, am thankful it has not happened. A player at the Club as recently as 2016, Arteta was very much there when the rot had set in. In fact, he was very much part of it. How can the ex-teammate of many of these perennial underperformers, maybe even their friend, have the objective, or even ruthless drive to take this Club forward again? That is not to mention his lack of experience at this level. Emery is a totally fresh pair of eyes and, while it remains to be seen, he will surely look to correct many of the flaws in the personnel he has inherited, whether by development or disposal.

And while one cannot simply ignore criticisms aimed at the direction of our new manager, namely underachieving in the Champions League or seemingly struggling to handle the game’s biggest egos, with a well-publicised spat between Neymar and Edinson Cavani early last season fresh in the minds of many, the world has seen enough of Emery to suggest that he has commanded the respect of the vast majority of his staff and those in footballing circles as his stock continued to rise in the past decade.

The question of money to spend will undoubtedly be an issue as we head into this new era. This is a squad that needs a significant revamping, and we should not expect it to happen overnight. Whether we have significant funds or not to be back amongst the “elite” as promised by Emery remains to be seen, a notion side-stepped in trademark Gazidis fashion in Emery’s debut press conference, but the manager has adapted well to either situation in the past and will no doubt have received assurances with regards to investing in the team as he sees fit.

I, for one, desperately hope it works, and will welcome him with my full backing for 2018-2019. I invite us all to do so, as we look to forge a route back into the Champions League as well as to fight for honours in the cups to begin with.

At such a crucial time in Arsenal’s history, Unai Emery represents continuity for all the good that remains at Arsenal as well as hope for a better, brighter future in red and white.

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  1. markymark

    May 29, 2018, 21:24 #110144

    Old Man - no doubt you are correct but join the party. There’s no entrance fee. A nice posting every now and again. If you are an Old Man ( you’re as young as you feel ) Perhaps a nostalgia article. The validation you get is actually a good feeling and might stimulate you to write more. I’m afraid a void is easily filled as you can see. Fill the void yourself with stuff you want to talk about. I’d personally welcome it.

  2. Old Man

    May 29, 2018, 19:08 #110142

    I know I rarely comment on here but I read/follow the comments assiduously. However, since Wenger has gone what on earth is the point of the utterly boring AKB v WOB conversation is it relevant? Is it now purely about individual ego preservation, irrelevant point scoring between contributors on this site that most of us skip anyway! Regardless of their allegiances pro or anti Wenger – you are boring the rest of us so please, please grow up and move on!

  3. Yes its Ron

    May 29, 2018, 13:00 #110135

    CG - best succinct comment ive seen for some when you say that football today isnt worth the abuse and raised blood pressures. We re all guilty of it at some time during our lives though, but football in its PL, posing, strutting and to a large extent false and fraudulent modern form most certainly isnt is it. Well said .

  4. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 22:30 #110131

    markymark, obviously was referring to 115957. hee hee

  5. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 22:13 #110130

    markymark, hee hee hee, that cracked me up, sitting here having a beer I nearly spilt it over my lap top when I read that, a cracker very witty i'm still laughing, joke/quip of the Month.

  6. markymark

    May 28, 2018, 21:59 #110129

    A Cornish - Baddies left wing credentials are dubious in my opinion. We literally have to take his word for it. If you look at someone like ToOaW’s earliest postings he tried to pass himself off as a Corbyn Supporter before going on a drunken anti Irish racist rant. If Baddie actually dropped some of his classic postings into a Labour gathering he might get away with it , possibly with some old Dinosaur but a female political activist would probably move to have him expelled or at least censored . Like Exeter says he cannot have it both ways. The Political correctness that some despise ( frankly I operate by it as it’s also now corporate behaviour ) is a left shift that has entered society. Those who rail against it, the Alt Right use it as a means to open up the agenda to anti semitism , xenophobia and white race Christian politics. Baddie by pushing 70’s style boob jokes ( he did actually mention grabbing breasts ) anti semitism when he decided to isolate Judaism alone to say it was misguided and his love in with Jamerson who constantly came out with vile slave comments . These are not the comments of a left winger happy in himself. Indeed if that’s what a true left winger thinks I’m more than happy to be of the centre . Btw I did have very left wing people in my family and they were progressives and not constantly seeking a moral high ground , not at all preachy. Baddie is just a mixed up egotist.

  7. markymark

    May 28, 2018, 21:23 #110128

    Baddie - if only it were a joke about the size of her boobs ( still sexist btw, I wonder what your feminist supporters groups would think?) tell many jokes about the size of your dick do you ? but I’m afraid it was a Weinstein grope you were mentioning so the nuance is that you are a filthy hypocritical groper . So many things you found funny like Jamerson for instance


    May 28, 2018, 19:24 #110127

    Badarse, you are clearly positioned as a man of the left & you were spot on in a previous post with your Book Club selection of "I, Maybot" which is both devastatingly accurate & very funny. So why do you continue to "froth" against our past criticisms of Arthur? The man earned more in one year than most of us could earn in several lifetimes. Why is criticism of a super, super rich guy, one of THE FEW, not allowed? I would prefer you to save your sympathy for the many out there, in all walks of life, who genuinely have a rough deal. Don't bother about the likes of Arthur - he wouldn't give a **** anyway! Today's football industry is really not worth all the abuse & raised blood pressures. So let's enjoy Dick's tenure & hope it's a positive one.

  9. Exeter Ex

    May 28, 2018, 19:18 #110126

    Barnum, cos you think you're cleverer than everyone else you still think you can bamboozle them with the sort of sophistry you've once again employed there. It's okay for you to hurl insults and names as others have done the same to an ex-Arsenal manager. It's OK for you to objectify women as you're a feminist. You want to have it both ways - take the moral high ground and descend into the gutter. What you call 'nuance' is double standards, hypocrisy to the core. No one is fooled, how naive you must be to think anyone would be after all this time. How many times must you be deconstructed before you give it up?

  10. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 18:58 #110125

    Bard that's probably why he hasn't been seen for weeks, he still thinks he's the manager and bumbling about in some God forsaken land probably full of pygmies with packets of fags and swan vestas trying to buy a top top qualittee keeper.

  11. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 18:44 #110124

    Don Howe, good post you'll have no death kisses from anyone on here as the majority of us are thinking along the same lines, it may be tedious but it will be an enjoyable tedious (not for some though)at times but not the same tedious as it used to be knowing we had another season or two of that old past it weasel of a manager coming back to bore us and stink the place out. Happy days.

  12. Badarse

    May 28, 2018, 17:49 #110123

    Marky your failure to grasp the sentiments involved and the nuances displayed is legendary. I am a feminist, yet there are many claiming that whom I think are pretenders. To joke about a woman and the size of her boobs was real and informative, you might say just gentle titillation? To behave decently is important, and you need to look closely at your previous antics. It is vital not to become a lynch mob, though the vociferous hounding of Arsene Wenger on these pages was just that, and wholly despicable. Being correct does not mean the comic book characters of today can make swingeing statements about sexism, racism etc at the drop of a hat. Especially without forethought. It is still alright to laugh at a boob joke as it is to laugh at a willie joke, don't try to sanitise life, embrace it. As for racism, no 'oirish' is not really racist, I wouldn't use it but would keep my powder dry. I think you need to ask is it racist to criticise Arsene Wenger and use a faux, (see what I did there?) French accent in the post to make fun? To call him false names yet criticise me for calling others on this site false names, or sobriquets, (see what I did again?)? Really astonishing that you are so naïve and do not grasp nuances and what is and what isn't acceptable. Do not use most on this site as a barometer of taste, they are often tasteless. Good old Unai.

  13. markymark

    May 28, 2018, 17:24 #110122

    Baddie - I asked you a simple question , do you think ToOaW is a racist when he says Oirish , thick and Paddy ? Yes or no ? 99% on here think he’s racist you however have some very strange bed Fellows including an Alt right , homophobic , anti Semite racist, you said you’d stand together with him and you found him funny . We just sit back scratching our heads at your position . One minute claiming moral left wing evangelising the next rolling about in the sack with Neo Fascists . Who also said I stand for woman’s rights then writes ditties about groping a woman’s breast . Yes stand up Badarse and take a bow .

  14. Bard

    May 28, 2018, 16:55 #110121

    Don H; I have been toiling night and day trying to find a keeper and have done since the day Almunia was bigged up as the new Gordon Banks. The problem to date is that our ex manager wouldn't pay more than 3 books of green shield stamps. As a senior Druid I have been holding what some would call 'ceremonies' * (piss ups to you and me but there you go, one man's piss up is another's ceremony). So far we have some up with diddley squat except a hangover. Dont lose faith though Don.

  15. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 14:46 #110120

    markymark, Exeter, thanks for that much appreciated, as we all know when some have nothing left or nowhere to run they show their true colours and resort to insults, and with some they get nastier and nastier as they/he is shown up more, it's then we know their well and truly beat.

  16. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 14:23 #110119

    markymark, yes you've noticed that to, I don't even mention him for two or three days, and suddenly he pops up having digs, and with insults, and racist remarks, claiming I started it, you couldn't make it up, very confused old man i'd say, definitely a change of medication needed.

  17. Badarse

    May 28, 2018, 14:05 #110118

    Good afternoon my little cheesy omelettes. So OK to criticise? Well done with dignity and without rancour with a better argument by all means, but cheap POV gripes won't do. To comment and to rebut is fine, but calls of 'Go!' and, 'Leave the site to us!' is unacceptable and divisively arrogant as well as draconian. To complain that other subjects and comments are not viable on an AFC website by someone who was caught up in gross and grubby slush puppies nonsense with sexual undertones is laughable. To link a support for a rejection of an archaic law with racism is beyond the pale, and displays an unformed mentality. So enough. Liked that post Don Howe, hope that doesn't put the kiss of death on you.

  18. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 13:56 #110117

    Big Andy, ha ha nice one and of the course the weasel would have been telling us (well those who would listen) he's Top Top qualitteee.

  19. mbg

    May 28, 2018, 13:44 #110116

    Asser we all want it to work mate, after fourteen years of failure and seven years of embarrassment and humiliation the proper fans deserve it, those who supported the failure, and not the club haven't made their minds up yet, well apart from some, and would love him to fail because they still can't let go of their messiah, and of course because others have taken to the knew man so much, and they just don't like that. WGOAB.

  20. markymark

    May 28, 2018, 7:31 #110115

    Baddie - in all the funnies you put in there it’s funny how you don’t address the point of ToOaW’s racism towards the Irish . Though do you actually like the Irish much yourself ? You paint the NI as backward and have now given up on Eire too. Jam Sandwich’s / Sex abuse , Eggs / Abortion - obviously in your world all are relevant to an Arsenal site. Most normal ( non whack-jobs) would say none of those are relevant and two of those subjects should be kept strictly to a relevant discussion and not dealt with lightly. How’s your grope poetry going by the way?

  21. Exeter Ex

    May 27, 2018, 23:31 #110114

    So now Badbum thinks he knows the views of people he's never met on subjects they've never commented on. He really is beyond parody now. The truth is that he'll try and use anything he can against others. He knows MBG is Irish so tries to use that against him. He knows I ride a bike so tries to mock me for that. The underlying reason for this is he's a member of a personality cult, and like all cultists is enraged if anyone criticises the object of idolatry. Oh and here's a lesson for the all-seeing one - freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism. You have the right to talk palpable nonsense, others have the right to show you up for it.

  22. Don Howe

    May 27, 2018, 21:41 #110113

    We have another 90 days of this tedious backchat until the football actually starts again for real and we can see what Dick makes of the team. I for one cannot wait. The poison that the Creature generated is still not gone. Let him and it go. He can't hurt us any more. What does Badarse think about which midfield destroyer we should buy? How is Ron looking forward to having a defence? How does Bard bring his Druidic skills to the search for a new goalkeeper? Is Tooaw possibly a sentient life form ? The answer, as Sir Patrick Moore would have said ", isthatwejustdontknow"

  23. GoonerRon

    May 27, 2018, 20:13 #110112

    @ mbg - YOU HAVE TO LET IT GO. You are criticising Wenger for not giving an opinion on something you say he’s not even qualified to comment on anyway!

  24. Badarse

    May 27, 2018, 20:09 #110111

    Whoops upset Bard, must be the criticism of May and her unholy alliance, funny though. Funny how the freedom fighters, or is that the Egg Foo Fighters want to deny freedom of speech, funny also. Nark reads up on Irish history and criticises. Do you not criticise one thing within the framework? What was all that about Arsene Wenger then? Religion gentlemen that is the opposition. Catholic bigotry took kids from unmarrieds, trafficked them across the border to the north, then dispersed them to other countries. So no I am not a champion of Eire, but for women in general, on a point of principle I am. Nark why is it offensive to mention abortion and not marmalade? A little pussy-footing there methinks. Sorry Nark, I read people well and a person doesn't need to say something to know their views. Pity you haven't yet mastered that ability. Try starting with all those centrist chums at work. I know this website inside out, sorry that it sounds too arrogant, but it really is transparent. Just as TOOAW is in favour of AFC. Now what is the problem about me identifying with his views? Poor old Ron got bushwhacked by the rabble for siding with me, why do you think that I have avoided drawing Gooner Ron into the melee? He says some delightfully observant things, and is a Gooner no mistake. I don't want him to be tarnished with my bad press. Actually rethink this. A poster, one of three anti-critical posters stand against a posse, or is it a crew, or a rabble? Would any of the opponents be that able? Imagine that, you post and the 'usual suspects' crawl out from under a rock and snipe and condemn. Funny, eh? MAYDUP man is a clown, constantly freaking and frothing over Arsene Wenger, the team, the London postcode, you name it. Through his posts comes a homophobe and a religious twit. If he stopped his gibberish then so would I. Now for some egg nog.

  25. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 19:53 #110110

    Bard - indeed MBG is one of the most resolute on here . However I just wanted to make Baddie aware that by attempting to paint MBG as backward and bigoted . Baddie is moving into xenophobia himself and of course his little lieutenant Toad is openly racist at times. On a note around the blog sites. Myles Palmer said he would have closed ANR if Wenger stayed on (of course this could just be hyperbole) . I would say though that Untold might wither on the vine as the site owner appears to have lost momentum and capacity to report on the biggest Arsenal story in 22 years. Quite simply a Pro Wenger website is irrelevant . Interesting and exciting times ahead!

  26. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 19:18 #110109

    ToOaW - one of your weirder postings , I can quite assure you I have 1 child.

  27. Bard

    May 27, 2018, 18:49 #110108

    Marky, I wouldn't worry too much about MBG. In my experience he doesn't get troubled by whatever comes his way, whether its footy views or anti Irish garbage. He cares about Arsenal and thats good enough for me. Interesting about Untold. Their articles are becoming less and less relevant now that Wenger has gone. There are no WOBs to attack.

  28. TOOAW

    May 27, 2018, 18:36 #110107

    Arteta fan narky boy. Born in the mid 70’s.... ahem maybe 1969. Wife one child ... ahem now 2 children aged 6 and 4. Make your mind up fella. I do get this feeling MAYDUP man and you like to ‘blow’ up the truth. At least Badarse is 90 and I’m his great, great, great grandson.

  29. Exeter Ex

    May 27, 2018, 18:27 #110106

    The reason both Badbum and the Toad persist with the lines of attack they have is for the matter at hand on this site, namely Arsenal, their pro-Wenger views are so weak as to be non-existent by any rational measure. So the Toad will go on and on about someone once favouring Arteta - this from a man who still wishes Wenger was manager. And Badbum's use of the particularly nasty MAYDUP man (in his mind this is witty) is driven by by his rage at MBG's relentlessly consistent anti-Wenger line over the years. Westlower, Chris, Colesyboy, Amos - all these guys gave it up in the face of the evidence. Wenger has actually gone and still Badbum and Toad persist. You don't get a more dedicated AKBs than that.

  30. A Cornish Gooner

    May 27, 2018, 18:25 #110105

    Good post markymark. Yet again his posts show no remorse or any sign of an apology (to the whole site) but more to show his 'vast' knowledge of Irish history and his 'noble' presence at another protest.

  31. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 17:59 #110104

    Baddie - MBG has never alluded to his politics or even his views on abortion on this site. It’s an entirely different matter ( whatever his views ) to have a distaste for bringing in abortion to an Arsenal related site. What relevance is Abortion to Arsenal? Some people may think you are extremely unpleasant for doing so and may also actually be vaguely in favour of abortion. You also continue to grossly insult people from a region of the UK and Ireland. My experience of twice being in NI just after the peace accord was entirely positive with very friendly and welcoming attitude. In fact I’d say it was like a cloud lifted for most. The troubles will of course continue to plague to a degree and thus issues will still arise but the general movement is to consensual peace. I’d actually wonder in your militant narrow mindset whether you could be welcoming to a person with differing views in your small town world? So imagine groups of people putting death and injustice behind them to forge a new way forward. This puts you, my little man to shame . The Dublin PO does have bullet holes , everyone knows that. Would you now like to run us through the Irish Civil war that probably doesn’t match your agenda , or Eamon de Valera’s signing the condolence book for Adolf Hitler? Again doesn’t fit your agenda. Or the miserable fate of 5000 Irishmen who fought against Hitler and were effectively banished. A truism is that some of the so called hero’s from the Ireland may hold dark secrets and some of the hard men from Ireland may in fact have helped pragmatically pushed towards a peaceful solution and that’s from both Republican and Loyalist groups. You appear to know very little about the people and the region and just fallback on lazy xenophobic behaviour .

  32. Badarse

    May 27, 2018, 17:07 #110103

    Dear MAYDUP man, a geography lesson all free on the OG. Ulster-Northern Ireland to you, is not part of Great Britain, but a part of the UK. OK? Yes I know the vote was in Eire, why as it happens in August last year I was in Dublin and outside the Post Office, which still bear the bullet holes of the British Army during the siege. Beneath it's shadows was a pro abortion protest which I joined for a short while, explaining that fortunately I live in a secular state with abortion laws to suit women. I naturally wished them well. I was as pleased as punch that they won and am aware that the fever will spread to Ulster. Already the MAYDUP scribes are up in arms and May has distinguished herself yet again as weak and wobbly by deferring the decision to her DUP playmates. Beware the change is coming. By the way is it a soft or a hard border? Ha ha.

  33. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 16:48 #110102

    MBG - call me thick but still can’t understand why Baddie repeatedly brings up subjects you haven’t mentioned to then try and have some pathetic poke but still claims he’s only being reactive? delusional isn’t he! Glad your son’s wearing the shirt. I asked my 4 year old the other day who’s your team. Reply was “Arsenal, Dad”. So all is well in the world.

  34. mbg

    May 27, 2018, 16:34 #110101

    John F, yes mate so are a lot of us,(especially when a lot of others aren't and in the same position as we used to be)the lizard is gone, it can't come soon enough, and to top it all off my 17 year old Son has just announced he want's an Arsenal shirt for his Birthday, the first time since 2012. Happy days at last. WGOAB.

  35. mbg

    May 27, 2018, 16:19 #110100

    Sorearse, just to inform you that vote had nothing to do with me it was for, and in another country, it was for the South of Ireland, out of my jurisdiction, and for the South only, any half wit knows that, i'm from Northern Ireland, there's a difference you know, a border, Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain (had you a vote ? no you hadn't)obviously you don't know that or just can't understand and comprehend it, (no surprise there though)I hope that is simple enough for even a simpleton like you to understand. Anyway what your infatuation over abortion and on an Arsenal site ? Does it bring back bad memories ?

  36. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 16:13 #110099

    Baddie I think a bit of honesty is required from you as let’s face it you wouldn’t give ToOaW the time of day If Westie hadn’t mysteriously disappeared on his way to the Cheltenham festival. You had a nice thing going with his interminable 5/2 betting odds blather ( always betting against Arsenal ) and some old bore called Amos who used to go on about Arsenal’s spreadsheets like it was a thing of wonder. Anyway now there’s is just Toad , Why not meet up with him? I don’t think he’s coping very well after Wengo and it’s likely he’ll just binge drink on his own. Go on Baddie be a sport and meet up with the Toad.

  37. mbg

    May 27, 2018, 15:53 #110098

    No sign of the weasel then, probably working for outer Mongolia TV, I wonder what he thought of the Liverpool keepers performance ? not that he'd be qualified to answer like, saying as he's employed duds and second raters all his Arsenal life, apart from big Dave Seaman of course (and maybe Mad Lens)who he inherited from George Graham.

  38. Exeter Ex

    May 27, 2018, 15:35 #110097

    "Why were there huge demands and expectations on Arsene?" Well there weren't, were there. The owner and the Emirates crowd were happy so long as he got top 4, if that. The media on the whole was always supportive until near the very end. It was only a few knowledgeable voices on the fringe, who understand what they're watching and know the history of the club, like on here, who gave him a hard time. The bar was so very low for Wenger. But he couldn't even reach that in the end. It's clear a huge cultural shift is needed at the club. This is supposed to be high level competitive sport, not 'values' as a proxy for it by gravy train riders and the gullible.

  39. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 13:58 #110096

    Exeter Ex - too right , we’ve got Toad with his Wenger must stay, Wenger will chose his time, Wenger was not sacked . My goodness me , you can feel the inner tension as both the Toad and the Baddie attempt to turn failure into success revisionary bullshine. Wenger is being forgotten even whilst we speak so it looks like another Toad announcement of the Wenger way will have to wait some time yet. ToOaW you don’t have to be on your own , why not meet Baddie up for the drink you’ve always wanted with site members? . Baddie can meet the real you.

  40. Exeter Ex

    May 27, 2018, 13:46 #110095

    Obviously the AKBs are grieving, and will be for a long time. But this revisionism must be nipped in the bud. Losing a league cup final and a europa cup semi are not 'achievements'. The season was a disaster. The decline was self-evident, and people stopped turning up. Those that supported the man and not the club were fine with the regular hammerings, repetitive errors not corrected on 'principle' and never competing for the title, but the weird personality cult must follow him elsewhere now. Their time is over, it's a new tea.

  41. TOOAW

    May 27, 2018, 13:40 #110094

    Badarse.... Carry on fella. Your posts are legendary. Arteta fanboy... Don't give up the day job. There's only one Badarse on this site.

  42. A Cornish Gooner

    May 27, 2018, 13:25 #110093

    Badarse I've told you before - just give up!

  43. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 12:27 #110092

    Baddy I’ve told you before to give up on the written prose

  44. Badarse

    May 27, 2018, 12:02 #110091

    Marky I told you to forget the written prose, and those leaning against the lampposts in the night. Don't sink to the level of MAYDUP man, now fearing the abortion law change will spread to Ulster, (part of the UK and still in the dark ages). Concentrate on monosymbolics, and no MAYDUP man, that is not Nacho with his shorts down. Good old Arsenal, good old Unai, good old TOOAW.

  45. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 11:23 #110090

    Visions swirled through Toady’s mind as he gripped the sheets. What was that horned beast that whispered too him? “You can have any wish you please, just one little thing is required and of course a signature on my contract, a permanent contract you will find” Said the Beast as it’s Serpent like tongue slithered. “Oh yes master, please let me have my wish. Wenger , Wenger , 10 more years please , oh Wenger...” Toady groaned. “Then you must kiss my arse” said the Beast cackling as it did so. “Oh master , oh yes I obey “ but as Toady crawled towards the beast something awful happened for he realised he could never reach the beast for however far he crawled it seemed continually distant . Toady sobbed as he woke up and realised it was just a dream . Why oh why had his Wenger gone!

  46. Badarse

    May 27, 2018, 9:21 #110089

    The Dark Lord arrived at his Scottish retreat, he hated the description, he never retreated in his life. He went backwards a lot, but never retreated. He had re-tweeted on occasions too. He placed his ceremonial kilt on noting that the badger he hung at the front had already been kilt. It was an Irish kilt, 500 miles on the clock, only one previous owner, indicators optional. That MAYDUP man got everywhere. The first item on the agenda was, 'Is there a god?' The Dark Lord thought 'Kicking Arsene into Touch' should be first, but the organisers ignored his protest as just silly. Yes there was a god was the answer, but who created him caused much distress amongst those present. Cries of 'Griff did!', and 'It was Arsene's fault!' punctuated the gloom of the austere room. At last it was decided that god just happened. This led to the conundrum, the one MAYDUP man has never banged, if he just happened why not the cosmos? At this juncture The Dark Lord bit the neck of the old man sitting in front of him, fiddled with his sporran, and sharpened his dirk. He was asked to leave the room, which he did as it was too heavy to carry. He decided to go back to his bedroom and hang upside down for a while in his wardrobe. Nowadays the blood never rushed to his head, that stopped when Arsene left, now it just sort of oozed to a samba beat.

  47. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 8:48 #110088

    Andy - this ones for you! “Ullo Jurgen , ziss is Arsene, I would like to ave’ a word with you about a playur of super super qualitee why e’ is still young but just right for us at Arsene....nal.. Why yes I mean Karius , super , super qualitee let me offer you 35m Ullo , ullo Jurgen, no I not joking with you , do not shout at me....”

  48. markymark

    May 27, 2018, 8:33 #110087

    ToOaW - yes quite correct some new thresh faces in the team will be great . Just been reading about Emery’s defensive drilling , described as more Italian than Spanish by an ex player. Bring it on I say . No more gung-ho lunacy with our full backs continually 90 yards away from our keeper. We might even start keeping some clean sheets. You Wenger Boyz thought winning the title was dirty so no wonder you think life was brilliant under Wenger. The loser site Untold ( dropped out of top 75 Arsenal blogs ) think you need to have a referring conspiracy to win it. Jesus what a bunch . It’s been about 6 months since you did your last drunken sob posting ‘ meet the real me’ I reckon you should pop down and see Baddie , go on meet up with him .

  49. Big Andy

    May 26, 2018, 22:54 #110086

    It’s a good thing that Wenger has gone: he would probably have signed Karius as “super, super qualitee” this summer.

  50. John F

    May 26, 2018, 22:27 #110085

    Enjoying this end of season. New manager, Stoke down,Fulham up and clippity Flopp loses yet another final.World cup still to come.I do hope utd don't get Bale,what a goal.

  51. Paulward

    May 26, 2018, 22:05 #110084

    Madrid just too good, and Modric top top class. Thank heavens he left the lane !

  52. TOOAW

    May 26, 2018, 18:33 #110083

    Naturally I like your points Badarse. Very obvious when one thinks about it. Personally, I do not believe that the last 5 seasons where a disaster but that's just me and a few others according to most on here. It would be interesting if say we won the league cup and nothing more next season. Would that be a success for the new manager??. The media have tied us down to another 4 players today so at least by the end of next week, we'll have a complete new squad of players for the forthcoming season. The Arteta fanboy will be pleased at least. New shirt out next week. Membership paid...... What more could we ask for.

  53. Bard

    May 26, 2018, 18:31 #110082

    The anticipation and excitement of Dick's arrival after years of praying and bleating has been too much for me so I have taken myself off to a spiritual retreat in Scotland for the bank holiday weekend. The programme is a daunting and hefty one; the meaning of life, ( I presume they mean after Arsenal), is there a god and will Graham Perry re emerge with a circular before October. Anyway such is the focus of the group that we managed to clear up said topics before lunchtime today and retired to the pub to get hammered before the Euro final.

  54. Badarse

    May 26, 2018, 18:04 #110081

    Ignoring the MAYDUP man's irritating drivel-my that abortion vote result really got to him-I respect the responses both from GoonerRon and Marky. GoonerRon I agree with your outlook and timescale, hopefully the new dynamics of Unai and a new set of work principles will be an easy passage for most players if not all. I believe as he has nailed his colours up early on he will strive to eliminate any opposition, and form any of the playing staff. Marky leaving aside the intentions of Unai and Stan, (I assume Stan didn't just change his mind because Unai blew in his ear), I would go along with much you say of course. It still leaves the question unanswered. If a massive rebuilding to compete for Unai, how come there were huge demands and expectations on Arsene? Just treat it as a rhetorical question.

  55. mbg

    May 26, 2018, 17:28 #110080

    All we fooking need tonight is the weasel to pop his head up from behind whatever rock he's been hiding for the last few weeks to give us his special insight and expertise and tell us all how it should be done, in a competition he's never won (and never ever will) only been humiliated and embarrassed in over the last fourteen years.

  56. mbg

    May 26, 2018, 14:52 #110079

    markymark, well said, am I allowed to say that ? and agree ? I know how it annoys and upsets the joke of the site that everybody else is friendly, It's so easy isn't it, even he should understand that even without his jello, but don't hold your breath, they just can't let go and just dying for the boss to fail but of course dare not admit it. WGOAB

  57. mbg

    May 26, 2018, 14:27 #110078

    It'll will be interesting to see who he hands the Captaincy to, is there anyone there actually worthy of it ?

  58. markymark

    May 26, 2018, 13:43 #110077

    Baddie - it’s been claimed that the Duo Sanllehi , Mstinlat are not happy with Arsenal’s defence and nor should they be. It’s entirely possible all 5 could go over the next few seasons or at least the majority . The Wilshere / Xhaka / Ramsey midfield has also been a disaster away from home. Unai has big decisions over Ozil as well who doesn’t seem to be able to travel north of the Watford Gap suffering nose bleeds like the League of Gentlemen ( ok that bit was made up ) The previous manager has not won a title in 12 years . The new manager would like to do this and crucially appears satisfied that Stan wants it as well. Unai apparently drills and drills and drills to an extreme intensity ( ex players have confirmed this ) this is likely to cause some breakup as not everyone wants this in their life . Therefore it’s likely turn over rate will increase as well. One way of looking at this is Wenger lasted 4 months under Sanllehi . This is what I would have expected Wenger’s tenure at Barca or Real to have been. Unai wants 3 years and wants to turn us into a power house or die trying . It’s a massive job for the guy and I for one will support him in that.

  59. GoonerRon

    May 26, 2018, 13:35 #110076

    @ Baddie - it’s an interesting dynamic about what good looks like for Emery isn’t it? Hearing some people say the last 5 years have been their worst supporting Arsenal in decades just seems odd given we’ve been consistently winning trophies in that period (but I acknowledge we’ve morphed into a cup team in that time). My guess is his first season is all about getting into the top 4 and beyond that getting within 10 points of the top team mixed with going deeper into the CL whilst at the same time making us a more sturdy and consistent outfit.

  60. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    May 26, 2018, 11:57 #110075

    29th anniversary of the greatest footballing occasion of all time. Let's hope Emery can build a side to be proud of like the one that arrived like gladiators at Anfield all those years ago. I'll be raising a glass to that team of 89 tonight and hoping those media darling scousers and their gurning manager get stuffed again later.

  61. Badarse

    May 26, 2018, 10:57 #110074

    Good morrow my little egg flips. Here is a conundrum, (sorry MAYDUP man it's probably a drum you've never banged). Now on the one hand Arsene failed miserably and should have achieved more given the circumstances, therefore all we achieved in the last five seasons, 3xFA cup wins, 1xLeague Cup runner up, 1xPL runner up and a Euro comp S/F was below expectations for some. If so how come with the same squad Unai has a massive rebuilding job and it will take sometime never to achieve something? I accept that many, myself included would disagree on strategy and policy of AW in those 5 years, but isn't this a bit like having your cake and eating it? Just a thought. Here's another thought two eggs on toast sunny side up, (only the Dark Lord would want them sunny side down), and a slice of Hovis with thick cut marmalade.

  62. John F

    May 26, 2018, 7:27 #110072

    Hi Mark I get that we need experience but 34 is just too old for a right back. Not sure what contract he will be offered but if it is over a year we would have a 36 year old on our books on 40g+a week .If Wenger had signed him everyone would be going mad.

  63. mbg

    May 25, 2018, 23:29 #110071

    Bard, good post, and good quip ref perry,yes even though we're all excited and optimistic for the first time in years, and would love him to hit the ground running and make progress straight away, a lot of us still haven't forgot the mess wenger left behind and know and realise it's going to take time to sort out and patient we'll certainly be, it will be interesting to see the die hard wengerites in this case though, how patient they'll be with the boss when he's sorting out their messiah's mess, will they be as patient as they were with him ? (certainly not for fourteen years anyway) or will they be expecting and demanding immediate progress and if they don't get it start showing their true colours with glee and begin crying foul, I can see it now we want our arsene back.

  64. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 23:21 #110070

    ToOaW - how I missed you , I give you the odd speculative piece from the media as I know you don’t read much . Your pal Baddie has turned 90 ( he might be fibbing ) why not pop down to Ramsgate and have a Wenge boy celebration. Ps what happened to that Wenger way you were going on about ? Last I heard they were busy dumping his card board cut out in the local dump

  65. TOOAW

    May 25, 2018, 22:18 #110069

    Narky boy....... Press speculation tied you up in knots last time fella. When will you learn???? Arteta fanboy loves the media.

  66. Radfordkennedy

    May 25, 2018, 20:57 #110068

    Corniche. ...good posts as ever mate,my comments about aubade are based purely on his reputation for going into a strop when questioned,I think the media at the time said he came with baggage,but as you say as long as he keeps scoring and is happy that's the main thing...was surprised he was the fastest to ten goals I would have thought supermac would have been close to that.


    May 25, 2018, 19:54 #110067

    I don't get the anti-Auba comments - his strike rate is high simply because he is a smart operator in & around the box, something we haven't had in a while - so am I bovvered about the rest of his game or media comments? Nah! I am also increasingly happy with Unai as more career details emerge - the PSG gig being an absolute nightmare plus allegations of referee bias in that Champions League debacle. Enrique has very limited management history & so the only top top guy we have missed out on is Allegri. By the time Dick is 50 he could also be seen as an elite manager, in addition to being quite a classy guy!

  68. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 19:51 #110066

    Paul Ward - I’ll disagree with you on this one . We are up to our knees in younguns. Having witnessed the game against Athleti when we were ridiculously exposed with our full backs both maruading up the wings at the same time and numerous times when not one Arsenal outfield player was in our own half. He (Unai) probably wants someone who has strong defensive bonus and rigidly defensively disciplined . I can’t think of anyone st Arsenal who currently fits that description

  69. Paulward

    May 25, 2018, 19:41 #110065

    Being linked with Leichstener on a free, 34 year old full back! Are we sure Arsene has left? Would rather be raiding Fulham for some young ones.

  70. GoonerRon

    May 25, 2018, 19:32 #110064

    @ Marky - given the choice I would have definitely kept Giroud, although the way the Auba transfer panned out it seemed to be get Auba and lose Giroud or don’t get Auba. Whilst I really like Giroud and the different dimension he gave us, Auba is an elite striker who will go on to improve us more.

  71. Bard

    May 25, 2018, 19:30 #110063

    We are going to have to be patient. Those of us that haven't spent the last decade up Wenger's proverbial know that the rot is deep and it will take more than a season to sort out. He has inherited some talent true but the tactical discipline is virtually nil and the mentality of some of the players is weak ands thats putting it mildly. Unai has also got to adjust the prem, where even piss poor teams give it a go.Pep found it a struggle in his first season. Its surely going to be a rollercoaster for a while. Looking forward to it with excitement for the first time in years. Yes where is Graham Perry when you need him? Last time I heard he was printing leaflets demanding Wenger's return.

  72. Radfordkennedy

    May 25, 2018, 17:49 #110062

    John F.....hello mate,someone once told me many years ago that you can only discipline someone whose willing to be disciplined,otherwise get rid,because their attitude will destroy all that you've built...I think theres a touch of the Anelkas about Neymar a constant stream of'advisors'whispering in his ear,which I think would make any managers life difficult.I think he must of come under big presure from above at PSG not to upset or devalue their prize asset.and I have a feeling that someone like Aubamayang could go on the turn and burst into tears the first time the new coaching staff shout at him.

  73. A Cornish Gooner

    May 25, 2018, 17:38 #110061

    Badarse. Can I ask how you arrive at a particular POV for anything you think is worthy of your POV? It can't be via the media (you dislike and don't have anything to do with) or the press in particular who you hate. It can't be from anybody else's POV either, as that's just a POV. How does it work?

  74. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 17:36 #110060

    Looks like Stephan Lichtsteiner maybe the first signing of the Emery era. 34 year old fullback for Juve, Swiss Captain and a free agent. Sounds super experienced squad player material

  75. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 17:17 #110059

    Gooner Ron - the one that got away was Giroud. Assuming Lacazette stays. Can you imagine an Aubymang , Lacazette with Giroud rotation. If of course Bellerin learned to cross I think we’d have had an awesome forward line . Seems crazy in my mind to have let him go .

  76. GoonerRon

    May 25, 2018, 16:23 #110057

    @ Ron - a bit harsh on Auba there IMO. He’s hit the ground running and scored plenty straight away, has worked hard in tracking back etc. Hasn’t he got to 10 goals faster than any other Arsenal player? Can’t ask for much more from a striker purchased mid-season from another country.

  77. mbg

    May 25, 2018, 15:27 #110054

    Ron, Exactly my point, if he'd along with others within would have had the balls to come out with it before now it might have made the difference regardless of who the player was, even though it was common knowledge to the rest of the country, well most of us anyway.

  78. mbg

    May 25, 2018, 15:07 #110053

    markymark, no doubt him and the rest of the wenger moonies are still in mourning at the sacking and loss of their messiah, and still just can't come to terms with it, and still can't bring themselves to support the new man especially as it will mean supporting the club too, something that they just can't get their head round as it was something that was very Alien to them.

  79. Badarse

    May 25, 2018, 11:17 #110048

    He looked at the warming glass of milk and placed into it a spoonful of plain yoghurt, a glass of yoghurt was on it's way. He knew his gold top was thick but accepted it as it wasn't so long, certainly didn't go pasteurised, just up to his chin. Sometimes it would dislodge the cheroot his lips loosely held. Deep down though he knew he preferred semi-skilled, it's why he remained on the OG. He then popped two bald eggs into his mouth and manoeuvred them into his cheeks, it forced the smile he needed when meeting the AFC board for the job application as a net knotter.

  80. Exeter Ex

    May 25, 2018, 11:10 #110047

    Good additional points Ron.

  81. Yes its Ron

    May 25, 2018, 11:00 #110046

    Hi Ex - i hear you. Pity he wasnt so honest when Wenger was there and told him to his face that he thought things were bad. Dead easy to have a sideways swipe at some guy once theyve gone, plus he was happy to join and take his big salary knowing he was going to the stagnant slackers holiday camp wasnt he? Hes not honest, hes just saying the right things to show to the new boss that hes different to the rest whove been on holiday island for so long by dint of AWs lax regime. Yes, we ve seen the stagnancy because we ve been seeing all of the games either by going to matches this last decade or on TV. I very much doubt that Mr High energy Auba has.

  82. Exeter Ex

    May 25, 2018, 10:48 #110045

    The stagnation is a matter of fact, you don't need to have been inside the club the last few years to see it. No one on here has been either and almost all can see it. Wenger's players, he let it happen, his responsibility. Indeed his approach feeds complacency and stagnation. I like Auba more now for his honesty.

  83. Badarse

    May 25, 2018, 10:20 #110044

    He threw his poncho over his shoulder, then went and picked it up beside the cat's bowl. This time he put it on properly. He practised narrowing his eyes to slits, and walked into the cupboard. Furrowing his brow his pince-nez fell off. This was all very difficult. He strapped on his gun belt and walked around the room with a limping gait, it was so heavy. He shifted his willie to the other side which evened him up. He rolled his shoulders, his eyes, and the bald egg on his plate. He placed his thin cheroot into the corner of his mouth, ouch, wrong way round. He relit it, and did the side to side rolling trick with it, it fell on the floor. He polished the Lord Galileo badge, carefully removing the traces of marmalade from it. He was ready to meet the world, or at least a little bit of it.

  84. Yes its Ron

    May 25, 2018, 9:42 #110041

    MBG - What would Aubamayang know of the last 'few years' i d say apart from what hes been told by players at the club? He s best to concentrate on looking like a player from here on in i d say as to me, hes shown very little as hes idly hung about the pen box and generally pranced about elsewhere aimlessly looking like another expensive flop. Hes one thats definitely on trial under the new Coach i hope, together with quite a few others whove maybe been blaming the stagnancy all on Wenger instead of sharing the blame for themselves too. None of them have 'clean hands' going into next Season.

  85. peter wain

    May 25, 2018, 8:31 #110040

    so the snake oil sales man aka Gazidis has got his man. Well he better improve the squad in this transfer window if we want to challenge for anything. £50 million will not cut it and unless we buy at least 2 quality centre halfs and a decent defensive mid field player we will not improve on last year and for that I will holg Gazidis to account. Wenger was not the only problem in our club the owner has to take his share of the blame.

  86. markymark

    May 25, 2018, 6:44 #110039

    Where’s that old mouthpiece Graham Perry with his megafone Telling us how Wenger must stay and we were undeserving of him? Still remember hearing Ivan say they’d searched the earth and could only find Wenger. Then Graham Perry tried to filibuster any dissent . Felt like being in the mad house at the time . Goodbye Wengerboyz , goodbye Ps: I knew Ivan was lying , you could just tell

  87. John F

    May 24, 2018, 23:32 #110037

    Bard, great to get the humour back on this site.I remember hearing a story about a postman my mate worked with in the eighties who used to hang on his wall rejection letters for various football manager jobs including England.Whenever a team needed a manager he used to write to them applying for the job.Having been rejected for Arsenal you might want to try test cricket I think England may need you.

  88. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 23:00 #110036

    So Aubameyang has come out and admitted what the rest of us knew for years under TOF the club had stagnated, needed fresh start, (it's a damm pity he and the rest of the nice boys didn't come out with that a lot sooner) everybody (players)are excited, and looking forward to exciting times ahead,if one of themes saying and thinking that you can bet there's a hell of a lot more of them thinks and believes it too, and have done for a long time, them all i'd say, if truthful and had the balls to come out with it. I'm sure we'// be hearing a lot more along those lines from the players in the coming days weeks.

  89. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 22:19 #110035

    markymark, yes and remember the ramblings about music and bands of that era ? Jesus H was there one he didn't see live ? it was like he was mates with them all, it was sounding like a old time music site rather than an Arsenal football one, he probably still thinks their all up and running and playing gigs, it would explain a lot.

  90. Bard

    May 24, 2018, 21:53 #110034

    John F, my word, who on here remembers my previous application. Im not one to blow my own trumpet but I did apply for the job. Arrogance yes but all my mates said I had a chance. They outlined my CV; Im a sad f*** who has done nothing with their life except watch hours of football and moan at his wife. Ivan in his reply said I sounded like Arsene. As you can imagine my CV was thin to say the least. But Ivans eyes lite up when I said I could turn water into wine. I said the I could shaft the likes of RM every day of the week. Long story short they saw through my b******* and suggested I apply for a job in FA instead.

  91. A Cornish Gooner

    May 24, 2018, 21:03 #110033

    Badarse. For once I accept your superiority. You are by far the greatest interminably condescending bore/teaser?/feather ruffler on the site. ha ha. Seems that today everybody has been marching out of step except you. ha ha

  92. John F

    May 24, 2018, 21:02 #110032

    Hi Mark my doubts about him were originally based on an article on the Dec2017 Guardian online titled Emerys lack of control will cost PSG.It didn't fit with the image of him being a disciplinarian and portrayed him as being too passive in dealing with the Brazilian contingent.Having heard him speak and read many positive statements about him I changed my mind.

  93. markymark

    May 24, 2018, 20:05 #110031

    Yes it’s Ron - well if Baddie is winding everybody up, my sides are splitting really . It beats him blathering on about Joe Baker. I really think Baddie gets lost some time after Jeff Blockley . Baddies views on the management change have been scintillating and his back tracking over Wenger a delight to behold . Good old Edris Hapgood - see I’m a footballing genius !

  94. markymark

    May 24, 2018, 19:55 #110030

    Hi John F if you’re referring to me in your comment, I’ve really come around to him in recent days much like yourself . It’s interesting that Unai has been persuaded by Stan. I’ve mentioned before that the WOB / AKB split has morphed into a conspiracy v cockup groupings . If say you feel Kronke is deliberately trying to restrict winning as it serves no financial purpose then your in the Conspiracy Camp, if you think the selection process was complete blundering then it’s the cockup theory camp . I’ve always been relatively benign about Stan as his non intervention would actually be welcomed in certain circumstances . I’d love to have been a fly on the wall to hear what Stan said. It must have been more than finish 4th and don’t give me any grief over transfers . For that he’d have signed big Sam!

  95. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 19:27 #110029

    Yes baldy is laying it on a bit thick, but a lot of us have heard it before and know better, unlike others who of course will be hanging on his every word, and are, he'd have got more respect if he'd have made the announcement and left it there instead of lapping it up and stringing it out ( but not the first to do that of course when ever he had the chance) i'd expect there's a little bit of a two fingered salute in the middle of it all for wenger there too also.

  96. John F

    May 24, 2018, 18:42 #110027

    Have to admit like Mark I had some reservations about Emery but the more I am hearing about him the more I like him.It will be interesting how the players will adapt from Wengers freedom of expression football to Emerys more organized approach.Bard were you one of the eight candidates.I remember a couple of years ago you posting about applying and putting forward a good case to be manager.

  97. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 18:24 #110026

    Ron, yes, and with respect your encouraging him and he probably loves that just as much, so the half wit shouldn't be complaining and whinging when he gets it back.

  98. Exeter Ex

    May 24, 2018, 17:48 #110025

    Ron, in post 115846 perhaps but the rest of the time? That's who he actually is. Unless of course being stripped bare and placed in front of a full length mirror is a scenario he cunningly engineers time and time again.

  99. Yes its Ron

    May 24, 2018, 17:31 #110023

    Lads - heres a secret. Baddies teasing you and inviting you chaps to fire your spud guns at him. I can see him grinning and slowly nodding his head now. Evening to all of you.

  100. mbg

    May 24, 2018, 16:46 #110021

    I certainly won't hold the English glitches against him, after all the last incumbent had plenty of those even after twenty odd years in the country, more so in his last three. It will be very refreshing indeed. Onwards and upwards.

  101. Exeter Ex

    May 24, 2018, 16:24 #110020

    Badarse - what do you do when you contact others other than tell them they're wrong , 'correct' them, 'do as I do'? You're at it again today. Is that a miracle too? Given the airs you give yourself, I think a few on here quite enjoy puncturing your pomposity, exposing your hypocrisies and double standards. And you just keep on giving. What an 'intellect' you are indeed, to be feared as you keeping handing over the ammo to shoot you with! As for your devotion to AW, to describe him as 'the single best thing to ever happen to Arsenal' is devotion indeed - especially given where he's left the team and the major rebuilding required now by Emery and others. That devotion could be reasonably described as 'misinterpretation of others based on your own limited experiences'.

  102. David1

    May 24, 2018, 16:19 #110019

    Baddie, Baddie, Baddie..If you will put your neck on the block, what do you expect? Either way, credit where it's due. You wrote a very good post about Arsenal in the 1960s, which was the best I've read on here. There were a couple of other pieces that have been similarly entertaining (when it's been about the glorious club). On another matter, heads of maths don't trifle with banal devotions - it has to all stack up.

  103. Yes its Ron

    May 24, 2018, 15:56 #110018

    Hi Baddie - i hereby declare you forthwith and henceforth Lord Galileo Baddie of the OG!! Ha Ha. We ll get you a wig and ceremonial gown matey and ask the OG if you can have an emblem instead of a signing in monika!!!

  104. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 15:25 #110017

    ClockEnd 90, why are you and your lot so concerned about my superiority? Why don't you just accept it for what it is, take up the subservient position that your brethren take, and reconcile yourself to the lower orders? This mindless obsession with my intellect, be it blue suedo or something else marks you down as a poster in fear. I'm happy with it, try it yourself, better still learn from the wisdom, ha ha.

  105. Yes its Ron

    May 24, 2018, 14:58 #110016

    On the point made by the Asser regarding MA becoming Coach i think its safe to say that it was all media speculation now. He wasn't the main choice and i agree with all of Assers reasons for why MA shouldn't have had the job. I dont pay heed to the critics of Emery either about his past jobs and what he did or didnt achieve. All Coaches have down periods in jobs and all have fallow periods. In the PSG job, that club must be a nightmare to manage. He did well there. Cant ask for more than the Cups he won there. PSG are a long way from being CL winners and i cant see any coach winning it there any time soon. Theyre not near good enough, yet Emery did have an emphatic win v Barca despite the return leg. As for Neymar, he s nigh unmanageable i think. Hes in love with his own perceived legend, yet is far from being a legendary player. Lets form out views over the next 12 months about Emery in an Arsenal context only i suggest lads. Theres a lot about him to say hes got balls and has all the attributes to do OK at Arsenal. Takes a lot of courage to go work abroad when the language hasnt yet been mastered but i bet by Xmas Emery will have it beat. He seems that type of chap to me.

  106. ClockEnd_90

    May 24, 2018, 14:11 #110015

    He placed the glass of milk down on the sideboard and furrowed his brow. The milk had turned slightly warm in the summer sun. He was Badarse and he used this bullsh*t verbiage to try and prove that he is superior to others in some way. He failed, however, and instead seemed an interminably condescending bore.

  107. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 14:01 #110014

    David1, devotion is the incorrect usage. I am not a devotee, but am sure you know plenty. There is a danger of misinterpretation of others based on your own limited experiences. Arsene Wenger remains right up there for me, at least he was a real person, non? Interesting that certain posters, of which I include yourself, only contact me to tell me that I am wrong in something, miraculous, or what?

  108. David1

    May 24, 2018, 13:44 #110013

    Interesting tug of war at the club between IG and AW over the past few years. Well done to IG for all the restructuring - it's looking pretty good. Transfer business is the best it's been since AWs glory years, and they've got the right looking manager. Baddie - still can't understand your devotion to the old man; some sort of Freudian neurosis, I presume?; a disturbing psychosexual drama played out in the pages of a fanzine. Poor Mrs Baddie, I say.

  109. Yes its Ron

    May 24, 2018, 12:56 #110011

    I tend to think Gazadis has discovered spin since he joined Arsenal, likes it, finds it fun but has never bothered to try and master it. He both looks and sounds like a fumbling oaf to be honest. Hes quite an embarrassment for Arsenal in fact when he speaks and even more so, when hes on the TV. Thers a smugness to him in that highly slap-able face for sure. Kroenke really should think about sacking him given that his role at the club is so remote. I can only imagine Arsenes real opinion of him but if it was a poor one, im right with AW. AFC have always perpetrated the myth that their classy and different. It comes form the old Etonion fraternity that once stalked the corridors there. If theres one thing that Old Etonions are good at its flashing the school tie and telling anybody that wants to listen that they're superior beings. Over so many decades though, the old school tie and class notion they and their type hold dearly has persuaded others that theres some thing in it. AFC are no different to any other football club and never have been. Yes they may have broken grounds and been innovative in how the club has been managed ways since Herbies days but thats as far as it goes in my view of it all. Arsenal have been and remain better than most at shrouding their dirty washing and tackier aspects of the club. By comparison clubs like Chelsea always seem to revel in brandishing their tackiness like a giant badge of honour! Then again, they did once have Tommy Doc as the manager there so tackiness and music hall shambolic methods followed like night following day and so it continues there.

  110. Exeter Ex

    May 24, 2018, 12:09 #110009

    Gazidis was laying it on rather thickly: "the no.1 destination in the world for coaches". Can't see that's it necessary or there's any advantage in stating such an obvious falsehood, quite the opposite in fact. He was the same when talking about Wenger just a year ago "we searched the world no better than Wenger". I don't see the gain in this level of hyperbole, indeed only makes him look an obvious bull****ter, he must know this so it's odd.

  111. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 12:06 #110008

    Oh Dark Lord, I agree with most of that. The 'Arsenal Way' has been hijacked just like the flag of the UK. It was always just a shimmering mirage to attract, brainwash, and to enforce the fans as 'different'. However on the plus positive side, (that's the side in the sunshine), we were slightly different. The stadium, the amazing foresight of Herbie, and that endorsement of being 'different' actually works with many. True the cynics wouldn't buy it, but they buy little. We are selective in what we view as acceptable, 'true', or just plain wrong. Sadly we live in a dodgy right wing society with all it's ills. Hardly surprising when we as a society rubber stamp that as a way of life, then an exec at AFC perpetrates the same party line. Camus might have said this is all an illusion. Nothing is real, or was that John Lennon?

  112. Big Andy

    May 24, 2018, 12:06 #110007

    It's gonna be very interesting to see what happens to Ozil under Emery. Unless there's something we don't know, it looks like Ozil is a five-star p***-taker; Picking and choosing his games, and then disappearing in the big ones. If Emery is the disciplinarian who everybody says he is then one of his first jobs will be to either get Ozil to perform or boot him out of the club.

  113. Bard

    May 24, 2018, 11:48 #110006

    Baddie, too right where the Arsenal hierarchy are concerned. It's more that Ivan must think we fans are stupid. By all means celebrate Unai's appointment but please spare me the 'exhaustive process' bull, Arsenal values, my arse. Its a fiction.

  114. Badarse

    May 24, 2018, 10:16 #110003

    Ouch Bard, the cynicism is showing through, sling your cape around it. Then I know you aren't a morning person...once the sun comes up. Ivan is a businessman, top politicians are businessmen and women, yet that is sucked up readily. The only role other than that is as salespeople. Whenever a top politician from the government visit another's country it is to sell; usually arms as in Saudi Arabia to kill civilians in Yemen. Not nice, worth campaigning about, but with us, so no surprise. Ivan does his bit, not necessarily nice, but with us, so no surprise. Why even mention it? Ignore as I do. Have another pint of 'Bloodles' on me.

  115. PradeepKachhala

    May 24, 2018, 10:00 #110002

    did some research on Emery - at Valencia he lost Villa, Mata and Silva to Barcelona, Chelsea and Manchester City due to financial difficulties at the club at the time. Imagine if he was able to build the team - Valencia could have gone very far. Similarly at Sevilla he lost Racatic, Bacca, Vidal and Moreno and still managed to remain competitive. The difference at Asenal is we can pay top wages and no longer have to sell our best players so hopefully he can build something here.

  116. Bard

    May 24, 2018, 9:33 #110001

    Asser mate all good although I was taken aback by the idea that you and others thought Paddy or Terry would make decent managers. Where are their credentials ? I have to say I do love Ivan and his spin. At it again last night outlining the exhaustive process Arsenal went through whereby they interviewed all the best managers in the world who were champing at the bit to manage Arsenal but we decided Unai was the best. Im delighted he is with us but that narrative is just b*******. The idea we chose him over Allegri, Enrique et al is just cobblers.