Arsenal’s Real Transfer Budget

It’s a lot more than the £50 million headline figure

Arsenal’s Real Transfer Budget

This analysis, provided by the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust is based on figures in the last published AST summary from March 2018…

The new “head coach” appointment has been accompanied by much talk about funds available for transfer activity, before any player sales. Ivan Gazidis even said “go look at our accounts, it is all very transparent”. The Arsenal Supporters Trust have been analysing the club accounts for 15 years and provide below a short summary of the current position. The club’s financial year end is 31st May 2018 but we won’t see these numbers until late September 2018.

Arsenal reported cash reserves at 30 November 2017 of £136m – with further cash of £23m held back to guarantee debt service requirements. This was a modest decrease on cash reserves held in May (£180m total - £144m net of debt reserve) and reflected the net proceeds from transfer dealings over the summer (£9m) offset by instalments due on past player purchases (previously believed to have been £20m). These cash reserves are available for transfers and wages over the following 12 months assuming the revenues and costs stay the same, but also include outstanding instalments due on past transfers in the year ahead as well. It is estimated at £20m from 30/11/17.

The club has said little about amounts still due on player purchases at 30 November 2017 and provide no detail in the notes to the accounts for us to make educated estimates. We know from May 2017’s accounts there should be a further £23m to pay on player purchases plus the combined impact of the summer and winter’s business which was considerable but very little on a net basis, although there may well be considerable provision for agent fees due on the life of new player contracts in long term provisions. Payments to agents over the past season will be have been quite high. These are paid when players are signed (and sometimes when they are sold) or a new contract is agreed. The figure for this is likely to be around £12-£14m and this will be an ongoing cost going forward. This impacts the amount available for players this summer, as does the estimated £10 - £12 million cost of paying off Arsene Wenger and a number his staff due to the termination of their contracts.

In autumn 2017 we estimated spare cash before the impact of the summer’s transfers at £83m and believe this is a cautious estimate of free cash at the end of November 2017 too. Looking forward to May 2018 we estimate that the residual (free to use) cash available will grow in the second half of the financial year, which contains the bulk of TV revenues together with Platinum and Gold Season Ticket renewals to somewhere in the region of £100m come 31 May 2018 and the headline cash figure to somewhere in the region of £170m. The club will benefit from the likes of Cazorla and Mertesacker not being on the wage bill any longer, although increases on existing deals (such as Aaron Ramsey) will bite into this. The end of May 2018 figure could also be lower if a large number of season tickets holders renew late, although this only effects the accounts, assuming they do pay up at some point. The £100m figure for the transfer budget would include increase in wages and agent fees, although in reaching this figures we have already taken account of the payments to Arsene Wenger and his departing staff.

£100m is a lot of firepower and the summer and winter’s frantic transfer activity has done nothing to diminish the cash still available to invest in the team. (The purchase of Aubameyang was largely funded by the sales of Walcott, Giroud and Coquelin). Wage capacity exists too but the Board will have an eye to annual operating free cash flow before transfer payments and receipts which is down at around £30m pa - which is in effect the long term sustainable level of net transfer activity until the new sponsorship deals kick in in 2019. This £30m is an annual surplus, and goes towards other available cash which can be used for transfer activity. If the club were in the Champions League this figure would be larger.

The briefed £50m transfer kitty is a conservative figure. As Ivan Gazidis himself said in the press conference introducing Unai Emery, because the club’s figures are reported, they are indeed transparent. This is due to the ownership model of the club, which includes small shareholders who must be kept informed. Were Stan Kroenke able to take the club private, we would not be privy to the information relayed above. What we cannot judge is the mentality of the decision makers at the club. Might they be thinking of holding back some of the available funds as an insurance against not qualifying for European football at the end of Unai Emery’s first season? Without that, there would be no annual surplus at the conclusion of the following campaign.

One other thing to note. This month also sees a personal landmark for CEO Ivan Gazidis as it will take his gross payments from Arsenal over the £20 million mark.

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  1. bergkamp10

    Jun 03, 2018, 9:15 #110227

    Old Man, Lovely post to which my father enjoyed reading. He is over 80 now and cannot attend games any more. But some of the stories from him and his life long friends of times from the games in the 50's and 60' are amazing. Basically they use to travel to Highbury one weekend White Hart the other before they all starting playing or went on National Service. My brother and I still go from time to time with our families although myself living in Cumbria it more R.L. and away games now aday. Highbury was a blessing to watch games but AFC did require a new ground. Bertie Mee was my first Manager and I got most of our Manager's to sign my programmes back then..... (did my bidding in the School Boys Enclosure) Agree with your comments on some of the posters on here, it's why I stopped coming on here last few years. It's totally boring and time we all moved on to club discussions again about the future.

  2. markymark

    Jun 01, 2018, 6:36 #110226

    Baddie this trip down memory lane was quite charming . The only thing is I’ve noticed yet another inconsistency in your age. I believe this is the third time you’ve led us to believe you are either younger or older. No doubt a trap you’d say? I’d say plain and simple untruths. We only ever have your word for whatever you claim, you claim a lot of course. Are your relatives enjoying your anecdotes on here by the way

  3. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 20:43 #110225

    Chaps i dont give a monkeys fart where le fraud has is or wants to go!! He is nothing to do with this club so i don't care! And money grabbing past it wan#ker is a suitable name for him,just do not agree with tyrant when there were people above him who in the interest of our once great club could of fuc#ed him off in 2008 after his team bottled it or more importantly got rid the day United did us 8-2.... Ivan is just as big a cu#t.. Now here's hoping they back good old Dick.. I was looking forward to reading more about peoples first games than keep dragging up the past it fraud who has gone.

  4. markymark

    May 31, 2018, 19:02 #110224

    Exiled in PT - with apologies tyrant was too strong . How about greediest mediocrity in sport? MBG - As we know Spanish football is a two horse race so my money is ion him him finishing third . Exiled in PT - hang about I keep on thinking about Baddies political hero Robert Mugabe , but all I can see is Wengo’s face? I’ll take some more pills and get back to you

  5. mbg

    May 31, 2018, 18:07 #110223

    I see he who shall remain nameless has popped up like Mr Ben, with a shoo in (or thinks he has) for the Real job, lol, oh how i'd love to see that I really would, lets see if all those times he's supposed to have rejected them are/were true, apparently he's always loved Real since he was a little boy. You couldn't make it up.

  6. mbg

    May 31, 2018, 17:53 #110222

    Exiled, read your post after mine and markymarks and hear exactly what your saying, yes there were a few more in there alright and possibly should have paid the price too, and if it does go tits up this time they may well do, (although certainly the right man has for now) and maybe they know that too hence the change, time will tell. Onwards and upwards for now.

  7. Badarse

    May 31, 2018, 17:49 #110221

    Ron you know that I am a man of books. I read donkey's years ago two books by Alvin Toffler. 'Future Shock', and 'The Third Wave'. The second was a continuation with finite explanations of the first. They were both prophetic. He recognised the impact of technology advancing upon us, and specifically how it may benefit mankind, as well as womankind. The books were full of hope. Sadly in pretty much all vital instances the abilities of governments around the world has failed to deliver. People's lives haven't become especially richer as the power struggles within societies has neutered the positives. People still hanker after 'things' and money. Until that is nullified the benefits remain a distant ideal. The author suggested that for instance travel would dwindle, there would be no need for expansive commuting bringing with it the neurosis that accompanies the strain of the train...and the car etc., work could and should be done at home, people's lives could become more manageable and productive without spending many hours in a day travelling, and burning fuel to damage the environment. Seems the car industry hasn't been dismantled, households have 2-3 or more cars, the roads are gridlocked at certain times, the motorways can be halted with one accident and HS1/2/3 are money spinners for the boys nothing more. The governments have failed us and the reckless pursuit of riches is all over AFC and other enterprises. Still we buy into it and woe betide a complainant. They are side-lined and often vilified. For my part I've taken my ball with me under my arm and refuse to play anymore wherever and whenever possible, so I acknowledge your way as a similar refusal to join in.

  8. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 16:50 #110220

    Hi Baddie - recall you saying about your Dads roots a while back. Yes, it was a run down City way back wasnt it. As with Manchester though, Leeds has developed at such a rapid rate it seems to me. People really do underestimate how much work Councils and Govts and private enterprise has done to provincial Cities. Its measured by the extent that big business has deserted London and gone provincial in the last 15 years in particular. When get the train into Euston though these days often from Bham International, it starts at York and its full of commuters all working, furrowed brows, looking stressed at 7 am. Same from Bristol when i leave from there. Sad to see. Glad my working careers in its scrag end Baddie and that i work alone! Its spot the heart attack candidates on them there trains!

  9. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 15:10 #110219

    MBG , yours and my opinion is the same with regard to le fraud but that so called tyrant was kept in his post by Ivan and the board who have all pocketed very handsomely from the Arsenal gravy train just like Wenger. Brave wonderful board that took far to many years to sack him . Lets not get carried away he was not the top man so hardly a tyrant he was an employee ... This owner and board have taken far to long to get rid of him so in my book they are just as bad as him......

  10. Badarse

    May 31, 2018, 14:47 #110218

    I will never, and if, it's so, or whatever will be, with or without whereby, to remember, so never ever ever, forget to remember to forget, as is or we shall point it out and explain it like this and they will or won't learn but it's not our fault so we say thank you for the muzak and they can work it out for themselves if they want to, or not do so Ernie Wise I say good riddledance.

  11. mbg

    May 31, 2018, 14:36 #110217

    markymark, yes never forget the tyrant, and what he left behind sounds good that, and we'll never, and on occasion if, and need be, we will remind those who would like to, and have. Onwards and up wards.

  12. Badarse

    May 31, 2018, 14:31 #110216

    Ron I remember you talking of your dad's mantra, it resonated then and still does. It typifies the essence I think. My dad came from Leeds and there was nothing like it to this little lad when at 8 I went to see my 'Nanny in Leeds', apart from my mum my favourite female at that time. It was a 'Highbury/SB' moment. Coming from London and a regular visitor to Theatreland, the bright lights, the bridges, the sights was my Highbury. Going to Leeds was as if I'd gone in a time capsule. Trams, cobbled streets, murk, butchers with straw hats and sawdust on the floor. Leeds market, the York stone of buildings, some areas of deprivation and slumland. The soot and squalor, the strange language the folks spoke-my dad had become a Londoner almost compared with the thick accent there. I loved it. It was more real than real itself. Gosh how can you miss old tatty houses, grubby streets and the smut and smog? I guess it's all wrapped up in nostalgia and for me my 'Nanny in Leeds'. Exiled we are together on Highbury, but apart on the new stadium. This is today, all the new Arsenal fans and those yet to be, will know. It's their loss. I embrace the new stadium with all it's limitations compared to Highbury; I acknowledge it's advantages. As I said nostalgia and the 'real' feel of that old Leeds should never be revisited on the young today apart from a measurement. To be asked to live in squalor, damp running down the walls, and a poor diet is too much for what can become a selfish obsession. I prefer to thank my lucky stars that I witnessed it, the old world, and just move on.

  13. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 14:02 #110215

    I think todays society and football itself could now cope with modern style terraces though i doubt we ll see any Govt with the courage to re introduce it. They ll live in fear of another Hillsborough wont they and the ramifications for them of it if ever it occurred again. The thing is, it was fences and bad crowd management that created that and not terraces per se.

  14. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 13:55 #110214

    Yes without a doubt a shady deal done to keep it in Wembley .Priceless now they are trying to sell it off!!!Getting back to away grounds how about Burnden park ,its no wonder passion and atmosphere has gone out of these new grounds built on the edge of cities in glorified industrial parks .That's progress i suppose ,as been said many a time by yourself and plenty of others on here football sold its soul the moment the PL was introduced .To be honest probably from the moment Hillsborough happened and the introduction of all seater helped kill it off. It may be safer but i would still rather be on the terraces standing .......

  15. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 13:34 #110213

    Exiled - same as you re int footie. The odd game is ok here and there isnt it. The plans for the stadium near to the NEC were all logical and common sense and cost effective but it was an old boys stitch up that left it at Wembley. They said that airports and motorway links werent sufficient and trunk road congestion wasnt acceptable ha ha! 4 Airports counting Coventry east Midlands. M1. M6. M40. M42. M6 Toll Road all on hand. Parking facility is enormous and could have been doubled. Yet, Wembley is better served? I mean, its easy to drive and park at Wembley then? Barmy or what.

  16. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 12:53 #110212

    Ron, have to say not a fan of international football to be honest all though did go back in the 90's a few times to watch at Wembley. Personally i would agree going round the country or slap bang in the middle Brum area would of made more sense for the following fans!

  17. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 12:37 #110211

    Exiled - Yes, FB was so packed into the streets there and could be intimidating. A sizeable tranch of loons used to follow them too as you say mate. There are still a few these days too! Wembley? Im not keen on it now to be honest, the atmosphere there is poor, but youre right, the old stadium was a total heap. The only stadium ive ever been in where ive seen the women use the blokes toilets! Whoever would want a so called National Stadium there in the first place anyway? Awful part of the World. Desert of a place. Im an advocate of England games being taken around the Country. The team would benefit from it i think.

  18. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 12:16 #110210

    Filbert street could be a bit lively too Ron. Could never work out as a kid how Wembley was the national stadium as apart from the view of the twin towers it was a complete dump compared to the class and beauty of Highbury !!

  19. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 11:56 #110209

    Baddie - Different times matey. My Dad s mantra was ' lad, you aint gotta game without the other team'. Its always stuck with me. Ive always been lucky enough perhaps because of having moved about quite a lot in my life to see other teams and have mates all over the place who follow other teams. I think todays spite towards other teams is whipped up by TV hype and rubbish to be honest as is the horrible attitudes fans have to not winning. In yesteryear we took a dislike to clubs because of fan troubles didnt we. Man U, Leeds and W ham were the worst back in the day. Chelsea fans were the train wreckers! Forest fans were tasty too, yet when i lived nr Loughboro many of my friends back then and now followed them and it changed my view of the club and led to me going to watch JB there! He was never as good as in his Arsenal days though. A day at the Nottingham Goose fayre and then to the City Ground on the Trent End was always a good day. Going to Uni later and living at my Uncle and Aunts there in Evington in Leics got me going to the Old Filbert Street then. Theyve had some good sides have Leics. If i wasnt a Gunner, theyd be my team to be honest. As for Highbury, im like you and Exiled. It was a unique place and the 'feel' of the place was like no other to me. Say this to other fans and they dont get it, understandably so. It oozed prestige and class didnt it. Some stadia were better but didnt have that sense of occasion that Highbury did. I like going to Old Trafford and all of its history and feel is very tangible, but not like Highbury was, but then we re biased arent we! ha ha. My weak ness is Leeds. Even now, i think Revie, Clarke and the awful Charlton, plus the 1968 LCF that i was unlucky enough to go to. It was my first Final until 1979. I still detest the loss to Leeds back then, yet out of it came Don Howes approach to disciplined teams work and the added cynicism that brought us the 1971 double. Maybe i should be more grateful to Leeds? PS was in Leeds 3 week ago for first time since the early 80s. A very nice City now i have to say. A good ambience, unlike Elland Road in Revies day!

  20. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 11:19 #110208

    Loving the age range in the last few posts BA ! Have to say your description of the bridge in 58 is as i remember it looking in the 80's and 90's. Ol Romans money certainly tidied the place up and your description of Highbury is exactly why the soulless concrete bowl will never mean as much to us lucky enough to have watched games at Highbury!!.

  21. Badarse

    May 31, 2018, 11:13 #110207

    Good morning Ron, interesting memories. Differing circumstances but the bedrock is footie. You are right about the relationship we have had over the years with CFC. Ironic in a way that some sides seem OK another not so. The rancour goes on down the ages. That's an interesting facet of humanity the young people of today do not like a team as they have inherited that from their elders. Ask them why and often they do not know. No wonder there is such acrimony in the world and yet when examined it is a flimsy reason for setting apart. I remember how good it was to just recognise the other side as an honoured opponent. I never realised it in such grand terms but knew these were another's side who felt as I did about Arsenal. It's a pity these lessons are not given today by parents and endorsed by society. I suppose money gets in the way nowadays which in it's turn breeds a spotty nationalism. Still, back to the football. Like the new Badarse? ha ha.

  22. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 10:47 #110206

    Morning Baddie - i went to SB for the first time with a mate of mine who was a Man C fan. It must have been 1970 time. It was a 2-2, i know that. Good team Chelsea then as it was the Ossie Weller Webb Hutchinson era and City too, the Bell Oakes Young Lee et al team. I later lived in Manchester for nearly 3 years and often went to Maine Road to see that team. A real pleasure until Alison s ego ruined it for them. SB was pretty bad still then. Ramshackle old place. I never went again until 2005! I like the Bridge now. Good ground and the games with them are always good and played in the right spirit i think. Always have been.

  23. Badarse

    May 31, 2018, 10:28 #110205

    Morning gentlefolk. My first away trip was to Stamford Bridge in 1958. I was allowed to travel with my pal as it was in London. I was just ten! How times have changed. It was quite a large crowd and my best views of the ball was when it went up in the air. A 0-0 draw! I was amazed at how tatty the ground appeared with it's floodlights on pylons, the grubby cinder ash dog track, the wire fence between it and the pitch and between it and the crowd. The tumbledown appearance of the shed-like stand, (aptly named), the overcast day added a sense of gloom to the place. I had been reared on Highbury, it was so grand by comparison. It was then that little boy realised how magnificent the old girl was. Floodlights along the main stands-so attractive giving an unbroken symmetry. The cannons, the flags, the commissionaire, the grand entrance with the large erect lamp holders either side of the steps, the glass wind breakers in the upper stands-so distinctive, the cream fascia of the stadium, Arsenal's name on the building, the clock, and of course those red shirts with the unique white sleeves. It's why all these years later I feel that I am going home if I travel in my mind back to Highbury. How lucky and privileged to be an Arsenal fan am I? Some left their hearts in San Francisco, I left my soul at Highbury.

  24. Exiled in Pt

    May 31, 2018, 10:26 #110204

    Mark- Not too sure i would be giving any praise to Ivan , yes at last we got rid of Wenger but are you trying to heap praise on a man who happily kept collecting his near 1 million bonus on top of his near 2 million salary every year Wenger failed . He and the board are no better than Le Fraud at milking the money out of this club...As for a tyrant at the club they kept him there and gave him the free reign to take the p#ss for so long!! Now finally they may have learnt a lesson and maybe the yank is all out now to push the club to the top , proof will be in the money given to the new man and at the moment Liverpool seem to be the only team cracking on with business pre WC ... Strikes me a so called late attempt for Fabinho before the scousers got him smacks of the sort of transfer dealings that have been going on for years at our club ....We will see at least Dick is a good start..........Clockend i was there at plough lane what a ground that was ..EIE

  25. Yes its Ron

    May 31, 2018, 10:11 #110203

    Old man - lovely to read yr recollections. My first days were those of Ure MacGill Mckechnie Sneddon McLeod Groves and Co as a very young kid. Not quite as exhilarating as yours by the sound of it but we did have Joe Baker!! I always liked Alan Skirton though many didn't seem to share my enthusiasm for him. My first ever game was A Villa away. A 2-1 loss. Cant recall who scored for us, but Hateley scored both for AV. First home game was v Sheff Utd? in a midweek and my very first 'derby' was a thumping 4-0 win at Highbury. The best derby ever for me. Never forgotten. GG scored in that one.

  26. markymark

    May 31, 2018, 9:31 #110202

    MBG - I’ve spotted a few Wenger Boyz posse along with Ex members asking you to let it go. When we know they should be on their knees begging forgiveness. Anyway, let’s replace let it go , with never forget. For when the last man forgets Arsenal may attempt to install another tyrant . Luckily for the moment Sanllehi , Mstinlat and Ivan hold the reigns . Which means sensible contract lengths

  27. ClockEnd_90

    May 31, 2018, 9:21 #110201

    First game was Plough Lane Wimbledon on the first day of 90-91. Hoards of Gooners in the sunshine for a 3-0 win. Anyone else at that one?

  28. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 22:55 #110200

    Good shout to the poster who suggested the nodding sausage dog bould was on his way out, he's been shown the door, proper order, no more room at the inn, Lens about to follow, well done Unai more disinfecting please.

  29. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 22:25 #110199

    Old Man, nice buddy. You are one of the youngest on this site when it comes to clarity and awareness. Good old Arsenal! Good old Man! I knew you'd read it CORNY, I just wanted confirmation. See I do know people on here, and can read them like a book, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists type book. Well done to you and my sentiments exactly. All should read it. Marky, what universe are you in? I think you do understand that humanity has made gigantic strides forward but as in AW's case you have to measure matters in differing ways. We may be richer nowadays, but individuals also have more debt. What on earth does that prove? I just hope your child and all children have enough to call life 'better'. There are millions starving in this wonderful world, and it is a wonderful world. Millions oppressed, enslaved, abused, without rights; all religions reduce women to the kitchen and the bedroom. That is an obscenity. Measuring is difficult buddy. I know someone who had 12 inches, but never used it as a rule.

  30. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 20:49 #110198

    Old Man - that was a nice piece well done for sharing ! Good idea to do a my first match thread

  31. John F

    May 30, 2018, 20:48 #110197

    1977 FA Cup the against Coventry age 14 didn't concentrate too much on the match as I was just amazed by the noise coming from the North bank and the obligatory punch up on the clockend and Supermac.I was hooked unfortunately no one supported Arsenal on my estate all Chelsea,so spent the 78season going to all the home and London games on my own aged 14 not sure if O would be too happy if one of my son's did that.I remember the 30 odd stops on the train going to Upton park with butterflies in my stomach.Season ended going to the Ipswich final after I had collected all my programme cup final tokens and just being devastated by the defeat.Couldn't face school on Monday so bunked off but on the Tuesday my teac her read my forged sick note to the class which said sorry John couldn't attend as he was feeling sick.The whole class laughed.

  32. Exiled in Pt

    May 30, 2018, 20:10 #110196

    @Old man, that was a great post about your first game at highbury.It would be great to see a few more posts from everyone who is on here regularly about first games, while there is not much of interest happening. I will sneak in mine now, was with my grandfather and father back in 79 against Derby county 2 nil winners we were that day. Chipper ran the show . 3 generations of my family in the west upper with my grandad waxing lyrical about the wizard Alex James from when he use to attend Highbury with his father and brother. Some 19years later we sat in the east lower with my son attending his first game. Thats 5 generations of us through the years at Highbury.Have to say my favourite season was going on my own in 89 standing on the North bank watching Rocky fill the hole Chipper had left as my favourite player. Hopefully this season i might get back to take my grandson to Ashburton grove that would get us back to 5 generations in the soulless bowl also and who knows we might just have a coach who can get us back to winning ways. A cross between George's 91 side and the invincibles would be nice....

  33. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 19:45 #110195

    August 2017 - Baddie the heroic fighter of injustice “There is ugliness in the world, and some ugly people perpetuating it. Moaning about it on a football fanzine website doesn't do much good, but then moaning about the current manager of that club also achieves little.” Brilliant Baddie , just brilliant . Do you say that to all your protest pals ? I mean I might be wrong but it sounds like you and Trumpy really don’t care a ****?


    May 30, 2018, 19:41 #110194

    Nothing wrong, imo, with the introduction of matters outside of footie on occasions. Of course life is materially better for most of us - especially an oldie like me who can still remember miserable nights in a damp old air-raid shelter in a dockyard town which was very popular with the Luftwaffe. That's a first for this site surely!!! But are people happier & more secure today? I doubt it. The industrial revolution started c1750 in this country - so we have managed to almost completely **** up the planet in under 300 years - brilliant! Yes Badarse, I have a copy of the Ragged Trousered Philanthropist & everyone should read it. What was that football question again? Ah yes, Top 4 Trophy for sure & I don't think it impossible with a decent pre-season & coaching - there are still some decent players at Colney. Irrelevant PS: Kamikaze swallow just came into the room ( to check my post? - maybe he is an african AFC fan) but we have managed to arrange his smooth exit/SWEXIT?

  35. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 19:08 #110193

    Exeter Ex 116009, the day the earth stood still, lol.

  36. Old Man

    May 30, 2018, 19:01 #110192

    Thanks for the comments mbg – I wonder if your old man ever had the privilege of watching the Arse at Highbury? My first game that I am able to recall was against Chelsea the year they won the league before the Abromovich roubles. It was on Xmas day 1954 and we played them at Stamford Bridge two days later! We won 1-0 at home and drew the away game 1-1. I was nine and with my old fellah and his brothers as they stood in the North Bank by ‘their barrier’ at a spot on the terrace so you were level with the crossbar. A spot I had the privilege to stand on for years and years – even reserve games! I don’t remember much about the game except my old fellah referring to ‘young Clapham’ and how ‘grand’ he was. I later came to know ‘young Clapham’ by his usual name – Danny Clapton! Ha, ha. I think it was his home debut. Our goal was scored by our speedy inside right, number 8 Derek Tapscott. My youngest sister had a thing for him with pictures and posters cut from Charles Buchan’s Football Monthly of Derek. As I recall he had big front teeth and a quiff (Ronaldo eat your heart out!) By god he was ugly! From memory I recall some really good players in our side – Centre Forward Tommy Lawton, fantastic in the air and a hard man to knock off the ball. Right Half Peter Goring, who was ruthless and took no prisoners, in my view he would have ‘done’ most of the legendary ‘hard’ men from the 1970s teams. Our Welsh Goal Keeper, Jack Kelsey used to share his bag of sweets with us kids in the trench behind the goal. Jack a great keeper but his kicking as I recall was not the best! However, my first favourite Arsenal player was our Left Winger the wonderful Joe Haverty, who at 5 foot 3 inches was just a little taller than me! Joe was a Dubliner and this went down very well with my family and we cheered his every twist and turn and sprint. (Think Alexis on Guinness!!) So we start another journey soon and once again we can all join together in our common love – The Arsenal. Just pause and remember the cause and links we have through our families’ loyalty to the Red and White across many past representatives of our wonderful club and traditions. Welcome to the new manager you are a new link from the past to the future the start of a new era of hope, anticipation, excitement and I for one can’t wait to get started! Best wishes to every Arsenal supporter wherever you are and however you chose to support our great club.

  37. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 18:51 #110191

    Goodness me the site has taken an interesting turn. Now who’s going to the first to pen an article in the Rwanda sponsorship deal? Taking 30m from a country when it needs 60m aid. I mean call me very very naive but I’d assumed we put Rwanda on our sleeves for free! Still Stan’s got form , I wonder if he’ll try and angle in big game hunting?

  38. 1971 Gooner

    May 30, 2018, 18:32 #110190

    The issues of change and loss of biodiversity are inextricably linked in terms of cause and effect. In terms of consumption, if the entire global population consumed resources at the same level as the United States we would need six planet Earths and not one. Planet Earth’s are of course in rather short supply.

  39. Exeter Ex

    May 30, 2018, 18:30 #110189

    markymark - indeed, there's been great progress in civilisation whilst at the same time the very existence of civilisation has never been under such threat. Both points true. How both sides being able to write with clarity helps in such debates. Turns out I should've finished the last post with 'what's just come' rather than 'what's coming next'.

  40. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 18:20 #110188

    Exeter - indeed bio diversity is an extreme threat , though it could be recognised that at least we are increasingly aware . Interestingly David Bellemy says he was frozen out after rating bio diversity as a bigger risk than global warming. However my point is , that Steven Pinker is viciously attacked for showing positive statistics . Social historians who have looked at children’s roles in society where some of the first to declare obvious improvements in society. Virtually every parent in say 1780 would be on the child protection registers and that includes the very best. Another obvious example is life expectancy being around 50 in 1900. An area I lived in around Shoreditch had a higher child mortality rate of 25% death before year 1 in 1890. That was actually higher than medieval England. So bio diversity a big issue but I hold that we need to accept improvement as well.

  41. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 18:11 #110187

    Bard, Ron, good posts as always, yes ironic isn't it, we'll be happy with fourth or third, but alas that's where we are now, lucky to be even here at this point (it could well have been sixth or seventh we were talking about) to think it could have this all over us by now, behind us and well on our way, it's just a pity those now wanting us to move on and even forget and are being vocal about it weren't as keen and vocal three or four seasons ago. On wards and upwards.

  42. 1971 Gooner

    May 30, 2018, 18:11 #110186

    Ron - thank you for mentioning Supermac. For me, even though I was only 10 at the time, he remains one of my top three “Wow - we’ve signed...” along with Dennis and Sol. Lovely.

  43. Exeter Ex

    May 30, 2018, 17:57 #110185

    markymark - the other side of that is on current trends of consumption growth we will end up making the planet uninhabitable for ourselves and other living creatures (we've already wiped out 83% of wild mammals). There's scientific consensus on that. This really isn't the place for this sort of talk but thought you may appreciate a straightforward response, before what's coming next.

  44. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 17:55 #110184

    From Aaron Ramsey 'Of course. It's an exciting time for the club. I can't wait to get back there now,' he said whilst on international duty - says all we need to know about Wengo ( let it go , let it go , let it go , let it go ) Looks like there might be some more dealings behind the scenes with Bould and Jens being given a push sideways . New goal keeping coach and staff coming in from PSG according to the Mail. Sounds good to me

  45. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 17:52 #110183

    Marky again you misconstrue. Better today? Worse? The same? Your approach is very old fashioned, even antiquated. It is OK and there will be no more tangles or fizz, my new hairdresser will see to that. For years, about 98 of them, if I criticised a facet of what at the time was modern life people would contest. Sometimes the bottom line was, 'If you don't like it here why don't you go somewhere else?' My general response was that because I liked it so much here I would stay to improve it. You Marky have remarkable ability to conflate and confuse issues. It doesn't reflect well because those who can grasp what I am saying see your limitations. That is OK not to know or understand, but you should try to learn. Wealth, technology, medicine, science, all remarkable improvements, but we are still locked in the dark ages. I will explain later if you need to know more.

  46. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 17:29 #110182

    Baddie - all this world is going to Hell in a handcart stuff , blinking hell you couldn’t make it up - you need a job on the Daily Mail to cuddle up with Brian Littlejohn Do yourself a favour and read Steven Pinker who lays down stat after stat and fact after fact to prove life is actually getting better. Your world might be growing grey . Real world actual wealth and choice has increased for the vast majority Ps: Baddie - Old man was actually talking about you as well!

  47. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 17:01 #110181

    Hi Bard - Im right with you. Yr absolutely right. All the skills in the World at doing anything count for little without courage and application. I m not only speaking for myself in saying that had we have seen those qualities this last dozen years that Arsenes results would have satisfied me. I know youve often said the same down the years, so im not all all trying to steal yr thunder. All we ve had is wasted skills, misapplied tactics and its has to be said, very questionable effort from quite a few players over the time you mention. Im sure Arsene wouldn't agree, but even with him, i just think he lost his edge mainly inadvertently due to age and not being challenged to look honestly into himself to see where he could have improved. Its human nature for that to happen when in a job for so long. Much of this happens though because of the silly money they all earn, im sure of it.

  48. Exeter Ex

    May 30, 2018, 16:38 #110180

    I think the key difference between the faults of the Wenger era and the faults of earlier eras was in earlier times you knew the coach would have to sort it or he wouldn't last. With Wenger you had a manager who variously didn't accept the faults we could all see, or refused to do anything about them as his 'philosophy' wouldn't allow it, or was simply unable, and yet it didn't feel like it was ever going to change. That's why the Wenger era turned out feeling worse any other - that loss of hope of better times. And however bad earlier teams in AFC history may have been, did anyone ever have the sense the players weren't trying, and the manager didn't demand they did, until the Wenger era? I find it doubtful. Worst of all, you couldn't see it ending... until suddenly on 20 April, it did.

  49. ClockEnd_90

    May 30, 2018, 16:21 #110179

    Absolutely spot on, Bard.

  50. Bard

    May 30, 2018, 15:55 #110178

    Ron. Im of the view that we just need to see the side playing with courage and nous. That would do for me. If it takes us to the stars fine but Ive no problem if it doesn't. I feel we have lost the true meaning of playing competitive footy. Its not f****** art as some have argued, Competitive sport is brutal. You need skill agreed but you need bucketloads of guts. We have seen Arsenal sides over the years who have and plenty who haven't. But I haven't seen it in any of the sides since 2006.

  51. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 15:21 #110177

    Theres an irony in us taking the view that top 4 would be a massive leap fwd under the new coach, but its true lads, it would be in my view. A serious run at the Europa too, agreed. Its going to take about 2 years to really see some progress i think. We been sailing in the doldrums for a while and the ship is going to tack into a fair wind before the N17 mainsail will be bellowing again to move us forwards. A League Cup win would be progress too if noit the Europa. The law of averages says we wont be doing much in the FAC again for a while. All hands to the pump, clear out those bilges, scrub the decks, prime those guns and go for it Dick lad.

  52. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 14:47 #110176

    Badarse, nobody's asking you to, or indeed want's you to, or cares if you never do, have you not worked that out even yet. Well done Unai, Onwards and upwards.

  53. ClockEnd_90

    May 30, 2018, 14:46 #110175

    Badarse - are you feeling okay? You sound oddly conciliatory. Has someone hijacked your moniker? Someone hijacked my moniker once. Shame cos I really loved her.

  54. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 14:37 #110174

    ClockEnd 90 a good observation re: AW's days. I concur and was stupefied that we couldn't advance beyond that point. It wasn't sentimental tosh that had me supporting an Arsenal manager, just the hope that we would suddenly connect with a catalyst, accidentally or by design. A player who could take the team by the scruff of the neck and polarise the attitude and approach on the pitch. Guess basically we all want the same thing. Let's hope it occurs sooner rather than later.

  55. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 14:37 #110173

    Bard, good post, since change occurred it has amazed me how many want to move on, even forget if you like, the mess the last incumbent left the Club in, and behind him, and everything that went with him/it over the last fourteen years, it just confirms what a lot of us already know/knew that he had more fans and was more supported than the club. I wonder if he'd have left with out his legacy been ruined on a high with a CL, a couple more prems, even the ropey cup a while back would so many want to move on and forget.

  56. ClockEnd_90

    May 30, 2018, 14:25 #110172

    Badarse - Top 4 would be progress and mean additional funds being available for the following season. A good run in the Europa League or one of the other cup competitions would also be welcome. Strange that these were the stated aims of the latter day Wenger era also. However, they should be a stepping stone to better things further down the line and our aims for next season only, rather the full extent of our ambitions as under Wenger. Would be great to see us defend a lot better and behave a lot better without the ball. Would also like to see some new stars emerge and us play with a style and spirit that gets all the fans back onside and behind the team again. Up the Gunners!

  57. The Man From UNCLE

    May 30, 2018, 14:24 #110171

    Ron - agreed, Steve Williams was my favourite player back in them days. What should have been a title win in '08 would have given AW a bit more goodwill but wouldn't change the feelings too much I fancy.

  58. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 14:18 #110170

    A personal one for you CORNY. Books! I am rereading 'Ragged Trousered' after a lifetime's interval. I am nearing the end and am delaying the finish by reading just snapshots of a few pages. It will be like saying farewell again to an odd and loveable set of characters-a bit like a hiatus from the OG, methinks. Have you read it? I think it should be compulsory reading for all before leaving school, then perhaps we wouldn't have or need so many bricks in the wall.

  59. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 13:59 #110169

    A general question which isn't of major significance, but any private thoughts on what would be acceptable for Unai and the Arsenal this season? Personally I would like to see us get the 'Fourth Place Trophy' again, if possible. A cohesive team hitting just above middle ground with a sense of advancement. Good team spirit with perhaps one or two stand out seasons for individuals, and one or two stand out team performances. Maitland Niles to convince me my 'expert' eye was correct all those years ago in the Em Cup, and for Bard, a sense of 'Victory Through Harmony'.

  60. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 13:55 #110168

    Man from --- Hi matey. A Steve Williams and a Paul Davis in a few of Arsenes teams in that period where we were youth dependent could have made the team a title winning one, say in 2008 time? Often wondered what the perception of AW today would have been had we have won a title that season?

  61. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 13:46 #110167

    I am not commenting on non-substantiated, possibly 'fake news'. The boy stood on the burning deck, he went upstairs and as it was a double decker he licked up the melted chocolate. Chocolate eggs anyone?

  62. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 13:36 #110166

    ClockEnd_90, hadn't heard that yet, good news if true, changed times, onwards and upwards.

  63. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 13:35 #110165

    By the way Old Man that was a good post and should be taken with the spirit intended. However you have some on the OG with glitches, others are morose and cynical, others obsessive and still more who confuse the realities of the day with their own interpretations...and just a few who cannot see the wood for the trees. Gooner Ron and Ron are the luminaries of the site but it annoys me that the name 'Ron' has a monopoly. My reassurance is that each thinks the other is the 'old boot'.

  64. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 13:22 #110164

    He came in, looking gone out. He had tried a pickled egg, and found it guilty. He had turned over a new leaf and was now on page three of his Join Up the Dots book. No more would he police the site against dolts and dullards. He was a new man, no longer did he feel himself, it was still an unofficial crime in some parts of the UK. He had dipped his last soldier, 'Lovely boy! Lovely boy!' At the back of his mind was his head. He still knew a thing or three, though his arithmetic was still to be desired. He would ignore the foul merchants and especially the fowl merchant. For ages he would lean upon his humour; some had imitated and now it was lent, but he was awash with ideas, shower gel, soap on a rope, towels and some old flannel. Later he would BBQ a piece of chicken and a German sausage, it indeed was the breast of times, and the wurst of times. A new kid was on the block, but the old Badarse could leave his head on that particular one. Bonjour Badarse nouveau.

  65. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 13:18 #110163

    Apparently Unai is about to make his first signing, a midfielder, Seri from Nice, for upwards of £40m that's if it is him making them of course, but who cares as long as it's not more lies and spin, personally i'd rather he'd concentrate on a defender or two and a keeper is a must, I suppose it's early yet.

  66. The Man From UNCLE

    May 30, 2018, 13:13 #110162

    The strength of that team we had last season was just about on a par with the XI that was there at the end of the Don Howe years. IMO the defence was much stronger but the strike force was lacking (not much left if Woodcock was absent). Today we have a more than decent strike force but of course no defence. Compare: Lukic, Sansom, O'Leary, Adams, Anderson, Williams, Nicholas, Rix, Davis, Allinson, Woodcock. On the fringes: Rocastle, Quinn, Hayes, Caeser; on the way out Robson, Mariner, Keown, Caton. On paper, a strong side - but still a club going nowhere by May 1986.

  67. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 12:55 #110161

    Ex - the delights of Hawley Chapman and Hankin eh!! I wouldn't say that we ll never be as bad again though, just that we ll maybe never see another 22 yr incumbent in the hot seat. Bad and good teams are cyclical arent they really. I think Utd are in for a few years of moderate achievement for eg. I wonder how they ll cope? We ll see wont we.

  68. Exeter Ex

    May 30, 2018, 12:45 #110160

    Ron, I go back to pre-Wenger too and can remember some rubbish teams in the 80s and GG's very last days, but I think your key point is the coaches didn't last as long. That's what brought us all to new depths of previously unknown exasperation which thankfully will never be repeated.

  69. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 12:35 #110159

    Ex - of course we did. My point is that we ve had weak and feeble teams many times before, the only diff being that the Coach didn't last as long. It does us good to check out these old Big Match shows such as those BT Sport does, as it puts so much of the present day into a historical perspective, without the need to bash Terry Neill or AW. The biggest problem any critique of Arsenal has these days is that there are so many who have only known AW and another section of Arsenal followers who deliberately ignore what we were during many periods before AW. There are those like me though who cut our teeth supporting Arsenal circa mid 60s when in truth, the team was s---e but with a few good players in it but still were often routinely smashed by Spurs and Chelsea for a good few years. Those old Big match progs concentrate the mind.

  70. Exeter Ex

    May 30, 2018, 12:05 #110158

    "What a plonker! Cannot answer/will not answer a simple question" Perhaps he felt that Madeley was being 'demanding' and thus he refused to 'bend the knee'? Ron, AFC under AW conceded more than 4 on many occasions, twice that once.

  71. Bard

    May 30, 2018, 11:36 #110157

    Old Man; what may I ask is wrong with pointless point scoring ? It fills the daylight hours. Supporting a footy team is by definition madness. Getting all worked up over a piece of leather being kicked all over the place, what could be more insane. Actually there is. You could believe that there is a conspiracy against Arsenal if you read other blogs. I am also very happy about next season but long may we celebrate back biting, bitching and moaning. We are the Arsenal after all !!!

  72. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 11:24 #110156

    A very good keeper was Jimmy Rimmer, Ron. Here is a throwback to the smoke and mirrors post. Richard Madeley terminates an interview with Williamson the Defence Sec. What a plonker! Cannot answer/will not answer a simple question that he had posited to do, that's what an interview expects. He doesn't even have the guile or intelligence to sidestep with a simple yes or no with a softening approach. So don't worry lads. In these dangerous times we are safe in his hands as we step away from our fortress named the EU. Smoke and mirrors everywhere. Some gets in your eyes, your eyes get in the other.

  73. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 11:15 #110155

    Hi Baddie - very true indeed. the 30s? Chances are we d laugh at it wouldnt we. I saw a really good prog last night on this History of football series theyre showing. About Matthews. Greta player no doubt, but his dribbling was against chronically poor full backs, same manoeuvre every time, atrocious goal keepers etc. Wonderful ambassador no doubt he must have been but the football was naive in the extreme wasnt it. Good to see though, as long we look at these things through how it was back then and not with 2018 specs on. On that 1977 game v Boro, we had the 'wizardry' of Powling out there that day, a very ageing and cumbersome Simmo etc. What would the modern fan have made of it i wonder? Jimmy Rimmer preventing it from being 8-1 though!! All good stuff.

  74. ClockEnd_90

    May 30, 2018, 11:14 #110154

    If the reports are true and we bring in 3 defenders and a defensive midfielder then that will be just what we've been crying out for for many a long year. It's great to see the defensive deficiencies finally addressed. Up the Gunners!!

  75. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 10:59 #110153

    Ron haven't seen it but it would serve some well in most things to recognise what occurred rather than the rosy gloss we tend to put on memories. I saw some Liverpool/Dalglish footage which was stimulating, but again, some poor play. Even the recording of the 1970 WC Final between Brazil and Italy. A wild crossfield pass intercepted which put the team under pressure, no comment by the commentator, but I would comment on a schoolboy match today if it was copied. Interesting, how we might feel if there was plenty of footage of us to dissect in the 'thirties'.

  76. Yes its Ron

    May 30, 2018, 10:53 #110152

    Not sure if any of you saw the old games on BT earlier, the wonderful Brian Moore presenting. Boro v Arsenal 1977. Cup match. we lost 4-1 at the old Ayresome Park ground. We think we ve been bad under AW, shucks, take a look at that defending. At least Supermac looked up for it though!!

  77. Badarse

    May 30, 2018, 10:04 #110151

    Morning souffles. CORNY that was a nice post, ta for the book comment, it just stopped me reading to laugh, then a few more lines and I stopped to laugh again. All so true it's a tragedy. By the way I never froth. Am known for being quiet, placid, friendly, then strike like a 'Joe Baker', (like that bit Ron?), actually some say I strike a bit like a drooping soldier dripping egg yolk. Bard you were commended for a pragmatic comment regarding transfer funds, rightly so. Can no one connect it with real life though, whether AFC or the government, or anything with a voice in society? Smoke and mirrors is our existence, get used to it, or at least entertain the concept. All is nonsense. The PM goes to China. Talks baloney for the Muppets at home. Does a trade deal, by holding a hand or some other part of the Premier's anatomy. It may be selling weapons to a dodgy tyrant to kill innocents, but hey what's the problem with that? We get a top up in our economy. Smoke and mirrors chum. Just as an aside our world is changing another thing to get used to. We all adapt but the rate of change can do us in. M&S closing, Iceland, Rail ownership collapsing, Steelworks gone pop, the coal mines are history, newspaper circulation dropping, online shopping killing high streets, merchandising at footie clubs, a new strip every season, two, three, sometimes four. The shirts so well made never wear out, so a trick is imported, a new shirt! It does the trick every time. Increase the subs for Sky and BT, give to clubs, to players, buy, buy, buy. £40 and £50 mil for a defender of unproven worth in a new environment, the English PL. Nonsense. How much have we got? What can we spend? Who can we buy? Who will take over? Will he win things? Fair thoughts in an active mind, but the obsessive behaviour governing our attitudes is nothing but unhealthy. Excuse me, my little soldier is drooping and dripping yolk on my letter that I am writing. "Dear Lottery Winner, please can you help an old man celebrate his 95th birthday by giving me the money to throw a party for my kin, oh and any spare for me to give to AFC for their transfer fund?

  78. markymark

    May 30, 2018, 9:34 #110150

    Next time the Wengerboyz have one of their Frozen parties dressed up in their pink dresses they can sing.. Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door Let it go (go, go, go go, go go, go go, go, go, go go) Let it go Let it go Let it go It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I stay Let the storm rage o

  79. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 0:16 #110149

    GoonerRon, but as you well know I wasn't referring to what he brought to the coffers, (what did it do him)and don't go dredging up a couple of lucky FA cups in fourteen years, we all know and can see how he's going to be remembered, you should take your own advice to me and let it/him go he's gone.

  80. Exeter Ex

    May 30, 2018, 0:05 #110148

    Given where Wenger has taken us down to by the time he's left, how much money and time do you think it'll take to take us back up?

  81. mbg

    May 30, 2018, 0:03 #110147

    Old man, you sound like my old man he's been telling me the same, fair enough point taken, but I reserve the right to bring him up at a later date if need be. Onwards and up wards.

  82. GoonerRon

    May 29, 2018, 22:09 #110146

    @ mbg - YOU NEED TO LET GO, HE’S LEFT NOW. FYI - a supposed £120m in return for £600m-£800m in CL income = unbelievable value for money.

  83. Old Man

    May 29, 2018, 22:09 #110145

    I know I rarely comment on here but I read/follow the comments assiduously. However, since Wenger has gone what on earth is the point of the utterly boring AKB v WOB conversation is it relevant? Is it now purely about individual ego preservation, irrelevant point scoring between contributors on this site that most of us skip anyway! Regardless of their allegiances pro or anti Wenger – you are boring the rest of us so please, please grow up and move on! I posted this on the previous thread - thanks for the comments Markymark. Bloody hell mgb - even Talk****e Durham have given up the Daily Arsenal! Lets be a serious grown up bunch of Gooners! He's gone! Finito! This is a deceased parrot!!! (Just to join your Dick Emery reference David1.) I am so excited about the new season - for the first time since...………..the last time I was! See its easy - no direct sniping at fellow posters of whatever hue. But I am so happy about the future at last!

  84. mbg

    May 29, 2018, 19:12 #110143

    At at least we don't and won' have to listen to the tired old shyte from the wengerites anymore, that arsenes keeping his powder dry, remember that ?

  85. mbg

    May 29, 2018, 18:53 #110141

    Yes i'd imagine it is a lot more than 50m, what people were forgetting when that much was being bandied about TOF wenger wasn't here any more bringing us down, like I've always maintained there's always been money there for even him even when his fans were using it among others excuses for his failures, but no TOF would rather do things on the cheap and try and prove us all wrong (where has that got him now ?) especially when he has some sort of reputation left, (or maybe they just saw what a lot of us others did and didn't want to waste/give it to him) but of course it was different when his own contract came into it, he's slithered away with around £120,000,000 for the last fourteen years of failure.

  86. Paulward

    May 29, 2018, 18:18 #110140

    Would like to think we are just keeping our cards close to our chest, but Leichsteiner on a free and a 29 year old Greek centre half for 15 million do not exactly point to buying our way out of the mess we are in. Not sure this is the right time to be tightening purse strings.

  87. John F

    May 29, 2018, 18:05 #110139

    I would try and sell Ozil to raise funds.A luxury player that is just not worth the 350G wages a week and I wonder if his wages are a source of discontent amongst the players.Agree about Elneny and Ainsley.

  88. Exiled in Pt

    May 29, 2018, 15:15 #110138

    Agree with you 71 and Ron , Elneny is worth a run as long as he is not alongside Xhaka , they do not work , mind you do not think Xhaka works full stop. I would like to see Ainsley play in that role as a holding midfielder think he has all the makings off a great player and young enough to learn with a new coach !

  89. Yes its Ron

    May 29, 2018, 13:45 #110137

    1971 - Agree Elneny. He seems to have a good attitude and commitment too doesn't he. Ive never once thought he s coasting along when he plays.

  90. 1971 Gooner

    May 29, 2018, 13:39 #110136

    The relatively small transfer kitty doesn’t particularly concern me as I think the areas in which we need to strengthen are not the ‘marquee signing’ (i.e. expensive) areas of the pitch. Assuming Unai can get consistent performances from the likes of Aubameyang, Lacazette, Ramsey and Ozil (big assumption here I accept), we need players further back in the team such as a keeper, central defender and the fabled defensive midfielder which usually cost less. I’d also like to see Elneny given a run next season as I think three is a steady if unspectacular ‘water carrier’ in the Flamini mould in there.

  91. Yes its Ron

    May 29, 2018, 12:38 #110134

    I always think its best to assume that we wont be paying astronomic money for players. Its be cheap and cheaper and maybe even the odd loan. Nothing wrong with any of this as long as the imports can play football well. AFC and Mr Every have as their goal returning to the top 4. Massive transfer fees arent needed to do that in my view, just good coaching and a few inspired signings. Not wishing to criticise the original poster, but to be honest, reading a football clubs accounts needs an expert eye to enable even a chance at a good guess at what a Club will spend or what it can or can spend more to the point. Normal business accounting doesn't always apply to footie clubs, even at Arsenal who are supremely and carefully well ran.

  92. David1

    May 29, 2018, 12:15 #110133

    Excellent points Bard. It would be a huge surprise if Arsenal only had £50 million for transfers. Looking forward to the new boss saying to the press: 'You are awful...But I like you.'

  93. Bard

    May 29, 2018, 10:35 #110132

    Thanks for that, interesting. My view of transfer funds is that it's appropriately all about smoke and mirrors. Why advertise that you have shedloads of money to spend, all that does is inflate the prices you have to pay. Much better to keep expectations low ( we are used to that) and then spend when appropriate. All good to my mind.