Meet the New Arsenal, Not the Same as the Old Arsenal

Signs that transfer activity will be wrapped up before pre-season suggests better planning

Meet the New Arsenal, Not the Same as the Old Arsenal

Mislintat – Talent spotting reputation

Arsene Wenger always came across as indecisive in the transfer market. This perception might not have been fair, but he frequently left it to the very last minute to make signings and in several seasons Arsenal definitely dropped points in August as a result.

Since the new transfer committee was introduced the change has been dramatic. In January Arsenal brought in two world class attacking players, shipped out a couple of key squad members and got another one tied down to an eye watering long term contract.

The business was swift, under the circumstances, and showed the sort of decisiveness that the club had been lacking. The summer transfer window hasn’t officially opened yet and Arsenal have already confirmed one new signing, with two more apparently well on their way to completion.

It is also worth pointing out that Arsenal acted swiftly and decisively to appoint Wenger’s successor. Unai Emery has been installed as manager for several weeks now, while Chelsea supporters still have absolutely no idea who will be in charge of their club next season.

Stephen Liechtensteiner might not be a name to set the pulse racing but he wasn’t signed as a statement. The Swiss international is effectively a direct replacement for Mathieu Debuchy, and as a multiple Serie A winner he should be more than capable of serving as back up to first choice right back Hector Bellerin.

A deal for experienced Greek centre half Sokratis Papastathopoulos also appears to have been done. This was an area that needed strengthening even before Laurent Koscielny’s achilles exploded and while Arsenal already have quite a few players in this position none of them could really be described as ‘in form’.

If reliable looking reports are to be believed (which often isn’t the case) then a Uruguayan defensive midfielder called Lucas Torreira will also be joining any day now. These are not the sort of signings to set the pulse racing, unlike the arrival of Alexis Sanchez or Mesut Ozil, but it is refreshing to see Arsenal go about their business in such a brisk, efficient manner

While waiting until the 11th hour to do a deal for Ozil proved a Wenger masterstroke this strategy didn’t always play dividends. The decision to spend the best part of £50 million buying Lucas Perez and Shokdan Mustafi on August 30th, 2016 wasn’t one of his better ones and there’s surely something to be said for bringing in a new defender before the season starts, not after.

This is the type of thing that frustrates Arsenal fans. You don’t need to have played the game professionally, hold a coaching license or have studied sports science to realize that a new centre half is going to benefit from a few weeks of pre-season training with his new team mates.

Whether or not the likes of Liechtensteiner, Sokratis and Torreira will prove more successful than Perez or Mustafi remains to be seen. But, assuming all three deals are signed and sealed before pre season training starts, at least they will be given every chance to hit the ground running in a way that the last minute 2016 additions weren’t.

In six months Sven Mislintat has overseen the signings of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Lichtststeiner. The German also appears to be close to securing the signatures of Sokratis and Torreira, adding some much needed balance and stability to a squad which looked in tatters at the turn of the year.

Ultimately Emery and Mislintat will be judged by results on the pitch. But Aubameyang has already proved a smash hit success which buys the latter a lot of goodwill in my book. The problems at the heart of the midfield and defence also appear to have been immediately addressed.

Wenger sometimes seemed willing to spend several seasons working with an incomplete squad while he waited for the perfect striker or defensive midfielder to emerge. By contrast the newly installed transfer committee appears to be focused on immediate results rather than some vague, idealistic long term objective.

The change has been immediate and apparent. In the past The Emirates has been a frustrated place on the opening day of the season because fans understandably felt the club was showing absolutely no ambition in the transfer market.

The atmosphere at the start of the next season should be markedly different. It is a new era at Arsenal and overtaking the likes of Manchester City will be extremely difficult given the club’s current financial limitations. But at least the early signs are positive.


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  1. mbg

    Jun 17, 2018, 18:19 #110663

    markymark, sorearse will not let his Korean Blue badge go that easy. Exciting times ahead.

  2. markymark

    Jun 17, 2018, 8:20 #110652

    Jjetplane - the Korean car badge has to go ! the Wenger Boyz ballet banner has to go ! Untold is collapsing with Tony and the sinister Walter barely contributing . If only Baddies family could have directed his frothing to that site instead along with the drunken Toad of course. Then we really will be on a winner.

  3. mbg

    Jun 15, 2018, 14:55 #110627

    jj, indeed, and that's what the AKB bone heads don't like and get their funny heads around, anyone but their beloved messiah. Exciting times ahead.

  4. Badarse

    Jun 15, 2018, 14:06 #110623


  5. jjetplane

    Jun 15, 2018, 12:15 #110619

    This thing about Arteta is a non story and if he had come he would have been backed by the WOB. We have Unai now and we are behind him 100% and it is still a gleeful thought to know no more Wenger anymore/lalalalalal!

  6. peter wain

    Jun 15, 2018, 8:18 #110615

    lets see who we sign first

  7. mbg

    Jun 15, 2018, 0:35 #110614

    jj, a petition is a great idea but the new regime have quickly seen how embarrassing everything else was under wener and took no time in doing something about it, hopefully they'll soon see through that banner too (and others like it) and do something about it/them.

  8. markymark

    Jun 14, 2018, 23:10 #110613

    Toad I’m about to toddle off to bed . I think you might be up a few hours yet with whatever you’re drinking and a keyboard. Always a dangerous mix.

  9. TOOAW

    Jun 14, 2018, 22:39 #110612

    "daddy daddy. I've just read that we are going to the first game of the season..... Even at my age daddy.... Will 'ARTETA' fit on my blue jersey" please say yes daddy.

  10. markymark

    Jun 14, 2018, 22:20 #110611

    I expect Toad your upbringing wasn’t particularly pleasant . Hence the issues

  11. TOOAW

    Jun 14, 2018, 22:16 #110610

    “Daddy, daddy, weve got Arsenal in our first game.” “Ok son” “but daddy will Magic Mikel be in charge at Maine Rd”........ “son, calm down. I do not have the same love for Arteta anymore..... there’s someone else in my life.... its Unai”..... “fingers crossed he can win us the league cup, its more than Arsene won”...... TBC

  12. markymark

    Jun 14, 2018, 22:00 #110609

    Toad - keep on mentioning my child and as others have pointed out it just makes you seem like a stalker. Weirdly you tried to claim the other day I was giving him different ages. Like many on here I have a wife and child and a settled existence . you are really , really weird. I’m just guessing sad boozy and lonely “ meet the real me” my God that is pisspoor trying to find internet hookups on an Arsenal site. Your comedy attempts are dreadful so you might as well go back to your little Wengerish sniping. Unlike you I have no Wenger baggage I am fully behind Unai. Unlike you I don’t have to hold a failing position for 14 years. I very much doubt you’ll continue to support Arsenal under Unai

  13. TOOAW

    Jun 14, 2018, 21:25 #110608

    Poor old Narky "Arteta fanboy". He sits in the corner numb to the season opening ties of the greatest league in the world. "Yeah but dad, it's too early for me make a decision on supporting a football club". But son. I love Mikel. He's my favourite. I've written on this low level website of my love for him. "Please daddy, whoever wins the first game of the season.... I'm going to support" please let it be the Manchester boys. " I love Arteta". As much as I love Bernie Mee. Bernie is a legend along with the greatest Arsenal manager ever. In 22 years he won nothing, absolutely zilch. "But daddy, I'm sure that's exactly what The Mighty Blue Mancs have done in the first 100 years or so" Arteta fanboy slumps in his chair. " God, dontcha just love kids eh. "Son" says Nark " I'll be a pensioner by the time you attend, support, boycott, spend" on your own. Aaaaarrrrrgggghh. " Bed now !!!!!!"

  14. jjetplane

    Jun 14, 2018, 21:23 #110607

    a petition to get rid of that very embarrassing banner would be another step in the right direction. It was of course Atwood and his crony Blacksheep who climbed up there while Wenger watched on smirking and they are still blabbering on about it like it was ingenious - like it was art. It is a very banal banner much like the dodgy club badge and that should go too. What is an Arsenal supporter now in a world of brands and underperforming wankers like Ozil. If Unai and his men manage a good shake up it just might start to resemble a team that will not go missing when a match is not classified as a exhibition game at the Holloway Bowl. We have had way too many which might appeal to the drugged out Arsene die hards who think of Arsene has the man who invented cubism and not Cezzane. Art - I'll tell you about bloody art!

  15. markymark

    Jun 14, 2018, 20:57 #110606

    Toad your a Wenger Boy first and foremost - you loved our failures it gave you a perverted pride as only your weird cadre could worship him. You don’t know how to react which is why your postings have decreased by 90% and you fail to back your master Badarse. We have moved on sunshine but we do like to remind people how mediocre Wenger became . This is a very important lesson for lovers of Effete Art forms like yourself . Mstinlat in 6 months is sorting out 10 years of your Wengo’s foolish mistakes. I’ll be there against City ( draw willing ) I doubt you will be there . But funny enough you and old Man Baddie will rouse yourselves for a meaningless kick around for middle aged players from 14 years ago. Go join Untold you loser.

  16. TOOAW

    Jun 14, 2018, 20:32 #110605

    James..... Arsene Wenger bashing at it's best. JJ, Arteta fanboy et all have wiped out the Arsenal history for the last 22 years. Good luck to them and they have the nerve to call themselves Gooners. Move on.....


    Jun 14, 2018, 19:52 #110604

    Very interested in the stats about our current targets - looks like something amazing has happened to a couple of them. The Torreador character was originally an alarmingly small 5'5" before our interest but is now a more respectable but still diddyish 5'6". The Turkish centre back was a very respectable 6'2" but has now reached an awesome 6'3". Let's hope the Greek bloke gets on those steroids or whatever it is because he seems the likeliest signing of the 3. However everything is still taking an age isn't it? Down here contrast Plymouth Argyle, up in England, who have already made 5 signings but then they only had 10 players left after the usual end of season "hokey cokey" that all the financially disadvantaged suffer at the end of season. To quote the Labour Party, the FA should be looking after the MANY & not the privileged end of the footie industry. There is no way AFC with 2 billionaires on board can be short of investment if needed.

  18. mbg

    Jun 14, 2018, 18:07 #110603

    Tony Evans, your dead right mate, when Mr bungle was running the show it didn't matter who we were linked with, it didn't matter, it meant nothing, taken with a pinch of salt (not by us all though some hung on every word) no interest whatsoever, it was nearly always spin, and if it ever did come to fruition with a half decent player we all knew what the out come would be anyway, Sad and depressing or what ? Now ? it's completely different it can be believed now, we can take it seriously, we can get interested and excited about it. Thank god he's gone.

  19. markymark

    Jun 14, 2018, 18:05 #110602

    ClockEnd_90 - best blinking comments in ages . I’d love to the remaining shambolic Untold mob +Toad weeping as their banner alongside the lifesize cardboard cut out of Wenger is consigned to the local dump. It was always just pathetic effete snobbery covering up lack of gumption , sporting aggressiveness and lack of winning spirit. Dump it I say! Can you imagine Bernie Mee saying to Frank or GG saying to Tony , you’re doing it all wrong it should be an art form. Whoever put that banner up there were a bunch of tossers.

  20. GoonerRon

    Jun 14, 2018, 16:08 #110600

    We need to get the deals over the line yet but I too feel encouraged by us acting like a properly run business this summer. In truth, this kicked off during last season with Holding, Chambers, Nketiah, Macey, Willock all being tied down and shifting some of the fringe players out quite effectively. I can understand us buying experience like Lichsteiner and Sokratis to steady the ship but it’s signings like Torreira (if it happens) that I expect to see plenty more of - early 20’s, decent top level experience for below premium fees - that could become mainstays of the team and / or be worth double/treble in two or three years if they look to leave.

  21. TonyEvans

    Jun 14, 2018, 14:53 #110599

    Indecisive is more than a fair comment. Shambolic and embarrassing spring to mind when you consider the last minute trolley dashes of years gone by. It is fantastic to have some confidence at long last that these paper talk deals will be sealed in good time for next season. Agree with ClockEnd90 that these are just the sort of players I want to see coming in. Not that it takes a genius to work out what Arsenal have been lacking for years, but to see us linked with tough tackling midfielders and defenders, plus a young, highly rated, keeper is bloody marvellous.

  22. mbg

    Jun 14, 2018, 14:46 #110598

    Yes just think if TOF was still here stinking the place out we'd have probably not made one signing at this stage, we'd be hearing the same old same old shyte from wenger we're working hard behind the scenes, I only want top top qualittee and probably end up with a few sperm and any half decent player he ended up with played out of position and ruined, the AkB's wengerites would then be crowing we're good to go or something idiotic and stupid like that, or the old favourite, arsene is keeping his powder dry, remember that one ? absolutely nothing would have changed, just imagine that, after everything that has, we'd just be in for another season (or two) of the same old same old excuses lies spin, thank God he's gone, good riddance.

  23. ClockEnd_90

    Jun 14, 2018, 14:06 #110595

    Just think, we may not get off to a flyer but no more will we hear "We were not physically ready" after losing the first game of the season. Absolute disgrace!!

  24. Goonhogday

    Jun 14, 2018, 13:31 #110594

    I’m a big fan of getting the majority of your transfer activities done before pre-season starts. Gives time for players to bed in and create a bond During the preseason ready for Citeh and Chelski. The old regime used to wind me up no end by leaving transfer activity to the last minute.

  25. Exiled in Pt

    Jun 14, 2018, 13:10 #110592

    Cracking start to the season , Man city home then Chelsea away bring it on . Nothing like throwing Dick in the deep end to start. I cannot wait for August .........

  26. markymark

    Jun 14, 2018, 12:49 #110591

    Get two good results in opening two games and on March 3rd and 10th ( Spud away, United at home) could make it very interesting indeed. Now I’ve not spent a minute working in football but for some reason I keep on agreeing with Mstinlat. Whereas with the genius Wenger just couldn’t get my head around it? Still he was obviously a genius so it doesn’t need to be explained to the likes of me, I suppose.

  27. ClockEnd_90

    Jun 14, 2018, 12:07 #110590

    The likes of Sokratis and Torreira DO get my pulse racing. For me there nothing better than seeing tough tackling and physical strength out there playing for us. So sadly lacking in the last decade. Take down the banner that says Football should be an art!!

  28. Yes its Ron

    Jun 14, 2018, 11:06 #110587

    True enough Bob. Theres nothing happened there yet to really show the team will pull up any trees. Need to take a view at Xmas i think. As you say, not much will change until the ownership does. I agree there was a lot of support there for Arteta. I guess at most clubs though, its rarely unanimous who clubs want in Boardrooms plus its cost and availability isnt it.

  29. Bob Bayliss

    Jun 14, 2018, 10:38 #110586

    It's a little premature to hail our new transfer regime an unqualified success. The one great piece of business has been Aubameyang. I am not sure that getting Ozil tied down to an eye-watering long-term contract was such a great piece of business: since he signed it he has been in second gear, that's when he hasn't been off with his frequent bouts of the sniffles. For all that he could be high maintenance, I would have rather persuaded Sanchez to sign a long-term contract, and while Mkhi was a decent makeweight his arrival didn't address any of our priority areas. I'm not sure the club can be said to have acted "swiftly and decisively" in appointing Wenger's successor. Leaving aside the obvious point that they should have replaced him far earlier, it appeared that after he announced he was going there was a power struggle between Gazidis, the Kronkes and others at the helm over the type of manager we should be appointing, which culminated in the whole Arteta pantomime. Chelsea may well stick with Conte, who won them the premier league just 12 months ago. I should emphasise that we are in a better place than we were 12 months ago, but we shouldn't look at the green shoots of recovery through rose-tinted spectacles. As long as Kronke is at the helm, we will struggle to compete with the elite whoever coaches the team and arranges the transfers deals.

  30. Yes its Ron

    Jun 14, 2018, 10:26 #110585

    Man C as a starter. Chelsea to follow then. Its a good start for the new regime i think lads.

  31. Bard

    Jun 14, 2018, 9:03 #110584

    Its been very interesting as you point out. Most of us are agreed on what we need and it seems the club for once agree. In seasons gone by it would be obvious we needed X or Y, instead Wenger ended up buying Z. I dont know much about the guys we are buying but they are in the positions we need. Im very excited that we are in he process of buying a decent defensive midfielder. Even more intriguing will be the ones we end up off loading. My tips Jack, Mustaphi, Xhaka, Cech/Ospina possibly Iwobi and Ramsey if he doesn't sign a new deal. Fun times at last.