A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part One

Day One – Arrival in St Petersburg... eventually

A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part One

The world awaits… passport control in St Petersburg

Thursday 14th June 9am (UK time)
Okay, so spending the first week of the tournament in Russia with the aim of hopefully posting daily to give those back home some idea of what it’s like out there, and to provide a bit of website content for you good people into the bargain. On that note, I should state more often that we really do encourage those who fancy seeing their own words online to submit articles for this very website. Can be about football generally, does not have to be Arsenal specific, but at least of interest to an Arsenal supporter. Only criteria is that there is some element of opinion and personal insight. So feel free to email submissions to me at [email protected] if you are feeling creative / expressive / whatever.

Anyhow, back to the plot, and I am currently typing in mid-air above the sea between England and Europe. I have a connection in Amsterdam to St Petersburg, where I should touch down approx 90 minutes before the opening match of the finals takes off. Not certain how fast I will get through passport control, or how far from the airport the place I am staying with my host Ivan Merc is. I’ve been warned that traffic is bad in the city. That’s been a reality for the last couple of World Cups in certain of the major cities. I recall Johannesburg could be a total nightmare in places (although it did move sometimes), and I have a recollection of crawling along in a taxi in more than one of the cities visited in Brazil. Still, when you have lived in Leytonstone for several years as I have, one develops a certain philosophical approach to sitting in queues waiting for traffic lights. In this day and age, I just stick a YouTube video on my iPhone and stick it on the dashboard holder and it’s like being at home in front of the telly. Not that I shall be repeating that trick in Russia. The costs of calls, texts and data means I will not be venturing off wifi for the phone use if I can help it.

As for the feared problems with English fans being pummelled by Russian Ultras, I am not concerned. Even if I were going to an England game, I suspect the more violent element is under wraps due to the security that accompanies every finals. In South Africa visitors were supposed to be in fear of their lives, in Brazil we’d all get mugged at knifepoint, etc. But when the showpiece comes to town, the host nation doesn’t take half measures and the villains go into hiding. And I speak as one who was chased across the stand in Marseille two years ago at the culmination of the England v Russia match. As for homophobia and racism, it’s a reality, but not one that I suspect we will see much of for the next month. There will be isolated incidents, but I don’t anticipate insults hurled at black players at the matches. The World Cup is a different vibe, and most of those who will indulge in that form of abuse will not have bought tickets in the first place.

Thursday 14th June 11pm (St Petersburg time)
So between the plane coming to a halt outside the terminal and getting through passport control was about 50 minutes. It didn’t feel much like ‘Welcome to Russia’ during the interminable wait to get my passport checked and stamped with a visa. There were big queues that moved very slowly with each individual taking an average of over two minutes to be processed at one of the many gates manned by a passport official. Mine asked if I had come from Pisa, but due to airplane ears, I though he was asking if I had a visa – to which I proffered my Fan ID. Then he suggested Roma, and I told him I was English not Italian. Eventually we established I had flown from London and changed at Amsterdam flying KLM. When you have a World Cup, you really need to use your judgment a little better. The Fan ID issue was the check. If the individual going through passport control is obviously the face on the Fan ID photo, then just process them. No need for the Russian inquisition.

Back to the KLM flight and it was nice to get free food and drink, unlike the budget airlines that I normally end up taking, but the red wine was undrinkable. Not that it stopped three Brazil fans across the aisle having three of the mini-bottles each. Still, it might have helped them at the passport control queue, who knows. Once through the exit gate at the airport, I was met by Ivan, who warned me it normally takes an hour and a half to drive from the airport, south of the centre, to his place on the other side of the city. I think, because the Russia v Saudi Arabia game was about to start, the journey was done in a third of the time. Russia driving is very aggressive. Plenty of slaloming where there are three or more lanes, reminding me a bit of the A12 between the Bow flyover and the Leytonstone Green Man roundabout back home. You’d really have to be on your wits if you were hiring a car, not that you’d understand any of the road signs unless you knew your Russian alphabet. We took the ring road on the west side of the city, which in itself is a spectacular construction in places, resembling a giant fairground ride. Have to say I’d love driving on this road myself, but I’m not going to take the chance.

We arrived Chez Merc five minutes after the Russia game had kicked off, and settled down to watch on the television. The hosts made light work of their opposition, which they needed to do given Egypt and Uruguay are the other teams in group A. It is good for the general atmosphere of the tournament for the hosts to retain an interest as long as possible, so the 5-0 thumping of the Sheik’s men will have stoked things up for the better. Everyone can relax and bathe in the feelgood factor until Tuesday when they face Egypt here in St Petersburg, the final one of four matches we are attending before I return to the UK.

After the game we took a drive around the residential area where we are staying, getting some supermarket supplies in the process. It’s a mixture of modern architecture and old style communist blocks, wide roads, and a proliferation of shopping malls. It serves a purpose, but I am sure the centre itself will be more interesting. We will see that tomorrow (Friday), before attending Morocco v Iran. We’ll be leaving early to get a parking spot near a metro station, then aiming to catch the Uruguay v Egypt game in a bar or restaurant. The weather so far has been good – warm and sunny. One other thing I didn’t anticipate was how far north St Petersburg is – basically on the same level as the land of the midnight sun in Scandinavia. Meaning there is hardly any night at this time of year. Having been up at 4.45 this morning to make sure I got to the airport in time, I didn’t have the energy to go out for a midnight stroll in daylight, but I’ll do that on another night for the hell of it.

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  1. mbg

    Jun 18, 2018, 0:34 #110671

    Markymark, another case of because others are, they/he can't, or he's actually sitting in front of the TV lapping it up, along with his jello. Exciting times ahead.

  2. Badarse

    Jun 17, 2018, 16:11 #110660

    You can lead a horse to Walter but you can't make him drink if he'd rather eat an omelette. Some are just a bit unilluminated to quite grasp what is being said. Good if you enjoy WC footie, good if you like ballroom dancing, and good if you like carrying around a bootful of porridge. It offends me not. However when someone insists that I must like and/or enjoy something because in failing to do so I am somehow lesser just shows a lack of comprehension. Still when the individual has a track record of this kind of thing it isn't surprising. I imagine all these disparate souls together in East London on a train-the Orient Express. All likely victims, all likely culprits, and all likely lads. Brian's mind boggles.

  3. markymark

    Jun 17, 2018, 13:58 #110655

    Hilarious that some of our posters who seem to have deep issues about corporate sponsorship / capatalism / modern life in general are missing interesting games and one of the great World Cup games of all time. Still you can’t beat growing turnips in your commie collectives! Baddie would have us all dressing in man made fibre boiler suits with a nice Kim Il Jong haircut . What a miserable life the old sod must lead. Judging by the latest posts it sounds like someone’s mixed up his meds.

  4. Badarse

    Jun 16, 2018, 8:07 #110641

    Good morning and thank you CORNY. That post made me really laugh. Watched the highlights and was stunned by the football. Wonderful, but shan't be watching any games, or cycling, or cricket, just a bit of tennis perhaps. Mainly spending time on picnics, walks, writing begging letters to Lottery winners, reading in the sunshine, a bit of running, and loving life. Oh, and eating eggs and marmalade sandwiches, odd combination but yummy.

  5. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 15, 2018, 21:53 #110640

    jj John F. Agree with you both. We're supposed to be football lovers on this site. Aren't we? If some would rather watch cycling or cricket that's fine with me, but why slag off WC football because it's too commercialised, or you don't like watching football in the summer!

  6. John F

    Jun 15, 2018, 21:29 #110639

    What's not to like about the worlds best players playing each other and sometimes producing a game like Spain 3 Portugal 3.

  7. jjetplane

    Jun 15, 2018, 21:16 #110638

    Yes John F and there were so many beautiful women at the games of all ages and love seeing all those mature ladies waving flags and just loving it. That game tonite will surely go down as oe of the greatest and like in the world of boxing Ronnie lad is the equivalent of Ali. Same boyish looks and brilliance at their respective sports. I said if Ronnie scores that free kick he is the greatest and wow he did it! The fact that Iran is top of that group tonite makes it all the more glorious. What a first full day and France up tomorrow morning. Also a lovely interview with Raheem so all in all fabby****ingdoos ....

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 15, 2018, 20:59 #110637

    Thank God I didn't sacrifice my valuable time watching the Portugal Spain game. I spent my time 'creatively' reading/writing OG posts. WC football - rubbish! Cycling - that's rubbish too! England - everybody's rubbish. Marmalade - that's brilliant!

  9. John F

    Jun 15, 2018, 19:00 #110636

    Great post jj you didn't mention the camera shots of the Beautiful Brazilian women in the crowd you get every world cup.Apparently the Peru fans have bought 43000 tickets which would make for an amazing atmosphere.The only negative about it is having to listen to the pundits and itv commentators drone on and on and who booked Giggs.

  10. jjetplane

    Jun 15, 2018, 18:19 #110635

    As I have never had BT or Sky and generally only watch County Footer live this WC thing is a nice treat and have enjoyed today's offerings already. Suarez is past it & watch Barca drop him like a ton of bricks. If Arsene were still here he could perhaps get him on the cheap and he and Ozil could play golf together or walk their dogs. Fantastic crowd at the Morocco v Iran with amazing ending for the Iranians! That will make Trump happy - Not! Football breaking through the sanctions ceiling - what is not to love. Now for Ronnie v Spain and inbetween fish finger sarnies and a quick walk on the beach outside the door - loving it and **** the PL though with my Amazon Prime thingy I will get a slice of the circus so that is good. What I love most about WCs is seeing all those fans from faraway places having fun. Wonderful xxx. So glad I am not a misery guts. That is just plain exhausting. Hello Kevin! There's a guy who knows how to enjoy life.

  11. mbg

    Jun 15, 2018, 18:16 #110634

    So it's Torreira from Sampdoria now ? We are being spoiled, is this excitement ever going to end ? Thank God he's gone. Exciting times ahead.

  12. Yes its Ron

    Jun 15, 2018, 17:27 #110633

    Exiled - i hear you matey. Yes, im like that with golf. Such a skilful game(though to be honest, as with Tennis, i think the players do better shots because of the technology in the clubs and rackets) but i cant watch it. It bores me stiff so i can understand how you are with cycling. Ive always had road bikes myself though and im the same as you with track and trail bikes. Ive no interest at all in that and never have, yet its really demanding physically and really skilful too. We re all different in our tastes thankfully arent we. Many just cant get cricket can they, yet if i had the choice of a sporting event to go to above all others, it would be the Ashes in Australia. Love it! I had one day years ago at the Test in Adelaide and have never managed to get back to see any tests there but i will doaw one day. I live in hope anyway.

  13. mbg

    Jun 15, 2018, 16:14 #110632

    jj, it is arsene who already mate, and that's killing them, yes they're totally gone now, they've absolutely nothing left, the realisation has set in now, they can't even bring themselves to get fully behind and support the new man and his regime because others now are, and of course such was their support and devotion to the wrinkly one, but there's always help out there, in one or two of Eileen Drewerys books although it seems like they've already been read.

  14. Exiled in Pt

    Jun 15, 2018, 16:02 #110631

    Ron - in agreement with you about the football at this time of year , just cannot get any interest going in watching international football . Have to be honest i respect what those lads do in the cycling but cannot say i could sit and watch it for longer than 5 minutes! Still its 30 degrees down in the Algarve so soon as i am done in work i will get a beer and sit in the garden and look forward to August and the new season ....... Maybe cut the grass just to keep the better half happy..

  15. Yes its Ron

    Jun 15, 2018, 15:21 #110630

    Good old Bard lad. Ha Ha . Seriously though mate, the cycling seen 'live' at the top level is pretty awesome stuff. Agree with you, its close to the ultimate in its physical demands. I always put the Boxers at the top of that league though. Bard, descending id often harder than ascending. Sounds daft i know but its a fact. Some of the very best at climbing arent so good at the descents and vice versa. Such a varied sport and mentally, its a killer.

  16. mbg

    Jun 15, 2018, 15:13 #110629

    Good Article Kevin looking forward to reading the rest of the Diary.

  17. Bard

    Jun 15, 2018, 15:06 #110628

    You old killjoy Ron. Whats wrong with watching wall to wall dross, sorry drama for a month> Im with you on the cycling. Love it. At the elite level cyclists are the toughest sportsman going. All that pain day after day. The courage you need to come down a mountain at 5/60mph incredible.

  18. Yes its Ron

    Jun 15, 2018, 14:18 #110625

    Hi Marky - For me, its football overload by May. Cant stand it during the Summer months to be honest. Lets face it too, most of the games are pretty poor to ordinary arent they. As i say, its each to their own. Summer is for cricket and cycling for me, sod football. Give me the Tour de France anytime matey and i ll be making my way over the water soon enough to get a look at a few stages of that. Wonderful!!

  19. markymark

    Jun 15, 2018, 14:10 #110624

    Personally the games I will be able to see , seem to be working through a lot. I’m going to thoroughly enjoy. I fail to see why we all have to have a downer on the World Cup just because companies sponsor it. Companies sponsor everything so what ?

  20. Badarse

    Jun 15, 2018, 13:49 #110622

    Stop it, Paddington! Cut another slice of Hovis, load it up with real butter and spread thick cut marmalade all over it. Now do you feel any better? Me? I'm going to the corner of the field with Eeyore, we need to practise spelling 'As' otherwise we'll never get onto actually writing ARSENAL. Come and join us for tea, but bring a honey pot with you, oh, and no bouncing.

  21. Yes its Ron

    Jun 15, 2018, 13:45 #110621

    Well, we can all only speak for ourselves lads. For my part, im more than pleased in the knowledge that i wont be seeing i second of World Cup 'Footer' and shall not bother with TV 'footer' at all till August. Its very liberating to ignore it! Good luck you lads who want to sacrifice valuable time best used creatively and more so wasting glorious weather though for that load of rubbish.

  22. jjetplane

    Jun 15, 2018, 12:28 #110620

    Oh dear - someone is in deep meltdown mode. They really need to set up a trauma centre/mausoleum for these poor people who are adrift now their Uncle has well simply vanished. Before long it will be 'Arsene Who?' .... Anyway - full day in front of the crazy mega pixels watching WC Footer! Russia hey! 5 to the good and Putin and the Saudi blokie doing deals during it! Welcome to the global village post McCluhan. Hope Salah is playing and no one hurts the man cause he is a football demi-God. Cannot believe I will miss the Engerlund game cause of some bleeding meeting. Oh well, all part of starting a new career at this latish stage .... Football ****ing crazy! and still have to get down to the local club (9th Tier) to help with the pitch for next season. Fried turkey and tatties for brunch and football football fuseball & quite enjoying some of that underground electronica coming outa Moscow. Word up dawg.

  23. Badarse

    Jun 15, 2018, 10:42 #110618

    TOOAW came down the street, or was it up? He was looking for Badarse who he believed was around the corner, in fact he was round the bend. He espied him in his ceremonial garb bestowed upon him by the Ronline Gooner. It came with a year's supply of thick cut marmalade, which had dripped down all over it. When washed and laundered it was in it's glory. Red with those white sleeves, and a couple of 'Go Fast' stripes on it's back, just below the number 666. Together the two mighty rocks rolled and laughed and sang their way to the sweet shop. A quarter of Dolly Mixture for one and a bag of peanut brittle for the other. They were equipped for the new season. To a chorus of Good old Arsenal, they linked arms, linked hooped earrings, and linked 'Stand Up, Speak Out' black and white bands; these were the missing links.

  24. Badarse

    Jun 15, 2018, 10:09 #110617

    What's in a name? He'd often asked that question, but apart from Mr. & Mrs. Whatson down at the chippy he'd never found anyone. Yet he remembered Bernie Mee, he was great, him and his brother Mike, so funny. Then there was good old GGG, Gordon Golightly Graham, quite a nice grocer but very defensive. He could go right back, and many wished he would. There was Herman Chapman, he did more to change turnip demand than any, but he was a stickler for time. That big clock he had in his shop dominated people, they had to be quick when purchasing or suffer his 'WM' formation, which was very painful. All those sharp edges. Then there was Gary Swindon, good at keeping himself to himself, but was never the same from 1969 onwards. Benny Wright was another, hooked up with a chorus girl and drifted out of town. He knew so many, and all good eggs.

  25. The Man From UNCLE

    Jun 15, 2018, 9:02 #110616

    Before every world cup or Euros our beloved meeeeeeeedja go into full on attack mode, either on the England team or how dangerous / racist / homophobic / xenophobic / any other "ic" you can think of. This year according to them it's on a par with the 1936 Berlin Olympics. It always turns out to be a load of codswallop. Looking forward to a fortnight of non-stop football.