A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part Two

Day Two – Iran v Morocco in St Petersburg

A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part Two

St Petersburg Stadium - Impressive arena

Friday 15th June 11.30pm (St Petersburg time)
This morning, my host Ivan Merc took me into the centre for a stroll around. The metro stations on the line we were using are very deep. I timed the escalator when we returned and it took 3 minutes to get from the bottom to the top. The one at the station in the centre felt longer. God alone knows why they are so deep, but if you are in a hurry, good luck to you.

The centre of St Petersburg itself is a mix of old and new, but the old is particularly striking with some beautiful buildings, some of which were built for the Tsar at the time of construction. There is also a proliferation of women in historical costume trying to persuade visitors to have their photo taken with them (for a price of course) and also a large number of people dressed up in mascot style costumes for various reasons – some to do photos like the aforementioned women, some to give out flyers for local restaurants. The sun was shining strongly at times, so I have no idea how uncomfortable they were feeling. There were also a lot of people trying to sell city tours or boat trips. Ivan reckoned it was normally 400% busier in terms of tourists in the city (mostly from other parts of Russia, but also a good number from China), but that they had been put off from coming by the World Cup. We spotted, as one would expect, a far amount of fans from both Iran and Morocco, as well as some from Mexico. They are playing in Moscow on Sunday so presumably came north to catch a game beforehand or just see the city.

We returned to Chez Merc for some lunch before driving to a metro one stop north of the stadium, with that station and the stadium one we got out at both having been open for just three weeks. Before taking the train, we settled into a pub to watch Luis Suarez have an off day in front of goal for Uruguay v Egypt, with plentiful shots of Mo Salah on the Egypt bench. The standout performer was Uruguay captain and centre back Diego Godin, although it was his Atletico Madrid defensive partner Jiminez who scored a late winner with a header from a corner. On decent chances, it was probably deserved, but cruel given the timing.

We made our way to the stadium, exiting the metro there at 3.05pm. The stadium was approximately 200 yards away as the crow flies, but we had to follow a long route that took us two thirds of the way round the stadium, to then be faced with long queues to get in. We passed the ticket gate and security at 3.50pm. We were also on level 6 of 7, which meant a lot of stairs before we took our places a couple of minutes before kick off. One thing of interest. To get in, we had to scan our Fan ID cards first, and then the match ticket. I wonder if the two are correlated – in other words, if I had my own Fan ID and a match ticket in someone else’s name, would that flag a red light on the entrance machine? Who knows, but if you can only get in with the Fan ID matching the name on the ticket, touts are going to have a hard time shifting seats for these finals. My guess is they don’t have to correlate, but I will have to do some research online when I get the chance to find out.

The stadium itself had excellent views and was difficult to fault. It is far steeper than the Emirates, a bit closer to Munich’s Allianz Arena in feel. They had even put in some temporary stands where there was room for more in the premium ring and right at the back of the upper tiers. Ivan told me that the pitch can be wheeled out somehow to enjoy some sunshine (it would not get much due to the roof) and that the roof could close if need be. It was an impressive structure and a great place to watch a game of football. The atmosphere was exceptional, both sets of fans having plenty of horns similar in nature to a vuvuzela. They sure made a noise. It took me back to South Africa eight years ago.

The game started in fairly exciting fashion, but it soon became apparent that here were two sides who were not great at putting the ball in the net. Frankly, the crowd carried the day. There was non-alcoholic Budweiser on sale, and a pair of Mexicans sitting next to me bought about five of these each over the course of their time inside the stadium. One managed to kick one on the floor over, which made my jumper, on the floor under my own seat, stink of non-alcoholic beer. I cursed appropriately a few times, and he said sorry. I wasn’t in the mood for it though, even if it was highly predictable and the schoolboy error was mine. Iran scored late deep into injury time courtesy of an own goal from a late free-kick. It was cruel. They’d played a cautious game, rarely committing numbers forward, yet managing to have the best chance of the match in the opening 90 minutes.

Morocco had time for one more attempt, but it was not to be. Then, it transpired that our stand – or at least the upper tier of it – were being kept in. It appeared to be so that those in the more expensive seats lower down could beat the queues to the various options to get away from the stadium. I expect this on an Arsenal away trip, but never at a World Cup game. They’ll argue it was for safety reasons, but the ground was built to handle the number of spectators it has capacity for, so this just seemed like a case of prioritizing those who had paid more money. After ten minutes they finally let us out. I’d like to see them try this stunt with England fans if they lose a match.

The crowd control generally was way over the top, but there were so many police and army personnel in attendance, it was a case of tolerating it or simply not going into the game. Given the two sides, the attendance was very good – far better than that which had showed up to watch Uruguay and Egypt earlier (although the host city (Ekaterinburg has a far smaller population and is harder to get to), where the swathe of category 1 seats left empty was not a good look.

Once we finally got back to the metro, we took the one stop journey to where Ivan had parked his car. In a shopping mall car park, there was a large section reserved for those ordinary punters attending the World Cup game. I couldn’t believe it. Normally they do everything to dissuade people from using cars on matchday, and here we were being offered a parking spot only 100 metres from the metro. We drove back to his place and turned on the television at 9.12pm local time to see that Portugal were already 1-0 up against Spain. It turned out to be a cracking game, even allowing for Cristiano scoring a hat-trick and Diego Costa netting a pair. David De Gea’s error for the second Portugal goal was astonishing, but at least his team came back into it and took the lead in the second.

Tomorrow (Saturday) it's out fairly early to fly to Moscow where we will be watching Argentina face Iceland in Spartak Moscow’s stadium. So time for yours truly to hit the sack…

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  1. mbg

    Jun 18, 2018, 15:31 #110687

    A Cornish Gooner, nice one, he's told that many lies and is such a hypocrite and tied himself up in so many knots he doesn't know what day it is, and as usual after every time he gets his arse kicked always reverts to his true colours in the end, so predictable.

  2. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 17, 2018, 18:56 #110666

    Badarse. Re. post 116489; Next time you tell your little grandson not to call someone a ‘Dick’ or a ‘Richard’ will you expect him to say ‘Well you do it’. 116556; “When someone insists that I must like and/or enjoy something” (as you did regarding Arsene Wenger’s Arsenal) “because in failing to do so I am somehow lesser just shows a lack of comprehension”. And what DID you mean when you mentioned 'a deserving cause'?

  3. markymark

    Jun 17, 2018, 14:10 #110657

    Have to say Baddie you seem very , very rattled by JJ. Looks like he is really showing up your paper thin arguaments for what they are. Remember Baddie, Wengerism is buried 6ft under and the club want it that way. Where’s his offer to be on the board ? Where’s the Wenger stands ? Where are the drunken Toads defensive little postings? Morale for you Wenger enablers is crushed You lost Baddie , you really do need to get over it.

  4. Exeter Ex

    Jun 17, 2018, 13:26 #110654

    There's a world of difference between making physical threats to another and a threat to your ego which exists solely in your head. For a master of hypocrisy you think he'd be better able to spot when one has actually occurred. There again he's blind to his own, so maybe not.

  5. Badarse

    Jun 17, 2018, 8:23 #110653

    Again winning by 'I don't know how many'-0. Odd that telling someone they deserve something becomes a threat, telling an ageing 'boot boy' he is posting salaciously is also because he is threatened. 'Mmm, vere Interesting, but stooped.' Thank you Rowan and Martin. 'Say goodnight Dick.' "Goodnight Dick." Heard Any Questions on Radio 4 yesterday. The DUP mob were the ugliest bigots you might hear, especially as Farage isn't saying much these days. Now we have their representative with his glitch of Arsene Wenger and littering a post with religious detritus. Mny of you want to cosy up to these peeps? Wow, as Gordon Ramsey might say...Aaron Ramsey, Player of the Year!

  6. mbg

    Jun 17, 2018, 2:02 #110651

    Am first to admit i'm not a great lover of international football, not meaningless friendlies and early rounds anyway, but have found myself very taken to this WC even the early rounds like others, it wouldn't be because TOF wenger is no longer with us any more would it ? Would we be as keen, and gotton into it as much if we knew when it was over we had to go back to him and his regime and listen to the crap that comes out of his gob for another season or more ? Thank God he's gone.

  7. Exeter Ex

    Jun 16, 2018, 20:26 #110650

    Highly amusing how threatened Badbum is by JJ. Of course, the dismay on here swiftly follows the elation is when he says he's going to leave... and then doesn't. It's the hope that kills you.

  8. jjetplane

    Jun 16, 2018, 16:02 #110649

    Cheers Geeze! Great you mentioning the metro depth over there as my dear old dad was one of the so-called tunnel tigers who helped build the underground in London. Took us down the Victoria line for a proud run out in the 60s. He was working at Oxford circus which had a great depth and talking of great depth the banks set up by Iceland are a joy to behold and let's hope Unai can get that going at the Bowl. Messi missing a penalty was also a joy. Good old Iran. Good old Iceland.

  9. mbg

    Jun 16, 2018, 15:25 #110648

    jj, good post, So that's where the old weasel is then. Enjoying the diary and world cup myself, sets us up nicely (well most of us anyway) for the start of the new season, Exciting times ahead.

  10. jjetplane

    Jun 16, 2018, 15:00 #110647

    Well done Kev for these reports which are always a good read The stadia you mentioned contains with the extensions the highest stands in world football. As you say the atmosphere must have blown you away cause on the old smart box it sounded deafening. Good old Icelanders as per with a comical Argie defence looking like another built on Arsene's 'football is an art' philosophy. Matches so far have been pretty competitive and was saying 'Aguero not really in ...' and then he breaks the net! What do we know us humble observers. Time for a quick run to the beach and back! Hahahahah .....

  11. Badarse

    Jun 16, 2018, 13:20 #110646

    jj you are of course biased, and a tad arrogant to believe that your way is 'the' way. I did say biased, but didn't say bigoted.

  12. jjetplane

    Jun 16, 2018, 13:15 #110645

    Excellent game and the Aussies were robbed by the rubbishly French who play like they were being 'coached' by the very rich old coot himself. Great WC and why come on here if you hate football, hate the new Arsenal and hate other posters being a tad more popular? Sad and perhaps should try the drawing class and give up trying to be the new Joyce. Hilarious and uncomfortable to read. Needs to team up with Atwood and they can froth (sic) together. Thunder of Iceland v Messi next. Truly spoilt and great to see women on the pundit panels. So sensible and in 20 years time women's football will be the main thing. Good old Turgenev. Image that MBG of Arsene playing the tramp ...

  13. Badarse

    Jun 16, 2018, 13:03 #110644

    Quiet on here, is there a game on, or was it the return of jj that has caused the populace to bang their collective heads against the wall in dismay?

  14. Badarse

    Jun 16, 2018, 11:30 #110643

    He wandered around in his orange ankle-swingers grinning at the minarets. He liked the colours and they reminded him of Winter Warmer sweets, but he thought Red Square looked orangish. He had a shillelagh under his arm which he'd tried to shoo away, but it only succeeded in his shoe going away. He was determined to succeed, he had left his teeth in the bedside glass that morning so couldn't chew them. He was troubled more by his own gulags than Russia's but in entente cordial spirit with China, he knew that Lay Hung Low. That morning he hadn't shaved but as it was bright and breezy outside he thought it was a nice day to get some fresh hair on his face. Another report will follow as he confusingly walks in a circle around the square; if only his ability at geometry had been better!

  15. mbg

    Jun 16, 2018, 9:45 #110642

    Sounds like everything's going smoothly so far, any sign of and old an man wandering about the Metro looking lost mumbling to himself, and wearing a sleeping bag ?