After the Dust has Settled… a bit…

Reflections on the manager who became a crazy scientist

After the Dust has Settled… a bit…

Ed’s note – I’ll post the latest World Cup diary installment later today, but in the meantime, here’s a piece that was submitted just before the tournament kicked off, on the subject of what this website is supposed to be about!

It was a transformational moment. But then Arsene Wenger was a transformational Manager. I was sitting in front of my MacBook, when a text came in, right on 10.00 am on April 20th, from a friend - ‘Your Manager is standing down…’ I was shocked, surprised, - and when I checked and it was so - relieved, and reflective on the passing of a - mostly - great era. And all those sentiments came in a two second rush.

I had been of the view that Arsene was leading Arsenal round in circles for some time. I used to be a ST holder but I stopped going way back in 2010. It was partly for financial reasons. But equally, it was because I was no longer enjoying it. Arsenal had become an obligation. Not a pleasure, as it should be. And I was disillusioned by both Wenger and the Board. I felt the Club wasn’t a part of me in the way it used to be. And the e mails that I received about my commitment to “the match day experience” left me increasingly cold. I was missing Highbury. I still do. But the new setup had gone sour for me. So I confined my support to watching on Sky.

Nothing I was seeing was inducing me to change my mind. I got so annoyed with some of the (non) performances - both individual and team - that I felt the Manager should go, several seasons before the ‘Wenger Out’ protests began in earnest in the wake of the utterly abject 2 - 10 aggregate thrashing, by Bayern in the CL. It reached the stage where I was convinced that Wenger, distilled in hubris, thought he had a job for life. Arsenal was the test tube and he was the increasingly crazy scientist, giving it a shake or a rub each season but essentially doing the same thing, utterly convinced that this time, he would get it right.

And yet in those first dozen years, it had been the very opposite. Daring, innovative; sometimes wrong but always interesting ; Wenger took on forces far more powerful than us - notably but not only Man Utd, - and he often won. True, he never cracked success in Europe. But the two doubles; the unbeaten season; the FA Cups; the sheer panache of what he did, was thrilling. I really admired him. I really liked him. And a side of me still does.

I think three things came in quick succession to discombobulate him. And he never really recovered. The stadium move was entirely of our (his) own making. But the arrival of Abramovich at Chelsea, was a game changer. Dein’s famous quote about Russian tanks firing £50 notes at us, on our own lawn, was so true. It still is. Which brings us to Dein’s departure. He wasn’t irreplaceable. Few, if any, are. But he wasn’t replaced. And the combination of those three events, in quick succession, left Wenger marooned. He was never the same again.

If I met him and had the chance to ask a couple of searching questions, I would wonder why the great game changer became ‘Captain Cautious’? Why did he give stellar contracts to unproven players in the expectation of their success, only to plead poverty in the Transfer Market otherwise, whilst those players let him (us) down? Why was he so insistent on keeping the same staff around him at all times? We were, at a time, the only Club in English Football, not to have changed their coaching staff in five years!

In the season we signed Cech, we were the only team in England not to sign a single outfield player in that summer’s transfer window. How were we supposed to win the title - or even make a fist of competing, under those circumstances?

This brings us back to his departure. It was obviously a complete surprise. He was distilled in his own hubris and convinced that he had a job as long as he wanted. Maybe - just maybe - the arrival of Mislintat and Sanhelli had un-nerved him? But I suspect he still thought of himself as bulletproof. He’d lost sight of the fact that the Club comes first and foremost. And for all his achievements he was an employee - not a demi-God.

His bizarre cult followers, of course, saw it the other way around. And proving Wenger’s infallibility after every performance - win, lose or draw - had become a cause celebre for a (shrinking) segment of the Arsenal fan base, that had transformed itself into a personality cult, that would have looked naff in a Third World Dictatorship. A brief foray into the world of ‘Twitter’ can unearth some truly startling characters. And the variants of ‘One Arsene Wenger’ shows what happens when an understandable admiration, morphs into a fanatical insistence on one person’s utter infallibility, to the point where those holding it completely lose sight of the Club itself. I have even heard it said, that if Emery fails, Wenger will return. There is as much chance of that happening, as Sir Alex Ferguson going back to manage Utd. It simply won’t happen. There are few certainties in football. But there’s two for you. And Wenger’s crazy cultists really need to return to earth.

There’s a final irony in all this. Despite the noises off and the raucous and sometimes violent confrontations between the ‘Wenger Must Go’ and the ‘Wenger Must Stay’ factions, it was the deafening silence of rows and rows of empty seats, that finally tipped Kroenke to act. There’s a message there for all future occupants of the managerial ‘hot seat'.

A brief word about the new man. I know very little of him beyond the obvious. He’s clearly a thorough individual, who prepares meticulously. Good! He has plenty of experience. Good! I would have backed Arteta all the way, as I will Unai. But it would have been one heck of a gamble. The man from PSG is the better bet, in my eyes. And I think most other fans’ eyes, as well.

But the change has happened. And Arsenal has become interesting again. New signings are on the way. A much needed defensive improvement is coming. 2018/19 will see a Manager and his coaches on the edge of their technical area, urging the players on, rather than sitting solemnly in their seats, giving the impression they would like to be somewhere else. When Arsene returns, probably in the 19/20 season, for the naming of the West Stand, as the ‘Arsene Wenger Stand’ and / or the unveiling of his statue outside the ground, I hope he will find a Club and a team once more on the up. As well as a fanbase a little more unified than of late.

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  1. David1

    Jun 26, 2018, 11:23 #110889

    I seem to remember Arsene Wenger resigning in the summer of 2008, reputation in tact, but with the tearful realisation that he had taken the club as far as he could. Of course, there was some resistance to him going, and howls of regret from a largely devoted fanbase, but his resolve couldn't be shaken; he knew the game was up: close but no cigar. In their desperation the board replaced him with someone as close as they could find: Arson Blungy. He dominated the club for 10 years doing a very bad impression of Arsene Wenger, looking increasingly buffoonish as the years went buy. However, because he looked like AW, the old devotees were satisfied that he was the same guy. Very sad.

  2. mbg

    Jun 25, 2018, 0:06 #110872

    Paulward, your right, he was certainly found out big time when he was so far up his own arse lapping up success(thanks to others) he decided to go it alone.

  3. Paulward

    Jun 22, 2018, 2:03 #110798

    Even in the good years Wengers teams were flawed, and arguably should have won more. Blowing the league in 02/03, losing to a bang average Chelsea team in the 04 CL, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the 99 semi and 01 final of the FA Cup, even conspiring to lose to a Turkish team in the UEFA cup final of 2000. As for the Emirates era, the man simply disappeared up his own backside, and should have resigned years ago.

  4. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 0:57 #110770

    jj The free ride has now dried alright up and he's back to paying his own way, but unfortunately there's still some idiots who will fork out for an airline ticket to hear him talk shyte.

  5. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 0:22 #110769

    Exeter Ex, better off asking his carers for that.

  6. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 23:14 #110768

    Bard, yes the ultimate embarrassment for one of the old frauds favourites, he agrees a pay cut just to get staying, then he's told it makes no difference your not going to be a regular starter anyway, so decides to go, i'm sure smoking jack is gutted but who's to blame, some will say himself, but the biggest culprit is wenger, and his regime, philosophy, laxie daisy training regime, soft touch with his pansie niceboys, no discipline, allowed his nice boys to get away with anything, and now he's paying the price, and does wenger give a fook ? about him or the others that/who were loyal to TOF and kept their mouths shut and nodded their heads, and are now on the dole ? Does he fook, just like the AKB idiots who still worship him and would still allow him to shag their wives, and assist him with his toilet needs.

  7. Goonhogday

    Jun 20, 2018, 22:04 #110767

    Great article. Can’t wait for the new season to start. Transfer business is getting done before pre-season starts, new coaching staff appointed, players uncertain about their futures. This is fantastic stuff, our club appears to show signs of life again! Whether Emery sinks or swims (and do I hope he swims) I have rekindled my interest in all things Arsenal again.

  8. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 21:58 #110766

    Baddie - “Of course he may not post about footie because no one responds generally” - I’ve said before Baddie that you’d rather have 10 people call you a Tosser than be ignored. It’s obvious you’re just attention seeking. Exeter is likely correct. You’re stuck in a corner and left to your own devices. Move on and take up a different hobby . You have far more synergy with your Momentum pals than Arsenal.

  9. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 21:18 #110765

    Good to see some posters of yesteryear starting to emerge again . Everybody of course will have reasons for posting or not posting. But I highly suspect the excitement of change is helping breathe new life into Arsenal and even this site.

  10. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 21:18 #110764

    Moscowgooner, great post, post of the day, thankfully it's all happening now despite TOF and his goonies. Kawasaki Frontale, hee hee, yes that would suit the AKB's indeed, but maybe BSA would better (Big Sore Arse) he deserves (and others) the borough named after him now, but the prem will do for me for now.

  11. Slartibartfast

    Jun 20, 2018, 20:30 #110760

    An excellent article. I think Wenger damaged the club over the last ten years or so of his reign - and it was increasingly a reign, we had a monarch not a coach. The slow motion car crash of that last decade will take several years to rectify.The Cult of Personality built up around Wenger, with the help of the "In Arsene We Trust" brigade meant that in the end, too many people became too comfortable without the threat of censure for poor performance. Expectations were consistently dumbed-down. Winning or at least seriously challenging for the Premiership was gradually replaced with the (in)famous "a top four finish is worth a trophy" attitude. Ironically, at the end even that was clearly beyond Wenger's teams. Likewise, CL "success" was qualification and getting through the group stage. While some of Wenger's transfer dealings were successful an increasing number were clearly not. And I can't be the only Gooner to be thankful we won't have to hear Wenger talk about another world-class player that he "almost signed" for Arsenal! But paying over the top transfer fees along with inflated wages for some (far from world-class) players that were signed will mean getting them off the books without incurring big losses will be very difficult. However, since Wenger's departure the big plus is, as the article mentions, a renewed momentum around Arsenal FC. The new management structure, the speed and scope of the clear-out of most of Wenger's backroom staff and their quick replacement, along with a seemingly calmer and more professional approach in the transfer market should give Gooners everywhere cause for hope and we can allow ourselves to be cautiously optimistic.

  12. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 19:50 #110758

    Hi Bard One story doing the rounds is that only 5 players have been told they have long term futures. One appears to be Xhaka ( ok some development ) also Bellerin and one would assume Ramsey. This leaves a lot of players sweating . If this is true of course. The sheer fact players are now on tender hooks has got to be good after a decade of the crèche

  13. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 19:39 #110757

    Jjetplane - that tickled me . Children of Wenger! Works on two levels . 1:) the obsequious love in for their master and 2:)Reminiscent of the sinister 70’s Sex Cult the Children of God. In more fake news I can reveal that the Vanguard of change Brian Badarse actually had joined both 1 and 2.

  14. John F

    Jun 20, 2018, 18:07 #110756

    Bard ,has your wife returned yet?.Dick may well keep players who can put in a shift.I wouldn't be surprised if he kept Welwide,Campbell, Elneny as they are hard working players.Cech may be the cup goalie with Ospina leaving.Agree with Bard about selling Ozil but I don't think anyone would take him on those wages. Leno fits in well with the Dexy midnight runners song especially as he is prone to lapses of concentration."oh Leno"

  15. jjetplane

    Jun 20, 2018, 17:54 #110755

    Glad Jack is going too and think he has been leggy (legless) for years which were first revealed with the Hart in a swimming pool smoking incident and carried on from there to his embarrassing show at the Town Hall. That Bournemouth thought little of him tells you everything and the fact that him and Hart are nowhere England team contention shows them up for their poor professionalism. And what of the Wenger spine of English players that were to dominate the scene? All gone and most of them to a lower standard than required at Arsenal. Ramsay is still with us and hopefully he will get the right tactical guidance from Unai. Arsenal are looking stronger already and in a sensible way it has not taken long to dismantle a structure that was paper thin. Imagine being a follower of that! Crushing and my sympathies are with the poor befuddled Children of Wenger (COW) as they try or even dare to see a life without him. Terrifying stuff! Where were we - ahhh yes Senegal and that cheeky second goal. Altogether now He comes from Senegal/he plays for la la la ..... Arsene certainly had a great ride those first few years with a spine of awesome proportion. He certainly dined out on that mush to the club's expense. Things like that are supposed to happen after you have left in glory. Wenger has been smirking at Arsenal for years and it is good to have articles like this so we can all enjoy the result. This has been the best win for many a year. WOB 1 Arsene 0. How appropriate.

  16. Exeter Ex

    Jun 20, 2018, 17:19 #110754

    The continued references to Westlower as well - someone who hasn't been on here for getting on 3 years - further betray someone stuck in the Wenger past. Mrs Badarse, if you're reading - please put him on another website. He probably won't notice and his posts will be just as relevant, whatever it is.

  17. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2018, 17:13 #110753

    Help me, S.O.S, I am trapped here, chained to my table by the legs, the table legs, not mine, mine are free, well two, or is it free? I want to escape and am trying to dig a tunnel but HS2 got there before me and all the residents want some recompense. I am trying on E-Bay to get hold of a horse as westlower isn't around anymore. I can then do some gym with Jim and dig under the horse, but perhaps the horse will fall into the hole, oh gosh, this is so complicated and all I want is liberty, well liberty and a book, well liberty a book, and an omelette, that's all I want, just liberty, book, omelette and this old ashtray, oh and this standard lamp, so it's liberty, a book, an omelette, an ashtray and the standard lamp, nothing else, nothing at all, apart from this bowl of porridge, so that's liberty...

  18. 1971 Gooner

    Jun 20, 2018, 17:07 #110752

    As a general rule, anyone who refers to themselves in the third person ought to be treated with caution.

  19. jjetplane

    Jun 20, 2018, 17:07 #110751

    Nicely put together there Robert and yes those 'bizarre cult followers' who have been reduced to talking in those peculiar internal fashions as they try to reinvent themselves though knowing the brainwashing went so far that only clinical help might lessen their suffering. Wenger obviously has no time for them and never really did though now the reality he has ended in sublime disgrace and deserted them and it seems Arsenal. Do we ever imagine he would turn up for many games now. If not he will be testament to how little he loves the club but how much he enjoyed the comforts and the inflated wages for such a poor return. I gave up with him in 2003 and in retrospect six years at a club sounds like a long time now and where we could have been with the coaching and loss of players addressed in a pragmatic sense and not with some repetitious waffle about spirit and mental strength which has been his spin probably since he was a schoolkid learning the English language and a learning which showed little sign of progression. A lazy and yes artless manager with no detailed knowledge of how to coach a team. Petit is correct and he should know.

  20. Exiled in Pt

    Jun 20, 2018, 17:06 #110750

    i think we might see Cech and Ospina go now he has got Leno, he may fancy Martinez as the number 2 . Also think he will keep Ozil, he may just fancy trying to get the best out of him ? Could be any 2 or 3 that go out of this lot now Perez, Campbell , Iwobi, Elneny and Welbeck ?? Just so good to see positive things happening at the club at last . Shame for Jack but Bard your spot on mate his legs looked to have gone near the end of the season ...

  21. Exeter Ex

    Jun 20, 2018, 16:56 #110749

    Badbum - Aside from all that others also offer an argument, some analysis based on what is known. The reason you don't respond in kind is because you cannot. You cannot argue against a single word in this article, but you don't like it because it's critical of your cult leader, so as you feel compelled to respond as you are incapable staying quiet, you respond in the only way open to you -arrant nonsense that continues to betray your bitterness at the deposing of your cult leader. As for not posting about footy because no one responds, this is a blatant untruth. During a brief period of sensible posting recently you were getting plenty of reasonable responses. But you couldn't keep it up and back came the WOR nonsense and still don't seem to realise just how badly this exposes you as a supporter of the former manager and no longer the club. The reason we never see a reasoned out counterargument from you is not because no one would listen, or that you refuse to respond to a 'demand' to do so. It is simply because you do not have one. And as for "has a full life and only comes on here now and again", again you've forgotten what you've said in the past. We know you are set up in the morning on the PC on this website and sit there all day - we know because your posting at all hours betrays this, and you have actually told us you don't post by phone or tablet or anything else as you wouldn't know where to begin, so can't be doing it whilst doing other things. So stop telling such obvious, easily seen through lies about who you are and what you support.

  22. Bard

    Jun 20, 2018, 16:23 #110748

    Markym: I'm fascinated to see who is on their way out. It makes sense to get in who he needs and then start to dispose of the dead wood. Jack is obviously on his way. Its sad, I loved him in the early days but his recklessness and bad luck have done for him as a top player. My guess is he doesn't have the legs anymore. One imagines 3-5 players will be sold, either Cech or Ospina, Mustafi, Iwobi, Perez. If he keeps Xhaka and we buy another defensive midfielder do we still need Elneny. Will be interesting to see what he gets out of Ozil. If we sell him we get a hefty feee and get rid of his massive wages. Might be a smart move. Ozil is who he is, Im not sure he will relish the kind of regime that Dick allegedly wants to impose. Cant wait.

  23. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2018, 16:02 #110747

    Why does he only post rubbish? When I post heresay, rumours, speculation and imaginings? These are much more interesting, just as meaningless it's true, but vere interesting. Of course he may not post about footie because no one responds generally, whereas I am in a rabble and some of my posse do. True he said he doesn't go in for fake news but when there is no other kind we lap it up. His life is an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines, ah, ah! And all his dreams come back to he in shades of mediocracy, like emptiness and AFC; I need someone to comfort he. Hasn't been for 14 years though he did share season tickets up until 5 years ago, which is also vere interesting. It's true he has a full life and only comes on here now and again to upset me and a couple of others who are capital 'R' rabble, but he should do more like me. Why I'm so busy I do not have time to demonstrate, buy, sell, attend, or even think of them all at once. Now shall I have eggs for dinner?

  24. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 15:47 #110746

    The amazing thing is that currently about 90% of the transfer links seem to be happening with Torreira apparently going ahead. The simple reason is that professionals are now doing the business . Raul can probably do a huge selling job for Arsenal after his 14 years at Barca and Nike Experience . Sven can identify useful players . The coaching staff can now properly condition and develop them. It’s now happening , we can feel that each cog knows what it’s doing. The French fraud is gone along with whatever neurosis he suffered. We are on the move.l!

  25. markymark

    Jun 20, 2018, 15:35 #110745

    Baddie - interesting that never see an actual argument from you , just ever increasing meaningless postings and still going on about WOR. If you’d actually attended a match at the Emirates at any point in the last 14 years you may be able to formulate some point of view. It does appear though that any in-depth knowledge you had dried up around the time of Alan Ball. Is your life so meaningless that all you can do is post random rubbish day in day out? My goodness me you need a past time and quick. That rusty conveyor belt your always on about is moving in one direction

  26. mbg

    Jun 20, 2018, 15:34 #110744

    We were all shocked alright we thought the old weasel would hold on for grim death for ever, but no he went with barely a whisper, (apart from blaming others of course) a failure, reputation in ruins. But the dust wasn't long settling, such as it was, basically straight away, the smallest shortest dust storm in history that's if there was one at all, the world never ended (as some idiot goonies were trying to have us believe) we all didn't wake up with two heads (apart from some and they had them anyway) or we didn't wake up dead either, all the doom and gloom predictions from his fans and followers didn't come true, quite the opposite in fact, we've never been in a better place now. Think of where we'd be and feeling now if he was still here stinking the place out, it was the best thing ever happened thank God it did and he's gone, exciting times ahead.

  27. Badarse

    Jun 20, 2018, 13:42 #110743

    Captain James T. Badarse stood alone on the bridge, his voice was all a-quiver; he gave a cough, his leg fell off, and floated down the river. Oh no, that was another bridge. He was on the bridge of sighs on the Useless Enterprise, the WOR's battle plan for the coming season. He stood on one leg, all his crew had hopped off. His patience snapped as the inter-come crackled and his fly buttons popped, it was a cereal problem. Just then he heard Spotty Eggman, 'Ah, canny get it oop, Uhuru! It won't come.' Commander Worf Nark as finalising the WOR strategy. 'Buy, attend, demonstrate, agree, refuse, sell, endure.' It was pointed out the acronym spelt BADARSE so he began to rethink his plans. jj was on the Hologram Deck, he was talking to a mock up of Kerouac who was trying to commit suicide y eating himself in a vain attempt to escape his tormenter. Captain Badarse knew that 5% was matter, 25% didn't matter, and the remaining 75% was Dark Moany Energy. He was aware the rabble looked like Klingons, aimless and full of themselves. He was hopping faster-he needed a wee-and not a wellie nearby to relieve himself in. Where was ensign MAYDUP? Was he attending his pansies again? Ensign Brad had changed his name to Bard all due to writing the opening monologue to the series. 'Spacey, the final front ear, to go where no man had gone before-White Hart Lane.' Then he retired to the cupboard hoping he would earn the title the Dark Lord. The Captain looked into deep space, which was a bit more further in than space. He looked around him and a haircut came to mind, a crew cut!

  28. !No Pasaran!

    Jun 20, 2018, 13:24 #110742

    I can’t wait for the new season to start. For the first time in ages, I’ve an appetite for seeing the Arsenal. Now one of the greatest spin-doctors that the sport has ever known has had his marching orders, it’s time to look forward. When a manager allows a clown like Almunia to be our first-choice keeper, you know your done for.

  29. Bard

    Jun 20, 2018, 12:53 #110741

    A well written article Robert. Have read and written any number of pieces saying more or less the same thing. Wenger is part of our history but we need to leave the whole Wenger thing behind. What now matters is Dick and his merry band. I dont know a lot about his signings but I like the 'noises' coming from the club. We seem to on track although Im well aware that it could all go tits up. Frankly I would rather have uncertainty and hope than the endless groundhog days of the later Wenger era. I dont expect we will win the Prem any time soon but Im fairly certain we will get a team that puts in a shift and tries to compete. Hey we might even get a team that knows how to defend, now wouldn't that be a treat.

  30. Trevor Ross

    Jun 20, 2018, 12:49 #110740

    Wenger certainly was a transformational manager, he transformed me from a passionate Arsenal fan who attended every home and as many aways as I could manage, into someone who cared so little I couldn't even be bothered to watch them on TV any more. Even the dire situations we found ourselves in at the end of the Bertie Mee/Terry Neill eras never made feel remotely like I have done in recent years.

  31. TonyEvans

    Jun 20, 2018, 12:29 #110739

    Early days of course but I am liking what Emry is doing so far. Wenger issues that have plagued us for years now sorted, or going to be sorted to date: keeper - tick; defensive midfielders - looks like a tick any day soon; full back - tick; central defenders - again a tick coming soon. All good for me, even if they don't cost north of £60M or £70M.

  32. Exeter Ex

    Jun 20, 2018, 11:51 #110737

    Very well written. I think the questions you'd want to ask him can be answered by, it became about power. Big contracts for average players, never changing coaching staff - these are the not the actions of anyone wanting to compete at the top. They're the actions of someone who wants to consolidate and centralise power. Which ironically proved his undoing in the end, as the football itself suffered so much even the hugely admiring Kroenke was forced to act. And I think a fourth thing that discombobulated him was the simply the limitations of his philosophy being exposed by the evolving game. 'Go out and express yourself' was never going do it in the second decade of the 21st century. As for the cult followers, yes a strange phenomenon, never to be repeated in football I suspect. They're still here, telling us we're wrong to want change, still using redundant acronyms, even after that change has happened. That's why I really don't think it's sunk in for them that he's gone.

  33. peter wain

    Jun 20, 2018, 11:15 #110736

    Lets see who we sign. At the moment we do not appear to be signing top top quality but rather below that level. Of course they could come good spending millions like United have done does not necessarily win titles.

  34. Moscowgooner

    Jun 20, 2018, 9:41 #110734

    Over time, a certain slice of our support - the cultists if you like - fell for the same delusion as their Guru, that it was Arsene FC rather than Arsenal FC. Hopefully they will now transfer their affections to Kawasaki Frontale or wherever he finally ends up... AW: one of the great Arsenal managers but not the Greatest. And he stayed at least five seasons too long delaying the process of rebuilding and restructuring. Does that merit a stand and a statue? I think not. What are we going to do when Emery wins us the Champions League? Rename the borough?

  35. 1971 Gooner

    Jun 20, 2018, 9:36 #110733

    I think the key phrase in Robert's article is in the final paragraph: "Arsenal has become interesting again". The point being it is about Arsenal the club again, and not Arsene the individual. Whether or not things improve next season under Unai, both he and the team will enjoy the support of a much more united fanbase. That, after all, is what a football club should be about.