South Down Gooner: Batman Reboot

The IRS transfer triumvirate promises to deliver earlier in the summer than the days of old

South Down Gooner: Batman Reboot

Abaumeyang and Reus celebrate as Batman and Robin

Ed’s note – This piece submitted last week on the day the World Cup kicked off, and delayed by the diary pieces, of which the next one will be posted tomorrow (Friday)…

Hollywood loves a reboot, and at times movies aficionados will take a somewhat cynical look at a film studio’s latest attempt to wring money from the pursestrings of cinemagoers for what is sometimes a very poorly differentiated or inferior product to a film franchise’s previous incarnation. The formula is simple, take a tried and tested character or “franchise” that has become somewhat tired and stale over time and “re-imagine” it for the audience. The reboot invariably brings in a new director at the helm, with a different take on the characters and their motivations within the existing universe. Often characters are tweaked or sometimes eliminated altogether, while the main character’(s)’ modus operandi often reflects the changing contemporary society around them. The cinematography and overall look and feel also changes so it seems to the viewer that this is a whole new experience even if the character or franchise has been around for many many decades.

There are some great examples of this over time, take ‘Batman’ which given Aubameyang’s reputation for dressing up as the caped crusader seems an apt example to use. The comic book character went from a campy Adam West led 60s tv show and was transformed in the late 80s to a more film noir look in Tim Burton’s version. From here the iconic character returned to its 60s routes under Joel Schumacher (with bat nipples) before returning to form with Nolan’s take on the Dark Knight which was grounded in reality. More recent reboots have followed with Ben Affleck receiving mixed reviews for his newest version of Batman. Other franchises, often comic book based as the original source, have followed a similar route to rebooting over the years from Spiderman and Superman, to the X-Men and even James Bond.

In many ways the recent changes at Arsenal seem like a reboot is taking place. Now Arsenal isn’t a character and certainly not a franchise (it’s an awful word to describe a football club), but we certainly have a new man with a new vision, and while Emery’s title isn’t manager or director, as head coach he can start to look at the team and their style through a different lens. Hopefully the fresh approach results in success, and a new identity for Arsenal going forward. Perhaps like certain comic book characters when they are refreshed, we can go back to our more traditional routes as many film reboots often do when they become stale. I always recall that belligerent spirit of the George Graham era along with our defensive stability which was completely eroded away in Wenger’s later years, or even the sheer physicality and calculated nastiness that some of the great Arsenal teams always had along with the ability to play good football.

It isn’t just a reboot on the pitch either, certainly Arsenal’s attempts to become more contemporary in terms of our tactics and style also need to be complemented by our operational approach. The new power structure of Ivan, Raul and Sven supports this modern and without doubt continental style, meaning that our method of player recruitment is also changing. Time will tell whether we can truly pick those hidden gems that we were so good at doing nearly 20 years ago before the rest of English football’s scouting systems caught up and potentially have over taken us in this regard. Hopefully what it doesn’t mean is the tired and stale tactic of waiting until the end of the transfer window before doing anything at all continues, something the previous incarnation of AFC was continually guilty of. To be fair, judging by the various transfer gossip outlets, which we must take with a pinch of salt, it does look as if we are recruiting in those specific areas that have been crying out for attention in the past few years. So perhaps our updated “cast list” next season will provide a more balanced squad with some players getting a new lease of life with new coaching methods while others who have been over indulged will be moved on, unable to fit in with the demands of the new coach.

So what type of a reboot will it be? Will be get the Andrew Garfield Spiderman which was just a rubbish version of the Toby McGuire one, or do we become Nolan’s Batman? If it’s the former well we will be back where we started in 12-24 months’ time, but if it’s the latter, and to quote a line from the Dark Knight Rises “you’re in for a show tonight son”….

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  1. markymark

    Jun 27, 2018, 16:03 #110902

    MBG - you’d think the choice between a cowardly saving face exercise or simply saying to ToOaW that posting Paedo material is not on would be a simple task. However if you remember Jamerson said he and his father before him beat children as well as mentioning celebrity parties at their farm . Judging by what we know now it doesn’t bear thinking about . When pressed Baddie apparently found him funny as apparently he scattered the WOR ( whatever that meant ). Baddie has now made chums with 3 horrendous individuals. Despite his supposed lack of internet knowledge I’d say Baddie and his chronies are prime Dark Web material users.

  2. mbg

    Jun 26, 2018, 22:36 #110900

    Exeter Ex, dead right that's never going to happen, sorearse can wait as long as he likes but if he does have the nerve to appear again, no matter what guise it won't have blown over. Markymark, yes quite possibly he's/they've been shown the red card, so we can all get back to normal again now talking about and looking forward to exciting time ahead instead of having to spend time in the garden keeping weeds like those two down. Exciting times ahead.

  3. markymark

    Jun 26, 2018, 15:00 #110893

    MBG / Exeter - I think it’s nail hit on head . Personally B is now Voldemort who shall not be named so as not to encourage . A major tactical error on his part hanging with a thick drunkard. That’s now his third horrific pal. I hope the webmaster stays on the lookout for T so that he is identified early under a different guise. The ToOaW character should have been booted after 1 month considering he was simply a continuation of the banned Leak. Still think a word was had so now the site can broaden again with differing shades of opinion

  4. Exeter Ex

    Jun 26, 2018, 14:35 #110892

    Looks like post 116735 has done for the pair of them. Even Toady realises he can't go on after that (faux-indignation over something that hasn't actually happened the cover) and Badbum is left in a real bind. Either he tries to defend post 116735, or has to commit the ultimate taboo - criticise a fellow Wenger lover. Of course, he may be waiting and hoping that the whole thing will blow over in a cowardly fashion, but that's not going to happen.

  5. mbg

    Jun 25, 2018, 17:48 #110881

    Hee hee hee hee hee the perv thinks ten games into the season we'll be shouting for changes and a new manager ? and TOF back ? hee hee, somebody smack me on the back, ten games ? why not ten years ? you couldn't make it up.

  6. mbg

    Jun 25, 2018, 0:28 #110874

    markymark, I look forward to that myself, lol.

  7. mbg

    Jun 25, 2018, 0:17 #110873

    Exeter Ex, he's keeping his powder dry, hee hee, snuff powder that is.

  8. markymark

    Jun 24, 2018, 18:47 #110868

    Exeter - Baddies silence over posting 116735 is duly noted. Lack of moral fibre on Badarse’s behalf. I look forward to Badarse trying to hound us , By the time we finish discussing his best pals and his acceptance of their extreme morally reprehensible positions and comfort in their company I suspect we’ll end up with another posting such as 116684 (lucky to survive that one). The most important things are win lose or draw we have exciting times ahaed.!

  9. markymark

    Jun 24, 2018, 18:21 #110867

    Hope Baddie enjoyed his Momentum Meeting for Shining Path. Whilst the rest of us Rabble sadly had to watch Imperialist England beat plucky Panama 6-1 . It was tough but I managed it! Onwards England and Arsenal hoorah !

  10. Exeter Ex

    Jun 24, 2018, 17:13 #110866

    Given you think it's amusing to make up stories about people getting aroused in front of children I think departing now is a wise move, Toady. However we've heard these announcements before. As we have from Badarse, who still hasn't distanced himself from your reprehensible remarks. You go out as you came in - not understanding the meaning of the word fickle.

  11. TOOAW

    Jun 24, 2018, 16:56 #110865

    Simply put Ex because of people like you and the rest who claim to be ARSENAL supporters, with a clear exception of Badarse. Fickle Gooners. The whole lot of you. Think 10 games into the new season when the magic wand that the club has promised after Arsene and take note of our league position. Think who our owner is? Yep the man that everyone has hatred for. He's still taking your dollar fella but that's ok. The club is now fine and dandy since The greatest Arsenal manager decided to call it a day. I fear not. Have your website back. Break open the red or white because it's au revour from me. Hound em Badarse. It's all they deserve. Over and out.

  12. markymark

    Jun 24, 2018, 13:38 #110862

    So we have one poster who writes about groping woman but can’t decide what is and what isn’t sexist. Then we have his mate who writes paedophilic postings and these two are the future of Arsenal? Rather put full backing into Unai than stick with the Wenger predator boys.

  13. Exeter Ex

    Jun 24, 2018, 13:19 #110861

    Why is the club in a mess, Toady?

  14. TOOAW

    Jun 24, 2018, 12:26 #110860

    "I am the caped crusader eggseter eggman. I will rid these shores of Badarse and Toad man. It's my quest for the good of AFC to defeat these 2 fools"

  15. markymark

    Jun 24, 2018, 11:47 #110859

    ToOaW - stop trying to make out you’ve suddenly become nice - you’re a pervert.

  16. TOOAW

    Jun 24, 2018, 11:26 #110858

    Eggciting times ahead fellas. Sun lotion at the ready. ha ha ha.

  17. Exeter Ex

    Jun 24, 2018, 0:43 #110857

    Comment 116735 by TOOAW is really disturbing. Am assuming it will be deleted and the individual concerned will be banned. Hope to see Badarse on here condemning it. Surely his support for any individual that loves Wenger must have its limits. We'll see.

  18. Exeter Ex

    Jun 24, 2018, 0:26 #110856

    I think his carers need to reign him in, he's clearly not the full package. Why is the club in a mess, Toady? Why are you suddenly okay with such negativity towards your club, Badarse? Are you biding your time before wheeling out the 'I will not bend the knee' excuse again? If you think you can let a few hours pass then can just carry on as normal, you're mistaken. You upped the ante with your threats, that will not be let go.

  19. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 22:53 #110854

    ToOaW - you’re obviously a bit to thick to understand. If you want to banter around me consorting with adults that’s within limits. I’m actually worried for you , you are posting perverted material concerning children. It’s not a case of not being able to take it. It’s a case of whether you are posting borderline illegal material.

  20. TOOAW

    Jun 23, 2018, 22:27 #110853

    Ah bless poor Nark. One can give yet one can't take. Bless him. Good old Arsene.

  21. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 21:12 #110851

    ToOaW I’ve just reread your posting again - you’re borderline breaching the obscene publications act.

  22. mbg

    Jun 23, 2018, 21:10 #110850

    Some beautiful ladies In the crowd tonight, from both Germany and Sweden, gorgeous, thank you director and camera men for your panning around the ground, I hope their not being, or that doesn't make them sexist, petition time from the holier than thou AKB idiots.

  23. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 20:59 #110848

    MBG - I know mate it was very borderline wasn’t it. Banter is one thing disturbing imagery around children is quite another. It’s all within him isn’t it. Another of Baddies best Pals!

  24. mbg

    Jun 23, 2018, 20:52 #110847

    So not only do we have a racist and a bigot, one of them now turns out to be a pervert, disgusting, full credit to markymark for not responding and lowering himself to the same level.

  25. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 20:42 #110846

    ToOaW - indeed I am seconding other people’s comments as number of posters are wondering why your obsessed about Arteta ? I’m not embarrassed I’m happy with Unai. Have you accepted Wenger was sacked, have you accepted there will be no Wenger Way, have you accepted he didn’t choose his leaving date ? Why is the club in a mess ? Why do you keep referring to boys in your postings ?

  26. TOOAW

    Jun 23, 2018, 20:24 #110845

    Arteta fanboy. You are seconding other persons comments in reference to Arteta. It's your embarrassing post not mine. Admit you made a mistake and it would just make your life easier..... I'll give you credit in your predictions. Clearly, you 'assume' number 1 but I do tip my hat on the other 3 predictions. At least you've stated your idea of success with the new manager even though it may be quite low for a club like Arsenal.

  27. Paulward

    Jun 23, 2018, 20:03 #110844

    Suprised Wenger hasn’t been snapped up by Real/ PSG/ Barca really , I mean who wouldn’t want a man that hasn’t won a domestic league for 14 years and has never won a European trophy despite having more cracks at it than almost anybody else in history.? I think in time everybody will recognise the most overrated manager in football history.

  28. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 19:38 #110843

    Hello ToOaW - now you seem obsessed with boys ? You have a problem I think. The other major issue is Arteta who you mention on every posting but strangely not Unai. 1: Success would be you and Baddie actually attending as you seem determined to watch fat 50 year olds but not the actual team 2: Higher than 6th for a start with re-entry into 4th 3: More difficult to quantify but stop being the joke club with other players mouthing off about our weakness. 4: Winning the Europa.

  29. TOOAW

    Jun 23, 2018, 18:35 #110842

    Apologies for that JJ. But I was not guilty of the premature posting of the love fest of Mikel Arteta. Red faces and a smacked arse and reading the press BS were the downfall of Narky boy. Arsenal through and through JJ. Just hit me with your predictions for this forthcoming season and what you would see as success?? Maybe PC Ex & Arteta fanboy would like to chip in too ????

  30. jjetplane

    Jun 23, 2018, 18:05 #110841

    Tooawry Sure you're not the one who has a thing about Arteta. You're the one posting about him daily. But like Untold you cannot accept Unai who still have pics of Wenger wally all over their site. You are in a nowhere place and like your other uncle it is clear you have never been Arsenal but just an ineffective troll for a spent regime. Where's your uncle gone/where's your uncle gone/....far far away. Give it up 'fellah' .....

  31. TOOAW

    Jun 23, 2018, 17:17 #110839

    On the opposite side of the caravan site, Narky boy stood with just a pair of y fronts on. His belly clearly hanging over the waist. "Daddy, why are your pants light blue"... The fanboy turned and faced the juvenile. The boy saw that it said AAAHHTETA on the small front bulge. "Well sonny, I love Arteta and I believe he loves me. But please don't tell daddy" replied Nark. " Ok daddy. Mums the word" at that point PC Exeter rode past on his bike. " Morning children. Have you seen that rascal Badarse. I'm arresting him tonight if it kills me as he is public enemy no. 1". Arteta fanboys son yelled "he's in the club but beware it's a bit of a mess" " thanks son" replied PC Ex...... " Daddy" "yes son" " why is Artetas nose poking out of your pants"., "Bed.... Now" replied an embarrassed fanboy.

  32. mbg

    Jun 23, 2018, 16:16 #110838

    markymark, and playing hide and seek, you can just imagine the two half wits sitting in a caravan with a box over their head as the other one searches for him. There's only one Unai Emery.

  33. Exeter Ex

    Jun 23, 2018, 14:36 #110835

    Silence speaks volumes. Toady the anti-negative superfan cannot or will not say why the club is in a mess, preferring to leave the implication hanging. Brian "I reserve the right to defend against any baseless attack on my club, my manager, my players... I support all AFC managers equally" has, for once, nothing to say. And he wonders why he's accused of double standards and lying. Nothing we didn't know already, but both are thoroughly exposed here.

  34. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 14:00 #110833

    Toad and Brian sat in Jamee’s caravan. Even though it had seen better times and smelt of stale sweat and other body secretions it was a home from home for both of them. A safe sanctuary for men of their beliefs. Due to the heat both had stripped down to their underpants and string vests as they sat upon the nylon sheets. “Arsenal is a mess! Three signings already , it’s obvious their doing short cuts. Wenger proved that each transfer takes at least a year to scout, six months to decide and should only ever complete on the last day of the transfer window”. Said Toad. “Ee bah gum, there’re not super , super quality, Toadie my boy “ said Old Man Brian. “Emery’s a bastard and I’ll have him out within the month. They’ll be crawling back to Wenger ! FACT! “ spluttered Toad. Brian looked long into Toad’s eyes and said “Ooh, I just love it when you’re angry”. The sound of groaning could be heard across the campsite

  35. markymark

    Jun 23, 2018, 8:35 #110832

    Toady - just to repeat Exeter’s question - why is the club in a mess? Baddie do you agree with this ?

  36. mbg

    Jun 23, 2018, 0:31 #110831

    markymark, good point, for that to happen sorearse is going to have to go against and side against his fellow bigot and best mate, oh dear. Exciting times ahead.

  37. mbg

    Jun 23, 2018, 0:19 #110830

    markymark, good post, batted away for a six just like one of Ron's cricket batsman, and so easy, like it always is with both of them, the clubs in a mess fact ? after the best thing to happen to it for fourteen years happens, (and no doubt before that it wasn't)hee hee hee hee hee, thank fully I don't need nursing care or i'd have needed an Oxygen mask, more to be pitied than laughed at. Exciting times ahead.

  38. markymark

    Jun 22, 2018, 23:08 #110829

    Toady I’d have to do one hell of a lot of tongue near orifice to match your Wengogasm that’s been running for 15 years . But what now Toad? Wenger Boy has gone. The future is Emery . You are the past.

  39. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 22:57 #110828

    Why is the club in a mess, Toady? I'm sure Badarse will want to know for consistency's sake, as this is exactly the sort of comment he's been attacking on here for years. You don't want to let Badarse down, do you, Toady?

  40. TOOAW

    Jun 22, 2018, 22:48 #110827

    Arteta fanboy and his assumptions. Dontcha just love em. ha ha ha. Hating Emery???? When your head was up Mikel's backside!!!! Keep em coming fella. Hic hic.

  41. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 22:19 #110826

    Why is the club in a mess, Toady? There must reasons you've come to that conclusion, so what are they? You've always called negative comments anti-Arsenal, so how is your comment pro-Arsenal, by someone red and white down the middle? You surely have thought this through, so give us your reasoning. The floor is yours.

  42. markymark

    Jun 22, 2018, 22:17 #110825

    It’s an interesting point you make Exeter. Toad generally appears to have a lowered IQ and alcohol problems. Not something I’d throw at Baddie. Baddie of course will cling on to anyone who loved Wenger, be they racist , Alt Right Facists etc. However Baddie needs to show that he’s over Wenger and supports the new manager. Toad obviously hates him and has fallen away from his previous posts of being on board. This should lead to a split between the two Whack jobs. It’s always been obvious that Baddie completely ignored Leek/Toad when Westie was around. If Westie god forbid made an appearance Toad would be given the cold shoulder. Toad of course continues to crawl around as per usual.

  43. markymark

    Jun 22, 2018, 22:01 #110824

    Toady - good to see you relatively sober . You appeared extremely pissed the last you posted. Also good to see you trying to back Baddie as you may have spotted during his met down no one else was doing so. Baddie never attends has zero knowledge of Arsenal past Alan Ball and uses this site to fill up his meaningless hours . For someone who bleeds red and white he talks about non Arsenal matters getting on for 90% now. You obviously hate Emery . So you’re doing the clubs in a state bilge . No one agrees with you Toad . You can Fact it as much as you want. Across social media people are glad of the changes . All we now need is Ozil moved on and we’ll be doing just Dandy. Ps ; why wasn’t Wenger put on the board? Why no Wenger Way? It’s the Emery show now . You’re best moving on

  44. TOOAW

    Jun 22, 2018, 21:38 #110823

    Chief superintendent Exeter Ex..... The club is in a mess. Fact. Now by all means cut Badarse and myself in half and red and white will be evident. Now I'm not so sure about yourself. Grow up fella. Let it go with your infatuation with others. The defamatory WOR's are at it again and again and again and again.

  45. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 20:32 #110821

    Good to see the hangover has finally cleared, Toady. In your last comment you stated "a few months in and the club is a mess". For someone who claims to be always positive and supportive of the club, it seems a curious statement. Will you take this opportunity to elucidate? Curious also that Badarse, always on the lookout for any 'vitriol' aimed at 'his' club apparently and not just Wenger, choose not to pass comment on that one. I wonder what the underlying reason for both your behaviours in this instance could be?

  46. markymark

    Jun 22, 2018, 19:19 #110820

    Baddie - it must have been heartening seeing the number of posters supporting you ? Anyway moving on there are apparently 7 stages to acceptance of change. Yesterday you were going through anger. Today you are in the negotiation stage “it’s not really me guys, I didn’t do anything wrong” you are trying to bargain with the site posters. The final stage we are unlikely to witness as with acceptance will also cause your disappearance . Ps: I should add that one particular term I use seems to set you off in a hysterical froth. Now that’s where the truth lies old man. Your darkened soul has had a bit of exposure

  47. TOOAW

    Jun 22, 2018, 18:30 #110819

    Been away for a few days and it appears that all is not well in OG land. Death threat? Grow up Ex. Do you realize how stupid you look. Maybe you should begin commenting on AFC and take your infatuation elsewhere. Badarse really does rile you doesn't he?? Saying that, he rules you too!! Good evening Badarse... Eggsellent work as always. Good old Arsene.

  48. John F

    Jun 22, 2018, 17:55 #110817

    The great Norman Wisdom. I was told that a tourist bus would turn up outside his home on the isle of man at a set time.He would walk out into his garden,pretend he hadn't seen the bus and trip over and fall in the bushes.Always a clown.

  49. Yes its Ron

    Jun 22, 2018, 16:36 #110815

    1971 - A truly wonderful bowler matey as you say. An action to die for and menacing as were all of his mates, Walsh Patterson and Co who made up that famous 'artillery' of the mid to late 80s.

  50. 1971 Gooner

    Jun 22, 2018, 15:45 #110814

    Ron - you mention some great fast bowlers there mate. The best I saw in the flesh was the great Malcolm Denzil Marshall against England way back in the long hot summer of 1984. Running up behind the ump and emerging at the last minute to deliver a vicious outswinger somewhere around Warp 9. Also, as a former club cricketer I too can testify that being hit in the goolies with a cricket ball is significantly more painful than most things I experienced on a football pitch.

  51. mbg

    Jun 22, 2018, 14:56 #110813

    markymark, love it lol, might have to review my own security, i'll be watching out for an old mountain man in a donkey and cart wearing dungarees with a blanket wrapped around him coughing away, with bags of turf at the ready to attack.

  52. mbg

    Jun 22, 2018, 14:43 #110812

    Exeter Ex, yes embarrassing indeed, and in more ways than one I bet, I feel sorry for the carers and nurses who have to come after.

  53. Badarse

    Jun 22, 2018, 13:55 #110809

    Calm down my little double yolkers, life isn't that serious. Put an omelette on your heads, some porridge in your socks, and do the twist. You'll die laughing.

  54. FPGooner

    Jun 22, 2018, 13:38 #110808

    Acting as an unpaid, unloved and unrecognised guard dog for Margaret Thatcher, Jeremy Thorpe, Jeremy Corbyn, Alan Sugar, Arsene Wenger etc would normally attract labels such as ’simple' or ‘dim’ or be ‘invited’ to be a resident at a home for the criminally insane. But the internet, Badarse, affords you anonymity. Is Wenger above criticism? Posters on this site, myself included, have put passion and money into that decaying edifice, masquerading as a football club. With his departure, I look forward to the new season, for the first time in a decade. A Manager is paid to take flak when he underperforms; Wenger has had an incredibly easy ride in the media, in relation to his drivel. If you take offence at the vitriol hurled at him on this site, then you rightly will cop some of that vitriol, particularly when you come across as a insecure, self-righteous arse. So, what then is your raison d’être? When the wall came down in Eastern Europe, communists everywhere had to reposition their beliefs and question their existence. Some changed their political clothes, others stayed and took potshots at the new regimes springing up. Your analogy may lie further East. When Mullah Omar went hurtling into the desert on his motorbike in Afghanistan, the Taliban were rudderless, leaderless and defeated. Yes, stretching the analogy slightly. Wenger might take a chauffeur-driven limo to Upper Street or Totteridge. But the Wenger-loving Taliban are there taking potshots waiting for their erstwhile lord to return. Is that the future for you, Badarse?

  55. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 12:22 #110807

    Wanted to let everyone know that following Badarse’s repeatedy stated desire to beat me up, I agreed to meet him on Margate seafront, just under the Clocktower. Upon my arrival he went very red in the face and starting waving his stick: “I boxed in the army during the war, you know!”. (Or did he mean ‘WOR’?) I gently guided him to a promenade bench and called his carers. That was it, I'm afraid.

  56. jjetplane

    Jun 22, 2018, 12:16 #110806

    So all this O level soul searching is because one poster with little interest in football and a pedestrian view of socialism is unhappy because a crap manager and his useless staff have been kicked out of the club. My little contention here is said poster like one other has no great love for Wenger and never did. It was just something to hang the addictive trolling on to which like any addiction wends it's merry way to oblivion and thence to post oblivion. This is where said poster is now as he battles back and forth unaware of the transparency of his online pathology. It could happen to any of us so let him wend on and on and on as it does make semi decent entertainment although that is not the intention as what said poster finds oh so tickling is really quite sad. Think he would do well to chat online with Mr Atwood over at the Temple of The Children of Wenger as pastor Atwood too kept all his CND badges with attached combat jacket and so they could merrily dissect societal ills as they ponder the neo-rabbleisation (sic) that now fully own AFC as they did in the past. Now about that Croatian performance in the second half - pure Shakespeare making this the oddest of WCs which must have marketing forces floundering in their attempts to keep up. Thanks for the travelogue Kevin. You really are a good writer. Here's to Unai and a new world and Holloway becoming Holloway again. Next best thing to Highbury. Just realised I coincided with a tomato and mushroom omelette with dry sourdough and Oolong tea.

  57. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 11:37 #110805

    "the language used by Eggman and the Nark is defamatory" but physical threats are just part of a 'jokey, exposing manner'. Wanting to change a failing manager = inadequate, puerile, transparent individual. Wanting failing manager to stay on = happy, fulfilled and very, very strong (can physically threaten anyone) pensioner. Welcome to the world of Badarse. Nurse, the meds have worn off...

  58. Badarse

    Jun 22, 2018, 11:19 #110804

    Bard that was a funny post again and very much appreciated. Just as an aside the language used by Eggman and the Nark is defamatory. Constantly calling me a liar and much worse. It should be taken with a pinch of salt, though I do not use salt anymore and sugar just doesn't do it for me. It is a personal and ongoing battle between us as it was with AKB(and we all know what the B stood for). I haven't much regard for jj and he none for me which suits. A few barbs here and there amounts to nought, but Eggman is a seriously challenged individual and has OCD. Nark has nothing but a serious incomprehension of life and a fixation with me due to emptiness in his life. Am really disappointed to learn the truth behind Norman Wisdom though.

  59. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 11:04 #110803

    I look forward to you 'hounding' me, Badarse. I'm sure that's going to work out very well for you. You've always got the better of these exchanges in the past haven't you? Witness just how many sabbaticals I've needed. In the end, after all your addled babbling, the simple truth remains - you wrote about groping, someone else used the term 'attractive ladies', you call them sexist for that = you're a massive hypocrite. You react to your exposure with threats. I look forward to seeing your hounding and tripping - you must have evidence to back it up, as I have against you? Or are there just going to be more physical / death threats? Please bring it on. Truly shameless and clueless.

  60. Badarse

    Jun 22, 2018, 10:38 #110802

    We are all victims of our natures. Mine is placid, calm and uninterrupted, that is until I detect an injustice then all changes. I hold on repeatedly and combat by insulting in a joking exposing manner the culprits. Sometimes I want to strike out, I don't though, quite normal? I think so. As for you Eggman I have long since given up the ghost to communicate on the OG so just use the device to trip up, or illustrate silly twits like yourself. Saying I shall be forced to leave the OG is a way of ensuring that I shall remain and hound you, so target achieved, ha ha. As for 'ladies' and 'women' as arguments I am very relaxed about most terms as we are travelling through a period of great change, and the intellects of many faux liberals cannot stay in time with most, hence overreactions, misconstruing, muddled thought, (are you hearing all this Nark?). Humans react to change adversely, much to do with the driving force of the WOR who believe success on the pitch enhances their own identities, and can account for much vitriol directed at Arsene Wenger. It's puerile, and transparent. Regarding 'women/ladies' AFC have renamed the female team as Arsenal F.C to claim parity with the men's team. Only if a specific is required do they then respond to Arsenal Women, and not Ladies anymore. Another step in the right direction because ladies carries with it an inferior tone, and slightly demeaning. It works in informal situations but can denigrate in professional circumstances. It is difficult to get used to all this changing of this and that but it is necessary. My jibe was just that, a jibe. I personally don't care if MAYDUP man is a sexist or not, I wanted to offer the aggressive style of Eggman/Nark approach. However the tone of wanting to watch WC footie because you sometimes get close up snaps of attractive women on screen displays an inherent childlike and slightly chauvinistic personality disorder. I am sure most women would agree with that assumption, but one would hope they would take it sensibly and with yet another pinch of salt as I really did. Now sprinkle your salt on your bald eggs gentlemen.

  61. markymark

    Jun 22, 2018, 9:25 #110801

    Exeter Ex - Oh goodness me I hope it wasn’t the revelation of Wengo’s rapper affair caused all this ? I’m ok but I have invested in a stab proof vest , improved cctv systems and I’m on the lookout for a very short man in a duffle coat / dirty Mac driving a Trabant.

  62. Bard

    Jun 22, 2018, 9:18 #110800

    John F, why of course but Im a touch paranoid as you might have noticed. Baddie mate you have to calm down. I used to feel the same way about Norman Wisdom. Every time he fell down on set I would be up in arms writing to the BBC. It became a way of life. I just couldn't let it go. But once I understood he was just a well paid comedian and not a comedic deity who understood the meaning of life, I got well quite quickly.

  63. Exeter Ex

    Jun 22, 2018, 9:01 #110799

    I think what happened yesterday was just a more extreme version of what happens with Badarse all the time. 1. Someone says something 'not nice' about AW. 2. Badarse feels obliged to react with a personal attack on one or more posters. 3. He's astounded when he gets it back, starting tripping over his own hypocrisies, contradictions and double standards as they're placed in front of him. 4. He gets so flustered, stumbling and falling all over the place, he ends up lashing out and deeply embarrassing himself. It's the same pattern every time, but he never ever learns no matter how many times he's told by others, just ignore those posts or posters, even after agreeing with them. This suggests an ossified brain, no longer capable of taking in new information. It doesn't happen to all old people, but it does seem to have happened to him. But yesterday was really extreme. "say them to my face and there would not be cretinsx2 anymore" That's actually a death threat, isn't it?

  64. mbg

    Jun 22, 2018, 0:46 #110797

    markymark, yes what a meltdown, never seen anything like it, just as well there's no voice facilities or something like that, it doesn't bear thinking about what would have happened, I wonder what set it off, nerve hit alright, something hit home, something very sinister here indeed, might have to be delved into, the truth has a weird effect on some they just can't handle it after years and years of lies, maybe it would be worth saving his posts and getting them analysed. A long break needed indeed, hopefully he'll take your advice, but like I said he loves pain.

  65. jjetplane

    Jun 21, 2018, 21:17 #110796

    Just got in from my new job which is in perfect isolation though in touch with potentially anyone. Thought poor old Messi looked very pasty the other day and think he is due a rest from saving football. Croatia hey and must say my favourite ladies so far were the Iranian ones with their headscarves. Arab women are so beautiful and you would love to see a travelblog of their adventure at the WC. That would be great. First love of my life was a girl from the Lebanon and like Cornish, I love cycling and hoping to buy a new bike very soon. Enough of me but suffice to say the fresh air blowing through Arsenal culture is a real motivator. Unai - we love ya already!

  66. markymark

    Jun 21, 2018, 20:40 #110795

    Baddie - wow , just wow! One of the most spectacular meltdowns since Super Mug Colesey’s keyboard warrior threats and subsequent ban. What caused it I wonder? Just a few brief questions over your past and see the result. Looks like we hit something very very sensitive and personal. Needs more digging I feel. Now despite the farcical element of an 80 year old attempting some gunfight at the OK Coral. We really do need to reign you in . That’s now the Third lot of threats from you , so in my book that justifies a ban. It would actually do you some good as that clanking conveyor belt is only gong one way. Too many of these meltdowns and you might expire. So perhaps Mrs Badarse can have a word. From what little life experience I have I’m very cynical about people’s claims. More often than not the big hero turns out to be a charlatan who was no where near the action. I suspect the SAS, US Marine Corp and Seals have 10 times the amount of people saying they were part of it than were actually serving. I see this in you. All these calls about cowardice all these big claims for yourself ( always a bit vague I notice ) The world of Charlatans and rogues spring to mind. You are right about one thing in that anyone can claim anything on this site. However the only person claiming is you pal. The rest of us are opinionated but claim little . ( I think Cornish claims he likes cycling) so that’s about it. You though, oh how you claim and all we do is match and compare then simply draw a conclusion. This latest posting of yours shows you can’t handle it. We’ve obviously hit a nerve. I’d take a very long break if I were you.

  67. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 19:25 #110794

    Just watched BBC 1 interviewer Jason Mohammed take delight interviewing some beautiful Croation lady fans with their football tops on out side the ground on their view on the match (I hope he's not been sexist, according to one sado he probably is )does anyone care if their gay ? there were lads there two with their football shirts on does any one care if they were gay ? all football having a good time enjoying themselves supporting their team/country, does any one care what their sexual orientation is ? of course not, except one sad bigoted individual who'll probably have something to say about/on it.

  68. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 18:10 #110793

    Bard, nice one, proper comedy, although we do laugh at other posts, but for different reasons of course.

  69. John F

    Jun 21, 2018, 17:56 #110792

    Bard I think you may have misinterpreted your therapist she probably didn't shout sad f*** but saeid as in saeid Ezatulali the Iranian midfielder. She sounds like she is gripped by world cup fever too.

  70. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 17:54 #110791

    Exeter Ex, good post, yes mate, hypocrisy at the highest level if there was any thing the idiot was good at or an expert in, it's that, exposed at every turn yet again and so easy to do too, and in he jumps, and he's to stupid to even see and realise it, and as always when that happens his true colours always come out, threats and bigotry, how many times must he be exposed and have his arse smacked before he realises, but still he comes back for more, boy he must love pain, there's a name, and a place for people like him, (I wonder would he rather have a beautiful young lady or an eighty year old granny with no teeth do it) and no i'm not being sexist to grannies, idiot, yes a perfect description of a sad bigoted individual, pathetic, laughable an embarrassment.

  71. jjetplane

    Jun 21, 2018, 16:23 #110790

    Quick listen of Peru before some work. Peru are really interesting with a unique style of play. Sounds like they are troubling France a bit though no doubt the French should scrape it. Missing Peru already! Whew! Bit of drama on here! Bloody cyberspace hey! Do hope Unai is watching the Peruvians.

  72. Exeter Ex

    Jun 21, 2018, 15:47 #110789

    There we see it again, triggered. Cannot cope with having his manifest hypocrisy exposed and loses control of himself. 'female with the boobs' is 'silly joking' yet 'attractive young ladies' is 'sexist'. The absolute heights of hypocrisy and he knows it, so what does he resort to again? The physical threats. Not once: "I'd enjoy you saying it to my face oh brave one" Not twice: "You'd both run a mile, or be advised to" But three times: "say them to my face and there would not be cretinsx2 anymore". Then compounds that with more dark allusions to "who I have known would perhaps blow you away". There is nothing more pathetic and cowardly than making physical threats from behind the safety of a computer screen. And yet he has the temerity to call the other cowardly whilst doing it. What a sad, laughable, pathetic individual. He's absolutely outdone himself now, what a huge embarrassment. I wouldn't be such a clown as to make physical threats online, Badarse, but I will continue to expose you for what you are until you are gone from the site. It's been done before and it'll be done again. That said, surely even you - even you - will reread your last post and realise what you've done, and now quietly disappear. There's no way of carrying on after that.

  73. Badarse

    Jun 21, 2018, 15:15 #110788

    Afternoon my little cretinsx2. Firstly the daft and nasty POV is what was being referred to in my post, but cretinx1 is too pedantic to comprehend so sets off in cowardly fashion attacking spitefully for no better reason than a hatred of me; I don't think hatred too strong an expression either. Just a clown. As for cretinx2 he cannot produce the post of the silly joking 'female with the boobs' and is still latched onto sexism. He is so naff he calls me a liar and hypocrite and I'd enjoy you saying it to my face oh brave one, the same as cretinx1. You'd both run a mile, or be advised to. As for all said before it's something you either accept or dismiss, yet you choose to call me a liar cretinsx2. Are you also liars? We only have your words that you are who you say you are. Who I know or have known would perhaps blow you away, take it with a pinch of salt, in fact allow me to administer those pinches. As for your cryptic slandering of racist, homophobe, sexist, liar, groper, cheat...anything I've missed? Well as I said say them to my face and there would not be cretinsx2 anymore. Now carry on with the frivolity, and all the other cowardly suckers masquerading as Arsenal fans can come out from behind the sofas as I have vented my spleen.

  74. Yes its Ron

    Jun 21, 2018, 15:12 #110787

    CG - yes , recall Hall and Griffith in WI teams of my schooldays. Such a pity to see WI test cricket where it is now. Much missed and much needed back at the top! Sobers was the cricketing Ronaldo wasnt he. Recall his 6 6s off Gloucestershire bowler when at school. Such a humble bloke too. Yes, point taken exactly about injuries. I wonder if Ozil would ever field at mid on?

  75. jjetplane

    Jun 21, 2018, 15:09 #110786

    Funny post there BARD & someone seems to think he taught you how to do that. That is also funny and more so because of the lack of intention. Same person should reread BARD and get a few tips. Then again ... Anyway on to cricket which I loved in primary school with a soft ball but on trying the real thing went back to footer. Thing is - cucumber sarnies - with or without crusts? Missing too many games now though still loving Iran and that throw in was priceless.

  76. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 15:01 #110785

    Sorearse, wrong again, first of all I described them as beautiful young ladies not woman, can't you read, or is your medication affecting you ? or is it too much jello and you were caught short and lost your place and forgot where you were ? where I come from describing someone as a beautiful young lady is a complement, but you wouldn't know or see that, such is your hatred for them with your disgusting sexist remarks towards the fairer sex, as for the gay community, adult heterosexuals, why bring them into it ? what have they got to do with it ? the ladies I was describing could have been gay, something which didn't put me off typing that description, (but your to stupid to realise that such is your bigotry and hatred towards all groups)and if they were their still just as beautiful, do you not think so ? have you ever payed anyone a compliment apart from racists ? as for heterosexuals what have you brought them in to it for, i'm sure there's thousands of beautiful heterosexuals who can be described as such and indeed agree with me that the ladies were beautiful and aren't bigots like you, and i'm quite sure there's plenty of those groupings who go to Arsenal (unlike yourself) and on here also and are very welcome unlike bigots and racists like you and won't be impressed with their good name/names being brought up on a football site by petty bigots like you. So jog on nice try but no cigar or no score.

  77. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 21, 2018, 14:57 #110784

    Ron. Yes, I’m a cricket fan, but only when we’re winning! I’ve only been to Trent Bridge once, briefly. I travelled up to Nottingham with the Arsenal supporters club, to watch us play Forest, back in the day when we played in navy away kit. We arrived early, so to kill time we went in to TB to watch a few overs of a Notts. match. Yes, I remember ‘Lillian Thomson’, but my first recollection of intimidatingly fast bowling would have been Hall and Griffith. On WI cricket I saw them v England at the oval. Sobers was brilliant in his prime. Ah, the good old days. Contrast players: Portugal’s Pepe is patted on the back and goes down as if he’s been pole axed. Tim Paine receives a ball in the face and carries on playing after treatment.

  78. Yes its Ron

    Jun 21, 2018, 14:25 #110783

    CG - Youre a cricket fan i recall? You emntion Trecnt Bridge. It always takes me bac when i hear its name as i recall being there to see Lillee, Thomson and a guy named Bob Massie rip England out back early 70s. Massie hadnt been heard of until that series and he ended up with about 20 odd wickets at the end of it and the Thomson bowling was totally brutal and only borderline legal. These footie players and having bottle etc etc. Makes me smile. Facing up to a genuine quick bowler from 22 yards is far more than any footie player will ever experience as a call upon courage. Just facing good quicks in local club cricket is bad enough. In my view nobody has ever created cranage like Thomson did. Lillee was the greatest quick ive ever seen along with Alan Donald. Thomson was the most dangerous though followed by Holding who was as good as Lillee.

  79. mbg

    Jun 21, 2018, 14:03 #110782

    Yes and just like the Rocky movies, with the same boring actor (what an apt name/title) with same boring accent being knocked out on his arse and embarrassed and humiliated on numerous occasions but such was his ego and arrogance kept coming back for more. Our new director certainly has had a different take on the rest of the boring characters also, replacing them all with fresh new actors, Oscar material ones not the Z listers that were already there, well done the new casting crew, good luck the new cast. Great article Pradeep.

  80. markymark

    Jun 21, 2018, 14:02 #110781

    Baddie just a few pointers for you - you have written lines about groping woman. Something that if you actually carried out would be sexual assault . At times you’ve tried to deny this and at other times claimed it was a joke . You’ve specifically attacked the Jewish religion calling it misguided. You didn’t quantify this such as all religions are misguided. You just picked on Jews. Your pal Jamerson was sexist , bigoted , rascist and said he physically assualted children. You said he was funny. Your other pal ToOaW repeatedly uses the term thick Paddy . You denied he was rascist . You have linked WOR to effeminate behaviour in the past as well. We have caught you telling a number of untruths . I spotted that you mention that you knew a number of celebrities in the past then clammed up to never mention it again. Similarly you dropped a little nugget about some of your Vanguard for change ending up in trouble? You know what I’m getting at don’t you Baddie? Civil Liberties , Sub Grouos , Vanguard of Change then mass arrests in the 1980’s. I think you may be a dark figure. So looking at all of the above where do you think you sit? Liar ? , Charlatan ? Hypocrite ? Remember you’re the one doing the moral high standing after all . we’re just Rabble apparently?

  81. markymark

    Jun 21, 2018, 13:41 #110780

    Exeter - many thanks I couldn’t put it better myself. I’m really scratching my head in regard to Baddies reply. Apart from the fact the old fool spends around 80% of the time talking about Eggs, he is now dragging a young child’s death into the postings ( perhaps better done as an OP?) rather than used as a poor old me defence . It Just sounds bad taste . However really not vacuous just sadly the truth.

  82. Yes its Ron

    Jun 21, 2018, 13:37 #110779

    CG - Hi matey. No, i wished i had have been. Amazing. Its a great track there for batting though most of the time. Often flat as the proverbial witches t-t. One of my favourite test venues, if not the fave. Aussie one day cricket seems in a mess on the face of it but there are actually some good players in there who ll mature like ours have i think. England excellent. Pity the Test side cant follow suit. Down near Portsmouth now. Heading off to Caen Fri morn.

  83. A Cornish Gooner

    Jun 21, 2018, 13:17 #110778

    Ron. No posts on Tuesday. Were you at Trent Bridge? I almost felt sorry for the Aussies. Almost.

  84. Badarse

    Jun 21, 2018, 12:00 #110777

    Bard I am so pleased that the OG Virtual writing classes are proving so productive, good work buddy. We have failures as well as the occasional success, Re: Nark as an example. Real life event. A Gooner chum and his Gooner family lost their little baby boy at birth. Very tragic. They had a mini Arsenal kit for him so he wore it when he was buried. They sent out an open invite to close friends and family to come in Arsenal colours of any description. We all wore shirts, (some even wore trousers). The vicar asked if he could wear his Arsenal shirt for the service as by a fluke he too was an Arsenal fan. I loved it. Very poignant but it elevated the sad occasion with a degree of lightness. Not all I post is gibberish.

  85. Exeter Ex

    Jun 21, 2018, 11:57 #110776

    The following actually happened: Dick Laws missed a flight to go and sign a player. Wenger went to see the Pope on deadline day. Wenger had an affair with a rapper in Paris. Not fake news. But Badarse being so poorly informed is how he's able to keep up his illusion of who Wenger is, of course. And for someone who's written groping poetry to accuse someone who states they saw an attractive woman on the TV of sexism... what a disgusting old hypocrite.

  86. Bard

    Jun 21, 2018, 11:15 #110775

    JohnF, thanks for your concern. Things are up in the air at present. My wife organised a surprise marriage therapy session last night which I found very disconcerting. She listed a whole tranche of disappointments and grievances. I missed the births of our 2 children, Bardo and Bardetta because I was at Arsenal away matches. I apparently spoiled Badetta’s wedding day by wearing the 1996 Arsenal away kit. I told the therapist it was because the in laws were spuds and it was a matter of honour. Didn’t go down well. She asked me if there were things in the marriage I was unhappy about. I said that the cleaning could be more thorough and the cooking could do with an update but generally I was ok. It was at that point John that I glanced at my watch and realised that the Iran v Spain match was due to start in half an hour. So I interrupted the therapist who I think was rabbiting on about me having some sort of narcissistic disorder, to tell her I had to leave pronto. As I left I think she shouted out something that sounded like you ‘sadf***’. As I drove home I wasn’t sure whether this was a revised clinical diagnosis or a term of abuse. More late.

  87. Yes its Ron

    Jun 21, 2018, 11:02 #110774

    Have to say ive never seen 'sheer physicality' or 'calculated nastiness' in any Arsenal team ive ever watched. We became a hard team from 1969 - 72 period as most teams did back then so to keep pace with Leeds and Liverpool. We also gave emphasis to solidity in defence. I think Arsenals 'identity' has been pretty well held since the 30s, has been changed since Arsenes early years and may well be sent back towards a more disciplined approach under this Coach. What yr not going to see though is heavy duty physicality as occurred back in the day as the rules now simply dont allow it. Its always a good idea to see classic old film of 70s games. The hardness etc etc we hear of today in contect of Arsenal is a but of a myth, equally as much so is the notion that we didnt play good football. We had very skilled players back then supplemented by such as Storey and Kelly as was required for the football of the times. Our 'cynicism' never got close to Leeds mastery of it and the black arts.

  88. Badarse

    Jun 21, 2018, 10:41 #110773

    What a vacuous post Nark. Empty of anything worthwhile just your version, (or is that the rabble's version?), of fake news. A personal spiteful piece of drivel laced with vitriol aimed at an ex-manager of AFC. Your previous post on the other article gives you away, (who would pay, I ask?), my centrist right wing chum. As does the MAYDUP man's sexist post. Exciting times ahead he proclaimed as he saw attractive women on screen. I expect it was a short-lived exciting time whilst he sat alone in his large, orange, cardboard egg box. Wonder if the gay community or even the adult heterosexuals were so excited by the glimpse of a female on a screen. I'm tempted to say, 'Fill your boots!' but the cutaway toecaps would just leak it out.

  89. markymark

    Jun 21, 2018, 7:24 #110771

    Three things will now work in our favour. 1:) Raul , Ivan and Sven will be competent enough to catch the right flight , unlike Dick Laws. 2:) Our new Manager wont be popping to Rome to see the Pope, shagging Rapper in Paris or spending time giving mundane commentary on French TV. 3:) When player is identified the hopelessly muddled Wenger won’t be making the final decision . With three ridiculous elements removed we may stand a chance.