A History of Arsenal v Racing Club de Paris 1930-1962

Author tells us about his book covering club’s regular friendlies over 32 years

A History of Arsenal v Racing Club de Paris 1930-1962

Too Dearly Loved To Be Forgotten, a self-published book about the 32 year history of the regular Arsenal v Racing Club de Paris friendlies, was a project that very quickly turned into an obsession which took over my life and everyone’s around me as well. Coming from a family of Arsenal supporters who hailed from Islington (and knowing the stories of Chapman’s glory years from them) I had this book in my mind for a while, but it wasn’t until I saw a photograph of the 1947 match between for sale on ebay that I decided to take this idea more seriously. Where do you start? All I had was an idea, a photograph and a set of results from the series that stretched back to the thirties.

I bit the bullet and started the long haul of research. Over a period of four years, I trawled through newspapers in the British Newpaper Library, found the French equivalent in Paris, and started to compile events, places, matches and players. I also found films taken by British Movietone, Pathé News and others of some of the matches which proved to be invaluable as I could actually view the games and write a match report on them as best I could. Photographs came from many sources both here and abroad (mainly through ebay), and I found that there were many pre-war magazines from the continent still around that carried both match reports and pictures of the games that were useful too.

My research also meant that I came into contact with Arsenal programme collectors, one of whom helped above and beyond the call of duty. He possessed many of the Arsenal-Racing programmes in his collection, and for a small fee was quite willing to scan them in for me to use in my book, all of which I have used throughout the pages. I also found a serious Arsenal collector who obtained Don Roper’s medal from the 1951 match, which he allowed me to use in the colour section as well. The Arsenal Museum were also extremely helpful too, with the curator taking a picture of the trophy that both sides played for, as well as finding out valuable information from the Arsenal club archives that I was able to use.

I also managed to compile a list of teams, scorers and player appearances from the match; only two games eluded me, but aside from that, the records section is as accurate as I could find it. Aside from the Arsenal-RCP matches, I thought it would be interesting for the reader to read about the history of not only these games, but also the history of football throughout the decades that these matches cover. I thought it would be interesting as well to insert contemporary cartoons that reflect the matches (and the era too), as often cartoonists capture the mood of the times more accurately than social commentators.

In my research I found out that after the appalling human cost of the First World War, in which thousands of men were maimed and seriously injured, a unique and original idea was thrust into action by Jean-Bernard Lévy, owner of rising French football club Racing Club de France in the summer of 1930. He proposed an annual charity match between the emerging Parisians and Arsenal Football Club of London, England, who had just won their first FA Cup and were on course for the First Division Championship (their first triumph) the following season with all proceeds going to injured and disabled French servicemen from the Great War which finished twelve years previously.

The first match was truly the stuff of legends; after being 1-2 down at half-time, Herbert Chapman’s imperious Arsenal team literally steamrollered their hosts and ended up 7-2 victors at the end of the match. Because of the frenetic Parisians (and also the large amount of money raised), Arsenal were invited back again the next year, and every year after that until 1962, allowing for the hiatus of the Second World War of course.

Only on two occasions did Racing Club de Paris play at Highbury; in 1932 (just after their name change) and again in 1954. Of the 27 matches that were played, Arsenal were victorious on 19 occasions, Racing Club four, and the same amount of matches were drawn. Reflecting all this information, the book is lavishly illustrated with rare photographs, medals, programmes and contemporary cartoons; there are also eight colour pages as well as an extensive records section. All in all, it’s a superb addition to any football library, and a must for all Arsenal supporters who are hungry for knowledge about this wonderful club’s illustrious history.

Being in the printing industry, I was able not only to typeset my book, but design it as well; in fact all that you see in my book has been put together by myself – I did everything bar the printing! I bought the fonts, designed the cover, and paid for the use of illustrations and photographs from the copyright holder wherever appropriate. In short, all my own work, and I can say that I’m very proud of this fact too.

Too Dearly Loved To Be Forgotten: Arsenal v Racing Club de Paris 1930-1962 by Steve Ingless (Rangemore Publications, ISBN 978-1-5272-0135-4) is now available on Amazon, price £19.99.

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  1. markymark

    Jul 04, 2018, 18:04 #110982

    Baddie your 80+ age group are seen as a problem generation when it comes to child protection. Your group who were sexually active within the 1960’s and 70’s . You mixed sexual freedom with grabbing what you could as long as it suited your agenda. Your Vanguard of change friends PIE did the exact same, hanging onto radical gay rights to attempt to install complete removal of age of consent . Parading around as psuedo scientific they were in fact the ultimate dirty Mac brigade . Harriet Harman defended them, the young Liberals supported them ( Peter Hain honourable exception ) and Leon Britten failed to ban them. Senior MI6 executive was a member along with the chief protection officer in the UK. Thank God sanity started prevailing in the 1980’s with prison terms for those who didn’t flee. Oh of course the MI6 man was sentenced in secret and got off scott free. I presume it is this mob you mean when you said some of your Vanguard for change ended up in prison . Your silence over paedophillia is deafening .

  2. mbg

    Jul 04, 2018, 17:58 #110981

    jj, Exeter Ex, yes, laughable isn't it/he, knowing he's well and truly beaten now (but of course we've known that for a long long time) arse smacked raw (he probably loves that)and sent away with his wengerite tale between his legs every time he makes an appearance, now trying to worm his way back in with a good old Unai lol (probably crying and apologising to his messiagh as he typed it) like nothing ever happened no explanations, answered questions, apologies, etc, not a fooking chance.

  3. Exeter Ex

    Jul 04, 2018, 15:16 #110980

    Give it up for god's sake, Badarse. You've been seen through and your attempts at distraction don't work anymore. And you and Toady only have yourselves to blame. Nobody else made him write paedophilic material. Nobody else made you be clearly okay with it.

  4. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2018, 14:32 #110979

    Trying to make out he is in the Unai camp. Laughable as you tease out his little warring factions lying in a mud of alterity. Next week it will be Good old Joe Baker who he probably never saw at Highbury cause he was being taken to see Leeds by his dad. Just watched the penalty shoot out again! Sheer joy and no Wenger to boot! Try and enjoy England - it will help through the understandable grieving process. In a season's time you will be like we have been for years - Arsene who? ps do feel a bit worried for Carlos who has upset the Cartels no end so I guess his team mates at the Totts will rally around for him. Unai - wishing you a lovely summer and looking forward to you turning Wenger's massive blunder around.

  5. mbg

    Jul 04, 2018, 14:31 #110978

    I know they've won fookall yet, only a pen shootout, but genuinely pleased and over the moon, proper real menteell speeritt shown by Southgate and players there, and not the shyte wenger spouted about his little nice boys. Exciting times ahead.

  6. Badarse

    Jul 04, 2018, 13:53 #110977

    The man was leaving; the news reverberated in his head. Question followed question: How would he cope without him? When is an omelette over-egged? How can so many owe so much to so few on the OG and not realise it? Yes it was confirmed, he was going, Eddie Mair was leaving PM on Radio 4.It had come as a shock. He stared defeat in the face but in his red and white flip flops they just stared straight back-in a flipping floppy way. He was still trying to work out FPGooner's post and now this! There was lots of froth on the floor some might say scum, but not he. He lent some consideration to others at 50p per hour and two free range eggs as deposit. Good old Unai.

  7. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2018, 12:35 #110976

    Ha ha not Borough but very lowly Eastbourne Utd who like England have a very young team though the fast rising Langley Wanderers are all the talk of the town so in tier 9 for the coming season we have 3 teams and with Bexhill outfit Little Common sharing our ground that makes 4. County Football is alive and kicking and of course down here on the coast it's England mad at the moment with everyone walking around with dazed smiles. Incredidle WC and perhaps the reason the site's AKB trolls are not enjoying that is because there much heralded Wenger English spine is like their pet uncle, a thing of the past. 22 years at it and he is forgotten already. When Saturday Comes we are in the quarter finals against Sweden! That along with Wenger's diplomatic dismissal makes football such a joy!

  8. Radfordkennedy

    Jul 04, 2018, 12:16 #110975

    Jj...it did make me chuckle when one of their players squared upto maguire,of all the players to pick on!,Love the way it's giving communities a lift I must say....are you still following the fortunes of Eastbourne Borough I think it was

  9. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2018, 11:54 #110974

    With you on that RK. Cannot wait for Friday and strange to report I have drunk a lot more water and the herbal teas are flying. Last night was pure torture and the best English win since I was a 10 year old. McGuire must be worth god knows what and having 3 spuds putting the penalties away says a lot about the current state of that club. I guess the Trolls are off licking their wounds again. Must be something for them now they find they don't like Arsenal without Wenger. Untold still not giving up the ghost though now pretending they always were happy for a change to come. Atwood is squirming like the trolls.

  10. Radfordkennedy

    Jul 04, 2018, 9:45 #110973

    There's only so much punishment the human form can stand,a never ending quest of sheer guts and determination to get the job done no material what, I'll tell you....6 packs of thatchers cloudy apple...4 tubes of pringles and 2 kettle lightly salted..it's a test of endurance I can tell you...absolutely loving the World Cup

  11. mbg

    Jul 03, 2018, 23:03 #110972

    Like I've said on many an Occasion never had great love for international football overall but Cheering on England and wanting them to win tonight, (especially because of the keepers great save just before the equaliser) even more than Arsenal, thanks wenger, you f*****g c**t.

  12. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2018, 22:21 #110971

    Bloody hell - that was seriously mental! Came back well in the 2nd half of extra time which gave the confidence for a shoot-out. Well deserved though Rashford needs a bigger run out and the Arnold lad needs a start because he is already as good as Ashley Cole. Brilliant stuff! phew!

  13. John F

    Jul 03, 2018, 22:11 #110970

    Phew!thought Southgate had blown it by taking the two fastest players off and replacing them with Steptoe and his horse when England were in control hitting them on the break.The way I'm looking at it is if you're lucky you get to see 20 world cups and to see England get to a final is a rarity despite the spuds in the team.Long way to go but England should beat Sweden but if they meet Croatia England may struggle.

  14. markymark

    Jul 03, 2018, 21:58 #110969

    Brilliant stuff !

  15. mbg

    Jul 03, 2018, 21:52 #110968

    Well done England, great pens, well apart from one.

  16. markymark

    Jul 03, 2018, 21:02 #110967

    Toad it’s not WOR it’s WOW - Wenger Out Winners Yes you are right paedophillia upsets us. Dirty Mac Brigade = ToOaW and his handler Badarse

  17. mbg

    Jul 03, 2018, 20:58 #110966

    Holy fook, lets see what this England team are made off now.

  18. TOOAW

    Jul 03, 2018, 20:45 #110965

    The WOR's are upset.... Nose growth is natural fellas. good old Arsene.

  19. mbg

    Jul 03, 2018, 20:33 #110964

    Exeter Ex, love it, hee hee.

  20. markymark

    Jul 03, 2018, 20:13 #110963

    Toady - life must be boring, just you , your Dirty Mac and the Dark Web.

  21. mbg

    Jul 03, 2018, 19:57 #110962

    A Cornish Gooner, it wouldn't make any difference to the idiot joke of the site, he'd try and turn it into something it's not anyway, just to try and score a silly point (of which he never ever does except in his own deluded mind)any halfwit who would try and make comments about beautiful lady football fans in the crowd (of which there has been many, and again tonight, beautiful) of being gorgeous sound sexist is a complete fooking idiot who needs to get a life sad old man. Exciting times ahead.

  22. Exeter Ex

    Jul 03, 2018, 18:06 #110961

    Toady - if you're bored, why don't you entertain yourself with more of your humorous skits about men and boys? On second thoughts, don't. Just hand yourself in at the nearest police station. What on earth are you still doing on this site? Badarse - for years you've been taking the moral high ground on subjects many, many degrees less repulsive than what your perverted associate brought to the site. You've always been a self-evident hypocrite, yet now you are making it clear you are fine with this sick material. If 'blustering twits' can so easily expose you, what does that say about you? The very best that can be said here is that your online persona has been shown up to be a sham, you're a complete fraud.

  23. markymark

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:56 #110960

    Baddie - what’s the difference between outrage over calling a woman a lady and complete silence over paedophilia . Oh of course the latter loves Arsene Wenger.

  24. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:31 #110959

    Why do Sadarse and his toady friend keep reminding me of comedy duos. A few weeks ago it was Dick Emery's bovver boy Gaylord (Toady) and his Dad (Baddie). Today I'm thinking more of the return of The Self Righteous Brothers. The two pub thugs. Frank Doberman and his toady friend, threatening to give everybody that says the wrong thing a 'slap'. There's only one AW in yawn.

  25. markymark

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:25 #110958

    The pederast poster is back I see, with his enabler . Baddie we shouldn’t need to demand a denounciation of paedophilic material. Apparently you were a firm believer in childrens rights or was it the twisted rights of PIE?

  26. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:24 #110957

    TOOAW's only response to Trollarse is a big yawnnnnn..... we know how you feel TOOAW Not a pretty sight your online mentor rolling around among the tumbleweeds with his rejected thesis proposal blowing in the wind 'Dr Trollarse & the Cost of self deception' .....

  27. Exeter Ex

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:10 #110956

    Why did it reach the point where it was 'demanded' you condemn post 116735, Badarse? Why hadn't you done that straight away of your own volition? Where are your standards set then if you think writing a 'humorous' comment about a man getting aroused in front of a small boy should just be let go? There's no way out of this for you.

  28. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:05 #110955

    Job done.

  29. TOOAW

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:05 #110954


  30. Badarse

    Jul 03, 2018, 17:02 #110953

    Tumbleweeds stop rolling through the town, that is OG. Frothing from every street corner. Answer me! Tell us what you think! We demand it! We are the way, and our way is law! We set the standards, we are the majority, might is right! Ha, ha, just blustering twits.

  31. Exeter Ex

    Jul 03, 2018, 16:43 #110952

    Don't put him off, A Cornish, it would be great if he pursued a defamation case. Imagine his meeting with a solicitor: "Erm, bit of a problem Mr B. Badarse... you continually insult and defame the accused parties in the very same manner you are accusing them of" "But... reactions not actions!" "And the very vilest, most despicable comments made, you at best let pass by and at worst defend". "But, but... they were made by those who love the greatest ever manager - greatest ever man - who ever lived!" "And I see here you have actually made physical threats against the accused." "Oh... erm... ha ha ha it was all a wind up and you fell for it". "Mr Badarse, I'm calling the police". [Brian makes a bolt for the door. A firm hand on the shoulder stops him] "Sit down, Mr Badarse".

  32. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 03, 2018, 15:01 #110951

    Just like to point out that "Charlatan, hypocrite , liar" is not defamatory. 1. It's not false. 2. It doesn't harm the good name of the recipient - he hasn't got a good name. What an egg roll model 'I was there' must be to all his family. I expect they have all received a heavy slap in the past.

  33. markymark

    Jul 03, 2018, 14:14 #110950

    Badarse - so you’re now confirming you are a troll? A sorry end for someone who tried to continually hold a moral high ground. Doubt Ron will be so pleased with your latest appearance as ta pure trollery and still no comment on post 116735 ? Very poor Baddie , completely lacking in moral fibre . Was it just a joke Baddie? Does that make it ok? Then you’ve got your old pal Jamee with his child beating claims and of course Super Mug Colesey with his anti Irish racism. If your draw up the links between the four horrendous posters on this site . It’s you sitting in the centre enabling them all. Charlatan, hypocrite , liar - sums you up nicely

  34. mbg

    Jul 03, 2018, 14:08 #110949

    Exeter Ex, yes you have to laugh at the idiot you really do, still dreaming he has some kind of importance, job done, there's only one job being done every time he comes out from under his rock and opens his gob, but he's to stupid to realise it. Exciting times ahead.

  35. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2018, 11:53 #110948

    Japan were truly amazing last night and were passing Belgium off the pitch. The winning goal was brilliant but Belgium had to resort to switching their play completely to get back in the game. Granite watch this afternoon. Wonder what Ozil is doing now? Wenger? The other matter. Does the oldest troll (a very poor one) on the net think he has the skill set to rankle people online. You can tell it's the highlight of his day as when he slips in undercover the time he saw England win the WC in person. Who with? How much was the ticket? Hilarious! Another cracker is the desperation that sees him (oldest amateur troll in town) getting very ageist and slagging off people who walk with frames which he can now flip to say was just winding thins up because I have been left behind by the site and there is nothing left for me. Sure he will feel much better when he mate gets back from holiday.

  36. Exeter Ex

    Jul 03, 2018, 10:16 #110947

    "Now I've revealed I don't know what quotation marks mean."

  37. Badarse

    Jul 03, 2018, 10:01 #110946

    We know you are Eggman, but you should try to find more self worth and mend your ways. One bald egg coming up, ha ha.

  38. Exeter Ex

    Jul 03, 2018, 8:54 #110945

    "I've exposed myself as a sad, attention seeking moral coward and hypocrite, and have just admitted I'm a troll... job done!"

  39. Badarse

    Jul 03, 2018, 7:28 #110944

    Lots of frothing over the omelettes...job done!

  40. John F

    Jul 02, 2018, 22:48 #110943

    What a great game no Neymar type antics or continuous sideway passing.Japan surprised me how good they were but it was the way Belgium reacted that was impressive.I hope Belgium beat the delicate Brazilians but I expect Neymar and co to exposé the Martinez organised defence and win.

  41. mbg

    Jul 02, 2018, 21:29 #110942

    jj, or drowned in the river while jumping out from under the bridge with his best mate scaring little children.

  42. mbg

    Jul 02, 2018, 21:17 #110941

    Back to talking football again, and not the village idiot (for now anyway) that's what you call power football and not tippy tappy going nowhere crap like the weasel used to play, and to win the game, if that would have been the weasel in charge they'd still be passing it about the halfway line, well done Belgium they stuck at it after a scare, we can just imagine where a wenger coached team would have disappeared to. Something Similar Unai proper football.

  43. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2018, 21:06 #110940

    Troll vanishes again & his funniest has to be the one about him being at Wembley in 66. That is a funny one & he must have reputation for that. The Emery haters just withering away.

  44. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2018, 20:04 #110939

    So Lady Tumbleweed, how goes the WC for you? Well me dear dahling love you are awful! I reply yak yak before Lady Tumbleweed continues 'Looks like Brazil my dear are clicking at the right time and those bad Mexican hombres (Trump's words not mine) are all on siesta duties with not a trumpet in sight. Japan on the other hand with their existential samurai leanings and Zen inferences appear to have befuddled the Belgium wafflers. Now dear how would you like your eggs - fried or boiled?' Lady Tumbleweed exits Moscow in the fashion of Anna Karenina, or was that Petersburg - **** it .... Come on you Japanese - more Zen and the art of passing in tight spaces. Looks like the Troll must have fell off the ladder to the loft ....

  45. markymark

    Jul 02, 2018, 18:54 #110938

    Baddie judging by your ditties I’d attend any protests involving groups of woman with your hands in plain sight. You’re the only poster and that includes lunatic Jameson who’s actually referred to grabbing woman. Getting a lecture from you regarding woman is like receiving a peace and tolerance lecture from the late Bin Laden.

  46. mbg

    Jul 02, 2018, 18:44 #110937

    Don Howe, well said, he's an idiot mate, only one would think like that, I bet he was never even married, just like his messiah now, a lonely old man.

  47. Don Howe

    Jul 02, 2018, 18:30 #110936

    Arsebad has chided me for referring to women as ladies. I fear Baddie, that the two terms are in my view interchangeable. Both words are unashamedly positive and respectful, and I'm not going to be told which to use by you. I would take both men's and ladies teams to Paris and as many supporters as wanted a first class jolly watching them and staying over the weekend.

  48. mbg

    Jul 02, 2018, 18:28 #110935

    My God the joke of the sites back, and talking pure shyte, just when we were all enjoying ourselves talking about football and Arsenal again the idiot returns from his ban as if nothing ever happened, and a lot to say about others postings but not a word to say about his best, and only mates racist and perverted postings ( I wonder why) my how this half wit must love pain, or just no shame. Exciting times ahead.

  49. Exeter Ex

    Jul 02, 2018, 17:53 #110934

    Badarse is so predictable. It was said he'd try and wait a few days and hope the Toady disgrace had faded away, and sure enough, that's what he tries. He was wrong. Then you have the disingenuous conflation of describing characteristics of football teams as describing nations, faux outrage as an excuse to make a nasty accusation at someone his ego can't handle. Then the pretence again from the writer of groping skits that he's outraged by women being called 'ladies'. Yet strangely, nothing to say about the most disgraceful comments that have ever been made on this site, by his pal Toady. His absence for the week since then purely coincidental, apparently it was a bizarre form of silent 'hounding'. All so fake and transparent. A man should know when he's been rumbled and it's time to move on.

  50. markymark

    Jul 02, 2018, 17:01 #110933

    Blimey Baddie you really do have some issues . You definitely need this site more than it needs you. At 80, in your dotage , your attention seeking is desperate if not embarrassing . What do you make of posting 116735? Your pal ToOaW ( you voted him fan of the year ) posts pederastic material . Your other pal Jamerson was a self confessed child beater . A number of your vanguard for change formed PIE. Next you’ll be telling me your favourite directors are Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. If we drew a Venn diagram of the most obnoxious posters in the Arsenal diaspora, Jameson , Colesey , ToOaW , BBA , you’d be the link between all

  51. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2018, 14:24 #110932

    Plastic leftie Troll alert! Great lover of humanity! It's in every word! The old Fool is a genius! Still in a infant playground of one, but no - a veritable genius! How it must be to have swallowed Chomsky only to regurgitate yesterdays soup through a straw. Now for some football after a little dip in the sea no less. Aaah well never mind. Get back to your Hobsbawn for Idiots text! lol! ps do remember Russian Suprematism is a art movement hahahahah!

  52. Exeter Ex

    Jul 02, 2018, 10:22 #110931

    What did you think of post 116735 by TO0AW under the 'South Down Gooner: Batman Reboot' article, Badarse?

  53. Badarse

    Jul 02, 2018, 8:29 #110930

    A tumbleweed comes rolling down the empty street of the OG. Oh no, it's jj. Is he the only one watching the WC? He displays nationalistic neo-fascism in every post. I don't like them, am glad they lost, want them to win, blah, blah, blah. Think his flexing is due to Ron going on holiday as it was Ron who chased him away when he gave him a verbal slap. Well the Eastbourne tennis is over so the Zimmer frames are out in force with jj at the head, (can't get a puncture in a Zimmer frame, jj). So my message is leave it out jj. Russians supporting the team's success, (small case), the flag, (upper case), Putin, (nut case). Did anyone apart from SKG and Cyril really believe it was the Russian government who poisoned the Russian dissident? A WC win for Putin and his gangsters in the Kremlin. The Russian people are good and kind people, it is the whipped up nationalism and isolation along with the propaganda which corrupts, as in our own society. I have discovered a way of hounding the Eggman from the OG, the Rees-Mogg of the site. I just avoid posting. A bit like sacrificing your queen for the opponents queen, but sometimes a worthwhile strategy. MAYDUP man still litters his posts with religious buns, (that's hot cross buns to me and you). He is a bottom-spanker after all. Don Howe that left wing stalwart, ha ha, what a misnomer, says we should take the ladies team with us. Excuse me chum, it is the Women's team, and they are quite capable of finding their own way to Paris thanks very much. They may even be able to do one thing more than you and that's find the Left Bank. Soldiers at the ready? Dip!

  54. jjetplane

    Jul 01, 2018, 22:06 #110928

    Glad Croatia sneaked it as the Schmeichels get on my wick! 2 penalty shoot outs in a day! Brilliant as my two teams won! Mind you if Unai sets us up like Denmark we should be alright.

  55. John F

    Jul 01, 2018, 18:20 #110927

    Amazing to think that either Colombia,Croatia,Russia or England can get to the final.It is written in the stars with all the political tensions that Russia will play England in the semis.

  56. jjetplane

    Jul 01, 2018, 18:05 #110926

    Brilliant WC & deep joy to see the Russians park an iron bus and then watch a fading Spaniard side play silly little passes ad nauseum and get nothing for it! It was so Wengeresque! lol! And then those Russian penalties & their goalie - well happy! Fabregas thought it would be a walk in the park before the game - silly little Chelski bugger! Now for Croatia who are another team tipped for the very top. Cavani last night was like watching John Radford - immense! What can you say about the French when even Giroud now looks like a much more measured performer with none of the Wenger type bull**** about him.

  57. mbg

    Jul 01, 2018, 17:51 #110925

    My word could England really do it after all ? this world cup is becoming there for the taking.

  58. John F

    Jul 01, 2018, 8:46 #110923

    You are right exiled,we have been waiting for someone like him for years.His work rate is amazing I just hope the transfer goes through.Uruguay look like they work very hard for each other,they remind me of Atletico Madrid.France remind me of Wengers counter attacking early Arsenal team with Anelka up front which will make for a good game which I think Uruguay can win.

  59. Don Howe

    Jul 01, 2018, 8:21 #110921

    I absolutely love stuff like this. We should have a friendly every August with their successors, because what this is is a jolly for everyone in Paris. We should take the ladies team as well. Thanks for highlighting some of the rich history of our great club. We can enjoy it again after the poisonous occupation.

  60. Exiled in Pt

    Jul 01, 2018, 1:23 #110920

    All i can say is if we have signed Torreira then look out the Pl as we have one serious ball winner!! Wow exciting times indeed....

  61. mbg

    Jun 30, 2018, 20:57 #110919

    More gutting today, wow a full team, and that's not even including the nodding dog background staff, some gutting that ? Well done Unai you deserve legendry status for that alone. Just think if his AKB wengerites and followers would have had their way and TOF was still here stinking the place out Nothing would have changed, NOTHING, we'd still be having his usual garbage to listen to, yes all that crap, lies, spin, as for signings ? a few second raters or over the hillers on big contracts with him spouting their top top quailttee to the AKB idiots and a few sperm who'll die at incubation or we'll never see or hear off, just think about that for a minute ? my God it doesn't bear thinking about, thank god he's gone. Exciting times ahead.

  62. Paulward

    Jun 30, 2018, 20:15 #110918

    Think we had a similar tradition of playing Glasgow Rangers in friendlies for many years too, it’s a long time ago obviously but we were probably a bigger club in World terms back then than we are now. A timely reminder that it is was the Chapman era that really makes the club what it is today, the red and white shirts we still wear being the clearest reminder.

  63. markymark

    Jun 29, 2018, 8:14 #110915

    Steve - you deserve to be very proud of yourself I read quite often of these friendlies when I was younger and consumed by Arsenal’s history. In those days I could talk to my father bless him . Who could recount 1940’s games.Your article encouraged me to read up and it shows a clubs potential is not written in stone . Still relevant into the 60’s . They suffered massive decline, gone through an AFC Wimbledon style chicanery and are now in the French 5th division level according to Wikki anyway. I noticed they play in Argentinian blue and white but in horizontal stripe. Vive Racine!

  64. RobG

    Jun 28, 2018, 18:43 #110911

    Well done Steve ! That's great. I will get hold of a copy accordingly.

  65. mbg

    Jun 28, 2018, 17:16 #110909

    Sounds like an interesting book, a must buy for those who think the club didn't exist until an old French fraud came along twenty years or so ago and formed and built. it.