A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part Nine

Eng-er-land… and looking ahead to the quarter finals

A Gooner’s 2018 World Cup Diary - Part Nine

Pickford – Brought joy to millions

Wednesday 4th July 4pm
So… time for a catch up. And where else to start but the national team? Arise Sir Harry, Sir Jordan (That’s Pickford, not Henderson), Sir Eric and the rest… because what do you know, England have won an actual penalty shoot-out for the first time since the quarter finals of Euro 96 against Spain. Can this be real? Cue mass celebrations, dancing on the streets, people getting sticky hair due to being showered in beer, tooting horns and proclamations that it’s coming home.

Tournament football is about staying in the tournament, not losing games. You don’t even have to win too many of them as long as you are good at penalties. Portugal in 2016 and Argentina (finalists) in 2014 can attest to that. And England are most certainly still in the tournament. Can they beat Sweden? Yes. Can they get knocked out by Sweden? Certainly. Russia? Croatia? Can they sneak to the final and pull off a 1988 FA Cup Final scale shock result be beating one of Brazil, France, Belgium or Uruguay? Scientifically, it is possible. Realistically… well, let’s just see if Harry’s boys can beat Sweden first shall we?

There is serious optimism in the air, and the feelgood factor is great, but this old fool is too gnarled and wisened to even think about the country winning the big one before they have even managed to get to a final where they will be serious underdogs. My earliest memories of England are listening on BBC radio to the team being handed a football lesson by Germany in the spring of 1972 at Wembley. Then we had Poland in 1973, Italy in 1977, Spain (0-0 when England needed 2-0) in 1982, The Hand of God, Ireland in 1988, Germany in 1990, Sweden in 1992, Holland in 1993, Germany (again) in 1996, Argentina in 1998, Romania in 2000, Brazil in 2002, Portugal in 2004 and 2006, Steve McLaren’s umbrella in 2007 (NB – Croatia), Germany (yet again) in 2010, Italy in 2012, Uruguay in 2014 and Iceland in 2016. I gave up hoping after 1986. I had a ticket for the final four years later and was sat in a friend’s apartment in Rome watching the Turin semi-final shoot-out with total detachment. The result was never in doubt. Ever. So you think the hype is going to change the habit of more than half a lifetime? No sir.

However. A few observations. Gary Neville stating that the manner of the victory against Colombia will serve the psychological strength of the squad much better than if they had held on and won 1-0 in normal time. Interesting point. How strange watching penalties in which I was willing Spurs players to put the ball past an Arsenal goalkeeper. Eric Dier’s winning spot-kick was actually a p*ss poor effort, not dissimilar to the one Gareth Southgate missed in 1996, but Ospina made a hash of it. Of course, who cares, if they go in? England have beaten Tunisia, Panama and a Colombia team shorn of their best player through injury. They have faced one decent team and both sides put their B team out, although Marcus Rashford’s horror miss against Belgium was probably the best thing he could have done. Is it just me or do Raheem Sterling and Jesse Lingard remind anyone of Theo Walcott? Are you seriously telling me England can win the World Cup playing two attackers that give up possession so easily?

Still, there is much to praise. Jordan Pickford’s two saves (one in the shoot-out) last night, Harry Maguire’s improving brilliance, Harry Kane’s confidence when presented with the opportunity to score a goal. There is a good argument to replace Kyle Walker with Eric Dier in the back three. Kudos to Gareth Southgate for the preparation of his players for the shoot-out. Own the moment is a sound philosophy, although in his haste, perhaps one that Jordan Henderson seemed to forget about. It wasn’t a bad penalty, but there was no disguise. If you are going to do that, then blast it in the top corner.

A statistician on the radio this morning stated that England have a one in three chance of making the final, and a one in eight chance of actually winning it. Brazil have a better than one in four chance of being crowned World champions. I recall being at the last 16 game between Brazil and Belgium at the 2002 World Cup. In Oita, Japan from memory. Belgium had a perfectly legitimate goal chalked off and were unlucky to lose that game. Friday afternoon’s match is in no way a foregone conclusion.

Uruguay against France later that evening pits Antoine Griezmann against his club-mates Godin and Jiminez. There will be a plan for M’Bappe and Uruguay don’t concede lightly. If Cavani is fit, they could go through. If he isn’t, then France should edge it by a single goal, based on their performance against Argentina. I’m really looking forward to Friday for a pair of cracking matches.

Saturday evening sees Croatia against Russia. I think at this point, the party may be over for the hosts. They somehow managed to hold on for two hours against Spain, but the group game against Uruguay was a more honest assessment of their abilities. Croatia admittedly stalled a bit against Denmark, but I don’t see them having another off-day when they will be confident that they can make a World Cup Final.

As for England against Sweden in the afternoon, well, here’s a good way to prepare for the game on Saturday (or indeed before). Start playing this YouTube playlist at 2.35 and put the volume of the TV on silent to drown out the pundits. When it’s finished, turn on for the national anthems…

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  1. mbg

    Jul 11, 2018, 0:50 #111128

    Jesus is there something in the air where those two reside ? he's at it now too, fluent martian, you can see the buckfast running down his chin, I wonder where his antenna is, markymark whatever you do don't accept or take up any invites from those two's family circle, ring, stay well away from them mate or you could be getting an early bang on the door from the cops too.

  2. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 11, 2018, 0:21 #111127

    If he isn't locked away already.

  3. Exeter Ex

    Jul 10, 2018, 23:38 #111126

    "Locked away" is what you'll be soon enough, Toady. Should've disappeared when you had the chance.

  4. TOOAW

    Jul 10, 2018, 22:51 #111125

    Narky boy. Bring your buddy PC 5662. It may help him get out a bit more. Fresh air is needed for the old soul. Locked away frothing over Sir Badarse appears to be getting to him.

  5. markymark

    Jul 10, 2018, 22:07 #111124

    ToOaW - not interested in watching fat old men happy enough to meet at a proper premier match and I don’t even like you . How generous is that of me? Still think your a paedo ! By the way

  6. TOOAW

    Jul 10, 2018, 21:47 #111123

    Narky boy. You are more than welcome to meet September 8th vs Real Madrid legends with myself and Badarse and the families. You and you only. Now lets see who's gutless.........

  7. markymark

    Jul 10, 2018, 21:23 #111122

    Exeter / A Cornish - I’ve spotted a weird synergy between the two where one goes quiet and then the other attacks. I wouldn’t be so sure of Sorearse’s IT ignorance . It could all be a bluff and basically he’s a multifaceted Troll . Very surprised at the online editor who used to be all over the site. Why allow a post with a strong whiff of Paedophillia ? It’s actually a lot worse than Jamerson’s lunatic ravings and they used to get pulled five minutes after posting. It’s obvious whoever toaaw is , that he is worried as he kept on going on about the arousal not being proved. I highly suspect he knows he’s in deep **** as that potentially crosses a line into illegality and obscene publications. Oh well ToOaW will keep on getting drunk and revealing his true self whilst the lunatic Sorearse froths.

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 10, 2018, 20:59 #111121

    They already know one another. TOOAW is Baddie's love child.

  9. Exeter Ex

    Jul 10, 2018, 20:59 #111120

    Toady, you should at least try to keep a tenuous grip on reality. Claiming Sorearse has us cowering when he's just been spanked off the site. Treating somebody's onetime support for Arteta as if it's some great crime when you wrote a post that on any site with active moderators would've seen you instantly banned and on some your words forwarded for legal advice. Calling us losers when you're the one that lost your idol and we're the ones who wanted him gone. The drunken ravings of a near-retard.

  10. markymark

    Jul 10, 2018, 20:55 #111119

    Jesus ToOaW pissed again I see! gutless to spend in an Arsenal store?? What you on about man? Sorearse definitely wants to meet up by the way , he wants to meet the real you

  11. TOOAW

    Jul 10, 2018, 20:28 #111118

    Brave words from a gutless coward. Yep. Theres a massive array of posters on here discussing all things Arsenal. It's all been said so I feel no need to enter into the ignorance of the WOR's and PC Ex5662 ha ha ha. Now where's your foolish/ignorant post on here?? Your love affair and the famous tip from a that "geeza down the road" Arteta was to be the next Arsenal manager. Oooppps. Gutless to stand at the front of a demo. Gutless to spend . Gutless to attend and gutless to purchase from the Arsenal store for a son who doesn't deserve your pathetic attempts to be the superhero of anti Arsene. Sore loser fella. Now I'm sure this is an Arsenal fan website of which PC ex (5662) doesn't quite grab a hold. Badarse 2 Sore losers 0. Hic.

  12. markymark

    Jul 10, 2018, 19:59 #111117

    ToOaW - first off, if this site is getting more embarrassing by the day , toddle off. You only came back coz Sorearse is getting such a spanking. Now if Ron and Westie were hear you know you’d be ignored by him don’t you ? let’s look at relative insults .,Arteta fanboy . Then there’s you the Paedo poster the Spud Troll. I feel a bit of imbalance don’t you ? Apparently though Sorearse is very , very comfortable with Paedo’s ( probably from his PIE mates ) Why don’t you meet up so he can meet the real you?

  13. markymark

    Jul 10, 2018, 19:42 #111116

    The Paedo has rejoined I see.

  14. TOOAW

    Jul 10, 2018, 18:50 #111114

    Arteta fanboy (Narky) referring to Badarse as gutless. Yep. You just couldn't make it up. For the record, Badarse has you lot cowering and frothing away like a punch drunk boxer. This site is getting embarrassing by the day. Badarse 1 Sore losers 0.

  15. markymark

    Jul 10, 2018, 18:20 #111113

    Sorearse - your the most gutless coward I know , with the morals of an alley cat. Those that’s probably unfair to the Toms in your neighbourhood . I see your trying to draw equivalence to sexualised posts about children and adults how very PIE of you Sorearse. Just remember like most things you supported the weight of public opinion crushed it . For your mates that also meant serious prison time. You really are the Dirty Mac brigade Sorearse. It’s all seeping out every vile drop.

  16. mbg

    Jul 10, 2018, 16:36 #111109

    So there you have it the sorearsed racist actually thinks he's hitting us with eggs, there's deluded and then there's deluded, hee hee. Exeter Ex, good post, that's what's left of the idiots arse well reddened again, lets hope the halfwit does what he says this time, and we can get back to talking about football again, and of course beautiful lady fans, we'll see. Exciting times ahead.

  17. Exeter Ex

    Jul 10, 2018, 14:49 #111107

    "My view is my view and any clumsy and malicious attempt by you to distort it is clear to anyone" what was clear to everyone was that you were and are fine with Toady's paedophilic post whilst attacking someone for using the term 'ladies'. You trying to claim it is 'fascistic' to objectively claim paedophilia is far more worthy of condemning than calling women 'ladies' is moral relativism of the weakest and most unconvincing kind. It was all part of what you've been doing for years - you will let go or defend absolutely anything, even a post as horrific as Toady's, just so long as that individual supports Arsene Wenger. You will attack anyone anti-Wenger on the flimsiest of pretexts. The roll call of evidence is long, this was just the most extreme, most disgraceful example. "Your mob is a lynch mob, nothing more nor less." Actually less, because no one is actually being lynched. There's another objective fact for you. You see, it's far, far more powerful to use an individual's words against them - as I do to you - than to just throw around empty insults and ludicrous exaggerations like 'fascist' and 'Nazi'. This is why it is you that gets so wound up you end up issuing threats and then, eventually, stating for the umpteenth time you're leaving the site: "I may let you stew for a while, thereby proving I do not need the site". Trying to spin your defeat into a victory in the most obvious, laughable way. You declared we were 'locked in battle' so I've been trying to drive you off and will return to posting about football pleased to be free of your obsessively egg-based inconsequentialisms and provable double standards. I predict - no, I know - you simply don't have the willpower to do it though. You'll be back within days, if not hours or even minutes. Prove you don't need the site, go on, prove me and everyone else wrong. Trust me, we'll cope with being wrong if you do it.

  18. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 10, 2018, 12:56 #111106

    "I may let you stew" How pompous. We all know the OG is your vanity project. We all know you'll be back, because you're a pompous self-opinionated old windbag. Don't let it get to you, chum.

  19. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2018, 12:18 #111105

    What an arrogant post, Eggman. My view is my view and any clumsy and malicious attempt by you to distort it is clear to anyone without a fixed agenda that you have perhaps a serious mental disorder. You claim fact on your side, in other words truth. How pompous and self-congratulatory. As always you miss the nuanced you really are a troglodyte when it comes to comprehension. Ladies/women, children/adults, boobs or any other mistakes are all subjective, but not to self-promoting thought police like yourself. You must be a lonely man. A week's silence? I posted often in that week but choose who and when to respond to, you didn't figure in the roll call for any particular question you demand an answer to so stop being a very silly boy. When I responded it was on my terms and as I see things. The post referred to was not mine, neither was the choice of words or the parody it contained. Your mob is a lynch mob, nothing more nor less. Very ugly in it's existence. It is how fascism takes root, and you are all fascistic. That is far more indefensible than a possibly inappropriate post when one individual is having a dig against another. You just charge in as a self-appointed clot looking for conflict. Spit the feathers out and stop frothing. Life is too short and the rantings and railings of you and your daft mob are a waste of time. You determine the absence of a post is cowardice? I believe that you are an expert on the subject as you are the most cowardly individual I've had the misfortune to encounter. You state, so it must be so. How corrupted are you? How lacking in depth you are. This is so, that is not quite so. You attack that reasoning? How dare you try to introduce your Nazi overview? You are a buffoon of the highest order. Tied in knots by whom. A group of jokers who converse by crashing dustbin lids together? You are having a laugh, chap. The most hilarious of outlooks. From day one I have supported the new manager as always. Yet your mob, acting like a stampeding herd, criticise that attitude. What nincompoops you are. Still you hunt in packs like the jackals you are. Happy hunting and see who's hand is firmly attached to the site and cannot let go, it's feathered. I may let you stew for a while, thereby proving I do not need the site, and frustrating you and your raison d'etre in responding in your vitriolic and cowardly style.

  20. Exeter Ex

    Jul 10, 2018, 11:20 #111104

    Unfortunately for you, Sorearse, that is a view you hold based on the fact you're constantly shown up on here and you don't like it. The view that is held on you is grounded in fact. It's a fact that you got all indignant about women being called ladies whilst being silent about a post with clear paedophilic overtones - which you eventually, after a week of cowardly silence, defended. You evidentially, factually, have double standards and are a hypocrite. Your views on others are just that, your subjective views based in your frustration at being constantly tied in knots yet being pathologically unable to move on and let go of this site, and - unlike the views on yourself - you are unable to prove otherwise.

  21. Badarse

    Jul 10, 2018, 10:57 #111103

    There is a very small clique of self-opinionated, pompous, self-righteous clowns on this site who deserve all the egg-throwing they get. They confuse, misunderstand, lie, cheat, confront in cowardly terms, insult and hold as a sign of confirmation the fact that other like-minded idiots support them and their views. Boris gone, clock ticking. Remember he who rules the roost has to first move the chickens and then avoid stepping on the eggs.

  22. Exeter Ex

    Jul 10, 2018, 9:30 #111102

    "I only do it to annoy the quislings" Translation: "I make myself look like a twat in order to troll".

  23. mbg

    Jul 10, 2018, 8:37 #111100

    The Antenna sticking out of what's left of his arse after the big bang and combustion must still be working and sending signals, tee hee. Exciting times ahead

  24. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 10, 2018, 0:46 #111098

    Markymark. Apparently Boris Johnson was a huge Arsene wenger fan. So too was Jacob More-Eggs who refused to renew his Arsenal season ticket when Wenger was sacked. Trump and Putin were also big Arsene fans. Keep it under your hat though. Wouldn't want to further discombobulate the already highly discombobulated you know who.

  25. markymark

    Jul 09, 2018, 22:39 #111096

    Sorearse - nobody has written about rape in this site thank goodness or tried to cover up rape or denied an obvious illusion to rape in a posting. When you try and deny obvious paedophillic references in a post and we suspect you do it purely because the pervert shares the same view of the previous manager . So don’t bring further unpleasant sexual behaviour into this when no one on this site has alluded to it. However what’s your view on groping ? You celebrated it once I seem to remember . You thought it was very funny.

  26. Badarse

    Jul 09, 2018, 22:24 #111095

    Speak as you find they say so they did, and all together. Once upon a Time Lord is one two many. I diddle speaking dribble in a Dark Moany way. I only do it to annoy the quislings, quack, quack. No, Badarse, not the goslings. I haven't had a goosgog in yonks, have you as much? So a certain age group voted Yuxit and I must feel guilty for my tender years? Funny but most rapes occur with peeps from your age group, do you as guilty feel a sausage? That my chum is Bangalore. Makes no sense, like Hai Karate nowadays, and channel 5 still stinks. Good old Who knee?

  27. markymark

    Jul 09, 2018, 20:47 #111094

    Sorearse - when Westie was hear you were simply a pain in the arse. His departure marks your falling away from reality. All this weirdness from you simply because you promoted and enabled a pervert and can’t face the embarrassment , I notice your attempt to deny has now floundered . You are simply left posting meaningless drivel. You truly are a decrepid weirdo

  28. mbg

    Jul 09, 2018, 20:36 #111093

    Holy fook what was that ? Did anyone ever read such crap ? fluent Martian. Yes Exeter he's gone, done, I would say there was a big bang there and the nurses came running and all there was left beside the computer was a burning pair of smoking Moses sandals with the remains of a pair of white socks still in them, with a withered red arse with an antenna stuck out of it sparking away, smouldering inside a pair of badly soiled Y fronts on the other side of the room, a complete self combustion, lets hope there was no one else in the vicinity when it happened, I feel sorry for all the other old dears it must have frightened the lives out of them.

  29. markymark

    Jul 09, 2018, 19:55 #111091

    Sorearse , apart from your increasingly random rubbish you post . It was actually the older voters who tended to vote Brexit . OAP’s voted massively for Brexit , dimwit ! I may have to resurect one of my Brian alternative histories . It’s porbably as accurate as any rubbish we’ll get from you . Can you let us know what part you played in defeating Hitler? I’m guessing Monte , Alexander , Pattern and a host of Russian Generals are about to be seriously downgraded .

  30. Exeter Ex

    Jul 09, 2018, 18:28 #111090

    Oh dear, a complete breakdown. Guess it's been coming.

  31. Badarse

    Jul 09, 2018, 17:35 #111089

    Arrow my friendly MAYDUP. In the morny glory it suns shine and not the raindrop. So no water Mitty gets into those Hoddle or Waddle for your twaddle. I get some runnerbina without the squashing in my eggcup. Not alotta peeps know that. In the aftlight we gets a nappy sleep and it tires your eyes something. So just stop the t'ink, t'ink, and listen with the frontier to what those Muppets say to themselves from IKEA and you, come what May, even in July. No Boris, no British Bulldog, anemones of the Rushings with kryptonite, so be carewell where you tread on all those pansies in the gardwell. Good old Who neigh? Stoppit westlower.

  32. Badarse

    Jul 09, 2018, 17:19 #111088

    Ear they be the bright lights, the knows it all. They loves themselves and is blinkered so much as is. I t'inks they is foolish and bold. They would fit in a jam jar, a real one if you set light to 'em all, 'ere it is, no? I is a sad old one gettin' only joy from winding up frothy muppets, ha ha, as is. It be fun, try it sometime, oh youse does and it don' work, ha ha. Good old Unai. Special message to MAYDUP man to follow.

  33. mbg

    Jul 09, 2018, 15:22 #111086

    What the f**k did those last couple of posts (if you could even call them that) from the village idiot mean or say ? Can anyone translate fluent Martian or gobbledegook ? Certainly living up to his name the joke of the site.

  34. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 09, 2018, 13:46 #111082

    How did things go so horribly wrong in Badarse’s life? At what age did he come to the conclusion that the ‘heavy slap’ mentality was acceptable? That THAT was the way to win an argument or silence an imagined opponent. Did it develop because his father threatened, or even delivered heavy slaps to young Baddie, or maybe even to his mother? Was this mindset established by the time of his (alleged) first visit to Highbury? ‘What do you think the score will be today Alex? Asks his mate as they stand in the schoolboy’s enclosure. ‘You deserve a heavy slap you Richard. How dare you ask me a question’ replies the indignant Baddie. Maybe it arrived later in life when he came into contact with his gangster/murderer/boxer mates, possibly on a prison visit. Had it fully developed when he had children? Did they receive frequent heavy slaps? If they did, what effect did that have on them? Do they now threaten all and sundry with heavy slaps? However it happened, we are now faced with a deeply troubled, unstable, spiteful individual. Somebody who is completely lacking in self-awareness. “If you don’t agree with me you are naïve, or wrong. If I don’t know about the nuances of anything or can’t see the big picture, it’s because it’s not worth seeing. If I haven’t read something it’s not worth reading. If I don’t protest about something, it’s because it’s not worth protesting about. If I can’t understand anything, it’s not worth understanding. And if you keep proving me wrong and showing me up as a deeply flawed individual, then I’ll give you a heavy slap” Of course, when his medication takes hold, this will later be described as only a wind up, or a silly bit of banter, or just teasing. Sadly, in Sorearse’s case, you can’t polish a Richard The Third.

  35. markymark

    Jul 09, 2018, 13:00 #111080

    Sorearse - you toadying old tossbag , who cares if Ron liked Joe Baker. You grovelling old slug. Be a man for once stop cowering behind others. Hit im’ Ron , hit im’ . You gutless charlatan , you’ll be claiming you won the war next.

  36. markymark

    Jul 09, 2018, 10:52 #111079

    Sorearse - you’d have been the first to operate under an enemy state regime . You are the one who cuddled up to Jamee Mr Alt Right White Supremacist , you were the one who decided to go all Anti Semitic to us and further you are the one who excuses a pervert on Fe bass he supports Arsenal. Much like you’d do the same for a momentum buddy. Sorry pal the whiff of totalitarian behaviours is with you sunshine . Glad pointing out your lack of understanding of modern social movements obviously stung.

  37. Exeter Ex

    Jul 09, 2018, 9:55 #111077

    "Strange that no others align themselves with your clique" Who aligns themselves with you? One perverted individual, who the editor of this site has outed as a Tottenham troll. No one else. But that's not strange, right? "...who sits in judgement on everything..." this coming from the Rev Brian, of all people. "it's what a fans site is supposed to do, connect rather than divide" and this, from the same source as 'WOR'. The complete lack of any self-awareness or shame from the most unpopular, most toxic presence on the site is quite something to behold. Anyone else would just go and start again somewhere else. I guess nothing can be done, he's too far gone.

  38. Badarse

    Jul 09, 2018, 9:23 #111076

    Many Germans went along with Hitler in the 30s without realising they were supporting fascist views, they just saw it as nationalism in troubled times largely due to Reparations. Nark, you suffer from a similar lack of judgement and tread early fascist paths. You want to condemn a generation, (of your people???), who are enemies of today's state due to existing in a certain period of time, and despite the people in those times never being 100% this way or the other. They are all guilty. Immature display of comprehension. 'My' generation were responsible for the Savile situation. Dead right, just as they were also responsible for backing an England side who won the WC. The generation before were responsible for standing alone against the fascist states, then created Israel and an eternal geographical, humanitarian problem, then casually created the single greatest event within these shores, the NHS. Good, bad, indifferent? You seem to be the accuser, jury and judge on these matters. Your lot are responsible for Yuxit, how do you square the circle? The only way that has ever been done is at the OG Virtual Knitting Circle when I lined up the chairs in a square. Your team of jjingoballs the petty nationalist who wants 9th tier Enger-land hoof ball, Eggman the Rees-Mogg of the site who sits in judgement on everything outside his myopic view of reality, and the MAYDUP man, who talks twaddle to his own wellies Hoddle and Waddle. Strange that no others align themselves with your clique now that AKB(and we all know what the B stands for-Bald eggs), has gone AWOL, (Arsene Wenger One Love). Joe Baker was indeed my hero as he was Ron's so a connection; it's what a fans site is supposed to do, connect rather than divide. He was superseded in my case by McLintock who shall always remain the epitome of Arsenal to me. I realise this is all a bit much for you so early in the morning and are perhaps suffering from a headache now. Still I find banging my head against a wall because it sure is better when you stop. Good old Unai, good old Joe Baker, good old McLintock, good old Arsenal.

  39. markymark

    Jul 08, 2018, 20:32 #111072

    Baddie your obsession about who’s the leader on what is a meritocratic forum is bizarre. The key fact is you aren’t . Second fact after weirdly stalking Ron for a period of time then berating us all, as apparently we’d elected him leader ( news to me) . You now spend most of your time talking waffle about eggs whilst trying to plant your nose up Ron’s arse. Now you’ve moved on and decided Exeter is the new leader ( perhaps because Ron is away? ) Exeter has of course answered your bunch of tosh quite sensibly . You’re an old man on the margins desperately trying to stay relevant . You wouldn’t have a clue about youth movements and ‘one issue’ social media movements . You still try and impose a post war Marxist militancy on everything which is a world away from agile social media movements . Judging by your recent reaction to a post by me where I hi-lighted some of Wengo’s and Laws foibles you also know very little about the internal workings of modern Arsenal. Your good old Unai bullshine fools no one. “3 more years , 3 more years , my job is to defend Arsene Wenger” all total ****e postings from you. You were last relevant when Joe Baker played. That’s why you go on about him so much You’re ancient history old man , yesterdays chip papers. It seems your main reason for being on this site is to provide succour to a pervert with a drink problem. Boy what a happy past time for you.

  40. Exeter Ex

    Jul 08, 2018, 19:58 #111070

    A sad,senile old man whose carers leave drooling over the PC all day and don't have the decency to move him on to a different website where he hasn't been totally humiliated and disgraced. A truly pathetic sight.

  41. mbg

    Jul 08, 2018, 19:47 #111069

    Yes lads old sore arse (he that walks like John Wayne)is even trying to make fun of it all now (we can just imagine what his fun is) and , still trying to worm his way back in as an Arsenal and Unai fan with a good old Unai, nice try no cigar, then trying to make a joke of a bin laden jacket, and we all know what one of those are, and means, how sad, sick springs to mind.

  42. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2018, 17:31 #111066

    I'm looking through you, where did you go? I thought I knew you, what did I know? Pete Brady, the invisible man, is transparent. Just to reiterate Eggman as you constantly miss the subtler nuances, (as previously suggested speak to the Dark Lord regarding nuances, and to Cyril for oldances-like the twist), Ronline Gooner is top cat, you control the easily led clique of lost boys. Educated but not intelligent proven again. Getting to you isn't it? Froth on, Tommy!

  43. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2018, 13:53 #111065

    England just keep proving everybody wrong with a quite sublime display against Sweden who came out fighting from the go. Wonderful goal from Alli and he needs to do that more because he is the best in the country at it. Kane having a bit of a quite time of it so let's hope he bags at least from open play on Wednesday. Croatia's strength is their midfield and we appear to be playing with a lot of space left unattended in that area. Not been over pushed creatively so let's see how we perform though I feel confident that such a young team with such cohesion could get to the final. Remember when Lord Wenger talked of cohesion, spines and what not and now Gareth lad has shown him how you do it. That England are made up in the main of players who have been at clubs with proper coaching shows how far Wenger fell behind. Simple old age complacency when you look at the energy of Klopp, Pep, Porch & the rest. Wenger has not been in their league for a decade or more. Unai has youth on his side and hopefully the players will benefit with a more energetic regime. Incredible to think it was allowed to go on for so long. Wenger may have babbled on about building the Emi but he certainly never built a team to fill it. Here's hoping for some good times with Unai. Ps strange player for troll 1 to pick as a favourite who is none to popular with many Croatians and could yet face a prison sentence for perjury and much talk of corruption. That same player is a galactico with his feet under the table of the most corporate club in world football so a poor judgement but much in line with someone who still thinks Wenger will rise from the ashes. Wenger equals Job Done and he knows he was finally found out and his absence from the game now (soundbites dried up) points to a man in disgrace. A man who betrayed all he apparently stood for and left his followers in the wind. Here's hoping really for the McGuire and Trippier show next week and another 2-0 leaving Modric to get back to his court case.

  44. markymark

    Jul 08, 2018, 12:42 #111064

    28c wonderful glorious weather so spare a thought for , Sorearse , toad and their old pal Jameson. sweltering in their dirty macs. One of them a child porno poster , one of them a child beater poster and the third their enabler and handler the decrepid Vanguard of Change old man.

  45. Exeter Ex

    Jul 08, 2018, 11:18 #111063

    You're so transparent, Sorearse. You used to make out Ron was the 'leader', now it's me, in the hope of setting those who see you for what you are against each other. If 'growing up' is condoning paedophilia I'll leave that to you. Or maybe 'growing up' is saying things like "you deserve a heavy slap"? It's so laughably easy to expose your manifestly fraudulent persona, yet you keep coming back for more. A hypocrite, a masochist and a recidivist.

  46. Badarse

    Jul 08, 2018, 9:41 #111062

    Eggman, why don't you grow up? You constantly grow down, if that's the way you want to go try not to take others with you, there's a good chap. As for a foot on the neck chum, that sounds like fighting talk, ha ha. I take it the foot refers to the inches on offer from the group of thought police-your cronies. They still don't realise that you call the tune and that you are the boss. Once the penny drops with jjingoballs he'll dump you; a man full of pride has to. The other two are lost boys. You clearly have regal blood as you are a Richard the first. Now hurry, you'll be late for church. As for the OG being a broad church, well on that subject it's like calling the Yuxit crew a broad church of. Laughable. Good old Unai, good old Arsenal.

  47. Exeter Ex

    Jul 08, 2018, 7:37 #111061

    So Badarse, it's taken you a week, but you've decided Toady's post 116735 is okay. I'm afraid this says an awful lot about you. Trying to be relative about this particular subject is pretty disgraceful of you. You've revealed a lot about yourself here. Why did it take you so long I wonder? You've cracked under pressure and revealed your true colours. Are you hoping the matter will go away now? It won't. You declared you were 'locked in battle' with a few of us, you made threats, you constantly insult, you said you would 'hound'. Now the foot is on your neck it's not being let up.

  48. mbg

    Jul 08, 2018, 3:18 #111060

    And did you see all those beautiful ladies with faces painted supporting their team ? Swedes, Russians, just Gorgeous blondes, brunettes (I bet the weasel wenger especially loved them)and waving at us too when the camera was on them, I nearly waved back a few times, others in the bar did, and whistled I bet that would have really pissed the saddos that are the thought police (Norman Wisdoms) off.

  49. mbg

    Jul 08, 2018, 0:02 #111059

    markymark, 116935. the racist trying to stay out of it ? not only has the idiot not condemned it he reckons it's not paedophilia (what does that tell us) so lets hope the authorities will be knocking on his door too, after all he used to keep talking about his grandson.

  50. mbg

    Jul 07, 2018, 23:36 #111058

    Well done England good stuff, Good old Gareth, Good old Unai, Exciting times ahead.

  51. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2018, 21:58 #111057

    Hi gents just wanted to wish you well. At the start of the WC I said the Germans, as stated previously I always back them and often go close or they win it. As they went down in flames I was asked who else I thought would if the Germans didn't. I said Croatia, Modric is a favourite of mine. I just watched the penalties and see England will play them in the S/F. So good luck gents, as it means so much I actually hope you do it and my choice fails. I am just happy that Putin lost, (not the Russian people), and Budweiser won.

  52. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2018, 20:59 #111056

    Sore ears removed his bin laden jacket, a black bin bag laden with bald eggs. He asked who Arsene Wenger was and was told by the Dark Moanies that he was a horrible man who changed the face of English football, turning it into an art form. jjingoballs polished his boots and ordered 9th tier hoof ball to be played, though he called it 'direct' football. Eggman was a-frothing around the streets of Islington demanding answers to his inane questions. An old bag lady belted him with her manky duvet, and he went into an orgasmic delight at the sight of feathers as they flew from the bedding. Nark didn't know whether to stop shop, bop or drop. He looked to MAYDUP man for inspiration but he was busy talking to his wellies, Hoddle and Waddle. The game is up gents, it was a 0-0 draw after extra time and decided by a series of penalty fines, a few not so fine, and others downright diabolical. Didn't have a Ruby, never was going to; had a wonderful stuffed capsicum (Quorn mince, breadcrumbs and herbs), with salad for dinner, homemade potato salad, and freshly baked crusty bread. This recipe is on page seven of the OG Virtual Home Cooking Class book, season 5.

  53. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2018, 17:29 #111055

    Here Grumps yelled the Egg Lady. Want yer Saturday curry now? Stop nagging woman TOOAW and myself are receiving messages from the lord right now! We'll have more toast woman. TOOAW only went and ate the one like the Turin shroud. Remember TOOAW when Lord Wenger told us on this rock I will build a church to the art of sideways passing forever amen. Well it's still there though the dark moanies led by the evil Emery have now clouded our world with staunch defending and direct play. They both glanced sideways as the toast was delivered by a bucket and rope system assembled by Jamieson & Slaves (remember them) although news had also spread from below that England had conquered with a mighty Totts spine which made TOOAW smile while St Sorearse protested meekly. We'll have that curry now woman as Sorearse took another sideways glance hoping that maybe the Nan bread would bring a sign from Lord Wenger. He removed his bin liner and placed it over the skylight, lighting a Lenin candle a while TOOAW took the bucket full of Wenger love away saying he would have his bone in the kennel.

  54. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 17:21 #111054

    I’ve decided from now on following the lead of MBG , seconded by JJet. I shall now only ever refer to Baddie as SOREARSE

  55. mbg

    Jul 07, 2018, 15:47 #111053

    Exeter Ex, yes old sore arse the self proclaimed (yet again)policeman hee hee, Norman Wisdom movie springs straight to mind, lol, anyway that's too close to home for the racist to police.

  56. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 13:43 #111052

    So Badie as you avoided my question . Does the mention of facing a child with bulging underwear , a description of exposure and ending with the man asking the child to keep it secret suggest paedophillia or not? If that poster is an Arsenal Supporter is that ok then ? I note that ToOaW has still not denied being a paedophille

  57. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2018, 13:23 #111051

    Mrs Sorearse stands at the bottom of the mountain loft with her basket of eggs. She yells how do yer want your eggs Grumps fried boiled or curried? A voice cries sideways with a crabby tone from above in the mountain loft Stop nagging me woman when I am communing with the lord. All the time he is staring sideways into the light where yesterdays uneaten toast has now formed an image of Lord Wenger which sorearse (bloody eggs!) takes as a sign that he is returning and soon the devil Ivan and his moany prince Emery will be cast down blah blah ad arseum ...... Take your eggs away woman and fetch me TOOAW from the kennel. Wait til he sees the toast .....

  58. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2018, 13:18 #111050

    So you are a Quaker man! I prefer Scott's Porridge Oats myself, when I'm not eating bald eggs that is. Arsene Wenger has left the building, get used to it. I think it's the MAYDUP man's obsession with him which keeps the infernal fires of hatred burning within your souls, gents. Unai is the man, however he does in terms of success. I for one shall support him, as I did Arsene. You lot are so fickle and silly, you have already 'talked' a good season. As for giving me the benefit of one of your speculative thoughts Nark, the glimpse inside your head was quite illuminating. It was like a mess of mashed potato, 'First he takes this, he boils it for 20 of his earth minutes, then he smashes it all to bits, ha, ha, ha.' Remember it's meringue time so lighten up. Things are as they are and life isn't real, not that which you regard as life. If in doubt ask MAYDUP man to explain, oh and as an afterthought don't let the Rees-Mogg of the site dictate to you. He makes many bullets for you to fire. Big bang!

  59. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 12:47 #111049

    Baddie so because someone supports Arsenal posting Paedo material is ok? Think there’s only one Richard on this site old man. Would a Quaker being suggesting Hard men to combat northern teams ? You really are a clown aren’t you . Why use Quaker like it’s an insult? They pushed social inclusion within the UK way ahead of their time. Thank god the clanking conveyer belt you always mention is taking you ever faster towards your fate.

  60. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2018, 12:42 #111048

    The only time he was funny was when he was serious. And still he loves his dear Lord Wenger I pray to thee to keep us Children of Wenger safe in our temples of side passing mindfulness. We know you will be back stronger than ever and the Dark Lord Emery be banished along with his artless pragmatism to whence he came. Then truly the Children of Wenger can dance merrily sideways with no aim in mind save to make our Dear Lord Wenger hold all the riches of his Art to his chest. All Hail Lord Wenger exclaims TOOAW as St Sorearse of Curryworld wipes away Wenger tears and dreams of a world where everyone plays like football as though it was an art and not some rough and ready fight to the end. Most amusing how Troll 1 blabbers on about his atheism and yet here he is once again in the wilderness on his mountain/loft telly all the great Wenger will rise again and The dark prince Emery will be cast down. You fiery old fart you - must be that egg curry.

  61. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 12:06 #111047

    Interesting that Baddies post comes directly after comments about Wenger. He still can’t deal with his loss. No board membership, no stand renaming, the life size Wenger cut out dumped ( see Amy Lawrence amusing article) official website actually posting views on how things have changed. I’ll let you into a little thought Baddie. I think Ivan actually hated Wenger more than I did. It’s obvious Ivan is wiping Wenger out of Arsenal in every shape and form. Good job too. Now let’s bring in the hard bastards who can hold their own in the North. The effete ballet football is dead , tikka takka is dead , Wenger’s legacy is dead .

  62. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2018, 11:58 #111046

    Nark, are you a Quaker? You, and Richards like you are screwing up society. You don't quite get it and want a one size fits all for your personal views. TOOAW is a real Arsenal fan who doesn't subscribe to the puerile character assassination of Arsene Wenger. Me neither. In that we are brothers in arms, as was that reprobate Jamerson the extreme religious nut. He occupied your attention-only those easily distracted joined in, as again with myself and TOOAW. Anything posted is scrutinised and criticised, then a label hung onto it, with all the conjecture and supposition of a stagnant imagination. Life is a two way street buddy. You cannot dictate what is acceptable and correct. We are a divided community as stated before. We always have been, modern technology has opened those divisions and we can easily see the large gashes, with all the innards inside. You and those motley three have to mature. You cannot convince a religious nut that atheism is sensible. You cannot convince a 'Little Englander' that leaving the EU is the worst of legacies to bestow upon all future children of this land. You cannot convince a Gooner that it would be better to support the Oilers. Maturity young man, settles upon us subtly and insidiously. I think you guys may have brushed yours off with the dandruff.

  63. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2018, 11:51 #111045

    Morphed into a Euro competition with who knows to play Belgium or France. Last remaining member of the SWP (women haters party) has his little curry on a Saturday and thinks he is reaching out to the third world with his third eye which he carries along with his watch on a chain, a prize possession handed down to him by a champion whippet breeder. With the curried eggs filling him in more ways than one he takes a swig of Old Speckled Leninist grog and looks around the loft mumbling good old Johnny Giles. Cannot fathom the link between Wenger and Don Revie but by heck ..... real life indeed.

  64. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 11:46 #111044

    Baddie as you’ve now encouraged him to continue with this I can only presume you are happy with inappropriate conversations involving children . You are therefore the Dirty Mac Brigade. Please see previous thread for my summing up of your views and potential thought process / links to PIE. Ps Baddie what on Earth are you on about us being lonely ? We have families and past times fella. We’re not washed up and decrepid like you pal. Sure your not being sexist about being nagged? Do woman nag then Baddie? Charlatan , hyprocrite , liar

  65. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 11:34 #111043

    Baddie so we have to run through again do we? A man for some reason in his underwear with the mention of the bulge in his underwear twice and a further mention of what suggests his penis exposed to a young boy. The man then asks the child to keep it secret. How is that not laced with paedophillia? Please explain I’m all ears.

  66. Badarse

    Jul 07, 2018, 11:23 #111042

    Interesting that the three thought police, Eggman the Rees-Mogg of the OG, the Nark who confuses, confounds, conflates then just cons, and jjingoballs the pseudo man of yesteryear, (you can take the 'boot boy' out of Boots but you can't shoo him away), have a one-eyed view of any specific item which is served on the agenda. Also amusingly predictable that they will all sing from the same song sheet in misunderstanding and misconstruing. MAYDUP man is incapable of pure thought unless it involves bottom-spanking, so he doesn't count...well he does up to about eight or nine. TOOAW is not a Sour, I would stake my credibility on that statement. He certainly isn't a Dark Moany either. His post was not laced with paedophilia-you clowns are just out to character-assassinate any who disagree with your warped concepts of reality. Lighten up, it's meringue time! Keep up the good work TOOAW, 'OG Virtual Fan of the Year' ha ha. Wait for the avalanche of froth, ha ha. Just a point WORriers. Why do you feel you can demand an answer, especially when you condone all aspects of other posters? I'd love you to try to insist on an answer in real life from anyone. Are you all lonely and/or nagged at home? Egg dhansak curry tonight, lads?

  67. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 10:10 #111041

    It’s intersting that Unai coming on board has actually breathed new life into the Arsenal official site. With the change has come a regaining of control of official information. We want to see Unai it’s likely to be through the official Channels. It is a clear show how Leakey Arsenal had become during the last year of Wenger’s reign

  68. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 9:55 #111040

    Hector Bellerin has loaded a picture of himself and Unai with the # learning from the get go ! Hector is simply stating what we all know. There was **** all development under Wenger.

  69. markymark

    Jul 07, 2018, 7:37 #111039

    Exeter Ex - exactly right . If he is trying to draw equivalence I can only assume he sees paedophillia as no worse than adult sexuality . Therefore ToOaW is a Paedophille or at least has a Victorian view of sexuality that see’s the vice not the age as most important. As we know paedophillia was commonplace. Baddie obviously realises ToOaW is a bumbling pervert and is trying desperately to stay out of it. I tried to explain to ToOaW that homosexuality was legalised in 1967 but he’s not taking it in

  70. Exeter Ex

    Jul 06, 2018, 23:24 #111038

    Toady - do you genuinely think a comedy sketch with sexual overtones involving all adults is morally equivalent to one involving an adult and child? You truly are a lost and sick individual aren't you. I'm not sure why you haven't been banned from the site.

  71. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 22:47 #111037

    Narky boy Arteta fanboy. And your post prior was all clean and politically correct yes ?????? Nope but the agenda of this site will forgive and forget. Night fellas. Good old Arsene.

  72. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 22:35 #111036

    ToOaW - as your still obviously too thick to realise. If you mention children with a cartoonish character based on me. It’s you who’s the Paedo. You are the one who is constructing inappropriate material. We can only advise you to stop and reflect that you are likely a pervert. Therefore if you keep posting good night daddy. You simply draw attention to your paedophillic post. Each time you come on here we will remind you that you are a Paedophille. Your first choice to run off was probably the best choice.

  73. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 22:04 #111035

    Not guilty police superintendent eggman. Good old Arsenal.

  74. Exeter Ex

    Jul 06, 2018, 21:49 #111034

    Toady, you are a sick, sick individual. Of course you're not going to recognise yourself as such - because you're a sick individual. Have you started to wonder yet why Badarse isn't supporting you? He's a coward who will neither support nor condemn.

  75. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 21:37 #111033

    Woof woof. Poor old Narky boy..... ALWAYS right. God bless him. Night daddy.

  76. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 21:22 #111032

    You posted to me you imbecile - your still a Paedophille poster whether I post to you or not. Obviously can’t handle it! Please don’t post to me please don’t! Beast

  77. jjetplane

    Jul 06, 2018, 21:19 #111031

    That 2nd goal was incredible and Martinez and Lukaku linking up again is pretty mad! Brazil are out so it is all Euro now What a quazy WC! France v Belgium will be a cracker to say nothing of tomorrow afternoon. Like the ed says ignore the trolls which I am doing and talk football which has never interested said trolls as they have proved that with their sick love of a withered old ostrich who clearly did not understand or even like football but knew how to make lotsa money for himself. Dull, useless just like the trolls. Must be dark up in that loft as night draws in. Do you have a pulley system to deliver your meals. Just asking. Oh and has TOOAW got a tent/kennel in the garden? Questions bloody questions but you are such fascinating creatures. Following some old bloke to the ends of well the pitch to find sweet nadir! zilch! Must feel like that for loftman when everyday he is reminded how Marxism was eaten up my the neo cons and presented back to the poor as a four pack with nachos thrown in! Talking around them not to them works much better.

  78. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 21:17 #111030

    Gooner ed stated not to reply Arteta fanboy. Do as you are told.

  79. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 20:59 #111029

    Your post suggests paedophillia - your a beast

  80. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 20:52 #111028

    Arteta fanboy. Let the side down fella AGAIN. Read these words carefully. Your post prior to mine suggested homesexuality. Gay rights eh.

  81. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 20:07 #111027

    We know what’s happened here you beast . You’ve scuttled off to read up on whether you could be up for obscene publications and a potential prosecution and of course outing to the wider public that you are a Paedophille. You are desperately hoping that you can vaguely deny the arousal line ( probably the line at which you face possible prosecution ) the fact of course your disgusting post refers to a man with a bulge facing a boy and then a line refers to exposure is a something you hope to hide. I never want to read your disgusting post again. It’s the equivalent of finding a Dutch Boy mag . No thank you ! Obviously you had to have a big think about that post. Did you wallow in it? Beast ! I warned you over a period of days to stop posting about children but you had to go there . You’re filth pure filth .

  82. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 19:47 #111026

    ToOaW - you mention a bulge twice and then make a comment obviously suggesting genitalia hanging out. Call me Artetafanboy all day long. You’re a Paedo poster and it’s taken you a week to come up with that pathetic defence . You really are the filthy raincoat brigade . Try addressing the site about this I’m not the only one to comment you’re a pervert.

  83. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 18:53 #111025

    Arteta fanboy. Show me this script by a man being aroused by a boy ??? Show me. Read it again.....

  84. Exeter Ex

    Jul 06, 2018, 18:35 #111024

    Did you hope stating it was predictable I'd respond would stop me doing so, Toady? Why did you write a disgusting sketch about a man getting aroused in front of a boy? Why are you still on this site? Badarse - he's reaching out to you, are you going to continue to ignore him? Where are your high moral principles in this particular instance, Badarse. You police every other perceived moral failure on this site, why have you nothing to say on this one? Could it be you're a massive fraud who is fine with the most disgusting, degrading comments just so long as the poster has previously shown the love for Wenger? What other conclusion can be drawn. You're giving us nothing back to conclude otherwise. How's the 'hounding' going Badbum?

  85. jjetplane

    Jul 06, 2018, 18:34 #111023

    Belgium waffles anyone. From Lidls of course. Fajitas were so last week.

  86. jjetplane

    Jul 06, 2018, 18:21 #111022

    All this sunshine, peach melba ice creams on the beach & there is the old totter, chained up in the loft editing his old scripts from the evening classes in creative remembrance for the past it fogies who still lift a glass to Lenin. Won't be long before the old totter is back up on the table in his clogs dancing away with his estranged nephew TOOAW. Oh to have misjudged the mood at Arsenal to the point of no recourse. All rotten little Leninist eggs put in one smelly little basket that now rots in the Soviet heat. Should have gone with Trotsky so you could have kept up with the revolution though he would have no doubt give you the ****s. How to waste a summer in such a small way. At least try opening the skylight before the neighbours phone in about the bad smell the smell of Wengoball plastic burning. Right Brazzzzzilll v Mexico. Media called it wrong re Suarez - been out of form all season and with Cavani out France managed them easily. Unai has so much presence whereas Wenger has been no more than a ghost floating in a duvet for more years than can be remembered. No wonder trollarse & trollaw have lost the plot.

  87. mbg

    Jul 06, 2018, 17:50 #111021

    Dear dear isn't it plain to see the friendships and camaraderie on here is just fooking killing old sore arse, old billy no mates, except from a racist perv.

  88. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 17:44 #111020

    Badarse - this is not going to go away. You probably hope desperately that Ron will reciprocate some chummy whistful little trip down memory lane but sadly a few of us will be making it clear you started kicking off about someone daring to use the term ‘lady’ but went quiet on a perverted paedophillic posting. You didn’t even have to attack ToOaW direct. You could of simply said I believe in children’s rights to be protected and posting 116735 is not acceptable. However you also appear to have form as previously Jamerson said that both he and his father had beaten children and then offered a sinister aside about parties at his farm. You found him funny as he “scattered the WOR” So one Paedo and one probable Paedo ? Hmmm not sounding good does it? I left a brief summarising of where I think you sit in the previous thread. I am more convinced than ever that you harbour a dark soul Old Man. I’d suggest you Make peace with whoever or whatever it is you believe in before it’s too late.

  89. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 17:25 #111019

    Badarse - ToOaW posting 116735 wrote a paedophillic script about a man sexually aroused by a boy. Do you deny this or accept this ? The Editor of the site believes him to be a Tottenham supporting Troll . Do you accept or deny this has been posted in this site? You have previously voted this man supporter of the year . Do you deny or confirm this? Do you feel looking back that voting a suspected paedophilic Spurs Supporter is both deeply embarrassing to you and a gross insult to the site? Why do you no longer address ToOaW directly ? Are you embarrassed of the shambles you have created? Interested to hear your true thoughts on this , not some gutless cowardly and tedious waffle about Eggs.

  90. TOOAW

    Jul 06, 2018, 17:05 #111018

    Who is this toady person.... Off with his head I say. Assuming that I is a gooner eh ed. Assuming that I is a spud eh ed. Now, I know which side of the fence I sit. And it ain't down the Lane. And I know that I didn't sit on the anti Wenger side too That is why there are only 2 left standing. Maybe dead men walking eh. 'open church' so I'm told. Fickle Gooners it is for O.G. Along will come chief superintendent eggman as light brings day. God love em these merry men from the 70's. Good old Arsenal. Good old Badarse.

  91. mbg

    Jul 06, 2018, 16:14 #111017

    Round and round all on his own nowhere to go nowhere to turn, can't even sit because he starts to burn, all it takes is a dangly worm and the joke of the site racist is back, talking gobbledegook and shyte all on his own, hee hee. Good old Unai, exciting times ahead..

  92. Exeter Ex

    Jul 06, 2018, 15:27 #111016

    Where's the lie, Badarse? Did Toady not write post 116735? Have you had anything to say about it? If so, can you point out where this is? Does this not make you a double standard, massive hypocrite? Does 'Job done' not make you a troll? Yes, it factually does, on both counts. So where's the lie? What did you make of Toady saying 'the club is in a mess'? What did you think of the site editor calling him a Spud troll? What did you think of Toady's sketch about the dad and the son? Why haven't you either defended or condemned 'Supporter of the year', who's always had your back? Too many questions? You're too cowardly to answer any of them, aren't you? You'll be whacked back down with them every time you pop your head up.

  93. Badarse

    Jul 06, 2018, 14:55 #111015

    Round and around ALDIs they marched searching for more lager-Belgium. jjingoballs at the head with his three Mouseketeers, MAYDUP man, Eggman and the Nark, known as Ateste the bottom man, Athosr the Rees-Mogg of the OG, and Poortos the Nark. 'Three Liars dishing dirt!' sang jjingoballs as the three slushed along all with hands stuffed deep into trouser pockets. Athosr quietly withdrew Ateste's left hand from his own right pocket and at the same time Poortos withdrew Ateste's right hand from his own left pocket. Ateste groaned as he had no pockets in his orange ankle-swingers. Fish pizza for tea had promised jjingoballs, but he had another puncture. 'I'm green!' yelled Athosr, as he rode off, "Ding-a-ling." So much for camaraderie of the WOR mongers.

  94. Exeter Ex

    Jul 06, 2018, 14:53 #111014

    Good to read of the changes taking place in approach at Arsenal now. A complete expunging of the Wenger way is needed if the club is to not be defined by such a long era. It's as if there's been a collective realisation (with a few obvious exceptions) he went on embarrassingly too long and radical surgery is now needed. Will be back in North London tomorrow, watching the England game with old friends I used to go to Highbury with. If England win I reckon we'll head down Highbury way. Who knows, perhaps the new Arsenal will rekindle the wish to make this a more regular occurrence again.

  95. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 14:00 #111013

    The official Arsenal Website has drawn on outside sources to discuss Arsenal’s new approach under Unai. What is fun is the rag tag Wenger Boyz will read a gross insult of Wenger into it. Damn right I’d say. Apparently we are going to prepare tactically with surprises against our rivals ! Take that you rag tag Boyz. Apparently we will build a strong defence ! Take that again you dirty Mac brigade. Just loving the complete disappearance of Wenger from every word spoken by the club. It’s a case of Wenger who? The Wenger stand and Wenger Way footbridge! Baddies ancient bony arse !

  96. markymark

    Jul 06, 2018, 13:41 #111012

    Jjetplane - hi mate, the Asian high tempo game has been building a head of steam for quite a while hasn’t it. I would suspect Spain and Italy could end up seriously embarrassed against South Korea or Japan. Belgium needed superb breaking pace and a 6ft 4”battering ram to dislodge them. They offer good entertainment , good value for mone my id say

  97. jjetplane

    Jul 06, 2018, 13:29 #111011

    markymark just what I was thinking watching Spain pass sideways and just praying for Russian to break it up and just run en masse and stick it in the net. That Japanese performance against Belgium was the best with such tight space passing to get out of pressing issues was just brilliant. Simeone loves that sort of play and I am finding it so much more rivetting than the tic tac tic tac which has disappeared up it's proverbial. Wenger only had a tenth rate version after the Highbury move and we can see Unai is already setting us up for far more competitive movement on the pitch and hope players like Ramsay and Ozil can adapt their play and sacrifice their unwarranted egos for the sake of the team. Unai would not be far off taking another look at the Japanese. He was probably very interested too in the Swiss performance against the Serbs which was a masterful display of containment and opportunism. We just need 11 Ray Parlours and we are good to go.

  98. mbg

    Jul 06, 2018, 13:10 #111010

    John F, I wonder has he done away with the luke warm and room temperature water also, apparently it is/was good for the complexion though. Good old Unai.

  99. mbg

    Jul 06, 2018, 12:54 #111009

    Apparently Unai was being tapped up/pursed for the Arsenal job long before wenger even knew, or suspected, it would explain a lot, I hope it's true, exactly what the weasel deserved, humiliated, so no one can touch me eh, oh what a blow to his long busted ego, good old Unai, exciting times ahead.

  100. John F

    Jul 05, 2018, 21:54 #111008

    It was only a short clip teaching them how to block off a run but it will do me.I did click on the 2017 pre season and watch an overweight primorac and in comparison there appears to be more energy about Dick and his assistant.What I did find amusing in the 2017 clip was that they used an automatic football shooting machine similar to a tennis one for the goalkeeper s.It looked like it took more energy for the coach to load the thing then it would to kick it himself.I am hoping Dick will use it to fire at the non performers. "Ok Ozil start running" boom.

  101. markymark

    Jul 05, 2018, 21:22 #111007

    Looking at Spain’s Wengo style performance with I believe the greatest levels of passes in an international game. It became suddenly obvious to me that the boring side, the negative anti football side Russia . Were actually holding my attention. Spain with their constant impotent tikka takka was boring beyond words. 20,000 supporters stopped turning up to watch Arsenal tikka takka . It’s dead and buried . Bring on pragmatic defending and game play , bring on the press, bring on the nasty Arsenal. I’m going to love it I think.

  102. Bard

    Jul 05, 2018, 21:00 #111006

    John F; you are a brother in arms mate. A beacon of light in an otherwise cruel and heartless world. However lets dispense with the bromance your news that we are practising defending brought tears to my eyes. Shades of GG, I am properly excited that we will see some genuine football this season. Much as I have loved our occasional brilliance under Wenger I have detested our all too frequent gutless capitulations. If you want endless excitement go and play computer games. Sport at the top level should be fought to the death, metaphorically speaking. The football as art mantra propounded by some is complete nonsense. By the way Im not so sure Sweden are a great draw. I see Pens on the horizon or a loss in normal time. Just dont see us scoring from open play.


    Jul 05, 2018, 20:07 #111005

    Sorry about my WC negativity chaps - that's World Cup by the way, bowels fine thank you. Apart from a couple of matches, I think the standard of footie overall has been distinctly average but the "Meedja" just love bigging things up don't they? Of course I will watch Engerlund if we make the Final. The 1966 team were really boring until the later stages but the 1970 team was simply our best ever imo. But I won't sit & watch average stuff - too much else to do. Look, I am old & lucky enough to live down here, very comfortably with no debts, just assets. But it doesn't make me complacent to see the way sport is cleverly used to distract the 95% by the 5% who control the wealth, all the xenophobic stuff, the "if in doubt blame the Russians" ploy etc. etc etc.. I think "Brexit" (Don Howe) as a process so far is as good as any Marx Brothers comedy (ACG) but it won't really affect me - it's my kids & their kids that will be disadvantaged by this & larger environmental issues. End of rant. Is the tiny Torreira coming to us or not?

  104. John F

    Jul 05, 2018, 19:12 #111004

    On Arsenal Twitter they are showing videos of players practising defending,it looks like they are being taught the basics.They are looking bewildered and wondering what has happened to the short passing around cones routines.

  105. Don Howe

    Jul 05, 2018, 17:59 #111003

    Bard, Thank you for some genuine comedy. With Cornish's comments (from the end of the world) about the end of his world (Brexit?), and his genuine concern ( which we must all share) about the end of the world, I needed something to cheer me up. Interesting that I spent years with a living nightmare that I would wake up to the sound and sight of nuclear weapons going off, only to find after the end of the Cold War that we are going to kill ourselves in a whole different way. Arsene Wenger is proof along with global warming that we are as a race, literally too stupid to live. Thanks goodness then, for the Revd Gareth Southgate, who has brought some semblance of order and pleasure albeit temporarily, to our otherwise chaotic existence. So cheer up Cornish. I assume that you live in Cornwall, which makes you almost the winner of 1st Prize in British Life. True a trip to N5 1BU is a marathon, but you get to live somewhere lovely. Just think, you could live in a terrace between Wenger and Trump.

  106. markymark

    Jul 05, 2018, 17:34 #111002

    MBG - yes mate before the vice squad spoilt Baddies fun by raiding the PO boxes I’m sure he had a stash of obcene material coming over from Holland . Nowadays it’s the Dark Web for the Dirty Raincoat Rabble but quite how he’s going to get Mrs Badarse to point the router in that direction God knows? Baddie I just hope your relatives have not had to suffer the humiliation of the last remaining Wengerboyz / Dirty Mac Brigade ? Perhaps it’s time to renew your Family Circle Magazine and froth about how you’ve been making your soufflés the exact same way for 15 years.

  107. Exeter Ex

    Jul 05, 2018, 16:50 #111001

    Just wondering where Badarse's support for Toady is in his hour of greatest need. Accusations of Spud trollery, of paedophilia, and the great moral arbiter of the site has nothing to say - no defending, no guidance back onto the right path, no constructive criticism. Left an individual who's unconditionally supported him every step of the way completely alone. How does it feel to be abandoned by someone you look up to so much, Toady?

  108. John F

    Jul 05, 2018, 16:44 #111000

    Bard I am sorry that your wife has still not returned and I am concerned about your diet.May I suggest applying for Meals on Wheels,I used to deliver them in the nineties at weekends and I can tell you they are very nutritious and with the added bonus that you can eat out of the tray so no washing up.As for your love life perhaps if she returns after she realises you can survive alone you could suggest the passionate nights will come back every time Cech saves a penalty.

  109. mbg

    Jul 05, 2018, 16:12 #110999

    Yes we're genuinely glad they won but dancing on the streets and singing too ? what's that all about ? and it's just as well it was beer being showered and not lemon juice or anything with it in it, or the Sun would have given them free streaks in their hair, i hope that's not being sexist but I suppose according to one idiot it will be. Exciting times ahead.

  110. jjetplane

    Jul 05, 2018, 15:46 #110998

    Nothing over the top about winning a penalty shoot out and a delight watching all those England fans going mad. Getting to the quarters is quite an achievement and still think this team has more to give. Pickford is hardly a giant it's just that Ospina has had poor coaching from a bunch of Wenger ass lickers and then having the Cartels breathing down your neck is hardly conducive. Fan watching on you tube where they have compilations of crying Germans and the Spanish which are a hoot! Always winning everything so good to see them chastened by South Korean and the Russians. Good old Turgenev. Good old new Japan. Good old green and pleasant land.

  111. mbg

    Jul 05, 2018, 15:41 #110997

    Sorearse, what makes you think any of us on here care what you think, what you have to say or what you like, or what your opinion is, we don't, well apart from one other racist perv, it just aint gonna happen, there's specialist sites for you and him, so jog on. Exciting times ahead.

  112. mbg

    Jul 05, 2018, 15:31 #110996

    It's a bit over the top I know, nothing has been won yet, and it's likely to come crashing down, just like TOF wenger and his team of nice boys after winning two or three in a row, but it's just that Arsenal fans have had fook all to cheer about for years with the weasel having got the run, and hasn't been heard of since we can all enjoy it and get optimistic again. Come on England, Come on Unai.

  113. Exeter Ex

    Jul 05, 2018, 12:54 #110995

    'Liked that', 'Good old Unai'. Trying to weasel his way back in after referring to OG site users as 'scum' and giving a silent thumbs up to a paedophilic skit. As he's a self-confessed troll himself ('Job done!') I'd imagine Badarse will also have nothing to say about Toady being outed as a troll.

  114. markymark

    Jul 05, 2018, 12:39 #110994

    Badarse - brilliant so Ospina was punished for his height. So which dimwit Manager imposed him on us then ? Lucky you now are a Unai fan otherwise your old Wenger love would leave you foolish. Just a question Baddie, you know the man you voted Arsenal Supporter of the year? Yes I mean Peado man. The site editor thinks he’s a Tottenham Troll. Any thoughts Baddie?

  115. Badarse

    Jul 05, 2018, 11:23 #110993

    Liked that.

  116. Bard

    Jul 05, 2018, 11:00 #110992

    Cornish, I couldn’t agree more mate the euphoric nationalism is a touch too sickly sweet for my taste. Why aren’t we discussing the big issues of the day, one of which incidentally is the state of my domestic situation following last week’s disastrous visit to the marital therapist. In short it’s not been good. As you may remember Mrs Bard legged it to her sister's in protest at my TV sports addiction and other related let downs. We tried to have a grown up chat last week but I quickly realised our reasons for getting back together were completely different. Mrs Bard is missing my wit, insight and intelligence, how could she not. She tells me she has been highly agitated since seeing Harry Kane slam those 2 penalties in against Panama. She said it reminded her of our nights of passion following Arsenal away wins ( not much of that last season obviously). I come from a different place though. The house is an absolute tip there are empty cans of beer, half eaten takeaways and dog eared copies of Graham Perry’s Arsenal Circulars ( I ran out of toilet roll after the Spain game) litter the place. It needs a seriously good clean and Mrs Bard is a dab hand with the hoover. I sensitively suggested we try a very short reconciliation. She could come over on a Monday and Thursday and give the house a good make over. If she had time left she could also cook a couple of meals. I am pretty PC as you know so I was very surprised how badly this went down. She grabbed the TV remote threw it at the wall and stormed out. But as luck would have it she is more Southgate than Ronaldo when it comes to hitting the target, she missed the wall completely and it went through an open window onto the lawn. No damage thank goodness. So here I am, deep into week 2 of the World Cup, Wimbledon and the Tour de France to start on Saturday and still no Mrs B, could a divorce be on the cards I wonder? Watch this space.

  117. Exeter Ex

    Jul 05, 2018, 9:53 #110991

    Both odd and sad that Badbum still feels he can sit in judgment whilst being fine with paedophilic comments. Odd and sad that both he and Toady have a pathological need to post on this website, despite their humiliation and disgrace.

  118. Badarse

    Jul 05, 2018, 7:27 #110990

    Watched a film; it was poor so wished I hadn't. Switched over to see outcome only to witness the two sides preparing for 2nd half of ET. Watched and the penalties. I thought every shot was a good attempt with 7 out of 10 going in. 2 excellent saves and the deciding shot hitting the underside of the bar with the keeper flat-footed. A good result for those interested-I just wanted Ospina to do well and he acquitted himself. However not for the first time has the lad been punished for his height. Had it been Cech for instance he would have got the entire meat of his palm on the shot and saved it. To further muddy the water had the shot that hit the bar been about 3 inches lower the other side would have won. Cue euphoria. Odd but as expected. Ironic that those who shout loudest that AFC are a money-making company, (and they are), are only too willing to promote international money-making enterprises for the WC. Not odd, just sad. Still gentlemen, enjoy, especially the children; it will make a refreshing change to see them put away their Messi shirts for a couple of weeks anyway.

  119. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 05, 2018, 0:10 #110989

    CORNISH. That was a bit Badarsean. I liked The Marx Brothers, but I always thought Karl took himself a bit too seriously. A bit like some posters on here suggeting the WC is merely a distraction for proles.

  120. gooner.ed

    Jul 04, 2018, 22:56 #110988

    People - Please ignore TOOAW's comments. He is simply trying to wind others up to get a reaction. Obvious Spud. He'll get bored if you simply ignore his obvious attempts to bait Gooners.

  121. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2018, 21:13 #110987

    Best night ever for supporting England & I have never felt so involved with an England. They have some really great youngsters like rashford, Arnold, Picky, McGuire, Trippier, Kane though he getting a bit old and leggy and needs to get back on social media. Shame Ali has been hampered cause he is a lad to make a difference so yes Loving England, loving this WC and loving watching Ozil lose with the country he is not to fussed by. If he starts stinking up the Real Arsenal now fake Wenger has been sacked Unai knows what to do- send him packing like Jack. As Unai seems to be thinking of two other midfielders perhaps Ozil's time is up though the fact he only likes playing half a season he could be useful for cups though they must bring his wages down. TOOAW pretending he still likes Arsenal! Squirm squirm .....

  122. TOOAW

    Jul 04, 2018, 20:17 #110986

    Obvious wind up comment from Spurs fan


    Jul 04, 2018, 19:49 #110985

    Talk about "the opium of the masses' or whatever - it's sure easy to distract The People the days. It's was just one bloody average game of football with other easy games to follow which we will, no doubt, make hard work of before losing the Final. Given the emerging **** storms facing the Country & the Planet, I really don't get it. But Arsenal - well that's another matter altogether & far more important!

  124. John F

    Jul 04, 2018, 19:05 #110984

    I felt uncomfortable wanting a spud to score but seeing my youngest excitement and the lift it gave the country when England won made it worthwhile. Good post Don, apparently the Colombian press have been blaming the referee for their defeat. If they hadn't resorted to the dark arts and just played football they might of got a result.I like Southgate but I did think his substitution s nearly cost England the game.

  125. Don Howe

    Jul 04, 2018, 18:15 #110983

    As I was watching the shootout I was praying for us to win it for one very simple reason. There should be some reward for reform. The players keep calm when there are what Sir Alf Ramsey described as "animals" provoking them and hitting them. The passes more or less go where they are meant to. The team don't panic. There IS a plan. We have a strategy. The team isn't full of t*rds. It's better. It really is and it would still have been better even if we had lost the shootout. But we didn't. We WON it. The icing on a thoroughly wonderful world cup, where the cheating countries of the world literally cannot help themselves but cheat and are utterly mystified when they get caught. Our ethos is broadly not to cheat, and thus we have very little to fear. Alternatively, we are cheats but have the sense to realise that we can be caught. I prefer the former view but accept the alternative may be true.