The Unai Emery Era Kicks Off

Online Ed: Pre-season opener sees eight goals and 23 players

The Unai Emery Era Kicks Off

I used to attend the pre-season match against Barnet sometimes. This in the day when there would be some first team players that you could watch at uncustomary close quarters. Arsenal’s arrangement with Barnet ceased at some point before they vacated Underhill and switched to Borehamwood. I am not certain Arsene Wenger himself ever managed the side that played there every pre-season. It was generally the under-23s and I wasn’t tempted to spend a July afternoon (or occasionally evening from memory) watching players that invariably wouldn’t be retained by the club.

However, on Thursday, I read that Unai Emery was going to take a strong team to play in the fixture, so snapped up the final remaining seat on the phone from Borehamwood’s ticket office.

Saturday at 3pm saw England face Belgium in St Petersburg (I’ll conclude my World Cup diary tomorrow by the way) at the same time that Arsenal kicked off in north west London. Both, in their own way were meaningless games. I’d venture the weather in London was hotter than St Petersburg, and felt a little sympathy for those who had to stand in the uncovered ends.

However, the most significant thing about the afternoon for me were the roster of attendees in the section of seating given over to visiting directors and guests. Now, remember, at Brighton away last season, the only attendee with any connection to the board was secretary David Miles. It really came home to me seeing the names stuck on the seats in the stand at Borehamwood the amount of disconnect between Arsene and the directors at the end of his tenure. This was a pre-season kickabout. But in attendance were… Ivan Gazidis and family, Chips Keswick and wife, Ken Friar, Raul Sanllehi, Richard Carr, Freddie Ljungerg, David Miles and family, Huss Fahmy, not forgetting the ever-loyal Pat Rice. Granted, the Kroenkes were not there and Lord Harris presumably had better things to do but even so… it seemed like most of the club’s senior people wanted to be there. Perhaps they were all curious, but what Lady Sarah Keswick made of the facilities at Meadow Park… well, let’s just focus on the football and assume they make a quality cucumber sandwich.

As is often the case pre-season we saw two totally different elevens start the two halves for the Gunners. Emery brought a squad of 24 players according to the teamsheet. The first half team was: Cech, Bellerin, Sokratis, Mavropanos, Osei-Tutu, Maitland-Niles, Willock, Smith Rowe, Nelson, Aubameyang, Lacazette. After the interval it was: Martinez, Jenkinson, Mustafi, Holding, Kolasinac, Chambers, Ramsey, Mkhitaryan, Reine-Adelaide, Nketiah, Perez. New signing Guendouzi replaced Reine-Adelaide with about 15 minutes left. If Chuba Akpom got any playing time, I missed it.

These games don’t bear a great deal of analysis. The hosts were despatched as they should have been given the gulf in quality, with some of the goals particularly eye-catching. Regarding the two new signings, Sokratis looks a bit of a lump frankly, and Barnet certainly had a couple of chances in the opening 45 minutes. I’d call him a solid centre back, certainly physically, although pace could be a concern. It seems his primary role will be to bring more defensive knowhow to the team, remembering that Per Mertesacker is now retired. It was interesting that he was paired with Mavropanos, no communication problems there.

Guendenzi looked tidy, but nothing remarkable. I am sure he will see some action in the lesser competitions over the coming season, but at the moment, there’s nothing to report. On his entrance, the PA announcer was fumbling with his notes to find his name on the squad list and I thought, let’s lighten things up and just tell the crowd that Jeff Reine-Adelaide is being replaced by Sideshow Bob.

Of more interest was to watch what was happening with the head coach. Emery and his Spanish number 2 Juan Carlos Carcedo took it in turns to bark at the players, with Emery doing some specific individual instruction during the water break in each half. Steve Bould was chatted to on occasion by Emery, but by and large did what he did when Arsene was in charge… i.e. nothing. One gets the feeling he has been kept on simply to inform Emery how things were before, but of course, we do not know what goes on at the training ground. Spanish was often used rather than English by Carcedo, presumably on the basis the players concerned could understand it.

As for the tactics, we had 4-2-1-3 in the first half, although in the second it became a bit more 4-1-2-3 if only because Aaron Ramsey had no requirement to play deep. Calum Chambers played the holding midfield role, but of course, when everyone is back from their post World Cup holidays, Lucas Torreira will be the first choice for that position, with Elneny and Maitland-Niles the reserve options. Do not be completely surprised if the regular midfield pairing becomes Torreira and Maitland-Niles, depending on the fate of Aaron Ramsey (who could play in front of such a pair if he stays and Ozil is pushed out wide). Only other thing that really struck me was how vocal Shkodran Mustafi was in organizing the backline.

At the game’s conclusion, Arsenal head of PR Mark Gonella wanted Emery to do an interview for the club’s in-house media channel on the pitch, but the head coach was having none of it. Reportedly, those who had played in the first half went back to London Colney to do a light training session after their stint, so maybe Emery wanted to make a quick getaway and catch the end of that. Who knows? A sign perhaps that he is more concerned with his pre-season preparations than pleasing the media team.

So, four more pre-season matches and some filtering in of those who were on duty in Russia. The only conclusion we can really make from this run out is that the head coach and his bona fide assistant are going to be more proactive during matches, but let’s be honest, it would have been a challenge not to be given the amount of in-game instruction we have seen from the dugout in recent years.

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  1. markymark

    Jul 18, 2018, 7:58 #111265

    The Rev Brian B’darse sat in his favourite chair with a wry smile on his face. £5000 had been successfully raised towards the church restoration fund , outside was also a gleaming SUV with down payment gleefully accepted. The extra funds amounting to an additional £8,000 had just been placed in a Zimbabwe farm syndicate. Brian sat back and thought through his long life, he remembered the people he had known. The congregation or rabble as he called them, would be shocked at such a list of whacky personalities , VIP’s , and the criminal underworld. Brian’s tastes had certainly been exotic in the past and his meeting with Bill Moody of the Vice Squad and Big Frank Mifsud had certainly proved fruitful, before Operation Countrymen had sent the whole seen crashing down. Those were the days , keys thrown into the ash tray. Brian would then tell one of his favourite dirty ditties to put them in the mood, he remembered one about groping a barmaid, oh how the party goer’s had laughed. Brian thought it time to celebrate and so he put on one of his favourite tunes ‘Una Paloma Blanca’. Now where had that Jonathan King disappeared to? All the good old stuff was being ruined by those modern fascists, Brian now began to feel a little glum

  2. mbg

    Jul 17, 2018, 23:48 #111264

    GoonerRon, I DON'T HAVE TO LET IT, OR HIM GO, I NEVER EMBRACED HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE unlike you, and yes the same top top qualitee striker your beloved wenger kept bumming and blowing to us about who was pictured with the WC after not having a single shot on target in the whole tournament.

  3. GoonerRon

    Jul 17, 2018, 22:41 #111263

    @ mbg - YOU HAVE TO LET IT GO, WENGER ISN’T OUR MANAGER ANYMORE!. On Ozil, a playmaker who reached 50 assists faster than any other player in PL history. Yes, what a shocking waste of space.

  4. markymark

    Jul 17, 2018, 22:01 #111262

    Paedo man is back. He’s not a paedo just very clumsy according to Sorearse!

  5. TOOAW

    Jul 17, 2018, 21:35 #111261

    Good evening Badarse. They just simply don't seem to get it do they. Badarse shoots..... Badarse scores. Eggsellent work fella. What a great year 1949 was eh??

  6. mbg

    Jul 17, 2018, 18:34 #111259

    Exeter Ex, I don't doubt it mate but it's always good to help him make himself look stupid, with no cigar, it's very easy to do, it's like a hobby now, and of course he hates it, (even though he should be well used to it by now)just as much as Unai and Arsenal.

  7. Exeter Ex

    Jul 17, 2018, 18:18 #111257

    A Cornish - apparently Sorearse's philosophical treatise consisted of "We had it all, yet it amounted to very little" "Many a mickle makes a muckle" and "Young people today don't know they're born". "Whoops, entering profound philosophy here" he cried as chap 1 then chap 2 fell to the floor.

  8. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 17, 2018, 18:07 #111256

    Exeter. Background to the pointless exaggeration story. Moments before 'chap 1' had his heart attack he received some bad news. Badarse had invited himself over to discuss his thoughts on philosophy. Four days later 'chap 2' received the same bad news. Coincidence or what?

  9. mbg

    Jul 17, 2018, 16:55 #111254

    Sad old Sorearse still can't get his head around the term pansies/pansy (it never fails to get a response, like a big juicy worm)it's still even flying over his head now, while everybody else knows exactly what it means and have done for years, while he continues to try and score cheap points with them, Wrong again, no cigar, or fairy cake.

  10. Exeter Ex

    Jul 17, 2018, 16:51 #111253

    Interesting Sorearse. You can write about groping women as that's funny but the use of 'ladies' in a certain context you have decided is sexist. You feel vindicated in abusing not just mbg but a whole nation for his contempt for Wenger. And what's with all the questions? Why should mbg 'bend the knee' and bow to your demands for answers? You're being fascistic, expecting him to see the world through your eyes. mgb - just tell him you're teasing, he'll be fine with it then. No double standards or hypocrisy from you, right Sorearse?

  11. mbg

    Jul 17, 2018, 16:41 #111252

    Exeter Ex, you've hit on something there, those books you can get to join the dots to make funny pictures would be right up his street, maybe he has some already.

  12. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2018, 16:37 #111251

    Interesting MAYDUP man. A post mentioning and insulting Arsene Wenger three times, also mentioning and insulting Ozil the same, three times, and being homophobic twice, (or is it your love of flowers?), plus swearing three times. Are you an angry man? Do you have an obsession involving Arsene, or Mesut, for that matter? Do you iron your orange ankle-swingers? Are you a Northern Ireland, or England football fan? Answers in an eggcup, post to Poet's Corner.

  13. Exeter Ex

    Jul 17, 2018, 16:32 #111250

    "Just recently a chap we know had a heart attack but survived. 4 days later a chap we know with the same name had a heart attack and died". That's nothing. I know a chap who was struck by lightning and survived. Just 2 days later a chap I know of the same name, age, height and weight was struck by lightning in the same place and died. Can anyone top that pointless exaggeration?

  14. mbg

    Jul 17, 2018, 16:25 #111249

    I see the weasels chief pansy nice boy Ozil has informed us all he's devastated and it's going to take him a long time to get over going out of the world cup (it must be very comfortable round the pool and bar at his luxury holiday hotel)so don't expect too much when he gets back, what a f*****g useless excuse making waster (just like his fraud of an ex manager) yet another f*****g liability that useless waste of space of an ex manager has left us with, thankfully Unai is not a pansy manager like he was and is taking no s***e or excuses from him and has told him he expects him to hit the ground running when he gets back, or words to that effect. Good for you Unai a proper manager at last, exciting times ahead.

  15. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2018, 13:22 #111248

    Yes will go along with that observation Reality Cech. It was Boreham Wood though; I too made that gaff. You are right Ron, in that youth plays a big part in those golden memories, but the template was correct. We all know it takes one blip and we immediately re-evaluate. Just recently a chap we know, big, fit, had a heart attack and had three stents inserted. He is back home with his wife planning the future with great relief. Another chap we know of the same name had a heart attack four days later, but died. His wife is walking around in a fug. Her life has ended as she knew it. A flip of a coin, turn left or right as we leave the building; all 'Sliding Doors' moments so we need to remind ourselves of what is and isn't important. Those memories are intrinsic, aren't they? They colour our judgements, with a desire to 'give back', to show youngsters there is another way out of this labyrinth called life.

  16. Reality Cech

    Jul 17, 2018, 12:09 #111247

    Guy in Jersey..'Regarding the two new signings, Sokratis looks a bit of a lump frankly, and Barnet certainly had a couple of chances in the opening 45 minutes'

  17. markymark

    Jul 17, 2018, 12:07 #111246

    Sorearse - I suspect that you are the Otto Strasser of the website. Ps: gone on give us a guess at your age it’s going down, it’s a miracle!

  18. jjetplane

    Jul 17, 2018, 11:45 #111245

    What a tiresomely self centred soft Marxist he is. The majority on here are pretty (ladeee/me no wanna bangarang/me just wan de reggae.../) much on the same page which includes sheer delight at the soft sacking of previous soft 'coach' and enlistment of Unai to post as proper football coach without resort to cod philosophy. As someone said this is a football forum and not an AA type meeting for lost lefties. Said minority poster (troll 1) would be better off on Untold but he would then be just another socialist casualty lost in the 70s who really would have to google up his knowledge of Arsenal. Long as he regales fellow aged students at his evening classes of how he went to Wembley all by himself with just his imaginary sword in 1966 and then met Bobby Moore and from then on he just met everyone and became quite famous. The class now sits empty. ps Unai will turn us into the Athletico of the PL. No nonsense tough tackling with additional sparks.

  19. Bard

    Jul 17, 2018, 11:05 #111244

    Read an interview with the ex Great one, where he says his biggest mistake was staying on too long at the club. Good God at last a mea culpa.

  20. Yes its Ron

    Jul 17, 2018, 10:51 #111243

    Baddie - yes, blackie gray youve got it ha ha! The budgie Burridge of the comic world. I d forgotten the Eagle. Good comic. I think what we had was the innocence of being kids back then, long since gone. Comics, airfix models , footballer pics from tea packets to do swaps, swimming pool most days, the river on others in hot summers, jubblies. My Mothers cooking. Didnt need anything else.

  21. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2018, 10:39 #111242

    Morning Ron had to wait the allotted 10 minutes. I was sending a useless post anyway rather than respond to you, (only saw it as I came out from posting). Those comics, ha ha. I think the Tiger merged with the Eagle didn't it? Dan Dare and all that. Roy of the Rovers and was it 'Blackie Grey'? Such innocent times but full of wonder and splendour. We never noticed the grubbiness, did we? Airfix models were so commonplace too. My brother loved them more than me. He would customise the planes by heating a sewing needle and putting strafe marks across a wing. Such joy, ha ha. We had the best of the best, didn't we? A bit like the difference between a poor kid making his wealth and a lad born into privilege. The former never wants to return to that background so understands and respects more, I think. We had it all, yet it amounted to very little. Whoops entering profound philosophy here.

  22. Exeter Ex

    Jul 17, 2018, 10:35 #111241

    It's just the same old transparent sophistry, an justification so pitifully weak it's hard to know where to start. "If I do it, it's okay. If anyone else does, it's not". You think it's okay to pick and choose when to be prejudice, you think you are the arbiter of such things, and thus hold yourself to a different standard. I call BS.

  23. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2018, 10:17 #111240

    Eggman your intellect lets you down once more. You are so far 'up yourself', (ugly expression, but some fit better than others-with or without Vaseline, ouch!), that you are unable to recognise irony, teasing, wind-ups, and just returning the ball back over the net. The 'ladies' tag was an aside. Not really meant but stronger than your clique seize upon regularly. However Arsenal, as explained have renamed the female team as Arsenal. Only if a specific is required are they then either referred to as 'men' or 'women'. Not 'ladies'. Ladies is a familiar term, a nice term and never to be derided. Yet it is a worthwhile gentle comment. However Alsace used already archaic script. 'We can take the ladies with us to Paris.' My response highlighted the use of the word 'ladies' as derogatory as it was linked with the idea that they would need a jerk like him to take them there. Most women I know can find their own way there-even be able to find the 'left' bank unlike this right-wing 'leftie'. Now using the word hypocrisy is a cowardly term, insulting and too black and white. It is why it marks you down as a fascist. To make a fair comparison you must compare like with like. I have explained this to you before and you clearly cannot grasp the premise. I have duly explained 'ladies' now for the 'fiddle-de-de', and 'Oi. It has been explained once but you need the double bubble it seems. To refer to menteel speeritt is as dodgy as 'Oi', (I reject fiddle-de-de as bad taste as I think the music is just that, however in this instance it was used as a jibe). This was because they were used as a reaction, not an action. Which I believe vindicates me. Just a to simplify, if any offer an insult I shall return it if I see fit, as all my criticisms and teasing are reactions. Isn't that what we all do? Not nastily just intelligently, but of course the status quo is set and that often dictates. Any wiser individual would see that quite clearly.

  24. Yes its Ron

    Jul 17, 2018, 9:58 #111239

    Baddie - recall the Beezer. It was like a broadsheet whereas the Valiant and Co were more tabloid werent they. If memory serves me well re Tiger and Hurricane, am i right in thinking they were once separate comics but merged to form the T and H or did i dream that? I think Roy of the Rovers was a Tiger story wasnt he? Recall the blue and yellow kit anyway and of course the over weight goalkeeper!! happy days! Comic swapping and Airfix models galore.

  25. Exeter Ex

    Jul 17, 2018, 9:48 #111238

    Sorearse - those posting 'menteel speerit' don't then pretend to be terribly PC and go after others for using a term like 'ladies'. It is your own inherent hypocrisy that is being exposed here. Do you get it yet? If you disagree, why don't you explain why 'ladies' isn't okay but 'oi' and 'fiddle-de-de' is okay, and isn't inconsistent and hypocritical when coming from the same person? Nothing to do with what any 'majority' thinks, simply pointing out some straightforward hypocrisy. You're really not connecting the dots, are you?

  26. Yes its Ron

    Jul 17, 2018, 9:42 #111237

    CG - Yes mate ha ha. Yes, a few ripples of it at least by me in this corner on the week end. Theres not many in my neck of the woods really. Drove into Nantes though last week to meet friend at the airport, more animated seemed like there for it of course matey.

  27. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2018, 9:21 #111236

    Oh to be able to post Menteel speeritt and suffer no accusations or criticisms, yet referring to fiddle-de-de music and Oi'll brings brickbats. Double bubble standards, methinks. Yet perhaps it's just the cowardly, bullyboy, fascist approach of a majority. A majority who cannot connect the dots, misunderstand, are possibly blinded by their own self delusions of comprehensions of the world. Majority counts, one two three four, see? So might is right which is a USA doctrine, which also borders fascism in it's acceptance. Think!

  28. Exeter Ex

    Jul 17, 2018, 9:08 #111235

    mbg - I don't think Sorearse really thinks Ulster would be at a World Cup. I think he saw an opportunity to, once again, indulge in some Irish national stereotyping. The same man that told us saying 'ladies' is 'dinosaur' a few hours later is saying 'oi' and 'fiddle-de-de'. Yet he still doesn't get why he's accused of double standards and hypocrisy.

  29. Badarse

    Jul 17, 2018, 8:41 #111234

    He looked at the cows in the field, were they laying or lying? They looked with innocent eyes but he thought they were lying. Then he saw the farmer Charlie, he'd caught the sun; was that a Charlietan he saw? He believed so. He remembered that once recently at the zoo he'd seen a Hippo, it looked overweight to a point of being Hippocritical. He knew what he knew and it wasn't all old, some was knew. Where were the eggs; he thought somewhere nearby. There were the two used in the village egg and spoon race. 'So my little ova. You are rascists!' Then he smashed them on his head as he was between a rock and a hard place as usual. Time he thought, to get back to see what Badarse was saying on the OG.

  30. markymark

    Jul 17, 2018, 7:34 #111233

    Baddie - 1956 - 7 = 1949 , 1949 - 2018 = 69 You have claimed to be 80, 90 now your 69. Bit of a liar and probably a fantasist aren’t you ? As MBG says , so many lies you don’t know where the truth is Obviously I’ve always taken you for a liar , Charlatan and hypocrite so one more lie I suppose is expected.

  31. Cyril

    Jul 17, 2018, 1:55 #111232

    arsey-tarsey - you really are a terrible contradiction. I don’t post regularly anymore cos of you. However, just to point out that you blew my spirit out of the water when you implied that I maybe insulting Wenger with my take on Citizen Camembert’s quest to put paid to the meddling Black fingernail, to whom desires to save Citizen Wenger from the chop. Yet, you are quick to take on a Dublin accent to insult MBG and the astounding Gaelic music culture. Sir Rodney Effing hell. What a carry on, Citizen Bidet get him a bedpan!!

  32. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 16, 2018, 23:42 #111230

    Ron. So, somebody Is interested in football in The Vendee.

  33. mbg

    Jul 16, 2018, 22:08 #111228

    RobG, hee hee, i reckon they made sure there was soft bog roll in the bog.

  34. mbg

    Jul 16, 2018, 19:21 #111225

    Sorearse, wrong again, Ulster have nothing to do with and don't play in the WC that's Rugby, confused again, up your medication, nice try no cigar, hee hee. Exciting times again.

  35. Badarse

    Jul 16, 2018, 19:13 #111224

    Hello Ron, remember them well. Here's one for you. ABC Elephant & Castle, January 1956. Saturday morning flicks I saw the kiddie in front open a large (unseen before) comic. It was the Beezer. I remember looking over his shoulder at The Hillies and the Billies. I was fascinated as a not quite 8 years old. I wish I'd got that first edition now, but it probably ended it's life wrapping a bag of chips. 'We are the Ovalteenies...', ha ha. Golden memories, I remember sword fighting with pals all the way down the New Kent Road having watched Zorro, but with imaginary swords! Hilarious. Now you'd perhaps think kids barmy if like us they ran up steps of houses for no particular reason, only to jump off as Zorro did. 'What was that?' "That was your life mate." 'Do I get another?' "No mate, sorry, that's it."

  36. RobG

    Jul 16, 2018, 18:48 #111223

    but what Lady Sarah Keswick made of the facilities at Meadow Park… well, let’s just focus on the football and assume they make a quality cucumber sandwich.😄😄😄👍😎

  37. Yes its Ron

    Jul 16, 2018, 17:14 #111222

    Bard - Dick Dynamo then? Like it, like it a lot. Sounds like a character from the 'Tiger and Hurricane', 'the Lion' or maybe the 'Valiant' comics from circa 1967 ish!!! Do you recall them Baddie?

  38. Badarse

    Jul 16, 2018, 15:55 #111221

    MAYDUP, how did Ulster fare in the WC? Any weasels out there grinning and singing fiddle-de-de songs? Oi'll bet not.

  39. Bard

    Jul 16, 2018, 15:54 #111220

    I think we need to be patient. We aren't suddenly going to morph into league contenders overnight. There will be plenty of glitches along the way. What I want to see more than anything is a change of attitude on the field. I expect a lot more dynamism from Dick, he will only have a couple of seasons to make his mark or he will be looking for a new job. Hopefully the club will change from being a social club to a proper football club. Onwards and upwards. Congratulations to France care of a properly dodgy pen

  40. mbg

    Jul 16, 2018, 14:43 #111218

    Yes Kevin they were all fed up with the old weasel and wanted him out, and i'd say for quite a while too (except for his wengerites of course)and glad to see the back of him, can you imagine old cat weasel turning down an interview and a chance to smirk and grin, bum and blow about menteel speeritt, and sending his nice boys back for a training session after the first half ? to maybe work on the mistakes ? not a f*****g chance, thank God he's gone, well done Unai exciting times ahead.

  41. Guy in Jersey

    Jul 16, 2018, 13:30 #111217

    Reality Cech, it doesn't say we played Barnet. Try reading it again.

  42. Reality Cech

    Jul 16, 2018, 13:17 #111216

    For the record, we won 8-0, scorers were Auba x 3, Nelson, Lacazette, Nketiah, JRA, Mkhie, and we played Borehamwood not Barnet.

  43. jjetplane

    Jul 16, 2018, 13:14 #111215

    I would imagine after the sterility that has run through the club with Wenger at the helm especially over the last decade, it is no suprise to see a greater unity at the club now he has gone. Everything already looks more pragmatic and with Unai having left the circus that is PSG he is happy to get back to shaping up a promising squad with fewer egos on board. Most of the press prior to the WC had already penned in France as favourites to pick the trophy up and they lived up to the task with Croatia very worthy opponents and also tipped for the heights before the WC got going. A lot of young boys turning out for Arsenal and let us see how some of them fare under Unai. After years of waste under Wenger things can only get better. Still laughing at Ferdinand who predicted a three nil win for England against Croatia and yesterday thought Mbappe should join Pogba at OT. More likely Pogba will follow Mbappe to the likes of Barcelona.

  44. peter wain

    Jul 16, 2018, 13:06 #111214

    seems we still have a problem at centre half with no pace for any of those available Allardyce by christmas is our only hope.

  45. Yes its Ron

    Jul 16, 2018, 12:26 #111213

    Hi Kev - not totally convinced that yr attendance criteria really converts unambiguously to Wenger/ Board disconnect does it? The club does seem fresher and re invigorated but its early days and the week end was great weather and convenient. As for here in France - the natives seem very happy to say the least, even in my backwater here. I never saw it but Croatia seemed a bit hard done to from what i read ? Makes all this media guff they feed us in the UK about 'weak' Fr football seem a bit hollow and just more nasty media spin and lies doesnt it. Twice in 20 years. Not bad for a nation the footie Brits love to slake off. Well done France.