Arsenal’s Efficient Transfer Window Feels Like A Breath Of Fresh Air

Squad needs identified, business done early, why couldn’t it always be this way?

Arsenal’s Efficient Transfer Window Feels Like A Breath Of Fresh Air

10 years after Gilberto’s departure… a replacement secured

It’s worth investigating why the perception of this summer’s transfer window has been so different. Why the Ivan Gazidis-recruited feet just under the door team being so lauded for the current window’s football news?

About ten years ago, when I was in the process of co-writing ‘Arsènal: The Making of a Modern Superclub’ with Alex Fynn, I attended a talk at Birkbeck College by the father of then Arsenal reserves coach Neil Banfield, Tony, who was in charge of Arsenal’s scouting operation in Italy and a couple of other nearby European countries. He explained how the scouting system worked in terms of the long term planning of the squad. Once a year, Arsène would meet with all of his scouting team and they would go through the short and long term requirements of the squad. The idea being that they could agree in advance about where they could foresee gaps in the first team squad. Agreement would be reached about whether an “internal solution” (as the manager liked to term them) could be found – i.e. promotion of a youngster or a switch in position of a first teamer (think Monreal at centre-back), or if the club had to recruit. At this stage, the various options being tracked by the scouting team would be discussed.

If one takes Banfield at his word, there was some strategic thinking at the club. So why exactly did the Arsenal transfer news in past summer windows have supporters tearing their hair out? At times, targets were secured early in the window – Lukas Podolski, Alexis Sanchez and Granit Xhaka are examples. But often, things were left to drag on, creating frustration. Arsène was of the view that you could only do most transfer business in the final week of the window. In addition, he had a reputation as a ditherer when it came to decisions on whether to secure a player, and could be quite stubborn. Apparently, when Liverpool rejected Arsenal’s summer 2013 offer of £40 million plus a pound for Luis Suarez it was Wenger who determined the club would not raise their offer. This, after pulling out of the deal to buy Gonzalo Higuain from Real Madrid. At other major clubs, decisions on how much to spend on a player would be made at board level, once the manager informed them of his desire for a particular player.

Two summers later, he failed to rejuvenate his squad with a single outfield player in the window that saw keeper Petr Cech arrive from Chelsea. This suggests not only an element of dithering as being the reason for the failure to get business done, but a fundamental lack of awareness that his squad needed improvement (and by extension that qualifying for the Champions League was good enough). It’s interesting to look back two years and see a target identified by Tony Banfield – Napoli’s Jorginho, has now been bought by Chelsea for over £50 million. It was the summer that Wenger purchased Granit Xhaka for £35 million. Jorginho would almost certainly have cost less at that time.

Of course, we cannot say how successful the purchases of Lichtsteiner, Sokratis, Leno, Torreira and Guendenzi will look in a couple of years’ time, but what the targeting of the first four players indicate is that there has been closer attention given to the areas where the squad is perceived to be weak (at least by neutrals). In addition, their securement weeks before the start of the season gives them time to bed in and become familiar with what the new head coach wants from them (with the exception of Torreira who will report back from the World Cup at best two weeks before the Manchester City game). What is also interesting is that fans are not clamouring for a big name signing, having accepted the principle that the club do not have cash to burn and must cut their cloth accordingly.

In a sense, being more efficient in transfer dealings should be no surprise given that staff have been drafted in specifically to work in this area, although it begs the question why this didn’t happen years earlier. There seems little doubt this was because Arsene Wenger refused to delegate, and it is significant that there are now effectively at least three people covering the roles in which he would insist on having the final say. Now, Unai Emery works with the players he is given, although will express a preference when asked. Sven Mislintat will make the decisions about which players the club will target and Raul Sanllehi will take care of the negotiations with selling club and player. Granted, Steve Rowley and Dick Law were in theory covering the same roles, but their results suggested either they were no good at their jobs or were heavily compromised.

Once David Dein was unceremoniously booted out of the club for his failed coup d’etat in 2007, Arsene was handed complete control of the football operation by a board who were ultimately culpable for allowing the club to stagnate as a consequence. By the time Ivan Gazidis arrived in December 2008, well over a year after Dein’s departure, it was too late to turn it around. The new CEO was full of plans to maximise the return from the squad for the money that the club were spending, but soon found the incumbent manager an immovable obstacle that foiled his ambitions. Almost a decade on, far longer than it should have taken, he finally staged a coup d’etat of his own, and saw the back of a man who became his nemesis, thanks to the club’s falling income as a consequence of Wenger’s tenure being allowed to drag on.

Of course, there is no guarantee of progress. The difference is that now, the strategy, the forward planning, is at least reaching first base. There might be another arrival before the window shuts (N’Zonzi from Sevilla would be a real statement of intent), but at least the bedrock of the necessary strengthening is in place. Even if there was a strategy in the last decade, it never involved finding a replacement for Gilberto Silva, a gap that was obvious to all and sundry, and as a consequence, Arsenal have conceded too many goals, the defence lacking cover. Tactics are a different matter, not directly linked to the transfer window, although the type of player bought may have been a factor here. We await to see if the defence can keep a better shape than they managed in 2017-18. The coaching should make that possible, assuming Emery gets his players more focussed on their positioning. It will be intriguing to see if Hector Bellerin noticeably improves under the guidance of a new coach, and perhaps some guidance from Lichsteiner.

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  1. mbg

    Jul 27, 2018, 21:20 #111459

    jj, good post, yes mate all this time and the joke of the site thinks he's fooled some one, hee hee, now i wonder who was the first to bring that up and boast about fooling and making a fool of someone ?.

  2. jjetplane

    Jul 27, 2018, 17:18 #111450

    Fooled himself for a decade and more and took a publicly perverse enjoyment in doing so. Next stage is the Good old Unai phase with much muttering under breath interspersed with Wenger mantras and much penance for sins committed since Our Dear Lord hath risen whence .... Why has thou forsaken us they plainchant in the crumbling temple as Dark Moanie Lord Emery speaks in foreign tongues and they are forced to kneel in front of said Lord Emery though he takes little note of their presence. Lord Emery knows a plastic when he sees one. Poor lost children.

  3. Badarse

    Jul 27, 2018, 16:59 #111449

    Moscowgooner, respect, buddy. Think the game has a draw written all over it, but I'll take the narrowest of victories, hope you're correct.

  4. Badarse

    Jul 27, 2018, 16:42 #111448

    Well clearly I have fooled you jj as I am not remotely like the gamester you envisage me as. All this nonsense talk as follows. The plastic one is giving it large at the Holloway Bowl, with popcorn and cola, leaving early to catch the train in his new Adidas trainers with avant garde suburban kitsch of no socks. AKB give no allusion to yesterday thgey are fresh off the boat and the only fish around them is a dated kipper tie. Kerouac and Camus to you too, Boo Boo! blah, blah, blah! One question if you like I shall write your scripts in future. Good old winkle pizzas!

  5. mbg

    Jul 27, 2018, 16:09 #111446

    It just all comes down to the fact TOF wenger hadn't it in him, wasn't up to the job.

  6. jjetplane

    Jul 27, 2018, 15:28 #111444

    New regime quick as a flash dismantling old one as though it was just a pure illusion. Now we know that's all it was but watching the AKBs (an eternal affliction of the very plastic soul) trying gamely to get on board with new regime over amusing. They are fooling no one. If Unai gets off to a flying or overly reasonable start and the WOB are all over it with glee where does the AKB fit in. Perhaps with more C- prose (see evening classes local college) type stuff about character getting up/down blah blah ad nauseum. Throw in a insincere good old Unai and away they go. This will be a great season for crowing in the face of AKBs. Poor buggers. Good old Marxism ....

  7. markymark

    Jul 27, 2018, 14:57 #111443

    Exeter - think you’re right about our unique supporters . That very special group I reckon is no more than a max of a thousand or so with maybe just 50 regularly posting across the Internet. Untold mops up most of them . We are left with two on this site. I always thought Yes it’s Ron was too pessimistic re the Emirates crowd thinking they’d never rebel . The “Nice Guy” Arsene mob who’d shrug their shoulders and accept the BS to a degree . Haemorrhaged away by around 20k. This killed Wenger with his Mother’s Day horse **** . There’s still a deluded nutter on this site thinks that Wenger decided to leave . That level of cult like behaviour would probably only be broken by a chemical cosh like Lithium. The other one is still determined to add WOR wherever he can. The loss to him was bitter alright .

  8. Moscowgooner

    Jul 27, 2018, 13:20 #111442

    Baddie - delighted to see that you're now sticking to football and AFC and leaving politics to the Guardian CIF. Welcome back mate! Bring on the Mancs - 2-1 I reckon with an injury time winner.

  9. Exeter Ex

    Jul 27, 2018, 12:40 #111441

    I do think AFC had/has a unique section of the supporter base that cite the 'achievement' of collapsing in late winter under the pressure that the mighty Leicester put the team under - with no other big clubs in sight - ending up finishing 10 points behind them. It's a unique 'manager first' mentality that tries to spin such embarrassing failure that I don't think we've seen at any other club, ever. Thank god that era is over, even though we still hear the echoes of it. I too always get defaulted to that Raul article from 2005 after posting and have done for years. I wonder if it'll happen again now?

  10. Badarse

    Jul 27, 2018, 12:30 #111440

    He skipped to the loo, my darling, which made his wee go everywhere, so he stopped. Then he hopped into the shower and fell in the bath. He thought the problems were diabolic, or certainly devilish. He'd heard of these whirling devilishes, did their wee go everywhere too? He was exited on a season advancing, but what was a season? To him it was being underwater, but in this weather there wasn't much of that. Would the new Yorkshire manager, 'Who? Nay!' see it this way, or another way? He was frustrated and rent the air. It was a fiscal decision of epic proportions in a free market environment, but leased it at 2/6p per cubic litre. Being rich certainly gave some airs. At this juncture he came up for breath. Ah, the sweet smell of success, or is it carbolic soap? Anyway, good old Arsenal, good old Unai, and good old fish pizza.

  11. Badarse

    Jul 27, 2018, 12:06 #111439

    Good afternoon OG gentlefolk. Er, just wanted to say mbg and jj mentioned WOR/WOB/AKB before me. I am no more an AKB as others possibly are no more a WOR or a WOB. Archaic and daft, gents. John F liked what I saw of Serge Gnabry, but didn't he want away? I don't think we could keep him, but I may have that wrong; it all gets a bit confusing nowadays with constant movement of players. Gooner Ron I agree with you regarding Lucas Perez, but why is he on the fringe? Is there something disruptive in his character? I too like his play though. Cyril nice to read your comments, very analytical and thoughtful, I believe.

  12. markymark

    Jul 27, 2018, 9:04 #111438

    Hoorah my constant Groundhog Day of “We Want Raul” buffering around and around is cured. It appears to me that despite Baddie labelling me as being the main agitator. Even when I’m not here . He goes on and on about the WOR. Talk about a man who can only look backwards. I suspect looking forward just fills him with fear and uncertainty . Very good tactical points from the man Cyril. I’ll have a further read of your post and see if I can see the pattern. The glory of football is that no one pattern can guarantee success. Certainly over a season or five!! but as soon as your figured out it starts the downward cycle , it’s almost then down to team belief and fear of the opposition . At least we now have a guy who can do tactics and his no2 who sounds a monster! Exciting times

  13. Bard

    Jul 27, 2018, 8:16 #111437

    I think this issue about wingers is slightly redundant in the modern game. They dont really exist anymore, Zaha maybe. They are a luxury that most teams cant afford. If Ozil plays we are effectively one down defensively, you cannot afford another passenger. In Arsenals case that means wing backs. Bellerin is a very poor option attacking wise as he cant play that last ball with any degree of accuracy. Compare and contrast Marcelo of RM, wonderful player.

  14. Cyril

    Jul 27, 2018, 3:38 #111436

    Hi John F, it’s only my tactical opinion but he doesn’t play wingers. He likes to turn the back 4 into 3 when attacking using the HM to support and drop. This allows the fullbacks to push on so becomes 3 4 3. Hence why Torreira has been bought. He is busy and can manoeuvre in and out and nick a player if up against a high press. If it works, then Ozil can be star man as it needs to be moved to him immediately. He is deadly when there is space. It’s a dangerous game as I would want a second player looking to hold as well. I’m not sure if Ramsey will do this. He likes to play a high press as well so it could work as Ramsey linking box to box as long as takes on board that he is not there to bag the goals. We have plenty attacking players. It’s the counter attack I’m worried about. Torriera could be a great buy but he can’t do that HM on his own. He could become a very important player I feel if he settles.

  15. mbg

    Jul 26, 2018, 23:47 #111435

    David1, we never got down graded mate we're still the WOB and we've achieved our goal (we've got rid)it's just that the AKB wengerites (you know who you are) named us WOB's hoping (and thinking)it was deogorarity towards us, it backfired not just miserably but spectacularly, as it was adopted by us and spread widely too as the top wenger out movement, and picked up on by the media, press all over the world and used by them on numerous and every occasion, we were famous, and who made us famous ? A sad AKB wengerite thinking he was been smart, imagine having that on your CV ? the shame of it, a wengerite who started the WOB movement hee hee, a real hari kari (spelling) moment if ever there was one, but no, no shame, so they/he tried again with WOR (very inventive that)it took a lot of brains, but again has back fired just as miserably and a joke, used very rarely only by himself of course.

  16. John F

    Jul 26, 2018, 23:27 #111434

    He may have to do that Ron as I am not sure what numbers we have for the home grown players rule if Ramsey and Welbeck leave.Zaha is unhappy at Palace and could be an option if Dick gets money from sales.

  17. GoonerRon

    Jul 26, 2018, 21:48 #111433

    Our conduct in the close season has definitely been encouraging. Obviously the jury will be out on the new recruits until we see how they get on but the efficient way we’ve operated smells like a ‘proper’ big football club for a change. I agree we could add another wide player to the squad but I’d be equally happy to keep Lucas Perez and give Nelson and Smith-Rowe places in plenty of match day squads instead.

  18. jjetplane

    Jul 26, 2018, 19:30 #111432

    Now we have Wenger's youth policy being talked about by the remnants of his dying breed which had little to do with him over the last decade and perhaps some of those kids now we have an actual football coach and not just a floating manager with an eye on his/the finances, can perhaps be guided to utilise their best assets. Quite sure Unai will address the wide options on the pitch without the fudginess of an inexperienced Wenger (coach-wise) who left players on the pitch and said sort it out even though most of his buys over a decade or more were not the type who could self-manage on the pitch. Using the WOR term to throw it back at the AKBs who still love to employ it. Still snarling on a lead the poor things. Think that wraps it up though if AKBs think looking cool is the current Bellerin style I would hate to see their Wardrobes. Hilarious and imagine a lot of players in the PL would take the piss out of the Bellerin types no end. The idea that Pogba is a silly buy is well just silly but long may the AKBs whine ever though their chief whiner Westlower has departed the site. Lovely chap he was but would the others learn from him. Would they ****.

  19. John F

    Jul 26, 2018, 18:17 #111431

    You are probably right Badarse they are as rare as a good English test spinner but there was a good winger on our books who was not really given a fair chance and is now playing for that little known German team Bayern Munich ,Serge Gnabry.I remember him destroying Spurs at the Emirates.

  20. RobG

    Jul 26, 2018, 17:54 #111430

    The resolution of the Ramsey situation will be interesting. I think he wants 'away'. I can live with that. But can the Club get a replacement in before the deadline ? The situation could unfold, with the window shut in the EPL but Ramsey goes abroad later in August. Perhaps Emille Smith-Rowe can step up and in ?

  21. Exeter Ex

    Jul 26, 2018, 17:06 #111429

    Badarse - continued use of the term 'WOR' and description of said 'WOR' as a 'lynch mob' isn't particularly diplomatic or friendly either, but I was going to let it go. Try not to fall into the same old pattern, let's continue to play the ball not the man. I'm happy for you to go after any point I've made in strident terms, if you have a counter. On Gazidis, yes after finally outmanoeuvring Wenger it would seem strange if he now moves on, but maybe he feels his work is done?

  22. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 16:07 #111428

    Ha ha, the original post of the day was the mail delivery at 12.30pm. So no diplomacy. He wasn't too happy with diplomas. A diploma for anything nowadays. Big business for diploma creators. No more diplomacy please. Just truth as an individual or group-think sees it. That is good discussion type behaviour. Ha ha, what a joke. Saw the game today and Smith-Rowe is already ready. Some seriously good young talent, Arsene's youth policy needs a serious reassessment, with Joe Willock, Eddie Nkettieh, Niles, Adelaide, Smith-Rowe and the young full back Tutu, best of the bunch in some ways the new French lad, Matteo Guendouzi, a good performance as a shield.

  23. mbg

    Jul 26, 2018, 15:55 #111427

    peter wain, well it's just another same old season for you and your lot then. Exciting times ahead.

  24. mbg

    Jul 26, 2018, 15:41 #111426

    Exeter Ex, excellent post, post of the day, Bard, a close second.

  25. mbg

    Jul 26, 2018, 15:31 #111425

    Bard, your right mate, Gazidis heading off now is weird, especially after the biggest coup/fete of his career, seeing off, getting rid, helping to get rid/see off the doctors Skeleton in a suit after biding his time for so long, maybe he sees it as his greatest achievement or coup, regardless of the reasons, he's certainly left us with the greatest send off present anyone could, getting wenger the sack, thanks Ivan.

  26. peter wain

    Jul 26, 2018, 15:11 #111424

    before we all get carried away lest see how our season starts. I am concerned that we have not rectified the lack of pace at the back and the lack of creativity in mid field. So lets see when we start if we have improved as much as all you lot think.

  27. Ham

    Jul 26, 2018, 13:36 #111423

    Please tell me that isn't the new kit in the photograph? It looks cr*p. When are we simply going to have red shirts with white sleeves (and red socks)? Don't encourage them buy buying that toytown top.

  28. Exeter Ex

    Jul 26, 2018, 13:25 #111422

    I think the point is to stop with the personal insults, tit-for-tat and irrelevance clogging up the site, not to water down any on-topic points you want to make for the sake of being 'friendly'.

  29. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 13:15 #111421

    Not particularly diplomatic or friendly, was it Exeter?

  30. Exeter Ex

    Jul 26, 2018, 12:52 #111420

    As the AKB endeavoured to polish that turd, then yes.

  31. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 12:13 #111419

    Afternoon Bard. Does that make the 3 FA Cups, PL Runner Up, and LC Finalist of recent years the result of AKB endeavour? Bit Newcastle for my liking, too black and white. Still it's over now. Onwards and upwards as in a fast moving umbrella.

  32. Exeter Ex

    Jul 26, 2018, 12:11 #111418

    Morning Badarse. I agree that citing specific examples does allow for more precision in an argument. With that in mind, you mentioned AKBs also seeing problems with gung ho, no plan B, lack of leadership. But Wenger would respond with "I have 11 leaders on the pitch... we play the way we want to play... I don't know what plan B means". The real division was that whilst the WOB wanted something done about the architect of those issues, the AKB crossed their fingers and hoped that somehow things would change whilst continuing to support the architect. Frankly, "It was just the WOR resemblance of a lynch mob on occasions which divided opinion" is both incredibly reductive and fundamentally incorrect. As time passes and we see it is possible to get transfers done in a timely and efficient manner after all, and even Wenger himself now says he stayed on too long, it would serve the AKB well to show some humility and admit they called it wrong, rather than still attempt to take the moral high ground by claiming the division was only due to WOBs being more vitriolic. But if the AKB can't bring themselves to do that then alternatively, as you suggest, they could let sleeping dogs lie.

  33. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Jul 26, 2018, 11:37 #111417

    The problem in past years was that Wenger, as everybody knows, held us back by refusing to pay the going rate for the players we obviously needed whilst persevering beyond reason with mediocre, crap, bottle jobs (Wally, Gibbs etc) that we obviously needed to get rid of. Nearly all transfers he did actually make were cheap, uninspired and failed to address the glaring weaknesses of his teams of the last decade. No wonder we fans were so frustrated! I like what I'm seeing from the new set up and it's just great to listen to someone new and no longer having to hear the same old tired, stale sound bites and lies from Wengers mouth anymore. Of course we don't know yet how it will all play out on the pitch but for the first time in 10-12 years I can't wait for the new season to start.

  34. David1

    Jul 26, 2018, 11:22 #111416

    WOR? When did we get downgraded from a brigade to a regiment?

  35. Bard

    Jul 26, 2018, 10:54 #111415

    Baddie broadly speaking the WOR supported Arsenal, the football club, and for obvious reasons the AKBs supported Wenger. They are two very different perspectives. The rest of the debate was just noise. I think recent developments have vindicated the WOR 100%. QED mate

  36. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 10:43 #111414

    Morning Exeter. Many of any single manager's buys are likely to be called 'silly'. Ibrahimovic, Pogba, Lukaku, just three in one side by Mourhino recently. Along with this often many are the opposite of 'silly'. Bellerin, Kolasinac, Monreal, Cech, and stretching it back a bit, Fabregas. Yes a clamour can be admitted but not necessarily majority or even right in their attitude and behaviour. Generalisations are just that, and not valid in a discussion, rather just as a generalisation. This is accepted or rejected on personal experience. Listening to 5 Live and Fred of S****horpe venting his frustration and view isn't worth that much to some. Just heard a good programme on Radio 4 a discussion regarding stereotypes. The rough concluding agreement was that it is wise to be aware of them, but to judge/speak/comment on specific cases of individuals, as usually it is not a one-size-fits-all. Anyway this is past history and raking over what might be, or may not be according to Fred isn't so interesting.

  37. Exeter Ex

    Jul 26, 2018, 10:05 #111413

    WOB v AKB was much bigger than just on this site, as anyone who goes beyond it knows. A familiar refrain from the AKB were variants of "you'd turn us into Leeds", "you just want superstar signings to prop up your own ego". The point is being made that without 'breaking the bank' we are now seeing changes of which the WOB are supportive, proving those accusations wrong. It was also a strong thread in WOB thinking that changes in personnel didn't make any difference so long as Wenger was in charge, and so it proved - the team actually declined as he spent more. Nowhere in jj's post does it suggest AKBs wanted stellar signings, rather he made the point that many of Wenger's signings were 'silly', and so they proved. AKBs, by their nature, simply wanted whatever Wenger did. They may not have been against improvement per se, but, by virtue of being AKBs, they didn't want anything done about the factor that blocked those improvements, as Kevin has outlined in his article. Let's remember that AKB meant Arsene Knows Best.

  38. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 9:49 #111412

    Whilst not taking away from any of jj's points, though have already tried to do so in the parody post, I question your comment Bard. What exactly were the good points covering the WOR and AKB? I have no recollection of those ascribed as AKBs whining, if anything it was the WOR who chose this style of approach. I also have no idea where the view that AKBs wanted stellar signings, again it was the WOR who constantly relished the concept that certain high profile players should be purchased. The only aspect which holds water in my opinion is that of the more articulate WOR who wanted a change of policy/approach. Yet I too recollect AKBs being pro improvements. The injury history, the lack of leadership, the gung-ho style on the pitch, a lack of plan B, were all accommodated even here on the OG. It was just the WOR resemblance of a lynch mob on occasions which divided opinion. Think the response in your post was a lazy one.

  39. Bard

    Jul 26, 2018, 9:29 #111411

    The previous regime's transfer strategy, if you can call it that, has always been a bone of contention for me. I couldnt for the life of me see why we didn't plug such obvious holes as Keeper and DM. Wenger seemed to take a perverse pleasure in ignoring the shortcomings of the team. While Im excited about next season the news that Gazidis is off to join a very dodgy Italian outfit owned by mysterious Chinese businessmen is cause for concern. Why ? What is going on behind the scenes that he is not happy with ? Is Josh Kroenke about to be the new CEO ? Very weird decision. Surely after years trying to get rid of Wenger he is now in a great position to move the club forward. Some good points about the WOR and AKBs, jj.

  40. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 9:10 #111410

    John F that is a permanent wish from myself, however how many are around? All midfield men have a personalised design to centralise, either just behind the striker, link man, or even anchor man. Those generalised three positions are open to interpretation from individuals, bringing their own skill sets to any of the three positions. All three in turn can compliment or actively negate any of the other two styles. A difficult melding job is required. I am not convinced that we have a really good example anywhere in the PL nowadays I am not convinced of Sterling, Welbeck, Walcott, (don't laugh), even back as far as Wright-Phillips, all had something missing. Pires, Ljungberg, Henry, Wiltord, none out and out wingers but a level of skill to bring something quite special to the team. I loved Marc Overmaars, how I miss him, I never realised he was perhaps a dying breed.

  41. John F

    Jul 26, 2018, 8:42 #111409

    I still think there is an imbalance in the side because there are too many players who like to play centrally in midfield and attack.Arsenal do need to sign a natural winger.

  42. Badarse

    Jul 26, 2018, 5:58 #111408

    He swore he was right. Then he swore it was left. Then he just swore. He cussed, gave oaths and repeated them to himself alone in his flat, which wasn't so flat as it had a few bumps in it. The important thing to him was he knew, even though he was old. He didn't like difference because it was too unalike. He'd tried in his life to be alternative but didn't agree that others should be so. Hair, tattoos, being young, it was all fair game for him to criticise, which was odd as he preferred hoof ball of which he never criticised. He quite liked Cheesey Dips though.

  43. Goonhogday

    Jul 25, 2018, 21:44 #111407

    This summer transfer window has been a breath of fresh air at Arsenal. The club have conducted affairs fantastically and addressed vital areas of the squad with minimal fuss. Dare I say it, more like the Arsenal way I grew up with. I never expected marquee players, just common sense purchases completed before the preseason started. Wherever we finish next season, I sense a different approach and look forward to the beginning of the season for a change.

  44. mbg

    Jul 25, 2018, 20:48 #111406

    SKG 1, good post, I don't think any of us wanted big marquee signings, just proper ones, who would do the job, and knew how to do it, and would be allowed to do it properly (unfortunately the latter was never going to happen anyway thanks to TOF of a manager we had so we were basically fooked regardless) not some of the crap second third rate top top quality etc, that was always spewed by the skinny one to those who'd listen and believe him. All this marquee signings thing was all mischief making by the wenger apologists for his failings (second raters) knowing he'd never be able to manage one on both counts, do we want to do another Leeds etc, etc, remember that one ? And the same if he was to leave, sorry be sacked, isn't it ironic that's where we were heading with TOF still here with his ways and philosophies. Exciting times ahead.

  45. jjetplane

    Jul 25, 2018, 20:38 #111405

    Funny how the AKBs spent all their time whining that all the WOR wanted was for Arsenal to break the bank on silly (Wenger type) signings. Now they can see what the WOR were after as amply demonstrated by Unai and his team. News that Ivan is off to AC Milan which does make one wonder who is doing what. Irrespective of Ivan Unai has already done more than a bit to fix a broken club. Hope Bouldie shines under the new regime and tells the likes of Bellerin to stuff the awful fashions and get on with the football. Maybe they should get Nutter in to sort the little bitch out! Bellerin looked pretty cool when he first turned up with the Spanish cockney malarkey but a few seasons with Wenger and he is presently a dick both on and off the field. Am I glad I voted WOR and not AKB. Poor bastards.

  46. mbg

    Jul 25, 2018, 19:33 #111404

    It really does indeed Kevin, a lot of us were calling for a complete gutting, and that was when TOF was still here bumbling about making it all worse, of course we were referring to when he eventually pissed off, in reality we didn't really think that would be forth coming maybe just to a certain extent as a new man makes his own mark, so here he is now, Unai Emery, and he has more than reached our expectations and given us what we want/wanted (who says protesting doesn't pay/work) from the start, a gutting not only waster players but nodding wengerdogs backroom staff too. And all with the minimum fuss, no smirking and sly grinning like they/he knows/knew something we didn't, but in the open every body (fans) more or less informed of goings on, yes indeed Editor you never spoke truer words, a breath of fresh air indeed, well done Unai, more of the same, exciting times ahead.

  47. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Jul 25, 2018, 18:39 #111403

    Wenger's open distrust of a Director of Football was a strange stance because that is what Dein was to Wenger - the closer of deals and the guy who made deals happen. When Dein left, Wenger was allowed to assume Dein's DOF role, a role that he did not have the talent for, nor the strength of character to set up and finalize transfers. Arsenal allowed some wonderful talent to slip through their fingers due to Wenger's dilatory behaviour and a lack of understanding of how to set up and close a deal.

  48. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Jul 25, 2018, 16:44 #111402

    Very good piece Kev - In my work I speak to quite a few Gooners around the country and all to a man want the club to first be run correctly. The very good point made that all Arsenal supporters are not clamouring for a marque signing but just want good squad strengthening and some of the deadwood removed, shows we all have a great understanding of the position Arsenal are in. The signs are good so far but then of course a ball has yet to be kicked in anger.

  49. Badarse

    Jul 25, 2018, 16:13 #111401

    Couple of years ago at the Em Cup N'Zonzi was the stand out player for myself and the group around. No surprise he scored the winning goal either. General chat after was, 'Wouldn't he be the type we'd want?' Of course the general response was, 'If only!' It would be a great acquisition, but we shall have to wait and see.