New issue of The Gooner post free until 4pm Wednesday

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New issue of The Gooner post free until 4pm Wednesday

Front cover of the new issue… guess who?

It’s a busy day today with admin for the subscription send out dominating, so my words on the club being taken private by the sale of Alisher Usmanov’s shares to Stan Kroenke will follow on Wednesday morning. But in summary, it isn’t good news…

Moving swiftly on, with thanks to those that subscribed in advance to receive this season’s issues (which will be sent on Thursday and should arrive by Saturday at the very latest on your doormats), The Gooner fanzine survives. You can still subscribe for this season’s issues (and sets of last season’s six regular issues are available at a knockdown rate).

Thanks to those who have committed, we’ll still have a couple of guys punting out copies at home matches (and of course Alex will be selling them at away games too). However, if you are not going to any of the forthcoming matches, but do not wish to subscribe, then you can buy the new issue online (postage free for UK orders if bought by 4pm Wednesday). After that, postage is added, so you will be paying £6 instead of £5. An incentive to get your order in early. So if you are in the UK, the issue can be ordered here.

NB – The issue is currently being printed, so please note that nothing will be sent out until Thursday!

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  1. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 23:17 #111652

    markymark, there's dumber too, he's never far away.

  2. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 18:30 #111645

    markymark, good post, I expect Usmanov will be keeping/have an eye on the Club for a few years, and keeping his powder dry, the AKB wengerites above any should appreciate that, lol.

  3. markymark

    Aug 08, 2018, 8:36 #111615

    So Arsenal is in a mess because one billionaire sells his shares to the controlling share holder billionaire ? Dumbest comment of the day. At least two us warned you ToOaW that Usmanov would sell out , so if you’re not happy Perv Boy best toddle of down the Lane. Some Supporter you are. You should be on your knees praising Kronke he gave you 10 years of the mediocre Wenger. Fenway group would have given him 4 years Max and I doubt that. Stan is dull that’s the issue, his son Josh is likely to be more hands-on. Arsenal will need to be top 4 minimum and winning trophies to push the advertising revenues. Therefore I expect us to be more not less likely to aim for the title under sole control. The sole control element means it’s esiser to sell . That’s why Usmanov had to sell to Stan. Nobody wanted a large outlay for no control. Expect in 3-5 years a bid for 3 billion plus depending on whether Stan and Josh do the business.

  4. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 0:35 #111612

    Hee hee, another post, from one who backed wenger, (and was proud of it) who already WAS in utter control for years and sold us up the river a long time ago with his lies and spin, and with his pet projects and trying to turn the club into his image, not counting traditions and cultures he destroyed never to return, and were already going in one direction anyway for years, who we basically finished mid table with anyway, 6th (and would have finished worse if he hadn't been sacked) trying to tell others to not be fickle and wake up, lol, I thought i'd heard it all. You really couldn't make it up. Exciting times ahead.

  5. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 0:08 #111611

    Hee hee wengerites looking/hoping for the WOB's to rally with them and help Them get Stan out, after they fought against us, backing an old past it manager for years who was just as ****ing bad and dangerous for the club, lol, You couldn't make it up. Exciting times ahead.

  6. TOOAW

    Aug 07, 2018, 21:58 #111610

    Well. Let's hope that Jj's approach that Kroenke wishes to be in complete and utter control registers by the time we are mid table, 4th team in London, sold up the river. Keep em coming JJ. Wake up fella. Arsenal are going in one direction. And it ain't upward. You genuinely don't seem to care. Fickle son. Very fickle. Your post at 17 51 rings of ' couldn't care.' your choice but don't come crying when the Arsenal are dead in the water. KROENKE WILL KILL ARSENAL. Not to many seem to care on this site.

  7. mbg

    Aug 07, 2018, 20:12 #111608

    Exeter Ex, indeed and to think what we used to give to the old fart Hillwood and his cronies, but any way George Graham didn't do to bad for us, still talked about fondly today, and then wenger in his first ten years thanks to George and his ways and players, so come on Unai it's your turn now, roll on the weekend.

  8. jjetplane

    Aug 07, 2018, 17:51 #111606

    Most Spuds backed Wenger with good reason so TOOAWs outburst is quite understandable though Arsene certainly did alright by Wiggy whose next move will be to rebrand Arsenal as England's first SOCCER club. All hands to the pump with TOOAW. Love it!

  9. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Aug 07, 2018, 17:43 #111605

    Arsenal Football club 1886 - 2006.

  10. TOOAW

    Aug 07, 2018, 17:43 #111604

    Now tell me that the club's not in a mess. I backed Arsene and was proud to say that. Kroenke is a whole new ball game. He'll destroy the club for his own gain. Gooners need to collectively show anger against a man who has no inkling of our history. And there was Nark telling the world how refreshing it was to have Josh on board. Remember, Arsene has left the club. Now it's vent an anger at the board yet support the team. Eggs at the ready.

  11. Goonhogday

    Aug 07, 2018, 17:32 #111603

    This is such bad news. No more AGMs, no custodianship. I fear we could get sucked dry to fuel his money pit stadium franchise in LA that isn’t going to plan.

  12. jjetplane

    Aug 07, 2018, 17:10 #111601

    Wiggy is only putting in 45m so this is all leverage and another business to bleed and he can also compulsory buy out the rest and then move AFC to New York with Viera as coach which I believe was the original plan. Maybe there are plans to turn them into a baseball team? Questions bloody questions.

  13. Exeter Ex

    Aug 07, 2018, 17:01 #111600

    That's the end of the remaining semblance of Arsenal being a 'club' then. Supporters no longer required - consumers of the entertainment experience only please. Kroenke can now do what he wants, zero transparency, zero accountability. Any sense of ownership or belonging any fan feels is total delusion now, I'm afraid. All we have left is the history and the memories.

  14. mbg

    Aug 07, 2018, 16:34 #111599

    Has it really come as any surprise guys ? Yes he's going to be extremely hard to get rid of now, but at least the right person was gotton rid of first and he didn't stand in the way of that, and that was more important, and if Usmanov wasn't on board by now it was never going to happen.

  15. Highbury Boy

    Aug 07, 2018, 16:28 #111598

    Cornish Gooner: Hardly using his own money ,even this time, as less than 10% of the cost is being put up by him and he'll take that back by way of fees or dividends very quickly. Trouble is if we natives get ultra restless he will move the franchise to wherever it suits him. He has done that before. A very bad day for Arsenal FC.

  16. mbg

    Aug 07, 2018, 16:05 #111597

    Lovely cover Kevin along with a fresh young manager with new fresh ideas and ways of doing things, Isn't it great to see, and he's made a damm good start. When did you think you'd be printing a photo of a/our new manager ever again ? it was a long time coming, what was the number of the gooner that first printed wengers photo ? I bet it'll not be as long again no matter how well Unai does. Come on Unai.

  17. RobG

    Aug 07, 2018, 15:18 #111595

    "But in summary, it isn’t good news…" That could be one of the biggest understatements since 1886. ☹️


    Aug 07, 2018, 14:41 #111594

    And verily it came to pass, as long prophesied, that Enos Stanley Kroenke, affectionately known to the Gooner fraternity as Wiggy, did surely take full ownership of that soccer business formerly known as The Arsenal. A very sad day. Ooh, silly me - it's not a leveraged buyout as he is USING HIS OWN MONEY (this time!). In the immediate days I could see a marquee signing out of the blue - to satisfy us natives. Longer term will see substantial dividends paid, the club used as collateral whilst on the field we will likely see much more of the same old. same old with banners flying above the Emirates again. But Top 6, let alone Top 4, will be getting harder & harder & I cannot see Dick & the key members of the newly appointed elite team at AFC sticking with this regime long term. The only glimmer of hope would be Josh taking over from Ivan & showing that he is NOT a chip off the old block. By the way is Wiggy's disgusting Big Game TV channel still in existence?

  19. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Aug 07, 2018, 13:16 #111593

    As you suggested a few months back Kev - this year's shambolic board meeting looks like being the last where people can ask awkward questions. Sir Chips will never look that silly again as things have just taken a turn for the worse - call it "Kronke's revenge"

  20. peter wain

    Aug 07, 2018, 11:59 #111592

    so now the yank strikes. Fat chance for Arsenal now so much for winning so much for transparency.