There May Be Trouble Ahead…

Online Ed: Stan Kroenke’s buying out of Alisher Usmanov may spell the end for Arsenal as a competitive force

There May Be Trouble Ahead…

How exactly does Silent Stan plan to repay the loan to buy Usmanov out?

So the day many feared has come. News of Alisher Usmanov’s acceptance of Stan Kroenke’s bid for his 30% shareholding came yesterday. In fact it may well have been Usmanov who offered to sell in the first instance, having had his own reputed bid to buy out Kroenke knocked back last year. What it all means though is that Arsenal will be owned lock, stock and barrel by one man, as opposed to a plethora of shareholders, regardless that Kroenke could outvote them all.

There will be no more annual general meeting in October, the one chance for supporters (who owned shares) to hold the board accountable and express their opinion about how they were performing. It was fitting then, that the last one in 2017 ended in farce, as an unhappy audience let the board know of their feelings in no uncertain terms, with a show of hands rejecting the re-election of Josh Kroenke and Chairman Sir Chips Keswick to the board. This necessitated the formality of a card vote, in which Kroenke’s vote led to the re-election of both anyway. I was interested to see what would have happened this year. There would have been no Arsene Wenger speech (I doubt Unai Emery would have taken on that particular task – although Wenger was a de facto board member whose address to the shareholders was used to diffuse the tension in certain years as the shareholders could not bring themselves to be disrespectful to him). However I think, with the changes that had been made on the football side of the club, there would have been a better mood in the room.

Anyway, that won’t happen now. Shareholders will receive a windfall of close to £30,000 per share, but won’t own a small part of the club any more. They will become ordinary fans like the rest of us. It also means that, now in total control, Kroenke can do pretty much anything he likes.

He is reportedly funding the buyout with a £557m loan from Deutsche Bank. Kroenke is very rich in terms of assets, but cash rich he isn’t. Usmanov could have bought Kroenke out with his own cash. Kroenke needs to borrow. How do you think this is going to be repaid? The fear is from any profits the club make. Instead of 100% of profit being re-invested into the club in the form of transfer fees, player wages and upgrade on training facilities, we have no idea how much will now be siphoned off by the owner.

The Glazers did it at Manchester United to fund their own purchase of the club, but United could remain competitive in spite of this for the simple reason they were a moneymaking machine by that time, a process that really got underway in the early 1990s when their boardroom was stuffed with commercial acumen and Alex Ferguson began winning trophies on a regular basis.

Arsenal are not in such rude health. Kroenke has already extracted money from the club on the sly in the form of a couple of £3 million payments for some kind of consultancy that no-one actually can pinpoint. These were stopped in the face of protests at AGMs. Until we get to the summer 2019 transfer window, we won’t be certain how much Kroenke has taken out of the club, because that information does not have to be reported any more. Some figures do have to be divulged because of the (albeit generally toothless) Financial Fair Play rules, and we can then estimate how much the club are being financially hampered by the owner.

As it is, Arsenal are at a disadvantage, and will never become a spending club in the way that Manchester City, Chelsea and Paris St Germain have, due to the desire of their owners to fund their improvement. Were Kroenke to pay his loans off from the club profits, the dice would be loaded even more against the Gunners.

You have to wonder if CEO Ivan Gazidis got wind of what was coming, and decided it might be a good time to move on. His move to Milan looks inevitable now, just a matter of negotiating a shortening of his notice period with a compensation payment from the Italian club to get him quicker than they should be able to under the terms of his current employment. Who knows? Certainly, Gazidis would have a good idea of the implications of Kroenke being in complete control.

One imagines the board will now be replaced, although they are largely figureheads rather than decision makers now. The executive team put in place by Gazidis will probably report to a new CEO from within the ranks of Kroenke Sports Enterprises, who may know a lot more about financials than football.

If the club slide as a consequence of funds being extracted by the owner, it remains to be seen whether protests or apathy follow. It won’t bother Kroenke too much, as long as the club remain in the top flight of English football. He’s not too worried about winning titles, certainly not enough to speculate financially to increase the chances of success. Success for him is being part of the money-making machine that is the Premier League. Arsenal could roll along mid-table as far as he is concerned, because the TV deals for Premier League broadcast rights will guarantee healthy profit as long as the club can remain in the division. The days of regular Champions League participation could become a thing of memory.

The decline will be slow, not immediate. Arsenal are competitive now, a definite top six club. It might take five years of under-spending before they fall out of this bracket. So do not expect any apparent change immediately. This will likely be a death by 1,000 instalments, with fans drifting away once it becomes apparent Arsenal’s priorities are funding the owner rather than winning trophies.

Of course, I could be wrong. And I hope I am. Time will tell. But Kroenke’s refusal to engage with supporters, an undertaking he gave when be became the majority owner, tells you a lot. He doesn’t care too much for their concerns, which are different from his. He bought into the club not for any love of the game, but as a business acquisition.

I wonder what David Dein is thinking today, on his yacht in the Mediterranean? He persuaded Kroenke to buy his first tranche of Arsenal shares, as part of a failed attempt in 2007 to take control of the board. He didn’t do his due diligence on Kroenke, thinking he would be Arsenal’s answer to Roman Abramovich. He didn’t realise Stan wouldn’t put a cent into the club, only into buying its shares. Dein, having failed in his coup d’etat (Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith decided to side with Danny Fiszman, Hill-Wood and the other directors including her in-laws the Carr brothers) was sacked from the board, who eventually made peace with Kroenke and invited him to become a director. Danny Fiszman, on his deathbed, decided to go with an ‘anyone but Dein’ policy, and arranged the sale of his shares to Kroenke rather than risk his family selling to the highest bidder (probably Usmanov), with the rest of the board falling into line, and small shareholders being offered the price Kroenke paid for Fiszman’s shares. Those that held out and kept their shares will profit now.

But ultimately, the seeds of the club’s decline might lie at the door of David Dein. How ironic. A man who loved the club, but whose judgement was shaded by his personal ambition to control it, a consequence of his bitter feud with Fiszman.

There’s a huge story in there, although no-one involved will speak of it’s details. But ultimately, the fallout of the pair had long-term consequences no-one could have foreseen.

People are rightly excited about the start of the season under a new manager (or head coach if you prefer), with some fresh faces. Good. That is what football fans should be worrying about. Let’s face it, short-term, there is not a lot we can do to get shot of Stan Kroenke.

What needs to happen is for someone to express an interest in buying him out at a price he can’t refuse, and for that someone to have a different philosophy towards owning a football club. At that point, supporters can decide if they want to get behind the new concern and make effective and visible protests accordingly.

But as long as events on the field are going well, and the price of admission does not go through the roof (watch out in 2019 for prices rises on that front though – my guess is a 5% rise year on year from here on), then fans will not have reason to turn militant. Although with Gooners these days, the majority express themselves more with blatant apathy when things do go badly.

We’ll see. Maybe I am being pessimistic. Perhaps we’ll see a new side of Stan Kroenke. For starters, if he made a public statement that he has no intention of withdrawing profit from the club, he’d win over a lot of people. Don’t hold your breath.

The new issue of The Gooner (272) is currently at the printers, and we will have a couple of sellers out on Sunday – one on the route from Arsenal tube station to the stadium, one on Hornsey Road in the vicinity of the two cannons roundabout, not far from the Little Wonder café on the corner.

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  1. mbg

    Aug 09, 2018, 22:54 #111672

    Exeter Ex, yes nice one, it's so easy, you can let him out of your pocket anytime he needs medical attention oh his sorearse again. Roll on Saturday.

  2. markymark

    Aug 09, 2018, 18:17 #111669

    I would just add that if Jeremy Corbyn is serious in his commitment to kick out anti-semites from both the Labour Party and it’s affiliated Momentum Group. That I would truly hope Badarse would have his membership recinded. Badarse’s singling out Jews as being misguided and his warm social media relationship with the Alt Right Anti Semite Jamerson (he was very funny apparently ) suggest aggressive attitudes towards Jews. Kick him out!

  3. markymark

    Aug 09, 2018, 17:42 #111668

    Hello Grandad Baddie how are your family ? Hope they don’t get too upset with all the stuff thrown at grandpops . Especially the bit about you cuddling up to Alt Right Nazis and Paedo Posters. I mean they do read your postings right? Anyway you reckon it’s now half a dozen? Well I reckon we only really see 10 regular posters. So 6 of that 10 think you’re a twat. Then you reckon you’ve probably made up with a couple more . My thoughts are they still think you’re a twat. That leaves you two. But one is a paedo and the other seems to have gone quiet . I smell failure Grandad. Backed the wrong horse again like most of your so called protests. BTW. I’ve called on you three times now to meet up face to face to settle this man to man. In your words only “One person will be left standing “ thing is last I heard from you was some pitiful I’ve only got a little time left. Who’s the gutless coward?

  4. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2018, 17:28 #111667

    Exeter you have done him there so proud to' have you as our leader' (schoolboy antics) and the tease he really does not get and so easy to having him frothing like a good un for a 4 egg omelette splattered across his grizzled boat. Lost Boys is good too as a compliment but lost on the frothing one. Whatever happened to the likely lad poster who used to jump up and dance on the table? Looks like TOOAW has given up in self-disillusionment so few more weak unfunny 'parodies' and that will be it for a few months. Out with the old (AKBs and their master) and in with the new - UNAIIiiiii!

  5. FPGooner

    Aug 09, 2018, 17:20 #111666

    Good article Kevin, well written and researched as always. Like many others, I am looking forward to the new season - a feeling I have not had for over a decade. Expectations for the season? To be the best that we can be. Vague? Yes and no. I am not clamouring for us to win the PL or the ECL, but to play sensibly and tactically, not get tonked 8-2, 6-0, 5-1 etc, to have a coach who has a vague idea of what a defence should look like, to improve the quality of our players in the way that Klopp, Pep or Poch do, to not have the opposition feel that they can steamroller us because we don’t have ‘cojones’, for the coach to take his job seriously enough to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition (never happened during the tenure of the previous incumbent) and to have the coach doing the job of a coach, not being a bean-counter, in trying to negotiate player salaries and purchases. Badarse, when you count six posters on here as the WOR, you deservedly attract censure and ridicule. The overwhelming consensus on this site is that Wenger outlived his usefulness, as concurred by thousands of season ticket holders who didn’t even take the seats they had paid for. It was also a view clearly also shared by the Chief Exec and the Majority share holder, and by extension AFC. There seems to be a wholesale shift towards modernity at Arsenal now and not just newbies such as Mslintat and Senllehi, but further down, even a Head of Data Science looking at injuries etc. As for Wiggy, any friend or confidante of Trump is to be mistrusted, but, the primary prerequisite of a football club is to play football. Being a Social club for the last few years, playing effective football hasn’t been in our DNA. The shenanigans off-pitch will always be laced with conjecture and speculation, but as Kevin points out, David Dein has earned demigod status amongst goobers while making a tidy sum and foisting Wiggy on us.

  6. MAF

    Aug 09, 2018, 17:19 #111665

    I really dont trust Stan to be looking for Arsenal to be succesful. None of his USA Clubs are designed to win, they are all about the Money.

  7. Exeter Ex

    Aug 09, 2018, 17:04 #111664

    "All should avoid them, and show some bulls by calling them out, only two or three ever have, so those who kept quiet too stand condemned" Ergo all but two or three on this site stand condemned. I know you don't know how to cut 'n' paste yourself, but it's about time you got your head around that others know how to do it, leaving you no wriggle room. The historical explanation of 'good old' is hilarious. You really can't tell when someone's teasing, can you. Strange for someone who uses 'I was just teasing' to try and explain away some of his nastier comments. You also seem to think everyone's forgotten your happiness with Kroenke when he was still backing Wenger. Refused to condemn his big game hunting channel, said the petition against it was a waste of time. All part of the same pattern - whether it's Kroenke, Toady, Jamerson, anybody - you're fine with anything they say or do so long as they back Wenger. What a coincidence that suddenly now Kroenke is a parasite.

  8. mbg

    Aug 09, 2018, 16:20 #111663

    Lads like I said this doesn't really come as a surprise, it's not ideal no, but remember we've got what we wanted, the old fraud is gone and sooner than most of us expected too and in a way we loved also, along with all his rotten regime and cronies, so don't worry to much about it for now, we're days away from the new season our most exciting pre season in fourteen years, and I think it's fair to say a hell of a lot of us haven't been looking forward to one as much for a long long time a good part of those fourteen years i'd say, if not them all, we've a new fresh manager, fresh ideas, new proper players, tactics all to look forward to and enjoy, so don't let this spoil it for us along with a couple of other piss artists who are doing their best to do just that, and would take great delight in succeeding just because they can't themselves, and hate the thought of it without their messiah. Exciting times ahead.

  9. Exiled in Pt

    Aug 09, 2018, 16:09 #111662

    It only took Ivan 10 years to see what we had been saying , crikey he really does deserve a pat on the back.When the team was getting humiliated he continued to support the Wenger regime and take a very handsome salary for doing f#ck all. Better late than never i suppose that he finally saw sense but he does not deserve any more praise than le fraud as far as i and a lot of true supporters of this club are concerned.

  10. mbg

    Aug 09, 2018, 15:28 #111661

    Ivan could also look at it as time to move on to pastures new, job done, having achieved his goal fulfilled/left his legacy, in seeing the dictator off. I wonder who had the biggest smirk and grin that day, thanks anyway Ivan.

  11. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2018, 15:28 #111660

    Oh boy have we hit a nerve and got trollarse frothing like a good one. You backed Wiggy when he was backing Wengo (dull tones) and you don't even mention Joe Baker anymore and well GG is definitely out of the picture for you with Monsieur being so maltreated though did not take much to push him out of the club forever. No protests from AKBs or Monsier Jam Taster as he knew another 10m was pushing it a bit when all he was prepared to do was sit in the dug-out just itching to get away. Anyway, best to calm down and pull out an old Beano annual. From Lost Boys (nice movie) to Bash St Kids. ps always kept my Martens nice and clean ... Keep calm and carry on writing rubbish ...

  12. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2018, 13:13 #111659

    Oh Eggman so often you give yourself away. The, 'good old' tag is an archaic comment giving support to someone or something. It was resurrected in 1971 when the Double side released it as a single, 'Good Old Arsenal', I think Jimmy Hill was responsible in writing the song. Therefore 'good old Unai' is a common acceptance, got it? I know it is tough to accommodate anything outside your myopic view of reality; pride stops development, didn't you know that? Which would make two things you were unaware of, always opening your mouth and putting your foot in it. 'Attacking.'? No it was a comment that the WOR, of which I count you as the leader should have been challenged more often, certainly not attacked, I am a man of peas. Recheck your grasp of superlatives. I never said everyone. I said apart from..., that is again more lazy posting with a secret agenda so obvious it's daft. I never shelter in nonsense either. I went to a chocolate log cabin for shelter and it was melting. I have at in a Manc cave, which belonged to a misguided person, I have hutted in a hut and once sheltered in a shelter, but can happily say unlike you and your clique I have never been Wig-Whammed. Good old Arsenal. Now put your feet up, or any other part of your anatomy and chill with a nice Cheesey Dip.

  13. Exiled in Pt

    Aug 09, 2018, 13:01 #111658

    What a shame this has started to unfold just before the start of the new season , when we were all dreaming of a bright new future with Dick! The fact greedy Ivan now wants to slide off to Italy makes me concerned he sees bigger problems ahead. After all we are led to believe he had finally won the battle to get rid of Wenger and bring the club up to date with his vision on how it should be done and not forgetting his love for the club like us paying fans! Old tango Dein should hold his head in shame he started this ball rolling then could not stop it and he did try ! Fingers crossed we are wrong just as Wimbledon and United fans hoped before they restarted there clubs . Wonder how long before we see the start of FC Arsenal .................

  14. Exeter Ex

    Aug 09, 2018, 12:57 #111657

    I'm not demanding anything, Trollarse. In post 117537 you scattergunned out a whole series of accusations against a number of posters whilst condemning everyone else that posts on this site (except Toady of course) for not attacking them. All I did in post 117544 was once again draw attention to the profound hypocrisy of your accusations, once again using your own words against you. It's irrefutable, indefensible so you don't even try, instead sheltering in nonsense. But if you want to keep drawing attention to it by keeping this going, then obviously you're free to keep on repeating the same mistake so you've been making for so very long now. As for 'good old Unai', he is new not old, and we don't know how good he is yet. That speaks to the ill-thought-out insincerity of the 'common parting'.

  15. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2018, 12:40 #111656

    The Eggman has spoken so take note, he demands it! The other Lost Boy jjingoballs talks his style of Tommy Rot, and it's not anything to do with Tommy Cooper. He hangs onto AKBs in the same way that he hangs onto 9th tier footie, the Holloway Bowl, his bloodied Dr. Martens, Camus and the WOR clique. Just to mention GG was a and remains a living legend, you are just a leg end. The Stroller was a great player and a special manager, so rewrite that piece of history. Loved Kroenke? Your scriptwriters are embarrassing you. Kroenke is a pariah and a parasite, reread my earlier post to confirm my views, so rewrite that bit of history too. Who is protesting Unai? He is the manager of AFC so gets my full support, hence the common parting of, 'Good old Unai'. More history to rewrite. So taking those misconceptions from your post you basically said, 'Hushed tones.' It may have been better not to post thereby leaving us all hushed tones automatically. Good old Arsenal, good old Unai, good old Cheesey Dips.

  16. Exeter Ex

    Aug 09, 2018, 12:16 #111655

    The usual nonsense (in his mind 'incredibly sophisticated and cryptic, you're just not clever enough to decode it') we always get when he knows he can't defend himself using logic and reason against what's been said. Really would be better to stay quiet until the latest stripping down fades from memory, but masochists love it.

  17. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2018, 11:35 #111654

    AKBs loved the Wiggy/Wengo combo but now Wiggy is off the menu for bringing in Unai. So now it will be the AKBs protesting before we even know how Unai gets on and whether he can improve on the toxic atmosphere suffered under monsieur (hushed tones). Notice also how AKBs turn on GG because with monsieur's degrading comes further elevation for GG. Unai is a big fan of GG but says little if nothing about Wenger (hushed tones).

  18. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2018, 11:33 #111653

    Talky of noo ones on site who don't understand it? I give a nexplantation. You have to looky at the ensembled masses but not in church, oh no not in that Churchill at all. OK? Then see in what we have the three points of the compass. Arsenal fans who do it here and keeping themselves in a spirit level bubble. The WOR what is already told of above your heads on the early poster. Then the Arsenal fans tired with ennui but not Thierry Ennui can't put it up them howling at the moon, being Dark Moanies and thoroughly unpleasant indecredibles. So counter many timely but not at Ludo. Whoever this is just a game more like, but not of two halvas. It is a game of ups and downs like umbrellas and and it goes on externally in the father Wiggy, the son Joshy, and the Holy Gosh, which is very nice Ruby. We come to the OG site and have a nice post-op. Many Virtual Classes eggs its and you can come and join up the seams. On Thursday we have OG Virtual 'How to meet and greet' Class. Many come once or twice but 6, or 'half a dozen factory reared', as we call out them, have season tickets so be repaired. Good old Arsenal.

  19. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 21:09 #111651

    Exeter Ex, did he leave anything out ? lol, talk about being bitter, really showing it now, sad old man. Exciting times ahead.

  20. Goonhogday

    Aug 08, 2018, 20:44 #111650

    Interesting theory on Gazidis. Overall, quite a depressing read though. Always boils down to one thing at the end of the day, money. I’m optimistic about Unai though, I just wish the ownership mess wasn’t happening right now!

  21. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 19:54 #111649

    jj, nice one, the two wengerite lonesome doves trying to rally the mighty WOB's against Stan, who backed their messiah more than anyone, and toady with his 10 gallon first in the ring, hee hee, they'd just love that lol. Come on Unai

  22. Exeter Ex

    Aug 08, 2018, 19:51 #111648

    So responding to a comment makes you a stalker. But Trollarse responds to more comments than anyone, doesn't that make him a stalker? Are we all stalkers of Kevin Whitcher then for responding to his article? The 'group of losers' have expanded recently from '2-3' to '4' to now 'around half a dozen' according to Trollarse. 'Lonely'? How many in your camp? 'Misogynistic' says the writer of groping poetry. 'Grubby and seedy' says the defender of the paedophilic TOOAW. 'Racist' says the constant belittler of the Northern Irish. 'Pompous' says the writer of ''I see failures everywhere in society'. 'Arrogant' says the writer of 'I know you don't understand... you don't need to understand...'. 'Cowardly' says the issuer of physical threats over the internet. 'Show some bulls [sic]' says the one who was silent on post 116735 for a week. HYPOCRITE says everyone that can read.

  23. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 19:24 #111647

    peter wain the ultimate AKB wengerite always somebody else's fault, who still doesn't get it, we were a great club sadly no longer, as if we were with wenger ?

  24. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 18:53 #111646

    Exeter Ex, great post, they still don't get it, not even now.

  25. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2018, 17:48 #111644

    Poor old Arse - itching for a war. Bigger things are going on and your story has shrank to nothingness. Endless postscript.

  26. Bard

    Aug 08, 2018, 17:30 #111643

    Good post Kev, I wrote with a similar view a couple of days ago. Im certain its the main reason Ivan is going. He has seen the writing on the wall with Stan. However as Ham writes Liverpool got rid of Hicks and Gillett. The absence of fans at home games partly helped get rid of Wenger and that was with a divided fanbase. I dont think there is much affection for Stan, he doesn't even fake interest in us a football club. I could easily see us being united as a group in trying to get rid of Stan. Yes he might not blink in the short run but empty seats and a bad press might force his hand. He is made out to be this ruthless toughie but he blinked almost immediately when there was negative press over, I think it was 'hunting' on his website ( I stand corrected on that one).

  27. Exeter Ex

    Aug 08, 2018, 17:14 #111642

    Very odd line of reasoning from Trollarse, that Kroenke's buy out somehow proves the WOB wrong to have wanted Wenger out, or that it's some sort of 'punishment'. As others have said, you should be on your knees giving thanks to the Trump loving, big game hunting psychopath, as you got about 7 more years of Wenger than any other owner would've given.

  28. Badarse

    Aug 08, 2018, 17:12 #111641

    WOR: Description: Usually just Lost Boys displaying stalking traits, jingoistic occasionally, negative, pompous, arrogant, cowardly, hunt in packs, occasionally ageist, homophobic, misogynistic and racist, with a tendency towards the fascist. Wishy-washy support for Arsenal, rather see them lose to achieve some distinction, a preference for hoofball of the lower variety. This group of around half a dozen losers are not to be confused with all who required a change of manager. Those who lost their dignity and showed grubby and seedy personality traits are the WOR. All should avoid them, and show some bulls by calling them out, only two or three ever have, so those who kept quiet too stand condemned, but are clearly not the unseemly WOR. You are a lonely clique Lost Boys.

  29. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2018, 16:40 #111640

    Poor old Trollarse thinks he can attack the ledgendary WOB popular front on the Wiggy issue, forgetting the primary aim was to have his master (hush tones) stripped of power and sent unceremoniously into football oblivion. Last seen tasting jam for French TV. Said legendary WOB are backing Unai whatever unfolds and ownership in the modern world is hardly a mystery though Trollarse likes to give his lectures (most unfunny) on the subject. He has obviously deserted TOOAW who is most unhappy with Wiggy but then also happy (?) as he hopes to see Arsenal slip right down the table. Trollarse probably does too so I am sure there is much room for conciliation between the 'two loveable rogues.' Where next for them if everything pans out agreeably having laid their flimsy AKB credentials on the table before a ball is even kicked? Bet he cannot wait for his mate to return .....

  30. Badarse

    Aug 08, 2018, 16:25 #111639

    Sorry WOR, you've been Wig-Whamed; why not Sioux?

  31. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2018, 15:32 #111636

    Where is TOOAW? Hoping he was going to lead us in the fight against Wiggy, All the infantry standing around waiting for the general. What a FICKLE FELLAH (SON) of a general he is turning out to be.

  32. mbg

    Aug 08, 2018, 15:29 #111635

    I'm certainly not backing wiggy but seem to remember the same thing/things been said when wiggy first got his claws into the club, it's the end of Arsenal as we know it etc,etc,etc, but wenger was here of course and backed him, and of course so did his fans, now he's not, sailed of into the sunset, beamed up by the enterprise, Sacked, so now of course it's gotton far far more serious (among some anyway)especially as Stan backed it and didn't save him, remember Kroenke wasn't responsible for picking the team, taking training, tactics, give them instructions before they went out, team talks etc, etc, and it wasn't him sitting and rocking back and fourth clueless as we were being humiliated and embarrassed, and it wasn't him who left us in the mess we are on the pitch now, why TOFhad to be sacked in the first place. Come on Arsenal.

  33. Redshirtwhitesleeves

    Aug 08, 2018, 15:09 #111634

    The move from Highbury to the soulless bowl was the end of Arsenal as we knew and loved it. It's been a story of lies, greed and a small number of undeserving individuals with no real love or feeling for the Arsenal getting very rich, whilst many of us genuine, long standing, loyal fans have become completely ostracised and had a club that meant so much to us taken from our grasp. How I wish the clock could be turned back to the pre-sky era when football was yet to be destroyed by money and greed. I fear we are now doomed by a man with no sporting ambition whatsoever, motivated only by profit. I hope to god I'm proved wrong

  34. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 08, 2018, 14:58 #111633

    Badarse. What's in a name? That which we call crap By any other word would smell as bad.

  35. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2018, 13:42 #111632

    Excellent balanced article on the wills and wont's.Interesting where Wiggy parks all his cash - Delaware. Dark state within a state that is offshore to the tenth degree. Low taxes have everyone from Google to Gangsters doing soaring business in Delaware which is really not far from Washington. No surprise Arsenal are going down this route at this time. The only thing not mentioned is that according to AKBs if Lord Wengo (hushed tones) were still with us he could temper the issues while probably bumping up his wage package to 15m a year. Of course there are the what ifs of Wiggy (perhaps through Joshie) getting behind the team on the pitch and going for titles but the immediate reality still stands and that is looking forward to Unai doing something with Arsenal that has not been done for over a decade. Sustained competitive football throughout the coming season. The reason why pep is so successful because he really never rests but is on it all the time and that feeds into the players where the likes of Stones are back playing before they were asked to. That is the instillation we want from Unai. Speaking as someone who just watched their local team in the 9th tier get thrashed by near neighbours last night a bit of perspective is all that is called for. Come on Unai even if it is now Delaware Utd! ps wanted to respond to TOOAW's last post but still don't know what he is on about (bit like his online mentor) but always good for a laugh though his mentor has finally come off the rails and new visitors to the site will wonder 'what the **** is it!' Anyway, brand football as it is the big story is Poggie at Man U. Now that is most interesting. Reminder - FA Cup starts this Saturday in County football and we have got Hackney Wick! I ****ing love football! What yer reckon Wiggy. Better call Saul ....

  36. markymark

    Aug 08, 2018, 13:29 #111631

    Peter Wain - Stan Kronke would easily pass any fit and proper persons test. Unless you are aware of anything I’d say he is clean as a whistle. Usmanov on the other hand? Let’s see how he operates. You don’t buy a 1.8b organisation to wreck it. A lot of his behaviour ( hands off ) would actually be appreciated by many supporters at other clubs. Unless he starts doing a Roman and tries to involve himself with tactics I reckon Unai will get his chance. The 50-70m net spend is not too parsimonious. If it starts upping to 70m to 100m net in following seasons I won’t complain ( we have in recent years outspent Real Madrid ) if the noddies had been booted out earlier then perhaps Sanchez , Ramsay and Özil would have been tied down in better fashion and allowed us to really do some spend. If your saying your Arsenal went then yes it did that was when David Dein bought in a suitcase of cash and bought Arsenal for 250k. Arsenal have been desk making ever since and god knows why Nina Bracewell-Smith is tweeting again she sold out to the highest bidder as well. We might all be doomed but I highly suspect Arsenal will go in its merry way. Stan’s liking for a Saville Row suit suggests the Arsenal history and having Chips on board is right up his street.

  37. Ham

    Aug 08, 2018, 13:24 #111630

    Liverpool fans were able to drive their hated American owners out, there's no reason why we can't do the same. Dein and co should all hang their greedy heads in shame for selling to the elephant killer, especially since Hillwood pointed out that we didn't want "his sort" around here.

  38. TonyEvans

    Aug 08, 2018, 13:10 #111629

    Hi Kevin - I agree with SKG in that I don't think your pessimism is unwarranted. The announcement of Kronke's share buyout has certainly taken the gloss off of my elation at Wenger's long overdue demise. For me it is the final nail in the coffin of a club I used to worship. As many of us said getting shot of Wenger was only half the battle, and that is even more the case now Kronke has made his move. My forlorn hope that Usmanov (who could have been our answer to Abramovitch) would buy Kronke out has failed to materialise and Arsenal has become just an asset to a man with zero interest in the club - other than as a cash cow. Very sad times indeed.

  39. peter wain

    Aug 08, 2018, 12:52 #111628

    You cannot blame the YANK if he ups ticket prices to pay off his £557k loan to Deutsche bank. Blame the FA - fit and proper person my backside. RIP Arsenal you were a great club sadly no longer.

  40. markymark

    Aug 08, 2018, 12:33 #111626

    Badarse - the only thing I struggle with is how crap your posts are. There’s no real parody just constant WOR bullshine. Whether people have a pessimistic view of Kronke which is entirely valid or just feel that the removal of Wenger solves a lot of immediate issues and are less hung up about Kronke ( me ) . Your posts are still crap. Ps as you bought your family into your previous postings . How are your In-Laws feeling about your support for a child pervert? I mean your family read your posts right ?

  41. Seven Kings Gooner 1

    Aug 08, 2018, 12:07 #111625

    Your not being pessimistic Kev - what many of us feared has now happened. I still have some hope that Josh Kronke can persuade his father not to buy up the 3% of shares that are left, just as a gesture so than some Arsenal fans can still have a small part of the club. However last year's BOM, where these small share holders embarrassed Stan, are going to loose that small voice as Stan shows us all who finally is the boss. How he pays for this buy out will determine Arsenal as a club for the next 25 years.

  42. Exeter Ex

    Aug 08, 2018, 11:07 #111623

    In comments towards the end of the last article and the top of this one we're seeing this strange phenomena of arch-AKBs feeling somehow justified in their support for Wenger until the end. Wenger was sacked as 20,000 stopped turning up, AFC fell down the league and he was costing Kroenke money. He had become a rubbish football manager so had to go, Kroenke or no Kroenke, and the fact that he did remains A Good Thing. I don't recall seeing anybody claiming that everything at Arsenal would suddenly become brilliant just because Wenger had gone, just that changes on the sporting side brought new hope. So what we see from Badarse above is just revisionist, trolling bullshine. In complete contrast, it's good to have such a comprehensive, informed article on the buyout. Looking at Kroenke's other franchises and how he's behaved at AFC so far, it does seem as though he simply wants his assets to exist, nothing more, so as Kev says would be happy for AFC to meander along in midtable so long as the TV money kept coming in. He says nothing, does apparently nothing with his assets once he has them. Hard to see how he won't use the club's profits to pay off his bridging loan though - why wouldn't it?

  43. Badarse

    Aug 08, 2018, 11:03 #111622

    Nark I know you struggle to understand parody, analogies and satire but as an advocate of, 'Things can only get better...', you don't need to understand my post, just relax, close your eyes, and drift downstream-but beware the rapids.

  44. markymark

    Aug 08, 2018, 10:50 #111621

    Badarse - here’s a tip , if you’re going to post at least make it comprehensible . This rambling senile bulge you wrote is the workings of a mind losing its faculties . As I sai to Perv Boy , you should be on your hands and knees praising Stan for giving us Wenger for 10 years . Most would have ditched after 3 years. Kronke has obviously sanctioned Mstinlet , Sanllehi , Emery , he has obviously sanctioned over 30 people leaving Arsenal and for good or bad sent his son in to Report top to bottom on Arsenal. So for a guy who wants to sit back and do **** all he’s probably done more in 6 months then you achieved in 40 years of your very important job. If and it is an if he turns out to be useless as sole owner then he’ll probably end up selling. A mediocre performance as in Wenger’s later reign will probably cause mass stay always so again he’ll have a problem. He’ll want to succeed.You don’t oversee a 1.8 billion enterprise to see it fail. He needs Champions league and he needs titles . My guess is the value rising from 750m in 2007 to a hard purchase 1.8m will increase to around 3b in 3-5 years. You could well see a different owner then . 18 out of 22 premier league clubs are now private entities . There is no natural correlation between this and aiming to fail.

  45. Don Howe

    Aug 08, 2018, 10:41 #111620

    I don't think that you can blame David Dein. The problem lies with Rupert Murdoch, the Premier League and the money to be made from the Asian market for TV. Huge wadges of cash have spoiled everything. If we want the game back we have to kill the money. In our particular case the presence of Usmanov's share block kept Stan at bay. Now our club will be raped and we might as well start our own "AFC Wimbledon" AFC as soon as possible. Usmanov would have been worse but it's all a matter of degree. Kronke showed exactly who and what he is over the Creature's contract extension. Our only actual hope is that Kroenke junior falls in love with the club as we all did and that The old man retires to the Arsene Wenger home for those seeking to fcuk up AFC.

  46. RobG

    Aug 08, 2018, 10:37 #111619

    You've pretty much hit it right there Kev. I particularly like the Dein reference which is as fair as it is true. Almost all Arsenal's recent woes goes back to that Board Room bust up. But don't forget the catalyst for that - Roman Abromavich and his tanks firing £50 notes at us. That in turn was a consequence of the 'Universal appeal' of the English FA Premiere League, one of whose main initiators was one David Dein. As you say - there's a story and a half right there. I reckon it could make a heck of a film. Whether serious or played for laughs - I know not. Although I suspect the final laugh may yet be on us Arsenal fans. And there's zilch we can do about it.


    Aug 08, 2018, 9:57 #111618

    Big big concern for me is the price of tickets going northwards. Yes i do think that will happen. Arsenal is a cash cow and we will be part of this to pay back his loans. That will be a big factor in whether supporters can or want to continue to go to matches.

  48. Badarse

    Aug 08, 2018, 9:53 #111617

    So the whooping, dancing and yelping around the dead bodies has been recognised for what it was, a WOR party of just a few aimless fools. Colonel Custard lies dead on the hill and the WOR party continue in celebratory mood, scalping and frothing with delight. Many contenders for Chief Sitting Bullshine and a number of Gerry, Rons, and Mos WOR-dancing, oblivious that the warnings were wise words. Unheeded wisdom, because instant gratification desired a conclusion as a raison d'etre; most drunk with success. The foretelling that many factors are at play, nothing is forever, evolutionary change; from those in the stadium taking 'selfies', to those wearing every new shirt they can buy was disregarded as the blood lust took hold, demeaning and reducing those taking part. The brain-washing of modern style TV coverage of the PL, social media WORriers everywhere. How wonderful it was going to be, they'd killed a small platoon, no more. Meanwhile miles away the Great Red and White Father had made reservations for them all, where they would be forced to sit and starve as no repasts were coming, just scraps. So a future of broken down individuals shuffling to the local supermarket to buy booze to soften reality just a little bit more. And those others? Well I am often amazed, but never surprised by circumstances. I view an inevitable downward spiral of many things, including my Arsenal. Sunday will be a game between my club and a slightly superior one. A new season full of what? I shall take it in my stride, always hopeful, never certain. Support the new manager, the new players. Dislike what society has brought to AFC, and certainly no WOR dancing. We shall all end in the Happy Hunting Ground, but some will be dead long before that fateful day, and I shall not be amongst them. No one ever listened to Butch and the Kid, did they?