One More Year? Save Your Gooner for 2019/20!

Subscribe in advance for next season if you wish The Gooner to survive

One More Year? Save Your Gooner for 2019/20!

A little later than planned, but time for the official launch of the campaign to secure 1,000 advance subscribers for next season. Many thanks to the 1,000 plus readers who committed in advance in the early months of 2018 to ensure the survival of The Gooner beyond last season. We are now in effect, on a rolling, one year at a time arrangement, a bit like the final seasons of Dennis Bergkamp at Arsenal. This means that every season, we will see if there is enough interest for the fanzine to continue. If everyone that subscribed a year ago does the same in 2019, then The Gooner will survive and produce a further six editions next season. We need to ensure we have enough guaranteed sales to remain viable, given sales on matchdays have fallen year on year since the stadium move and can no longer maintain the running costs of producing the mag.

We put a deadline on our campaign to secure enough subscribers so that if we do not get the required 1000, we want to be able to announce the final issue of the season as the farewell edition, rather than just disappear and leave people wondering. So as the final issue of the 2018/19 is scheduled to go to press on the fourth weekend in March, the end of Saturday 23rd March is the deadline for us to reach our target. It is our hope that those who have been receiving the issues this season by post have enjoyed the content and the 20 extra pages we have added to compensate for the necessary rise in cover price in the summer of 2018.

As we stated last year, if you buy the fanzine on matchdays, or buy individual issues online, the only way you can guarantee we will be here next season is to subscribe. For this, you will be sent six issues next season, which you will receive through your letterbox. The price of an annual subscription remains at £30 (or £42 abroad). That’s less than the cheapest adult priced lower tier seat to watch Arsenal play the likes of Watford, Fulham or Crystal Palace at the Emirates.

Many thanks to all those that have already subscribed. Please note that a hard copy of this form will be inserted into every copy of issue 276 (out in February), whether sent by mail or sold at matches. This is just to make sure that everyone is aware of the need to subscribe if we are to continue – please do not think that because you receive this form in your issue that we have missed a payment you have already made.

Here are all of the Payment options

  1. Via online bank transfer, making a payment of £30 (or £42 for addresses outside of the UK) to –
    Account name: The Gooner
    Sort Code: 20-76-90
    Account Number: 03004112
    Use the reference 1920 followed by your surname. Very important - please follow up the payment with an email to [email protected] stating your name and address, and the reference that you used for payment (e.g. 1920Smith). Otherwise, we will not be able to match the payment to you. If you require IBAN and BIC codes for an international payment, please email us at [email protected]. If you wish to save yourself doing this every year (assuming we continue), you can set up a standing order for £30 to our account, to go out on 20th March each year. If doing this, please email us to let us know that you have done this and that we can expect payment on 20th March. If we are still going next year, we will look into providing a direct debit form.
  1. Pay direct via PayPal to this email address: [email protected]. If doing this, please make your payment a ‘friends and family’ / personal gift payment – this helps keep our costs down. Very important – If you do make a payment this way, please email us at [email protected] to inform us of your postal address, as when paying this way, PayPal does not give us your address details.
  1. You can pay with a credit or debit card via our online store at Click on ‘shop’ from the menu at the top of the page, and it will take you to our online store page. On the left hand menu, click on ‘Subscriptions’, and that will open the page where you can select a subscription option. The subscriptions page can be accessed directly here.
  1. Via post by sending a cheque - if you wish you can use this form - or with cash (or cheque) using the same form handed to one of our two remaining matchday sellers in a sealed envelope if you can only pay in cash / do not wish to post a cheque. Please note that in the event of our not reaching our target of 1000 subscribers by 23rd March we will be refunding everyone by the end of May (that will be by arrangement at a future home match for those that decide they wish to pay in cash – ensure you leave a phone number on the form overleaf in this instance). We will not be cashing any cheques until we reach our target of 1000 subscribers. If we fail to do that we will simply destroy your cheque. This saves on admin costs.

Thank you for your support

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