Arsenal supporters: Getcha Gooner Issue 295 out now - buy it here and help keep us going

Buy the current issue of the Gooner Fanzine and help keep us going as cost of printing spikes

Arsenal supporters: Getcha Gooner Issue 295 out now - buy it here and help keep us going

RIP Maria Petri. Read our tribute to a Gooner Grande Dame in the current issue of the Gooner Fanzine. PICTURE: The front cover of issue 295


What’s in the new Gooner, we hear you say. Well, good question, thanks for asking. It’s full of Gooner Goodness from the peerless Charlie Watts and the thought-provoking Le Grove, to the world’s nicest man, Harry Symeou and top notch reporter and old school Arsenal man Nick Callow who pens a tribute to the late Terry Neill. 

Speaking of tributes, long-term contributor Bernard Azulay has written a wonderful tribute to the late Maria Petri – who adorns our cover as we pay homage to a Grande Gooner Dame. While Ruth Beck’s evocative image of Maria is on our back cover. 

We also have chief feature writer David Fensome as well as Jeorge Bird who always has his finger on the pulse on everything academy related. We also feature Highbury Librarian not to mention a special interview with former England Test opener Adam Lyth who is a huge Gooner. 

We’re proud to say we’ve got two exciting new columnists in Rosie Tudball and the BBCs Annabel Rackham. Speaking of the BBC we have the ever-excellent Alistair Coleman from the Beeb – incidentally, he would have to declare payment from the Gooner for his work – if we actually paid him anything. Which we don’t. Because we don’t pay anyone. 

Because a) we’re skint. And b) we’re a completely independent labour of love which is continuing to make our editor more skint, if that’s the correct terminology. But that’s enough of that. 

We’ve also got resident writers in the brilliant Mickey Cannon, Charlie Ashmore, Simon Rose, Ian Mills, Kev Whitcher, Steve Pye, Mike McDonald, Gooner Mike. We’ve also got Tony Kokkinos, David Squires and Ian Jenkinson. So, what’s not to like about our jam-packed new issue. 

Buy it at the Emirates against Aston Villa tonight – or buy it here



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