Can you help author contact 1960s Arsenal cult hero Ian Ure

Author on 1960s football Colin Whelan is searching for Ian Ure contact details

Can you help author contact 1960s Arsenal cult hero Ian Ure

Searching for Arsenal cult hero Ian Ure. PICTURE CREDIT: Colin Whelan

Author Colin Whelan is hoping someone can provide contact details for an Arsenal cult hero.

Read on for further details

I’m searching for contact details of former Arsenal stalwart Ian Ure, writes author Colin Whelan. 

I am writing a book about my footballing heroes of the 1960s and 1970s era.

He’s getting on now, nearly 85, and I thought it would be a nice gesture to send him my chapter about him, and his lasting influence on English football.

I’m also fully aware that Mr Ure may not qualify as a hero in many peoples eyes.

However, he was once described as the 'best centre-half in the world' by none other than Kenneth Wolstenholme, as Scotland beat England at Wembley in 1963 - I’ve even seen it on YouTube, so I know the great man said those words.

That description was delivered just before Ian Ure joined Arsenal, admittedly.

I’ll be in no way offended if Mr Ure isn’t interested in my approach, by the way - but any help the Gooner Fanzine and its renowned readership can offer in tracking down a former Highbury stalwart would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve also included chapters on Alan Ball and Ray Kennedy, to whet any Gooner’s appetite.

Weirdly enough, the front cover of my book is a replica Arsenal shirt from the 1971 vintage, with a black No10 sewn onto the rear.

A full and plausible explanation as to why it’s a black No10, and not a white No10, is offered within the chapter on Ray Kennedy.

Many thanks,

Colin Whelan

Keep an eye out for more on Colin Whelan's book including a Gooner competition for the chance to win a free copy - and of course, the reason why the No10 on the featured 1971 shirt is in black - Gooner ed.

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