Tartan View on the Celebration Police after Arsenal beat Liverpool

Here's loyal Gooner Tartan View with his latest column as he slams the Celebration Police

Tartan View on the Celebration Police after Arsenal beat Liverpool

Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta celebrates their victory. CREDIT: Charlotte Wilson / Offside

How significant - and important - was that win against Liverpool on Sunday, writes Gooner Fanzine columinst Tartan View 

As usual all the Sky Sports pre-match chat was mainly about the man of the moment Jurgen Klopp (they will find it hard to replace him for next season) as well as how great a team Liverpool are just now - and the feeling I got watching it was that The Arsenal wouldn’t have an earthly against them.

Well didn’t our lads do a job on them - and do it well?

We certainly have shown in the last few games what we are capable of. This shows a statement of intent that we are not going to lie down to our title challengers and will take it to the wire. As the saying goes 'winning breed’s confidence'. 

Our confidence and motivation will be so high now that we will keep on getting the wins needed to keep us in the fight.

You have to say what this energy on the pitch does as well is it gives energy to the stands, at home - and away - where our fans have been absolutely fantastic. I so wish I had won the ballot (up for discussion another day) for Sunday's game as they were immense from start to finish.

However, watching it at home with a bottle of Camden Hells finest in my hand made me feel like I was in my spiritual home.

Celebration Police

The only complaint I did have was that I couldn’t find my salt anywhere in my cupboard as the Celebration Police had used it all up with their saltiness over our alleged over-celebrating!

We have just beat the team at the top of the league, and beat them well by the way and we have moved to within two points of Liverpool - are we just expected to go straight down the tunnel?

The fact is that some so-called pundits such as Jamie Carragher - who has no allegiance to the team The Arsenal were playing - had to admit we were the better team on the day.  

So he had to find something else to moan about - and decided to pick on our Captain Fantastic taking pictures of our very own Stuart MacFarlane, who is well known as being a fan in his dream job, and not just the club photographer. Not to mention giving a rousing speech in the dressing room against Spurs a couple of seasons ago in the All or Nothing series.

For all Carragher knows Stuart could have given another speech before kick-off against Liverpool. Either way, Carragher needs to stop being so bitter.

While we're on the subject, the less said about Gary Neville the better, after he said we showed immaturity - which makes you laugh, especially when it's coming from him.

So, if we all understand Carragher and Neville correctly, basically the Klopps and Guardiolas of this world can celebrate whenever they win - but Mikel Arteta isn’t allowed to.

The fact that our so-called 'over-celebrating' was covered more than our actual performance on the pitch shows the agenda that TV media have against us.

So, lads, when we win the title just get yourselves straight down that tunnel or like in a game of Monopoly, Straight to Jail, Do not pass Go, Do not collect trophy/Winners medal.  

Don't forget now. 

Tartan View


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