Some texts and emails about last night

Thoughts of Arsenal fans as relayed to my good self during and after the game

Some texts and emails about last night

Arsene: ‘Magnificent’? Are we missing something here?

21.08 - by text (from ***)
Wenger: tonight we will be magnificent. No: tonight will see you finished. Thanks, but au revoir
(*** - My phone died in December taking my contacts with it! So not sure who this one was from!)

21.11 - by text (from Adam)
Pathetic bunch of won nothing overpaid w***ers

21.47 - by email (from Steven)
May I suggest that we blew any chances of success this season when we didn't sign an experienced and fit defender during the January transfer window. The cod-philosopher Hansen claimed you don't win anything with youngsters; he was wrong. You don't win anything with unfulfilled potential. Having said that two sickening unlucky instances cost us the game against Ugly Utd tonight; the unseen Park offside 30secs before the first goal; and the soft free kick from which Utd scored. We might have already lost the tie though, after the Old Trafford match. Still, there's always next season...

22.26 - by text (from Tel)
Left at 3-0. I am not surprised by the magnitude of this defeat, I am surprised by the optimism that surrounded tonight though. We never had a chance with the defence Wenger invests in, even Portsmouth should have scored three on Saturday. All it was, was false hope perpetrated by a manager who has lost his way tactically. You get what you pay for in today’s football which was emphasised tonight. Wake up wenger and the board and start putting ur f***ing hands in your pockets. The club let everyone of us down tonight to the point of humiliation, they should be accountable! Next season will be no different, part up with your 1200 quid lads for fourth place again?

22.41 - by text (from Adam, a second salvo)
Please crucify the team and manager in your online as that was a truly shocking gutless performance. All should be ashamed but most probably don’t care.

23.13 – by email (from Steve)
It's no good millions and millions spent on shares with not a penny going towards the team, it seems to me we need to build a new team!!!!! With steel and heart. We need quality. We have not invested anything worthwhile in the last two summers and this has come back to bite us in the guise of the current squad, the only truly good investment has been Arshavin which came too late this year. We need more of his quality all over the pitch.

10.03 (Weds morning) – by email (from Elliot)
Surely this must tell Wenger that the players in this squad are not up to it? Is it a case now that he’s so stubborn he’ll refuse to listen to anybody? It seems that the more we have a go about this squad, the more he’ll dig his heels in. The Arshavin on the bench case against Chelsea was a shining example. He wanted to prove a point and unfortunately he’s ended up with egg on his face. What would Barcelona or Chelsea have done to us in the final? I’d be happy never to see Adebayor play for Arsenal again. Interestingly I saw a Wenger interview in a paper where he said “If I’d signed Barry or Alonso it would have killed Denilson, Song and Diaby”. So instead he killed our chances of winning anything. Ever since that Birmingham day he has been on self destruct.

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