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Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 2

Continuing from where we left off yesterday

Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 2

Hangeland: Most wanted

We continue with the second part of the Annual Gooner Survey where some 1,900 Gooners either voted online or completed the questionnaire found in issue 196 of The Gooner magazine. What follows are the subsequent voting figures on, amongst other questions, who you want/wanted the Club to purchase in the transfer window, which players you most want to stay and who you wouldn't be at all upset to see go. A big thank you to all those who participated.

Who would you most like us to sign this summer?
1 Brede Hangeland
2 Yaya Toure
3 Xabi Alonso
4 David Villa
5 Any decent centre back
6 Gareth Barry
7 Nemanja Vidic
8 Marcos Senna
9 Michael Essien
10 Joleon Lescott

At the time of writing these notes it has only really been good news for the 5 Gooners who had Thomas Vermaelen on their wish lists.

Your voting breakdown was for 45 different defenders, 57 differing midfielders mostly of the defensive type, a variety of 35 forwards and 13 alternative goal keepers. The top three, namely Hangeland, Toure and Alonso were a long way clear of all your other preferred transfers which only included the one forward, namely David Villa, in the top ten. Any of those would, or would have (if they hadn't gone to other clubs such as Barry did) been of benefit to our squad, as would many of the other top choice players, which also included the likes of Micah Richards, Chiellini and Flamini.

But I'm not quite convinced that Robbie Savage, Jens Lehmann, Darren Bent, Pascal Cygan or Mike Riley were altogether serious candidates, although buying Mike Riley does indeed clearly make a lot of sense. I also don't really think Martin Laursen is a good idea mainly because he's already retired due to injuries. But Arthur Arshavin (allegedly Andrey's more talented twin brother) may well be worthy of a viewing. And unfortunately, nice idea as it might have been, a twenty-year-old Tony Adams is just not on the market right now.

Sorting out the voting should have been a piece of cake - bung it all in an Excel file then get the PC to calculate the totals using pivot tables. But no, life's not like that is it? Nothing's ever simple. Brede Hangeland for example - I think you managed to find eleven alternative spellings for his surname and also gave him a couple of brothers named Brett and Bert. While Lescott seemingly has a brother called Julian and a sister by the name of Joleen. The Cahills didn't get as many votes as they might have because some of you specified Gary, some Tim but others amongst you just plumped for Cahill and although I'm quite good at mind reading (being married), I'm not that good.

At the time of writing these notes it has only really been good news for the 5 Gooners who had Thomas Vermaelen on their wish lists.

Which ONE area of the team do you think needs addressing the most urgently?
Defence 79%
Midfield 18%
Attack 2%
Goalkeeper <1%

Fine - we have a general agreement here but these percentages are not quite matched by the players you most wanted Mr Wenger to sign.

Do you think the current squad (as at the end of 2008-09) is capable of winning the Premier League next season without any major summer signings?
Yes 7%%
No 93%

Well I'd have to say we appear to have 7% of extreme optimists amongst us.

How many players do you think we need to buy this summer?
Three 54%
Two 23%
Four 19%
Five or more 3%
One <1%

I suppose there is some sort of general consensus here. But by the time we get to the start of the season we'll actually know what really happened rather than what we think should have happened.

Which current Arsenal player would you least like to be sold?
Cesc Fabregas 57%
Andrey Arshavin 33%
Robin van Persie 6%
Theo Walcott 2%

Quite clearly Cesc and Andrey were well ahead in this particular pole gaining some 91% of your votes. And given how head and shoulders they often appeared to be above the rest (in all but actual height) a somewhat predictable result I'd suggest. No doubt if the board ever chose to cash in on either they could bank a small fortune but as you'll see with the answers to the next question there are others you'd much prefer to cash in on, assuming anyone would want them.

Which current Arsenal player would you most like to be sold?
Emmanuel Adebayor 64%
Mikael Silvestre 22%
Abou Diaby 6%
Emmanuel Eboue 5%
Other 3%

Two candidates were clearly a very long way ahead of the field and this was without doubt an emphatic thumbs-down for the Togonator. How any individual could go from such popularity in one season to being such a despised individual the next can best be explained by his jerking the club around, his greed, his lack of effort, his pathetic left foot and a totally abject appreciation of the offside law. Someone always has to be the least favourite player at any club and now that players are so vastly overpaid it has become fairly clear that many fans see no reason whatsoever to tolerate anyone they consider to be taking the piss rather than putting in some sort of effort. What an absolute difference a season made to our perception of Adebayor - a warranted unpopularity brought entirely upon himself. Thankfully the greedy, lazy sloth is now City's problem and your wish to sell him was Le Boss's command it seems. Or maybe he really has gone for the trophies. Yeah right!

With the benefit of hindsight, which one of the following players who left the club last summer (either permanently or on loan) do think we have missed the most?
Flamini 85%
Gilberto 10%
Hleb 3%
Senderos 1%
Lehmann >1%

As big misses go this was a landslide vote for Mathieu. So it was seemingly very clear to all, including I'd imagine Le Boss, just who we missed and why. Unfortunately neither you nor I could do a thing about it and for whatever reason Le Boss either chose not to or quite possibly wasn't in a position to do what he wanted to about the situation.

We last lifted silverware in May 2005, so how many more seasons without silverware would you be prepared to accept before a change of manager is required?
Three or more 42%
Two 34%
One 19%
None (a change required this summer) 5 %

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