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Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 4

More results following on from the third part yesterday

Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 4

Ronaldo: More disliked than Cashley!

Here's the fourth part of voters responses to our questionnaire for the Annual Gooner Survey which in this section includes your most despised players, most despised managers, most despised TV pundits and commentators and favourite matchday pubs.

The 'Teddy Sheringham' Most Despised Premier Player Award
1 Ronaldo/Ladyboy
2 A Cole/Cashley
3 Drogba/Dogsbreath
4 Barton/That dirty scumbag
5 Bentley/The rat-faced ****

Ronaldo was a clear winner in what ultimately transpired to be his last opportunity to win this award as a Premiership player. That a number of refs didn't fall for his theatrics may have played some small part in his departure to goldfields and bankvaults anew, but I somehow doubt it. And I can't imagine he'll suffer any less abuse at the away grounds in Spain than in England.

I'm delighted to be able to report that Teddy still received the odd vote or two in this poll, and its good to see such fine traditions being maintained. But the big news here is that Cashley has been beaten into second place, and by quite a large margin. The top five as shown above which as you can see contains a Manc, two Chavs and a Tiny Tott. These were well clear of a quite detestable bunch that included spitters, divers, snarling morons, lippy fools, irritants and dirtbags in the form of Diouf, Rooney, Evra, Terry, Lampard, Robbie Keane and Kevin Davies. A certain Mr Adebayor by the way gained slightly more nominations than Gary Neville, which is quite an eye-opener and very much a clear indication of Neville's injury hit demise.

Most Despised Premier League Manager?
Phil Brown 67%
Sam Allardyce 13%
Alex Ferguson 10%
Harry Redknapp 5%
Rafa Benitez 3%

I'm quite amazed that only 67% voted for the orange clown with the deformed ear. Not even at his peak to Fergusmoan come out with the sort of pure unadulterated garbage expounded by the only manager in the Premiership whose faces matches almost perfectly the Dutch National shirt. It takes a real gold plated tosser to reduce Big Fat Sam's vote down to a mere 13% so way to go Phil - you egotistical halfwit. Ferguson down to third place - what is the world coming to? Redknapp and Benitez also featured but like all the other contenders they were just no match for the demented Tiger. Just a hunch on my part, but had there been a most despised assistant manager question I suspect Brian Horton may have polled even higher than Phil 'The Orange' Brown.

The 'David Pleat' Award for worst TV pundit or commentator
Jamie Redknapp (Sky) 28%
David Pleat (ITV) 12%
Andy Gray (Sky) 9%
Alan Hansen (BBC) 6%
Craig Burley (Setanta) 5%
Mark Lawrenson (BBC) 4%
Clive Tyldesley (ITV) 4%
Alan Green (BBC) 3%
Garth Crooks (BBC) 2%
Alan Shearer (BBC) 2%

This season's prestigious David Pleat Award goes to a truly noxious irritant and infamous 'Son of the Twitcher Man'. As you can see from the percentages Redknapp gained over twice as many nominations as Pleat himself which is no mean feat. It's not just his pathetic bias towards the Totts and Scousers or even his bullshit that irritates so much is it? Smarm seems to take on a whole new dimension with this particular spice boy and he has the sort of face that just screams out for the close attention of a baseball bat.

Jamie Redknapp was a long way clear of the Kerb Crawler who in turn was well ahead of Gray, Hansen, the very brain dead Craig Burley, and Lawrenson. For my money the single most positive aspect of Setanta's demise is that I won't be suffering from the collected inanities of Craig Burley next season. And I'm pretty sure both Alan Green and Garth Crooks would have featured far higher in the voting if they'd appeared more often on the box.

Pretty well every pundit or commentator who appears on the box got a mention but once again the international flavour of your voting shone through. The infamous Tommy Smith of ESPN (no not the ex-Scouse fullback), Shebby Singh in India, plus numerous other ESPN, Norwegian, French, Irish and Scottish pundits and commentators were all nominated.

Unfortunately ruled out of the count were many suggestions such as 'that dumb Scottish twat', because it merely narrowed the field rather than provide sufficient detail to count as a vote. Other wasted votes included: 'a certain Scott who played for Liverpool', 'Any ex-Tott', 'the dude for BBC 5 live who commentated on the Chelsea loss', 'Don't know his name, but that bloke who insists on calling Nicholas Anelka', Nicola', 'That w@nker who sits with Robbie Earle on ITV - don't know his name but he's a pr*ck', and last but by no means least 'That ginger tosser'.

Favourite Matchday Pub
1 Twelve Pins
2 Gunners
3 Rocket
4 Auld Triangle
5 Tollington
6 Coronet
7 Arsenal Tavern
8 Herbert Chapman
9 Bailey
10 Highbury Barn

The usual favourites appear here yet again but in a slightly different order to previous seasons with the 'Twelve Pins' coming out on top for a change. Clearly both size and location play a big part, but beware of possible moves afoot to scupper drinking outside of the hostelries - don't let this happen. Quite how many of the voters drink outside rather than inside a pub on match days might make an interesting survey in its own right. Some of you even went as far as to nominate a specific wall that you lean against - and I'm guessing from it's location it was the one used by The Hampshire Gooners.

Some of you it seems don't quite know where you drink. I'm pretty sure for example that those who voted for 'The Che', 'The Cuban', 'El Commandante', 'Che Guevara's' and the 'Lord Palmerston' all drink at the same place. As do those drinking at Phibbers or Fibbers. In all I think I recognised close to about forty different pubs and bars local to the area. Which might suggest more about my habits than yours but also shows that the local economy clearly benefits on matchdays. And at this point a note to whomever it was who claimed that he or she drinks in the '9 Pins' - you don't - but clearly you were one over the eight when you completed the survey.

Once again the international dimension of our readership showed up with the following responses which are just a selection of those cited: Southern Cross (Copenhagen, Denmark), Speaker's Corner (Auckland, New Zealand), Red Lion, Petersfield, The Oak (Dublin), Nevada Smith (New York City), my local Somali cafe, Jaks Pub, Douglas, Isle of Man, Bohemen (Oslo, Norway), Crowlin Bar, Broadford, Isle of Skye, The Bot (Belfast), our local pub in Slovenia, George & Dragon Pub (Seattle) and The Champions (Warsaw). It's reassuring to know that so many bars of the world contain a resident Gooner or two, especially for travellers.

And finally one I found difficult to believe but which me smile was the 'Finsbury Park Mosque' but maybe the best answer of all was 'I should probably remember the name of where I drink....'

Favourite 'Other' Team
Numerous 'other' favourite teams were nominated, but as usual only Celtic & Barnet in relatively large numbers, although Barcelona with its various Arsenal connections closed the gap to take third place. Other 'others' that received 20 or more votes were Arsenal Ladies/Reserves/Youths, Orient, Rangers, Fulham, Brighton, Plymouth and West Ham. Noticeable also were the large number of teams from all around the globe, once again providing clear evidence of Arsenal's international popularity.

Worst national newspaper for Arsenal coverage?
The Sun 30%
Daily Mail 28%
The Mirror 20%
Daily Express 6%
The Times 6%
Daily Telegraph 4%

I don't often read the daily papers and would no more buy The Sun than boil my head - so I'll take your word for it. Many of you suggested that they were all as bad as one another, while others, like myself, clearly glean their Arsenal news from other sources such as the internet and TV sports channels.

Do you think Arsenal provide good value for money with their official merchandising?
No 57%
Yes 43%

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