part 4 yesterday, the final instalment of your votes on last season" /> part 4 yesterday, the final instalment of your votes on last season" /> Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 5

Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 5

After part 4 yesterday, the final instalment of your votes on last season

Gooner Survey 2008-09 Results - Part 5

Favourite and most disliked covers

Here's the fifth part voted for by around 1,900 fans in response to our questionnaire for the Annual Gooner Survey. This section includes your opinions on The Gooner fanzine, the board and Club ownership amongst other things.

What has been your favourite/least favourite Gooner front cover of the season?
Favourite: I am Gooner
Least favourite: Meltdown?

It would appear from this that it's not necessarily the quality of illustration or design but the message and mood that wins the least/most favourite front cover. 'Meltdown' is brilliant graphically but 'I am Gooner' is classic stuff and makes a great T-shirt. More front cover cartoons for me please.

Of the following regular features which have appeared in The Gooner this season, please let us know how much you enjoy each one.
1 Talking Reds
2 Well Played/Load of Ballacks
3 Off the Post (Letters)
4 View from the East (Spy)

The editorial maintains its popularity ahead of 'Well Played' which moved up from third place. Mickey Cannon was extremely close to the Spy in 5th place and most of our regular features were given a fairly comprehensive thumbs up. Not that all readers loved everything of course, but then again why should you?

Are you happy with how the current Board of Directors are running the club?
Yes 63%
No 37%

A fairly tolerant response I'd suggest. Personally I'd be a lot happier if they just came out and admitted that they are not providing Arsene with sufficient funding rather than pretending otherwise and leaving him to carry the can.

Did you welcome the introduction of Stan Kroenke on to the Board?
Yes 87%
No 13%

Heh, ours is very much a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural club, so why wouldn't we welcome a quietly spoken respectable American who cares about football.

Would you support representation from Alisher Usmanov on the Board?
Yes 32%
No 68%

My god he must have an absolutely brilliant PR team to garner 32% of your votes. Personally I'd much rather have that stomach-churming, detestable ex-Tottenham jerk Alan Sugar on our board than Usmanov. Even Monty Python's dead parrot would be preferable.

Would you welcome David Dein back in a senior role at the club?
Yes 67%
No 33%

He clearly still has quite a large fan club - but I'm not entirely sure why. Granted he was the only director who has ever attempted to relate to the fans, although it has to be said our latest CEO is already giving it a far better go than his predecessor. And certainly Double D cared about the team, more obviously so at least than some other directors both past and present. But as soon as he was unable to play his power games with our club he flogged what was left of his entire share holding and trousered some £40 million. So quite apart from the fact that with our current board in place he is never going to be allowed back why exactly would so many of you want him to return?

Do you support the club's financial objective of being "self sustaining", i.e. living within it's own financial resources with no "sugar daddy"?
Yes 88%
No 12%

We seemingly comprise 88% sensible idealists then. Although I suspect if a genuine 100 carat loony Arsenal fan came along and stumped up £500 million out of his own pocket for the worlds greatest players there would be exceedingly few complaints, so long as the ticket prices didn't increase at the same time.

Are you concerned about the prospect of the club being taken into private ownership by Kroenke or Usmanov or an as yet unknown investor?
Yes 66%
No 34%

Difficult to comment on this given that the answers may be very different, depending on which of the two it was that was taking us over. Either way though 34% is a worryingly high percentage of fans who wouldn't be concerned.

Do you think it would be desirable for Arsenal to be wholly owned by supporters with equal shares and have periodic presidential elections in the way that some clubs in Spain and Germany do?
Yes 49.6%
No 50.4%

An extremely divided vote here as can be seen by the precise percentage figures shown above. But quite why the 'no' voters wouldn't want our supporters owning the Club is a major mystery to me. Maybe its just the possibility of annually voting in a lunatic president like do in Madrid that frightens fans off.

Would you be interested in joining an Arsenal Sharesave scheme whereby for a small sum each month you could become an owner of part of an Arsenal share and contribute to a wider scheme that would see more supporter involvement in how Arsenal is run?
Yes 69%
No 32%

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