ARSÈNAL - The Making of a Modern Superclub

Review of the paperback update of Alex Fynn & Kevin Whitcher’s book

ARSÈNAL - The Making of a Modern Superclub

Cover of the new edition

(Ed’s note – declaration of interest. I co-wrote the book, however I didn’t write the review below! And I only give these things webspace when they are released… and maybe when Christmas nears. Justfiable – and hopefully bearable – promo)

If you don't recognise the name of one at least of the authors named above I can only assume you pay no heed whatsoever to the editorials found on this website or to the 'Talking Reds' section of the Gooner fanzine. What two such unlikely collaborators as Alex Fynn and Kevin Whitcher don't know about Arsenal is probably not worth knowing and within these pages there is more than enough of interest for any fan whose love for the club goes beyond just what we get to see on the pitch.

When I reviewed the hardback version of this title in 2008 I reported that: "Essentially this book delves into the background saga that has taken Arsenal from being a rather famous football club to, as the title suggests, a modern superclub that ranks up there with the big boys of European and therefore world club football. Better still it does so in a thoroughly entertaining and informative way". My view on the subject hasn't changed with the additional material to be found in the updated paperback edition reviewed here.

Should Arsene Wenger ever write about Arsenal during his time in charge probably then and only then will we ever get the very fullest of pictures. But until such time this volume is as near as anyone is likely to come to capturing the real inside story of the transition, growth, transformation and flowering of a Club whose turnover has risen at least ten-fold since Le Boss took charge in 1996. So if you didn't pick up on the original version I can only suggest that you really should seek out a copy of this updated (and much cheaper) edition. Because if you're a fan of Arsenal you cannot but help be interested in its subject matter. It's not all been smooth sailing since the book was first published in hardback either on the pitch or in the boardroom. Mistakes have been made in both areas and are comprehensively covered here.

Four additional chapters have been added which include further telling quotes from the likes of Ken Friar on the Arshavin transfer and Tony Adams on how he sees Arsenal's on pitch needs. The story continues via the departure of Keith Edelman and a somewhat subtle hint regarding his prioritisation of property development over on-pitch affairs, which might just possibly have had something to do with his departure. The arrival of Ivan Gazidis is well covered, as is his relationship with Wenger and the board, and his plans to develop the way forward for the Club. An insight on Danny Fiszman and his alleged intentions also makes interesting reading.

Then there is the continued, albeit unwanted by many, influence of Dein as earlier evidenced by the arrival of Kroenke and Usmanov. The abrupt departure of Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith is dealt with both via her views on the subject and Hill-Wood's perception of events, plus how all this relates to the balance of power in the boardroom. Towards the end of last season a few of the shareholders somewhat infamously gave Wenger a relative battering at the AGM around about the same time as the team took a couple of undesirable batterings on the pitch. This strife is quite naturally part of the story and is well covered here, as is what was actually happening on the pitch.

This then is the Arsenal story behind the story. Obviously the editor can't possibly review the title himself or blow his own trumpet by banging on about what a seriously good read it is. Which indeed it is. But if I twist his arm, or perhaps threaten him with a good kicking, no doubt he'll permit this review to be published online and will probably throw in a really cheap special deal for all those reading this who want to buy a copy.

Onlinegooner readers can save £1 on the publishers’ online price of £5.99. If you visit this page, select ‘buy now’, on the next page you get the opportunity to enter a promo code. Enter the word ‘gooner’ here and the amount is recalculated to £4.99. So, a £1 saving. Postage and packing will be added before you complete your order.

There, I told you didn't I?

By Alex Fynn & Kevin Whitcher
Published by VSP (Vision Sports Publishing) Paperback Edition
ISBN: 9781905326600
RRP - £7.99

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